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FS 549403

Invoice Ofcom Radio Licence Fees

71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden
Covent Garden WC2H 9JQ

Customer Ref No: 2-1273323 Date: 19-Feb-2024

Application Expiry Date: 18-Mar-2024 Invoice No: 78673081
Please note that if no payment is received before the application expiry date, then your
application may be cancelled and you will have to reapply.

A breakdown of your licences can be found from page 3.

Product Licence Applications Fee (£)

5.8 GHz Fixed Wireless Access 1 50.00
Total Fee Due 50.00

This licence is outside the scope of VAT and no VAT is included in the licence fee.
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Using our online payment portal is a convenient and secure way to pay for your licences:
You will need to enter your customer reference number and invoice number (quoted above)
and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please note that only payments of up to £5,000 can be accepted by this payment method

If you do not pay online please detach and return remittance advice slip to; Accounting Services -
Finance, Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 9HA

Alternatively, please email completed remittance slips to [email protected].

Customer Ref No: 2-1273323 Invoice No: 78673081

Fee Due £: 50.00 Invoice Date: 19-Feb-2024

Please indicate the method of payment and amount remitted:
CHAPS Cheque Cheque No
BACS Value £
VAT Reg No: 833 0122 77 Telephone: 0300 123 1000
Telephone: 020 7981 3131 Email: [email protected]

Details to be used if paying by BACS/CHAPS:

Name of Bank: Lloyds TSB - London Bridge Branch

Bank Account name: Office of Communications
Bank Sort Code: 30-97-90
Bank Account Number: 00740372
IBAN Number: GB72 LOYD 3097 9000 740372
BIC Number: LOYDGB21351
Email Address for Remittance: [email protected]

It is important that the Ofcom invoice number stated overleaf is also quoted as your payment reference
instruction to your bank. Failure to do so may mean that the receipt is not credited to your account and
your licence(s) may be revoked.

Payment International Bankers Draft:

Please note that International Bankers Drafts must be drawn on a UK clearing house.

Foreign Payments:
Please note that your international banking charges are not included in this price. You should clearly instruct your
bank NOT to charge us any fees, as we do not accept and will reject payments that are below the amount quoted.

Ofcom cannot quote purchase order numbers on invoices.

A purchase order (PO) is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller, detailing the exact merchandise or
services to be provided from the seller. Sending a PO constitutes a legal offer to buy products or services. It is a
mandatory requirement for anyone operating a licensable radio communications system to have a valid licence,
so this does not constitute a legal offer to buy a product or service from Ofcom. Therefore, our systems have not
been designed to quote purchase orders on invoices, and we are unable to provide this information for you.

Invoices and Confirmation of Receipt:

Once we have received the correct renewal fee, a renewal confirmation notice will be issued automatically.
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Licence Fee Breakdown

Product Application Station Name / Site Address Fee (£) Licence Term
5.8 GHz Fixed Wireless Access 1343811/1 50.00 1 Year

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