6 - 2022 - Digital Assessment of The Accuracy of Implant Impression Technique
6 - 2022 - Digital Assessment of The Accuracy of Implant Impression Technique
6 - 2022 - Digital Assessment of The Accuracy of Implant Impression Technique
Objectives This in vivo study aims to assess the accuracy of the digital intraoral implant impression technique, the
conventional closed-tray impression technique, and open-tray impression techniques in a standardized method of
data segmentation along with the best-fit algorithm to overcome the inconsistency of results of previous studies
regarding implant impression techniques.
Materials and methods Sixteen implants were placed in eight patients. Each patient has undergone four impression
techniques: direct intraoral scanning of the stock abutment, intraoral scanning using a scan body, conventional closed
tray impression technique, and the conventional open tray impression technique. The conventional impressions
were poured into stone casts with analogues and stock abutments and scanned using a desktop scanner. In intraoral
scanning of the scan body, computer-aided design software was used for the replacement of the scan body with
a custom-made abutment that is identical to the stock abutment, allowing comparison with the other impression
techniques. The deviation in implant position between the groups was measured using special 3D inspection and
metrology software. Statistical comparisons were carried out between the studied groups using a one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) test.
Results The total deviation between groups was compared to the reference group represented by the intraoral
scanning of the abutment. The total deviation was statistically significantly different (P = 0.000) among the different
studied groups. The mean deviation was recorded as 21.45 ± 3.3 μm, 40.04 ± 4.1 μm, and 47.79 ± 4.6 μm for the
intraoral scanning of the scan body, the conventional closed, and open tray, respectively.
Conclusion For implant impressions in partially edentulous patients, intraoral oral scanning using a scan body
significantly improves scanning and overall accuracy. Regarding conventional impressions, the closed-tray impression
techniques showed more accuracy than conventional open-tray impressions.
Medhat Sameh Abdelaziz
[email protected]; [email protected]
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Clinical relevance Intraoral digital implant impression using scan body offers more accuracy than conventional
implant impression techniques for recording posterior implant position in free-end saddle partially edentulous
Keywords Accuracy, Implants, Digital impression, Partially edentulous, Scan body, Custom abutment
Implant placement
A prosthetically driven implant placement was imple-
mented using a computer-guided flapless surgical pro-
tocol. Each patient was scanned using a Cone-Beam
Computed Tomography x-ray machine (PaX-i3D Green;
VATECH) to obtain a Digital Imaging and Communica-
tion in Medicine (DICOM) file. Intraoral scanning of
the working arch, the opposing arch, and bite registra-
tion was performed using (MEDIT i700; MEDIT Corp)
to create a standard tessellation language (STL) file of the
patient arches.
After the virtual setting of missing teeth using (Exo-
cad, Dental CAD software), and superimposition of the
patient’s DICOM & STL files using (Real guide 5.0 soft-
ware 3DIEMME), the surgical guides were created.
Two dental implants, 4 mm in diameter and 10 mm in
length (Internal hex, conical connection tapered dental
implant, IS-II active, Neo Biotech.) were placed in the
posterior area of the first and second mandibular molars
Fig. 1 Conventional implant impression techniques. (a) closed tray im-
in each patient according to prosthetically driven implant
pression technique. (b) open tray impression technique
placement using the surgical guide with copious irriga-
tion. After 6 months, loading of the healing abutments
was carried out over the implants for 2 weeks. All the a low-expansion type IV dental stone (Zhermack Elite)
surgical procedures for implant placement were per- with an appropriate water/powder ratio according to the
formed by one experienced implantologist. manufacturer’s instructions (Fig. 1a).
Fig. 3 Segmentation of the scanned model into teeth and abutments. (a) Fig. 4 3D deviation of different implant impression techniques. (a) 3D de-
the scanned model is composed of multiple segments. (b) segmenting viation of intraoral scanning with scan body. (b) 3D deviation of closed tray
the model into teeth to be used for best-fit superimposition and abut- impression technique. (c) 3D deviation of open tray impression technique
ments used for 3D comparison
deviation between each of the studied groups. Intraoral
The mean and standard deviation were used to describe scanning of the scan body group showed the best accu-
the data. Comparisons were carried out between more racy when compared to the control group, while the con-
than two independent, normally distributed subgroups ventional open tray impression group showed the lowest
using a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test. level of accuracy. Tables 1 and 2.
Post-hoc multiple comparisons were done using the Bon- The distances measured between the superimposed
ferroni method. An alpha level was set at 5% with a sig- abutments at the horizontal cross-section revealed sta-
nificance level of 95%. tistically significant (p = 0.006) differences between the
groups investigated. The post-hoc comparison showed
Results a statistically insignificant difference between intraoral
The trueness of the different implant impression tech- scanning of the scan body and the closed tray impres-
niques was shown by the mean and standard deviation sion technique. (p = 0.629). The conventional open tray
of the root mean square values. Intraoral scanning of the impression group showed the lowest level of accuracy
scan body and conventional closed and open tray impres- at the horizontal cross-section measurements recording
sions were compared to intraoral scanning of the stock (267.5 ± 21.213 μm) (Tables 1 and 2).
abutment. The mean values of total deviation for the
studied groups were 21.45 ± 3.3 μm, 40.04 ± 4.1 μm, and Discussion
47.79 ± 4.6 μm respectively (Fig. 6). Passive fit is a very important factor for the success of
The total deviation was statistically significantly dif- any implant-supported prosthesis. For this reason, an
ferent among the three studied groups (p = 0.000). The accurate impression free from distortion is very criti-
post-hoc comparison showed a statistically significant cal [8, 26]. In a systematic review, Ting-Shu S and Jian
Fig. 6 Bar chart comparing the accuracy of the intraoral scanner with scan body Vs. conventional closed and open tray implant impression techniques
Table 1 One-way ANOVA test comparisons between the three Table 2 Post hoc multiple comparisons between the three
different implant impression techniques different implant impression techniques
Different Digital im- Conven- Conventional P Different impression techniques P value P value
impression pression with tional open-tray value Total Distance between
techniques intraoral scan closed-tray impression deviation abutments in the
body impression (R.M.S.) horizontal plane
Mean ± SD 21.45 ± 3.3 40.04 ± 4.1 47.79 ± 4.6 0.000* Digital impression Convention- 0.000* 0.629 NS
Total deviation with intraoral scan al closed-tray
in micro-meter body impression
represented by Digital impression Convention- 0.000* 0.006*
Root Mean with intraoral scan al open-tray
Square (RMS) body impression
Mean ± SD 225 ± 0.27.774 236 ± 23.261 267.5 ± 21.213 0.006* Conventional closed- Convention- 0.003* 0.044*
The distance tray impression al open-tray
in micro-meter impression
between the *: Statistically significant (p < 0.05)
abutments at NS: Statistically not significant (p>0.05)
the horizontal
*: Statistically significant (p < 0.05)
The less deviation in the closed tray impression tech-
NS: Statistically not significant (p>0.05)
nique coincides with Parameshwari G’s findings, which
carried out an in-vitro study comparing different implant
can be attributed to its simplicity, and the closed tray impression techniques for partially edentulous patients
impression copings ideal for single and multiple implants [33]. It also coincides with Balouch et al., who carried
impression in patients with inadequate mouth open- out an in-vitro study comparing the accuracy between
ing for access to the screws retaining the pick- up type the closed tray and open tray impression techniques
impression copings with the impression in place, also in in 15° angled implants and concluded that the closed
patients with limited inter arch space, the tendency to tray is more accurate than the open tray technique [35].
gag, and implants placed in the inaccessible posterior Another in-vitro study by Sabouhi M et al. examined the
region of the mouth [34]. The greater accuracy of the effect of impression techniques and impression coping
closed tray impression technique could also be due to the on the accuracy of impressions and reported that closed-
fact that the path of removal of the impression along with tray impression coping provides a more accurate impres-
the impression copings in the open tray impression tech- sion compared to the other coping designs [26].
nique which cause deformation of the impression mate- On the contrary, after an in-vitro study, Izadi A et
rial which will not be fully recovered [14]. al. reported that the open tray impression technique
Authors contributions
provides more accurate impressions compared to other 1. M. M. Dohiem (article approval, operator in all the practical work,
impression techniques [36]. In an in-vitro study com- manuscript Writing-concept).
paring the accuracy of different impression techniques 2. M. S. Abd El Aziz (corresponding Author, operator in all the practical work,
writing of the manuscript-design- interpretation -statistics-data collection-
in partially edentulous patients by Marghalani A et al., it software- article approval).
was reported that there was no difference between open- 3. M. Farouk: concept- design-interpretation.
tray and closed-tray techniques [15]. Concerning the 4. A. M. Fawzy: manuscript Writing- interpretation- article approval)
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