Autonomous Maintenance Step 1 To Step 3
Autonomous Maintenance Step 1 To Step 3
Autonomous Maintenance Step 1 To Step 3
Autonomous Maintenance
Step 1 to Step 3
Review: What is AM?
1) The problems that stop equipment from working, or make it work less effectively,
can be completely eliminated – in other words, zero-defect, zero-breakdown status
can be attained – by changing the way everyone who works with the equipment,
including the operators, thinks and behaves.
2) When the equipment works better, the people work better, and when the people
work better, the whole factory works better.
1 Develop the ability to take appropriate action and recover the situation
14 Develop truly
Aims 7 Develop the ability to equipment-competent
2 Develop the ability to 10 Develop the ability to operators
establish correct
detect abnormalities sustain and control
6 What have we been lacking up to now? 13 What must we do from now on?
- Embed the autonomous maintenance programme - Build a strong culture in which an autonomous
Activity and get it firmly established - maintenance programme with real 100%
participation can flourish -
The Steps to Autonomous Maintenance and How they Work
STEP 2 People’s thinking
STEP 3 changes:
Defects and Benefits:
Benefits: People
Equipment breakdowns start to Zero defects The whole
Get people Fewer start
starts working be seen as something and zero factory works
motivated better defects and working
break-downs to be ashamed of failures better
are attained
People’s behaviour
Think, then Fix minor equipment changes:
act defects They take the trouble
to make
Action •Cleaning is inspection They make
generates •Inspection is detection improvements stick,
motivation •Detection is correction (and and manage their
improvement) work more carefully
Get people to
ask themselves
why forced Hone people’s
deterioration fault-detecting •Correction is perfection •Positive change filters upwards
happens, and capabilities and get •Perfection is satisfaction from the bottom
help them them thinking in •Satisfaction is further action •Operators take control of
understand why terms of identifying and solving problems
Autonomous improvements
Maintenance is
People’s attitudes and behaviour will not
change until they see results
Classifying and Allocating Maintenance Tasks 1
Train operators in inspection procedures using inspection manuals, enabling them to expose
General equipment
4 and correct equipment defects by performing comprehensive equipment inspections.
Formulate definitive cleaning, lubrication and inspection standards that can be followed
5 Autonomous inspection efficiently and dependably, draw up autonomous inspection checklists and put them into use.
Roll out and implement company policies and objectives, and continually improve the
7 Full self-management equipment by keeping accurate MTBF and other maintenance records, analysing the data
captured, and doing improvements as a routine part of the job
Preparation (Step 0)
2. Draw up plans
•Draw up a list of injuries and accidents that could happen during initial cleaning
(such as electric shocks, injury due to residual air pressure, skin irritation by
1) Safety cleaning agents, foreign objects in the eye, injury by falling objects, and so forth)
•Provide safety training and establish procedures for predicting and averting
hazards (unsafe conditions and behaviours)
Loose bolt
Forced deterioration and •Find out what is causing forced deterioration
2) consequent losses •Find out what losses are caused by forced deterioration
•Find out what situations result in quality defects,
breakdowns and minor stops
Ensure that operators •Draw simple diagrams showing how the equipment works
understand their •Make sure everyone understands the mechanisms
3) equipment •Consider what problems might happen if a mechanism Build-up of used
gets dirty or runs out of lubricant, or if any bolts, etc. cutting fluid
work loose
When dirt or debris gets into rotating or sliding parts, pneumatic or hydraulic
systems, electrical control systems, sensors, or other components, it can
Breakdowns create problems such as wear, blockage, electrical resistance defects and
electrical conduction defects, which can in turn cause malfunction,
breakdown, loss of precision, etc.
Pass Step 1
·……………. Submit improvement activity
status report
Workflow for Step 2
(Tackling Contamination Sources and Hard-to-Access Areas)
Step 2: Tackling Contamination Sources and Hard-to-Access Areas
• Eliminate sources of dust, dirt and other contaminants, prevent scattering, and shorten the time needed for cleaning,
lubricating and inspecting by improving inaccessible areas;
• Help operators to acquire the equipment-improvement mindset, creating real benefits for the business.
Understand the Locate the areas where dust, dirt and foreign matter Hard-to-access areas are areas which:
harmful effects of dust, accumulate • take a long time to clean, lubricate or inspect
Analyse dust, dirt and foreign matter to identify their • are awkward to clean, lubricate or inspect
dirt and foreign matter
material, shape and composition
Collect hard data Which tasks are affected by the difficulty?
Find out exactly where the contamination is coming from: •Cleaning/lubricating/tightening
•Is it coming from the previous process? •Which tools are used?
Why is the •Does the difficulty make it impossible to
contamination •Is it generated by this process? perform the task?
happening? •Is it generated in the course of machining? •In what way is the result checked?
•Is it coming from the equipment? •Is the work performed by eye, using the bare
•Is it coming from the external environment? hands, etc?
subsequently improved
Minimise Perform cleaning based on
provisional cleaning standards Check that cleaning can be Activity board
Localise carried out properly in the time ·…………….
Conduct self-review allowed by the provisional
standards, and remove tags ·…………….
Receive factory review ·…………….
Draw up team activity report and
Pass Step 2 apply for a factory review
Workflow for Step 3
(Provisional Autonomous Maintenance Standards)
Step 3: Formulating Provisional Autonomous Maintenance Standards
• To formulate basic conditions for activities designed to prevent equipment deterioration, and to sustain cleaning,
lubricating and tightening;
• To self-formulate action standards enabling these basic conditions to be faithfully upheld with minimal expenditure of time;
• To promote visual control.
Pass Step 3