How To Fix The Missing Switch Account
How To Fix The Missing Switch Account
How To Fix The Missing Switch Account
Step 2: Click on the Power Button from the right corner and select the Restart while holding a SHIFT KEY
on your keyboard.
Step 3: You will see the “CHOOSE AN OPTION” screen. From here, simply tap on the ‘TROUBLESHOOT’
option > select ADVANCED OPTIONS on the next screen.
Step 4: On the Advanced Options menu screen, click the Command Prompt option.
The Command Prompt windows will open.
Step 6:
Step7: Click the Ease Access button from the right corner.
Step 8: After select Ease Access Button, the command prompt will appear.
Step 9: On the command prompt, Type “regedit” and press ENTER key. (without quotation mark).
After type regedit on the cmd. The Registry Editor will open.
Step 10:
10)) Double click the File and Type the Value data: 0 and Base: Hexadecimal > Click Ok and restart your
Step 11: Check the left side corner of your screen after restarting your computer to see if the switch user