Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Ratio Analysis
Significance :- This ratio should be 33% or more than that. In other words, the
proportion of shareholders funds to total funds should be 33% or more.
A higher proprietary ratio is generally treated an indicator of sound financial
position from long-term point of view, because it means that the firm is less
dependent on external sources of finance.
If the ratio is low it indicates that long-term loans are less secured and they face
the risk of losing their money.
d. Fixed Assets to Proprietor’s Fund Ratio :- This ratio is also know as fixed
assets to net worth ratio.
Fixed Asset to Proprietor’s Fund Ratio = Fixed Assets/Proprietor’s Funds (i.e., Net
Significance :- The ratio indicates the extent to which proprietor’s (Shareholder’s)
funds are sunk into fixed assets. Normally , the purchase of fixed assets should be
financed by proprietor’s funds. If this ratio is less than 100%, it would mean that
proprietor’s fund are more than fixed assets and a part of working capital is
provided by the proprietors. This will indicate the long-term financial soundness of
e. Capital Gearing Ratio:- This ratio establishes a relationship between equity
capital (including all reserves and undistributed profits) and fixed cost bearing
Capital Gearing Ratio = Equity Share Capital+ Reserves + P&L Balance/ Fixed
cost Bearing Capital
Whereas, Fixed Cost Bearing Capital = Preference Share Capital + Debentures +
Long Term Loan
Significance:- If the amount of fixed cost bearing capital is more than the
equity share capital including reserves an undistributed profits), it will be called
high capital gearing and if it is less, it will be called low capital gearing.
The high gearing will be beneficial to equity shareholders when the rate of
interest/dividend payable on fixed cost bearing capital is lower than the rate of
return on investment in business.
Thus, the main objective of using fixed cost bearing capital is to maximize the
profits available to equity shareholders.
f. Interest Coverage Ratio:- This ratio is also termed as ‘Debt Service Ratio’. This
ratio is calculated as follows:
Interest Coverage Ratio = Net Profit before charging interest and tax / Fixed
Interest Charges
Significance :- This ratio indicates how many times the interest charges are
covered by the profits available to pay interest charges.
This ratio measures the margin of safety for long-term lenders.
This higher the ratio, more secure the lenders is in respect of payment of interest
regularly. If profit just equals interest, it is an unsafe position for the lender as well
as for the company also , as nothing will be left for shareholders.
An interest coverage ratio of 6 or 7 times is considered appropriate.
(C) Activity Ratio or Turnover Ratio :- These ratio are calculated on the bases of ‘cost
of sales’ or sales, therefore, these ratio are also called as ‘Turnover Ratio’. Turnover
indicates the speed or number of times the capital employed has been rotated in the
process of doing business. Higher turnover ratio indicates the better use of capital or
resources and in turn lead to higher profitability.
It includes the following :
a. Stock Turnover Ratio:- This ratio indicates the relationship between the cost
of goods during the year and average stock kept during that year.
Stock Turnover Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold / Average Stock
Here, Cost of goods sold = Net Sales – Gross Profit
Average Stock = Opening Stock + Closing Stock/2
Significance:- This ratio indicates whether stock has been used or not. It shows
the speed with which the stock is rotated into sales or the number of times the
stock is turned into sales during the year.
The higher the ratio, the better it is, since it indicates that stock is selling quickly.
In a business where stock turnover ratio is high, goods can be sold at a low
margin of profit and even than the profitability may be quit high.
b. Debtors Turnover Ratio :- This ratio indicates the relationship between
credit sales and average debtors during the year :
Debtor Turnover Ratio = Net Credit Sales / Average Debtors + Average B/R
While calculating this ratio, provision for bad and doubtful debts is not deducted
from the debtors, so that it may not give a false impression that debtors are
collected quickly.
Significance :- This ratio indicates the speed with which the amount is collected
from debtors. The higher the ratio, the better it is, since it indicates that amount
from debtors is being collected more quickly. The more quickly the debtors pay,
the less the risk from bad- debts, and so the lower the expenses of collection and
increase in the liquidity of the firm.
By comparing the debtors turnover ratio of the current year with the previous year,
it may be assessed whether the sales policy of the management is efficient or not.
c. Average Collection Period :- This ratio indicates the time with in which the
amount is collected from debtors and bills receivables.
Average Collection Period = Debtors + Bills Receivable / Credit Sales per day
Here, Credit Sales per day = Net Credit Sales of the year / 365
Second Formula :-
Average Collection Period = Average Debtors *365 / Net Credit Sales
Average collection period can also be calculated on the bases of ‘Debtors Turnover
Ratio’. The formula will be:
Average Collection Period = 12 months or 365 days / Debtors Turnover Ratio
Significance :- This ratio shows the time in which the customers are paying for
credit sales. A higher debt collection period is thus, an indicates of the inefficiency
and negligency on the part of management. On the other hand, if there is decrease
in debt collection period, it indicates prompt payment by debtors which reduces the
chance of bad debts.
d. Creditors Turnover Ratio :- This ratio indicates the relationship between credit
purchases and average creditors during the year .
Creditors Turnover Ratio = Net credit Purchases / Average Creditors + Average B/P
Note :- If the amount of credit purchase is not given in the question, the ratio may
be calculated on the bases of total purchase.
Significance :- This ratio indicates the speed with which the amount is being paid
to creditors. The higher the ratio, the better it is, since it will indicate that the
creditors are being paid more quickly which increases the credit worthiness of the
d. Average Payment Period :- This ratio indicates the period which is normally
taken by the firm to make payment to its creditors.
Average Payment Period = Creditors + B/P/ Credit Purchase per day
This ratio may also be calculated as follows :
Average Payment Period = 12 months or 365 days / Creditors Turnover Ratio
Significance :- The lower the ratio, the better it is, because a shorter payment
period implies that the creditors are being paid rapidly.
d. Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio :- This ratio reveals how efficiently the fixed
assets are being utilized.
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold/ Net Fixed Assets
Here, Net Fixed Assets = Fixed Assets – Depreciation
Significance:- This ratio is particular importance in manufacturing concerns where
the investment in fixed asset is quit high. Compared with the previous year, if there
is increase in this ratio, it will indicate that there is better utilization of fixed assets.
If there is a fall in this ratio, it will show that fixed assets have not been used as
efficiently, as they had been used in the previous year.
e. Working Capital Turnover Ratio :- This ratio reveals how efficiently
working capital has been utilized in making sales.
Formula :-
Working Capital Turnover Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold / Working Capital
Here, Cost of Goods Sold = Opening Stock + Purchases + Carriage + Wages +
Other Direct Expenses - Closing Stock
Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities
Significance :- This ratio is of particular importance in non-manufacturing
concerns where current assets play a major role in generating sales. It shows the
number of times working capital has been rotated in producing sales.
A high working capital turnover ratio shows efficient use of working capital and
quick turnover of current assets like stock and debtors.
A low working capital turnover ratio indicates under-utilisation of working capital.
Profitability Ratios or Income Ratios
(D) Profitability Ratios or Income Ratios:- The main object of every business
concern is to earn profits. A business must be able to earn adequate profits in
relation to the risk and capital invested in it. The efficiency and the success of a
business can be measured with the help of profitability ratio.
Profitability ratios are calculated to provide answers to the following questions:
i. Is the firm earning adequate profits?
ii. What is the rate of gross profit and net profit on sales?
iii. What is the rate of return on capital employed in the firm?
iv. What is the rate of return on proprietor’s (shareholder’s) funds?
v. What is the earning per share?
Profitability ratio can be determined on the basis of either sales or investment into
(A) Profitability Ratio Based on Sales :
a) Gross Profit Ratio : This ratio shows the relationship between gross profit and
Formula :
Gross Profit Ratio = Gross Profit / Net Sales *100
Here, Net Sales = Sales – Sales Return
Significance:- This ratio measures the margin of profit available on sales. The
higher the gross profit ratio, the better it is. No ideal standard is fixed for this ratio,
but the gross profit ratio should be adequate enough not only to cover the operating
expenses but also to provide for deprecation, interest on loans, dividends and
creation of reserves.
b) Net Profit Ratio:- This ratio shows the relationship between net profit and
sales. It may be calculated by two methods:
Net Profit Ratio = Net Profit / Net sales *100
Operating Net Profit = Operating Net Profit / Net Sales *100
Here, Operating Net Profit = Gross Profit – Operating Expenses such as Office and
Administrative Expenses, Selling and Distribution Expenses, Discount, Bad Debts,
Interest on short-term debts etc.
Significance :- This ratio measures the rate of net profit earned on sales. It helps in
determining the overall efficiency of the business operations. An increase in the
ratio over the previous year shows improvement in the overall efficiency and
profitability of the business.
(c) Operating Ratio:- This ratio measures the proportion of an enterprise cost of
sales and operating expenses in comparison to its sales.
Operating Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold + Operating Expenses/ Net Sales *100
Where, Cost of Goods Sold = Opening Stock + Purchases + Carriage + Wages +
Other Direct Expenses - Closing Stock
Operating Expenses = Office and Administration Exp. + Selling and Distribution
Exp. + Discount + Bad Debts + Interest on Short- term loans.
‘Operating Ratio’ and ‘Operating Net Profit Ratio’ are inter-related. Total of both
these ratios will be 100.
Significance:- Operating Ratio is a measurement of the efficiency and profitability
of the business enterprise. The ratio indicates the extent of sales that is absorbed by
the cost of goods sold and operating expenses. Lower the operating ratio is better,
because it will leave higher margin of profit on sales.
(d) Expenses Ratio:- These ratio indicate the relationship between expenses and
sales. Although the operating ratio reveals the ratio of total operating expenses in
relation to sales but some of the expenses include in operating ratio may be
increasing while some may be decreasing. Hence, specific expenses ratio are
computed by dividing each type of expense with the net sales to analyse the causes
of variation in each type of expense.
The ratio may be calculated as :
(a) Material Consumed Ratio = Material Consumed/Net Sales*100
(b) Direct Labour cost Ratio = Direct labour cost / Net sales*100
(c) Factory Expenses Ratio = Factory Expenses / Net Sales *100
(a), (b) and (c) mentioned above will be jointly called cost of goods sold ratio.
It may be calculated as:
Cost of Goods Sold Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold / Net Sales*100
(d) Office and Administrative Expenses Ratio = Office and Administrative Exp./
Net Sales*100
(e) Selling Expenses Ratio = Selling Expenses / Net Sales *100
(f) Non- Operating Expenses Ratio = Non-Operating Exp./Net sales*100
Significance:- Various expenses ratio when compared with the same ratios of the
previous year give a very important indication whether these expenses in relation
to sales are increasing, decreasing or remain stationary. If the expenses ratio is
lower, the profitability will be greater and if the expenses ratio is higher, the
profitability will be lower.
(B) Profitability Ratio Based on Investment in the Business:-
These ratio reflect the true capacity of the resources employed in the enterprise.
Sometimes the profitability ratio based on sales are high whereas profitability ratio
based on investment are low. Since the capital is employed to earn profit, these
ratios are the real measure of the success of the business and managerial efficiency.
These ratio may be calculated into two categories:
I. Return on Capital Employed
II. Return on Shareholder’s funds
I. Return on Capital Employed :- This ratio reflects the overall profitability of
the business. It is calculated by comparing the profit earned and the capital
employed to earn it. This ratio is usually in percentage and is also known as ‘Rate
of Return’ or ‘Yield on Capital’.
Return on Capital Employed = Profit before interest, tax and dividends/
Capital Employed *100
Where, Capital Employed = Equity Share Capital + Preference Share Capital + All
Reserves + P&L Balance +Long-Term Loans- Fictitious Assets (Such as
Preliminary Expenses OR etc.) – Non-Operating Assets like Investment made
outside the business.
Capital Employed = Fixed Assets + Working Capital
Advantages of ‘Return on Capital Employed’:-
Ø Since profit is the overall objective of a business enterprise, this ratio is a
barometer of the overall performance of the enterprise. It measures how
efficiently the capital employed in the business is being used.
Ø Even the performance of two dissimilar firms may be compared with the help of
this ratio.
Ø The ratio can be used to judge the borrowing policy of the enterprise.
Ø This ratio helps in taking decisions regarding capital investment in new projects.
The new projects will be commenced only if the rate of return on capital
employed in such projects is expected to be more than the rate of borrowing.
Ø This ratio helps in affecting the necessary changes in the financial policies of the
Ø Lenders like bankers and financial institution will be determine whether the
enterprise is viable for giving credit or extending loans or not.
Ø With the help of this ratio, shareholders can also find out whether they will
receive regular and higher dividend or not.
II. Return on Shareholder’s Funds :-
Return on Capital Employed Shows the overall profitability of the funds supplied
by long term lenders and shareholders taken together. Whereas, Return on
shareholders funds measures only the profitability of the funds invested by
These are several measures to calculate the return on shareholder’s funds:
(a) Return on total Shareholder’s Funds :-
For calculating this ratio ‘Net Profit after Interest and Tax’ is divided by total
shareholder’s funds.
Return on Total Shareholder’s Funds = Net Profit after Interest and Tax / Total
Shareholder’s Funds
Where, Total Shareholder’s Funds = Equity Share Capital + Preference Share
Capital + All Reserves + P&L A/c Balance –Fictitious Assets
Significance:- This ratio reveals how profitably the proprietor’s funds have been
utilized by the firm. A comparison of this ratio with that of similar firms will throw
light on the relative profitability and strength of the firm.
(b) Return on Equity Shareholder’s Funds:-
Equity Shareholders of a company are more interested in knowing the earning
capacity of their funds in the business. As such, this ratio measures the profitability
of the funds belonging to the equity shareholder’s.
Return on Equity Shareholder’s Funds = Net Profit (after int., tax &
preference dividend) / Equity Shareholder’s Funds *100
Where, Equity Shareholder’s Funds = Equity Share Capital + All Reserves + P&L
Balance – Fictitious Assets
Significance:- This ratio measures how efficiently the equity shareholder’s funds
are being used in the business. It is a true measure of the efficiency of the
management since it shows what the earning capacity of the equity shareholders
funds. If the ratio is high, it is better, because in such a case equity shareholders
may be given a higher dividend.
(c) Earning Per Share (E.P.S.) :- This ratio measure the profit available to the
equity shareholders on a per share basis. All profit left after payment of tax and
preference dividend are available to equity shareholders.
Earning Per Share = Net Profit – Dividend on Preference Shares / No. of Equity
Significance:- This ratio helpful in the determining of the market price of the
equity share of the company. The ratio is also helpful in estimating the capacity of
the company to declare dividends on equity shares.
(d) Dividend Per Share (D.P.S.):- Profits remaining after payment of tax and
preference dividend are available to equity shareholders.
But of these are not distributed among them as dividend . Out of these profits is
retained in the business and the remaining is distributed among equity shareholders
as dividend. D.P.S. is the dividend distributed to equity shareholders divided by the
number of equity shares.
D.P.S. = Dividend paid to Equity Shareholder’s / No. of Equity Shares *100
(e) Dividend Payout Ratio or D.P. :- It measures the relationship between the
earning available to equity shareholders and the dividend distributed among them.