Strategy Notes

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:; (1 c\ i:(J.r ST!<-1\T EG-"1 tr(;\\- roy~e.s 1/\ tr) C/J!'l\\de<o.\x,n fM. l~ H ~NA L
1 1
'J J\/j E.Y-.Tt:-
_ _1..-_ l0\_1'1_
\1 AL_ _t:- NVI,_
r ' "~
1,.,_ _ v_1E_N_
.-1 o.rd tt)t (Q\t.\. I t\~Gd\.' 11\r~e~'r Qro e1'. 9ectcA\u<1'> er -~m
L ~i d o:'

•Ki1 IV desc~, bes foe &U !IN ess ~(ooe,L· c.1s tht .sj stur1 o~ . rtC1hsto rM~ ttwc~ mi
bLl!ii;.es..s oc.,hvitk!. m outp111t:, n-i,,h t\'\i useoF ti'<: S\ 'f. . Cf\P\TF\LS ·
C -= v A Lu_:E · c Ks AT t oN ~CJ e, E-s s
~ .
V\ == lT'it a1n~ ~\') U'e Q.tNin:innerr l,\i:,ina c\1\rt:.<e.l'\t
uiviror1ent~ Wie. w¼~ t>f!<f'-~
v in
1j 11)0\~ .

lnfurd environmcn~
to as~~
1i1t e.t1ti t"j cavi UH h1i S~Oi /\~f\l'\S\S ·.me. il~vn:it" tiwrrorwv,2(lt- ·:

C. 1\-. ""''j'i' '1c "" c,,fl;;e\ . -'- .'. · • . ·• :·. . ._

ST EN&TttS ITT stn,-,r I"''"" "j n,, "'" ~ "' " '"' ,~lu, · : :·'\.-in!l,nol
WE~ tz N es sE s. -+ '"' ""'"'""' 1r« ,,\J.1 '"' "'-\i><½ 1t1 r,,c1, v«lu< l ·
Opp on Cl N 11 1H ,-ppoi'Wnit, e, funl "'- C.O"l""j w> "'"" .,hO.: .i-4,;t;:;. .. l •~;,,...i
0 TH 1- le I S ..._ '"j fur<Ot n, op«o_!ion I b<Asir<>. • """'tt '" ot "" o,h"j J
p [:; S T E /... .Clt-"tiJiSi& to Oril~ee .& I 1.,1 rcitMf-0tr-d -tne e$;-h,rml
Tri e,h r,\J oorvi use. a
poliriCCI\ ~r)\J\fOrment (oi J,011~e<, 11' rol lhc\ uhd fd1ne:o\ ',K;\i\ilitJ)
wi ,.,,,romu:.t .
b. cororno ~1'1\/im"'IY'e.vt' linr cr of \i\l CTC\"'t '\ t )\:io\ cv,d cot,wtrJ,•~I

s(lc\CI , .Lf\Vlfcnrmi l -Soc.icll 'i r,t\11era 1 -tn.nci \ (A/'Q Cvr>1fC'•ltj dl"'°:' "P~i C I/
Te<li(\(ib:prol W,/lf ()(Vl'1ert L de1, '. ·,11 \ec.i-r d '\I \ C'\ \-t1,t C\, ~''foci t
iJ 11, clu"'\•j) \.. _ . . ~\ s)
E n•J 1row<YH. ¥1tC-1l . ( eV'\/ lfQr,1 .-,tn ~al lt1 ~" .l. Cir 01 n chv,t

LJul tr1 Vil'Cnfillnt

I\' I\\\ \t ~r1;. w,\\ !ht lxni~
0: \fm!W~ . lJ "'1
Barti~ Powe, or Cusk,ne,r~
.. t\lu\-\ fl~E.0 COST C c\~o,~ or. cv\11'0/'Yltn
);- Sl,'l ihl1 cos.ts n> ~(/', ,rch ru Cl no'\J G<-lf
" Lt1~ ~,...i~<l,i1 tc\\- - lo\l cus.hin--er c. ill olnus .
)I- -S w , cirj Or rr,e r t .!.Cc.,r c.t Avciilo.b, l1 t'1
.. fn"o1.m\- c~ «ll'umtivH i/\ tlli 11"\Clfket
or s<Ah Jtlruh
lt- Th1 abi lit'j o/- I"' wsrc me r to
"' C,onu ntro. liori of- \1) c '1u pplfers ,n
ab,0, b
corn flll114
tt 1(
th e me,., 1<.e-f·
.. \-lo,, recd, \~ a11oi lC1 ble is 1rfu,J tc
th~ e l •

'" Tr,: s witch wa cc&~ hi olrerrcihil

O~ ro.e. r,f fU 11o•lr~ f' odeids j
.\. f'; ro~ lo;!ol oI- oonsu
... CO'( c;, h oh Ch 0\- C'c h~ x"ittt , n -1l'Cll · · ~tV'l ffiG<KeJ-
1:.rtmnr~ tv Ml prool u u~. 1
r-,,w 1<..v · · ,. _ 11,L_ Lm\ of- dij-feret11ioha
. - ori:vii idtl'ltitJ w,ol 't)rcmOI ~ ~Cllrj . ir1 tnc. ffcdl.l c.t·

\e~i&Privt_ O( intel\edual pof'hJ lr,l 'lfv,\i1 ff .svbs1hitt-~ •

WCtl'I t\1 0 f tnt rY'()j Ke~ •
0£M9_1'1J rorr icr & . J
,;;- Co~r 5 \iw,~ tu C.Chflul~ ·1.,, l'li\l~)(\ .- limitci ho~ Df- resew ce E:>
h, \,, tl.\/1 ro M C\M Cl GW\J e (j ...- uncer/-Clin fl"Cl r 1<-eJo •.. . . · . •.
i/\ IW, ;y-w Ke\' •

.- Qrl h ~ 1s ct~\ii;~ -p oa.e~,.

ck,rrtbl-lh <oJJ cl-i-nneh, -

Btre.~h o~ hrform hrtu\s five

es pol"\b [NQ- TCl I\ PO~ Tcl\. ~ f\ IJE ~(\C,eS
V'liSh m umpa-rl in l!'C\1-
T,,e cc111r in_j wo cilvo..lcp' a slrci,~ fXJ1' to us1rcq 1\-e too\ m rov-1 h

c.,.~1; t~u--~hf _ ~t,IA.\
1s~ 1 . .,.\;Qlion.
f(Octv~ GI fl od1.d·th ctr Trt_i!h'~0~1ld
l t-o
0.111 f rocl~l[e f I o:;lv1cr
"' °\'f.t Ctnvu C\

t(, CVi!lQ \ On Q sr ci~, G .

orf-e, C\ u"Jcf' e produd
Cir tht lov•.ie ,/- ( O~ r h MOlr\'l [ C\l'Ci cli ffor (?(l j1d-w
O'll'r i~ill cli'Ffvu1r Ki
\M ~ frtc\ llCt )'01 . ('If
c5i()1i tt-r P.,cd,ch rn fief f ~ 0
n,w \(e~ ·

rwul<el- ·

b,vtlopme.n~ Or (ir~vA\, (.(lmpm, Qmt
A Ct:1 1"1 " S', 11, - renrL
rrG C.AfuW \L
v, ,,;1, n I
~~lue . m lt'l( t'e-C\jl Jrxnno/dt1

Olcll eti&tid
\ \!"'(I t~t I'\\(•~ h1 l;\'('11 ,() l l\t~wvch c,,d rltV tlopr.11tt1l ul r~ .... ~e,1--
\'l\o.v l<el- p~t:1h OO froci1Ad-· btve kwi rY1tnl- Ovll
~lrcllt .. I

(e,,,ttriiY\ a.. L1r,rt\chct n,01j(2.~ 1.itii

0 l 11 nlo,: o, tin- i:,r..•.~- ,,:11! . 0. -- f
cch,t, I.~ •'i) CJ. Vil'"' I ,..\ I f
Mcv Kef- Dtvi kr'11uit 01vev-s,h w hvn

Of-her n,\nc\Y\\- r e;-~lh ~\rClhdies
* 0r~01'1ic (m;,,.t{, ·• ~ p1:1noli1 of- 'fW- lu-!.if-Hs i~netil~

Ao.v<-4iSi ricn * ~ i~i\101 cl- am\1,ev ho'1-

Stmte~,c Allillr):.e• : fo,m1n al\o.iV1Ct wiln o\\ritr \ll'M~__: _ _
1;- t-

1. Utnt-m\ clwri C, Corpondion Modf,l ! ll't ( ~~orc\l\~ ( C\J'\ C\1~ es~ h'I< o.\-\-rcchve.nQ..l>~ 6~ an 1nd1,1,S \T~

Qir(}. -lht ~lcl\-ecl \,x.\,i\'\?,S.'i. v111·11- \fl orde1 to deJre,rmif'll i.hlh.r tt. ihv

BusiheSs Unl~ Srreit t(lnrt l\S
e, ml\ct t<f'il-~
Mecli1m1 lov'I
Hiqh lvwes.1-
lncilA it1' 0 - - - - - - f - -- - - t - - - -
Ftttrochvena)J tyl~c\i i,\IY\

-i lrx,1 \\Me.Yo~ I
Piv eJ·
N\11rht ~Sl z.e
U'Yl)N t'n
E~ (.h\/\fO~ Factor&
f ,onr<A vi \\1,

aoc\w;. s i\'l \I\Ud:, Or Vo.violAS IS 1-v.\<-e~·xi\cle.rS, .

Tr.o U\nJ CQ\'1 UH-\, The. N\endlow' e, Sre1Ke~~ ff10\rf'nQ to

· pr iofi h~ e rll<- ,\Sr~1<-e ho\derr,

Level of lnnn-eJ

~\tt<-~p . . Low
"t\\t &ci. ~sncd .·. : . t-\o. VPj
; ._J

Lo~ Minim~\
\1-t~ et~o r •

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