Project-Based and Problem-Based

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Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy based on
the constructivist learning theory through collaboration and self-
directed learning.

With PBL, students create knowledge and comprehension of a subject

through the experience of solving an open-ended problem without a
defined solution. Rather than focusing on learning problem-solving, PBL
allows for the development of self-directed knowledge acquisition, along
with enhanced teamwork and communication skills. Although originally
developed for medical education, its use has expanded to other
What is the goal of problem-based learning?

The goal of problem-based learning is to offer authentic, directly relevant

learning experiences to support active and meaningful inquiry and
knowledge-based approaches to problem solving.
The four characteristics of problem-based learning are:

Authentic Personalized Non-linear Guide and scaffold

use real-world, Personalise Learners work in Steer learners in the

relevant problems learning, connecting multiple directions right direction using
that are meaningful with learner and explore diverse prompting questions
to learners. individual styles and avenues, theories, and provide
creativity. ideas and solutions. resources.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Problem-Based Learning
1.Promotes critical thinking and analytical skills

2.Promotes self confidence and motivation

3. Promotes Collaborative Skills

4.Promotion of Deep learning

5.Makes students develop positive attitude towards learning

Advantages and Disadvantages of
Problem-Based Learning
1. Requires Careful Planning

2. Time and Effort for Implementation

3. Students unpreparedness

4. Teachers Unpreparedness

5. Very difficult and expensive


Research: Students conduct research to understand the root causes

and impacts of environmental degradation in the community, including
factors contributing to pollution and its effects on health, livelihoods,
and ecosystems.
Role Assignment: Each student is assigned a role and prepares
arguments, proposals, or actions based on the perspective of their
assigned stakeholder group.

Collaboration: Students collaborate within their respective roles to develop

strategies and solutions to address the environmental challenges. They must
consider the interests, concerns, and limitations of other stakeholders while
advocating for their positions.
Presentation: Each group presents their proposed solutions to the class, explaining
the rationale behind their recommendations and how they address the identified
environmental issues.
Discussion and Reflection: After the presentations, students engage in a class
discussion to evaluate the proposed solutions, consider alternative perspectives, and
reflect on the complexities of addressing environmental problems in the real world.
Project-based learning is a student-centered approach that
positions the student as the agent of their learning. It
encourages them to take ownership of their educational
journey, making their learning more meaningful, relevant,
and enduring. By solving real-world problems, students
become active participants in their learning process,
fostering their ability to apply what they have learned in
authentic contexts.
Here are just some of the ways that PBL transforms students'
educational experiences:

– Engaged hearts and minds – Deeper learning – A sense of purpose

Students actively engage
Students actively engage PBL leads to deeper
with PBL projects that
with PBL projects that understanding and greater
provide real-world
provide real-world retention of content
relevance for learning.
relevance for learning. knowledge. Students are
Students can solve
Students can solve better able to apply what
problems that are
problems that are they know to new
important to them and their
important to them and their situations.
Here are just some of the ways that PBL transforms students'
educational experiences:

– Engaged hearts and minds – Deeper learning – A sense of purpose

Students actively engage
Students actively engage PBL leads to deeper
with PBL projects that
with PBL projects that understanding and greater
provide real-world
provide real-world retention of content
relevance for learning.
relevance for learning. knowledge. Students are
Students can solve
Students can solve better able to apply what
problems that are
problems that are they know to new
important to them and their
important to them and their situations.
Here are just some of the ways that PBL transforms students'
educational experiences:

– Successful Skills – Creativity and Technology

Students gain skills

Students enjoy using a
valuable in today’s
spectrum of technology tools
workplace and in life, such
from research and
as how to take initiative,
collaboration through product
work responsibly, solve
creation and presentation.
problems, collaboration in
teams, and communicate
Importance of Project-Based
-Project-based learning is an evidence-based instrument in
modern pedagogical practices because it cultivates an
environment where learning is not merely a theoretical construct
but a practical, tangible experience. It aims to foster critical
thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, creativity, and
communication while making learning more relevant, engaging,
and memorable.

Why Project-Based Learning?

Because Project Based Learning engages students in learning that is
deep and long-lasting, and inspires for them a love of learning and
personal connection to their academic experience.
Advantages of Project-Based

Deeper Engagement Communication

Fosters Creativity
This is one of the most beautiful
by products of this approach. A presentation to the class or group at the -The difference in creative ideation
Students learn more because end of a project-based learning exercise is and design is remarkable with project-
they want to learn more. They just one of the ways that students are based learning. In this approach,
offered the opportunity to practice and student agency is huge. We provide
become the driving force for
grow in their writing, public speaking, and support and scaffolding, but students
their own learning as they effective communication. They also take charge of the project. The choices
discover their voice matters continually hone these skills at the micro of what to use and how to present
and their learning has relevance and interpersonal levels throughout their materials are left to the students.
and purpose. projects.
Advantages of Project-Based

Project-based learning is an
It’s Fun!
opportunity for students to
-No one said a curriculum or learning
critique and revise their needs to be boring, but that’s what
approach when they encounter many traditional models can be for
obstacles. As they continue to students. Project-based learning
actively explore a real-world creates a personal connection between
problem, they acquire a deeper the students and the material that
knowledge that requires further makes the learning process
inquiry they have to keep going. purposeful, relevant, and significantly
more meaningful!
Disadvantages of Project-Based

Problematic Group Less Adaptability to Apathy (lack of emotion,

Dynamics active Learning interest, and concern)
- Few students do the maximum
amount of work, and the rest have
-Passive participant in class and are not
no contribution. -This is a commonly faced issue, where
involved much in engaging activities. This
- Few students tend to take due to lack of interest, students
impacts learning as it tends to remain
complete charge and like to do backstage. It becomes challenging to help engage less in project work.
everything on their own, whereas students design their own choices in the
sometimes, there may be students project.
who simply refuse to work on a
particular thing.
Disadvantages of Project-Based

Low Productivity Student

- This can be highly beneficial unpreparedness
for your intellectual growth,
but with often cones -This act can be barrier in the success
productivity issues. Some of PBL. Some students may struggle
students do not know what to to grasp the concepts and identify the
problem of their own, which can
do with this freedom,
make them feel disengaged.
especially if not guided

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