Guidelines For Consumer Insight Project
Guidelines For Consumer Insight Project
Guidelines For Consumer Insight Project
*No AI Content would be accepted.
*Report and Presentation must carry LT. no and group members’ names and roll numbers.
*Due date: 19th April 2024 (Friday)
*The examination date will be announced very soon.
The proper format and structure of the report is given below. Additionally, the details for
Go through it properly.
At this point you are required to create as real a picture as possible of the potential consumers for the
new product to truly understand who they are.
Their work, a basic review of their work history, and their family
General profile
Demographic information
Age, salary, where they live, and gender. Basic demographic information.
What their personality is like and their preferred sales communication
This section is intended to reflect how your business can help them through the following:
How can your product or service help to achieve their desired objectives
What can your business do?
and overcome the challenges that they have?
Combine the feedback from your interviews and research with feedback from your customers to
highlight your customer's most common objectives, goals, and challenges that are blocking them. This
point is essential when designing your company's ideal Buyer Person. You must be aware of the
problems that make it difficult for you to reach your potential customers. By understanding their pain
points, you'll understand how to fix them.
Once you have an in-depth understanding of your customers' needs, it's time to define the messages
you're going to use to reach them in terms of following decisions:
Based on the insights generated about your potential customer what type
Product decision
of modification you will like to suggest in your product and why?
How will you describe your company's solution to your buyer ? How will
Marketing Communication you appeal to their needs? Which medium you will use to reach them and
Which distribution strategy you will use and why? What fuctions you
Product distribution
will expect from your channel partner and why?
Price Which pricing strategy and method you will use and why?
These questions are essential for you to ask during your interview process to develop an insight about
your consumer. Since the objective is to develop a holistic picture of your consumer, it is essential to
ask questions that are not just only related to the new product.
Family situation?
What do you think and feel? Expectations, inspirations, fears, motivations and concerns.