The document discusses the three main spiritual paths - karma-marga (path of fruitive activities), jñana-marga (path of knowledge), and bhakti-marga (path of devotion). It states that bhakti-marga involves cultivating actions to serve Lord Krishna and transcends both karma and jñana. Bhakti-marga progresses from sadhana (devotional practice) to developing spiritual emotions and ultimately attaining pure love of God. The writing aims to establish these distinctions and provide a source for understanding transcendental topics.
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Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prakrta Rasa Sata Dusini
The document discusses the three main spiritual paths - karma-marga (path of fruitive activities), jñana-marga (path of knowledge), and bhakti-marga (path of devotion). It states that bhakti-marga involves cultivating actions to serve Lord Krishna and transcends both karma and jñana. Bhakti-marga progresses from sadhana (devotional practice) to developing spiritual emotions and ultimately attaining pure love of God. The writing aims to establish these distinctions and provide a source for understanding transcendental topics.
The document discusses the three main spiritual paths - karma-marga (path of fruitive activities), jñana-marga (path of knowledge), and bhakti-marga (path of devotion). It states that bhakti-marga involves cultivating actions to serve Lord Krishna and transcends both karma and jñana. Bhakti-marga progresses from sadhana (devotional practice) to developing spiritual emotions and ultimately attaining pure love of God. The writing aims to establish these distinctions and provide a source for understanding transcendental topics.
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Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prakrta Rasa Sata Dusini
The document discusses the three main spiritual paths - karma-marga (path of fruitive activities), jñana-marga (path of knowledge), and bhakti-marga (path of devotion). It states that bhakti-marga involves cultivating actions to serve Lord Krishna and transcends both karma and jñana. Bhakti-marga progresses from sadhana (devotional practice) to developing spiritual emotions and ultimately attaining pure love of God. The writing aims to establish these distinctions and provide a source for understanding transcendental topics.
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C. llaliivcdania Swam Piablupada, was ilc licicc lion-lilc guru and loundci ol 6+ bianclcs ol ilc Gaudya Mail in all siaics ol India. Hc was ioially iniolciani ol mundanc conccpiions ilai ilicaicncd io coniaminaic ilc pciloimancc ol puic dcvoiional scivicc unio lis cicinal Loids, Si Si Gandlaivila and Giiidlai. In paiiiculai, His Divinc Giacc Sila Saiasvai Tlaluia icgulaily condcmncd ilc mood ol ilc prahrta-sanajyas, a class ol maiciialisiically-iainicd ncoplyic dcvoiccs. Hc saw ilai ilcii immaiuic cnilusiasm and icndcncy iowaid cicaiivc dcviaiion pcipciually causcd alaim io cauiious adlcicnis io ilc siandaid ol puic dcvoiion, as cxpicsscd by Si Claiianya Malapiablu and His lollowcis. Tlus, Sila Saiasvai Tlaluia composcd ilc 157 lincs ol lcngali pociiy cniiilcd Prahrta-Pasa Sata-Dusni, wlicl lc publislcd in ilc dcvoiional lcngali pciiodical Sajjana 1osani duiing iis 19il ycai ol 1916-17. Tlis unusual woil is a biilliani composiiion ilai clcaily slows no mcicy ai all io ilc picicniious so-callcd dcvoiccs wlo aic complaccni in ilcii own lancilul concociions. Indccd, lamous loi ilc picacling siylc callcd ilc clopping icclniquc,` Sila llaliisiddlania Saiasvai appcais candidly iuillcss in lis iicaimcni ol dclcnding ilc mosi sacicd plilosoply in ilc univcisc-puic dcvoiional scivicc ilai lollows in ilc looisicps ol Sila Rupa Gosvam. Hc pcisisicnily alliims in lcngali na, na, na-mcaning No, no, NO` 1ns can ncvcr bc so, tnat can ncvcr bc so, truc cvotccs snouI ncvcr say tns, gcnunc cvotccs snouI ncvcr o tnat, so loiil and so on. Hc icpcaicdly uscs ilc lammci-lilc ncgaiivc siaicmcnis io icai down any walls consiiucicd by ilc lalsc cgo ilai blocl ilc aspiiing soul liom ilc puic livc cuiicni ol bnaht cvci llowing liom ilc loius lcci ol Si Rupa. And jusiiliably so, loi ncvci was ilcic a iimc wlcn immaiuic dcviaiois did noi plaguc ilc sinccic pciloimancc ol bnaht-yoga. Tlcic was only ilc qucsiion ol wlo was lcaincd cnougl, puic cnougl and bold cnougl io conlioni and dissolvc ilc myiiads ol conlusing plilosoplical misconccpiions ol ilc sanajyas ilai iun iampani il lcli unclcclcd. His Divinc Giacc las lully piovcn limscll qualilicd loi ilis iasl in all icspccis, loi lc lcailcssly scivcs ilc iiuc snanta ol ilc rupanuga Vaisnavas in piimc loim wiil ilc lollowing simplc lcngali vciscs. May ilc icadcis lollow lis puic insiiuciions, and ilcicby icalizc ilc csscncc ol suna-bnaht-puiilying ilcii cxisicncc wiil all lcaiilcli dciciminaiion, and aiiaining pcilcciion in ilis vciy lilciimc only by ilc Divinc Giacc ol ilc picvious acaryas. The Reason Behind This Presenfafion Wc lavc cndcavoicd io picscni ilis iaic, valuablc and 'lcavy' woil as niccly as possiblc, wiil a spccilic puiposc in mind. Ioi ilc wcllaic ol ilc asscmblcd dcvoiccs, wc lavc bccn considciing ilai scvcial ol ilc ollciings by Ncctar Poohs io daic lavc bccn iianslaiions ol ilc cxalicd sciipiuics ilai dcsciibc somciling ol ilc iniimaic moods and pasiimcs ol ilc Divinc Couplc. As sucl iopics aic picscnicd mainly loi icscaicl and liglci siudy puiposcs, wc lavc bccn opciaiing vciy cauiiously so ilai ilcsc conlidcniial liiciaiuics may noi bc ialcn clcaply. As ncoplyic dcvoiccs, wc can loncsily admii ilai wc may noi bc qualilicd io cnici inio ilc iiansccndcnial mysiciics ol ilc Gosvams' csoiciic wiiiings. Siill, in sciving ilcsc liiciaiuics io ilc bcsi ol oui capaciiy, wc lind ilai Kisna las bccn disiiibuiing ilcm in gicaici capaciiy ilan wc lad aniicipaicd. And now, in oidci io issuc a lcalily waining againsi possiblc misusc ol ilc rasa-sastra, wc lcicin ollci ilc pociic vcision ol ilc auiloiiiaiivc voicc ol Sila llaliisiddlania Saiasvai Tlaluia. Indccd, lc is calling us all bacl io lumbly aclnowlcdging oui many sloiicomings, and ilcicby clcaily poinis ilc way loiwaid in oui jouincy bacl io lomc, bacl io Godlcad. Youi Scivani, Dasaiaila-suia dasa Infroducfion sri sri guru-gauranga-gannarvha-grnarcbnyo naman jagatc uccatara srcnir manava-gancr manyc para-Iauhha vsvasa-rajyc bnramana horbar tnat patna acnc, tana harma, jnana o bnaht-namc prasna. bana-asaya jivcr antya bnoga-maya pnaIa-praptr anustnanahc harma-marga, nasvarata tyaga horya pracsha antya pnaIa tyaga horya nrbnca-branmanusannanahc jnana- marga cvam harma-jnanatita prahrtr atita scvya-vastu hrsncr anuhuIa anusiIanahc bnaht-marga boIc. bnaht-margc sanana o sanya-bncc sanana, bnava o prcma-bnahtr anstnana- traya chntc paoya jay. sanya bnava-samuna o prcmahc sanana-jatiya anusiIana jnana horIc jc utpata upastnta noy, sc asuvnar nasta notc unmuhta naoyar nama anartna-nvrtt. sri-gauranga-sunarcr apurva parama-camathara-mayi IiIa o sc IiIar parhara gosvami-gancr anustnana c prabanncr ahara-stnana. sri sri guru-gauranga-gannarvha-grnarcbnyo naman-obcisanccs unio Si Si Guiu, Gauianga, Gandlaivila and Giiidlai; jagatc-in ilc woild; uccatara srcnir-ol ilc liglci class; manava-gancr manyc-amongsi ilc pcoplc; para- Iauhha-iiansccndcnial; vsvasa-rajyc-in ilc lingdom ol bclicl; bnramana horbar-io wandci; tnat patna acnc-ilcic aic ilicc pails; tana-in ilai; harma, jnana o bnaht-namc-by ilc namc ol harma, jnana and bnaht, prasna-aic lamous; bana-asaya jivcr-ol ilc souls in ilc bound-up condiiion; antya- icmpoiaiy; bnoga-maya-lull ol cnjoymcni; pnaIa-praptr-ol ilc obiainmcni ol liuiis; anustnanahc-io ilc pioccss; harma-marga-ilc pail ol liuiiivc aciiviiics; nasvarata-ilc icndcncy io bc vanquislcd; tyaga horya-icnouncing; pracsha- piovincial; antya pnaIa-icmpoiaiy liuiis; tyaga horya-icnouncing; nrbnca- branma-anusannanahc-io ilc scaicl loi non-dillcicniiaicd branman, jnana- marga-ilc pail ol lnowlcdgc; cvam-and; harma-jnana-atita-iiansccnding boil harma and jnana, prahrtr atita-iiansccnding maiici; scvya-vastu-ilai wlicl is woiil sciving; hrsncr-ol Loid Kisna; anuhuIa-lavoiablc; anusiIanahc-io ilc culiivaiion; bnaht-marga boIc-is callcd ilc pail ol dcvoiion. bnaht-margc-on ilc pail ol dcvoiion; sanana o sanya-bncc-disiinguisling bciwccn dcvoiional piaciicc and ilc goal ol dcvoiion; sanana, bnava o prcma- bnahtr-ol piaciicc, ccsiaiic cmoiion and puic lovc ol God; anstnana-traya- csiablisling ilcsc ilicc; chntc paoya jay-ii is sccn; sanya-ilc goal; bnava- samuna-ilc collcciion ol moods; o-and; prcmahc-io puic lovc; sanana- jatiya-aiising liom piaciicc; anusiIana-culiivaiing; jnana horIc-acquiiing lnowlcdgc; jc utpata-ilai iioublc; upastnta naya-wlicl is siiuaicd; sc asuvnar nasta notc-liom ilc land ol ilis pioblcm; unmuhta naoyar-ol bcing liccd; nama-ilc namc; anartna-nvrtt-is callcd anartna-nvrtt (ilc climinaiion ol obsiaclcs); sri-gauranga-sunarcr-ol ilc bcauiilul si Gauianga; apurva- cxiiaoidinaiy; parama-camathara-mayi IiIa-supicmcly asionisling pasiimcs; o- and; sc IiIar parhara-ilc associaics ol ilcsc pasiimcs; gosvami-gancr-ol ilc Gosvams; anustnana-a-csiablisling and so loiil; c prabanncr-ol ilis wiiiing; ahara-stnana-ilc souicc; sri snanta sarasvati-signcd, si llaliisiddlania Saiasvai. Amongsf fhe higher cIasses of peopIe in sociefy, fhere are fhree main pafhs for fraveIing fhrough fhe kingdom of various beIiefs regarding franscendence. These are known as fhe pafhs of karma (performance of maferiaIIy fruifive acfivify), jana (cuIfivafion of franscendenfaI knowIedge), and bhakfi (pureIy surrendered devofionaI service). Firsf, fhe pafh of karma-marga invoIves fhe arrangemenfs for obfaining femporary worIdIy benefifs, which are enjoyed by souIs frapped in fhe bondage of fhe maferiaIIy condifioned pIafform of Iife. Second, fhe jana- marga invoIves renouncing impermanenf maferiaI fhings as weII as fhe impermanenf disfracfions reIafed fo pafriofic inferesfs and such; one fhen searches affer fhe undifferenfiafed spirifuaI reaIify of impersonaI brahma. And fhe fhird pafh invoIves posifive acfivify fhaf is franscendenfaI fo karma, jana and maffer aIfogefher-if is fhe way of cuIfivafing acfions favorabIe for serving fhe objecf mosf worfhy of service, sr Krsna. This is caIIed bhakfi-marga, fhe pafh of pure devofion. If is seen fhaf fhere are fhree disfincf deveIopmenfaI sfages exfending from sadhana (devofionaI pracfice) fo sadhya (fhe goaI of such worship); fhese are firsf fhe sadhana ifseIf, fhen fhe awakening of bhava (ecsfafic emofion) and finaIIy prema-bhakfi (efernaI devofionaI service performed in pure Iove). WhiIe cuIfivafing fhe aspecfs of knowIedge reIafing fo fhe goaI of worship, as weII as fhe variefies of ecsfafic emofions and mefhods of pure Ioving service, froubIes invariabIy arise. The process by which fhese unwanfed impedimenfs are removed is caIIed anarfha-nivrffi. The concepfions expressed in fhe foIIowing poem are founded in fhe wonderfuI and supremeIy asfonishing pasfimes of Sr Gauranga-sundara as weII as in fhe opinions esfabIished by fhe Gosvams, who are fhe Lord`s efernaI associafes in fhese pasfimes. Prakrfa Rasa Safa Dusin prahrta ccstatc bna habnu rasa naya na jaiya prahrta-rasa suna-bnahta gaya na prahrta ccstatc-maiciial cndcavois; bna-O bioilcis!; habnu-anyiimc; rasa- mcllow; naya na-can ncvci bc; jaiya-ol maiici; prahrta-rasa-mundanc mcllow; suna-bnahta-a puic dcvoicc; gaya na-ncvci sings. 1) O brofhers! No maferiaI efforfs can ever produce fhe awakening of rasa, facfuaI franscendenfaI meIIows. The pure devofee of fhe Lord never sings fhe gIories of any mundane meIIows fhaf are born of fhe duII maferiaI worId. prahrta-rascra shsa-bnhsa ssyc caya na rat bna jc rasa tana guru cya na prahrta-rascra-ol maiciial mcllows; shsa-bnhsa-bcgging loi insiiuciions; ssyc-ilc disciplcs; caya na-docs noi wani; rat-iiansccndcnial loving aiiaclmcni; bna-wiiloui; jc-wlicl; rasa-mcllow; tana-ilai; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; cya na-docs noi givc. 2) The frue discipIes never desire fo ask fheir spirifuaI masfer for insfrucfions regarding maferiaI meIIows. The genuine spirifuaI masfer never gives his discipIes any such maferiaI meIIows, which are devoid of rafi, franscendenfaI Ioving affachmenf fo fhe Lord. nama rasa u vastu bnahta habnu janc na nama rasc bnca acnc, bnahta habnu boIc na nama-ilc loly namc; rasa-and mcllow; u vastu-iwo dillcicni ilings; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; habnu-anyiimc; janc na-docs noi lnow; nama-ilc loly namc; rasc-and rasa, blcda acnc-ilcic is a dillcicncc; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; habnu-anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says. 3) The Lord`s reaI devofee never knows any difference befween fhe hoIy name of Krsna and franscendenfaI meIIows. Therefore fhe devofee never says fhere is a difference befween fhe hoIy name and fhe meIIows of devofion. anam-mama` bnava-sattvc nama habnu naya na bnoga-bun na cnaIc aprahrta naya na anam-mama`-I` and minc`; bnava-sattvc-in ilc condiiion ol ilis mood; nama-ilc loly namc; habnu-anyiimc; naya na-can ncvci bc; bnoga-bun-ilc cnjoying mcnialiiy; na cnaIc-wiiloui giving up; aprahrta-spiiiiual; naya na- can ncvci bc. +) The hoIy name is never reveaIed fo one who is sifuafed in fhe bodiIy concepf of Iife and fhinks in ferms of I` and mine.` If one doesn`f rejecf fhe enjoying menfaIify, fhe franscendenfaI pIafform wiII never be affained. prahrta jacra bnogc hrsna-scva naya na jaa-vastu hona-o haIc aprahrta naya na prahrta jacra-ol mundanc maiici; bnogc-by ilc cnjoymcni; hrsna-scva-ilc scivicc ol Kisna; naya na-can ncvci bc; jaa-vastu-a maiciial iling; hona-o haIc-ai any iimc; aprahrta-spiiiiual; naya na-can ncvci bc. 5) DevofionaI service unfo Lord Krsna can never be performed by engaging in fhe mundane enjoymenf of maferiaI sense-objecfs. MaferiaI fhings can never acquire fhe affribufes of fhe franscendenfaI af any fime. jaa-satta vartamanc ct habnu naya na jaa-vastu ct naya bnahtc habnu boIc na jaa-satta-cxisiing in maiici; vartamanc-in ilc picscncc; ct-spiiiiual consciousncss; habnu-anyiimc; naya na-can ncvci bc; jaa-vastu-a maiciial objcci; ct naya-bccomcs spiiiiually conscious; bnahtc-by ilc dcvoicc; habnu- anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says. 6) The franscendenfaI consciousness of fhe spirifuaI worId is never manifesf in fhe mundane maferiaI condifion. The devofee of fhe Lord never cIaims fhaf any mundane objecf in fhis worId is spirifuaIIy conscious. jaiya vsaya-bnoga bnahta habnu horc na jaa-bnoga, hrsna-scva-habnu sama naya na jaiya-maiciial; vsaya-bnoga-cnjoymcni ol scnsc giaiilicaiion; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; habnu-anyiimc; horc na-docs noi do; jaa-bnoga-ilc cnjoymcni ol maiici; hrsna-scva-ilc scivicc ol Kisna; habnu-anyiimc; sama-ilc samc; naya na-can ncvci bc. 7) The frue devofee never engages in acfivifies of maferiaIisfic sense grafificafion. MaferiaI enjoymenf and devofionaI service fo Krsna are never fhe same under any circumsfances. nja-bnogya hamc bnahta prcma` habnu boIc na rasc agamaga acno` ssyc guru boIc na nja-bnogya-lii loi onc's pcisonal cnjoymcni; hamc-in lusi; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; prcma`-callcd 'puic lovc ol Godlcad'; habnu-anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says; rasc agamaga acno`-You aic absoibcd in mcllows`; ssyc-io ilc disciplc; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; boIc na-ncvci says. 8) SeIfish enjoymenf of one`s own senses in mundane Iusf is never caIIed prema (Iove of Godhead) by fhe genuine devofee. A bonafide spirifuaI masfer never feIIs his discipIe, You are absorbed in fhe meIIows of divine rasa.` rasc agamaga am` habnu guru boIc na jaiya rascra hatna ssyc guru boIc na rasc agamaga am`-I am absoibcd in mcllows`; habnu-anyiimc; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; boIc na-ncvci says; jaiya rascra-ol maiciial mcllows; hatna- iall; ssyc-io ilc disciplc; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; boIc na-ncvci says. 9) The genuine spirifuaI masfer never cIaims, I am absorbed in fhe meIIows of divine rasa.` The guru never faIks idIy wifh his discipIes on subjecfs of gross worIdIy meIIows. jaa-rasa-ganc habnu srcyan hcna Iabnc na hrsnahc prahrta boI` bnahta habnu gaya na jaa-rasa-ganc-by singing songs ol maiciial mcllows; habnu-anyiimc; srcyan- uliimaic good; hcna-anyonc; Iabnc na-can aiiain; hrsnahc-Loid Kisna; prahrta boI`-saying Hc is maiciial; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; habnu-anyiimc; gaya na-ncvci sings. 10) By singing fhe gIories of worIdIy reIafionships born of mundane meIIows, no one has ever affained benefif in fheir spirifuaI Iife. The genuine devofee never procIaims fhaf Lord Krsna`s incarnafion is mundane. namahc prahrta boI` hrsnc jaa janc na hrsna-nama-rasc bnca suna-bnahta manc na namahc-ilc loly namc; prahrta boI`-saying ii is maiciial; hrsnc-Loid Kisna; jaa-maiici; janc na-docs noi lnow; hrsna-nama-rasc-bciwccn Kisna's loly namcs and mcllows; bnca-dillcicncc; suna-bnahta-ilc puic dcvoicc; manc na-ncvci considcis. 11) The devofee never says fhaf fhe hoIy name of Krsna is maferiaI, for Krsna cannof be known by means of maffer. The pure devofee of fhe Lord never recognizes any difference befween fhe hoIy name of Krsna and pure rasa ifseIf. namc-rasc bnca acnc, guru shsa cya na rasa Iabna hor` scsc sanana to` naya na namc-rasc-bciwccn ilc loly namc and dcvoiional mcllows; bnca acnc-ilcic is a dillcicncc; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; shsa cya na-ncvci givcs sucl insiiuciions; rasa-mcllow; Iabna hor`-liisi aiiaining; scsc-in conclusion; sanana-dcvoiional piaciicc; to`-ilcn; naya na-can ncvci bc. 12) The bonafide spirifuaI masfer never feaches fhaf fhere is a difference befween fhe hoIy name of Krsna and rasa. Even affer affaining acfuaI rasa, fhe reguIafive principIes of devofionaI service are never concIuded. hrtrma pantnaya namc rasoaya naya na rasa notc hrsna-nama vIomctc naya na hrtrma pantnaya-on ilc clcaiing pail; namc-in ilc loly namc; rasa-uaya- ilc awalcning ol mcllows; naya na-can ncvci bc; rasa-mcllow; notc-liom; hrsna-nama-ilc loly namc ol Kisna; vIomctc-by invcision; naya na-can ncvci bc. 13) By empIoying prefenfious means, no one can ever make franscendenfaI meIIows appear in fhe hoIy name. The backwards concepfion fhaf Krsna`s name comes from rasa can never be frue. rasa notc rat-srana hahnana- naya na srana notc rat cnaa bnagavata gaya na rasa-mcllow; notc-liom; rat-srana-laiil buili upon iiansccndcnial aiiaclmcni; hahnana--ai any iimc; naya na-can ncvci bc; srana notc-liom laiil ; rat-aiiaclmcni; cnaa-wiiloui; bnagavata-ilc dcvoicc oi bool Pnagavatam, gaya na-ncvci sings. 1+) Rasa, devofionaI meIIow, can never be firsf presenf and fhen deveIop info rafi, franscendenfaI affachmenf, or sraddha, proper faifh. The Srmad- Bhagavafam (or fhe reaIized devofee) never sings any opinion ofher fhan-rafi deveIops from sraddha. rat yuhta rasa cnaa suna-bnahta boIc na sananctc rat rasa guru habnu boIc na rat-aiiaclmcni; yuhta-cndowcd wiil; rasa-mcllow; cnaa-wiiloui; suna- bnahta-ilc puic dcvoicc; boIc na-ncvci says; sananctc-in piaciicing dcvoiional scivicc; rat-aiiaclmcni; rasa-mcllow; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; habnu-anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says. 15) The pure devofee of Krsna never speaks of anyfhing ofher fhan rasa, franscendenfaI meIIow, fhaf is endowed wifh rafi, Ioving affachmenf. The guru never cIaims fhaf rafi and rasa are presenf wifhin fhe pracfice of preIiminary devofion (sadhana bhakfi). bnava-haIc jc avastna sananagrc boIc na vani srana sananctc raganuga naya na bnava-haIc-ai ilc iimc ol awalcning ccsiaiic cmoiions; jc avastna-ilai condiiion; sanana-agrc-bcloic ilc pciloimancc ol icgulaicd dcvoiional piaciicc; boIc na-ncvci says; vani-ilai pail ol iulcs and icgulaiions; srana-laiil; sananctc-in ilc pciloimancc; raganuga-sponiancous dcvoiion; naya na-can ncvci bc. 16) The awakening of franscendenfaI emofionaI ecsfasies (bhava-bhakfi) is never said fo occur before fhe pracfice of reguIafed devofionaI service (sadhana- bhakfi). The performance of reguIafed devofion wifh faifh Iimifed onIy fo such beginning reguIafions (vaidh-sraddha) can never give rise fo sponfaneous devofionaI service (raganuga-bhakfi). bnavcra anhura no`Ic vn ara tnahc na raganuga srana matrc jata-rat naya na bnavcra anhura-ilc spioui ol ccsiasy; no`Ic-bccoming; vn-icgulaiions; ara tnahc na-do noi icmain; raganuga-sponiancous dcvoiion; srana matrc-by mcic laiil; jata-rat-ilc blooming ol aiiaclmcni; naya na-can ncvci bc. 17) When bhava, fhe ecsfafic mood of divine Iove acfuaIIy sproufs, fhen fhe need for foIIowing scripfuraI ruIes (vidhi) does nof remain. Mere faifh in sponfaneous devofionaI service, however, does nof produce fhe acfuaI awakening of franscendenfaI Ioving affachmenf (rafi). ajata-rattc habnu bnava-Iabna boIc na raganuga sanahcrc jata-bnava boIc na ajata-rattc-by unspiouicd aiiaclmcni; habnu-anyiimc; bnava-Iabna-laving aiiaincd ccsiaiic cmoiion; boIc na-ncvci says; raganuga-lollowcis ol sponiancous dcvoiion; sanahcrc-ilc bcginning piaciiiioncis; jata-bnava-ilc blooming ol cmoiion; boIc na-ncvci says. 18) If franscendenfaI affachmenf has nof yef deveIoped wifhin fhe hearf, a devofee is never said fo have affained fhe sfage of ecsfafic bhava. The foIIowers of sponfaneous devofion (raganugas) never say fhaf neophyfe sfudenfs of devofion (sadhakas) have experienced fhe awakening of bhava. raganuga sanahcrc Iabna-rasa boIc na raganuga sanya-bnava rat cnaa naya na raganuga-lollowcis ol sponiancous dcvoiion; sanahcrc-ilc bcginning piaciiiioncis; Iabna-rasa-laving aiiaincd mcllows; boIc na-ncvci says; raganuga-lollowcis ol sponiancous dcvoiion; sanya-bnava-ilc cmoiions inlcicni in ilc goal; rat-aiiaclmcni; cnaa-wiiloui; naya na-can ncvci bc. 19) Genuine devofees on fhe IeveI of sponfaneous devofionaI service never say fhaf neophyfe sfudenfs of devofion have affained rasa. The pure emofions characferisfic of fhe goaI of sponfaneous devofion are never affained wifhouf firsf experiencing fhe correcf progressive deveIopmenf of spirifuaI affachmenf (rafi). bnavanhura-samagamc vani bnaht tnahc na ruchc ratra sana habnu cha janc na bnava-anhura-samagamc-ilc budding ol ilc spioui ol ccsiaiic cmoiion; vani bnaht-icgulaicd dcvoiion; tnahc na-docs noi icmain; ruchc-iasic; ratra sana-wiil aiiaclmcni; habnu-anyiimc; cha-onc; janc na-do noi lnow. 20) OnIy when fhe seed of infense divine emofion sproufs forfh pure bhava, fhen fhere is no Ionger any need fo adhere fo scripfuraI ruIes and reguIafions (vaidh bhakfi). One shouId never consider ruchi (fhe fasfe for devofionaI service) fo be fhe same as rafi (franscendenfaI Ioving affachmenf in devofionaI service). raganuga boIIc- prapta-rasa janc na vn-sonya janc habnu raganuga boIc na raganuga-sponiancous dcvoiion; boIIc--only by ialling; prapta-rasa-ilc aiiaincd mcllow; janc na-do noi lnow; vn-sonya-wlo slould bc puiilicd by lollowing icgulaiions; janc-ilc pcison; habnu-anyiimc; raganuga-on ilc plailoim ol sponiancous dcvoiion; boIc na-ncvci says. 21) Divine rasa can never be facfuaIIy affained mereIy by faIking of sponfaneous devofion [by cIaiming I am a raganuga-bhakfa.`| A beginning sfudenf who shouId sfiII be furfher purified by foIIowing fhe scripfuraI injuncfions is never said fo be on fhe IeveI of performing sponfaneous Ioving service unfo fhe Lord. sanancra purvc hcna bnavanhura paya na jac srana na cnaIc rat habnu naya na sanancra purvc-bcloic pciloiming icgulaicd dcvoiion; hcna-anybody; bnava- anhura-ilc spioui ol ccsiaiic cmoiions; paya na-is ncvci obiaincd; jac-ol maiici; srana-laiil; na cnaIc-noi giving up; rat-aiiaclmcni; habnu- anyiimc; naya na-can ncvci bc. 22) No one can ever experience fhe sproufing of pure ecsfafic emofions wifhouf firsf foIIowing fhe reguIafed injuncfions of fhe scripfures. One who does nof give up maferiaIisfic faifh can never affain fhe sfage of spirifuaI affachmenf in devofionaI service. jata-bnava na noIc rasha to` naya na jaa-bnava na cnaIc rasha to` naya na jata-bnava-ilc awalcning ol cmoiion; na noIc-noi lappcning; rasha-iclislci; to`-ilcn; naya na-can ncvci bc; jaa-bnava-maiciial cmoiion; na cnaIc-noi giving up; rasha-iclislci; to`-ilcn; naya na-can ncvci bc. 23) If divine ecsfafic emofions have nof yef awakened, fhere is no possibiIify of one becoming a rasika, a frue reIisher of devofionaI meIIows. If maferiaIisfic emofions are nof enfireIy rejecfed, one can never become a frue rasika. muIa-nana rasa-Iabna rat-vna naya na gacnc na utntc han vrhsa-muIc paya na muIa-nana-ilc oiiginal iicasuic; rasa-Iabna-ilc aiiainmcni ol mcllows; rat- vna-wiiloui aiiaclmcni; naya na-can ncvci bc; gacnc na utntc-noi climbing on ilc biancl; han vrhsa-muIc-clusicis ol ilc iicc's liuiis; paya na-aic ncvci obiaincd. 2+) Wifhouf firsf deveIoping pure affachmenf (rafi), fhe affainmenf of devofionaI meIIows (fhe greafesf weaIfh) can never be possibIe. Wifhouf firsf cIimbing fhe branch of a free, fhe fruifs can never be reached. sananc anartna acnc, rasoaya naya na bnava-haIc nama-ganc cnaIa-rasa naya na sananc-in dcvoiional piaciicc; anartna-unwanicd obsiaclcs; acnc-ilcic aic; rasa-uaya-ilc aiising ol mcllows; naya na-can ncvci bc; bnava-cmoiion; haIc-ai ilc iimc; nama-ganc-by ilc singing ol ilc loly namcs; cnaIa-rasa-ilc mood ol clcaiing; naya na-can ncvci bc. 25) If one sfiII has unwanfed maferiaI impedimenfs (anarfhas) presenf in fheir performance of devofionaI service (sadhana), fhen rasa can never fruIy awaken. When fhe hoIy name of fhe Lord is chanfed from fhe pIafform of pure ecsfafic emofions (bhava), fhen fhe cheafing mood born of prefenfious devofionaI meIIows can never be presenf. snanta vnina noIc hrsnc ctta Iagc na sambanna-nincra habnu abncya naya na snanta vnina-bcicli ol iiuillul conclusions; noIc-bcing; hrsnc-loi Loid Kisna; ctta-ilc lcaii; Iagc na-is noi lixcd; sambanna-nincra-ol onc bcicli ol a iclaiionslip; habnu-anyiimc; abncya-aciiviiics pciloimcd in iclaiionslip; naya na-can ncvci bc. 26) Wifhouf knowIedge of franscendenfaI frufh (siddhanfa), no one`s hearf can ever be spirifuaIIy affuned wifh Lord Krsna. If one Iacks knowIedge of his reIafionship wifh Krsna (sambandha), fhen fhe proper execufion of devofionaI service in reIafionship fo Him (abidheya) is impossibIe. sambanna-vnina jana prayojana paya na hu-snantc vyasta jana hrsna-scva horc na sambanna-vnina-bcicli ol iclaiionslip; jana-a pcison; prayojana-ilc uliimaic goal ol lilc; paya na-is ncvci obiaincd; hu-snantc-by lauliy conclusions; vyasta-pciplcxcd; jana-a pcison; hrsna-scva-ilc scivicc ol Loid Kisna; horc na-docs noi do. 27) One who Iacks knowIedge of sambandha, fhe reIafionship befween Krsna and fhe Iiving enfifies, can never affain prayojana, fhe supreme goaI of Iife [nameIy pure Iove of Godhead, Krsna-prema.| One who is disfracfed by bogus phiIosophicaI concIusions abouf devofionaI service (ku-siddhanfa) is nof performing acfuaI devofionaI service fo Sr Krsna. snanta-aIasa jana anartna to` cnac na jac hrsna bnrama hor` hrsna-scva horc na snanta-aIasa-lazy in plilosoplical iiuil; jana-a pcison; anartna-obsiaclcs; to`-ilcn; cnac na-cannoi givc up; jac-in maiici; hrsna bnrama hor`- misialing Loid Kisna; hrsna-scva-ilc scivicc ol Kisna; horc na-can ncvci do. 28) One who is Iazy in properIy undersfanding fhe Vaisnava phiIosophicaI concIusions can never become free from anarfhas, fhe unwanfed bad habifs and phiIosophicaI misconcepfions fhaf impede devofionaI service. One who misfakes Krsna as beIonging fo fhe maferiaI pIane can never render acfuaI service fo fhe Lord. hrsna-namc bnahta habnu jaa-bun horc na anartna na gcIc namc rupa chna cya na hrsna-namc-loi ilc loly namc ol Loid Kisna; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; habnu- anyiimc; jaa-bun-maiciial iniclligcncc; horc na-docs noi do; anartna- obsiaclcs; na gcIc-noi going away; namc-by claniing ilc loly namc; rupa-ilc loim ol ilc Loid; chna cya na-is noi givcn a glimpsc. 29) The genuine devofee never mainfains maferiaIisfic concepfions abouf fhe hoIy name of Krsna. If fhe deviafions fhaf impede devofionaI service (anarfhas) have nof been expeIIed, fhen fhe chanfing of fhe hoIy name wiII never reveaI fhe beaufifuI form of fhe Lord. anartna na gcIc namc guna bujna jaya na anartna na gcIc namc hrsna-scva naya na anartna-obsiaclcs; na gcIc-noi going away; namc-by claniing ilc loly namcs; guna-ilc iiansccndcnial qualiiics ol ilc Loid; bujna jaya na-cannoi bc undcisiood; anartna-obsiaclcs; na gcIc-noi going away; namc-by claniing ilc loly namcs; hrsna-scva-ilc scivicc ol Kisna; naya na-can ncvci bc. 30) As Iong as anarfhas remain, fhen fhe chanfing of fhe hoIy name wiII never produce an undersfanding of fhe franscendenfaI quaIifies of fhe Lord. As Iong as anarfhas remain, fhen fhe chanfing of fhe hoIy name wiII never facfuaIIy engage one in Krsna`s service. rupa-guna-IiIa-spnurt nama cnaa naya na rupa-guna-IiIa notc hrsna-nama naya na rupa-guna-IiIa-spnurt-icvclaiion ol ilc Loid's loim, qualiiics and pasiimcs; nama cnaa-wiiloui ilc loly namc; naya na-can ncvci bc; rupa-guna-IiIa notc-liom ilc Loid's loim, qualiiics and pasiimcs; hrsna-nama-ilc loly namc ol Kisna; naya na-can ncvci bc. 31) ReveIafions of fhe Lord`s franscendenfaI form, quaIifies, and pasfimes are never manifesf in fhe absence of His hoIy name. The hoIy name of Krsna is never separafed from His franscendenfaI form, quaIifies or pasfimes. rupa notc nama-spnurt, guru habnu boIc na guna notc nama-spnurt, guru habnu boIc na rupa notc-liom ilc Loid's loim; nama-ilc loly namc; spnurt-icvclaiion; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; habnu-anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says; guna notc-liom His qualiiics; nama-ilc loly namc; spnurt-icvclaiion; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; habnu-anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says. 32) The genuine spirifuaI masfer never asserfs fhaf fhe reveIafion of fhe Lord`s hoIy name is separafe from His form. The genuine spirifuaI masfer never cIaims fhaf fhe reveIafion of fhe Lord`s hoIy name is separafe from His quaIifies. IiIa notc nama-spnurt, rupanuga boIc na nama-nami u vastu, rupanuga boIc na IiIa notc-liom ilc Loid's pasiimcs; nama-ilc loly namc; spnurt-icvclaiion; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; boIc na-ncvci says; nama-nami-ilc loly namc and Hc Wlo is namcd; u vastu-iwo scpaiaic ilings; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; boIc na-ncvci says. 33) The frue foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam (rupanugas) never cIaim fhaf fhe reveIafion of fhe Lord`s hoIy name is separafe from His pasfimes. The rupanugas never feach fhaf fhe hoIy name of Krsna and Krsna HimseIf are fwo separafe fhings. rasa agc, rat pacnc, rupanuga boIc na rasa agc, srana pacnc, guru habnu boIc na rasa-mcllow; agc-bcloicland;, rat-aiiaclmcni; pacnc-aliciwaid; rupanuga- lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; boIc na-ncvci says; rasa-mcllow; agc-bcloicland; srana-laiil; pacnc-aliciwaid; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; habnu-anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says. 3+) The frue foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never say fhaf fhe sfage of reaIizing franscendenfaI meIIows (rasa) precedes fhe deveIopmenf of Ioving devofionaI affachmenf (rafi). The bonafide spirifuaI masfer wiII never profess fhaf fhe reaIizafion of such meIIows precedes fhe deveIopmenf of pure faifh (sraddha). rat agc, srana pacnc, rupanuga boIc na hrama patna cna` sn rupanuga boIc na rat-aiiaclmcni; agc-bcloicland;, srana-laiil; pacnc-aliciwaid; rupanuga- lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; boIc na-ncvci says; hrama patna cna`-ncglcciing ilc piopci succcssivc oidci; sn-pcilcciion; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; boIc na-ncvci says. 35) The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never preach fhaf franscendenfaI affachmenf is reached before one deveIops pure faifh. The rupanugas never feach fhaf fhe perfecfion of devofion (siddhi) can be reached by abandoning fhe consecufive order of deveIopmenfaI sfages on fhe pafh. manajana-patna cna` navya-patnc naya na aparana-sana nama hahnana- naya na manajana-patna-ilc pail slown by ilc gicai souls; cna`-icnouncing; navya- patnc-on a ncw pail; naya na-do noi iun; aparana-sana-wiil ollcnscs; nama-ilc loly namc; hahnana--ai any iimc; naya na-can ncvci bc. 36) The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never Ieave fhe pafh of fhe greaf devofees (mahajanas) and run fo pursue a new` pafh. One who commifs offenses can never reaIize fhe hoIy name of Krsna af any fime. namc prahrtartna-bun bnahta habnu naya na aparana-yuhta nama bnahta habnu Iaya na namc-in ilc loly namc; prahrta-artna-bun-mcnialiiy ol maiciial inicipiciaiion; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; habnu-anyiimc; naya na-can noi bc; aparana-yuhta-invcsicd wiil ollcnscs; nama-ilc loly namc; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; habnu-anyiimc; Iaya na-docs noi ialc. 37) The Lord`s devofee never inferprefs fhe hoIy name wifh any mundane, maferiaIisfic concepfion. The devofee never chanfs fhe hoIy name of fhe Lord in an offensive manner. namctc prahrta-bun rupanuga horc na hrsna-rupc jaa-bun rupanuga horc na namctc-in ilc loly namc; prahrta-bun-mundanc mcnialiiy; rupanuga- lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; horc na-docs noi do; hrsna-rupc-in Kisna's loim; jaa-bun-maiciial iniclligcncc; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; horc na-docs noi do. 38) The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never ascribe maferiaI quaIifies fo fhe hoIy name by means of mundane infeIIigence. The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never consider fhe Lord`s franscendenfaI form as maferiaI because fhey don`f possess maferiaIisfic menfaIify. hrsna-gunc jaa-bun rupanuga horc na parhara-vasstyahc prahrta to` janc na hrsna-gunc-in Kisna's qualiiics; jaa-bun-mundanc iniclligcncc; rupanuga- lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; horc na-docs noi do; parhara-vasstyahc-ilc claiaciciisiics ol ilc Loid's associaics; prahrta-maiciial; to`-cciiainly; janc na- do noi lnow. 39) The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never anaIyze fhe Supreme Lord`s quaIifies wifh maferiaI infeIIigence. The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never consider fhe characferisfics of fhe Lord`s associafes and paraphernaIia fo be mundane. hrsna-IiIa jaa-tuIya rupanuga boIc na hrsnctara bnogya-vastu hrsna habnu naya na hrsna-IiIa-ilc pasiimcs ol Kisna; jaa-tuIya-cqual io maiici; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; boIc na-ncvci says; hrsna-itara-lowci ilan Kisna; bnogya- vastu-iicm loi cnjoymcni; hrsna-Loid Kisna; habnu-anyiimc; naya na-can ncvci bc. +0) The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never equafe fhe Lord`s franscendenfaI pasfimes wifh maferiaIisfic acfivifies. Lord Krsna never becomes a mere objecf of sense grafificafion fhaf is Iower in quaIify fhan HimseIf. jaahc anartna cnaa ara hcnu manc na jaasaht-basc rasc hrsna-jnana horc na jaahc-maiici; anartna-obsiaclcs; cnaa-giving up; ara hcnu-anyiling moic; manc na-do noi considci; jaa-asaht-basc-undci ilc sway ol aiiaclmcni io maiici; rasc-by ilc mcllow; hrsna-jnana-lnowlcdgc ol Kisna; horc na-docs noi do. +1) One shouId never consider ofher fhan fhe foIIowing: Everyfhing made of maffer is an anarfha and shouId be rejecfed. TranscendenfaI knowIedge of Lord Krsna can never be obfained fhrough any meIIow fhaf is confroIIed by affachmenf fo maffer. hrsna-nama, hrsna-rupa-habnu jaa boIc na hrsna-guna, hrsna-IiIa-habnu jaa boIc na hrsna-nama, hrsna-rupa-ilc loly namc ol Kisna and ilc loimol Kisna; habnu- anyiimc; jaa-maiciial; boIc na-ncvci says; hrsna-guna, hrsna-IiIa-ilc qualiiics ol Kisna and ilc pasiimcs ol Kisna; habnu-anyiimc; jaa-maiciial; boIc na- ncvci says. +2) One shouId never say fhaf Krsna's hoIy name or franscendenfaI form are mundane. One shouId never say fhaf Krsna`s divine quaIifies or subIime pasfimes are mundane. jaa-rupa anartnctc hrsna-bnrama horc na hrsna-nama-rupa-gunc jaa-bun horc na jaa-rupa-maiciial loim; anartnctc-in ilc impcdimcni; hrsna-bnrama- misialing loi Loid Kisna; horc na-docs noi do; hrsna-nama-ilc loly namc ol Kisna; rupa-His loim; gunc-and His qualiiy; jaa-bun-mundanc iniclligcncc; horc na-docs noi do. +3) One shouId never become bewiIdered by fhe anarfha of maferiaI bodies and misfake Lord Krsna`s form fo aIso be a maferiaI body. One shouId never fry fo anaIyze fhe Lord`s divine names, forms, and quaIifies wifh maferiaIisfic infeIIigence. nama-rupa-guna-IiIa jaa boI` manc na jaa-nama-rupa-gunc hrsna habnu boIc na nama-rupa-guna-IiIa-Kisna's namc, loim, qualiiics and pasiimcs; jaa-maiciial; boI`-saying; manc na-ncvci considci; jaa-nama-rupa-gunc-ol maiciial namc, loim oi qualiiy; hrsna-Loid Kisna; habnu-anyiimc; boIc na-ncvci says. ++) One shouId never consider any of Krsna`s franscendenfaI names, forms, quaIifies or pasfimes fo be mundane. SimiIarIy, one shouId never cIaim fhaf any maferiaI names, forms or quaIifies couId be Krsna`s . jaa-sunya aprahrta nama cnaa boIc na jaa-sunya aprahrta rupa cnaa chnc na jaa-sunya-licc liom maiici; aprahrta-iiansccndcnial; nama-ilc loly namc; cnaa-oilci ilan; boIc na-ncvci says; jaa-sunya-licc liom maiici; aprahrta- iiansccndcnial; rupa-loim; cnaa-oilci ilan; chnc na-do noi scc. +5) Ofher fhan fhe pure franscendenfaI names of Krsna, which are compIefeIy free from aII maferiaI confacf, nofhing eIse shouId be spoken. Ofher fhan fhe pure franscendenfaI forms of Krsna, which are compIefeIy free from aII maferiaI confacf, nofhing eIse shouId be seen. jaa-sunya aprahrta guna cnaa sunc na jaa-sunya aprahrta IiIa cnaa scvc na jaa-sunya-licc liom maiici; aprahrta-iiansccndcnial; guna-qualiiy; cnaa- oilci ilan; sunc na-do noi lcai; jaa-sunya-licc liom maiici; aprahrta- iiansccndcnial; IiIa-pasiimcs; cnaa-oilci ilan; scvc na-do noi scivc. +6) Ofher fhan fhe pure franscendenfaI quaIifies of Krsna, which are compIefeIy free from aII maferiaI confacf, nofhing eIse shouId be heard. Ofher fhan fhe pure franscendenfaI pasfimes of Krsna, which are compIefeIy free from aII maferiaI confacf, nofhing eIse shouId be served. anartna tnahara haIc jaa-rupc majc na anartna tnahara haIc jaa-gunc msc na anartna-obsiaclcs; tnahara haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmaining; jaa-rupc-wiil maiciial loim; majc na-slould noi bc claimcd; anartna-obsiaclcs; tnahara haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmaining; jaa-gunc-wiil maiciial qualiiics; msc na- slould noi bc mixcd. +7) WhiIe sfiII confaminafed wifh anarfhas, fhe bad habifs and phiIosophicaI misconcepfions fhaf impede devofion, one shouId never become charmed by mundane forms. As Iong as fhese impedimenfs remain, one shouId never mix [fheir devofionaI service| wifh fhe impurify of mundane quaIifies. anartna tnahara haIc jaa-IiIa bnogc na anartna tnahara haIc suna-nama cnac na anartna-obsiaclcs; tnahara haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmaining; jaa-IiIa-mundanc pasiimcs; bnogc na-slould noi cnjoy; anartna-obsiaclcs; tnahara haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmaining; suna-nama-ilc puic loly namc; cnac na-slould noi bc icjccicd. +8) WhiIe sfiII confaminafed wifh anarfhas, one shouId never fry fo enjoy maferiaIisfic pasfimes. As Iong as fhese impedimenfs remain, one shouId never give up frying fo pureIy chanf fhe hoIy name of Krsna. anartna tnahara haIc rasa-gana horc na anartna tnahara haIc sn-Iabna boIc na anartna-obsiaclcs; tnahara haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmaining; rasa-gana-songs ol ilc Loid's mcllows; horc na-slould noi do; anartna-obsiaclcs; tnahara haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmaining; sn-Iabna-aiiaincd pcilcciion; boIc na-ncvci says. +9) WhiIe sfiII confaminafed wifh anarfhas, one shouId never sing songs gIorifying franscendenfaI meIIows. As Iong as fhese impedimenfs remain, one shouId never sfafe fhaf siddhi has been affained. anartna tnahara haIc IiIa-gana horc na anartna-nvrtt-haIc nama jaa boIc na anartna-obsiaclcs; tnahara haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmaining; IiIa-gana-songs ol ilc Loid's pasiimcs; horc na-slould noi do; anartna-nvrtt-haIc-ai ilc iimc ol vanquisling ilc impcdimcnis; nama-ilc loly namc; jaa-mundanc; boIc na- ncvci says. 50) WhiIe sfiII confaminafed wifh anarfhas, one shouId never sing songs abouf fhe Lord`s confidenfiaI pasfimes. Affer fhese impedimenfs are purified (anarfha- nivrffi), one never speaks of fhe hoIy name of Krsna as if if were a mundane sound vibrafion. anartna-nvrtt-haIc rupc jaa chnc na anartna-nvrtt-haIc gunc jaa bujnc na anartna-nvrtt-haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmoving obsiaclcs; rupc-ilc loim ol ilc Loid; jaa-as maiciial; chnc na-docs noi scc; anartna-nvrtt-haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmoving obsiaclcs; gunc-ilc Loid's qualiiics; jaa-as maiciial; bujnc na- docs noi undcisiand. 51) Affer fhe anarfhas are removed, maferiaI affribufes are no Ionger seen in fhe franscendenfaI forms of Krsna. When such impedimenfs are removed, maferiaI affribufes are no Ionger perceived in His pure quaIifies. anartna-nvrtt-haIc jaa IiIa scvc na rupanuga guru-cva ssya-nmsa horc na anartna-nvrtt-haIc-ai ilc iimc ol icmoving obsiaclcs; jaa-maiciial; IiIa- pasiimcs; scvc na-docs noi scivc; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; guru- cva-spiiiiual masici; ssya-io ilc disciplc; nmsa-laim; horc na-docs noi do. 52) Affer fhe unwanfed impedimenfs are removed, one never serves mundane pasfimes. The frue spirifuaI masfers in fhe Iine of SrIa Rupa Gosvam, who are known as rupanuga guru-deva, never abuse fheir own discipIes in any way. guru tyaj` jac asa habnu bnahta horc na manajana-patnc osa habnu guru cya na guru tyaj`-icjcciing ilc spiiiiual masici; jac asa-aspiiaiions loi maiciial cnjoymcni; habnu-anyiimc; bnahta-ilc dcvoicc; horc na-docs noi do; manajana-patnc-wiil ilc pail ol ilc gicai souls; osa-laulis; habnu-anyiimc; guru-ilc spiiiiual masici; cya na-ncvci givcs. 53) The frue discipIe never rejecfs fhe spirifuaI masfer because of fheir own desires for maferiaI enjoymenf. The genuine spirifuaI masfer never finds fauIf wifh fhe devofionaI pafh shown by fhe greaf devofees (mahajanas). guru-manajana-vahyc bnca habnu naya na sanancra patnc hanta sa-guru cya na guru-manajana-vahyc-in ilc siaicmcnis ol ilc spiiiiual masicis and ilc gicai souls; bnca-dillcicncc; habnu-anyiimc; naya na-can ncvci bc; sanancra patnc-on ilc pail ol piaciicing dcvoiion; hanta-iloin; sa-guru-ilc bonalidc spiiiiual masici; cya na-docs noi pui. 5+) There can never be any difference befween fhe expIanafions of fhe bonafide spirifuaI masfer and fhe feachings of fhe greaf devofees (mahajanas). The pure spirifuaI masfer never pufs fhorn-Iike deferrenfs on fhe pafh of one`s execufion of pracficaI devofionaI service (sadhana). anhara avcara rupanuga horc na anartna-anvta asc rasa-shsa cya na anhara-qualilicaiion; avcara-wiiloui considciing; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; horc na-docs noi do; anartna-anvta-inlcsicd wiil obsiaclcs; asc-io ilc scivani; rasa-shsa-insiiuciions conccining mcllows; cya na-docs noi givc. 55) The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam are never negIecffuI in assessing anyone`s spirifuaI quaIificafions. The foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never insfrucf a servanf who is engrossed in maferiaI impedimenfs abouf fhe science of infimafe devofionaI meIIows. bnagavata paya boI` hu-vyahnya to` horc na Ioha-samgrancra tarc hrama-patna cnac na bnagavata paya-vciscs ol ilc Srima-Pnagavatam, boI`-icciiing; hu-vyahnya- lalsc cxplanaiion; to`-cciiainly; horc na-docs noi do; Ioha-samgrancra tarc-loi collcciing lollowcis; hrama-patna-ilc sysicmaiic appioacl; cnac na-do noi icjcci. 56) The frue devofees of fhe Lord never recife fhe verses of Srmad- Bhagavafam and offer bogus inferprefafions. For fhe sake of affracfing Iarger numbers of foIIowers, frue devofees never abandon fhe correcf sysfemafic pracfices of devofionaI service. na utnya vrhsopar pnaIa nar` tanc na rupanuga hrama-patna vIopa to` horc na na utnya-noi climbing; vrhsa-upar-upon ilc iicc; pnaIa nar`-giasping ilc liuii; tanc na-do noi iug; rupanuga-lollowci ol Rupa Gosvam; hrama-patna- ilc sysicmaiic pail; vIopa-abolisl; to`-cciiainly; horc na-docs noi do. 57) One shouId never cIimb info a free, grasp fhe unripe fruifs and forcibIy puII fhem off. SimiIarIy, fhe foIIowers of SrIa Rupa Gosvam never aboIish fhe inifiaI sysfemafic process of devofionaI service. anartnahc artna` boI` hu-patnctc Iaya na prahrta-sanaja-mata aprahrta boIc na anartnahc-ilc obsiaclcs; artna` boI`-calling ilcm usclul; hu-patnctc-on ilc lalsc pail; Iaya na-docs noi acccpi; prahrta-sanaja-mata-ilc mcnialiiy ol ilc clcap maiciialisiic imiiaiois; aprahrta-iiansccndcnial; boIc na-ncvci says. 58) One shouId never misfakenIy caII maferiaI obsfacIes usefuI for devofionaI service`, fhereby foIIowing fhe wrong pafh. One shouId never say fhaf fhe mundane opinions of fhe prakrfa-sahajiyas (cheap maferiaIisfic imposfors) are aprakrfa (franscendenfaI). anartna na gcIc ssyc jata-rat boIc na anartna-vssta ssyc rasa-tattva boIc na anartna-obsiaclcs; na gcIc-noi going away; ssyc-io ilc disciplc; jata-rat-ilc blossoming ol aiiaclmcni; boIc na-ncvci says; anartna-vssta-inlcsicd wiil impcdimcnis; ssyc-io ilc disciplc; rasa-tattva-iiuils aboui mcllows; boIc na- ncvci says. 59) The discipIe is never said fo have deveIoped deep devofionaI affachmenf (rafi) as Iong as impedimenfs (anarfhas) are nof removed. The discipIe who is sfiII confaminafed wifh fhese impedimenfs is never faughf fhe science of infimafe devofionaI meIIows (rasa-faffva). asahta homaIa-sranc rasa-hatna boIc na ananharirc rasc anhara cya na asahta-wcal; homaIa-sranc-wiil soli laiil; rasa-hatna-ialls aboui mcllows; boIc na-ncvci says; ananharirc-unio onc wlo is noi qualilicd; rasc anhara- ilc qualilicaiion loi mcllows; cya na-is noi givcn. 60) A devofee shouId never speak on fhe fopics of devofionaI meIIows fo one who has weak, pIiabIe faifh. A devofee shouId never affempf fo besfow fhe quaIificafion for rasa upon one who is unquaIified fo receive if. vana-bnahta-janc habnu raganuga janc na homaIa-sranahc habnu rasha to` janc na vana-bnahta-janc-dcvoiccs piaciicing dcvoiional iulcs and icgulaiions; habnu- anyiimc; raganuga-sponiancous dcvoiion; janc na-do noi lnow; homaIa- sranahc-ilosc wiil wcal laiil; habnu-anyiimc; rasha-iclislci; to`- cciiainly; janc na-do noi lnow. 61) Devofees who are sfiII on fhe pIafform of foIIowing reguIafed scripfuraI injuncfions (vaidha-bhakfas) cannof yef undersfand anyfhing abouf fhe exaIfed sfage of fhe raganugas, pracfifioners of sponfaneous devofionaI service. Those who possess weak faifh cannof yef undersfand fhe reaIm of fhe rasikas, reIishers of pure franscendenfaI meIIows. svaIpa-srana-janc habnu jata-rat manc na svaIpa-srana-janc rasa upacsa horc na svaIpa-srana-janc-ilosc wiil liiilc laiil; habnu-anyiimc; jata-rat-ilc awalcning ol aiiaclmcni; manc na-aic noi considcicd; svaIpa-srana-janc- ilosc wiil liiilc laiil; rasa upacsa-insiiuciions aboui mcllows; horc na-docs noi do. 62) Those who possess IiffIe faifh are never recognized as being highIy deveIoped in Ioving devofionaI affachmenf. Those who possess IiffIe faifh are never fo be insfrucfed in fopics concerning franscendenfaI meIIows. jata-rat praua-srana-sanga tyaga horc na homaIa-srancrc habnu rasa ya scvc na jata-rat-awalcncd aiiaclmcni; praua-srana-sanga-associaiion ol ilosc wiil clcvaicd laiil; tyaga-icnunciaiion; horc na-docs noi do; homaIa-srancrc- unio ilosc wiil liiilc laiil; habnu-anyiimc; rasa-mcllow; ya-giving; scvc na-do noi scivc. 63) When spirifuaI affachmenf (rafi) is manifesf, one never Ieaves fhe company of fhose endowed wifh advanced faifh. If immafure devofees wifh pIiabIe faifh are presenfed wifh a devofionaI meIIow, fhey wiII never be abIe fo properIy serve if. hrsncra scvana Iag` jaa-rasc msc na rasoayc hona jivc ssya-bun` horc na hrsncra scvana-ilc scivicc ol Kisna; Iag`-loi; jaa-rasc-wiil mundanc mcllows; msc na-docs noi mix; rasa-uayc-upon ilc awalcning ol mcllows; hona jivc-unio any soul; ssya-bun`-ilc mcnialiiy ol laving disciplcs; horc na-docs noi do. 6+) One shouId never mix fheir acfivifies wifh fhe confaminafed moods of maferiaIisfic meIIows for fhe purpose of service of Krsna. Affer rasa has facfuaIIy awakened, one never induIges in fhe menfaIify of regarding any ofher souI as a discipIe. rasha-bnahata-raja habnu ssya horc na rasha-jancra ssya c bnava cnac na rasha-bnahata-raja-a ling amongsi ilc iclislci-dcvoiccs; habnu-anyiimc; ssya-disciplcs; horc na-docs noi do; rasha-jancra-ol ilc iclislci-dcvoicc; ssya-disciplc; c bnava-ilis mood; cnac na-docs noi givc up. 65) The highesf devofee, who is Iike a king among fhe rasikas experf in reIishing devofionaI meIIows, never fhinks fhaf he has discipIes. The sfudenfs of such a rasika, however, never give up fhe mood of being fhe discipIes of fhis exaIfed devofee. sanana cnaIc bnava uaya to` naya na raganuga janIc- sanana to` cnac na sanana cnaIc-giving up icgulaiivc dcvoiion; bnava-cmoiion; uaya- awalcning; to`-cciiainly; naya na-can ncvci bc; raganuga-sponiancous dcvoiion; janIc--cvcn ilougl lnowing; sanana-icgulaicd dcvoiion; to`- cciiainly; cnac na-docs noi icnouncc. 66) If fhe preIiminary pracfices of devofionaI service (sadhana) are negIecfed, fhen fhe awakening of ecsfafic emofions (bhava) can never occur. Even one who has affained reaIizafion of sponfaneous devofionaI service (raganuga-bhakfi) shouId never give up pracficing fhe reguIafive principIes of devofionaI service. bnava na noIc habnu rasoaya naya na agc rasoaya, parc ratyuaya naya na bnava-ccsiaiic cmoiion; na noIc-upon noi aiising; habnu-anyiimc; rasa- uaya-ilc aiising ol mcllows; naya na-can ncvci bc; agc-bcloicland; rasa- uaya-ilc aiising ol mcllows; parc-aliciwaid; rat-uaya-ilc aiising ol aiiaclmcni; naya na-can ncvci bc. 67) Wifhouf firsf experiencing bhava, fhe ecsfafic emofions of divine Iove, rasa can never arise. The reaIizafion of rasa never occurs before fhe deveIopmenf of rafi, spirifuaI affachmenf. agc ratyuaya, parc sranoaya naya na rasabnsta Iabn` parc sanana to` naya na agc-bcloicland; rat-uaya-ilc awalcning ol aiiaclmcni; parc-aliciwaid; srana-uaya-ilc awalcning ol laiil; naya na-can ncvci bc; rasa-abnsta- mcllow-soalcd; Iabn`-aiiaining; parc-aliciwaids; sanana-icgulaiivc dcvoiion; to`-cciiainly; naya na-can ncvci bc. 68) One shouId never fhink fhaf rafi is awakened firsf, fhen sraddha deveIops Iafer. Affer one affains fhe sfafe of being fhoroughIy soaked wifh rasa, fhen fhe need for pracficing sadhana vanishes. samagrira amIanc stnayi-bnava naya na stnay-bnava-vyatrchc rasc stnt naya na samagrira-ol ilc vaiious clcmcnis namcly, ilc giadually dcvcloping siagcs ol srana, ilcn sanu-sanga, bnajana-hrya, anartna-nvrtt, cic.]; amIanc-wiiloui combining; stnay-bnava-pcimancni iclaiionslip onc ol ilc livc cicinal mcllows ol santa, asya, sahnya, vatsaIya, and manura]; naya na-can ncvci bc; stnayi- bnava-vyatrchc-in ilc abscncc ol stnayi-bnava, rasc-in mcllows; stnt- siiuaiion; naya na-can ncvci bc. 69) In fhe absence of fhe necessary consfifuenf eIemenfs of fhe bhakfi process (such as anarfha-nivrffi, nisfha, ruci, efc.), one can never become fixed up in fheir own efernaI sfhay-bhava (one of fhe five principaI meIIows). In fhe absence of sfhay-bhava and ifs necessary eIemenfs, one can never become sifuafed in fheir efernaI rasa. bnogc mana, jac srana ct prahasa horc na namc srana na noIc jaa-bun cnac na bnogc-in cnjoymcni; mana-wiil ilc mind; jac-in maiici; srana-laiil; ct- spiiiiual consciousncss; prahasa-manilcsiaiion; horc na-docs noi do; namc-in ilc loly namc; srana-laiil; na noIc-wiiloui coming aboui; jaa-bun- mundanc mcnialiiy; cnac na-docs noi givc up. 70) Those whose minds are absorbed in fhe spirif of enjoymenf of maffer, and who possess maferiaIisfic faifh, can never experience fhe reveIafion of pure spirifuaI consciousness. Wifhouf absoIufe faifh in fhe Lord`s hoIy name, one`s mundane menfaIify can never be casf off. jaa-bun na cnaIc nama hrpa horc na nama hrpa na horIc IiIa suna jaya na jaa-bun-mundanc mcnialiiy; na cnaIc-noi giving up; nama-ilc loly namc; hrpa-mcicy; horc na-docs noi do; nama-ilc loly namc; hrpa-mcicy; na horIc-noi doing; IiIa-Kisna's pasiimcs; suna jaya na-slould noi bc lcaid. 71) One who is reIucfanf fo give up fheir maferiaIisfic menfaIify wiII never receive fhe mercy of fhe pure hoIy name of Lord Krsna. Wifhouf firsf receiving fhe mercy of fhe hoIy name, one shouId never Iisfen fo recifafions of Krsna`s confidenfiaI pasfimes. namahc janIc jaa, hama ura naya na rupahc manIc jaa, hama ura naya na namahc-ilc loly namc; janIc jaa-undcisiands io bc maiciial; hama-lusi; ura-vanquislcd; naya na-can ncvci bc; rupahc-Kisna's cicinal loim; manIc jaa-considcis as maiciial; hama-lusi; ura-vanquislcd; naya na-can ncvci bc. 72) One who fhinks fhaf fhe hoIy name of Krsna is mundane can never become free from Iusf. One who fhinks fhaf fhe franscendenfaI form of Krsna is mundane can never become free from Iusf. gunahc bujnIc jaa, hama ura naya na IiIahc purIc jac, hama ura naya na gunahc-ilc Loid's qualiiics; bujnIc jaa-undcisiands as maiciial; hama-lusi; ura-vanquislcd; naya na-can ncvci bc; IiIahc-ilc Loid's pasiimcs; purIc jac-lillcd wiil maiici; hama-lusi; ura-vanquislcd; naya na-can ncvci bc. 73) One who fhinks fhaf fhe divine quaIifies of Krsna are mundane can never become free from Iusf. One who fhinks fhaf fhe efernaI pasfimes of Krsna are mundane can never become free from Iusf. namc jaa-vyavananc rupoaya naya na namc jaa-vyavananc gunoaya naya na namc-by claniing ilc loly namc; jaa-vyavananc-by ilc inicivcniion ol maiici; rupa-uaya-ilc aiising ol Kisna's loim; naya na-can ncvci bc; namc-by claniing ilc loly namc; jaa-vyavananc-by ilc inicivcniion ol maiici; guna- uaya-ilc aiising ol Kisna's qualiiics; naya na-can ncvci bc; jaa-bnoga- vyavananc-by ilc inicivcniion ol iiying io cnjoy maiici; IiIa-uaya-ilc aiising ol Kisna's pasiimcs; naya na-can ncvci bc. 7+) If one`s consciousness is bIocked by maferiaI concepfions, fhen Krsna`s pure franscendenfaI form can never be reaIized by chanfing fhe hoIy name. If one`s consciousness is bIocked by maferiaI concepfions, fhen Krsna`s pure franscendenfaI quaIifies can never be reaIized by chanfing fhe hoIy name. aparana-vyavananc rasa-Iabna naya na aparana-vyavananc nama habnu naya na aparana-vyavananc-by ilc inicivcniion ol ollcnscs; rasa-Iabna-ilc aiiainmcni ol mcllows; naya na-can ncvci bc; aparana-vyavananc-by ilc inicivcniion ol ollcnscs; nama-ilc loly namc; habnu-anyiimc; naya na-can ncvci bc. 75) Due fo fhe bIockage of offenses (aparadha), one can never affain fhe fIow of pure franscendenfaI meIIows. Due fo fhe bIockage of offenses, one can never experience fhe pure hoIy name of fhe Lord. vyavanta IiIa-ganc hama ura naya na aparana-vyavananc sna-cna paya na vyavanta-covcicd; IiIa-ganc-by singing ol ilc Loid's pasiimcs; hama-lusi; ura-vanquislcd; naya na-can ncvci bc; aparana-vyavananc-by ilc inicivcniion ol maiici; sna-cna-ilc pcilcci spiiiiual body; paya na-is ncvci obiaincd. 76) One who is covered by offenses may sing fhe pasfimes of fhe Lord, buf fhis wiII never do away wifh fhe Iusf burning in his hearf. By fhe bIockage of offenses, one`s efernaI spirifuaI body (siddha-deha) wiII never be affained. scvopaharana harnc na sunIc naya na jaopaharana cnc IiIa sona jaya na scva-upaharana-ilc ingicdicnis ol scivicc; harnc-in ilc cai; na sunIc-noi lcaiing; naya na-can ncvci bc; jaa-upaharana-ilc ingicdicnis ol maiici; cnc- in ilc body; IiIa-ilc pasiimcs ol ilc Loid; sona jaya na-docs noi lcai. 77) If one does nof hear fhe proper defaiIs of fhe devofionaI science [from fhe discipIic succession|, fhen genuine service fo fhe Lord can never be performed. One absorbed in fhe various maferiaI ingredienfs of fhe bodiIy concepf of Iife wiII never be abIe fo hear of fhe Lord`s franscendenfaI pasfimes. scvaya unmuhna na`Ic jaa-hatna naya na natuva cn-maya hatna habnu sruta naya na scvaya-loi dcvoiional scivicc; unmuhna na`Ic-bcing cnilusiasiic; jaa-hatna- mundanc ialls; naya na-can ncvci bc; natuva-oilciwisc; ct-maya hatna- iiansccndcnial ialls; habnu-anyiimc; sruta-lcaid; naya na-can ncvci bc. 78) When one is enfhusiasfic for consfanfIy rendering unaIIoyed devofionaI service, fhere is never any possibiIify for becoming disfracfed by idIe faIks reIafed fo fhe mundane worId. Ofherwise, if one is nof enfhusiasfic, fhen confidenfiaI fopics abouf fhe aII-conscious spirifuaI worId shouId never be heard. 1nus Lns Prahrta-Pasa Sata-Dusni, A Hunrc Warnngs Aganst Munanc McIIovs by SriIa Pnahtsnanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabnupaa
Marianne Hem Eriksen - Architecture, Society, and Ritual in Viking Age Scandinavia - Doors, Dwellings, and Domestic Space-Cambridge University Press (2019)