HOPE 3 MQCQC GRADE 12 First Semester Finals

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Direction: Read and understand each question carefully.
Multiple Choices. Write the letter of the best answer on your answer sheets.
1. Which of the following are swimming techniques
a. Front Crawl c. Butterfly
b. Backstroke d. Breaststroke
2. In backstroke your body is facedown
a. False
b. True
A. Walking, dancing and even some household chores are considered _________.
B. A. Gentle Physical Activity B. Moderate Physical Activity
C. C. Regular Physical Activity D. Vigorous Physical Activit
D. Walking, dancing and even some household chores are considered _________.
E. A. Gentle Physical Activity B. Moderate Physical Activity
F. C. Regular Physical Activity D. Vigorous Physical Activi
3. In front crawl, you must expel the air
a. Inside the water b. Outside the water c. Through the ear d. You don’t expel the air
4. The freestyle is usually the name of the ___ technique or stroke
a. Butterfly c. Breaststroke
b. Crawl d. Backstroke
5. Which of the following is the best reason why do we need to learn swimming
a. For competition c. For driving purposes
b. For surviving skills d. For pearl diving
6. Which of the following is NOT an open water space or place?
a. Lake b. River c. Sea d. Wave pool
7. Flutter kick is used in which 2 strokes?
a. Butterfly & Breaststroke b. Butterfly & Backstroke c. Front crawl & Backstroke d. Front crawl & Breaststroke
8. Breaststroke is a simultaneous stroke. Which other stroke is also simultaneous?
a. Butterfly b. Backstroke c. Side swimming d. All of the above
9. Type of kick used in Butterfly stroke
a. Dolphin b. Fish kick c. Frog kick d. Flutter kick
10. The movement of performing the pull part of the arm stroke, moving the legs together in an upward, then downward motion,
with your knees bending to allow a continuous, fluid stroke is called ___ kick
a. Dolphin b. Fish kick c. Frog kick d. Flutter kick
11. Recreational activities reduce stress, remove anxiety, reduce self-esteem and obstruct general mood and happiness.
a. False b. Hi c. Hello d. True
12. People who participate in recreational activities have higher quality of life and life satisfaction compared to people who do not
participate in any recreational activity.
a. False b. As sensual c. True d. Parang ganun
13. Both active and passive recreational activities can help improve physical health.
a. Drink more b. False c. True d. Smoke cigarettes
14. Never hike alone
a. Alone only b. False c. True d. Eat fatty foods
15. Bring smartphone in trail or hiking
a. Alone only b. False c. True d.
16. It is a part of FITT Formula and it talks about HOW OFTEN you do the activity.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
17. Gently pushing off the side wall of the pool with arms stretched out in front of the head. Keeping head face-down in the water
glide until you slow down refers to ____
a. Breathing b. Gliding c. Kicking d. Paddling
18. Which of the following statement is the importance of bringing smartphone in hiking or trail
a. To call and instruct students the skills to prevent injuries c. call for life and death emergency situation
b. To access calls for emergency purposes d. All of the above
19. These are the activities that you engage in for the purpose of relaxation, health & well-being or enjoyment.
a. Active Recreation b. FITT Formula c. Physical Activity d. Physical Activity Index
20. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t h e h e a l t h b e n e f i t s o f s w i m m i n g
1. Calorie and fat burning workouts 2. Improve stamina and endurance 3. Increase flexibility 4. Promote positive mindset
5. Improve mental functioning 6. Improved lung capacity 7. Healthy pregnancy 8. Best cardio exercises
a. Except # 3 b. Except # 6 c. All of the above d. None of the
21. Which is not a safety and injury prevention in swimming pool
1. Ensure regular equipment checks and maintenance 2. Dive in pool regularly 3. Use the proper swimwear or suit
4. 4. Provide appropriate adult supervision for all swimming activities 5. Teach students how to swim properly
6. Use body system or not swim alone 7. Be familiar in the environment around swimming pool 8. Shower first
a. 2 only b. 6 only c. 7 only d. 8 only
22. Which FITT is how long each session lasts and what time of day you exercise
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
23. Hiking requires proper equipment, including food and drink and also first aid kit.
a. False b. c. d. True
24. It is a part of FITT Formula and it talks about HOW HARD you do the activity.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
25. A medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body
a. Choking b. Heart attack c. Hyperthermia d. Hypothermia

26. The following are causes of swimming injuries except

) Accidents B) No warmth up C) Ignorance in swimming ) Proper use of gear
27. Swimming can be used for which of the following importance
1) Fun and recreation 2) relaxation 3) Sports 4) Saving lives/Rescue
28. Which of the following is not included in the different types of floating
) Deadman’s Float B) Jell fish and turtle float C) Dolphin float ) Back and Turtle Float
A medical emergency that occurs when your body gains heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously body
29. temperature
) Acute Injuries B) Chronic injuries C) Hyperthermia ) Hypothermia
30. Why water is important?
) For hydration B) For homeostasis C) For removal of waste ) All of the above
31. Arrange the following Basic Breathing Drills in order
1) In shallow water. Hold your breath, and then crouch down our head gets under water. Hold a seconds then come back up
2) Same as first drill, but exhale under water through the nose so that you blow bubbles
3) Same as drill 2 except that you now blow bubbles both out of your nose and your mouth
4) Inhale through the nose above water and exhaling through the mouth under water
) 1234 B) 1 3 2 4 C) 4 3 2 1 D. 1 2 4 3
32. To jump into the water with the head and arms going first
) Breathing Techniques B) Diving C) Floating ) Gliding
33. What are the ways to prevent hypothermia while doing aquatic activities
) Keep clothing on B) Remain still in place C) Positive mental outlook ) All of the above
34. Foods rich in carbohydrates is _____
) Oatmeal B) French fries C) Hamburgers ) Milk tea
35. Carbohydrates can be eaten in the form of ____ except
) Fibers B) Sugars C) Starches ) Cholesterol
36. Which of the following is not an added sugar products
) Candy B) Carbon- Fruit drinks C) Non diet soda ) Pure fruit juice
37. The small units of protein and considered as the building blocks of the body
) Amino Acid B) Cholesterol C) Glucose ) Zinc
38. Foods rich in carbohydrates is _____
) Fiber B) French fries C) Hamburgers ) Milk tea
39. Fats is also called as
) Glucose B) Lipids C) Minerals ) Oils
40. The following are causes drowning except
) Alcohol consumption while drinking
B) Concussion, seizure and heart attack while swimming
C) Inability to swim and leaving the child un attended
) Panic in the water and suicide attempt
E) Does not drink beverages during swimming occasion
41. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g i s NOT a worthwhile activity in your fitness goals?
) Attend Zumba classes B) Hiking with the family C) Join in fun run ) Playing in the computer
42. Which of the following shall NOT include in an exercise program?
) Alcoholism B) Activity discussion C) Hydration Programs ) Food supplementation
43. H o w c a n y o u a v o i d a c c i d e n t s i n s i d e t h e s w i m m i n g p o o l ?
) Use sharp objects B) Joking your classmates C) Make your own policy ) Stop running in the pool
44. When swimming our heart beats and pumps blood into the arteries of the body. This implies
A Stopping physical D
) You will collapse B) activity C) No active improvement ) The effort is increasing
45. Water intake is important when doing volleyball game under the heat of the sun to control body temperature. Which of the
following can be a result of too much heat exposure?
A. Hyperthermia C. Increase urination
B. Hypothermia D. Sports injuries
46. When performing physical activity like volleyball and basketball especially if it is from moderate to vigorous the body losses water.
Which of the following is not a way of losing water in the body?
A. Drinking B. Evaporation C. Sweating D. Urination
47. The intentional taking of one’s own life
A. Assault B. Stalking C. Para suicide D. Suicide
48. Which of the following objective is the priority for injured person
A. To successfully obstruct the cleared airways
B. To successfully continue the loss of blood in circulation
C. To successfully insert non prescribed intravenous medication to the veins of the injured part of the body to heal the
D. To successfully provide airways and blood circulation to the injured person
49. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s t a t e m e n t i s t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f t h e s c h o o l t o p r e v e n t i n j u r i e s
a. To teach and instruct students the skills to prevent injuries
b. Promote safety and prevent un intentional injuries
c. Protect students from suicide while at home play, school, and community
d. All of the above
50. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s c h o o l h e a l t h p r o g r a m s a r e n e e d e d t o i m p r o v e t h e h e a l t h s a f e t y a n d
educational prospects of students
1. School nutrition services 2. Health education 3. Staff member’s health promotion
4. Staff development 5. Safe school environment 6. Family and community involvement
A. Except # 3 B. Except # 6 C. All of the above D. None of the above

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