L2-4 Principles of Speech Writing O-Com Reviewer
L2-4 Principles of Speech Writing O-Com Reviewer
L2-4 Principles of Speech Writing O-Com Reviewer
If your answer is “yes” to all the given Some Patterns used in Crafting a
questions, then you have a potentially good Speech:
topic in mind. Note that the answers to
questions 1 and 2 entail a knowledge of ● Categorical/Topical-
your audience profile. categories help the speaker to
organize the message in a
consistent manner. The goal of using
3. Sourcing Information this pattern is to create categories of
With your topic in mind, list as many information that go together to help
information sources as possible: video support the main idea.
documentaries; textbooks; other print
sources such as magazines, journals and
newspapers; surveys/questionnaires; ● Comparison/Contrast - used to
microfilms; and other similar materials. compare and contrast subjects or
Once you have determined your possible ideas
sources, you can begin your research.
● Spatial - organizes information and then recommends a solution to
correct the problem.
according to how things fit together
in physical space. This is
appropriate when your main points ● Psychological - in this pattern, a
are oriented to various locations that leads to b and b leads to c. This
exist independently. This pattern is speech format is often used in
best used when if your goal is to persuasive speeches as it is
show that your main points have designed to follow a logical
clear locations. argument.