AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0 by Sita Rani
AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0 by Sita Rani
AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0 by Sita Rani
This book presents the role of AI-Driven Digital Twin in the Industry 4.0 ecosystem
by focusing on Smart Manufacturing, sustainable development, and many other
applications. It also discusses different case studies and presents an in-depth
understanding of the benefits and limitations of using AI and Digital Twin for
industrial developments.
AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0: A Conceptual Framework with Applications
introduces the role of Digital Twin in Smart Manufacturing and focuses on the Digital
Twin framework throughout. It provides a summary of the various AI applications in
the Industry 4.0 environment and emphasizes the role of advanced computational and
communication technologies. The book offers demonstrative examples of AI-Driven
Digital Twin in various application domains and includes AI techniques used to
analyze the environmental impact of industrial operations along with examples. The
book reviews the major challenges in the deployment of AI-Driven Digital Twin in
the Industry 4.0 ecosystem and presents an understanding of how AI is used in the
designing of Digital Twin for various applications. The book also enables familiarity
with various industrial applications of computational and communication technologies
and summarizes the ongoing research and innovations in the areas of AI, Digital Twin,
and Smart Manufacturing while also tracking the various research challenges along
with future advances.
Edited by
Sita Rani
Pankaj Bhambri
Sachin Kumar
Piyush Kumar Pareek
Ahmed A. Elngar
Designed cover image: Shutterstock – Photon photo
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Piyush Kumar Pareek, and Ahmed A. Elngar; individual chapters, the contributors
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About the Editors ..................................................................................................xvii
Contributors .............................................................................................................xx
vi Contents
Welcome to the academic book titled AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0: A
Conceptual Framework with Applications. This literary work delves into the
revolutionary convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), digital twins, and Industry
4.0, providing a detailed examination of the theoretical underpinnings and practical
implementations within this swiftly advancing domain.
As we transition into the era of Industry 4.0, which is distinguished by the
incorporation of digital technology into manufacturing and industrial operations, the
necessity for inventive resolutions becomes progressively apparent. The core of this
transition is centered upon the notion of a digital twin, which refers to a virtual
replication of a physical system or process. This digital twin is augmented and
supplemented with real-time data and capabilities powered by AI. The integration
of AI with digital twin technologies holds the potential to significantly transform
various industries, encompassing manufacturing, healthcare, energy, and
transportation. The objective of this book is to offer readers a coherent and
organized conceptual framework that facilitates their understanding of the key
ideas, processes, and strategies that form the foundation of this revolution.
The target audience of this book encompasses a broad spectrum, ranging from
scholars and learners to practitioners and experts in the fields of research, education,
engineering, and industry. The book aims to provide comprehensive insights into
the interplay between AI, digital twins, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also
known as Industry 4.0.
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the multitude of persons and
organizations that have made invaluable contributions to the production of this
book. The proficiency, assistance, and commitment provided by the individuals
involved have been of immense use in actualizing this project.
About the Editors
Dr. Sita Rani is a faculty member in the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering at Guru Nanak Dev
Engineering College, Ludhiana. She earned her PhD in
Computer Science and Engineering from I.K. Gujral Punjab
Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab in 2018. She has
also completed a post graduate certificate program in Data
Science and Machine Learning at the Indian Institute of
Technology, Roorkee in 2023. She completed her postdoc at
the Big Data Mining and Machine Learning Lab, South Ural
State University, Russia, in August 2023. She has more than 20 years of teaching
experience. She is an active member of ISTE, IEEE, and IAEngg. She is the
receiver of ISTE Section Best Teacher Award – 2020, and International Young
Scientist Award – 2021. She has contributed to various research activities while
publishing articles in renowned SCI and Scopus journals and conference
proceedings. She has published seven international patents and authored, edited
and coedited seven books. Dr. Rani has delivered many expert talks in A.I.C.T.E.
sponsored faculty development programs and key note talks at many national and
international conferences. She has also organized many international conferences
during her 20 years of teaching experience. She is a member of the editorial boards
and reviewer of many international journals of repute. She is also the vice president
of SME and MSME (UT Council), Women Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (WICCI) for the last three years. Her research interests include Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Data Science, Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT),
and Smart Healthcare.
xviii About the Editors
2019, the SAA Distinguished Alumni Award in 2012, the CIPS Rashtriya Rattan
Award in 2008, the LCHC Best Teacher Award in 2007, and numerous other
commendations from various government and non-profit organizations. He has
provided guidance and oversight for numerous research projects and dissertations at
the postgraduate and PhD levels. He successfully organized a diverse range of
educational programmes, securing financial backing from esteemed institutions
such as the AICTE, the TEQIP, among others. Dr. Bhambri’s areas of interest
encompass machine learning, bioinformatics, wireless sensor networks, and
network security.
Contributors xxi
Pawan Whig
Vivekananda Institute of Professional
New Delhi, India
1 Industry 4.0
Framework and Applications
Sita Rani and Pankaj Bhambri
Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, describes the continual
change of businesses as a result of the use of cutting-edge digital technologies
(Kataria, Agrawal, Rani, Karar, & Chauhan, 2022). The convergence of cyber-
physical systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial
intelligence (AI), and big data analytics have made this possible, marking a significant
shift in manufacturing and production processes (Bali, Bali, Gaur, Rani, & Kumar,
2023; Puri, Kataria, Solanki, & Rani, 2022). Industry 4.0 is based on the idea that fully
automated, networked, and smart “smart factories” will revolutionize the manufac
turing sector (Ghobakhloo, 2020). To improve industrial operations’ productivity,
efficiency, and adaptability, it makes use of cutting-edge technologies. Industry 4.0
facilitates effective interaction between all participants in the value chain by
integrating digital and physical systems (Bai, Dallasega, Orzes, & Sarkis, 2020).
Key technologies driving Industry 4.0 include AI, which allows machines to
learn, adapt, and perform tasks traditionally done by humans; big data analytics,
which allows the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data to gain valuable
insights and make informed decisions; cloud computing, which provides scalable
computing power and storage capabilities; and the IoT, which connects physical
devices and enables real-time data exchange (Chen et al., 2017).
The effects of Industry 4.0 will be seen for years to come. Manufacturing, logistics,
healthcare, transportation, and energy are just some of the fields that stand to benefit
greatly from its implementation (Bhambri & Gupta, 2005; Tanwar, Chhabra, Rattan,
& Rani, 2022). Smart factories have the potential to streamline operations, boost
quality assurance, and introduce mass customization (P. Kumar et al., 2022; Rani,
Pareek, Kaur, Chauhan, & Bhambri, 2023). Supply chain integration improves
operations, cuts costs, and paves the way for real-time inventory management.
Telemedicine, remote monitoring, and individualized treatment are just a few
examples of how Industry 4.0 might transform patient care (Kataria et al., 2022).
However, there are still things to think about and adjust in the face of Industry 4.0.
Large sums must be spent on infrastructure, cybersecurity, and training new workers to
successfully integrate cutting-edge technologies (P. Kumar et al., 2022). There are
worries about data privacy, security, and the impact on jobs if specific jobs are
automated or replaced by AI. Industry 4.0 can only reach its full potential if
DOI: 10.1201/9781003395416-1 1
2 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
computing power and storage capacities (Rani, Kataria, & Chauhan, 2022b). The
framework also includes consideration for horizontal and vertical integration. The
term “vertical integration” is used to describe the close cooperation and coordination
among all links in the value chain, from producers to buyers (Kataria, A., Agrawal,
D., Rani, S., Karar, V., & Chauhan, M., 2022). Manufacturing, logistics, and
marketing are just some of the internal business processes that benefit from horizontal
integration (Bhambri & Bhandari, 2005).
The human element of Industry 4.0 is taken into account by the framework,
which acknowledges the importance of having a trained and flexible staff. It stresses
the need for workers to acquire new skills and retrain to take advantage of
technological advancements (Saucedo-Martínez, Pérez-Lara, Marmolejo-Saucedo,
Salais-Fierro, & Vasant, 2018). Industry 4.0 as a concept helps us see the big picture
of what goes into the digital transformation of industries and how everything is
connected (Kataria, Puri, Pareek, & Rani, 2023). It helps businesses and govern
ments devise plans to take advantage of the potential and avoid the pitfalls of the
Industry 4.0 era (Dhanalakshmi, Vijayaraghavan, Sivaraman, & Rani, 2022).
Through the use of these guidelines, traditional industries can be transformed into
smart, linked ecosystems that can propel efficiency, productivity, and innovation in
the age of Industry 4.0.
• CPS. Integrating physical objects with digital technology to allow for real-
time data interchange and automation, cyber-physical systems play a
crucial role in Industry 4.0. Intelligent decision-making is facilitated by
these systems, leading to increased productivity, efficiency, and connec
tivity in fields as varied as cutting-edge manufacturing, smart logistics, and
driverless vehicles (Rani, Kataria, Chauhan, et al., 2022).
• IoTs. It is a key component of Industry 4.0 since it allows for the
interconnection and automation of various devices, equipment, and sensors.
Industrial operations may be monitored, controlled, and optimized in real time,
leading to more output with less downtime (Kumar, Rani, & Awadh, 2022).
• AI. It is the capability of computers to mimic human intelligence.
Algorithms trained by machine learning systems may sift through
mountains of data in search of insights and opportunities for improvement.
Automating difficult decision-making, improving quality control, and
enabling predictive maintenance are all possible with AI-powered systems
(Bhambri & Sharma, 2005).
• Big Data Analytics. Sensors, equipment, and production systems all
contribute to Industry 4.0’s massive data output, making it necessary to
analyze this information. Data-driven decision-making, process optimiza
tion, and predictive maintenance are all made possible by the insights
gleaned from this data thanks to the tools of big data analytics.
• Robotics and Automation. Industry 4.0’s manufacturing processes have
been completely transformed by robotics and automation technologies.
Increased productivity, better product quality, and less human error are all
possible thanks to the ability of robots to do repetitive operations with high
precision and speed. Cobots are collaborative robots that improve
Industry 4.0 5
8 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
return on investment, businesses must first build efficient plans for using
these technologies (Bhambri et al., 2008).
• Legacy System Integration. It is possible that present manufacturing and
industrial processes will not be able to make use of Industry 4.0
technologies since they rely on legacy systems and equipment. As a
result, it is important to plan and allocate sufficient resources for the
integration of new technologies with existing systems.
• Data Privacy and Security. Data gathering and analysis are crucial to
many Industry 4.0 applications. Data privacy and security are at risk
because of this deluge of information. Strong cybersecurity procedures are
a must for companies to secure their customers‘ personal information from
hackers and other cybercriminals.
• Workforce Skill Set and Training. A trained workforce that can operate,
maintain, and debug complex systems is essential for the widespread
implementation of Industry 4.0 technology. To guarantee that their
personnel can make good use of emerging technologies, businesses should
spend on training and upskilling.
• Change Management. Large-scale shifts in productivity, personnel com
position, and management structure may result from adopting Industry 4.0.
Employee and stakeholder resistance to change is a potential barrier to a
smooth rollout. To overcome opposition and cultivate a culture of innovation
and adaptation, effective change management tactics are required.
• Interoperability and Standards. There is a large variety of Industry 4.0
technologies and solutions on the market, which makes ensuring their
compatibility difficult. Incompatibilities and difficulties in integrating
multiple systems into one another might arise from a lack of common
standards and protocols.
• Connectivity and Infrastructure. The success of Industry 4.0 applica
tions is dependent on secure and stable network connections. The full
potential of these technologies may be constrained by the lack of access to
high-speed Internet and reliable communication infrastructure in some
places or businesses (Bhambri et al., 2009).
• Legal Compliance. There are several potential privacy and safety
regulations that could apply to the rollout of Industry 4.0 technologies.
To avoid legal challenges and fines, it is essential to ensure compliance
with these requirements.
• Scalability and Complexity. Many fields, including engineering, data
science, and cybersecurity, will need to be involved in the development of
effective solutions for Industry 4.0. Managing the complexity of these
solutions as they are implemented throughout a company or industry may
become more difficult as they are scaled up (Bhambri & Hans, 2010).
• Environmental Impacts. While enhanced productivity and decreased
waste are possible outcomes of Industry 4.0, so are increased energy
consumption and electronic waste due to the proliferation of linked devices
and increased data processing. Industry 4.0’s negative effects on the
environment must be mitigated if it is to be adopted sustainably.
Industry 4.0 11
Overall, implementing Industry 4.0 applications has the potential to greatly boost
business efficiency and competitiveness. Costs, data privacy, worker skills,
legacy systems, and regulatory compliance are just some of the obstacles that
organizations and sectors must face and overcome. Organizations can better
position themselves for success in the rapidly developing digital age by
proactively and strategically tackling these difficulties and thereby gaining access
to the full benefits of Industry 4.0.
Industry 4.0 describes the continual change of businesses as a result of the use of
cutting-edge digital technologies. Key technologies driving Industry 4.0 include AI,
big data analytics, cloud computing, IoT, CPS, etc. In this work, the authors have
reviewed the role of different key technologies in the Industry 4.0 ecosystem.
Various Industry 4.0 principles are also discussed in detail along with applications
of Industry 4.0. The authors analyzed that the cost of installation, data security,
change management, interoperability, etc., are major challenges in the deployment
of Industry 4.0 applications. Major future research directions to overcome these
challenges are also discussed in this work.
12 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
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2 Artificial Intelligence
Applications in
Industry 4.0
Applications and Challenges
Latha C. A. and Malini M. Patil
If we consider history, the industrial revolution started somewhere in 1760 and
lasted up till 1840. The invention of steam engines and the construction of railways
initiated the whole process of the First Industrial Revolution. Then started the
process of replacing the machines in the manufacturing of many products which
were till then done by human beings. The First Industrial Revolution was followed
by the Second Industrial Revolution, which started in the 19th century and lasted till
the 20th century. The significant change in the Second Industrial Revolution was
driven by electricity. This revolution resulted in mass production in the manufac
turing sector which was very limited till then. The Third Industrial Revolution
started in 1960. It was majorly due to the introduction of computers which
revolutionized digital transactions. It was possible mainly due to the invention of
semiconductor devices which are used in the mainframe computer, the personal
computer, and most importantly the Internet (Singh et al., 2017).
The Fourth Industrial Revolution started in the 21st century. It was mainly
proposed to uplift the German economy. It triggered the digital revolution. It
resulted in the extensive use of the Internet, especially mobile Internet which is
easily available and accessible to human kind. During this revolution sensors were
invented. These sensors were available in low cost and reduced size and resulted in
the most powerful mode of communication. The utmost usage of AI, Machine
Learning, and also the cyber-physical system made Fourth Industrial Revolution a
possibility and reality. In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, computers became more
and more sophisticated and also integrated with other devices, making it a complete
package for any purpose (Kumar et al., 2022). Industry 4.0 (I4.0) which is another
name for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, was coined in Hannover fair in 2011.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution resulted in smart connected machines which
resulted in smart factories, nanotechnology, renewable energy, and most impor
tantly the quantum computing. The scope of the innovations of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution meet many of today’s innovations like Alibaba, Amazon online
DOI: 10.1201/9781003395416-2 15
16 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
Energy Supply
spent Chain Mgt
Components of
Business models Globaliza!on ICT
company cannot always go for the renewable energy sources in the technology
used for the designed machines. Therefore, it is better for every industry to have a
research centre which researches on options to reduce energy for the existing
technology or machines. If it is difficult to have a research centre, then the
company should go for a new technology or a set of machines which work on
renewable energy sources. The vehicle manufacturing sector is a best example for
this issue. Some automobile companies discovered the hybrid mode of fuel, some
switched over to renewable energy sources like electricity or gasoline. It can be
predicted that within ten years from now, almost all vehicles will be electric
vehicles depending on non-renewable energy sources like petrol and diesel, which
is an economic and ecological solution.
The selling market of the commodity also plays a major role in sustainability.
Unlike the olden days, now there is a wide variety of markets available to market
the products. The scope of the market ranges from a layout or an apartment to
worldwide. Now with the help of social networking, it is to reach the restricted
area confined to houses of an apartment or a layout or a township or a community
group or an office personals. Reaching worldwide customers can obviously be
done through online marketing. Therefore, depending on the scope of the
commodity the vendor can choose any of these and can reach the customers,
but the problem is to deal with customer limitations. The customer takes less time
to reach from layout to global market. Hence, the vendor should be ready for
scaling of customers in a short period. At the same time, if any mishap happens
vendor should be also ready for downfall and recovery from the same. As the
world has become very small, it’s in finger tips for news to reach the world. The
vendor has to be ready for both downfall and upscale. It is found that the
emerging markets are more frequent in developing countries than the developed
One of the issues that is to be considered which poses challenges for the AI
implementation in I4.0 are technology. As already mentioned, technology is an
important issue to be considered in sustainability. The more advanced the
technology one has adopted, the higher will be the quality of the products, and
the lower will be the cost of the product. It also reduces the manufacturing time.
Hence, it is advised to convert the traditional manufacturing system to the
automatic system, which introduces more flexibility and agility in the manufac
turing process.
The next concern is government regulation. This is a problem in developing
countries or underdeveloped countries wherein most of the regulations of the
government are not updated to comply with I4.0 standards. This might be with
respect to human resource policies, the technologies adopted, security especially
cyber security, forensic science that would be required during the process. It can
also be with respect to advertising policies, environmental policies, energy
consumption policies, health and safety policies and privacy policies. Each of the
above-listed issues has further rules and regulations to be framed in accordance
with I4.0. Compared to all listed issues of industry that is Industry 1.0, 2.0 and
3.0, in I4.0 people expect the flexibility, mobility and friendly regulations with
respect to employability regulations. Government has to redefine the emission
20 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
and contaminations limit as this is the high time to take measures to reduce the
global warming. All governments have to make strict regulations in spite of
strong opposition from bureaucracy and capitalism, so that we give a livable
world to the future generations, else there will be no one living in the next
generations. Some of the other domains where the government regulations with
respect to I4.0 need to concentrate on are, wages or salary of human resource,
benefits like insurance and retirement plans, proper working environment,
compliance with time zones if in different time zones, expatriate issues,
maintaining equal opportunities and recognition of employees. The government
regulation is first and foremost for the implementation of I4.0. Hence, it becomes
a major hindrance to adapt I4.0, if even if we comply with all other issues. It is
the government regulations that make people aware about the possibilities and the
pros and cons to implement I4.0.
Similarly if you consider advertisement regulations, they have to focus on
protecting customers’ needs, honesty and ethical concern about the product,
information regulations and transparency in manufacturing and also distribution.
If you consider environmental issue, it has to maintain clear air, minimum usage
of water, soil and almost zero chemical effect in soil and river. The industries
should also make an attempt to bring down the carbon print.
Population growth and the quality of the living becomes a major issue to be
considered in the implementation of I4.0 because the population actually decides
the status of the country whether it is developed or emerging. The population of a
country affects the growth of the industry, the food supply, the economics of a
country, politics of a country, and usage of various resources, the location of the
industry, where it is to be established or extended. As per the UN report in the
developed countries, the population growth has been reduced. Similarly in
emerging and developing countries, it has increased. We can view the population
growth in both pessimistic way and also optimistically. Population growth
consumes most of the economic share in maintaining safety, schools, hospitals,
and universities. But at the same time, the population growth increases the human
resources which in turn increases the trade and commerce. Even though we have
positive effects of population growth, it is advised to have a control population
growth (Gupta and Rani, 2013).
The next challenge to be considered is economic crisis. This has become most
common in the modern-day industrialization. Because modern-day industries have no
boundaries (Kaur, Kaur, and Rani, 2015). Hence, they have to cater to all types of
government policies, currencies, and HR policies. Economic crisis leads to recession
and depression. In spite of the increasing opportunities in various sectors of
employment, it is observed there is an exponential increase in the employment,
reduction in suitable available opportunities, huge number of companies going under
bankruptcy, volatile currency. Therefore, there is a need of joint brainstorming of
industrialists, economist, and stakeholders who can do an analysis and forecast this
recession so that measures can be taken to avoid recession which leads to depression.
The company’s top management also need to analyze the balance sheet and the stock
market to speculate about its growth and take enough precaution not to become
bankrupt. Although it is very difficult task to forecast in industry, a collaborative study
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industry 4.0 21
In I4.0, creating value and business models also requires a significant change to
the value added. A businessman model includes the market, the services, and
innovations. If we consider the market, it has to be faster in correlating to the fast
world, very simple catering to all walks of life, transparent and error free. The
business model has to take measures to prevent the customer from migrating from
one vendor to another. It also should avoid changing the cost frequently. It should
try to build trust among the customers and distributors.
The main thing in I4.0 is manufacturing factories themselves have to be made
smarter, so that, they address the evolution of technology, the highly competitive
market with high amount of production in minimum timeline reducing risk of
failure. The benefits of running smart factories are that they reduce the cost of
production, efficiency is increased, the quality of the product is improved, the safety
of the working environment is improved, and one can predict and analyze the
market for the products very easily. Smart factory is a combination of smart
machines, smart engineering, smart devices and smart technology, incorporating
smart methodology of manufacturing with innovation. By smart machines we mean
that each machine should communicate with other machines, other devices and
human beings in an efficient and friendly way. To incorporate all this things
everything has to undergo a major transformation which might bring a lot of
disturbance in the beginning by both machines and human beings to adapt to the
new environment (Kataria et al., 2020).
Some of the technologies that support the smart factory are big data, cloud
computing, AI, machine learning, deep learning, smart grid, etc. Cloud computing
enables high performance computing. It also provides easy access of designing the
software and tools, and it makes the analysis of data very easy. Data storage and
computing also become very efficient. At the same time, big data generates
knowledge, it improves the value stream, and it helps in identifying key
performance indicators. One more important technology that is to be used in smart
factories is augmented reality; even though the technology is in its infant state, it
allows us to operate instruments remotely providing the precision. It also provides
safety in radioactive zones.
I4.0 aims to address not only technical and manufacturing issues but also addresses
all the issues related to the industry in a holistic way. It may be HR policy,
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), marketing, ecological effects, sustainability,
etc. It is a 180 degree switch from traditional Industry standards, which needs
redefinition of many things. As it involves a change in almost all domains, big or
small, it creates a sort of disturbance till it is completely implemented and adapted.
Hence, the biggest challenge is human adaptation to the new environment.
I4.0 is catering to all types of applications, not only manufacturing but also
service-based products, not only hardware but also software products. In this stage,
where metaverse is getting ready for delivery, things might take a lot of unexpected
turns and expectations. So, I4.0 should be flexible, scalable and adaptable which is
itself a big challenge in implementing I4.0.
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industry 4.0 23
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Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology, 10(5), 733–739.
3 Role of Artificial
Intelligence in
Industry 4.0
Applications and Challenges
Elakkiya Elango, Gnanasankaran Natarajan,
Sundaravadivazhagan Balasubramanian, and
Sandhya Soman
Today, as the idea of linked and intelligent manufacturing gains hold, it can be
challenging to compete in the Industry 4.0 world if we are not at the forefront of
innovation. Various experts and investors have been predicting as a result of the
IIoT’s increasing economic significance on a global scale as to whether the industry
is about to see a technological revolution. However, there is undeniable evidence,
from data and projections, that the idea of smart production has so far permeated
corporate awareness [1]. As per IDC, providing the present compound annual
growth rate of 12.6 percentage points is maintained, global investment just on
Internet of Things likely exceeds $840 billion in 2020.
There is no denying that a sizeable chunk of these kind of investment will have to go
toward incorporating IoT into other businesses, especially manufacturing. But beyond
just predictions and numbers, there are many more signs that perhaps the Industrial
Internet of Things concept is gathering steam across practically all business sectors. By
providing the security of preventative maintenance, the insight of big data analytics, and
the dependability of machine-to-machine communication, IIoT has already shown that
it is the key to production. To put it another way, the IIoT revolution has already begun.
Figure 3.1 explains how smart factory 4.0 is interconnected by the smart world through
Smart Products, Smart Mobility, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Buildings, Smart
Logistics, Machine Learning, Smart Services, and Smart Retail.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003395416-3 25
26 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
Figure 3.2 outlines the Top 9 technologies supporting Industry 4.0, such as the
internet of things, augmented reality, cloud computing, cyber security, and 3D
printers [2,3]. Such aid in addressing a few of Industry 2.0’s shortcomings, including
its low-cost workforce and inadequate planning. Let’s focus upon that nine Industry 4.0
modernization trends and advancements which, by uniting numerous units within one
refined, computerized, and integrated process, can actually greatly boost the competi
tiveness of our organization.
Digital reproductions of actual machines, objects, and people can be created
with the use of simulation technology. A product’s machine settings can be
28 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
tested and adjusted using simulators during the product discovery, material
development, and production phases before being used in the real world. This
will help keep quality high, shorten setup times for the actual machining
operation, and help reduce manufacturing process failures. To deliver the next-
best output, it is critical to be using real-time data as efficiently as possible in
production lines. The creation of increased physical goods and its prompt
release to the marketplace are made possible by quick and continuous
evaluation of the 3D model.
3.2.6 CLOUD
The company’s different sites and verticals will exchange more data as Industry 3.0
speeds up manufacturing. Thanks to the cloud, everyone may utilize apps and save
data online. By adopting machine data and functionality using Industry 4.0 cloud
technologies, organizations may still work with both internal and external
stakeholders to implement the best data-driven decisions.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 29
FIGURE 3.4 Recent tech trend survey by SADA System, IoT, and AI.
capable of predicting operational conditions and identifying the variables that need
to be altered for the best outcomes. As a result, intelligent IoT offers insight into
which processes can be modified to streamline the process and which aspects are
unnecessary and time-consuming.
how an IoT device behaves over the course of its life cycle are virtually represented.
There are several items, including manufacturing floor operations, buildings, and jet
engines. Digital twins are simply computer programs that collect data from the
actual environment to create simulations that really can forecast how well a process
or product will function. To enhance performance, these systems can incorporate
software analytics, AI, and IoT.
These innovations are now a crucial component of the newest technologies to
spur innovation and boost performance thanks to developments in machine learning
and big data. Creating one, in essence, allows for the improvement of strategic
technological trends, eliminates expensive failures of physical items, and makes use
of predictive capabilities, services, advanced analytics, testing techniques, and
surveillance. Healthcare
The medical field is using digital twins to reduce risk during surgery, educate
surgeons, and donate organs, among other things. The system constantly monitors
where the virus is and who might be at danger of exposure, as well as how patients
move through the hospital.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 37 Manufacturing
Digital twins can shorten queuing time while streamlining and increasing productivity
in construction. Retail
Using digital twins to simulate and improve the consumer experience is a trend in
retailing that is distinct from industry and manufacturing.
IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are expected to modernize the
planet in the upcoming years because they both make important contributions to
cutting-edge technology that can change the world. IoT and AI may both produce
intelligent machines that support decision-making processes and deliver data with little
to no human input [16]. AI can evaluate and use the vast amounts of data generated by
IIoT sensors and devices, and chat bots make it simple to obtain data. Additionally, as
IIoT use grows, more data is generated by cutting-edge devices and sensors; managing
the massive amounts of data generated by this requires digital twin and AI.
Governments and businesses are both concentrating on constructing smart cities
utilizing new technologies. Hexagon, for instance, offers digital twins for cities that
might aid in improved government planning. A digital terrain model, 3D building
model, LiDAR point cloud, and HD images make up the new model. The business
has produced 3D digital twins of the entire planet since the government will be able
to monitor resources and predict risk with the aid of digital twins of cities. The
construction of infrastructure initiatives for improved communication can also
benefit from the use of this technology.
The patient care and healthcare industries are also gaining ground because of
technologies like IoT, digital twins, and AI. For instance, a digital twin of a patient or
organ can assist medical professionals in practicing complex procedures on manne
quins rather than real people. Your business must be able to identify and respond in
real-time in order to effectively utilize the power of digital twins. In order to avoid
having any blind spots along the route, you also need a solid partner who can assist you
with all facets of your marketing strategy. Innovative technologies can aid businesses
in completing a variety of complex tasks, improving the implementation of corporate
strategies. They can also aid in making better decisions in the volatile business climate.
cannot modernize without Industry 3.0 deployment. The following includes the most
crucial areas on which you should focus while carrying out an E2E integration of I4.0
(Industry 4.0), presuming that it is already in position:
servicing activity, figuring out how many machinery hours are required, distributing
workers within the plant/factory/company, etc.
Several informational tools and digitalization solutions support management
decision-making in the era of Industry 4.0. Data are available in far greater
abundance than before. However, data redundancy, which seems to go on forever,
only appears to make it tougher for management to make decisions [7]. All of that
is achieved with the management’s help in synthesizing a significantly larger
amount of information utilizing significantly better productive and effective
digitalization techniques compared to earlier. Industry 4.0 relies heavily on
artificial intelligence because it allows managers to make computational decisions
remotely. In this manner, the amount of time required for decision-making in
production and production management can be decreased, increasing tool usage
and efficiency.
The entire firm supply chain has been digitalized, which has made data processing
and data structuring simpler. The autonomous development of infographics and
reports, as well as the showing of its absolute values, are features that promote a
greater knowledge of the production chain. As an outcome, they are capable of
informing administration about the needed interventions. However, for sound
decision-making, management must analyze the information produced and take
into account more than just the automatically generated statements. Systems for
organizing and analyzing product data and production-related characteristics provide
effective decision-support for management within the Industry 4.0 framework.
Because all the information and features could be found during one place or
might be obtainable in the processed stage, the time required of the decision‐making
process can be greatly reduced. According to Industry 4.0 [21], digitizing
management decision-making can provide an uniform decision-making environ
ment with all outcome, which is its major benefit. It is possible because a computer,
a controller, or perhaps another smart gadget can offer the same data and
information (even in the same environment). As a result, in this kind of situation,
the manager who must make a decision is forced to do so it based solely on the
information and facts that the technology has given him.
• Users should be able to identify the origin of data, as well as its dependencies
and lifetime.
• Can they comprehend and effectively utilize its ever-increasing complexity?
• Can they rely on digital tools to manage and regulate it in addition to
storing it?
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 43
• Can they foresee the appropriate level of flexibility to support the entire
product realization cycle and therefore can they depend on lean production
to build, adapt, and maintain it?
• Could people recognize the applicability and worth of the way it is
provided to them?
throughout the lifecycle of the process. A smart manufacturing system could lower
the margin of error in operations where it can reach up to 10% when the work is
done by a human to as little as 0.00001%.
In Figure 3.9, IA is a general phrase that refers to a variety of tactics, methods,
tools, and approaches that decrease the necessity for labor, boost services
predictability and dependability, and cut costs. IA technologies that are enabled
by guideline, patterned, and standardized data can help with the aforementioned
workplace inadequacies:
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 45
This chapter elaborates in detail about Industry 4.0 coupled with Artificial
Intelligence which is further integrated with intelligent decision making, smart
automation in today’s scenario of Industry 4.0 applications. The advancements and
expanded enhancements in industry manufacturing and its modernized applications
make the smart industries more productive and further it also presents more
innovations and challenges in our smart world of technological advancements.
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4 Digital Twin Technology
A Review
Ambika Nagaraj
Computerized Twin (Batty, 2018) is a digital picture of an existing object containing
information about a stated thing, beginning in the field of item lifespan-sequence
management. It comprises three parts, an essential item, a simulated portrayal of that
item, the bi-guiding information associations that feed information from the
biological to the representative example, and data and cycles from the simulated
characterization to the material. The virtual spaces comprise several sub-spaces that
empower explicit virtual tasks: demonstrating, testing, streamlining, and so forth.
The computerized twin (Chakraborty & Adhikari, 2021; Park, Woo, & Choi, 2020)
refreshes with sensor information in close to ongoing. The sensor information expands
with engineered information created from test systems, bringing actual authenticity at
high spatiotemporal goals. The computerized twin doesn’t just give real-time data for
more educated navigation yet can likewise make expectations about how the resource
will develop or act from here on out. It will be unclear from the actual help concerning
appearance and conduct with the additional benefit of making future expectations.
Figure 4.1 represents a block figure of the computer-oriented identical.
The virtual replica is a dynamic model incorporating biological samples,
functional knowledge, and other details to their fullest potential. It is multi
disciplinary, multi-physics, and multiscale. It can achieve the mapping of
bodily commodities in a digital area, thereby mirroring their whole life
procedure. The virtual model can be constantly balanced and matched to the
material commodity to manage real-time yield details and the bidirectional
mapping between it and the physical item (Dhanalakshmi, R., Anand, J.,
Sivaraman, A. K., & Rani, S., 2022). The development of the computer-based
replica is based on the modeling and simulation of systems. Numerous
domestic and international studies have been carried out in aerospace system
modeling and simulation. Various airplane approaches have been confirmed at
tetrad stories of the segment representative.
AIRBUS Protection and Space Division of Airbus Gathering (Bécue, Maia,
Feeken, Borchers, & Praça, 2020) is accountable for guard, security, correspon
dence, knowledge, and space applications. The martial plane industry unit of
Airbus Defence and Space produces service carriers and combatant airliners, such
as the A400M, C295, CN235, A330 MRTT, and Eurofighter Typhoon. The
proposed use case seeks to incorporate Industrial IoT in Spain’s Tablada, San
Digital Twin Technology 51
Pablo Sur, and CBC manufacturers for flexible management and system
optimization. These AIRBUS D&S plants will soon see an industrial IoT
deployment. After that, it will integrate factory assets like the rivet shaving
apparatus (Roboshave), the manufacturing oven (Autoclave), and the progressive
intellectual instruments control system (Gap Gun) into this IIoT Network. It will
make it possible to monitor, control, and improve the resilience of remote
processes close to real time (Bhambri et al., 2008). This Internet of Things (IoT)
system will be used across three locations and encircle three kinds of fabricating
investments. It will create a comprehensive virtual model of the system to
facilitate secure network design, implementation, and procedure of this IIoT grid.
Decision-making based on simulation, protection examination, testing and
verification, process, and training will all be made possible by it. Intelligent
wearable and environmental detectors will also make it possible to simulate
human operator behavior, especially when handling a gap gun, a hand tool used to
measure the quality of aeronautical parts. Using non-invasive sensing elements to
backing Client and Commodity conduct statistics, it can also model user behavior
on the IT tier by studying web gridlock and seed information. Figure 4.3 details
the same.
The virtual element of the computerized twin framework (Liu et al., 2021)
incorporates the attributes of natural imitation and adaptively gets comparable
shape highlights and actual belongings. The digital twin model also possesses
characteristics that change in response to the digital procedure. At long last, it can
re-establish the item protests with high devotion from the parts of figure calculation,
conduct, strategy, etc. The digital twin’s reference model is derived by conducting
an analogous analysis of the mimic process of the organisms above and the model-
making procedure. The digital twin system uses the three dimensions of shapes,
Technology for digital health exists both inside and outside of the traditional medical
system. It has been pursued with enthusiasm by some sectors of the healthcare
industry, but patient and practitioner adoption has yet to catch up (Rani, S., Kataria,
A., Kumar, S., & Tiwari, P., 2023). Computer-based permitted isolated persistent
nursing is becoming a necessity for clinical delivery infrastructure rather than an
intriguing innovation or a “nice to have.” It may have categories that overlap.
FIGURE 4.4 Digital twin model in healthcare ( Hassani, Huang, & MacFeely, 2022).
The work (Kaul et al., 2022) is done in collaboration with a well-known tumor
clinic in Australia. As a result, they have admission to doctors and pertinent
information to help make digital twins and use them in healthcare to help make
better patient decisions. It can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to diagnose
and predict cancer by considering various chance characteristics to decide the
patient’s survival and illness throughout its lifespan. Virtual replicas can help
describe and incorporate this info into an individual’s digital image while using AI
procedures to diagnose tumors. Analytical information is used to determine if a
patient has cancer, what kind of cancer it is, and how big it is. Information about
potential outcomes, such as survival and recurrence, can be gained from predictive
54 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
data. Prescient information is utilized to gauge and give data regarding the excellent
result of the patient’s malignant growth because of definitive treatment. Response to
treatment is measured using treatment monitoring data, and outcome data are used
to train new AI models or retrain existing ones.
The recommendation (Angulo, Gonzalez-Abril, Raya, & Ortega, 2020) intro
duces the invention of a virtual replica for individualized wellness regarding the
behavior of this illness in an affected role, which is applied to the health field,
specifically lung cancer. It promotes a renewed representative in which details are
the essence, the most valuable acquisition, the asset it must spin, and the guiding
principle for the solution of information systems thanks to advancements in
information and communication technologies (Kumar, P., Banerjee, K., Singhal,
N., Kumar, A., Rani, S., Kumar, R., & Lavinia, C. A., 2022). Anonymization is a
method for determining and concealing susceptible knowledge in records, permit
ting its revelation without violating the liberties of individuals and organizations
that it can reference to protect their data. It is used to reduce the dangers associated
with receiving and massively calibrating private data. The training data serve as a
seedbed, enabling the capture of information from authentic information and the
generation of refreshed details with behavior comparable to the original. The term
“medical knowledge” refers to the experience gained through learning, spotting
signs and symptoms, weighing the risks, and finally coming up with a diagnosis and
a treatment plan for each patient.
It is a digital twin healthcare framework (Liu, et al., 2019) for the cloud
healthcare system (CloudDTH). In the cloud, it is a novel, general, and extendable
structure for monitoring, analyzing, and forecasting a person’s fitness character
istics. It employs wearable clinical instruments, for personal health management,
particularly for seniors. External factors and DTH data primarily drive the system.
The external driving force is the climate or pleasant procedure, which will impact
patients’ soundness and judgments, affecting the digital simulation and the cloud
healthcare service platform’s decision-making (Kataria, A., Puri, V., Pareek, P. K.,
& Rani, S., 2023, July). Basic item information, computerized article information,
administration information, outer variables information, and their combination
information are the leading interior impetuses of the framework. Actual situation
details, environmental information, behavioral facts, and other details from a
biological entity, digital object prototypical information, imitation statistics,
assessment information, and other knowledge from the cloud healthcare service
platform are all managed and analyzed by the DTH database.
The work (Zhang et al., 2020) is a brand-new deep neural model for capturing
the risky code keywords‘ bidirectional context relationships. This type of parameter
logic is captured using the word2vec CBOW example. Since the context in the
corpus is used by the CBOW representative to generate the code vectors of the
target code words, each corpus will have unique contexts for the mark regulation
phrases. The study teaches the individual regulation embedding instances using nine
open-source assignments and the SARD database to represent the source code
better. Thanks to this setup, it captures the semantic information that the dataset’s
code stream is attempting to describe. The CBOW model is trained without
supervision. It doesn’t utilize weakness names and considers principal knowledge
Digital Twin Technology 55
and portrayal at this phase. The whole token series vector represents the process’s
complete logic in the output code representation. The connection between the
singular code pieces in a code succession might generate a weakness in the
programming code.
The digital model and information about each actual plant asset make up the virtual
replica, a digital representation of the presentation method. In the motorized
enterprise, incorporating new automobiles into living display skills is progressively
urgent. There are a variety of prototypes, including those with detonation machines,
mixed and electric standards, and alternatives like sedans, coupes, and cabriolets that
need to be incorporated into the current manufacturing scheme. The figure-in-white
creation framework is a significant exchange for most car producers. This industry
necessitates a great deal of experience gained over many years in the automotive
industry. Here, the individual components are joined together downstream of the
pressing plant. An automotive company’s planners typically design the manufac
turing facility. The details that can be divided into a production system are contained
in the structure of the planning system. A production system’s hierarchical structure is
made up of a place, a zone, a cubicle, an element, and an apparatus segment.
Organizers use a precise supply collection with numerous units to plan production
systems. They locate the repositories geometrically as a yield structure based on the
constructed facility. Figure 4.5 represents a digital twin system.
FIGURE 4.5 Digital twin system ( Ibrahim, Rassõlkin, Vaimann, & Kallaste, 2022;
Ibrahim, Rassõlkin, Vaimann, & Kallaste, 2022).
56 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
A digital twin uses the finest material instances, detectors, cavalcade records, and
probabilistic simulations. It uses them at multiple scales and in various physics. It
imitates the life of its physical counterpart. Working out mega-designs mirror
designs, also known as incarnations, are digital representations of actual products,
processes, or services (Rani, S., Arya, V., & Kataria, A., 2022). A virtual replica
could be a digital copy of a real object like a wind farm, or jet engine, a bigger one
like a building, or even a whole city. It can use them to repeat procedures to gather
information to indicate how they will function, in addition to physical assets.
In this case study (Croatti, Gabellini, Montagna, & Ricci, 2020), a mediator-based
digital twin digitalizes and supports the administration of severe traumas. There are
two major stages to the trauma technique: the pre-clinical stage, in which the sick is
seen by a doctor at the scene of the mishap to receive first aid and is taken to the
infirmary trouble division. The operative step, in which the patient receives assistance
from the hospital emergency department’s trauma team, follows. Crisis recording is
also necessary for a posteriori calculation when trauma surveillance is continuous. In
this instance, the chief, or the medic in charge of the group, can consistently take an
encyclopedic public gaze at the continuing trauma to make a more informed choice
about saving the patient’s life. A further essential requirement emerged after two
years of system testing: the need for ongoing monitoring of the trauma’s entire state,
the involved sick, and the care unit, even during the pre-hospital phase.
Consequently, it re-planned the TraumaTracker system to employ an agent-based
computer-based replica construction for both degrees. Rescue workers take charge
of the patient’s case during the PreH phase and determine whether the condition is
an intense concussion; only in the latter case is the trauma team activated. The pre-
hospital care process’s digital counterpart is the PreH digital twin. It considers
information provided by the primary division, the vehicle’s GPS, and rescuers’
intelligent devices used to create emergency forms when collecting real-time data.
The most crucial point in its life cycle is the transition to the state at which rescue
workers determine the severity of the ongoing trauma. The functioning stage of
concussion administration begins when the crisis is identified as unembellished in
the previous step. This digital twin starts before the patient arrives at the hospital for
this case study. The concussion unit is cautioned to the incoming patient and begins
gathering information directly from the accident scene. When the sick is brought to
the trouble branch or the trauma team begins treating them, their internal state
changes. All replicas are developed as a microservice that provides access to the
digital twin’s data and information via an ad-hoc RESTful API. It used Vert.x
library and the Java programming language to create each microservice. The
hospital’s private cloud infrastructure hosts the digital twin microservices, which
can only be accessed by applications operating in this context. It utilized the
JaCaMo framework to create Multi-Agent Systems in the design of software agents,
which were developed following the A&A meta-model.
It (Ahmadi-Assalemi et al., 2020) investigate precision healthcare’s patient and
healthcare system-level objectives. It enables scenario modeling established on
actual information to construct a more well-organized sick gush through the crisis
squad, decrease their visit, reduce resource need, and expand the number of ill
ministers. The investigation emphasizes the creative usage of DES for the modeling
Digital Twin Technology 57
4.2.4 RETAIL
A product’s life cycle begins with assembly, engineering, disbandment, deals,
consumer utilization, ventures, and product expiration. As they advance through the
generation cycle, these computer-based clones keep improving and elevating their
product position. This continuous update commands the whole life pattern of an
item which predicts and settles the issues well ahead of time. It can use data twins to
improve data throughout their life cycles in retail. Digital twins allow all the
information about a product’s lifecycle to be kept digitally and used over the web. It
includes discounts, product batches, new products on occasion, supply chains the
product has traveled through, the location of the development at any given period,
and the previous wrapping period. It will uncover new ways to enormous
possibilities for retail applications.
The research (Lee & Lee, 2021) concentrates on 331 cold-chain freight of
strawberries, raspberries, cucumbers, and eggplant from Spain to Switzerland. On the
cold chain of four fruits from Spain to Switzerland, it looked at the temperature of the
air. The natural outcomes are dispatched from Spain by a transporter in a chilled
vehicle to a dispersion place in Switzerland and, after that, pushed by one more truck
to a resident’s retail area in Switzerland. We looked at two different datasets. Time-
temperature data collected between the packhouse make up the first dataset. Between
December 2019 and June 2020, during the import season, the second dataset was
gathered. The purpose of acquiring this fact was to evaluate the entire cold chain and
the cold chain at and after the DC (Tanwar, R., Chhabra, Y., Rattan, P., & Rani, S.,
2022, September). It replicated the four fruits under investigation digitally. By
receiving data on the temperature of the air from the sensor, it modeled a solitary berry
connected to the real world. It simulated fruit conditions in the cold chain with a
continuum Multiphysics model (Rani, S., Kataria, A., & Chauhan, M., 2022). It
utilized 2D axisymmetric models. Resolving the energy conservation equation, it
considered heat transmission and breathing warmth for temperature vehicle within the
fruit. Figure 4.6 details the same (Kaur et al., 2012).
58 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
FIGURE 4.6 Digital twin framework for real-time logistics simulation in modular
construction ( Lee & Lee, 2021).
DTSC (Wang, Deng, Shen, Hu, & Qi, 2022) is a solution to the intelligent store
chain. The physical reserve chain in a DTSC is connected to the digital store chain by
clever detectors or online schemes that collect precise facts and details that allow the
virtual stockpile chain to replicate the physical supply chain’s stationary possessions
and engaged enterprise operations. As a result, connectivity is established. The
synchronized data result in agile, up-to-date simulated replication and optimization
and chances to display, investigate, regulate, and enhance the stock chain. A DTSC
actively participates in the whole commercial procedure during the stock chain. A
DTSC’s predictive analytics make the supply chain intelligent and permit conclusion-
makers to scrutinize ahead rather than backward. It is a case study of JD.COM, the
enormous dealer in China by income, using a DTSC medium to reconfigure the cache
chain web during the COVID-19 crisis. Shipping and land transportation are two of
the many modes of transportation that make up the transportation network. It uses
multichannel models and digital and intelligent technologies, JD.COM plans and
operates the supply chain from upstream to downstream.
During the 2019 growing period, the Citrusdal display location in the Western
Cape, South Africa, was the location of the study (Onwude, et al., 2022), which was
conducted on the “Valencia” orange. In five distinct orchards, two trees yielded five
fruits per tree. An aggregate of 50 oranges was sampled. It gathered information on
physicochemical properties. It checked the air temperature on the virus chain of
oranges and transmission from TempTale®4. The information obtained pertains to
43 seasonal shipments from a packhouse in Durban, South Africa, to a dispersal
base in Western Europe. These data provide naturalistic temperature information for
the international freezing chain. The atmosphere detectors were placed half a palette
high in the two rows of pallets from the entrance on the left flank of the receptacle.
FIGURE 4.7 Graphical abstract ( Dembski, Wössner, Letzgus, Ruddat, & Yamu, 2020).
It gathers statistics from detectors, strolls, and motorized IoT devices. It involves
advanced examination, apparatus education, and AI to obtain real-time information
about the implementation, process, or effectiveness of the physical asset. This
innovation will become increasingly important in developing intelligent cities
worldwide that address significant issues related to open well-being, security, and
the environment. The city will not only be able to evaluate an endless number of
anticipated future crises using the digital twin, but it will also be able to respond
alone to complex weather events. Figure 4.7 represents a Graphical Abstract.
It (Ruohomäki, et al., 2018) made use of the modularity of the CityGML model.
Using the thematic extension options for the CityGML model, the data generated by
the mySMARTLife Helsinki project is being visualized and processed into spatial
data at the building level. The HSY visual tools are usable alongside the 3D city
model and work with the open data services. The Energy and Climate Atlas, the
initial application built on top of that, used the CityGML model’s modularity. Using
the thematic extension options for the CityGML model, the data generated by the
mySMARTLife Helsinki project is being visualized and processed into spatial data
at the building level. The HSY visual tools are usable alongside the 3D city model
and work with the open data services. The model will assist in evaluating various
technological scenarios, including the technical potential for lowering the building
stock’s carbon dioxide emissions. The cost-impact methods for the most efficient
measures have been outlined using the tool. Incorporating the digital platform’s
socioeconomic function into development projects is essential. Synchronous
collaboration, collaborative work practices, and an institutional and cultural
framework surround the platform’s technical core. New opportunities and service
60 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
concepts will emerge from co-creation with various stakeholders. The city functions
will also include the venue and the city model. The SensorThings API is a
comprehensive API for sensor connectivity developed by the Open Geospatial
Consortium. In addition, they have worked for a considerable amount of time on
data models for measurements and observations.
The work (Francisco, Mohammadi, & Taylor, 2020) used electricity data from
smart meters to create daily building energy benchmarks. It is divided into
strategic times to figure out how different they were from traditional final fuel
benchmarking techniques and how this measurement can guide a power regime
close to real time. It included busy times during the university time, vacant times
during the school year, occupied times during the seasonal, unoccupied times
during the summer, and highest temporary request times are all taken into
consideration. It measures the temporal variation in construction vigor-efficiency
notches within a municipal. The Georgia Institute of Technology grounds
was chosen as the test bed. Headquarters, laboratories, entertainment, fitness,
nutrition, retail, and classroom aptitudes make up university campuses’ diverse
and dynamic operations comparable to those of a minor city or municipality. The
information extent of this examination covered building-level power utilization
for 38 structures on the grounds. The findings demonstrated that building energy
benchmarks for temporally sliced buildings differ from a building’s overall
standard. It indicates that a building’s general criterion conceals periods during
the day, week, or month when it performs too well or poorly. The temporally
divided fuel benchmarks have the prospect of offering a model of formation
efficiency that is more specific. A crucial step in incorporating clever measure
examination with producing fuel benchmarking methods and carrying out more
intelligent energy management across a large geographic scale of buildings is the
generation of temporally sectioned power benchmarking standards from scholarly
meter information datasets.
A conceptual model (Ford & Wolf, 2020) of an SCDT for disaster manage
ment is proposed and tested in the recommendation. It can mitigate two threats to
SCDT development by concentrating product on catastrophe administration. It
looked at 378 books. One hundred ninety-eight talked about how it could use
them in a typical neighborhood or precinct strategy. The ward, framework
method, application hierarchy, growth status, intelligent city description, digital
twin description, and application to disaster management were all adequately
assessed using 47 smart city, digital twin, or SCDT systems. The model
comprises three main parts: intelligent city components, digital twin components,
and components that are not part of the SCDT but have an effect on it either
directly or through studies comprehended from the SCDT. Neighborhood Needs,
its Features, and assignments understood from society replica prototype, and
virtual Vision Instruments are the components that link the SCDT to the
municipality and the tragedy. Information on community decision-making and
its effects on the ward’s capability to reply to the occurrence. Concerning
capacity and timing, surveillance conclusions instantly influence the qualities and
elements of the community. During and after a disaster, SCDT provides insights
that fundamentally alter perspectives on the community.
Digital Twin Technology 61
Since its inception, product lifecycle management has been influenced by the
digital twin’s active development in the engineering enterprise. It can implement
the ever-developing characteristics of the virtual replica in various fresh
manufacturing viewpoints, especially concerning the investment and the outcome.
When corporeal possessions, like tools, are digitally characterized and associated
based on how they work, the apparatus develops the stock chain’s socket in the
manufacturing industry. This intelligent computer-based depiction can send and
accept information from all stages of linked manufacturing apparatus. There are
additional advantages to using digital twins for a product, including the ability to
control every aspect of the development’s life revolution and any anomalies with
the predesigned prototye.
• The industry’s digital replica can assist in developing new supply chain
models for efficient time management between locations of operation, such
as workforce customization, spare part movement, and process resche
duling to increase efficiency (Garg & Bhambri, 2011).
• In the manufacturing sector, as well as in any other industry, maintenance
plays a crucial role. A model that enables efficient handling of third-
gathering sellers and buyers in terms of span, assessing, managing
execution, eliminating product delivery potential, providing the best client
assistance, and addressing guarantees can be created. There will be more
business opportunities as a result of this (Singh et al., 2010).
• The devices, processes, and people immediately respond when these data
interact. In this modern manufacturing environment, digital twins can
result in a specialist technique replicating an effective judgment aid
strategy that reacts positively to the environment. This intelligent
professional method can propose a novel solution for immediately
realigning human resources between units or altering assets’ conduct.
This instantaneous answer approach can boost the company’s share value
and address environmental factors like market demand and external
parameters affecting supply and demand.
• Adjustment of the machines, transmission protocols, and data-allocation
agents is necessary for fusion of myriad electronic gadgets connected to
the web. This calibration does not exclude digital twins, which replicate
the data-generating machinery and involve people, processes, and other
• It is truly a work of art in boosting a company’s performance, increasing
its stock’s market value, and establishing itself in the manufacturing sector.
It demonstrates the necessity of providing a positive user experience by
immediately incorporating employee feedback into processes and work
The DTMC digital twin modeling process (Zhang, Zhou, He, Li, & Cheng, 2019) is
first described. The digital twin robot’s autonomous operation is then demonstrated
62 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
using data and knowledge. The physical, virtual, and multidisciplinary simulation
models make up the constructed digital twin robot. A publish-subscribe architecture
connects these three components based on the announcement queuing telemetry
conveyance messaging procedure. The physical model could automatically complete
machining tasks. Using Modelica, the simulation model’s four subcomponents - the
route planning component, the electric unit, the robotic division, and the command
segment - can carry out multidisciplinary simulations using real-time manufacturing
data. It could use manufacturing data to comprehend the robot’s performance, and
then understanding is utilized to anticipate and stabilize its implementation. The
virtual model could visualize the robot’s motions following the place parameters
published by the material or replica representative. A simulation model could use the
following three steps to conduct multidisciplinary simulations. First, a point-to-point
calculating strategy generates movement characteristics like curves, angular
momentum, and angular pace for each axis of the robot from the real-time positions
of the robot that the physical model perceives. Second, a control bus sends the motion
parameters to the electric module, which is the enduring magnet servo engine unit. By
employing a field-oriented authority strategy carried out by the control unit, the
electric segment could produce suitable joint motor twisting, role, and pace to
maintain the movements of the automatic team using these parameters. Figure 4.8
details the same.
The notion of a virtual replica shopfloor (DTS) is based on a digital twin. It is
investigated (Tao & Zhang, 2017), and its four key elements - a material shopfloor,
a digital shopfloor, a shopfloor assistance scheme, and shopfloor digital twin data -
are discussed. The Physical Shopfloor comprises several real-world entities, like
people, machines, and materials. Prototypes created in numerous measurements,
such as geometry, physics, conduct, and management, make up the Simulated
FIGURE 4.8 Logical representation of the digital twin for additive manufacturing ( Zhang,
et al., 2020).
Digital Twin Technology 63
Shopfloor (VS). The shopfloor digital twin data (SDTD) eliminates the information
island because the data are integrated. Information on creation elements ought to be
recovered continuously. The equipment can use wired or wireless sensors to acquire
conditions such as engine pace, fuel consumption, and device attire. Tools with a
heightened grade of automation can read these data from their entrenched units.
Environmental sensors can detect modifications in the surroundings in reality, and
RFID can be used to track materials throughout their lifecycle. It adapts to the
various communication modes utilized by actuators in PS, and instructions from the
co-operative system are sent to specialized permit segments for interaction and
procedure transformation.
• Cloud computing - Users typically have access to cloud services (Devare,
2019; Nagaraj A., 2021; Kalyani & Collier, 2021) via the Internet, using
standard protocols and communication mechanisms. Rejection of assist
ance, Man-In-The-Middle (MITM), overhearing, IP-spoofing, and mas
querading attacks are among the challenges that the cloud faces in the
same way that traditional IT solutions do. Secure Socket Layer (SSL),
IPSec, cryptographic procedures, interruption discovery, anticipation
schemes, and digital credentials are all solutions to these issues. Clients
and scheme managers must be familiar that stockpile calibration tech
niques share calculation, warehouse, and grid framework storage, exposing
them to risks from third parties. An attacker can use parallel privilege
appreciation methods and exploit other organizations before the primary
target with shared network components. Virtualization and storage are the
cloud’s two most essential components. With virtualization, it can share
identical material warehouses with multiple system environments. The
VM Monitor or hypervisor is the component in charge of managing the
VMs and the allocated possessions, allowing the simultaneous operation of
multiple operating systems. Each user’s VM is separated, providing a
digital operating scheme. Users need complete control over their data from
cloud system providers, and some levels of management are only available
to them on virtual machines. The way that clients do not have command
over information having a place with the association results in critical
outsider dangers like information breaks.
• Internet-of-Things - The Internet of Things (IoT) (Ambika N., 2019;
Ambika N., 2019; Alshehri & Muhammad, 2020; Alshehri &
Muhammad, 2020) is steadily expanding, and the medical industry is
expected to adopt it more, leading to the developing of cutting-edge
eHealth IoT devices (Ambika N., 2022; Nagaraj A., 2022) and embedded
applications. The computational limitations posed by devices’ low-speed
processors, memory, and energy limitations make the Internet of Things
(IoT) (Dian, Vahidnia, & Rahmati, 2020; L., He, & Li, 2014; Hassan,
2019) challenging for a secure healthcare networked environment.
Scalability is challenging for IoT networks due to their high acquisition
64 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
In the past five years, there has been a significant surge in the number of
publications, procedures, concepts, and anticipated benefits related to the digital
twin. This growth has occurred in both academia and industry. The digital twin’s
fundamental idea was that a system would connect real-world objects to virtual
ones, maximizing the benefits of both real-world and digital environments for the
system. Information about a product is gathered, stored, analyzed, and learned for
current and future developments. The web of objects, large datasets, multi-corporeal
reproduction, Manufacturing 4.0, actual instruments and detectors, information
administration, statistics calibration, and a push toward an information-driven and
virtual industrial future are primarily responsible for this growth. This chapter
summarizes some of works in certain domains.
Digital Twin Technology 65
Ahmadi-Assalemi, G., Al-Khateeb, H., Maple, C., Epiphaniou, G., Alhaboby, Z. A., Alkaabi, S.,
& Alhaboby, D. (2020). Digital twins for precision healthcare. In Cyber defence in the age
of AI, Smart societies and augmented humanity (pp. 133–158). Cham: Springer.
Alshehri, F., & Muhammad, G. (2020). A comprehensive survey of the Internet of Things
(IoT) and AI-based smart healthcare. IEEE Access, 9, 3660–3678.
Ambika, N. (2019). Energy-perceptive authentication in virtual private networks using GPS
data. In Z. Mahmood (ed.), Security, privacy and trust in the IoT environment
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Ambika, N. (2022). An augmented edge architecture for AI-IoT services deployment in the
modern era. In Handbook of research on technical, privacy, and security challenges in
a modern world (pp. 286–302). US: IGI Global.
Angulo, C., Gonzalez-Abril, L., Raya, C., & Ortega, J. A. (2020). A proposal to evolving
towards digital twins in healthcare. International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics
and Biomedical Engineering (pp. 418–426). Granada, Spain: Springer, Cham.
Batty, M. (2018). Digital twins. Environment and Planning B: Urban analytics and city
science, 45(5), 817–820.
Bhambri, P., Hans, S., & Singh, M. (2008, November). Bioinformatics - Friendship between
Bits & Genes. In International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication
Technologies (pp. 62–65).
Bhambri, P., & Singh, M. (2008). Biometrics: Face recognition using eigen faces. Apeejay
Journal of Management and Technology, 3(2), 160–164.
Bécue, A., Maia, E., Feeken, L., Borchers, P., & Praça, I. (2020). A new concept of digital
twin supporting optimization and resilience of factories of the future. Applied Sciences,
10(13), 4482.
Chakraborty, S., & Adhikari, S. (2021). Machine learning based digital twin for dynamical
systems with multiple time-scales. Computers & Structures, 243, 106410.
Chauhan, M., & Rani, S. (2021). COVID-19: A revolution in the field of education in India.
Learning how to learn using multimedia, 23–42.
Croatti, A., Gabellini, M., Montagna, S., & Ricci, A. (2020). On the integration of agents and
digital twins in healthcare. Journal of Medical Systems, 44(9), 1–8.
Dembski, F., Wössner, U., Letzgus, M., Ruddat, M., & Yamu, C. (2020). Urban digital twins
for smart cities and citizens: The case study of Herrenberg, Germany. Sustainability,
12, 2307.
Devare, M. H. (2019). Convergence of manufacturing cloud and industrial IoT. In
G. Kecskemeti (ed.), Applying integration techniques and methods in distributed
systems and technologies (pp. 49–78). US: IGI Global.
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5 Digital Twin in
Industry 4.0
Application Areas
and Challenges
Sandhya Soman, Gnanasankaran Natarajan,
and Piyush Kumar Pareek
Computers, the Internet and smartphones - the most significant technological
inventions - have fast-tracked how the world and this generation operate. We are so
used to things being “instant” that if one waits to understand the impact of a new product
after launching or cannot observe the concurrent performance of a new asset, it can pose
a significant competitive threat. Digital Twinning is one of the greatest technological
innovations that has revolutionised the way industry works today (Hu et al., 2022).
Twinning provisioned the creation of replicas and early capture of possible failures in
the production process (Gupta, O., Rani, S., & Pant, D. C., 2011). To understand the
profundity with which this technical innovation can impact the current tech world, we
must explore its genesis journey through Industry 4.0 (Boggess, M., 2023). Through
this chapter, we have put forward this genesis journey - how it all began, the state of the
art today and the future opportunities and challenges it poses.
• Industry 1.0
The production process has significantly changed since the First Industrial
Revolution (IBM, 2023). With the surge in population, there was a need to
increase the production of goods and commodities. This scaling up was
impossible by using man and animal power. Hence, the power of water and
steam was used in the late 18th century, and this led to an era where, in the
history of humankind, artefacts were manufactured using machines and not
by hand (Singh et al., 2021a).
• Industry 2.0
Slowly, with the evolution of the needs of humankind, it became evident
that steam and water alone could not fulfil the needs; hence, other power
68 DOI: 10.1201/9781003395416-5
Digital Twin in Industry 4.0 69
sources like oil, gas and electricity were used in production lines. This
second revolution also clarified that some parts of the production line
needed to be automated to facilitate mass production (Bose et al., 2021).
• Industry 3.0
The advancements in telecommunication brought a dramatic change
in the production processes (Kaur, D., Singh, B., & Rani, S., 2023).
Telecommunications, coupled with the computation power, enabled the
automation of processes, speeding up the production process. As the
storage became cheaper, the data generated in each iteration could be
stored for future processing, and this also proved helpful in mining for
further information (Jabeen et al., 2021).
• Industry 4.0
The next revolutionary stage, also quoted as the “Fourth Industrial
Revolution” or “Industry 4.0,” began with the emergence of smart
devices. These devices generate considerable data and can process a
significant load (Kothandaraman, D., Manickam, M., Balasundaram, A.,
Pradeep, D., Arulmurugan, A., Sivaraman, A. K., & Balakrishna, R., 2022).
The customer of today is a lot more informed about his requirements. They have
particular choices, and the market is too competitive. Customisation of products is
not a choice but rather a norm. Industry 4.0 aims to make the entire production
process customer-centric so that it can meet the needs of the customer with
efficiency (Singh et al., 2021b).
The data at different levels is gathered to make models to understand the trends
and better predict/suggest ways of optimising the process and the involved sub-
The fourth stage of revolution is still advancing, with changes in business needs,
evolving customer mindsets, and inventions happening at the technological fronts
(Figure 5.1).
three-spaced model - an actual space, also known as the real space; the assumed
space, also known as the virtual space; and a space whose primary purpose was to
facilitate data flow between the former and latter spaces (Kumar, P., Banerjee, K.,
Singhal, N., Kumar, A., Rani, S., Kumar, R., & Lavinia, C. A., 2022). The new term
“digital twins” was introduced by John Vickers of NASA in 2010. This concept has
continued to grow, spread further, and found more applications in industries and
different processes (Singh et al., 2021c).
Table 5.1 provides an overview of major events from 1960 till date in the
journey of digital twin technology.
History of Digital Twin
History of DTs
1990–2000 AutoCAD improvised further, and its usage was spread to various
engineering disciplines
The two worlds are connected through the middleware. It collects data from myriad
sources and contains layers that further manipulate data, including finding patterns
in the data, modelling it, and using it for strategic decision-making (Figure 5.7).
• The first stage is the collection of data through sensors. This is used to
understand the background of the process to be replicated.
Digital Twin in Industry 4.0 77
• Once the data has been gathered, it is converted into a model that can
virtually represent this physical object/process. The model must be able to
capture the attributes and behaviour of the original object.
• The twin monitors the object in real time and continuously captures data to
find the occurrence of any defect. This data analysis also reveals areas
where the object stands weak, i.e., areas of improvement.
• The pain point that led to the creation of DT was the introduction of
changes to the original object/process, and the ripple effect caused by these
changes. DTs can be used to simulate these changes and further test the
impact of these changes on the original object. This provides flexibility in
introducing new changes and can also help identify any unintended
adverse effects caused in the original system due to the introduction of a
difference (Bakshi et al., 2021).
• The data collected so far can be used for process optimisation and
increasing the performance and efficiency of the process/object. It also
enables timely feedback to the stakeholders to make informed strategic
decisions, saving time and cost-effectively (Figure 5.9).
• manufacturing
• health care
• retail
• education
• The structuring of the hospital layout can be optimised through DTs. They can
be used to determine cost-effective ways of managing the various facilities
and decide upon the most optimal usage pattern for critical resources.
• The twin of the human body can be used to see the effects of drugs and to
conclude if it is safer to release the same to the larger public.
• It can be used effectively to educate students and trainees about medical
concepts to students and trainees. They can experiment with the twin
model to understand new medical techniques and procedures in a
completely safe environment.
• At a higher level, DTs can be used to check the effect of different
treatments on a patient and see their response level. This, in turn, can be
utilised for creating optimised trials for the patients and can be beneficial
in reducing the associated risks.
• One of the main advantages of having a twin is to facilitate constant
monitoring of the real-world object/subject/process. This can be used to
capture a patient’s vitals and for rigorous tracking in patients requiring
critical health care facilities (Arya, V., Rani, S., & Choudhary, N., 2022).
• It can also be used to understand the emotional quotient of the patient.
• The biomedical signals can also capture a patient’s behavioural data and
social determinants (Figure 5.11).
The following points summarise some of the critical areas where Digital Twins
have found applicability in manufacturing (Takyar, 2022):
• Digital twins can significantly reduce the need to create physical and
virtual prototypes that resonate well with real-time changes.
• DTs are particularly helpful in predicting the demands and hence help
optimise supply chain management.
• They can improve customer delight by reducing the wait time and
enhancing the quality of the product (Figure 5.12).
5.7.3 RETAIL
The following points summarise some of the critical areas where Digital Twins
have found applicability in manufacturing (Figure 5.13):
• The twins can be used to keep track of the store inventory and hence can
facilitate the prediction of stock requirements and prevent under/over
• The second-to-second update of the store can be obtained, and hence, the
store management process can be optimised, including the customer
preference for product placement, the staff required, optimising the store
structure, etc.
• DTs can help in understanding the needs and expectations of the customer.
• Here also, DT helps predict the demands and hence helps optimise the
supply chain management.
• Real-time tracking enables retailers to identify any disruptions in the
supply chain and can help them take timely action.
The following points summarise some of the critical areas where Digital Twins
have found applicability in education (Figure 5.14):
Challenges Faced by DT Technology
Challenges Faced
CH1: The quality of data It refers to the data generated by the twin. The data
must be integral and should not generate hallucinated
versions of the physical world data. Also, the data
must be updated in real-time to ensure that the
information available is not obsolete and hence not fit
for decision-making.
CH2: Possible integration with The integration of DTs with the existing system is not
existing systems a trivial process. If the integration is faulty, the replica
cannot be created, which can consequently affect the
usage of this DT technology.
CH3: The privacy and security The twin technology is going to generate volumes of
of data data. The management of this data requires special
attention. Also, the privacy of the data should be
maintained, and any security threats should be dealt
with stringent measures.
CH4: The handling of The creation of twins requires specialised knowledge and
complexity resources. Acquiring such a skill set is a costly affair.
CH6: Establishment of The ethical and privacy issues must be covered under
regulatory norms the norms governing these twins’ usage.
Digital Twin in Industry 4.0 83
Measures to Overcome the Challenges Faced by DT Technology
Overcoming Challenges
CH2: Possible integration with Creating open standards and APIs compliant with the
existing systems existing system structure and functionality
CH3: The privacy and security Usage of cryptosystems with robust algorithms for
of data encryption
CH4: The handling of Creating a platform that hides the complexity and
complexity introduces user-friendly tools and APIs for interaction
can ease the complexity
CH5: The cost of Opting for open-source technology and utilising the
implementation benefits of the cloud can significantly bring down the
cost of implementation
CH6: Establishment of The technical giants and industry groups must come
regulatory norms together to create norms to govern the usage of digital
twins and safeguard the privacy of the associated data
Having mentioned the challenges, let us now explore the possible measures that
could be adopted to overcome these challenges. This is not an exhaustive list but a
collection of plausible solutions (Singh et al., 2021c). The following Table 5.3
summarises the same:
Only if these issues are addressed and taken care of can the power of DT metaverse
be truly unleashed and used for the benefit of the human race.
• Using AI/ML and other intelligent algorithms to analyse the data generated
by DT sensors.
• Improved algorithms for data cleansing.
• Portable system handling.
• Compatibility with existing technologies for seamless functioning.
• Devising algorithms for encrypting sensitive data during transmission.
• Ensuring that the twin functions well across platforms.
• Creating environment-friendly DTs.
• Bring the cost of the creation of DTs.
• Enhancing the privacy of associated data.
• Improve HCI to enhance the interaction of humans with DTs.
• Improving the accuracy of real-time data dissemination.
Today’s world has witnessed a significant revolution with the advent of twin
technology. This book chapter throws light on the advancements that have taken
place in the technological journey over the years, which have led to the beginning of
Digital Twins. The different types of twins and their application areas have also
been elaborated. Some primary application areas, such as education, supply chain
management, health care and production, are already reaping the benefits of this
technological revolution. The chapter also discusses the current research gaps in this
area and the future of this rapidly evolving technology.
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6 Digital Twin
Enabling Technologies,
Applications, and
Jaskiran Kaur, Pankaj Bhambri, and Sita Rani
A digital twin is a cutting-edge technology that is gaining traction across many
sectors because it improves the design, monitoring, and optimization of goods,
processes, and systems. It is the digital analog of a physical system or process,
which may be used to gain immediate information and do simulations (Jones,
Snider, Nassehi, Yon, & Hicks, 2020; Tao, Xiao, Qi, Cheng, & Ji, 2022). The idea
behind digital twins is to recreate a physical object in a digital form that is identical
to it. This digital representation is updated frequently with facts from the real world
to guarantee that it is an accurate portrayal of the physical equivalent. NASA made
use of digital twins to model and monitor spacecraft in the early 2000s, which
helped to popularize the idea. It has since grown throughout a variety of sectors,
including industry, healthcare, transportation, and urban planning.
Physical assets and systems can have their lifespans and maintenance costs
predicted with the help of digital twins (Tao, Zhang, Liu, & Nee, 2018). They help
make the design and development processes more efficient, which in turn encourages
new ideas and saves money. They help with decision making and risk assessment by
modeling potential outcomes. In addition to their role as training tools and urban
planning resources, digital twins also help to make cities smarter. They make
individualized care planning and medication discovery possible in the medical field.
By connecting the physical and digital worlds, digital twins boost efficiency, cost-
effectiveness, and competitiveness across all sectors, all while enhancing decision-
making, operational excellence, and the quality of the customer experience.
Digital twin uses a variety of technologies like sensors connected to the Internet
of Things (IoT) (Rani, Kataria, Kumar, & Tiwari, 2023), cloud computing for
storing and processing the collected data, 3D modeling and simulation for creating
virtual representations, artificial intelligence (AI) for analyzing the collected data
(Puri, Kataria, Solanki, & Rani, 2022), and augmented reality for visualizing and
interacting with the virtual models.
90 DOI: 10.1201/9781003395416-6
Digital Twin 91
Automobile Healthcare
Enforcement Arrangement
with Simulates
assets in the Looks and
Contains relevant models with
physical feels like
Rela!onal !me data to varying
world with real
Data map reality degrees of
digital environment
and virtual fidelity
Use Product Save Data
Settings Data
Transmit Evaluation
Parameters / Analyzing
Simulation Simulate
Evaluation Properties
based on data. For this cutting-edge technology to deliver its full potential, efficient
digital twin lifecycle management is essential.
Digital Twin
AR Glasses
• Entertainment and Gaming. Digital twins are used in the media and
entertainment industries to produce lifelike computer-generated worlds,
characters, and simulations. As a result, media like video games, movies,
and VR apps become more engrossing.
There is a wide variety of use cases for digital twins, each with its own set of problems
and rewards. They are revolutionizing several sectors by creating a digital duplicate
that can be tracked, simulated, analyzed, and optimized in real time. Because of the
potential for digital twins to boost productivity and creativity in a wide range of
industries, their use is anticipated to increase as technology develops further.
• IoT. IoT devices with sensors and actuators play a crucial role in gathering
information from a wide range of physical assets. These sensors can
monitor and analyze a broad variety of parameters in real time, such as
temperature, pressure, humidity, and more.
• Remote Sensing. Satellite imagery, drone photography, and LiDAR
scanning are all ways that technology has improved our understanding of
big landscapes. Create digital twins for use in agriculture, forestry, urban
planning, and environmental monitoring with the help of these helpful tools.
• Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Using augmented
and virtual reality, digital twins can be more easily visualized and
interacted with by their users. When used for design reviews, training,
and maintenance operations, they provide an immersive environment that
improves teamwork and decision-making.
• Data Lakes and Warehouses. Data from multiple sources can be brought
together by using these data storage options and then analyzed and
modeled as needed. Commonly used tools for handling large datasets
include Hadoop and Apache Spark.
• Data Integration Platforms. Data consistency, quality, and compatibility
may be maintained across the business with the use of Extract, Transform,
and Load (ETL) technologies.
• Edge Computing. By processing data in real time at the edge, where it
was generated, solutions for edge computing can drastically cut down on
response times. This is critical for uses where a lack of lag time is a must,
such as in industrial automation and self-driving cars.
can forecast the future based on past data and streamline the decision-
making process with ease (Chethana, Pareek, de Albuquerque, Khanna, &
Gupta, 2022; Pareek et al., 2022).
• Physics-Based Models. Physics-based models are crucial for understanding
the behavior of systems governed by physical laws. These models are based
on first principles, such as laws and equations; thus, they faithfully depict
intricate systems like nuclear reactors and chemical reactions.
• Digital Twin for Entire Cities. Digital twins are being used by smart city
programs to improve municipal planning, infrastructure management, and
100 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
resident services. Both sustainability and quality of life can benefit from an
all-encompassing strategy.
• Quantum Computing. The advent of quantum computing, which
promises to exponentially increase computational capability, promises to
revolutionize digital twins. This can drastically shorten the time it takes to
run simulations, optimize models, and construct new ones.
• Blockchain for Data Security. Data security and trust are being
investigated as potential benefits of blockchain technology inside digital
twin ecosystems. Critical for secure applications, it guarantees data
integrity, traceability, and access control.
• Digital Twin in Healthcare. Personalized medicine, medication discovery,
and medical device development can all benefit from the use of digital twins
for patients and organs in the healthcare industry. The potential for improved
diagnosis and therapy is enhanced by this technology.
These lines of inquiry will help bring digital twins to full maturity and widespread
use, opening the door for them to disrupt sectors, enhance decision-making, and fuel
innovation in the years to come.
Digital twin is one of the most rapidly developing technologies across various
sectors to improve design, optimize resources and processes, and develop
efficient systems. It has revolutionized many application domains likewise smart
cities, healthcare, defence, waste management, etc. However, the authors
observed that the use of various enabling technologies causes many challenges
in the deployment of various digital twin applications. The major challenges
analyzed in this aspect are:
• Interoperability
• Deployment cost
• Regulatory compliance
These challenges lead to possible research directions for future work by engineers
and scholars in the design and development of more efficient digital twin
applications for various systems.
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Science and Engineering, 2022, 149–171.
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and detection in IoT devices. Paper presented at the 2022 IEEE International
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implementations of protein BLAST. International Journal of Computer Applications,
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design. In Holistic Approach to Quantum Cryptography in Cyber Security (pp. 41–66):
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104 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
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optimal crop selection system in smart agriculture. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 15997.
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Shettar, G. B., Devangavi, A. D., & kumar Pareek, P. (2021). A Novel architecture for
optimum association of cellular phone users to multi access edge computing (MAEC).
Paper presented at the 2021 IEEE Madras Section Conference (MASCON).
Tao, F., Xiao, B., Qi, Q., Cheng, J., & Ji, P. (2022). Digital twin modeling. Journal of
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Tao, F., Zhang, H., Liu, A., & Nee, A. Y. (2018). Digital twin in industry: State-of-the-art.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(4), 2405–2415.
7 Big Data Analytics with
Digital Twin for
Industrial Applications
Pankaj Bhambri, Sita Rani, Suresh Kumar, and
Vijay Kumar Sinha
“Big Data Analytics with Digital Twin for Industrial Applications” represents a
cutting-edge exploration of how two transformative technologies, Big Data
Analytics and Digital Twins, are reshaping the landscape of industrial operations.
This book chapter offers a comprehensive overview of these concepts, shedding
light on their individual significance and, most importantly, their synergistic
potential when integrated (Kumar et al., 2022a, 2022b).
In the first section, the chapter lays the foundation by introducing the core
components of Big Data Analytics, elucidating its pivotal role in processing and
deriving actionable insights from the vast and complex data streams generated by
industrial processes (Rani, S., Mishra, A. K., Kataria, A., Mallik, S., & Qin, H.,
2023). Concurrently, it introduces Digital Twins as virtual replicas of physical
assets and systems, underlining their role in revolutionizing real-time monitoring,
optimization, and decision-making in various industrial sectors (Machała et al.,
2022; Rani et al., 2023).
The heart of the chapter lies in its exploration of the seamless integration of
Digital Twins with Big Data Analytics. It articulates how Digital Twins serve as
data-rich virtual proxies for physical assets and systems, enabling the application of
advanced analytics techniques to predict and optimize performance. Practical use
cases across diverse industries - from predictive maintenance in manufacturing to
supply chain management in logistics - are presented to illustrate the tangible
benefits of this integrated approach (Rani et al. 2022a-c).
By offering both a theoretical framework and practical insights, “Big Data
Analytics with Digital Twin for Industrial Applications” equips professionals,
researchers, and industrial practitioners with the knowledge needed to harness the
combined power of Big Data Analytics and Digital Twins (Kaur, D., Singh, B., &
Rani, S., 2023). It not only addresses the transformative impact of this integration on
operational efficiency but also delves into the challenges and considerations that must
be navigated to implement these cutting-edge technologies effectively, ensuring
they remain at the forefront of the evolving industrial landscape (Kaur et al., 2006;
Kamra & Bhambri, 2007; Jain & Bhambri, 2005; Habib & Chimsom, 2019).
interact with the physical world, ushering in a new era of data-driven decision-
making and innovation (Bhambri, 2010; Bhambri & Hans, 2010; Bhambri et al.,
2010; Bhambri & Thapar, 2010; Bhambri & Hans, 2009; Dhanalakshmi et al.,
The integration of Big Data Analytics with Digital Twins represents a significant
leap forward in the realm of industrial applications and beyond. This integration
offers a range of benefits and transformative potential that significantly impact
various industries and sectors. Here are some key aspects of the significance of this
integration (Chopra & Bhambri, 2011; Contreras et al., 2017; Bhambri et al.,
The integration of Big Data Analytics with Digital Twins offers organizations a
holistic, data-driven approach to understanding, monitoring, and optimizing their
physical assets and processes. It is a significant enabler of efficiency, sustainability,
and innovation across industries, providing a competitive advantage in an
increasingly data-centric world.
provide a dynamic and holistic view of physical assets. They continuously update
themselves to reflect changes in the physical world, enabling real-time monitoring,
analysis, and simulation. Digital Twins serve as invaluable tools for improving
decision-making, optimizing operations, predicting maintenance needs, and enhan-
cing innovation across industries, ultimately bridging the gap between the digital
and physical realms (Bhambri et al., 2008a, 2008b; Cañas et al., 2021).
These various types of Digital Twins cater to a wide range of industries and
applications, providing tailored solutions to monitor, analyze, and optimize physical
assets and processes in the digital realm.
• Define the Objective: Clearly define the purpose and objectives of creating
a Digital Twin. Determine what aspects of the physical system you want to
replicate and what you aim to achieve with the Digital Twin (Tanwar, R.,
Chhabra, Y., Rattan, P., & Rani, S., 2022, September).
• Data Collection: Install sensors, IoT devices, and data collection points on
the physical asset or system. These sensors should gather relevant data,
including performance metrics, environmental conditions, and any other
information necessary to replicate the physical system accurately.
• Data Integration: Aggregate and integrate data from various sources,
ensuring compatibility and consistency. This often involves data prepro-
cessing to clean, transform, and normalize the data.
• Data Storage and Management: Store the collected data in a secure and
scalable database or data storage system. Ensure that the data is easily
accessible for analysis and modeling.
• Digital Twin Model Development: Develop a mathematical or computa-
tional model that replicates the behavior of the physical system. This
model should take into account the data collected, the physics governing
the system, and any relevant algorithms or machine learning techniques
(Rani, S., & Gupta, O. P., 2016; Gupta, O. P., & Rani, S., 2010).
• Real-Time Data Streaming: Establish real-time data streaming between the
physical system and the Digital Twin model. This ensures that the Digital
Twin remains up-to-date and accurately mirrors the physical system’s
Big Data Analytics with Digital Twin for Industrial Applications 111
• Sensors and IoT Devices: These are primary data sources for most Digital
Twins. Sensors can monitor a wide range of parameters, including
temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration, and more. IoT devices can
provide data on the status and performance of equipment and assets.
• Machine and Equipment Data: Data generated by machines and equip-
ment, such as production rates, energy consumption, error rates, and
maintenance logs, can be crucial for manufacturing and industrial Digital
112 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
These data sources collectively provide the input necessary to create and update
Digital Twins, enabling them to accurately mirror the behavior and status of
their physical counterparts. The choice of data sources depends on the specific
use case and the information required for achieving the objectives of the Digital
Big Data Analytics with Digital Twin for Industrial Applications 113
Second, data plays a crucial role in supply chain management and optimization.
Industrial operations often involve complex supply chains with numerous compo-
nents and dependencies. Big Data Analytics enables the tracking and analysis of
supply chain data, including inventory levels, transportation routes, and delivery
times. By analyzing historical and real-time data, organizations can make more
informed decisions about inventory management, logistics planning, and demand
forecasting. This leads to smoother operations, reduced costs, and improved
customer satisfaction through timely deliveries.
Last, data-driven decision-making is fundamental in ensuring product quality
and process optimization. Manufacturers rely on data analytics to monitor
production lines, detect defects or irregularities in real time, and make immediate
adjustments to maintain quality standards. Historical data analysis helps identify the
root causes of quality issues, enabling process improvements over time. In this way,
data serves as a feedback loop for continuous improvement, driving higher product
quality and operational excellence in industrial settings. Overall, data’s role in
industrial operations, facilitated by Big Data Analytics, is indispensable for
efficiency, cost reduction, and quality assurance.
These advanced analytics methods empower industries to harness the full potential
of their big data resources, driving innovation, cost savings, and competitive
advantage. By leveraging these techniques, organizations can make data-driven
decisions, optimize operations, and stay ahead in an increasingly data-centric
industrial landscape.
also ensures that industrial systems operate at their highest potential, thus driving
competitiveness and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of Industry 4.0.
The shared synergistic approach empowers organizations to harness the power of
real-time data from Digital Twins, coupled with advanced analytics, to enhance
decision-making, optimize processes, and predict and prevent issues. The use
cases presented across various industrial sectors exemplify the tangible benefits,
from predictive maintenance in manufacturing to supply chain optimization in
logistics. While challenges such as data security and scalability exist, the chapter
emphasizes that the rewards in terms of operational efficiency, cost savings, and
innovation are well worth the investment. As we stand on the cusp of Industry 4.0
and beyond, the integration of Big Data Analytics with Digital Twins represents a
pivotal step toward achieving smarter, more agile, and sustainable industrial
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8 AI-Driven Digital Twin
Conceptual Framework
and Applications
Maninder Pal Singh and Pankaj Bhambri
Present-day technological advancements have transformed nearly every aspect of
daily existence. It is significantly facilitating the development of improved facilities
and enhancing the quality of life for users. Numerous spheres, including education,
banking and finance, healthcare facilities, modern industry, and the agricultural
sector, have benefited significantly from technological advancements. Artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, Internet of Things, Cloud
Computing, Digital Twin, and the most recent connectivity services are the most
prominent of the era’s cutting-edge technologies that are assisting users intelligently
and predicting their behavior, as well as providing the connectivity and convenience
of data to satisfy the majority of their needs. The digital counterpart has the potential
to be an indispensable concept for efficient intelligent construction. When AI and
digital twins are combined, a new ray of hope emerges. A digital twin powered by AI
is an electronic depiction of a tangible entity, system, or operation that integrates
cutting-edge AI functionalities with real-time data in order to simulate, forecast, and
optimize its operations and performance. Digital Twin is garnering the interest of both
experts and intellectuals. In the present day, numerous tasks rely on technology to
provide precise virtual representations of objects and models of surgical procedures
(Mohsen, A., et al., 2023). A Gartner survey conducted in 2019 unveiled that digital
twins were increasingly being adopted by enterprises. According to a forecast by
Gartner (2019), 75% of Internet of Things (IoT) organizations are already utilizing
Digital Twin technology or have intentions to do so by 2020. Additionally, by 2027,
more than 40% of large companies globally will be utilizing Digital Twin in revenue-
generating initiatives, according to Gartner (Groombridge, D., et al., 2021).
• Ability of predicting and familiarizing - AI implements algorithms that
determine samples from enormous amounts of facts and figures.
• Makes decisions on its own - AI is gifted to enhance human intelligence,
provide insights and mend production.
• Uninterrupted learning - AI practices algorithms to create analytical
models. From those procedures, AI technology will discover how to
achieve tasks through incalculable rounds of trial and error.
• AI is forward-looking - AI is a tool that permits us to reassess how we
examine data and incorporate information, and then customize these
understandings to make good decisions (Ziyad, S., 2019).
The field of AI has had a transformative impact on society from its inception, as
documented by Kaur and Bhambri (2015). The utilization of weak AI is
predominantly controlled by individuals possessing extensive understanding of
the field. This allows for the observation of AI‘s notable accomplishments as it
diligently strives to enhance the quality of human lifestyles (Kataria, A., Puri, V.,
Pareek, P. K., & Rani, S., 2023, July). Researchers are currently collaborating with
advanced AI systems that possess the capability to effectively address a variety of
challenges across diverse contexts (Rani, Pareek, Kaur, Chauhan, & Bhambri, 2023,
February). Researchers are persistently engaged in efforts to imbue machines with
human-like behavior. However, the results obtained thus far have been varied.
While the current state of the system has a certain degree of similarity to human
behavior, it has not yet achieved perfect parity (Chauhan & Rani, 2021). According
AI-Driven Digital Twin 129
Types of AI ( Ziyad, S., 2019)
Types of AI
AI has a wide range of applications across various industries and domains. Here are
some key areas where AI is being applied (Kurfess et al., 2003)
130 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
The above applications of AI are continuing to expand into new areas as the
technology evolves (Kurfess et al., 2003).
FIGURE 8.3 Digital twin system with an interface to a physical unit and peripheral data.
( Emmert-Streib & Harja, 2022)
134 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
importance, as its structural design offers a direct platform for showcasing the
various contributions that AI can give.
The operational architecture of the system enables the prioritization of different
contributions that AI can provide in order to enhance the findings of a Digital Twin
System. These contributions are emphasized from 1.AI to 6.AI.
The Digital Twin System encompasses a range of AI approaches, which can be
categorized into six distinct components based on their fundamental architecture.
The technique being referred to is commonly known as AI-DTS, which stands for
Artificial Intelligence for Digital Twin Systems. 1. AI: Optimization via the
construction of models. 2. AI: Optimization through the updating of models. 3. AI:
Generative modeling. 4. AI: Data analytics. 5. AI: Predictive analytics. 6. AI:
Decision making. In the subsequent section, a concise analysis is presented for each
AI-DTS. The visualization depicted in Figure 8.3 illustrates that physical entities
can be derived from a diverse range of applications, including but not limited to
climate research, urban planning, engineering, manufacturing, health, and sustain
ability. According to Emmert-Streib (2023), a digital twin is created based on this
process, wherein a dynamic model is constructed to accurately represent the key
characteristics of the actual entity through computer simulation. Typically, this
encompasses extraneous information from which the components of the digital twin
are evaluated. The optimization method referred to as 1.AI: optimization (model
development) is proposed in this study. In contrast to the initial approach, a distinct
alternative optimization step incorporating AI is present. The second stage of
optimization is validating the alignment between the digital twin and its physical
counterparts throughout its operational cycle. The implementation of optimization
techniques, specifically model updating, guarantees the enhancement of the
informing apparatus of the DT referred to as 2.AI. In order to mitigate potential
confusion between the processes of model design and model updating, braces are
employed to offer additional information. This also highlights the issue elaborated
upon thereafter, which is the lack of uniqueness among certain AI techniques.
The third AI association is facilitated through the utilization of generative
modeling techniques. One example of such a phenomenon is the utilization of
generative adversarial networks (GANs) (Gui, J. et al. 2021). In a comprehensive
context, a GAN has the capability to generate factual information by extracting
relevant features from large datasets. In some instances, a GAN can be employed to
substitute or augment a conventional simulation model, such as those based on
differential equations, agent-based models, or Boolean networks (Emmert-Streib,
2023). This implies that AI not only assists in enhancing a simulation model, but
also possesses the capability to autonomously structure the simulation model.
Upon initial examination, the fourth and fifth applications of AI exhibit apparent
similarities, as both approaches are employed for the purpose of data analysis.
However, both parties are utilizing distinct data sources for the purpose of conducting
their analysis (Puri, V., Kataria, A., Solanki, V. K., & Rani, S., 2022, December). The
initial approach involves utilizing two distinct data sources, namely peripheral data
and the digital twin. Consequently, it is possible to distinguish between two types of
data exploration: data analytics and predictive analytics (referred to as 4. AI: data
analytics and 5. AI: predictive analytics in Figure 8.3). The influence of data origin on
AI-Driven Digital Twin 135
AI-driven digital twins have a wide range of applications across various industries.
These applications leverage the capabilities of AI, real-time data integration,
simulation, and predictive analytics to enhance efficiency, improve decision-making,
and optimize processes. Here are some notable applications of AI-driven digital twins:
While AI-driven digital twins offer numerous advantages, they also come with
certain limitations and challenges that need to be considered:
• Data Dependency:
• Quality and Accuracy: The accuracy and reliability of AI-driven
digital twins heavily depend on the quality of the data they receive.
AI-Driven Digital Twin 137
In contemporary society, a multitude of new technologies are playing a crucial
role in various application fields that exhibit diversity. However, the optimal
functionality of these technologies is achieved when they are properly mapped.
The integration of technologies is facilitating the effective implementation of
diverse applications. The focus of this study is on two primary technologies,
namely AI and Digital Twin. The significant engagement in the integration of
these technologies can be demonstrated by examining several domains of
application. In addition to discussing the advantages, the author also emphasized
the limitations and obstacles encountered in achieving precise and effective
integration of the two components.
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9 AI-Driven Digital Twin
for Healthcare
K. Aditya Shastry and B. A. Manjunatha
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subfield of computer science that concentrates on the
creation of scientific concepts, procedures, and programmes for mimicking,
augmenting, and augmenting human cognitive skills. In 1950, Alan Turing devised
the “Turing test” and defined AI as being both comparable to and more complicated
than the human intellect (Liu et al., 2021).
AI is being used more and more these days, especially even though deep learning
(DL) (a collection of training techniques that serve as the foundation of the latest
generation of AI skills, with the capability to effectively learn from big-data
analysis and then make choices based on that understanding) came out (Mintz et al.,
2019). Many different neural networks are used in this type of AI. AI is being
utilised in so many various ways and helping to make so many technological
advances that a fresh concept has come up: AI plus. “AI plus” is the procedure of
combining AI’s technological advancements and successes with more traditional
approaches to business to increase productivity, innovation, and growth (Kaul et al.,
2020). AI researchers have discovered that the proportion of advantages to
resources spent in the healthcare profession is greater compared to any other
segment they have looked at to date. When AI is used in healthcare, it leads to big
changes in the way healthcare is done now (Gomez et al., 2019, Jabeen et al., 2021).
Healthcare uses of AI have also gotten a lot of attention due to their great potential
(Patel et al., 2009).
People are wondering if AI technology could likely overtake doctors because of
how quickly it is being used in the medical sector (Bakshi et al., 2021). Feasibly, AI
systems may not be capable of substituting doctors; however, they may help doctors
get better results and be more precise in the medical sector. Obtaining access to
health records is a key part of the development of these AI medical apps (Manne
et al., 2021). AI is not a standalone system, but a group of methods. Some of these
methods are often used in healthcare, like “machine learning” (ML). ML is a
process where methods are trained using information that already exists so that,
based on what they’ve already learned, they can recognise the test input when given
the information used for testing (Bose et al., 2021). ML is a type of AI that is used a
lot (Lee et al., 2018).
AI software, which includes ML and the ability to learn on its own, opens up
new possibilities for advancement in many disciplines, including financial services,
pharmaceutics, business, trade, distribution channels, transportation, and energy
(Esmaeilzadeh et al., 2020; Lopez et al., 2019). AI might be used in clinical
information systems to help doctors make decisions about diagnosis and treatment
and to perform predictive modelling on a population (Brufau et al., 2019). Several
businesses have made the development of AI-based products a key part of their
plans (Coombs et al., 2020). AI has made a lot of big changes, which has led to new
research that looks at the effects of these technologies and AI (Babu et al., 2021).
To reach this goal, though, you need to know a lot about the factors that affect how
customers in different service and manufacturing industries will react to AI-based
solutions. Studies from the past have shown how important AI is in healthcare,
especially healthcare analytics (Khanna et al., 2013). AI can improve patient safety,
diagnosis, and the way medical information is analysed (Dreyer et al., 2018).
According to research (Houssami et al., 2017), using AI knowledge to diagnose
“breast cancer” reduces the number of mistakes made by humans. However, several
connected moral and social trust factors, as well as AI dependency, still need to be
made (Bali, V., Bali, S., Gaur, D., Rani, S., & Kumar, R., 2023). AI-driven
suggestions may be used differently in the medical field than in other industries
because health information is sensitive, and customers are more likely to make
mistakes with their medications.
Effective methods of AI in the medical field are discussed in this chapter. The
rest of this section is scheduled to go as follows. The several AI methods used in
healthcare are discussed in Section 2.
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Semi supervised learning
AI Reinforcement learning
Methods in
Neural networks
several decades of “blood pressure” metrics you possess or how much storage you
would need to erase in order to put a 3D representation of an organ on your laptop
(Kaur, D., Singh, B., & Rani, S., 2023). The information recorded in hospitals and
kept in electronic medical records via common tests and diagnostic imaging
enables additional applications of AI and information-driven medicine with
superior performance. These technologies have altered and will continue to alter
physicians’ and academics’ therapeutic conflict resolving strategies (Basu et al.,
Although certain techniques may perform as well as or better than doctors in
a range of duties, they have not been completely incorporated into standard
clinical practice (Kumar, P., Banerjee, K., Singhal, N., Kumar, A., Rani, S.,
Kumar, R., & Lavinia, C. A., 2022). Although these systems could greatly
impact healthcare and improve the efficacy of surgical treatments, they face
considerable initial legal challenges that must be overcome before they can be
implemented. Similar to how doctors hone their skills over the course of years
in medical school by taking classes, taking exams, practising on patients, and
gaining feedback, AI systems need time to train and make mistakes before they
can perform well (Puri, V., Kataria, A., Solanki, V. K., & Rani, S., 2022,
December). Human intelligence is required for tasks like pattern and voice
recognition, picture processing, and decision-making, but these may theoreti
cally be completed by AI methods. For an algorithm to make use of a given
AI-Driven Digital Twin for Healthcare Applications 145
Raw Data
image, for instance, human beings must provide explicit instructions on what
else to look for. In conclusion, AI algorithms are highly effective at carrying out
repetitive tasks, often outperforming humans in the tasks for which they were
designed (Amisha et al., 2019).
To construct an effective AI system, systems are frequently provided with
content, indicating that each data item does have a tag or tag that the technique
could identify (Figure 9.2). After the approach has been subjected to a necessary
number of distinct data sets and related explanations, its behaviour is assessed to
check its accuracy, just as students are given exams (Dhanalakshmi, R.,
Vijayaraghavan, N., Sivaraman, A. K., & Rani, S., 2022). These technique
“tests” often involve the input of test dataset that the designers already possess
the solutions, allowing researchers to assess the approaches’ capacity to recognise
the correct response (Tanwar, R., Chhabra, Y., Rattan, P., & Rani, S., 2022,
September). In response to the results of evaluation, the methods may be changed,
provided with more information, or built to aid the programmer in making
decisions (Briganti et al., 2020).
Figure 9.2 is an illustration of a method that might comprehend the fundamental
structure of a wrist and recreate the placement of a missing digit. The input is a set
of palm X-rays, and the output is a map displaying the locations of missing hand
components. The prototype in this instance is the arm shape, which can be applied
to various pictures. This could assist clinicians in determining where to reconstruct
or replace a leg (Gomez et al., 2019).
There are various data-driven learning strategies available. Most of the data
input for AI-based medical applications is numeric (such as pulse rate or
pressure) or graphical (like the MRI scans or Imaging of Tumour Clinical
Specimens). Following learning from the data, the approaches enable determining
if it is a likelihood or a categorisation. For instance, a useful outcome could be the
likelihood of getting an arterial thrombus depending on pulse rate and hyperten
sive data, or the cancerous or benign categorisation of an image biopsy. In
medical applications, the diagnostics performance of a technique is compared to
that of a physician in order to determine the technique’s capabilities and
usefulness in healthcare (Secinaro et al., 2021).
146 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
AI in medical diagnosis
AI in AI in AI in AI in Ultrasonography
radiology Pathology Endoscopy and Biochemical
AI in medical treatment
Printing (3DP)
AI in Surgery AI in Perioperative
AI Period
Healthcare Virtual Reality,
Augmented Reality,
Rehabilitation Anaesthesiology and Mixed Reality
Assistance Assistance
AI in Drug production
AI in Coronavirus research
were limited in their effectiveness since they still needed personal supervision and
interaction (Rani, S., Pareek, P. K., Kaur, J., Chauhan, M., & Bhambri, P., 2023,
The concept of an AI-based treatment model has evolved with the develop
ment of AI technology. The “Da Vinci surgical” AI system constitutes its most
cutting-edge use of this principle in the current era. The debut of the “Da Vinci
medical” machine as a remarkable, one-of-a-kind advancement in human history
permits less intense medical assistance, with the advantages of improved sight,
extra accurate and straightforward therapy, and some even remote control. Major
surgical treatments can now be performed with surgical techniques that were
formerly difficult to implement (Kataria, A., Agrawal, D., Rani, S., Karar, V., &
Chauhan, M., 2022). The Da Vinci surgical AI system has three parts: the doctor
connection, the robotic operating system, and the imaging system (Kataria, A.,
Puri, V., Pareek, P. K., & Rani, S., 2023, July). In 2000, the FDA of the United
States approved the real use of Da Vinci surgical gear. The standard treatment
model was altered by this AI system. With the execution of the Da Vinci surgical
AI system, for example, the pituitary process was improved in terms of post-
operative symptomatic treatment and verbal results (Zuo et al., 2017), mesiodistal
operation was improved in regards to accuracy and security (Stefanelli et al.,
2020), bowel, nephrotoxicity, and bulbourethral glands medical intervention was
improved as demonstrated by an increased surgical intervention beneficial result,
but a low attrition (Lenfant et al., 2020; Winder et al., 2020; Jones et al., 2020),
and respiratory cancer surgery was beneficial for patients as a result of a lower
attrition (Wang et al., 2020).
The primary distinguishing feature of AI surgical technologies, relative to
conventional surgical processes, is “AI,” which indicates that the surgery processes
have evolved to an intelligent state. Assisted by AI techniques such as DL,
histologic analysis in the course of surgery is now a reality, allowing for fast incisal
edge pathologic investigation and genuine cell biopsies (Zuo et al., 2017). Utilising
DL, the AI method could also self-deduce centred on the plentiful experimentations
from diagnostic physicians and recreate clinical digitised data by posting the
surgical programme to an AI surgical scheme to smartly aid the surgical procedure,
such as minimally invasive resection scope composition, postoperative endocrine
remnant quantity health coverage, and prognostication of lymphatic system with
potentially positive metastatic disease (Navarrete et al., 2020).
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10 Application of Artificial
Intelligence in Resource-
Poor Healthcare
P. Priyanga, N. C. Naveen, and K. R. Pradeep
First formulated in 1956 by John McCarthy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) comprises
machines that can accomplish tasks that are distinctive to the humanoid intelligence
along with the capacity to acquire without being specially programmed. AI involves
processing, recognizing, understanding, planning, problem-solving, and learning.
Machine Learning (ML) techniques are in which machines can learn on their own.
This can be achieved without being clearly automated. ML is a functionality of AI
which delivers a structure to learn and progress the analysis from knowledge
automatically. ML algorithms can be generated by assimilating the input and output
of a code (Reese et al., 2017). The differences between AI-Expert Systems and ML-
Machine Intelligence are as in Table 10.1.
TABLE 10.1
Differences - AI and ML
SI. No AI-Expert Systems ML-Machine Intelligence
1 AI is well-defined as the capacity to gain and ML is characterized as the pursuit of skill or
put on knowledge knowledge
2 Increase the chances of success as compared Increase of accuracy as compared to the
to the accuracy success
3 A program that can do smart work Takes the data and learns from it
4 Simulates natural intelligence that solves a Learn from data on a specific task to
complex problem achieve the attainment
5 Used for decision-making Learn new things from data
6 Mimic humans that can respond and behave to Create self-learning algorithms
7 Finds the optimal solution Finds the solution and analyses, whether it
is optimal or not
8 Passes on the intellect and wisdom Passes on the knowledge
infrastructure, storage capacity and processing that will enable them to create
ML solutions.
1. Volume: Web has a larger amount of data than in the past, and the size of
the data is rapidly growing, but the tools currently available can process a
small amount of data available.
2. Variety: Various types of data are currently accessible in the form of text,
video, audio, graph, GPS, sensor data, and many more with the advent
of IoT.
3. Velocity: A large set of data is available in real-time as data streams, but
current research is only interested in getting useful and selective data.
The advancement in ML techniques can assist the Web Analytics (WA) in finding
the exciting patterns, but the challenge is still open in the areas like:
There are several Big Data, Data Mining (DM), and Warehouse tools accessible in
the market but these tools are not just right for tasks such as
The research challenge is to tackle these classical problems in WA and build a novel
solution to find exciting patterns by harnessing the streams from the real-time Web
(Kaur, D., Singh, B., & Rani, S., 2023).
In 2005, 11.5 billion estimated pages were present on the Web; as of today, this
is estimated at around 100 billion pages, and the growth rate is faster than Moore’s
law. The number of pages is doubling every eight months and, as a result generating
a large quantity of data with rapidly developing value.
The current healthcare system is a highly interconnected network with various
clinical and administrative healthcare professionals generating complex data from
various systems and medical equipment. Further expansion of the Web helped to
create a web-based Personal Health Record concept, and this gives lifelong health
information accessible to people. Researchers and clinicians can access this health
information using various tools to provide necessary vital aspects such as the
patient’s health condition, various test details of patients, human resources, medical
unit coordination, etc. Currently, healthcare and the medical field are facing
problems such as increasing medical expenses, aging factor, and the rise of chronic
patients, hence requirements for providing excellent medical services are much
needed. The aging population in many developed countries causes a shortage of
medical resources and healthcare, leading to the difference between people’s
demand for healthcare and available medical resources. To address this demand a
new medical service system needs to be created and information technologies
started to play a major role in improving and creating a central service system. The
healthcare community started to take the necessary steps to adopt and develop
medical care using information technologies. National Health Information
Infrastructure has introduced a blueprint to establish national healthcare infra-
structure in three aspects: public health, personal health, and medical institution
(Bilal, M., Kumari, B., & Rani, S., 2021, May; Tanwar, R., Chhabra, Y., Rattan, P.,
& Rani, S., 2022, September). To improve the healthcare system, a large amount of
peer-patient information should be exchanged, and this process will help the
patients and also provide medical knowledge for the moderators. The healthcare
system is required to deliver quality, better access, and continuous care of patients
with low investment and operation costs in infrastructures and technology.
In the past few years, there have been significant developments in how ML can
be used in various industries and research. Many ML techniques have been applied
in the field of healthcare, among which classification is the predominant one. In the
realm of medicine, classification techniques are frequently used to analyze patient
data and produce a predictive model or set of association rules. Researchers have
utilized a hybrid intelligent system to introduce a unique form of classification of
medical data based on the hybrid combinatorial structure of the Fuzzy max-min
neural network, and the data classification is done using the Random forest. This
methodology is put into effect on a variety of datasets together with Breast Cancer
and primary immunodeficiency disorder (PIDD) that performed better compared to
other existing methods.
An extensive set of ML algorithms are established towards framing the models and
attain methods for analysis. Based on the learning method, these algorithms can be
classified as:
training data and then evaluate test data and build a prediction model called as lazy
learner. This prediction model basically accumulates the training data and delays till
it caters with the test data (Kaur et al., 2020). So, an indolent learner accepts a
compact period in training, and then additional time in forecasting. Stanford
researchers have created popular I-bA algorithms capable of diagnosing 14 distinct
medical diseases and identifying pneumonia from medical photos. Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Centre is developing imaging to enhance the detection of prostate
using machine learning (ML) must prevent “GPU starvation,” which happens when
a processor malfunctions because it cannot access the necessary data. Currently, the
amount of computing power required by ML algorithms is increasing rapidly, and
the computing power delivered by GPUs has increased by a factor of 10. The main
challenge for an organization is to develop ML applications that can have a
significant impact on efficiency and quality in healthcare.
To summarize the following are some of the scope, services and benefits for
healthcare if ML is applied
1. Internet in clinics will have positive support to patients and can also be
used for better communications
2. Doctors at urban referral hospitals can respond quickly to consultation
requests from the remote health workers
3. Doctors can plan and diagnose the same way as a remote healthcare
4. Doctors from the same or different country need not physically visit the
remote locations but can help healthcare workers efficiently
5. Primary care and specialists can use live interactive video for better
6. Use of store and forward communication of diagnostic pictures, very
important signs, and video clips in conjunction with patient information
can be done efficiently
7. Remote patient monitoring as well as consumer health &medical information
8. The Internet and wireless devices are used by patients to access specialized
health information and engage in online team discussions to provide peer-
to-peer assistance.
Current healthcare research agonizes from decreasing achievement rates, and hence
Big Data and ML with useful analytics could be a key element and are being
accepted across the industries as well as pharmaceuticals. It is projected that
handling Big Data strategies leads to good decision-making where it could generate
up to $100 billion in the healthcare structure, and ML is playing an integral role in
the field of medical diagnostics. The trials are to enhance the innovation, improve
the efficiency of clinical trials and research, and build novel tools for physicians,
consumers, etc.
In the healthcare industry, data growths are generated from several sources, and
effectively using this data will help organizations to identify better and develop a
predictive model of being successful that is safe and effective. Many ML diagnostic
applications fall under Chatbots that use AI with speech recognition ability that can
identify patterns in patient symptoms for better diagnosis and provide appropriate
treatment. The challenge to organizations is to create value-based healthcare that can
optimize clinical, financial, and technical operations since patient’s data include
structured data, unstructured data, high-definition 3D medical images, and videos.
Organizations should secure patient data which is generated by including biometric
166 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
readings, safety medical devices, or wearable activity trackers. They also need to
simplify storage architecture that is flexible enough to manage Big Data with proper
backup performance. Researchers are using DL algorithms to recognize and develop
models that are comparable to physicians. Machine vision and other ML technologies
can enhance clinicians to diagnose rare diseases. Organizations have to create a better
infrastructure that is flexible and supports performance, advanced data analytics, use
of private, hybrid, or public clouds, and changing clinical workflows.
Bhambri, P., Sinha, V.K., & Dhanoa, I.S. (2020). Diabetes prediction with WEKA Tool.
Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(9), 2366–2371.
Bilal, M., Kumari, B., & Rani, S. (2021, May). An artificial intelligence supported E-
commerce model to improve the export of Indian handloom and handicraft products in
the World. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing &
Communication (ICICC).
Bali, V., Bali, S., Gaur, D., Rani, S., & Kumar, R. (2023). Commercial-off-the shelf vendor
selection: A multi-criteria decision-making approach using intuitionistic fuzzy sets and
TOPSIS. Operational research in engineering sciences: Theory and applications.
Dhanalakshmi, R., Vijayaraghavan, N., Sivaraman, A. K., & Rani, S. (2022). Epidemic
awareness spreading in smart cities using the artificial neural network. In AI-centric
smart city ecosystems (pp. 187–207). CRC Press.
Dhanoa, I.S., & Bhambri, P. (2020). Traffic-aware energy efficient VM migrations. Journal
of Critical Reviews, 7(19), 177–183.
Jimmy Lin, & Dmitriy, Ryaboy (2012). Scaling big data mining infrastructure: The Twitter
experience. ACM SIGKDD ExplorationsNew York, USA, 14(2), 6–19.
Kataria, A., Agrawal, D., Rani, S., Karar, V., & Chauhan, M. (2022). Prediction of blood
screening parameters for preliminary analysis using neural networks. In Predictive
modeling in biomedical data mining and analysis (pp. 157–169). Academic Press.
K R Pradeep & Dr. Naveen N C (2016). Predictive analysis of diabetes using J48 algorithm
of classification techniques. In 2nd International Conference on Contemporary
Computing and Informatics (IC3I), Noida, India.
K R Pradeep, & Dr. Naveen N C (2013). A collective study of Machine Learning (ML)
algorithms with Big Data Analytics (BDA) for Healthcare Analytics (HcA).
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), 47(3), 149–155.
Kaur, K., Dhanoa, I.S., Bhambri, P., & Singh, G. (2020). Energy saving VM migration
techniques. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(9), 2359–2365.
Kataria, A., Puri, V., Pareek, P. K., & Rani, S. (2023, July). Human activity classification
using G-XGB. In 2023 International Conference on Data Science and Network
Security (ICDSNS) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Kaur, D., Singh, B., & Rani, S. (2023). Cyber security in the metaverse. In Handbook of
research on ai-based technologies and applications in the era of the metaverse
(pp. 418–435). IGI Global.
Kumar, P., Banerjee, K., Singhal, N., Kumar, A., Rani, S., Kumar, R., & Lavinia, C. A.
(2022). Verifiable, secure mobile agent migration in healthcare systems using a
polynomial-based threshold secret sharing scheme with a Blowfish algorithm. Sensors,
22(22), 8620.
Omar Ali, Wiem Abdelbaki, Anup Shrestha, Ersin Elbasi, Mohammad Abdallah Ali Alryalat,
Yogesh K Dwivedi (2023). A systematic literature review of artificial Intelligence in
the healthcare sector: Benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities. Journal
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Resource-Poor Healthcare 167
Digital Twin (DT) expertise is the procedure of building a numerical copy of a
corporal object (e.g., car, building, city). The digital double simulates the processes
that a physical object goes through and predicts how it will perform in different
environments. A Digital Twin algorithm uses real data and leading-edge knowledge
such as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), and information
analytics to analyze a product or process’s performance and make more precise
A Digital Twin typically includes additional information (hardware firmware
type, hardware conformation, correction, setpoint evidence, etc.). With enough
information, a DT can suggest customized keys based on each user’s unique history
and statistics. Physical assets are linked to sensors that collect information about
operating conditions and real-time status or location in order to create a DT. The
sensor data is analyzed along with industrial and contextual information. DT
expertise requires a strong digital philosophy.
By gradually implementing the technology and testing, companies can assist
engineers and analysts in adopting this new approach. The DT is constantly
restructured with the most conversant data, and can be modified as required.
Industry 4.0 is a game-changer that promises to revolutionize the manufacturing
industry through the use of leading-edge technologies. Nevertheless, there are
several challenges that must be overcome so as to successfully apply Industry 4.0.
One of the main constraints is the large investment needed in leading-edge base
imitation and technologies. For smaller businesses or those with limited budgets,
this can be a challenge. Industry 4.0 also necessitates a high-skilled workforce with
digital expertise. This means that employees need to be trained or new employees
need to be hired to fill these roles.
Another restriction is the rising danger of imitation-attacks on online data
brought on by the expansion of Internet-connected products and systems. Therefore,
putting Industry 4.0 into practice calls for robust well-being measures to safeguard
private information and property rights. Industry 4.0 also depends on dependable
and quick communication networks, but not all businesses have admittance to the
mandatory base, which might make implementation tough (Kaur, D., Singh, B., &
Rani, S., 2023).
Businesses may think about integrating Industry 4.0 into the sub-production
process to get around these constraints. This strategy starts with small-scale
deployments to gather knowledge and experience before extending to bigger
businesses. Investments in training and retraining programs for the workforce can
also aid in the development of the abilities and proficiency essential to help and
affirm Industry 4.0 expertise. Finally, organizations may lessen the dangers
involved in data collecting and analysis by putting robust data protection and
data well-being processes in place.
IoT expertise is used in intelligent workshops to link diverse equipment, gadgets,
and sensors to a main network. This minimizes downtime and improves the
production process. An Industry 4.0 description of the production procedure that is
more effective, flexible, and acceptable is known as an intelligent factory. Companies
may sustain their competitiveness under challenging market conditions in this way.
With the help of interconnected equipment, systems, and devices, manufacturing
procedures are automated, adaptable, and more efficient in an intelligent factory
(Rani, S., Pareek, P. K., Kaur, J., Chauhan, M., & Bhambri, P., 2023, February).
This makes it possible for smart workshops to scrutinize and manage numerous
parts of the production process using IoT devices. For instance, networked devices
may supply real-time data on their location and routines, while sensors can creatively
scrutinize temperature, humidity, and pressure. AI and appliance acquiring proce-
dures can be utilized to examine the resultant data in order to find trends and improve
production procedures (Evangeline & Anandhakumar, 2020, p. 49).
automatically shut down the machine or trigger an alert to notify a technician to take
immediate action (Rani, S., & Gupta, O. P., 2017).
Moreover, this expertise also provides greater protection for equipment and
assets. The network can scrutinize the condition of equipment and assets in real
time, allowing companies to proactively identify issues before they become major
problems that could lead to costly repairs or replacements. In summary, the
integration of a network of connected sensors and machines has transformed the
way industries operate by providing enhanced safety measures and increased
protection for valuable equipment and assets (Fuller et al., 2020, p. 13-43).
As the engineering productions evolves, it is becoming increasingly decisive for
businesses to optimize their production processes to remain competitive. One key
way to do this is through enhanced connectivity and coordination, which can lead to
greater efficiency and productivity while minimizing waste and downtime. By
leveraging the power of the IoT, manufacturers can track inventory, manage supply
chains, and make informed decisions regarding production and distribution (Rachna
et al., 2022). This can result in reduced downtime, lower costs, and improved
productivity. Industry 4.0 has brought about a new era of manufacturing, where
expertise plays a critical role in driving efficiency and quality control (Singh, P.,
Gupta, O. P., & Saini, S., 2017). By implementing power-protecting modes, beams,
and software program, constructers can harness the power of connected devices to
strengthen effectiveness, growth throughput, and boost superiority method. With
the wealth of information gathered through intelligent and machine learning
analysis, plant managers can optimize production processes, minimize downtime,
and ensure quality control. In summary, the integration of IoT expertise and
Industry 4.0 principles can help manufacturers achieve greater efficiency, produc-
tivity, and quality control while reducing costs and minimizing downtime (Ghosh
et al., 2019, p. 133).
Predictive maintenance is a proactive maintenance strategy that utilizes IoT
expertise to scrutinize equipment performance and detect potential faults and
failures. In smart workshops, this approach is used to minimize unintentional
interruption by recognizing and addressing issues before they lead to equipment
breakdowns. By collecting and analyzing information from measuring device
connected on apparatus and production equipment, predictive maintenance
systems can find configurations and movements that show probable questions,
such as uncharacteristic sensations or warmth revolutions (Gupta, O. P., & Rani,
S., 2013).
This enables maintenance teams to take corrective action before failures occur,
reducing the risk of costly downtime and improving overall equipment effective-
ness (Rana et al., 2021a; Rana et al., 2021b). Incorporating IoT-enabled sensors into
manufacturing equipment enables factory managers to predict and prevent equip-
ment failures, thus facilitating the development of effective maintenance schedules
(Rani, S., Arya, V., & Kataria, A., 2022). This advanced expertise allows for the
avoidance of downtime, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and productivity of the
manufacturing process (Guo et al., 2020, p. 156-163).
The IoT has proven to be versatile and useful in various fields, including inventory
management, energy management, and asset tracking. In smart workshops, IoT
172 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
devices allow for a connected and computerized location that licences actual period
scrutinizing, scrutiny, and resistor of construction progress (Gupta, O. P., & Rani, S.,
2010). By combining blockchain expertise with imitation well-being industries, we
can improve blockchain applications in intelligent engineering, contributing to the
development of Industry 4.0. Sustainable smart manufacturing also looks into
exploring IoT and arterial intelligence to create imitation-physical manufacturing
networks (Ivanov & Dolgui, 2020, p. 65).
Research is exploring the use of smart manufacturing technologies to enhance
the production process for advanced parts in IoT manufacturing (Rani, S., & Gupta,
O. P., 2016). Resolution maintenance procedures for smart workshops using the IoT
are being developed through big data analysis in green manufacturing (Kataria, A.,
Puri, V., Pareek, P. K., & Rani, S., 2023, July). The study of intelligent workshops
in the Industry 4.0 era aims to improve the throughput of fragment construction.
The Industry 4.0 intelligent production system is being examined to deliver
presentations to the IoT in forward-thinking engineering and to enhance the
proficiency of part production (Javaid et al., 2023, p. 89).
This study aims to create an imitation well-being system that is reliable and
efficient for scrutinizing information visualization and automated guided vehicle
(AGV) status. It uses an IoT architecture based on deep neural networks. The
study also explores the potential of using IoT and deep learning technologies to
detect and repair faults in short-circuit motors. Additionally, the study investi-
gates the use of IoT platforms and neural network deep learning algorithms to
prevent computer numerical control (CNC) mechanical imitation-attacks through
online scrutinizing systems (Rani, S., & Kaur, S., 2012). Lastly, the study
explores how convolutional neural networks can be used for disease detection
and classification, to increase the productivity of tomato cultivation (Gupta, O.,
Rani, S., & Pant, D. C., 2011). The language used in the study is kept simple
and familiar, with an emphasis on clear communication (Karadeniz et al., 2019,
p. 66–77).
We are currently investigating the use of Bash Bunny as a means of filtering
military and police units without the need for privilege escalation (Kothandaraman,
D., Manickam, M., Balasundaram, A., Pradeep, D., Arulmurugan, A., Sivaraman,
A. K., & Balakrishna, R., 2022). This is to improve network well-being against
imitation-attacks. Additionally, we are exploring the use of a robust Kalman strainer
to improve the well-being of positioning automated vehicles against various
imitation-attacks (Kenett& Bortman, 2021, p. 45–65).
original device are all included in this duplicate. Users can investigate a variety of
options to enhance product processes, increase a product’s lifespan, develop new
goods, and test prototypes by utilizing this DT.
The ability to design and test programs programmatically is one of the main
benefits of utilizing a DT. Due to the lack of reliance on actual implementation,
users are able to test various solutions and simulate various scenarios. This can help
identify possible problems early on and save time and resources.
DTs can be utilized for performance improvement and predictive maintenance in
addition to enhancing product development and testing. Users may enhance
performance based on real-time information by keeping an eye on the DT and
seeing possible problems before they become serious. A valuable tool for enhancing
product development, testing, and maintenance, DTs are being used more often
across a wide range of businesses (Kochhar, 2023, p. 74).
Companies have a serious difficulty when it comes to the safety and correct
training of new personnel. Although safety and skill-related content is covered in
class, it might not be contextually relevant enough for new hires to completely
understand their new workplace. In addition, busy activities and noise in a plant or
factory might restrict onsite training by making it difficult to visit particular areas or
ask questions (Rani, S., Bhambri, P., & Chauhan, M., 2021, October).
DTs, however, provide a novel approach to this problem. DTs allow new hires to
get acclimated to their new workplace without putting themselves in danger or
having their job interrupted. The actual setting in which they will be using their
abilities can be better understood by new employees by traversing the DT and
completing pertinent training material. This gives them the assurance and under-
standing of their surroundings they need to begin their new career (Li et al.,
2022, p.67).
Space planning may be a difficult and complicated procedure in the manufac-
turing sector. The way in which space is used can be greatly affected by changes,
such as the addition of new machinery or adjustments to workflow. Traditional
planning techniques, including simple floor plans, diagrams, and images, do not
always give the degree of precision needed for the best planning, which might result
in mistakes or errors.
Expertise developments have made it feasible to circumvent these difficulties,
nevertheless. You may now attain dimensional precision and a photorealistic
perspective of your production plant with the aid of DTs. You can map asset
layouts, construction projects, and compliance with important Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) rules like smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and
automated external defibrillator (AED) thanks to this expertise. This guarantees that
your facility is secure and complies with all applicable laws.
Through connections and tags, DTs also facilitate collaborations by enabling
other users to study and record the information required to make crucial choices
(Rani, S., Kumar, S., Kataria, A., & Min, H., 2023). With the use of this expertise,
you can see your facilities in a more precise and thorough manner, which may assist
you in seeing future problems and making wise decisions. Utilizing DTs will help
you design your space more effectively and make sure that your manufacturing
facility is secure, effective, and legal (Liu et al., 2022, p. 67).
174 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
DT expertise is used in fabricating and it can be functional to multi-fold disparate
diligence. Below are some of the DT applications that have set new standards in various
industries (Murata et al., 2022, p. 341-360). These are the following applications:
Manufacturing: DTs can simulate the entire production process in detail. It can
help optimize internal processes such as manufacturing and product design when
applied to production. A DT allows a troupe to precisely augur the coming address of
an affair or process. This way, the manufacturer can identify flaws in the design before
production begins, which can save them a lot of money (Su et al., 2022, p. 38).
Energy: Since DT uses real information to run simulations, it is easier to
optimize energy production and consumption. The expertise uses real-world
information to identify growing energy needs and identify machines that may be
consuming too much energy. This, of course, leads to optimization of energy
requirements and reduced operating costs (Su et al., 2022, p. 73).
Automotive: Traditionally, the automotive industry is heavily involved in
product development and testing. We all have problems when automakers have
to pull millions of vehicles off the market because of a single design flaw, costing
them billions of dollars. DT expertise can help prevent damage before production
starts, effectively reducing production costs. In addition, it can help identify
bottlenecks in operations and reduce development time (Sit & Lee, 2023, p. 141).
• Smart Cities: The use of DTs can aid in making cities more sustainable by
guiding planning decisions and providing solutions to common urban
• Healthcare: DTs have proven to be invaluable in the field of medical
services. They have shown exceptional benefits in zones such as surgical
exercise, voice input, and peril minimization during surgeries. In addition,
the system is capable of modelling the movement of people throughout the
hospital and identifying potential infection hotspots, thus enabling
healthcare professionals to take necessary actions to prevent the spread
of infections.
• Production: DT is being used in various industries like construction and
retail to improve efficiency and consumer proficiency.
• Catastrophe Supervision: Universal temperature modification variation
has exaggerated the sphere in modern years. Consequently, DTs can help
resolve this problem by generating smarter base, temperature variation
scrutinizing and danger answer devices.
DTs are computer programs that collect information from the real world to build
models that can forecast how well a process or product will function. To increase
efficiency, these systems can combine software analytics, AI, and IoT. These virtual
models are now a crucial component of the newest technologies to spur innovation
and boost performance thanks to developments in appliance acquiring and big
information. Essentially, developing one makes it possible to advance key
technological trends, eliminates expensive failures of physical items, and makes
use of extrapolative abilities, amenities, high-level analytics, challenging practises,
and scrutinizing (Thapliyal, 2022, p. 199-233).
An IoT device’s working dynamics and physical components can be virtually
represented by the DT. It’s more than just a strategy. It is not only a picture. It goes
beyond “virtual reality” goggles. It is a cybernetic depiction of the dynamics and
elements that affect how an IoT scheme answers through its lifespan. There are a lot
of things, including buildings, industry operations, jet engines, etc. Digital replicas
are simply computer programs that take information from the actual world to build
simulations that forecast how a process or product will behave. To increase
performance, these programs can combine software analytics, AI, and IoT (Trauer
et al., 2021, p. 196).
These virtual models are now an essential component of the newest technologies
to promote innovation and boost performance thanks to developments in machine
learning and big information. To put it simply, it develops a tool that enhances
strategic technological trends, prevents expensive physical item failures, and makes
use of cutting-edge predictive, service, analytics, process inspection, and supervi-
sion (Wang et al., 2021, p. 51).
DTexpertise involves a complicated process of collecting, analyzing and simulating
information. Sensors and other devices can be used by manufacturers to gather
178 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
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Artificial Intelligence and IoT facilitated Digital Twin 181
It represents a cutting-edge exploration into the transformative convergence of
artificial intelligence (AI), Digital Twins, and the Industry 4.0 revolution. At its
core, this concept revolves around the idea that digital representations of physical
assets, known as Digital Twins, enhanced and empowered by AI technologies, can
usher in a new era of industrial excellence (Abrol et al., 2005; Bai et al., 2020;
Bhambri et al., 2011). These Digital Twins, often virtual replicas of real-world
objects or systems, harness AI‘s capabilities to simulate, monitor, and optimize their
physical counterparts in real time (Bathla et al., 2007a, 2007b, Kothandaraman
et al., 2022). Within the context of Industry 4.0, characterized by the pervasive
digitization of industrial processes and the Internet of Things (IoT), this conceptual
framework offers a structured approach to maximize the potential of AI-driven
Digital Twins (Kumar et al., 2022a, 2022b). It spans diverse domains, from
manufacturing to infrastructure management, predictive maintenance, and resource
optimization, fundamentally changing how industries operate, innovate, and thrive
in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. This concept reflects the
transformative power of AI and Digital Twins as catalysts for the evolution of
modern industry, pushing the boundaries of efficiency, sustainability, and competi-
tiveness (Machała et al., 2022; Rani et al., 2023).
(Rani, S., Kataria, A., Kumar, S., & Tiwari, P., 2023). Industry 4.0 is
characterized by the digitization and automation of industrial processes,
emphasizing the use of advanced technologies for enhanced productivity,
efficiency, and competitiveness (Kaur et al., 2006; Kamra & Bhambri,
2007; Jain & Bhambri, 2005; Habib & Chimsom, 2019).
• AI-Driven Digital Twins: “AI-driven Digital Twin and Resource
Optimization in the Industry 4.0 Ecosystem” zooms in on a specific
application of AI within the broader context of Industry 4.0. In this context,
AI is applied to Digital Twins, which are virtual representations of physical
assets or systems (Puri, V., Kataria, A., Solanki, V. K., & Rani, S., 2022,
December; Bali, V., Bali, S., Gaur, D., Rani, S., & Kumar, R., 2023). These
Digital Twins are enhanced by AI capabilities, allowing them to simulate,
monitor, and optimize real-world assets in real time. This application is a key
component of how AI contributes to Industry 4.0 (Gupta et al., 2007a-e;
Goel & Gupta, 2020; Tanwar, R., Chhabra, Y., Rattan, P., & Rani, S., 2022,
• Resource Optimization: The chapter also highlights resource optimization,
another critical aspect of Industry 4.0. By leveraging AI-driven Digital
Twins, organizations can optimize the allocation of resources such as
manpower, materials, energy, and equipment. This optimization is
essential for achieving the efficiency and sustainability goals of Industry
4.0 (Garg & Bhambri, 2011a, 2011b; Ghobakhloo, 2020).
• Efficiency and Innovation: Both concepts share the common goal of
enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and fostering innovation within
industrial processes. AI in Industry 4.0 and AI-driven Digital Twins
contribute to achieving these objectives by enabling data-driven decision-
making, predictive maintenance, and intelligent resource allocation
(Grewal & Bhambri, 2006; Rani et al., 2021; Rattan et al., 2005a, 2005b).
In essence, “AI in Industry 4.0” provides the overarching context and framework
for the application of AI-driven Digital Twins and resource optimization within the
Industry 4.0 ecosystem. It underscores the transformative role of AI in reshaping
industrial practices and driving advancements in the digital age.
Digital Twin Technology represents the initial step in creating digital representa-
tions of physical assets, and AI-driven Digital Twins enhance these representations
with advanced AI capabilities for the optimization of resources and processes in
Industry 4.0.
Predictive Maintenance aligns with sustainability goals by reducing the consump-
tion of resources associated with unscheduled repairs and replacements. It also
minimizes waste and contributes to environmental responsibility.
accuracy of decision-making are critical for success. Real-time data analytics can
be used in AI-driven digital twin and Industry 4.0 in the following ways (Bhambri
et al., 2009; Bhambri & Singh, 2009; Bhambri & Thapar, 2009; Saucedo-
Martínez et al., 2018):
In the context of Industry 4.0, numerous sensors and IoT devices continuously
generate vast amounts of data from industrial equipment and processes. “Real-
time Data Analytics” is essential for collecting, processing, and integrating this
data into a usable format. This data forms the foundation for AI-driven Digital
Twins, which rely on up-to-the-minute information about the physical assets they
and Industry 4.0, can be classified into several key categories (Bhambri & Singh,
2008a-c; Bhambri & Nischal, 2008a-b).
• Resource Optimization
• Energy Efficiency: The digital twins continuously monitored energy
consumption patterns and recommended adjustments. They optimized
the operation of blast furnaces and rolling mills based on demand,
resulting in significant energy savings.
• Maintenance Predictions: By analyzing data from equipment sensors,
digital twins predicted maintenance needs, allowing Tata Steel to
schedule repairs during planned downtime. This approach reduced
unplanned shutdowns and optimized resource allocation.
• Quality Control: The digital twins monitored product quality
throughout the production process. In case of deviations from quality
standards, adjustments were made automatically to prevent the produc-
tion of defective steel, reducing material waste.
• Results: Tata Steel reported substantial improvements in their resource
optimization efforts:
• Energy consumption decreased by 12%.
• Maintenance costs reduced by 15%.
• Productivity increased by 8% due to reduced downtime.
• A 10% reduction in raw material consumption, contributing to cost
savings and sustainability.
• Resource Optimization:
• Precision Farming: Farmers used digital twins to make data-driven
decisions on irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. The digital twins
helped optimize resource usage by providing insights into when and
where these interventions were needed, reducing water and chemical
• Crop Monitoring: AI-driven digital twins monitored crop health
using remote sensing and satellite imagery. They identified areas
with stress or disease, enabling targeted interventions and mini-
mizing crop loss.
• Data-Driven Crop Planning: Farmers used historical data and predictive
analytics from digital twins to plan their crop cycles. This resulted in
improved yields and reduced resource wastage.
• Results: Mahindra Agribusiness witnessed several positive outcomes from
their adoption of AI-driven digital twins:
• A 25% reduction in water usage through optimized irrigation.
• A 20% decrease in chemical usage, benefiting both the environment
and farmers’ profitability.
• A 12% increase in overall crop yield due to precise resource management
and data-driven decision-making.
These case studies from India demonstrate that AI-driven digital twins and Industry 4.0
technologies are making strides in optimizing resource utilization across diverse
industries. As India continues to embrace these innovations, they have the potential to
significantly enhance sustainability, efficiency, and competitiveness in the country’s
industrial ecosystem.
Here, we shared a comprehensive and illuminating exploration of the trans-
formative synergy between AI-driven digital twins and the Industry 4.0
paradigm. It elucidates the pivotal role these technologies play in reshaping
the industrial landscape, emphasizing their capacity to optimize resources,
enhance sustainability, and foster operational efficiency. Through real-world
case studies and thoughtful analysis, the chapter effectively underscores how
these innovations are not merely theoretical concepts but practical solutions
with tangible benefits across industries. Moreover, it accentuates the necessity
of addressing issues like interoperability, data security, and ethical considera-
tions as we journey deeper into the Industry 4.0 era. As we conclude, the
chapter inspires a vision of a future where AI-driven digital twins are integral to
intelligent, data-driven decision-making, and where industries harness their
potential to create a more sustainable, efficient, and resilient industrial
ecosystem. It serves as a valuable reference for both scholars and practitioners
seeking to navigate and capitalize on the transformative forces of Industry 4.0 in
the modern world.
AI-Driven Digital Twin and Resource Optimization 197
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13 Digital Twin for
Sustainable Industrial
Pawan Whig, Nikhitha Yathiraju,
Venugopal Reddy Modhugu, and
Ashima Bhatnagar Bhatia
In recent years, the global push for sustainability has become an urgent imperative,
driven by concerns over climate change, resource depletion, and environmental
degradation. The industrial sector, being a significant contributor to greenhouse gas
emissions and resource consumption, plays a pivotal role in the pursuit of
sustainable development. To address these challenges and create a more eco-
friendly and resource-efficient industrial landscape, innovative technologies are
required. One such promising technology is the Digital Twin. The concept of the
Digital Twin traces its origins to the early 2000s, primarily emerging from the
aerospace and manufacturing industries. A Digital Twin is a virtual representation
or simulation of a physical asset, process, or system that mirrors its real-world
counterpart in real time. It relies on a network of sensors, Internet of Things (IoT)
devices, and advanced analytics to continuously collect data from the physical
entity. This data is then used to create a digital model, enabling real-time
monitoring, analysis, and prediction of the asset’s behavior and performance. The
integration of Digital Twins into industrial processes opens up new horizons for
sustainable development. By creating a digital replica of assets, companies can
optimize their operations, enhance resource efficiency, and reduce their environ
mental footprint. As industries continue to explore the potential of Digital Twins,
the drive toward sustainability is poised to gain significant momentum. In this book
chapter, we delve into the transformative potential of Digital Twins in fostering
sustainable industrial development. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview
of the benefits, challenges, and innovations surrounding this technology. The term
“Digital Twin” was first coined in 2002 by Dr. Michael Grieves of the University
of Michigan, and it refers to a digital replica of a physical object or system that
can be used for simulation, analysis, and control. In recent years, digital twins
have gained significant attention in the industrial sector, as they offer a powerful
tool for optimizing processes, improving efficiency, and reducing costs (Whig,
Velu, & Naddikatu, 2022; Botín-Sanabria et al., 2022). A digital twin is a virtual
benefits that can revolutionize the industrial landscape. Below are some key reasons
why Digital Twins are crucial for driving sustainability in the industrial sector:
1. Data collection: Collect data from the physical asset or system, such as
sensor readings, performance metrics, and maintenance records.
2. Modeling: Use the collected data to create a digital twin model of the
physical asset or system. This model can include information about the
asset’s geometry, materials, and behavior.
3. Simulation: Use the digital twin model to simulate the behavior of the
physical asset or system under different conditions and scenarios. This can
be used to predict performance, identify potential issues, and evaluate
potential changes.
4. Analysis: Analyze the simulation results to gain insights into the
performance of the physical asset or system. This can include identifying
potential issues, optimizing performance, and making decisions about
maintenance, repairs, or upgrades.
5. Feedback: Feed the insights and learnings from the analysis back into
the physical asset or system to improve its performance and prevent
6. Continual monitoring: Continuously monitor the physical asset or
system, and update the digital twin model as necessary to reflect the
current state of the physical asset; this helps to identify any issues early on
and take necessary action (Whig, Velu, & Bhatia, 2022; Shahat, Hyun, &
Yeom, 2021).
• Training and simulation: Digital twins can be used to train operators and
engineers, and to improve the design of new products and systems.
• Remote monitoring and control: Digital twins can be used to remotely
monitor and control physical assets, which can be especially useful for
assets that are located in remote or dangerous locations (Kaur, D., Singh,
B., & Rani, S., 2023).
• Increased efficiency: Digital twins can help increase the efficiency of
industrial processes by identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and by
providing real-time data on the performance of physical assets.
• Cost savings: By reducing downtime and maintenance costs, digital twins
can lead to significant cost savings for industrial organizations.
• Improved decision-making: Digital twins provide data-driven insights that
can help organizations make better decisions.
• Increased safety: By identifying potential hazards and providing real-time
data on the performance of physical assets, digital twins can help to
improve safety in industrial environments.
Digital twin technology is being used in manufacturing to optimize the
performance of equipment and production lines. By creating a digital replica of
a machine or production line, manufacturers can simulate its operation and
identify areas for improvement, such as reducing downtime or increasing
efficiency (Tomar et al., 2021).
Digital twins can also be used for predictive maintenance, allowing manufac
turers to schedule maintenance proactively and reduce downtime.
Digital twins are being used in the construction industry to improve the design,
planning, and construction of buildings and infrastructure. By creating a digital
replica of a building or infrastructure, architects, engineers, and construction
teams can simulate and analyze different design options, identify potential
issues, and optimize the construction process. Digital twins can also be used for
remote monitoring and management of buildings and infrastructure, allowing
teams to identify and address issues in real time (Whig, Nadikattu, & Velu,
Energy and utilities: Digital twin technology is being used in the energy and
utilities sector to optimize the performance of power plants, transmission and
distribution networks, and renewable energy systems. By creating a digital replica
of a power plant or transmission network, energy companies can simulate and
analyze different scenarios, optimize the performance of the system, and reduce
downtime (Anand et al., 2022). Digital twins can also be used for predictive
maintenance, allowing energy companies to schedule maintenance proactively and
reduce downtime. Some digital twin applications in industry are shown in
Figure 13.4.
• Data collection: The airline would install sensors on the airplane to collect
data on its performance, such as flight data, engine performance, and
maintenance records. They would also gather information about the
airplane’s design and specifications (Kataria, A., Puri, V., Pareek, P. K.,
& Rani, S., 2023, July).
• Modeling: Using the collected data, the airline would create a digital twin
model of the airplane. This model would include information about the
airplane’s geometry, materials, and behavior. The model would also take
into account the different systems such as flight control, navigation, and
power systems.
210 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
• Simulation: Using the digital twin model, the airline would simulate the
airplane’s performance under different conditions, such as different flight
paths, weather conditions, and maintenance scenarios. This would allow
them to predict how the airplane would behave in the real world and
identify potential issues before they occur.
• Analysis: The airline would analyze the simulation results to gain insights
into the airplane’s performance. This could include identifying potential
issues, optimizing performance, and making decisions about maintenance,
repairs, or upgrades.
• Feedback: The airline would feed the insights and learnings from the
analysis back into the real airplane to improve its performance and prevent
issues. For example, if the simulation identified a potential problem with a
certain component, the airline would schedule maintenance or replacement
to address it.
• Continual monitoring: The airline would continuously monitor the
airplane, and update the digital twin model as necessary to reflect the
current state of the real airplane. This would help the airline to identify any
issues early on and take necessary action.
• Defining the scope of the project: This involves identifying the objectives
of the simulation and the specific aspects of the physical object or system
that need to be modeled.
• Collecting and integrating data: This involves capturing data from various
sources, such as sensors, cameras, and other IoT devices, and integrating it
into a single, unified model. This step also involves using data analytics
tools to extract insights from the collected data and feed it back to the
digital twin model.
• Creating the virtual model: This involves using computer-aided design
software and other tools to create a detailed and accurate digital replica of
the object or system. The model should be based on the data collected and
integrated in the previous step.
and its stakeholders. This can involve implementing measures such as encryption,
firewalls, and access controls to protect the data from unauthorized access or
2. Increased use of IoT devices and sensors, which will enable Digital Twins
to capture more data and provide more accurate and detailed insights.
3. Greater use of AR and VR technologies, which will enable Digital Twins
to be used for training, simulation, and collaboration.
4. More widespread adoption of Digital Twins by organizations of all sizes
and across all industries, as the benefits of the technology become more
widely understood and accepted.
5. An increased emphasis on data privacy and security, as Digital Twins will
involve the collection and processing of large amounts of personal and
sensitive data.
6. The use of digital twin to improve the performance and efficiency of
systems, such as in the case of smart cities, and improve the sustainability
and overall livability of our cities.
7. Advancements in data visualization tools, which will enable users to better
understand the data and insights generated by Digital Twins.
8. The use of digital twin in the field of autonomous systems, such as self-
driving cars, drones, and robots, to improve their performance and safety.
1. Data collection: The company would install IoT sensors in the building to
collect data on temperature, humidity, lighting, and occupancy. They
would also gather information about the building’s design and layout.
216 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
2. Modeling: Using the collected data, the company would create a digital
twin of the building using Azure Digital Twins. This model would include
information about the building’s layout, materials, and behavior.
3. Simulation: Using the digital twin, the company would simulate the
building’s performance under different scenarios, such as different
occupancy levels, weather conditions, and energy usage. This would
allow them to predict how the building would behave in the real world and
identify potential issues before they occur.
4. Analysis: The company would analyze the simulation results to gain
insights into the building’s performance. This could include identifying
potential issues, optimizing energy usage, and making decisions about
maintenance, repairs, or upgrades.
5. Feedback: The company would feed the insights and learnings from the
analysis back into the real building to improve its performance and prevent
issues. For example, if the simulation identified a potential problem with a
certain component, the company would schedule maintenance or replace
ment to address it.
6. Continual monitoring: The company would continuously monitor the
building, and update the digital twin as necessary to reflect the current state
of the real building. This would help the company to identify any issues
early on and take necessary action.
Azure Digital Twins provide many features such as spatial intelligence, event-driven
architecture, and integration with other Azure services like Azure IoT, Azure Event
Grid, and Azure Time Series Insights that helps in building and managing digital twin.
become more sophisticated and capable of handling larger and more complex data
sets. Advancements in AI, machine learning, and IoT will enable Digital Twins to
become more intelligent and autonomous, allowing for more accurate predictions
and real-time adjustments. Furthermore, the use of augmented realty (AR) and
virtual reality (VR) technologies will enable Digital Twins to be used for training,
simulation, and collaboration, making it easier for teams to work together and make
better decisions.
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14 Environmental Impacts
of Industrial Processes in
Industry 4.0 Ecosystem
Artificial Intelligence
Pankaj Bhambri, Sita Rani, Inderjit Singh Dhanoa,
and Tien Anh Tran
The environmental impacts of industrial processes in the Industry 4.0 ecosystem
represent a pressing and multifaceted challenge in today’s rapidly evolving industrial
landscape. As Industry 4.0, characterized by the integration of digital technologies,
automation, and the Internet of Things (IoT), continues to redefine manufacturing and
production, there is a growing need to assess and address the consequences of these
advancements on the environment (Kumar et al., 2022a, 2022b). This chapter
explores the intricate relationship between Industry 4.0 and environmental sustain-
ability, with a specific focus on the innovative application of artificial intelligence
(AI) as a strategic approach (Machała et al., 2022; Rani et al., 2023; Rani, S.,
Chauhan, M., Kataria, A., & Khang, A., 2021). It delves into how AI-driven solutions
can be employed to monitor, analyze, and mitigate the environmental footprints of
industrial operations. From optimizing resource consumption to reducing emissions
and minimizing waste generation, this chapter scrutinizes the potential of AI to not
only enhance the efficiency and productivity of industrial processes but also align
them with eco-conscious practices (Bathla et al., 2007a, 2007b, Kothandaraman et al.,
2022). By providing insights, methodologies, and case studies, this chapter serves as a
valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers seeking to strike a
balance between the advantages of Industry 4.0 and the imperative of environmental
sustainability in the modern industrial ecosystem (Kumar, P., Banerjee, K., Singhal,
N., Kumar, A., Rani, S., Kumar, R., & Lavinia, C. A., 2022).
However, it’s essential to note that Industry 4.0 also offers potential solutions to
these environmental challenges (Kaur et al., 2006; Kamra & Bhambri, 2007; Jain &
Bhambri, 2005; Habib & Chimsom, 2019):
While Industry 4.0 has the potential to exacerbate environmental impacts, it also
provides tools and strategies for mitigating them. The key lies in adopting a
proactive approach, leveraging technologies like AI, IoT, and digital twins to
monitor and optimize industrial processes with sustainability in mind (Gupta et al.,
2007a-e; Goel & Gupta, 2020). This requires collaboration between industries,
Environmental Impacts of Industrial Processes 223
policymakers, and environmental experts to ensure that the benefits of Industry 4.0
can be harnessed while minimizing its negative effects on the environment (Garg &
Bhambri, 2011a, 2011b; Ghobakhloo, 2020).
AI approaches leverage AI technologies to monitor, analyze, and mitigate the
environmental footprint of modern manufacturing and production operations
(Gupta, O. P., 2017). Here are several ways in which AI is applied to address
environmental concerns in Industry 4.0:
activities and promoting sustainability (Singh et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2006; Gupta
& Bhambri, 2006). In the context of “Environmental impacts of Industrial Processes
in Industry 4.0 Ecosystem,” here’s how green technology plays a pivotal role:
In conclusion, the exploration of the environmental impacts of industrial processes
within the Industry 4.0 ecosystem, guided by an AI approach, reveals a promising
trajectory towards sustainable industrialization. Industry 4.0’s integration of digital
technologies, IoT, and AI-driven systems empowers industries to monitor, analyze,
and mitigate environmental footprints with unprecedented precision. Through real-
time data collection, predictive analytics, and data-driven decision-making, busi-
nesses can optimize resource usage, reduce emissions, and minimize waste genera-
tion, all while enhancing production efficiency. As this chapter underscores, the
intersection of Industry 4.0 and environmental sustainability is not merely a
theoretical concept but a practical imperative, vital for fostering a future where
industrial progress harmonizes with ecological responsibility. It emphasizes that the
Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to reshape industrial practices, ushering
in an era where economic growth goes hand in hand with environmental stewardship,
ultimately ensuring a more sustainable and resilient industrial ecosystem.
234 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
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15 Digital Twin for
Sustainable Industrial
Rachna Rana and Pankaj Bhambri
Data Acquision
Data Processing
industrial companies. This study conducts a systematic literature review to explore the
state of research at the intersection of DT and sustainability applied to industrial
maintenance and production (Kataria, A., Puri, V., Pareek, P. K., & Rani, S., 2023,
July). The main contribution of this chapter is to present a comprehensive analysis of
studies in the literature that use DT to improve sustainability (Ritu et al., 2023,
February 17).
The maintenance and production activities covered in these documents were
identified and the sustainability aspects considered in these studies were also
explored (Rani et al., 2023; Bali, V., Bali, S., Gaur, D., Rani, S., & Kumar, R.,
2023). For this reason, a list of economic, environmental, and social criteria,
including sustainability indicators, with their respective frequency of use, was
created. Indeed, recent literature reviews have focused on the use of DT in industrial
sectors, but without explicitly considering the relationships with the various
sustainability aspects (Puri, V., Kataria, A., Solanki, V. K., & Rani, S., 2022,
December). Examples include reviews on the applications of DT for maintenance
(Errandonea et al., 2020) and DT in industrial operations (Melesse et al., 2021).
Other studies that consider sustainability address emerging technologies and do not
provide details on the potential of DT, for example, describe recent trends in
maintenance in the context of digitization and sustainability, and addresses the
sustainability functions of Industry 4.0 (Rani, S., Mishra, A. K., Kataria, A., Mallik,
S., & Qin, H., 2023).
In today’s global competitive environment, manufacturing companies are facing
the challenge of moving from mass-produced products to mass customization
(Dhanalakshmi, R., Vijayaraghavan, N., Sivaraman, A. K., & Rani, S., 2022).
Meeting individual client prospects and achieving the loftiest position of client
satisfaction requires one to fleetly establish business relations (Rana, 2018; Rana
et al., 2019). This presents companies with a series of business challenges, similar
to manufacturing a high variety of high-quality, high-performance (Glatt et al.,
2021, p. 165), low-cost, smart, largely tailored personalized products (Rani, S.,
Digital Twin for Sustainable Industrial Development 243
Kumar, S., Kataria, A., & Min, H., 2023). Being part of a mass customization
request implies giving the client the occurrence to be part of the value creation
process through the design and description of their own individual products and/or
services (Rana et al., 2021a; Rana et al., 2021b) by combining functions and
factorsand producing them in small lot sizes, immaculately, a batch size of one,
with quick delivery conditions, and without paying a high price for decoration, that
is, maintaining the profitable conditions of mass production (Kaur, D., Singh, B.,
& Rani, S., 2023; Kataria, A., Agrawal, D., Rani, S., Karar, V., & Chauhan, M.,
Industry 4.0 combines technologies similar to the IoT, Big Data, cyber-physical
systems (CPS), DT, etc., to integrate the artificial value creation process chains via
the real-time vacuity/sharing of applicable information between humans and
machines (Rachna et al., 2022), a commodity that has big counter accusations for
sustainability. More specifically, the main tasks of these Industry 4.0 core
technologies are the digitization of data, analysis, and knowledge birth, which
can be used to apply robotization inflexibility (Rachna et al., 2020); to increase the
position of manufacturing effectiveness, inflexibility, and competitiveness/produc
tivity; and to integrate all the value-adding chains (Rachna et al., 2021).
A large number of studies now support the notion that the 4.0 concept has the
potential to meet affordable/profitable mass customization requirements, as there is
a need for reconfigurable, adaptive, smart-manufacturing, evolving-manufacturing,
etc. The 4.0 concept is seen as a response to the challenges of mass customization,
since it necessitates the use of innovation-driven technological product approaches
(Bilal, M., Kumari, B., & Rani, S., 2021, May).
According to Rani et al., 2023, one of the prerequisites of 4.0 when enforced
to meet the challenges of the mass customization request, is to achieve a high
status of sustainability (see Xie et al. 2021, p. 43). According to Vignesh and
Arunachalam (2021), the idea of 4.0 must take mass customization requirements
into account. In order to achieve this, the value creation chain must be optimized
through fully automated, digitized processes. Sustainable competitiveness must
also be considered from a social and environmental perspective. In the era of
Industry 4.0, this means having a real-time information flow model that can
quickly identify customer needs and simplify the customization process, as
described by Kaewunruen et al. (2021). A digital network of production
processes and resources is needed for systematic data storage and processing
to support a transparent and responsive support system, as noted by Kaewunruen
and Lian (2019). The product environment should be scalable without additional
costs. This scalability refers to the reconfiguration of the construction scheme,
which can be achieved through the mixing of a fully automated, digitalized,
extremely cost-effective and intelligent new production unit, as explained by
Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek et al. (2023) and Glatt et al. (2021). To increase
customer satisfaction, businesses must use new efficient reconfigurable produc
tion methods, such as CPS, with real-time production coordination capabilities,
as stated by Jain and Narayanan (2023). This requires efficient processing of
large amounts of data, which are then transformed into optimized decisions, as
noted by Gupta and Basu (2019).
244 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
operate together. They are used to monitor the efficiency, timing and coordination
of all units and to synchronize systems. For example, if a part of a factory produces
its product at a high rate, this can lead to an overproduction of certain components,
resulting in logistical issues such as storage and transport. With dual-process
functionality, you can model the impact of adjustments such as raw material inputs,
temperature, machine vibrations, etc. and see how those adjustments affect outputs
without wasting resources on unsuccessful experiments or interrupting workflows.
Process twins also enable users to monitor key business metrics supporting their
decision-making and strategy. With this information, plant managers can optimize
their workflows and keep their processes running at an optimal level (Broo &
Schooling, 2021, pp. 78-99).
regulations and industry standards are met. Thank you for your expertise and
assistance in this matter.
can be achieved with ease. In the construction sector, artificial intelligence and
machine learning technology play a pivotal role in processing and analyzing data
produced by DTs. The powerful algorithms based on AI and ML are capable of
deriving insightful patterns and hidden gems from data. With advanced data
processing capabilities made possible by these technologies, correlations, trends,
and anomalies within datasets can be found with ease.
The future of construction lies in embracing the potential of predictive
modelling, optimization, and real-time monitoring capabilities through the use
of AI and ML. Construction professionals can receive actionable information for
well-informed decision-making and enhanced performance. AI and ML algo
rithms effectively create a holistic picture of construction projects by combining
and integrating data from multiple sources. With the advent of edge computing,
localized decision-making and autonomy for DTs can be achieved, enabling them
to perform crucial analytics and make informed decisions without solely relying
on cloud connectivity. This is particularly advantageous in situations where cloud
connectivity is limited or degraded, paving the way for a brighter future in
Better delivery of post-operative medical care with a medical plan’s DT
Collaborating with a biotech organization and reproductive health hospital we
will explore how the latest information technologies, medical advances and human
factors interact to create a customized treatment plan to enhance patient quality of
life and recovery (post-surgery treatment and simulation). In our proposed
framework, each of these four DTs has specific characteristics for data handling,
data management and data interpretation: Each transversal area of DT is applied
Digital Twin for Sustainable Industrial Development 251
• Share news and expand your partnerships with nearby businesses and
• Explore how the DT impacts health at work
• Organize the development and evaluation of DTs for patient treatment and
recovery in collaboration with regional hospitals and public health teams
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Digital Twin for Sustainable Industrial Development 253
The worldwide buildup of non-recyclable garbage in landfills and the exceptionally
long duration it takes for the majority of its contents to decompose could have a
significant influence on our way of life eventually, if we as a civilization do nothing
to stop it from happening. The ability of waste accumulation to facilitate the
transmission of disease by vectors like flies, mosquitoes, and other insects is another
well-known worry for people. Inadequately handled garbage can contain hazardous
substances that can poison soil and water (Bolla et al., 2019), in addition to harming
the splendour of natural environments, cause deforestation, and land occupation to
make way for landfills. In addition, pollution has the potential to change the food
chain, which will undoubtedly result in an increase in illnesses and health problems
for both people and the planet’s natural ecosystems.
In the last 50 years, trash accumulation has become an increasingly serious issue for
three main reasons. The first is the dearth of recyclable goods on the market, despite the
fact that businesses have long been working to create more environmentally friendly
and sustainable goods. The second factor is overcrowding, which is currently one of
the most prominent issues. The number of products that could be recycled is rising, but
instead they wind up in a landfill or even the ocean, posing a threat to the existence of
thousands of marine species (Alharam et al., 2021). This is because dealing with waste
generation poses a very difficult logistical task when supplying resources of all types to
such a huge population. The lack of social engagement we exhibit about issues like
climate change makes up the third and last argument.
It’s crucial to recognize that between 7 and 9 billion tons of waste are produced
globally each year, of which 70% are improperly disposed of and wind up in
landfills, where they run the risk of harming the ecosystem and posing new health
dangers like ocean microplastics (Kaur, D., Singh, B., & Rani, S., 2023). The
amount of used, unwanted, and abandoned goods that people produce overall is
covered by this data. The total amount of waste created differs from what is referred
to as municipal solid waste (MSW), which solely includes garbage produced in
metropolitan centres or their environs.
Annually, 2 billion tons of urban waste are produced, 33% of which are
improperly managed, making MSW modest in contrast to other waste. It shows that
each person produces, on average, between 0.1 and 4.5 kg of garbage every day.
The fast-rising worldwide population and the requirement for the intensive use of
natural resources for the expansion of industry and the upkeep of our civilization are
also predicted to cause MSW to rise to 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050.
The full adoption of the circular economy model would be the ultimate response
to the accumulation problem, as well as other problems like climate change and
even supply shortages in some parts of the world. This is due to the fact that its
three guiding principles - removal of trash and pollution, transportation of goods
and materials, and environmental regeneration - lead to an efficient method of
managing the natural resources that occasionally we don’t appropriately appreciate.
However, it is challenging to fully implement such a complex design due mainly to
technological, engineering, and logistical limitations (Bali, V., Bali, S., Gaur, D.,
Rani, S., & Kumar, R., 2023).
metal, rubbish, etc., are placed in the image’s pertinent region according to the
class it belongs to. The method of drawing boundaries around the waste object in
the photograph is part of this form of labelling (Schneider et al., 2021). In the
entire dataset of garbage photos, 80% of the photographs for each category are
used for training. The testing step will use the remaining 20% of the photographs
(Kataria, A., Puri, V., Pareek, P. K., & Rani, S., 2023, July). This particular
system’s main goal is to teach the framework how to detect things. The CSV file
can then be created from the XML file. Additionally, this CSV file includes the
records of the information that is readily accessible, including the names of the
recorded file, its height and width, as well as its labelled classes and acquired
coordinate positions.
We have used Python code running on the online platform Google Colab to construct
the Convolutional Neural Network programmatically. Google Colab offers a quick,
cosy, and stable cloud environment for building such sizable models. Additionally, a
range of libraries geared toward building machine learning algorithms are available in
the Python programming language, making training and evaluation much easier to use
(Ramya et al., 2022). Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy, Matplotlib, etc., are examples of
such libraries (Rani, S., Mishra, A. K., Kataria, A., Mallik, S., & Qin, H., 2023).
Tensorflow library so that the data will be fed into the network during training in
chunks of 128 images. This is accomplished by specifying a batch size of 128 and
scaling each image to the normal business dimension of 256×256. Additionally, we can
use tf. data to retrieve the number of classes from the train dataset object (in this case,
nine classes) and save it in a variable. To improve the performance of training dataset
objects and testing dataset objects, USE AUTOTUNE (Tanwar, R., Chhabra, Y.,
Rattan, P., & Rani, S., 2022, September).
chart, until a point where the test accuracy falls below the train accuracy (blue line)
as in Figure 16.3. The greater the difference between the training and test values,
the more overfitting there is and the less generalizable the model is. The change in
this scenario, from 98.75% accuracy on training to 96.45% on testing, is less than
2%, which has no effect on the model’s output despite the loss of generalization.
By creating a Confusion Matrix as in Figure 16.4 to analyse the model using
information from the two datasets, we can see the final outcomes. The obtained
accuracy is up to 98%, although the overfitting problem discussed earlier can bring
this value down to 97% or even 96%. However, deploying the model to production
and assessing its performance with a significant amount of “unseen” data is the ideal
method to evaluate the model’s performance. The primary application of this model
is to make predictions over a single image. To do this, we may preprocess the input
AI-Driven Digital Twin for Industrial Engineering Applications 261
image with the Keras API to turn it into an array of values, and then use the predict
() function to obtain predictions from the model.
On the test data, the developed model performs reasonably. Out of 507 photos, the
model correctly predicted 461 of them, resulting in an accuracy rate of the model of
roughly 91%. The model accurately classifies the various waste components by
identifying the various categories of objects. Utilizing images of the testing data, the
generated model’s outcomes were assessed. The test data images have been
meticulously incorporated into the testing code for the waste element detection.
The model’s overall detection time to identify a single object from an image is close
to 8.05 seconds. In order to assess the model’s actual correctness, the names of the
images were actually provided so that it could be physically observed how well the
model’s functions had performed in those pictures as in Figure 16.5.
Multiple borders were initially seen being produced in the area of the object
detection during testing; however, this issue was fixed by adjusting the threshold for
picture prediction. This made it easier to invalidate the object’s borders with low
threshold values.
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17 Role of Digital Twin
in the Design and
Development of
Smart Cities
Aman Kataria, Vikram Puri, and Sita Rani
In an era characterized by rapid urbanization and technological advancements, the
concept of Smart Cities has emerged as a transformative solution to address the
complex challenges faced by urban areas. A Smart City is an urban environment
that leverages cutting-edge technology, data-driven insights, and innovative
infrastructure to improve the quality of life for its residents, enhance sustainability,
and optimize resource utilization (Zamponi & Barbierato, 2022; Rani, Kataria, &
Chauhan, 2022). The fundamental idea behind a smart city is to create a seamless
and interconnected ecosystem where various elements, such as transportation,
energy, communication, governance, and public services, work cohesively to meet
the evolving needs of its inhabitants (Rani, S., & Gupta, O. P., 2017). The growth of
Smart Cities is a response to the unprecedented urbanization trend witnessed
worldwide. According to the United Nations, over half of the global population now
resides in cities, and this number is expected to reach 68% by 2050. This rapid
urban migration poses significant challenges, including increased pressure on
resources, infrastructure, and public services (Rani, Bhambri, & Kataria, 2023)
(Al Dakheel, Del Pero, Aste, & Leonforte, 2020; O’Dwyer, Pan, Acha, & Shah,
2019). In this context, the integration of technology and data-driven solutions
becomes essential to build cities that are sustainable, efficient, and resilient. As
shown in Figure 17.1, the key characteristics of Smart Cities include:
resulting in diverse solutions and implementations across different urban areas. The
potential benefits of Smart Cities are vast, ranging from improved urban planning and
resource management to increased economic opportunities and enhanced quality of
life for residents. However, challenges related to data privacy, interoperability,
funding, and citizen adoption must be addressed for the successful realization of the
Smart City vision. As cities continue to evolve and embrace new technologies, the
journey towards becoming truly smart is an ongoing process. The relentless pursuit of
innovation, sustainability, and citizen-centricity will determine the success of Smart
Cities in shaping a more connected, efficient, and inclusive urban future (F. Ullah &
Al-Turjman, 2021; Z. Ullah, Al-Turjman, Mostarda, & Gagliardi, 2020).
The phrase “digital twin” was introduced by Dr. Michael Grieves at the University of
Michigan in 2002. Digital twins were originally developed in the manufacturing
industry with the purpose of generating virtual representations of physical products
(Singh, P., Gupta, O. P., & Saini, S., 2017). This technology allowed manufacturers to
effectively monitor the performance of their products, identify and resolve any
problems, and enhance the design of these products (Kataria & Puri, 2022). The uses
of digital twins have expanded alongside the evolution of technology. In contempo
rary times, the concept of digital twins has beyond its initial application to singular
items, and has now come to cover comprehensive systems, intricate processes, and
even entire urban environments (Agostinelli, Cumo, Guidi, & Tomazzoli, 2021)
(Sudevan, S., Barwani, B., Al Maani, E., Rani, S., & Sivaraman, A. K., 2021).
The fundamental principles underlying digital twin technology encompass the
creation of a virtual replica of a tangible entity or complex system, wherein the
virtual counterpart is consistently refreshed with up-to-date information obtained in
real time. The digital duplicate in question is not merely a fixed representation, but
rather a dynamic and interactive manifestation of the corresponding real object.
Several important concepts can be identified, namely:
TABLE 17.1
Key Components of a Digital Twin System
Component Description
Physical Entity The Digital Twin is a representation of a tangible entity, system, or procedure
found in the physical world.
Sensors and Data Sensors are responsible for gathering data from physical entities,
encompassing various measurements, situations, and states.
Data Processing Algorithms and data analytics technologies are utilized to effectively process
and convert unprocessed data into actionable and meaningful information.
Communication The bidirectional communication between the Digital Twin and the physical
entity facilitates control and feedback.
IoT Connectivity The establishment of a connection to the Internet of Things (IoT) enables the
seamless interchange of real-time data between the digital twin and its
corresponding physical object.
(Continued )
272 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
devices, and sensors with Digital Twins, urban areas may effectively leverage the
capabilities of the IoT to optimize efficiency, promote sustainability, and improve
the general standard of living. Within this particular context, IoT devices are
responsible for the collection of real-time data from a multitude of sources. These
sources encompass traffic sensors, environmental monitors, energy meters, and
other similar entities. The aforementioned data is subsequently included in the
respective Digital Twin models, so generating a dynamic and precise depiction of
the existing condition of the city. By means of this integration, smart cities have the
capability to continuously observe and analyze several aspects such as traffic
patterns, air quality, energy usage, and infrastructure performance in real time
(Rani, Kataria, Chauhan, et al., 2022; Rani, Kataria, et al., 2021).
The advantages of this integration are significant. City planners and adminis
trators are able to promptly get valuable knowledge on essential urban processes,
which facilitates proactive decision-making and swift response to emergent
difficulties such as traffic congestion, spikes in pollution, or failures in infra
structure. Through the examination of both historical and real-time data within the
context of Digital Twins, smart cities have the potential to increase resource
allocation, diminish energy consumption, bolster public safety, and elevate the
overall quality of the urban environment. Furthermore, the integration of IoT
technology facilitates the establishment of a basis for predictive analytics and ML
(Rani, Kataria, Kumar, & Tiwari, 2023). This, in turn, empowers cities to
proactively identify and address potential problems before they reach critical
levels. Consequently, this integration promotes the development of urban environ
ments that are more sustainable, resilient, and conducive to a high quality of life for
their inhabitants.
promote sustainability, efficiency, and the general welfare of their inhabitants (Rani,
Mishra, et al., 2021; Wenjun, 2010).
Digital Twins in smart city design and development will transform urban planning,
administration, and sustainability. Digital Twins show infrastructure, buildings,
transportation, and utilities in cities. They give city planners and decision-makers
real-time data, predictive analytics, and scenario modeling to make better urban
development decisions. To successfully utilize Digital Twins in smart cities,
numerous critical elements must be considered. First, effective data governance
frameworks and cybersecurity procedures are needed to protect sensitive data and
assure data correctness and integrity. Data sharing and urban goals require
collaboration between the government, the commercial sector, and community
groups. To handle new technology expansion and integration, a scalable and
interoperable digital infrastructure is essential. Digital Twins must also promote
data-driven decision-making and digital literacy among city authorities and
inhabitants. Finally, cities should monitor and evaluate their Digital Twin systems
to ensure they meet urban demands and difficulties. Smart cities can achieve
unparalleled efficiency, sustainability, and resilience in their creation and manage
ment by following these principles and embracing Digital Twins.
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Security and privacy challenges in the deployment of cyber-physical systems in smart
city applications: State-of-art work. Materials Today: Proceedings, 62, 4671–4676.
Role of Digital Twin in the Design and Development of Smart Cities 279
The High Performance Computing (HPC) market will present new prospects
(machine learning (ML)). It will proceed in this manner. HPC’s computational
capabilities will support the development of sophisticated algorithms that can
handle massive amounts of data. It is necessary to gather and curate the data. This is
the point at which artificial intelligence (AI) and ML will converge with HPC. To
obtain an understanding of the data, a real-time AI-ML interface will be combined
with HPC computing capability (Brayford et al., 2019; Michal et al., 2014).
This pairing occurs at a time when demand for data-based services is rising and
HPC is the main route for data computing. As a result, HPC infrastructure is being
used to build AI tools in order to fulfill the expanding demands of data-intensive
services. It is possible to examine and distill large amounts of data to reveal
profound insights and produce exact results (Lei et al., 2012).
New business models will emerge across verticals as a result of the AI-ML-HPC
combination. Digital simulations will take place more quickly and more affordably
than they did in the past (Kaur, D., Singh, B., & Rani, S., 2023). The logistics
manufacturing can be optimized. Research on a mass scale can be conducted (The
hybrid multicore consortium, 2010).
Applications in that discipline that have the potential to enhance each of our
daily lives include personalized treatment and medical procedures for disease
detection. Another application that makes it easy to identify credit card theft and
other illicit activity is security (Sergeev & Balso, 2018).
It is difficult to enable data experts to use such architecture effectively since
there is a dearth of packages that can meet both AI and HPC requirements, deep
learning techniques are already being used by researchers in fields like high-energy
physics to examine the enormous amounts of data produced by their experiments
(Kumar et al., 2022). Traditional workstations cannot do this type of study, which
calls for HPC resources and software that can handle large-scale data storage, data
transfer, and computing (Chandrashekhar et al., 2021). GPU
In order to address the CPU architectural issues, the fast-growing video and gaming
industry came up with lightweight many-core GPUs to achieve greater GFLOPS per
video frame in high-end gaming applications (Bhambri et al., 2019). GPU
architecture is shown in Figure 18.2. The architecture consists of an array of
heavily threaded streaming multiprocessors (SMs). Each SM has numerous cores or
streaming processors (SPs) that share common control logic and instruction cache.
Individual SMs execute the instructions in SIMD (single instruction multiple data)
mode (Boesch, 2022). Each GPU has separate global memory DRAM (dynamic
random access memory), which speeds up the rendering of graphics and computing
of complex tasks. New-generation GPUs support both graphical and non-graphical
applications (Rana et al., 2019). GPU supports thread-level parallelism based on its
computing capability. GPU works with less memory and a small cache when
compared with CPU.
Due to this extreme parallel architecture of GPU, it has been used in many fields
such as machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, medical imaging,
and large-scale simulation. However, GPU has its disadvantages. In order to exploit
the many-core GPU computing capability, the algorithms should be coded to reflect
GPU architecture. Otherwise, high-performance computing applications will not
effectively utilize all the available resources in a system (Tanwar, R., Chhabra, Y.,
Rattan, P., & Rani, S., 2022, September). This underutilization hurts the applica
tion’s performance. The many-core GPU unit cannot run independently without the
support of the CPU (Achar, 2022). Hybrid
By combining CPU-GPU architecture (hybrid), performance can be further improved
in massively parallel HPC applications. CPU and GPU have divergent design
viewpoints, but merging their characteristics benefits healthier performance in
numerous HPC applications (Rani, S., & Gupta, O. P., 2017; Rani, S., & Gupta, O.
P., 2016). Figure 18.3 depicts CPU-GPU heterogeneous architecture with two CPUs
and two GPUs. CPU-GPU communication happens via the I/O chipset, and they are
connected to the I/O Hub by a Quick Path Interconnect Link (QPI) and PCIE. CPUs
and GPUs have separate memory (DRAM) (Chandrashekhar & Sanjay, 2018).
Application control, workload distribution among the CPU and GPUs, starting
the GPU processing, receiving the output from the GPUs, and some processing
workloads themselves are all done by the CPU. The GPUs are in charge of carrying
out extremely parallel computing (Bhambri et al., 2020).
Many scientific and commercial innovations are built on HPC. Research facilities,
the entertainment sector, financial services, artificial intelligence, and the oil and gas
industry are just a few of the major advantages of HPC (Kataria, Ghosh and Karar,
2020). HPC applications, as their name suggests, handle vast amounts of data very
quickly; hence, they demand a lot of processing power. One of the elements
influencing the advancement of computer hardware is the desire for such HPC power
(Chandrashekhar and Sanjay, 2019a). One example is the hybrid system, which
combines GPUs and CPUs. One such technology that makes it possible to run HPC
workloads effectively is the hybrid system, which combines CPUs and GPUs. Even
though the CPU and GPU have different architectural styles, a hybrid design combines
them to improve performance when running HPC workloads (Sharma et al., 2020).
A cluster that has multiple CPU-GPU nodes can be either homogeneous or
heterogeneous. In homogeneous clusters, the architectures of the CPUs and GPUs
are the same in each node, and so are the computing capabilities (Rossum, 1995). On the
other hand, the architectures of the CPUs and GPUs will be different in each node in the
case of heterogeneous clusters. Inter-node and intra-node communication, effective
workload scheduling while taking into account the various CPU and GPU architectures,
and efficient workload allocation across the nodes are the major obstacles to improving
performance in a heterogeneous cluster (Chandrashekhar & Sanjay, 2019b).
CNN machine learning models can capture the high-level representation of the
input data by applying several convolutional filters, making CNN techniques very
common in computer vision tasks.
it is then executed concurrently by all of the GPU threads. Results are obtained by
the OpenMP master thread from GPUs. The result is transferred from each slave
node to the master node in the last step of the MPI process. Python
In the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data pre- and post-
processing, Python is a popular high-level, interpreted programming environment.
The language is frequently viewed as being approachable for prototyping algorithms
in contrast to conventional programming languages like C++. Additionally, because
Python is an interpreted programming language rather than C++, it does not need to be
recompiled for a variety of CPU architectures.
Scientists can benefit from Python’s productivity and the ever-improving
performance of contemporary hardware by downloading the free Intel® distribution
for Python* package. Implementing. Additionally, multi-user, multi-framework
applications should not employ a single Python instance.
framework uses to cut down on CPU and GPU data transfer latency. Kernels are the
computational components of a PYCUDA-written application. The kernel has
several threads to carry out tasks concurrently. GPUs can only read and write to
host-attached memory. The PYCUDA API cudaMallocHost allows the GPU to
acquire a block of main memory (). Results must be transported back to the main
memory after execution, this challenge.
Lnode = (18.1)
Lcp = Lnode × (18.2)
(Nodeflops )
Lcp Load on CPU
CPflops CPUflops
Nodeflops is nothing but the sum of CPUflops and GPUflops present in that node,
considering this equation 18.2 can be rewritten as shown in equation 18.3
Lcp = Lnode × (18.3)
(CPflops + GPflops )
GPflops GPUflops
By dividing the load on CPU by the number cores the load per core is calculated as
shown in equation 18.4.
LCPcore = (18.4)
LCPcore Load per core,
Nc - Number of cores
To find out the load on GPU equation 18.3 can be modified as follows
LGp = Lnode × (18.5)
(CPflops + GPflops )
By using the above equation, we compute the GPU workload and CPU workload.
TABLE 18.1
Accuracy of Test Data on HPC Clusters
Implementation/ Accuracy of Test Data Accuracy of Test Accuracy of Test Data
Factors On CPU HPC Cluster Data On GPU HPC Hybrid [CPUs+GPUs]
[OpenMP+MPI] Cluster [PYCUDA] HPC Cluster [OpenMP
CNN 87.32098742 90.32478463 98.59259259
FCNN 75.12803712 89.32492374 96.67466747
RNN 67.98364709 76.83264283 87.03703704
TABLE 18.2
Execution Time of Training Data on HPC Clusters
Implementation/ Execution Time (µs) Execution Time (µs) Execution Time (µs) for
Factors for Training Data On for Training data On Training Data on Hybrid
CPU HPC Cluster GPU HPC Cluster [CPUs+GPUs] HPC Cluster
CNN 68732923792 22910974597 9818989113
FCNN 8.74365E+12 2.91455E+12 1.24909E+12
RNN 9.0605E+11 3.02017E+11 1.29436E+11
FIGURE 18.10 Execution time of CNN, FCNN, and RNN on a different HPC cluster.
contrast, CNNs only need to train a small number of parameters to learn how to
recognize and extract the best characteristics from the images for the given task.
We provided a brief review of the various HPC cluster computing systems that
integrate CPU and GPU technology in this chapter. We concentrated on three AIML
294 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
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19 Image Sensing for
Industry 4.0 Using Auto
Resonance Networks
A Case Study
Shilpa Mayannavar and Uday Wali
One of the key elements of a new industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 is Internet of
Things. It poses many opportunities for optimization and improving performance.
Currently, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques are being used
to enable significant advances to improve the image sensing, which is an essential
part of Internet of Things [1,2]. Deep Learning (DL) systems have been very
successful in solving complex problems like image recognition, robotic motion
control and natural language processing. Some of the popular DL systems include
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) [3,4] for image recognition, Long Short-
Term Memory [5] for robotic control and time series prediction, Generative
Adversarial Networks [6] for image synthesis, etc.
DL systems are computationally intensive. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
have shouldered most of this burden [7] till now. Several software tools and
platforms like Caffe [8], Theano [9] and TensorFlow [10] have been developed
around GPUs. However, several new platform specific hardware designs have been
available to implement DL applications. Cambricon [11], IBM TrueNorth [12] and
Google TPU [13] are some examples of such hardware accelerators for DL systems.
Multi-layer Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are at the core of all DL systems.
Complexity of DL systems arises from the large number of inputs and inter
dependency of system parameters, generally called as the curse of dimensionality
[14]. ANNs implementing such DL systems, therefore, tend to be very sparse: A
significant part of the computation may not contribute to final outcome of the DL
system. Most of the neural networks do not clearly demarcate the neuronal paths or
their dependencies in any particular recognition. So, pruning the networks becomes
difficult. It should be possible to increase the overall performance of ANN by
increasing the density of the network.
Neural networks in biological systems consist of various kinds of neurons, each
performing a specific function. Role of specific neurons depends on various factors
like their structure, position in the network, connectivity, dendrite density, length of
296 DOI: 10.1201/9781003395416-19
Image Sensing for Industry 4.0 Using Auto Resonance Networks 297
axon, neurotransmitters and inhibitors used, chemical receptors and gateways, type
of input and output, timing response and a plethora of other factors. It is therefore
important to explore various neural architectures to move toward realization of
anything closer to Artificial General Intelligence. Further evolution in ANNs has to
see several new types of neural architectures evolving, generalizing as well as
specializing in the functionality of a neuronal type. The necessity of refining
existing DL neural models is being reported in recent literature, e.g., capsule
networks [15] and spiking networks [16].
Auto Resonance Networks (ARN) proposed by Aparanji et al. [17] for use in
robotic path planning using graphs, has some interesting properties in this direction.
Each node in ARN is analogous to a biological neuron capable of specific
recognition function. ARN has two distinct learning mechanisms: (a) The nodes
learn by tuning their resonance characteristics in response to variations in input and
(b) layers of ARN learn by identifying spatial and temporal associations between
neuronal outputs in lower layers or input data. Output of every node in ARN is
limited to an adjustable but finite upper bound. This alleviates the stability problems
typically seen in Hebbian-like associative learning systems. As the output is
constrained to an upper bound, long strands of patterns may be identified by multi
layer ARN. Both learning modes impart an ability to dynamically morph the
solution space in response to variations in input. Further, activation paths
established by the network corresponding to specific input-output relations can be
traced and explained. Therefore, it is easy to find how and why ARN performed a
particular task. This makes it easy to prioritize nodes and paths that significantly
contribute to overall functioning of the network. In turn, this allows pruning of the
network to increase computational efficiency of the recognition system. Temporal
behavior of ARN and its application has also been discussed in [17]. However, no
implementation details were presented. Use of ARN in other applications has not been
well documented. In this chapter, we have reported implementation details of an
image identification/classification system based on hierarchical ARN. One of the
standard benchmarks used in image classification is the hand written character dataset
in MNIST library [18,19], which has been used in this work. Implementation details,
elaborations and results are presented in this chapter.
Section 19.2 of this chapter presents an overview of ARN and its adaptation for
image identification/classification. Section 19.3 discusses implementation details.
Results are presented in Section 19.4. Discussion on other applications that may
benefit from hierarchical ARN are presented in Section 19.5.
puts an upper limit on the output. Therefore, the output is a saturating non linear
function of the sum of scaled inputs. This also implies that there is a certain noise
tolerance built into this neuronal excitation: Variations in inputs can still result in
the same level of excitation. Connection strength of individual inputs to the
neuron varies with repeated use, which forms the basis of constrained Hebbian
learning. Level of excitation is indicated by the time through which the excited
state is held.
y=x (k x) (19.1)
xm = (k/2) + p (19.2)
xm = k/(2p) (19.3)
ym = k2/4 (19.4)
Image Sensing for Industry 4.0 Using Auto Resonance Networks 299
1 1
y = X(1 X) = (x xm) )
(1 + e (1 + e (x xm) )
by equations (19.2) and (19.3), respectively. Figure 19.1(c) shows the output curves
for sigmoid transform for different values of xm . Resonance of each shifted sigmoid
in Figure 19.1(c) can be altered by using resonance control parameter ρ, as shown in
Figure 19.1(d). These equations allow constrained Hebbian learning to be
incorporated into ANNs without the associated instability problems. It must be
emphasized that our usage of the term constrained Hebbian learning is only a
holistic description of the ARN’s learning algorithm. Actual learning algorithm may
be a variation of Hebbian learning, suitable for specific use case.
There may be other parameters like in equation (19.7) that are specific to the
chosen transformation which also need to be checked for validity of the input range.
y= Xi (k Xi ) (19.8)
Nk 2 i =1
with a peak value of 1. The term 4/Nk 2 is used to normalize the output to 1. If
this output is above a threshold, the node gets triggered and therefore identifies
the input.
from the primary sensor or outputs of other layers. The ARN layer is empty on
initialization. Nodes get appended to the layer as the inputs are applied. For
illustration, consider the first input {0.1, 0.2} applied to input nodes 1 and 2
shown in Figure 19.3. There will be no output from the network as there are no
output nodes, implying no recognition. This causes node 3 to be created as first
node in the layer. The second input {0.34, 0.56} is outside the coverage of node 3
and hence the network does not produce any output again. Another node, node 4
is created to resonate at this input and appended to the layer. The process
continues on arrival of unmatched input. An input of {0.55, 0.86} is within the
coverage of node 5 and hence, it fires. The winner node is highlighted with
thicker lines. The two- and three-dimensional views of coverage of each output
node are shown in Figure 19.4.
The rectangles in Figure 19.4(a) represent the coverage of each output node.
There are four rectangles corresponding to four output nodes of ARN shown in
Figure 19.3. Each node is tuned to one unique input and has its own coverage. For
example, the rectangle in thicker line representing the node 5 has the coverage area
bound by the range 0.5 < x1 < 0.8 and 0.79 < x2 < 1.2. The test input {0.55, 0.86}
shown as black dot (see Figure 19.4(a)) is within the coverage area of node 5 and
therefore it fires.
FIGURE 19.4 Coverage of sample ARN: (a) 2D view and (b) 3D view.
calculate initial coverage for a node is given below. The method may be suitably
modified for other transformations.
One reasonably good threshold point is half power point, i.e.,
T = half power point = = 0.176 (19.9)
Assuming k = 1 and the output of a node to be equal to threshold (T), we can equate
equation (1) to T and write
Let us use scaled input model of Figure 19.1(b) as an example, i.e., X = xp. By
solving for x we get two points x c indicating bounds of coverage points:
1± (1 4T)
xc = (19.11)
Both x c points are symmetrically placed around the resonant point, which is
given by equation (19.3) to be xm = 1/(2p). This is also evident from
Figure 19.1(b).
Similar evaluation can be done for sigmoid transform. From equation (19.7),
assuming xm = 0, we can write
1 1
0.176 = x)
(1 + e (1 + e x)
x x)/2
Simplifying, and substituting (e +e = cosh( x), we get
Therefore, as the value of ρ increases, coverage reduces and vice versa. The graph
of ρ Vs. x c is shown in Figure 19.5.
Input range between the two x c is the coverage. Coverage for each of the
inputs, i.e., x1, x2 needs to be computed. The coverage and resonance control
(x xm)2
y= e 2 2 (19.14)
2 2
ypeak = (19.15)
2 2
(ypeak)2 1
yc = = (19.16)
2 2 2
x c = ±0.8325 (19.17)
= (19.18)
When the mean and standard deviation are known, we can compute the
corresponding values of x c and . This in turn yields the coverage of the node.
Graph in Figure 19.6 describes the coverage of node in range {0, 1} at xm = 0.5.
306 AI-Driven Digital Twin and Industry 4.0
x c = xm ± (19.19)
Essentially there are two layers of ARN marked as L1 and L2. L1 receives parts
of image as input and converts them in a feature index. These recognized
indices are temporarily stored in a spatially ordered list. This list is applied
to L2, which will recognize the digit. Nodes in L2 are labeled with the class of
image identified by the layer. During supervised training, the nodes are marked
with specific class labels. For MNIST database, the labels are the values of
digits, viz., zero to nine.
Tiling may be used to break the image into parts, to be input to L1, which
recognizes them by identifying a matching part index. The sequence of
recognized features represents a spatial relation between the features of input
image. If the order of tiles is changed, the spatial relation between the features
is altered and hence the output from the classifier may differ. For example the
tiles may be numbered 1 to 16 from top left to bottom right. Presenting them
to L2 in reverse order rotates the image by 180 degrees. Similarly, spatial
reordered lists can be interpreted as mirror, shift, rotate, etc. These operators are
not significant for digit recognition but may improve recognition in several other
use cases. Effectively, reordering of the feature list can serve as an internal
synthesizer. Layer L2 can be trained with these altered lists to improve
recognition accuracy.
We have trained the network for different training sample sizes, viz., 50, 100,
200, 300, and 500. As the number of training samples increases, the accuracy of
recognition also increases. Tunability of ARN nodes makes it possible to achieve an
accuracy of up to 93% with very few training samples as 50 × 10. Both and T
have effect on learning, as shown in Figure 19.7 and Figure 19.8: for the given
dataset, = 2.42 and T = 0.9 gave better overall results. These observations are
discussed later in Section 19.3.4.
numbers 3 and 8. Presence of low value pixels on the left side is as critical to recognition
of 3 as high valued pixels on the right side. Absence of the resonators identifying low
value on left side of image will make it harder for ARN to distinguish 3 from 8.
and Figure 19.8). Learning within a node happens by improving the coverage. Both
dilation and contraction of coverage have their use. Dilation of coverage generalizes
recognition, while contraction creates a more specialized recognition.
FIGURE 19.11 Confusion matrix for ρ = 2.42, T = 0.9, training sample size = 200 × 10 and
test sample size = 60 × 10.
explored. It appears that intelligent selection of input dataset can yield better
performance. Effect of adding feature neighborhoods in a multi-dimensional output
of ARN needs to be explored.
Essentially, ARN is an approximating network. Therefore, use of low precision
arithmetic for ARN is natural to its implementations. A 16-bit fixed point
representation is being explored [24] for use in ARN. Use of low precision
arithmetic in other structures like spiking neural networks [25] has also been
reported in literature. Coverage of ARN node intrinsically supports quantization of
input space and hence use of lower precision in number representation has little
effect on accuracy but greatly reduces the computational time.
Part of this work was reported by the authors in a recent conference [26]. The
authors would like to thank C-Quad Research, Desur IT Park, Belagavi, India, KLE
Technological University, Hubballi India, NMIT Bengaluru, India and University
of Sydney Australia for all the facilities and support provided.
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316 Index
Real time data analytics, 186 Supply chain and logistics, 8, 209
Return on investment, 214 Supply chain management, 189
Robotics and automation, 4 Sustainable production, 227, 241, 250
environmental sustainability, 232
Simulation, 27
Smart cities, 58 Virtual reality, 5
Smart manufacturing, 188