Evaluating Disinfection Performance of Ultraviolet Light Emitting 2022 Chem
Evaluating Disinfection Performance of Ultraviolet Light Emitting 2022 Chem
Evaluating Disinfection Performance of Ultraviolet Light Emitting 2022 Chem
Handling Editor: Xiangru Zhang Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) are among the most compact devices and safest technologies in water
disinfection systems. However, the validation of different assay methods to evaluate the disinfection performance
Keywords: of different wavelengths (265, 280, 285, and 300 nm) of UV-LEDs toward marine microalgae remains poorly
UV light-Emitting diode characterized. In this study, several detection assays, namely the culture-based most probable number (MPN)
Phytoplankton inactivation
Ballast water treatment
assay, membrane integrity-based vital stain (VS) assay, chlorophyll fluorescence assay, and photochemical
efficiency assay, were compared to assess the viability of the marine microalga Tetraselmis sp., with results
Tetraselmis sp.
Inactivation efficiencies indicating the MPN assay to be the most sensitive. In addition, this study compared the inactivation kinetics,
inactivation efficiency, and energy efficiency of Tetraselmis sp. under different UV wavelengths, as assessed by
the VS and MPN assays. The fluence-response curves of Tetraselmis sp. varied with assay and wavelength, with
Geeraerd's model fitting all fluence-response microalgal inactivation curves. The results showed a non-significant
difference in inactivation efficiency among different wavelengths of UV-LEDs (except for 300 nm) when using the
VS assay. On the contrary, significant differences among all wavelengths were observed with respect to inactivity
efficiency when using the MPN assay. The wavelength of 265 nm exhibited maximum inactivation efficiency,
whereas 285 nm achieved optimal energy efficiency. The UV action spectrum of Tetraselmis sp. exhibited the
peak at 265 nm, a finding which matched well with the absorbance spectrum of DNA. The observations from
* Corresponding author. Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, 518055, China.
**Corresponding author. Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, 518055, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Jiang), [email protected] (D. Chen).
Received 3 April 2022; Received in revised form July 5, 2022; Accepted 16 August 2022
Available online 22 August 2022
0045-6535/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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This study provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the application of the emerging UV-LED light
sources in the algicidal treatment of marine water.
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equipped with peak emission wavelengths of 265 nm, 280 nm, 285 nm, and 300 The in-vivo fluorescence of the algal samples before and after UV exposure
nm. The emission spectra of UV-LEDs were determined using a micro-spectrometer was measured by the in-vivo module in the chlorophyll fluo rometer (Model 7200;
(USB6500; JINGYI, China), and the results are shown in Fig. S1. The UV fluence Turner Designs, USA). The unit is the relative fluorescence unit (RFU).
rate of different UV-LEDs was adjusted as 1.5 ± 0.12 mW/cm2
, the distance between the sample and UV-LEDs was
1 cm. In addition, collimated beam apparatus equipped with LP mercury UV (LP 2.2.4. DNA damage analysis
UV) was also used to investigate the inactivation efficiency at 254 nm. The fluence The Tetraselmis sp. cultures were incubated for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, or 48 h in batch
rate of LP UV was adjusted to 1.46 ± 0.16 mW/cm2 . UV fluence rates of the UV- mode after being treated with UV-LEDs of different wavelengths at UV fluence of
LED and LP UV devices were measured and calibrated using a potassium 200 mJ/cm2 . All experiments were conducted at 25 ÿC with
ferrioxalate actinometer (Goldstein and Rabani, 2008; Bolton et al., 2011). Detailed three biological replicates of each sample. After incubation, each culture was
information, including device configuration, system schematics, and the pelleted by centrifugation (3724 g for 40 min at 4 ÿC) and the pellet was quickly
measurement of optical parameters, had been described in previous studies (Wen frozen and stored at ÿ 80 ÿC for subsequent testing.
et al., 2021).
Cyclobutane–pyrimidine dimer (CPD)-DNA, which make up around 60% of the
UV-induced DNA damage products (Sinha and H¨ ader, 2002), were analyzed as
described previously (Hull et al., 2017). A DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (QIAGEN,
2.2. Experimental procedure USA) was used to extract DNA from Tet raselmis sp., the extracted DNA being
detected spectrophotometrically by a NanoDrop 2000 UV–Vis spectrophotometer
The cultures of Tetraselmis sp. (obtained from the Center for Collections of (ThermoFisher, USA).
Marine Algae, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China) were main tained and grown in An OxiSelect UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (Cell Biolabs, USA) was used
f/2-Si medium prepared with sterilized natural seawater from Yan Tian Port, to quantify CPDÿ DNA using a microplate reader (Epoch; BioTek Instruments,
Shenzhen, China (pH 8.2 and salinity 35 PSU), under a 14-h/10-h light/dark cycle USA).
and 60 ÿmol photons/m2 /s at 20 ± 0.5 ÿC (Wen et al., 2021). The culture
suspensions in the loga rithmic phase were diluted to achieve a cell concentration
of 6–9 × 104 cells/mL. Tetraselmis sp. suspensions in a Peri dish (Ø 50 mm) were 23. Data analysis and statistics
irradiated by UV-LEDs or LP UV devices at particular wavelengths. UV influences
tested in this study ranged from 50 to 1000 mJ/cm2 . The exposure times (s) were 2.3.1. Comparison of relative UV responses from different assays
calculated as the target UV fluence over the UV fluence rate (mW/cm2 ). The The relative responses to UV of assays based on different physio logical
sample volume of each experiment was 30 mL. Triplicate subsamples were taken parameters, such as membrane integrity, culturability, photo chemical efficiency,
to test for the various parameters. and chlorophyll fluorescence, were calculated by Eq. (2), where r and r0 are the
measured responses of the UV-irradiated sample and the control sample,
The determination of fluence-response curves was carried out according to the respectively. Variations in UV wave lengths or fluences were fitted with linear or
methodology described in previous research (Beck et al., 2017; Rattanakul and non-linear functions, the half-maximal effective UV fluence (ED50) was determined
Oguma, 2018). (Table S1).
The ED50 for a particular assay method, based on membrane integrity, culturability,
2.2.1. VS assay photochemical efficiency, or chlorophyll fluorescence, was derived from a UV
The cell density were counted by a flow cytometer (FACSCCalibur; Becton fluence dose-response curve, in which the ED50 is the UV fluence dosage at
Dickinson Co., USA) with CountBright™ Absolute Counting Beads (Invitrogen™, which 50% of the desired maximum response
USA) and nucleic acid stain SYTOX Green (S7020, Invitrogen™, USA), following occurs.
the methodology described previously (Wen et al., 2021). r
Relative response (% of control) = × 100 (2)
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fluence (mJ/cm2 ) required to obtain 2-log inactivation, V is the volume of the whereas the MPN assay, based on the viability of Tetraselmis sp., reflected the
sample (cm3 ), C is the wall-plug efficiency of different UV-LEDs, ability of the microalga to reproduce or complete its life cycle. The membrane
WF is the water factor, ÿ is the absorbance for a 1-cm path length ), and l is the integrity of Tetraselmis sp. assessed by the VS assay decreased progressively
(cmÿ 1vertical path length of the water in the Petri dish in response to 50–300 mJ/cm2 , and then
(cm) (Eq. (6)). decreased significantly to 400 mJ/cm2 at all wavelengths tested except for 300
nm, indicating that the cell membrane of the microalga was more sensitive to UV
A× F2
EE,2 = 3.6 × 103 × V × C × WF (5) radiation at 265–285 nm than at 300 nm. The viability of Tetraselmis sp
determined by the MPN assay decreased significantly in response to increasing
1 ÿ 10ÿ ÿl UV fluence at all UV wavelengths.
WF = (6)
ÿlln(10) On the other hand, photosynthetic activity based on Fv/Fm or CHLF was
insensitive to increasing UV fluence. In the CHLF assays, the decrease in CHLF
of Tetraselmis sp. in response to increasing UV fluence was only detected over
2.3.4. Data statistical analysis
the range 0–100 mJ/cm2 , with more than 60% of CHLF at
Analysis of covariance was used to indicate a difference in the inactivation
100 mJ/cm2 being retained at all UV wavelengths tested. This result is in line
rate in the linear part of fluence-response curves, with p values equal to or less
with findings from a previous study, where the residual CHLF of Microcystis
than 0.05 indicating a significant difference. In addition, goodness-of-fit testing of
aeruginosa and Phaeocystis globosa was up to 90% after
the inactivation kinetic models for Tetraselmis sp. was conducted Microsoft Excel
(Microsoft Excel 2013; Microsoft, USA), and root mean square error (RMSE)
The ED50 of either assay is the median effective UV fluence dose that
was determined to assess the goodness-of-fit with the observed data. A lower
produces 50% of the maximal response (Table S1). The ED50 values assessed
value for RMSE indicated a predicted value (from the model) which fitted more
by the VS assay showed no significant differences among treatments by 265–
closely to the observed data.
285 nm UV-LEDs (p > 0.05), although the values were 3- to 6-fold higher than
the corresponding values determined by the MPN assay. The lower the value of
3. Results and discussion ED50, the greater the UV sensitivity of the assay. The ED50 values obtained
by the Fv/Fm and CHLF assays could not be calculated using the four-parameter
log logistic model, indicating that photosynthesis-related performance was not
3.1. Measurements of UV sensitivity from different assays
sensitive to UV treatments over the fluence range 0–600 mJ/cm2 . According to
a previous study, the ED50 values of Chlorella autotrophica, Chaetoceros
The relative response of Tetraselmis sp. to exposure to UV-LED of different
calcitrans, and Phaeocystis globosa determined by the Fv/Fm assay were close
wavelengths was assessed using different assays (Fig. 1 and Table S2). The
to or higher than 1000 mJ/cm2 (Romero-Martínez et al., 2016).
VS assay, using SYTOX Green as the stain, reflected the membrane integrity of
Tetraselmis sp. after exposure to UV radiation,
Fig. 1. Effect of UV-LEDs irradiation on different detection assays and UV wavelengths of Tetraselmis sp.. a)-d) vital stain, e)-h) most probable number, i)-l) Fv/Fm,
and m )-p) chlorophyll fluorescence.
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Inactivation rate constants (k) were calculated from the linear part of the fluence- Fig. 3. The inactivation rate constants of Tetraselmis sp. under different UV
wavelengths/light sources. Living assays: vital stain, Viability assays: super script
response curves (Fig. 2), using Eq. (4) to compare the UV inactivation efficiencies
a, b and c represent plate cultivation, most probable number and growth
at different wavelengths. The kVS is the inactivation rate constant based on the
monitoring, respectively.
VS assay, whereas the kMPN is the inactivation rate constant based on the MPN
assay (Fig. 3). The k values
Fig. 2. Inactivation behavior and model fittings for Tetraselmis sp. under exposure to 265, 280, 285, and 300 nm UV-LEDs. The log inactivation was assessed by a) vital
stain (VS) assay, and b) most probable number (MPN) assay.
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varied between different assays and with different UV-LED wavelengths. UV-inactivation of microalgae involve different assay methods,
For the VS assay, there was no significant differences in kVS values experimental set-ups, and conditions, so the systematic comparison of k
among the 265, 280, and 285 nm wavelengths (n = 12, p > 0.05), although, is needed to obtain a reasonable conclusion and comparison.
when the MPN assay was used, significant differences in the kMPN
constants were found among the 265, 280, 285, and 300 nm wavelength 3.4. Action spectrum and DNA absorption spectrum
LEDs (n = 10, p < 0.05). Regardless of the assay method, the maximum k
value within the wavelength range of 265–300 nm in the present study Fig. 4a illustrates the inactivation constants and DNA absorption
was obtained at 265 nm. characteristics as a function of wavelength, known as the action spectrum
The value of k quantifies the UV tolerance of an organism: a high k and the DNA absorption spectrum of the test organism, respectively. Both
indicates high UV sensitivity and, therefore, low UV tolerance (Rivas- DNA absorbance and inactivation constants were normalized to their
Zaballos et al., 2021). According to Fig. 2, comparable damage to cell corresponding values at 254 nm. In addition, in order to achieve the
membranes occurred when the microalga was exposed to UV irradiation comparability of the action spectrum with the previous study, the
in the range 265–285 nm, indicating that the cell membrane of Tetra inactivation efficiency of 254 nm (LP UV) was also tested, and the fluence-
selmis sp. has similar tolerance to the different UV wavelengths. How response profile and inactivation constant are shown in Fig. S2 and Fig .
ever, when the photo-repair or regrowth of microorganisms is taken into 4a , respectively.
account in the analysis of the k (ie, kMPN) value, the viability of the Knowledge of the action spectrum of model microorganisms is vital for
microalgal cells was more sensitive to specific UV wavelengths than the improving UV fluence monitoring and for developing practical UV LED
integrity of their cell membranes. As noted in previous studies, the disinfection technology guidelines. The most effective wave lengths for
inactivation effect of UV irradiation is related to inhibiting the organ ism's the inactivation of Tetraselmis sp. is 265 nm. The kMPN values at 265 nm
viability rather than to killing the cells directly (Blatchley III et al., 2018). UV-LEDs are 1.48, 1.18, 3.14, and 9.20 times higher than those of 254
Thus, the MPN assays provide a more comprehensive assessment that nm, 280, 285, and 300 nm UV-LEDs, respectively (Fig. 4a ) . In addition,
depends on the immediate UV tolerance and photo-repair ability (or the action spectrum mirrored the peak wavelength of DNA absorption.
regrowth ability) of the microalgae tested. Such consistency suggested that the mechanism of Tetra selmis sp.
Fig. 3 presents the inactivation rate constants from the literature of inactivation may be due to photochemical damage to DNA rather than to
Tetraselmis sp. measured by different assays under various wavelengths/ other biomolecules. This result might provide a possible explanation as to
light sources. Reported values from using LP UV and viability-focused why higher UV fluence rates were used in previous studies, but that
assays, such as MPN, plate culture, and liquid culture growth monitoring, damage to non-DNA biomolecules, such as chlorophyll a and proteins,
were between 0.020 and 0.034 cm2 / mJ, which is in line with or slightly was limited. Furthermore, this finding is consistent with our results
higher than the values of 0.017 cm2 / mJ obtained in the current study. regarding the variation in CHLF and Fv/Fm following UV irradiation.
The findings in the present study were consistent with the conclusion of Previous studies had also investigated the inactivation behavior of
other authors, with slightly higher UV tolerance of Tet raselmis sp. than of Tetraselmis sp. at wavelengths of 254 nm–300 nm, using MP UV with
other phytoplankton species, such as Chlorella vul garis with 0.032 cm2 / optical filters (Sun and Blatchley, 2017), which may result in low wavelength
mJ, Tisochrysis lutea with 0.044 cm2 /mJ, Phaeodactylum tricornutum accuracy and inconsistent average UV fluence rates. Thus, the algicidal
with 0.054 cm2 /mJ, and Anabaena sp. with 0.042 cm2 /mJ (Tao et al., effect in the 254–280 nm wavelength range could not be clearly
2010; Romero-Martinez et al., 2020; Rivas-Zaballos et al., 2021), distinguished, and the action spectrum had a low resolution within the
indicating that Tetraselmis sp. was an appropriate indicator organism for range 254–285 nm. In the present study, more detail is shown for the
such studies, with considerable UV tolerance in BWMS development (Sun action spectrum in the range 254–285 nm, with the maximum response
and Blatchley, 2017; Lundgreen et al., 2019). peak being obtained at 265 nm (Fig. 4a).
The k values for the inactivation of Tetraselmis sp. in the present and
previous studies using living-focused assays, such as combined 3.5. DNA damage products of Tetraselmis sp.
fluorescein microscopy (vital stain), or flow cytometry, ranged from 0.0008
to 0.006 cm2 /mJ (Olsen et al., 2016; Lundgreen et al., 2019) , which were It has been confirmed that UV radiation induces two of the most
one or two orders of magnitude lower than those of viability-focused abundant mutagenic and cytotoxic products of DNA damage, namely
assays. It showed that the assay method greatly influenced the evaluation CPDs and 6–4 photoproducts, which make up around 60% and 20–30%
of inactivation rate of microalgae irradiated by UV. of the UV-induced DNA damage products, respectively ( Sinha and H¨
Different results may still be obtained using the same assay method ader, 2002). The DNA-damaging effects of the UV wavelengths 265, 285,
on different experimental set-ups, such as UV fluence rate, initial algal cell and 300 nm, as well as those of the different UV-fluence rates, on the
density, and UV wavelength. In general, the higher the UV fluence rate, formation of CPDs in the cells of Tetraselmis sp. were evaluated. The
the higher the inactivation rate (Nyangaresi et al., 2018; Qiao et al., 2018). fluence-dependent CPD concentration at different wavelengths is shown
For instance, the UV fluence rate used by Romero-Martinez et al. (2020) in Fig. 4b. In this study, irradiation with 265 nm LEDs was found to cause
(30 mW/cm2 ) was 20 times that obtained in the current study, and the k CPD formation very efficiently. The UV fluence and the wave length are
value was 1.5 times the corresponding value determined in the current the main reasons for any discrepancies between CPD forma tion. The
study. However, the lower the initial algal concentration, the higher the UV mean ± standard deviation CPD concentration in Tetraselmis
transmittance (UVT), which can compensate for the effect of a low UV sp. after 265 nm irradiation at UV influences of 200 mJ/cm2 and 400 mJ/
fluence rate on the inactivation efficiency. The UV fluence rate (0.25 mW/ cm2 was 8.16 ± 4.94 and 13.7 ± 9.77 ng/mL, respectively, being
cm2 ) and the initial algal cell density used by Lundgreen et al. (2019) comparable with the values reported from other studies (Hull et al., 2017).
were 5.82 times and 10–20 times lower than those in the current study, Song et al. (2016) concluded that wavelengths between 255 nm and 265
respectively; Thus, the k value is still higher than this study. In addition, nm, corresponding with the absorbance spectrum of DNA, can induce
UV sources are another reason for the difference in k value under the higher levels of DNA damage. A similar trend was found under 285 nm
same UV fluence rate, assay method and initial algal cell density. The LED irradiation, but the formation of CPDs was significantly lower at that
kMPN values obtained by UV-LEDs at four wavelengths in the present wavelength than in samples irradiated at 265 nm LED (p <
study were all lower than those in the studies of Sun and Blatchley (2017), 0.05). The wavelengths between 280 nm and 285 nm were widely
which used MP UV (200–400 nm) sources; the narrow-band wavelengths, separated from the absorption peak of DNA. The inactivation mechanism
which were obtained by the use of optical filters, introduced variations in appears to be due mainly to the destruction of algal biomolecules such as
the estimates of a rate constant based on regression analysis. In general, proteins and lipids (Kalisvaart, 2004). UV-C irradiation can cause more
published studies into the significant DNA damage than UV-B (Sinha and Hader, ¨
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Fig. 4. UV inactivation action spectrum and DNA absorption spectrum for Tetraselmis sp (a), UV-induced cyclobutane–pyrimidine dimers (CPD) concentration and
fitted curves at different UV-LEDs (b).
2002), which is consistent with the log inactivation results from the 4. Conclusion
current study. No significant levels of CPDs were detected following 300
nm LED irradiation, and the goodness-of-fit of the equation was weak UV-LED irradiation has proven to be an effective way of achieving
(r2 = 0.83). A possible reason for this may be because UV-A radiation is inactivation of Tetraselmis sp. in seawater. Choosing the right assay
poorly absorbed by DNA and is thus less efficient at inducing damage from the options available can be a challenging task and will influence
to DNA. However, the primary mechanism of UV-A inactivation involves decisions related to UV and UV-based treatments, such as reactor
an indirect effect, by the generation of reactive intermediates and design, inactivation fluence setting, etc. In the present study, the most
oxidative damage to DNA and other cellular components (Jiang et al., sensitive response of Tetraselmis sp. was the culturability of the
2009; Xiao et al., 2018). microalga, quantified by the MPN assay. The highest inactivation rate
was 0.0236 cm2 /mJ obtained at 265 nm LED. The best energy
efficiency was 0.20 kWh/m3 /2-log obtained at 285 nm LED. It is
3.6. Energy efficiency challenging to use the Fv/ Fm or CHLF assays to reflect the viability of
phytoplankton immediately after ultraviolet radiation, because
In addition to considering the inactivation rate, the power photosystem II and chloroplasts are not the biological targets of UV inactivation.
consumption caused by the different wall-plug efficiencies (WPE) of the The emerging UV-LED light sources can construct the UV action
various UV-LEDs should be considered in order to meet the current spectrum of Tetraselmis sp. more accurately than mercury lamps, a
applicability of each system. The electrical energy per 2-log10 inactivity finding which is important for the validation of UV-LED disinfection
(EE,2) was used to compare the energy efficiencies of different UV systems. Tetraselmis sp. exhibited a maximum peak of inactivation at
LEDs (Table S3). According to the initial algal cell density concentration 265 nm, which matched well with the relative absorbance spectrum of
in the current study (an average of 7.5 × 104 cells/mL), the logarithmic DNA. The yield of DNA damage products (in terms of CPDs) confirmed
inactivation required to comply with the IMO D-2 standard (10 cells/ mL) that the inhibition of culturability caused by DNA damage is the primary
is 3.87 log. Extrapolation of k showed that the UV fluences of 228, 285, inactivation mechanism of Tetraselmis sp. by UV. These results can be
and 611 mJ/cm2 for 265, 280, and 285 nm LEDs, respectively, based used in the development of algicidal seawater disinfection systems,
on MPN assays, would be required to reach the IMO D2 level; this cor based on UV-LEDs.
responded to a minimum value at 265 nm LED. However, given careful
consideration of the algicidal efficiency and energy efficiency of different CREdiT authorship contribution statement
UV-LEDs, 285 nm is the optimal wavelength for inactivating Tetraselmis
sp., which was 0.20 kWh/m3 /2-log, based on MPN assays. DW = Conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation,
Ultraviolet LEDs have advantages in large-scale application systems, data curation, writing (original draft, review and editing), visualization.
such as ballast water treatment systems for ocean transportation, due YJ = Conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis and validation,
to their long lifespan, absence of pollution, and low maintenance costs. writing (review and editing), supervision, funding acquisition. DC =
At present, the application of short-wavelength UV LEDs (265 nm) is Methodology, validation, project administration, funding acquisition.
mostly affected by the efficiency of WPE. LED boards with high
arrangement-densities need to be used to meet the required UV power.
Thus, higher costs are caused in practical applications. It makes the 285 Declaration of competing interest
nm LED, a wavelength with both strong algicidal and high WPE prop
erties, advantageous in practical applications. Currently, the WPE of The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
commercial-grade and research-grade LEDs have been greatly interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
enhanced, reaching 5% and 20%, respectively, at a wavelength of 285 the work reported in this paper.
nm (Sun et al., 2019). If the price of UV LED chips is reduced, the impact
of wall-plug efficiency on cost will be compensated. From 2008 to 2018, Data availability
the power of UV LEDs increased twenty-fold and the cost decreased
ten-fold. By 2026, UV-LEDs are expected to be as cheap as $0.10/mW Data will be made available on request.
(Lawal et al., 2018). Combined with the above, UV-LEDs have broad
prospects for practical applications in the field of marine engineering in
the future.
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