Review On Factors Affecting Adoption of

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P-ISSN: 2618-0723 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.

E-ISSN: 2618-0731

International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

Volume 1; Issue 2; Jul-Dec 2018; Page No. 62-68
Received: 17-07-2018 Indexed Journal
Accepted: 20-08-2018 Peer Reviewed Journal

Review on factors affecting adoption of improved maize seed technology in Ethiopia

Taminaw Zewdie
Gewane Agricultural College, Department of plant Science, Gewane Ethiopia.

Maize is a multipurpose cereal crop that provides food for human, feed for animals and raw material for the industries. In
terms of production and yield maize is the most important crop in the country. But it is generally constrained by low
productivity and lack of productivity due to inputs such as high yielding variety seeds and fertilizers poor extension services,
shortage of traction power and declining fertility of farmlands. To solve these problems large numbers of technologies have
been generated. However, the adoption of these technologies by small holder farmer is limited. This problem seems from
different factors.
Among these factors education level, extension service, credit access, distance from market, availability of improved maize
seed, house hold size, off-farm income, farm size and farm This seminar has been done to review the factors affecting adoption
of improved maize seed technology in Ethiopia. The objective of this seminar is to review the factors affecting adoption of
improved maize seed technology and farmers’ productivity in Ethiopia and to distribute improved maize seed for the society.

Keywords: Maize seed, affecting adoption, distribute improved

1. Introduction Unit mandate area by the extension and project

Maize (Zea mays L.) is a multipurpose cereal crop that implementation department (EPID) of the minister of
provides food for human, feed for animals especially poultry agriculture (MOA), thorough a minimum package program
and livestock and raw material for the industries. It is the in (Tesfaye et al., 2011) [23, 24]. Since then considerable
third most important cereal crop after wheat and rice. Maize efforts have been made to extend the new technology like
is stable food in Ethiopia and can be prepared as soft fertilizers, improved varieties, herbicides, insecticides and
pancake (Injera), porridge (Genfo), roasted (kolo), boiled other improved agronomic practice. Even though many
(nifro) or brewed to produce an alcoholic beverage (Tela) efforts are made improved maize seed technology has not
(Farhad et al., 2012). been widely adopted by farmers (Mulugeta, 2012).
In terms of production and yield maize is the most important Maize & other cereal farms in the country are generally
in Ethiopia. The majority maize production (94%) occurs constrained by low labor productivity and lack of
during the long rainy season (Meher, June to September) the productivity augmenting in puts such as high yielding
Sidama and North Omo zones account for approximately variety seeds and fertilizers poor extension services,
32% and 19% respectively of maize produced in southern Shortage of traction power and declining fertility of
Ethiopia, in this area maize is most important stable crop in farmlands are also among the main problems. One feasible
terms of cultivated area production and yield. The potential alternative through which the lively hood of these farmers
for increased yield is grater where improved verities and could be improved is by adopting improved maize seed
optimum agronomic practice are used (Getahun, 2010) (Mulugeta, 2012).
. However, high yielding improved maize variety seeds
Several studies attempt to evaluate the adoption of improved cannot be purchased or sold in competitive markets in
technologies in Ethiopia. Identification of factors by itself is Ethiopia yet with institutionally rationed supply of seeds,
the challenging academic exercise however; depends to a extension advice and both free market and government base
large extent on their ability to attract the attention of supply of complementary packages such as fertilizers and
development practitioners and policy makers in effect. If pesticides, the number of small scale farmers adopting high
these factors are to be of practical importance, development yielding variety (HYV) maize technology in Ethiopia is
practitioners and policy makers need to be informed about rapidly growing based on the premise that achieving
the likelihood of the effectiveness of the alternative substantial productivity increase requires giving farmers
strategies that could be used (Bedassa, 2011) [4]. appropriate extension messages and complementary
In Ethiopia attempt have been made to defuse new institutional arrangements (Bedassa, 2011) [4].
agricultural technologies since end of 1960 when the Different agricultural extension programs that strive to
Chilalo agricultural development unit (CADU) was achieve this end have been implemented over the past two
established in Chilalo district. New technologies where later and half decades all the programs have involved the
expand to areas out the Chilalo Agricultural Development distribution of modern in puts such as fertilizers, improved 62
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

seed and related technology packages however the scale and 2.1.1. The Process of Adoption
organization of institutional arrangements, the approach and The adoption is a decision-making process, in which an
emphasis were different from program to program. Thus, individual goes through a number of mental stages before
this review identified the constraints and the given solution making a final decision to adopt an innovation. Decision-
to adopt improved maize seed technology packages in making process is the process through which an individual
Ethiopian context. pass from first knowledge of an innovation, to forming an
attitude toward an innovation, to a decision to adopt or
1.2. Objective reject, to implementation of new idea, and to confirmation
1.2.1. General objective of the decision (Roger and Shoemakers, 1971). The
 To Review on factors affecting adoption of improved adoption or rejection of an innovation is the consequence of
maize seed Technology diffusion of an innovation.
Diffusion is a process by which new ideas are
1.2.2 Specific objective communicated to the members of a social system (Roger
 To identify factors constrained improved maize seed and Shoemakers, 1971). An innovation is an idea, method or
technology packages object which is regarded as a new by an individual, but
 To evaluate and identify the obtained results from which is not always the result of recent research (Van den
previous research works Ban, 1998). Diffusion and adoption are thus closely
interrelated even though they are conceptually distinct
2. Literature Review (Dasgupta, 2009) [8]. Not all innovations diffuse at the same
2.1. Importance of the Maize Crop rate. The differences in the diffusion rates of innovations in
Maize is cultivated in almost all countries, occupying an a community can be largely explained by the differences in
area of approximately 160 million hectares (Silva et al., the traits of innovation, as perceived by potential adopters
2017). In nutritional terms, maize has a carbohydrate-rich such as: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trial
composition, mainly in the form of starch, and also has ability and observability (Dasgupta, (2009) [8].
proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals (Oliveira et al., According to Dasgupta (2009) [8], adopters have a high rate
2014). One important feature is that grains can be directly of literacy and higher level of formal education, operate
consumed, without the need for processing to remove the large sized holdings, own the land they operate, have a
hull as it is done with other cereals, such as rice and wheat. relatively high income and economic status, are commercial
In sub-Saharan Africa, maize is the most important in farming operation, have relatively high level of extension
agricultural species, both for being the most cultivated and contact, and belong to upper socio-economic status
produced in quantitative terms and for being the one which categories. On the other hand, non-adopters have a low rate
supplies 40 to 50% of the calories and proteins consumed in of literacy and level of formal education, operate
Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia (Prasanna, 2012; Cairns et smallholdings, are mostly small and marginal farmers,
al., 2013). belong to low income group, have a low level of socio-
In the production systems of commercial plantations, there economic status categories.
is a greater economic investment, aiming at obtaining higher
yields with higher level of management, through the 2.2. Classification of stage of Technology Adoption
chemical control of insects and diseases, greater application Christensen’s R (2008) [7] classify stage of technology
of fertilizers, use of irrigation and seeds of hybrid cultivars adoption as follows:
(Argenta et al., 2003). Alternatively, it is also possible to
use seeds of the intervarietal hybrids of maize (hybrids of Stage 1. Awareness: when someone aware that technology
F2 maize populations), and open pollinated varieties (or exists but have not used it, perhaps he or she might be even
cultivars) (OPV), which are obtained by free pollination avoiding it and anxious about the prospect of using
between maize plants. Therefore, they are highly technology.
heterozygous and heterogeneous, with the characteristic of
having greater production stability and genetic variability Stage 2. Learning the process: someone currently trying to
(Fritsche-Neto & Môro, 2015). learn basis.
The wide adaptability of the maize crop and the potential to
produce more calories and food per area of land cultivated Stage 3. Understanding & application process: when
than all major cereals grown in Ethiopia were important someone beginning to understand the process of using the
factors in considering maize as part of the national food technology &can think of specific task in which it might be
security strategy, including its inclusion under the useful.
government-led intensive agricultural extension program.
With increased production driving market prices down, Stage 4. Familiarity &confidence: someone gaining a
maize became more affordable (e.g., relative to other staples sense of confidence in using technology for specific task
such as teff and wheat) to rural and urban consumers. It is and starting to feel comfortable in using technology.
now increasingly used both separately as well as in mixed
flour with other more expensive cereals in traditional Stage 5. Adoption to other Context: someone thinks about
Ethiopian diets. Maize is the most important staple in terms the technology and no longer concerned about it as a
of calorie intake in rural Ethiopia (Abate et al., 2015) [1]. technology. he or she use many applications & as an
instructional aid.
2.1. Stage of Technology Adoption 63
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

Stage6. Creative application to new context: someone 1. Innovator: brave people, pulling the change innovators
apply what he or she know about technology in the class are very important communication
room, able to use it as instructional to &integration into the 2. Early adopters: respectable people, opinion leaders, try
curriculum. out new ideas but in a careful way
3. Early majority: thoughtful people, careful but accepting
2.3 Model of Technology Adoption change more quickly than the average
Rogers model for the adoption &diffusion of innovation: 4. Late majorities: skeptic people will use new ideas/
The innovation adoption curve of Rogers is a model that product only the majority is using it
classifies adopters of innovation to various categories based 5. Laggards: traditional people, caring for the old way, are
on idea that certain individuals are inevitably more open to critical towards new ideas &will only accept it if the
adaptation than others it is also referred as multi step flow new idea has been mainstreams.
theory of diffusion of innovations theory.

Source: (Tesfaye, 2011) [23, 24].

Fig 1: Roggers model for diffusion adoption of technology.

Sources; (Bedassa, 2011) [4].

Fig 2: Different factors that affect adoption of improved maize seed

2.4. Factors Affecting Improved Maize Adoption in al., 1996) [13, 14] in their study reported that the availability
Ethiopia of reliable information sources will enhance communication
There are different factors that affect adoption of improved process and had significant associations with adoption of
maize seed, these factors can be categorized in to three main improved technologies. (Tesfaye et al., 2011) [23, 24].
groups. reported that access to credit had a significant and positive
influence on the adoption of improved technologies.
2.4.1 Institutional factors The study conducted by (Rahmeto, 2013) on adoption of
Institutional factors are also having important role in improved maize technology has shown significant
influencing the behaviors of farmers contact in adoption of relationship to nearest market distance. However, (Shivani
improved technologies. Institutional factors like frequent et al., 2010) reported that the distance to market is
extension contact is positively related to the adoption negatively related to maize adoption. Participation in
decision of farmers (Habtemariam, 2014, and Kansana et extension training will enable farmers to get more 64
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

information and improve their understanding about the adoption behavior. These includes Ages, sex, education,
available packages, which may intern leads to a change in farming experience have reviewed by (Shivani et al., 2010).
their knowledge, attitude and behavior. According to
(Tesfaye et al., 2011) [23, 24], attendance of agricultural 1. Farming Experience: Habtemariam, (2014) [13] found
training is positively and significantly related to the that the most efficient farmers appear to have less
adoption of improved maize technologies. farming experience than the least efficient once. More
1. Extension service: it was hypothesized that contact with experience is negatively related to adoption at older
extension agent (development agent) will increase age. The result of (Chilot et al., 2011) [6] also indicated
farmers’ livelihood of adopting improved maize seed. It that farming experience does not matter in the adoption
is measured as the number of contacts between the of improved wheat and coffee technologies.
extension agent and the farmer (Mulugeta, 2005)
explained that extension service is measure of number 2. Household size: it is the number of persons lived in
of visits per month by the extension worker to a farmer one house. Larger house hold will be able to provide
during the cropping season. It is positively and the labor that might be required by improved maize
significantly influenced the adoption and intensity of seed. This house hold size would be expected to
use of improved maize seed. each additional by the increase the probability of adoption (Getahun et al.,
extension agent to farmer increased the probability of 2010) [12].
adoption of improved maize seed and also increased the
number of hectares of land planted with improved seed 3. Level of education: education level of farmer is a
and the number of users. factor that the literature frequently relates to greater
2. Distance the nearest market: Distance to the nearest rates of adoption of new technology. Education level is
input market is another factor which has a negative the years of schooling of farmers, participation in
significant influence on the extent of adoption of the formal training. Schooling increases the probability of
farmers. It was hypothesized that those farmers who adoption. a farmer who has more years of education is
live in remote area are reluctant to adopt improved more likely to adopt improved maize seed than those
seed. This is possibly because they have limited access who have never been to school (Tesfeye, 2011). The
to modern agricultural inputs and market information more house hold head is expected to be more efficient
(Tesfaye, 2011) [23, 24]. to understand and obtain new technology in shorter
3. Access to credit: the provision of micro credit to period of time than un educated people. education
farmers is seen as effective strategies for promoting the enhance farm productivity directly by improving
adoption of improved technologies. it is be lived that quality of labor, to help farmers master new
access to credit promotes the adoption of technology information and develop new skill by increasing the
through the relation of the liquidity constraints as well ability to adjust instability of situation and though this
as through boosting of house hold risk bearing ability increase the propensity to successful adopt innovation.
with the option of borrowing. A house hold can do One can conclude that adoption of improved
away with risk reducing but in efficient income technology is directly influenced by the level of
diversification and concentrate more on risky but education of the farmer (Asfaw, 2014) [3].
efficient investment and credit constraint are
responsible for the low adoption of hybrid maize seed 4. Age of the farmer: the age of farmer can generate or
due to its requirement for costly seed (Eswaran and erode confidence in other words with age a farmer can
Kiowa, 2010) [10]. became more or less risk averse to new technology. It is
4. Availability of maize seed: availability of maize seed at hypothesized that a farmer age can increase or decrease
the right time and the required quantity has the the probability of adopting technology. Younger farmer
expected positive and significance influence on is more knowledgeable and are likely to bear risk due to
adoption and level of use of improved maize seed. longer planning horizon, older farmers will be in
More over provision of improved maize seed increases opposition to experience much with their traditional
the number of hectares planted with improved variety farming practice and expected to be less responsive to
of maize and users of improved seed. Ethiopia in newly introduced agricultural technology. So the age
general about the supply of improved seed in short has negative influence on the probability of adoption
supplies and hence adoption becomes a question of (Million &Belay, 2014) [16].
provision of the recommended quantity and problem of
timely provision of maize seed (Alene, 2010) [2]. 5. Gender of a house hold head: female or male headed
house hold can have different adoption rate. This
2.4.2. Personal and demographic factors variable can both positively or negatively affect the
These factors are the most common household adoption rate (Getahun et al., 2010) [12].
characteristics which are mostly related with farmers' 65
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

Table 1: Demographic factors of maize farmers in the regions of Ethiopia

Adopters Non-adopters
Characteristics SD SD t-statistic
Mean Mean
Age of head of household 42.33 13.32 42.00 13.40 0.464 NS
Level of education 2.46 3.26 1.53 2.59 4.892***
Farm experience(own farm) 20.3 12.55 20.21 13.2 0.85NS
Family size under 14 years 7.30 3.10 6.30 2.70 5.546***
Children under 14 years 3.31 1.90 2.85 1.82 3.848**
Adult male,15_60 1.98 1.27 1.74 1.19 3.150***
Adult female ,15_60 1.86 1.22 1.56 1.08 4.115***
Dependent male and female 61 years and above 0.16 0.43 0.13 0.38 1.016NS
Level of education N % N % X2 Statistic
Illiterate 391 35.0 175 52.0
Primary school 253 23.0 61 19.0
Junior secondary 64 6.0 9 3.0
Secondary school 96 9.0 15 4.0
Source: (Tesfaye, 2011) [23, 24].

2.4.3. Economic factors as pluriactivity. off farm income is direct linked with
Economic related factors such as farm size, off- farm part time farming, it refers to the portion of farm house
activities, live stock ownership influence farmers' adoption hold income obtained off the farm (non-farm) including
behavior. Concerning farm size, the findings of (Nkonya et wages and salary and interest income earned by farm
al., 2005) reported that farm size exerts a positive influence family. A farmer annual off-income positively increase
on adoption of improved technologies. Contrary to this the adoption of improved maize seed technology
study, (Rahimeto, 2017) were reported that land holding (Tesfaye, 2011) [23, 24].
was not significant in adoption of improved maize
technology package. Off-farm and non-farm activities are 2. Farm income: it is the income of farmer gained
the other important activities through which rural annually. The farm income has influence on the
households get additional income. The income obtained adoption of improved maize seed; it enables a farmer to
from such activities helps farmers to purchase farm inputs. buy improved maize seed and other new technology
Review of some of the past empirical studies shows that the (Asfaw, 2014) [3].
findings regarding the influence of off-farm/ non-farm
income on adoption vary from one study to the other. 3. Farm size: it is the average size of farm land owned by
However, majority of the studies reported positive farmer. Farm size an indicator of wealth and perhaps a
contribution of off-farm and non-farm income to proxy for social status and influence within a
households’ adoption of improved agricultural technologies. community. It is positively associated with the decision
1. Off-farm income: it is generated when a farmer or to adopt improved maize technology (Getahun et al.,
other family member works off on the farm, there by 2010) [12].
generating income for the family. it is also referred to

Table 2: Economic factors of maize farmers in the regions of Ethiopia

Characteristics Adopters Non-adopters
N Mean SD N Mean SD t-statistic
Total Farm Size 1104 2.04 1.54 339 1.42 1.23 6.753 ***
Cultivated Land 1101 1.69 1.20 392 1.27 1.13 5.828***
Area of The Maize 1120 0.91 0.85 349 0.66 0.51 5.019***
Hire Seasonal Labor N % N %
Yes 324 29.5 55 16.4 X2 statistic 22.686**
No 776 70.5 281 83.6
Use Community Labor for Farm Operations
Yes 891 81.4 262 77.3
No 204 18.6 77 22.7
Source; (Shiferaw, 2011)

2.5. Adoption of Technology and Farmer Productivity price of Agricultural products and higher real wage to the
Agricultural productivity increases one of the desired out benefit of poor net buyers and wage laborers respectively
comes from sensible food security &agricultural policies. .third a well performing agricultural sector has important
increased productivity might lead to improved welfare of economic multiplier effect on vibrancy of the of off-farm
rural populations through several pathways .first increased rural economy (Chencho, et, al, 2011) [5].
productivity leads to higher food availability at the house Productivity improving agricultural technology reduces
hold level second increased food availability leads to lower poverty by increasing rural agricultural income, reducing 66
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development

food price, facilitating the growth of non-farm sector, by 5. Acknowledgement

stimulating the transition from low productivity subsistence First and foremost, we would like to thank and praise the
agriculture to high productivity agro-industrial economy. almighty God for giving me the opportunity to finish or
The potential for poverty reduction through the above finalize this seminar. we the deepest gratitude to instructor
transmission mechanisms depend on the extent to which Dr. Agegn Shibeshi our seminar advisor for his constructive
agricultural productivity can be increased. Agricultural comments and suggestions throughout our report. Without
innovation can have both direct and indirect effects on his professional assistance and guidance this seminar would
poverty. The direct effects of the technological innovation not be valuable.
on poverty reduction are those productivity benefits enjoyed We would also like to thank Mekdela amba University
by farmers who actually adopt the innovation, the benefits College of Agriculture and Natural Resource, for giving our
typically manifest themselves in form of higher farm profits. computer access that allowed to our find many sources
The indirect effects productivity induced benefits passed on which are useful for our seminar.
to other by the innovating farmers. These may comprise
lower food price, higher non-farm employment level, 6. References
increases in consumption for all farmer. all of these effects 1. Abate T, Shiferaw B, Menkir A, Wegary D, Kebede Y,
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