Transferring Data Using A Visible Light

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Transferring Data Using a Visible Light

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Lakshmi Mythri D Bammidi Akhila
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology
JNTUGV Visakhapatnam, India JNTUGV Visakhapatnam, India

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Vamsi Krishna Talluri Veerendra Sai Lakkoju
Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology
JNTUGV Visakhapatnam, India JNTUGV Visakhapatnam, India

Abstract:- This project aims to demonstrate the per second is the standard unit of measurement for data
availability and usability of a basic Li-Fi system that can transmission.
be manufactured and utilised in daily life starting with
the fundamental tools. We present a novel method of data Li-Fi refers to the use of light as a means of information
transfer that combines sustainable energy harvesting with transmission. Similar to Wi-Fi, but faster, high-speed
high-speed communication (using Li-Fi technology). This communication technology lets you send and receive more
makes it suitable for a range of applications, such as data in less time. It makes use of the electromagnetic
secure data communication, Internet of Things (IoT) spectrum's visible light region, which runs from 380 to 780
devices, and wireless sensor networks. A light nm. It has 10,000 times greater space bandwidth as a result. It
communication system called Li-Fi uses modulating is theoretically capable of speeds up to 224 Gbps.
circuits and regular LED bulbs. We shall explain in this
how light from an LED diode is utilised as a transmission  Existing Systems
medium for this purpose. Compared to Wi-Fi, it transfers These days, wireless communications play a significant
data more quickly. In the experimental setup, modulated role in communication. The primary method of delivering
light signals are emitted by LEDs and detected by solar data wirelessly is through the use of radio waves, or
cells that have photodetectors installed. To recover the electromagnetic waves. However, due to intrusion and the
transmitted data, the receiving signal must be decoded. availability of confined spectrum, radio waves can only
Light from the source is directed through a plane convex sustain a limited bandwidth. Data transmission via Visible
lens to minimise losses at the lowest levels. If the light Light Communication (VLC) is a solution to this. While Li-
source is precisely at the focal point, the light rays on the Fi is ideal for high-density wireless data coverage in a
exit will extend nearly parallel and strike the solar cell confined area and for reducing radio interference difficulties,
with the least amount of loss. It also emphasises how this Wi-Fi is concerned with wireless coverage within buildings.
technology will be used in the future. Additionally, it Li-Fi primarily employs LEDs to transfer multimedia data
showcases the technology that will enable data transfer at between two terminals.
the speed of light in the future and make efficient use of
the light spectrum to connect gadgets to the internet. ex. II. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
Organization v2v(vehicle-to-vehicle), Smart mirror,
Indoor navigation in building and landscapes, Hospital Li-Fi is a new data transmission method. By varying the
and health care...etc., light's intensity, Li-Fi data is delivered and subsequently
detected by a photo detector. A photo detector serves as the
Keywords:- Solar Panels, Li-Fi, Wireless, LED, Security. receiver in VLC (Visible Light Communication) technology,
which uses an LED light source as a transmitter. Electrical
I. INTRODUCTION signals are transformed into optical signals in the transmitter
and sent via LEDs. A photo detector is included in the
In all associated areas, there is currently a significant receiver. The optical signals are transformed into electrical
increase in the demand for faster and more secure signals by the photo detector. By passing more information,
communications for smartphones, tablets, portable this technology becomes more sophisticated and allows for
computers, and other devices. Due to the inability of outdated faster data exchange.
wireless technology to meet the intense need for fast and
secure communication, Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) technology was The below flowchart describes the process how the data
developed. Visible light is used in Light Fidelity (Li-Fi), a is transferred through the LED. The system consists of
high-speed distant communication technology. It is included transmitter module and receiver module. The UART
in the optical wireless communications category. Variable- (Universal Asynchronous Receiver & Transmitter) is used
intensity Light Emitting Diode bulbs are used to transmit transfer the data serially and the methodology as described
data. This mutation leads to digital communication. Gigabits below.

IJISRT24APR623 728

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 The Steps in the Methodology are as Follows:

 To begin with, transfer the data from the PC. To do this,

the data needs to be changed from electrical to optical
 The data will be transformed into a binary value and sent
via a Li-Fi transmitter that uses light to transfer data.
 The photo detector (Li-Fi receiver) receives light from the
transmitter side.
 The binary values are transformed into optical signals
once more. and change the electrical signals from the
optical ones. Therefore, the user can use PCs to view their
 By utilising technology for visible light communication.

Fig 1 Flow Chart of Li-Fi System


Fig 2 Transmitter Circuit

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Alphanumeric data can be sent via the keyboard. You IV. SYSTEM DESIGN AND WORKING OF
can also use the spacebar, backspace, delete, and enter RECEIVER CIRCUIT64
commands. Uppercase alphabets and special characters
(!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)) can also be communicated if the caps Within the receiver section, a PNP transistor (IC BC
lock key is activated. A key's ASCII code is transmitted 5578) is linked to a photodiode. The circuit is powered by a
straight to the microcontroller when it is pressed on the 9-volt battery that is connected to it. The voltage regulator IC
keyboard. The data is sent to the transistor pair by the 7805 is utilized to reduce the 9-volt DC supply to a 5-volt
microcontroller, which translates the ASCII code into binary. DC supply, which is necessary for the microcontroller
When a PNP transistor operates in the off state, it reads zero AT89S52 to function. The clock frequency of the
in the binary code; when an NPN transistor operates in the on microcontroller is provided by a crystal oscillator operating
state, it reads one. After then, the binary pulse made up of at 11.0592 MHz, which is linked to two 27 pf paper
ones and zeros is sent to the LED torch by this transistor pair. capacitors for frequency stabilization. In order to offer the
The blinking of led light is so fast that it cannot be detected reset function, a 10uf capacitor is additionally attached to the
by a human eye. microcontroller. The manual reset feature is provided by a
button switch. The 16x2 LCD and microcontroller are
interfaced so that the data sent by the transmitter may be

Fig 3 Receiver Circuit

IJISRT24APR623 730

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The LED's light is directed towards the receiver. When transistor's on and off states and converts the binary code that
the led flickers, the photodiode notices it and sends a is created as a result of on and off into an ASCII code. This
sequence of ones and zeros to the transistor. When the PNP ASCII code is subsequently transmitted by the
transistor detects a zero, it is in the on state; when it detects a microcontroller to the 16x2 LCD for display, which is
one, it is in the off state. The microcontroller reads the directly interfaced with microcontroller.


There are the observations that the hardware setup is made through the table are shown below. We describe about the
parameters and observations for hardware set and placement of transmitter and receiver.

Table 1 Observations
The maximum height at which a torch can be maintained to Minimum height: 7 cm
facilitate Li-Fi transmission. Maximum height: 75 cm
Minimal light allowance Minimal allowance every LED light that has a microcontroller
operating attached to it transmits data.
Range of temperatures 0 - 70 Degree Celsius


Fig 5 Cooltrem Software


We have worked with Li-Fi communication, which

employs light wavelengths instead of conventional radio
waves. With a signal-producing microchip inside, the LED
generates rates that are significantly faster than our typical
internet connection speed.

Fig 4 System Model
This experiment shed light on a future technological
The figure that illustrates how an LED light source is development: LED-based data transfer. A basic 8052
used to communicate with both the transmitter and reception microcontroller was used in this experiment to communicate
circuits. This circuit uses visible light communication to alphanumeric data, which allowed for efficient data
enable the transmission of both audio, image and numerical transmission and reception. We also came to the conclusion
data. The numeric matrix keypad's output is shown on the that any LED light can be used for data transmission and
LCD. A speaker provides the output when audio is sent via a receiving if it has a microcontroller operating system
microphone. An image also shown on the LCD. installed. Furthermore, if the light is visible, the transmitter
and receiver's ability to communicate will not be impacted by
The coolterm software is use to transfer the image and changes in intensity. However, data transfer is not possible
numerical data through the LED. It converts the text file into when there is an obstruction between the light source and the
ASCII Code. The whole transmission part is performed photodiode.
through this software.

IJISRT24APR623 731

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Thus, continual communication requires unhindered The figure shows the image transmission, same as text
light. Since data theft won't be a concern, this technology can the received data from PC shown on LCD at transmitter side.
be safer and more secure than Wi-Fi even though it cannot be The transferred image displayed on receiver side LCD.
utilised to communicate over solid objects or opaque
buildings. The figure-4 shows the data that received by the IX. CONCLUSION
transmitter and transferred data is show on the LCD on
receiver side and the text transfer by using coolterm software The aim of the project is to design an affordable, basic
to covert the text to ASCII again ASCII covert into binary data communication system that can communicate numerical
form through the micro-controller. data and assist with audio communication. It will do this by
utilising LEDs, DTMF transmitters and receivers, LCDs, and
ATMEGA-8 microcontroller units. The project module can
be further improved to read alpha-numeric data and enable
video communication via a camera or other digital device.
Currently, it is designed to read numeric data and special
characters *, #, and to facilitate audio conversation.

There are several possible results that can be looked

into more. If this invention proves useful, each lightbulb can
be used as a kind of wireless hotspot to transfer data, leading
the way to a future that is safer, greener, cleaner, and more
brilliant. Li-Fi is currently the subject of a great deal of
curiosity, in part because it could provide a real and practical
substitute for radio-based wireless technology. The increasing
number of people using wireless internet along with their
many devices is congealing wireless transmissions, which
makes it harder and harder to demand a dependable, fast
signal. This could shed light on problems like the slow radio-
frequency transfer speed and provide internet access in places
where traditional radio-based wireless is prohibited, such
hospitals and aeroplanes. The fact that it can only function in
coordinate line of sight is one of its drawbacks, though.

Fig 5 Text Transmission
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Fig 6 Image Transmission

IJISRT24APR623 732

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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