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NUR 027


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. You are to read and analyze each question carefully and write
your answer in Capital letters only. Erasures and superimpositions will be marked wrong. (10 points)

1. B A theory must be comprehensive and concrete.
Scientists have used theory to refer to an abstract generalization that offers a
systematic explanation about how phenomena are interrelated. In this
2. C traditional definition, a theory embodies at least two concepts that are related
in manner that the theory purports to explain. Thus, traditional theories
typically have explanation or prediction as their purposes.
External Criteria deals with how a particular theory relates to the world of
3. B
people, health, environment and nursing.
Conceptual paradigm is a visual presentation of variables that interrelate with
4. C one another as perceived by the researcher before an actual empirical
investigation is done to prove its relationship.
A theory is limited to its testability and ultimate use in a/an empirical
5. C
The theory must clearly show its relatedness to nursing. It must discriminate
6. D
between what nursing is and what it is not.
The theory must address issues basic and relevant to nursing practice and aims
7. A
toward increasing nursing knowledge.
Theory is a set of statement that describes or explains phenomena in a
8. D systematic way, pointing out why one event relates to another or what causes
an event to occur.
9. D Significance is included in external criteria.
Scope indicates whether the theory has narrow or broad focus and can
10. C
simplify relatedness of concepts and or variables in the study.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: You are to read the following statement of the problem (SOP). Based
from this SOP, identify if the terms are defined operationally using A. Denotative definition or B.
Connotative definition. All answers must be written in Capital letters only. Erasures and
superimpositions will be marked wrong.

1. A (b) The definition provided is broadly accepted and may be found in dictionaries.
The term "psychiatric rotation" refers to a planned task on which many people
2. A
may agree.

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3. B Students' status is considered a connotation since it describes their feelings.
4. A Denotation can be compared to dictionary definitions or meanings.
5. A Physical refers to the activities of the physical body.
6. B The term "social" can refer to society and/or organizations.
7. A (b) Psychological factors influence cognitive state in general.
Sensitivity and attachment are terms used to describe a person's subjective
8. B
notion of their spiritual belief.
The definition of terms is related to the subjective and cultural experiences of
9. B
Challenges are classified based on the implications or associations that may be
10. B
drawn from them.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. You are to identify the following types of assumptions. The
options are given below. All answers must be written in CAPITAL letters only (10 points).

1. A These are assumptions obtained from the researcher's personal knowledge or
from facts, experiences, and findings of prior studies that are directly relevant
to the subject under investigation.
2. B These are claims required in the study's pursuit and are used as beginning
points from which the investigation can proceed.
3. B These are assertions needed in the pursuit of the study which are taken as
starting points from where a study can proceed.
4. A These are assumptions obtained from the researcher's personal knowledge or
from facts, experiences, and findings of prior studies that are directly relevant
to the subject under investigation.
5. B These are assertions needed in the pursuit of the study which are taken as
starting points from where a study can proceed.
6. B These are assertions needed in the pursuit of the study which are taken as
starting points from where a study can proceed.
7. A These are assumptions obtained from the researcher's personal knowledge or
from facts, experiences, and findings of prior studies that are directly relevant
to the subject under investigation.
8. C These are assumptions formed from hypotheses developed by prior research in
a field of study, but they need to be confirmed and validated further.
9. C These are assumptions formed from hypotheses developed by prior research in
a field of study, but they need to be confirmed and validated further.
10. C These are assumptions formed from hypotheses developed by prior research in
a field of study, but they need to be confirmed and validated further.

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CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. You are to identify three (3) types of hypothesis in every item.
This means that you must have 3 answers for each number. Answers must be written in CAPITAL letters
only. (30 points)

1. BCF This hypothesis has more than two variables and is both directed and causal.
2. ACF This hypothesis is directed and causal, with only two variables.
3. ADF This hypothesis is non-directional and causal, with only two variables.
4. BCF This hypothesis includes more than two variables and is both directed and
5. BDE This hypothesis includes more than two variables and is both non-directional
and associative.
6. BCF This hypothesis has more than two variables and is both directed and causal.
7. ADE This hypothesis is non-directional and associative, with two variables.
8. ACF This hypothesis is directed and causal, with only two variables.
9. BCF This hypothesis has more than two variables and is both directed and causal.
10. ADE This hypothesis is non-directional and associative, with two variables.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. You are to identify the type of quantitative research with the
research titles given below. (10 points)

Surveys are types of research which gather primarily quantitative data
such as what people do, how or what they eat, how to meet their health
1. Survey needs, their compliance in taking medications, and what family planning
behavior they engage in, among others. They are usually based on
answers given by the respondents to questions of the researcher.
2. Evaluative Evaluative research is applied research that aims to find out how well a
Research program, practice, procedure or policy is working out.
Content analysis refers to the quantification of narrative data of a
3. Content Analysis research report, published articles or any form of communications for
purposes of analysis and evaluation.
Methodological research is concerned with the development of an
4. Methodological
instrument or procedure that measures effect or change on the
dependent variable.
5. Clinical Trials or
Clinical trials are designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of a
nursing intervention which is the music therapy among trauma patients.
6. Content Analysis Content analysis refers to the quantification of narrative data of a

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research report, published articles or any form of communications for
purposes of analysis and evaluation.
Treatment adherence (among diabetic clients) refers to the extent to
which a person's behavior — taking medication — corresponds with the
7. Survey agreed-upon recommendations from a healthcare provider, which
correlates to conducting a survey related to gathering quantitative data
on people's compliance in taking medication.
8. Evaluative Evaluative research is applied research that aims to find out how well a
Research program, practice, procedure or policy is working out.
9. Clinical Trials or
Clinical trials are designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of a
nursing intervention.
Content analysis refers to the quantification of narrative data of a
10. Content Analysis research report, published articles or any form of communications for
purposes of analysis and evaluation.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. You are to read and analyze the questions carefully and to
write your answers in Capital letters only. Erasures and superimpositions will be marked wrong (10

1. A This study is effective at discovering connection associations, but it may
struggle with determining cause and effect. The researcher is thus presented
with the classic chicken or egg problem with data from only one point in time.
2. B Correlational studies investigate the extent of a relationship between variables
by analyzing how changes in one variable affect changes in another. This is
often referred to as explanatory research.
3. D A feasibility study is carried out to examine the viability of an endeavor or a
commercial venture, as well as the establishment of an institution or the
construction of infrastructure.
4. B These studies are concerned with the development, testing and evaluation of
methods, procedures, guidelines and instruments after which as evaluative
judgment is done. This approach is also used to revise, modify existing
programs or develop more effective programs, methods and procedures in
nursing for more efficient and effective delivery of health care. This study is
also known as developmental or evaluative research.
5. A Descriptive normative surveys use self-reported data from samples to
investigate and characterize real life situations.
6. A Information and messages are clustered to determine the ideals and standards
of professional nursing practice.
7. A Descriptive studies involve analysis of an extremely broad range of
phenomena, the result of such analysis are a comprehensive presentation and
interpretation of statistical tabulations of data yielded by a survey.

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8. A There are three different types of longitudinal designs: trend studies, panel
designs and follow-up studies.
9. A They are usually undertaken to determine the subsequent status of subjects
with a specified condition or those who received a specified intervention.
10. A Descriptive research is a study that aims to accurately portray the participants.
The three basic methods for gathering this information are as follows:
observational, defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants.
A survey is described as a quick interview or discussion with persons about a
specific topic.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. Basic Analogy. This is a test of logical relations. You are to
read and analyze the inferences given and supply the word/group of missing word/s. Erasures and
superimpositions will be marked wrong. (10 points)


1. Quantitative: Objective; Qualitative: Subjective

RATIO: Qualitative research is considered as “soft science”, concerned with the “subjective” meaning of
experiences to an individual.
2. Husserlian: Descriptive; Heideggerian: Interpretive

RATIO: A careful description of ordinary conscious experience of everyday life- a description of “things”
These things include hearing, seeing, believing, feeling, remembering, deciding, evaluating and, acting.
3. Bracketing: Immersion ; Intuiting: Data Reduction

RATIO: Refers to the data collection process on which the researcher “lives” with the data overtime.
4. Descriptive Phenomenology: Bracketing; Ethnography: Reflexivity

RATIO: Only phenomenological researches require bracketing. In other qualitative studies, reflexivity,
not bracketing is considered) Reflexivity- Critical self-reflection about one’s own biases, preferences,
and preconceptions.
5. Statistician: expert in statistics; Bricoleur: expert in qualitative studies

RATIO: A bricoleur is a person who is immersed in a study situation and has the expertise in performing
qualitative research
6. Interpretive Phenomenology: Martin Heidegger; Descriptive Phenomenology: Edmund Gustav
Albrecht Husserl

RATIO: A careful description of ordinary conscious experience of everyday life- a description of “things”
These things include hearing, seeing, believing, feeling, remembering, deciding, evaluating and, acting.
7. Hermeneutics: lived experiences of people; Human Ethology: biology of human behavior

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RATIO: Hermeneutics to describe, interpret and explain the lived experiences of people
8. Methodologic Notes researcher’s strategies and methods; Personal Notes: researcher’s own

RATIO: Methodologic notes refer to the reflections about the strategies and methods used in the
9. Personal Notes: researcher’s own feelings; Theoretical or Analytical Notes; researchers
attaching meaning to observations

RATIO: Researchers notes on how to make sense of what is going on.

10. Open to meanings: Intuiting; Dissects significant meaning: Analyzing

RATIO: The researcher is open to meanings attributed to the phenomenon by those who have
experience it.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. Basic Analogy. This is a test of logical relations. You are to
read and analyze the inferences given and supply the word/group of missing word/s. Erasures and
superimpositions will be marked wrong. (10 points)

Case studies involve in-depth examination an analysis of people or groups of
people in relation to nursing issues or problems that are important to the
client and the researcher. Among the data that case studies cover are the
1. D client’s history, their patterns of growth and development, and other relevant
circumstances affecting the client under study. The results of the case
analysis are used as basis for formulating a suitable nursing care plan an as
guide for its implementation.
Systematic ethnography is the study that aims to define the structure of
2. D culture rather than to describe people and their social interaction, emotions
and materials.
Historical studies are involved in identification, location, critical evaluation
and synthesis of past events in order to shed light on present behavior,
3. C
trends or practices. The data for historical research are usually found in
documents or in relics and artifacts.
Biographies explore the life of an individual. Data are derives’ from
documents that describe the turning point or significant moments in the life
4. A of an individual. Data also include personal history, growth and development
patterns, significant accomplishments and the implications of these to the
individual and to society (Smith, 1994 and Creswell, 2003).
5. A Biographies explore the life of an individual. Data are derives’ from
documents that describe the turning point or significant moments in the life
of an individual. Data also include personal history, growth and development
patterns, significant accomplishments and the implications of these to the

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individual and to society (Smith, 1994 and Creswell, 2003).
The goal of this research is to figure out what is the meaning of observable
6. C
social interactions.
Grounded theory study is inductive research method developed by Barney
7. A
Glaser and Anselm Strauss.
Ethnographic studies refer to the collection and analysis of data on the
8. B
lifestyle and daily activities of a culture or a group of people.
9. A/D Quasi-experimental are considered to be a quantitative type of research.
Grounded theory studies are concerned with the analysis of data leading to
10. D
the development of theory


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. You are to write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
it is incorrect. Erasures and superimpositions will be marked wrong (10 points).

Mixed method of research integrates both qualitative and quantitative data in
a single study or coordinated clusters of studies. This method is commonly
1. TRUE used in social, behavioral and health sciences. The study using mixed method
can be enriched through judicious blending of qualitative and quantitative data
(Polit & Beck, 2009).
Sequential Exploratory is characterized by an initial phase of qualitative data
2. TRUE collection and analysis followed by a phase of quantitative data collection and
This design involves a single study containing qualitative and quantitative data
collection which is conducted at the same time. The purpose of this type of
investigation is to validate the findings generated by each method through
evidence produced by the other.
In a mixed method study, researchers can use as many of both methods as
they want, as long as it aids their research in some manner.
Words and numbers represent qualitative and quantitative data. These type of
5. TRUE data complement each other to point out its strengths and weaknesses and
allow the researcher to avoid the limitation of a single approach.
Sequential Explanatory is characterized by collection and analysis of
quantitative data followed by a collection and analysis of qualitative data.
Concurrent Triangulation is characterized by two or more methods used to
7. TRUE confirm, cross-validate, or corroborate findings within a study. Data collection
is concurrent.
A concurrent nested design is an approach that requires data to be collected at
8. FALSE the same time and one method dominates while the other is embedded or
“nested” within.
The results of the quantitative and qualitative data are integrated in the
interpretation phase of Sequential Transformative research.
10. TRUE Concurrent Triangulation Purpose: Generally, both methods are used to

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overcome a weakness in using one method with the strengths of another.


CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Short Quiz. You are to identify whether the following is a sample,
sampling unit, universe, target population or subject population.

This is the group of individuals or objects chosen to provide actual
1. Subject Population
data and information needed in a research.
The universe is a totality of elements to which research findings may
apply. This also refers to the target population, the group of people or
2. Universe
objects from which the researcher intends to collect data and
generalize the findings of the study.
This is the group of individuals or objects which is of interest to the
3. Target Population
researcher and about which speculative information is desired.
A sampling unit refers to a specific area or place which can be used
4. Sampling Unit
during the sampling process.
This is the group of individuals or objects chosen to provide actual
5. Subject Population
data and information needed in a research.
A sampling unit refers to a specific area or place which can be used
6. Sampling unit
during the sampling process.
This is the group of individuals or objects which is of interest to the
7. Target Population
researcher and about which speculative information is desired.
The universe is a totality of elements to which research findings may
apply. This also refers to the target population, the group of people or
8. Universe
objects from which the researcher intends to collect data and
generalize the findings of the study.
Target Population is the group of individuals or objects which is of
9. Target Population interest to the researcher and about which speculative information is
This is the group of individuals or objects chosen to provide actual
10. Subject Population
data and information needed in a research.

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