Socio Cultural Anthropology Reviewer Midterm
Socio Cultural Anthropology Reviewer Midterm
Socio Cultural Anthropology Reviewer Midterm
SOCIAL STRUCTURE may fluctuate between genders or express multiple genders at the same
-differentiation of statuses and social roles into ranked orders. time.
-institutionalized inequality
-splitting up into social categories that develop into social groups Differentiation- refers to how things or people can be distinguished
cooperating, competing, conflicting for the status quo. from one to another.
Stratification- refers to the ranking of things or people.
- bitter feelings of discontent and of strong demands for equality wor DIMENSIONS OF STRATIFICATION
social justice. a. Wealth and income
- What people own and inherit. (wealth)
BASIC CONCEPT OF INEQUALITY - Consist of the value of everything a person or group
-situation in which the economic goods in a society are distributed owns. (wealth)
unevenly among different groups or categories of people. - Income refers to how much people get; the amount of
1. Attribution- it is assigned to people as results of differences: money one person or group receives.
people are treated differently due to their presumed ethnic b. Inequalities of power
characteristics. - Power as the ability to control one’s life.
2. Stereotype- one assumes that persons who fall into a particular c. Inequalities of prestige- social recognition that a person or
category on the basis of certain characteristics also have many group receives from others.
characteristics that we assume to belong to that category.
3. Self- fulfilling prophecies- once we categorize people through METHODS OF DETERMINING CLASS DIVISION
assigning a stereotype, our perception of their behavior is a. Subjective method- personal ascription of the class.
filtered through that stereotype. b. Reputational method- old timer identifies the social classes that
exist in the community and to place each resident in one or
another category.
c. Objective method- division according to income, occupation, Arises from societal needs Arises from group conquest,
education and type of residence. competition, and conflict.