Circuits 2
Circuits 2
Circuits 2
A.C. values
Power in AC Circuits 3
As the ripple voltage increases and the load current increases, the
induced e.m.f. in the inductor will oppose the increase. As the ripple
The pulsating outputs obtained from the half- and fullwave rectifier voltage falls and the load current falls, the induced e.m.f. will try to
circuits are not suitable for the operation of equipment that requires a maintain the current flow. The voltage across points BB and the current
steady d.c. output, such as would be obtained from batteries. For in the inductance are almost ripple-free. A further capacitor, C2,
example, for applications such as audio equipment, a supply with a large completes the process.
variation is unacceptable since it produces ‘hum’ in the output.
Smoothing is the process of removing the worst of the output waveform
variations. To smooth out the pulsations a large capacitor, C, is
connected across the output of the rectifier. The effect of this is to
maintain the output voltage at a level which is very near to the peak of
the output waveform. The improved waveforms for halfwave and full-
wave rectifiers are shown below.
a. Purely resistive a.c. circuit
In a purely resistive a.c. circuit, the current IR and applied
voltage VR are in phase
EX.1) (a) Calculate the reactance of a coil of inductance 0.32
H when it is connected to a 50 Hz supply. (b) A coil has a
b. Purely inductive a.c. circuit reactance of 124 in a circuit with a supply of frequency 5 kHz.
In a purely inductive a.c. circuit, the current IL lags the applied Determine the inductance of the coil.
voltage VL by 90◦.
In a purely inductive circuit, the opposition to the flow of EX.2) A coil has an inductance of 40 mH and negligible
alternating current is called the inductive reactance, XL resistance. Calculate its inductive reactance and the resulting
current if connected to a 240V, 50 Hz supply.
EX.1) In a series R–L circuit the p.d. across the resistance R is EX.4) A coil of inductance 318.3 mH and negligible resistance
12V and the p.d. across the inductance L is 5V. Find the supply is connected in series with a 200 resistor to a 240V, 50 Hz
voltage and the phase angle between current and voltage. supply. Calculate (a) the inductive reactance of the coil, (b) the
impedance of the circuit, (c) the current in the circuit, (d) the
p.d. across each component, and (e) the circuit phase angle.
EX.1) A resistor of 25 is connected in series with a capacitor of 45 μF.
Calculate (a) the impedance, and (b) the current taken from a 240V, 50
Hz supply. Find also the phase angle between the supply voltage and
the current.