E-Magazine MarineLog JulyEdition2021
E-Magazine MarineLog JulyEdition2021
E-Magazine MarineLog JulyEdition2021
Th e Resil iency of Shipbuilders 15 MILITARY SHIPBUILDING
What Does the Biden Budget Hold for U.S.
4 INLAND WATERWAYS The annual budget request of the Navy-the biggest
Two New Deliveries to Inland Towboat Companies shipyard spender-is always the focus of intense scrutiny,
not least by Congressional committees
23 Reinventing Primer to Prevent Corrosion
Continual exposure to seawater and salty air is a
. Coast Guard : New Sub M Guidance Documents corrosive combination that shortens a vessel 's service life
Offshore Wind Revenues May Be 25 HYDROGEN AS A FUEL
The Myths & Misconceptions of Hydrogen Explained
Sent to Coastal States Does hydrogen make sense now or in the future for fueling
your vessel? We help you decide with these six common
27 NEWSMAKERS hydrogen misconceptions
Biden to Nominate Del Toro
as Secretary of the Navy Cover Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ 'rawansak
Purely 3D Process Used to Deliver
Commercial Vessel
She ll: Safe, Healthy Work Environments
for Seafa rers is Critical
Marine Log Magazine (Print ISSN 0897 -0491, Digital ISSN 2166-210)(), {USPS# 576-910), (Canada Post Cust. #7204564; Agreement #40612608;
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increase in efficiency with each consecu-
Chasse, La., delivered the M/V Olive Parker is equipped with a Novec 1230 tive build. I know these vessels will serve the
Parker, its first vessel built for Tus- "Clean Agent" fire suppression system. The FMT fleet well, and we would gladly build
caloosa, Ala., headquartered Parker Towing fire detection and suppression system were with FMT again."
Company last month. both provided and installed by the Herbert "Today we celebrate the three-year anni-
Constructed based on a collaborative Hiller Company. versary of Metal Shark Alabama with the
design by Parker Towing and CT Marine "During our process of selecting ship- successful delivery of our third towboat for
LLC of Portland, Maine, the 4,400-horse- ya rds for our new vessel construction Florida Marine Transporters," said Metal
power towboat measures 147.5 by 34 by 10 program , C&C was one of the facilities Shark CEO Chris Allard. "I'd like to thank
feet, 9 inches and has a 33 foot high pilot- whose reputation for quality really stood FMT owner Mr. Dennis Pasentine for his
house eyeline. out in the industry," said Terah Huckabee, support and his trust in us as we launched
The vessel is powered by two owner-fur- Senior Vice-President of Parker Towing our newest shipbuilding facility. Over the
nished CAT 3516B main engines, paired Company. "They employ state of the art past three years we have seen our Alabama
with two Reintjes WAF 873 HL-HR reduc- processes in an all-weather facility with yard flourish with a succession of impres-
tion gears supplied by Karl Senner LLC. the majority of assembly being performed sive new builds and growing activity in the
Service power is provided by two John Deere within enclosed warehouse bays. The M/V refit, repair, and conversion business, as we
6068 AFM 85, 150 kW generators. The con- Olive Parker is our first project with C&C take on increasingly complex hull length-
ventional steering system hydraulic power and, we can say without a doubt, they cer- ening and vessel conversion projects. I'd
unit, along with the alarm and monitoring tainly lived up to their reputation." like to congratulate all of our Alabama
system, were provided by Eagle Control Sys- Also in June, Mandeville, La. , headquar- employees on their success and thank them
tems. The towboat's two 100-inch diameter tered Florida Marine Transporters Inc. for their commitment."
stainless-steel fixed pitch propellers were (FMT ) took delivery of its third 120- by
provided by Sound Propeller Systems Inc. 35-foot river towboat built by Metal Shark's
The towboat's accommodations offer a Bayou La Batre, Ala., shipyard.
total of 10 beds, with the complete joiner The four-decked, welded-steel, USCG
system being provided by Kern Martin Ser- Subchapter M-compliant towboat named
vices Inc. Gianna Hull was designed by John W. Gil-
The navigation and communication bert Associates Inc . Its twin CAT marine
package, provided by Wheelhouse Elec- diesel engines deliver over 2,000 hp. each
tronics, includes Furuno radar equipment, and turn 100- by 69-inch stainless steel pro-
transducer, satellite compass, AIS system pellers through Twin Disc reverse reduction
and loud hailer, as well as a Standard VHF gears with a 6.56:1 ratio. Sleeping accommo-
radio, Alphatron swingmeter, Young weather dations and facilities have been provided for
sensor, and Intellian Satellite TV antenna. a nine-person crew.
The vessel is also equipped with two Carlisle The new towboat is the third delivery in
and Finch 1,000-Watt searchlights. a three-vessel contract with FMT that was
The towboat is outfitted with a pair of announced in late 2018, following Metal The 120- by 35-foot inland towboat
Nabrico 60-ton winches, and a through-the- Shark's acquisition of the assets of Hori - Gianna H_u/1 just delive red to Florida
deck capstan from Schoellhorn-Albrecht. zon Shipbuilding earlier that year. With Marine Transporters in Lo uisiana.
THE U.S. COAST GUARD'S just-released "2020 Flag ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
State Control Domestic Annual Report" summarizes ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
statistics and information on inspections and enforcement
actions on U.S.-flagged vessels, including deficiency and
d etention rates .
,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
In 2020, the Coast Gua rd conducted 18,414 inspections ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
on U.S.-flagge d vesse ls an d identified 27,087 deficiencies. ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__
In compa riso n to the year prior, the number of vessel
inspect io ns d ec reased by 3,057. The average number of
def ic ie nc ies identifi ed per inspection decreased from
1.48 o 1.47.
,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ,.__ ...
Du e t o th e ongoing impacts of COVID-19, the overall
nu mber of inspections on the U.S. flag fleet decreased
by 14%.
17 Years 20 Years
...... .,,.,,.,..,...,.
BARGE ocs ..,,.,,.,...,..,,..,..,.
28 Years 32 Years 522 ocs ' 56 RESEARCH
1:l'!:;;!;~!;'-- T:tz&t Tth&f
29 Years 35 Years 1tnv, 1t ·vz 1'Jiiiii 41:Jo•~-:
6,608 TOWING
............ .Ji.i-...............
27 Years
................... Ji..J..J..
......................... J.. ....
turn the heat down to cooking temperature.
a chemical called polytetratluoroethyl- (EWG) an independent testing group further Metal expands when heated, and the non-
ene (PTFE) and what Americans used to tested gases emitted from the non-stick pans stick spray or cooking fat needs to be applied
cook with changed. throughout the heating process. After only when it is expanded to help prevent sticking.
This chemical was hard, slippery, stain a few minutes of heating, six different toxic 3. Pan Temperature: Know the tem-
repellent and prevented food from sticking chemicals were released from the surface of perature of your pan. Grab the chief's laser
to pans. Today we use this class of chemical in the pans. Pans with scratches on the surface thermometer when he is not looking and
everything from in raincoats to flooring and had amplified emissions. These gases not check your temperature. Pans accumu-
in cookware that we lovingly call "non-stick''. only absorb into food, but also affect the air late heat quickly and are usually hotter than
While these chemicals have been around for a quality of the person standing over them and you think. Cooking at higher heats requires
while, the long-term health and environmen- breathing in the fumes. higher heat cooking fats like coconut, butter,
tal effects are largely unknown. Users sho uld note documentation by bacon grease, etc. to help prevent sticking.
The spotlight on non-stick cookware manufacturers in the form of a warning on 4. Good Tools: Metal spatulas are king on
started in the late 2000s when a chemical in pans. Manufacturers note to remove birds non-coated surfaces. No worries about scrap-
PTFE- called PFAO-was noted to increase from the area in which cooking is tak- ing the surface.
risk of cancer, strokes and have other health ing place. This is due to the high rate of 5. Freeing Debris: If food debris gets stuck,
effects on humans. The Environmental Pro- bird deaths from fumes emitted from heat- add water and baking soda to the hot pan and
tection Agency and others challenged the ing pans. Anyone remember the good old let it boil for a minute after you take the food
chemical manufacturers to voluntarily phase "Canary-in-the-Coal Mine" scenario- if the out. It will dislodge left over debris.
out the use of PFAO in non-stick cookware bird starts flailing, the human should evacu- Making an informed decision on what we
by 2015. They agreed and replaced the chemi- ate the space? cook on can be as important as what we are
cal with another of the same chemical class, cooking to support human health. The warn-
but these post-2015 replacement chemicals Safety Tips for Using Non-Stick ings of hundreds of scientists and one very
may also be of concern. Cookware : sensitive canary can now be a part of a deci-
The Environmental Health Perspectives 1. Pan Condition: Replace deteriorated sion-making process.
Journal reviewed the replacement chemicals and scratched non-stick pans.
for PFAO including an alarming statement 2. The Heat: When cooking with non-stick, Nothing in this article constitutes medical
signed by 200 lead in g scientists from 38 keep the temperature low. Leading manu- advice. All medical advice should be sought
countries that urged restrictions on the use facturers say a 500-degree Fahrenheit (260 from a medical professional.'
of the chemicals. Environmental and human degrees Celsius) limit for safe cooking, how-
health concerns such as liver toxicity, hypo- ever the EWG was seeing toxic gas release at
thyroidism, decreased response to vaccines, around 460 degrees F (238 C).
disruption of endocrine (hormone ) and 3. The Pre-Heat: Do not pre-heat a non- EMILY REIBLEIN
immune systems all made the list. In addi- stick pan. It adds to the accumulation of heat Director-Health,
tion, the World Health Organization also and is unnecessary. Safety, Security and
lists the chemicals as potential carcinogens. 4. Use a Range Hood: Make sure the fan Environment (HSSE)
Crowley Logistics
Research shows a relationship between tes- in the galley or kitchen is on when pans are
ticular and liver cancer and these chemicals. muse.
ecently delivered to Foss Mari- visibility and acceptance from all opera- Rachael Allen and her three sisters are pow-
~ sel, the capability of the technology will innovative solutions, and this is one more feet of 6.5 inch 12 by 12 circ. synthetic
be activated in stepped phases over the way that we are delivering on that promise." line , with 17,000 pound pull per 216,936
"-- course of six to nine months to ensure full Designed by Jensen Maritime, the pound brake capacity.
A NEW 50/50 JOINT VENTURE Marine Division. "Together with Wallenius, "Alfa Laval has sup ported th e marine
between Alfa Laval and Wallenius is to we will harness this abundant natural force industry's evo lution for more than 100
focus on the development and realization to meet both climate needs and those of years, but today there is new urgency," says
of technology for fully wind-powered ves- maritime business." Nielsen. "Wallenius shares our environmen-
sel propulsion, specifically the Oceanbird "Oceanbird wing sai l technology will tal momentum and th e determination to
telescopic wing sail. be not only an elegant solution, but also a find immediate, workable solutions. Having
Alfa Laval and Wallenius have partnered powerful driver of positive change," says Per once helped us explore our planet, wind can
before on developing groundbreaking tech- Tunell, COO Wallenius Marine and future now help us rescue it."
nology. They collaborated previously on Managing Director of newly formed joint Wallenius Marine has early 800 employ-
PureBallast, which has become one of today's venture company AlfaWall Oceanbird. ees, with two ship management offices in
leading solutions for ballast water treatment. "The wing sails are up to 80 meters tall Stockholm and Singapore. Since 1934, the
Though designed for wind propulsion, and have a telescopic construction," says company has designed and built more than
the Oceanbird technology has more in com- Nielsen . " Besides adjusting to catch the 70 vessels since the mid- '90s with a strong
mon with modern aircraft than traditional wind, they can be lowered to pass under focus on sustainable shipping.
sailing vessels. bridges, to handle harsh weather conditions
It comprises an array of rigid wing sails, or for maintenance. Because they will inter-
built from steel and composite materials, act with the hull in a sophisticated way, they
that generate forward movement instead will also require intelligent control."
of vertical lift. These wing sails will be able While IMO has set a goal of cutting CO2
to turn 360 degrees to make optimal use of emissions from international shipping by
the wind. 40% by 2030, Alfa Laval and Wallenius
are committing to decarbonization targets
Transatlantic Car Carrier beyond these levels, as, they say, are many
The technology will be valid for any vessel other companies and a range of countries.
type, but it will be implemented first on a "We cannot wait until the end of the cen-
transatlantic car carrier. Able to carry 7,000 tury to phase out fossi l fuels," says Tune!!.
cars, the vessel will be 200 meters long and "We must create realistic alt ernatives,
will cross the Atlantic in 12 days when sailing including the infrastructure for delivering
at an average speed of 10 knots. and supporting them. Wallenius is commit-
"Wind has a key role to play in decar- ted to wind propulsion, and we know from
bonizing the marine industry," says Peter the experience with PureBallast that Alfa
Nielsen, business unit president, Alfa Laval Laval can help us make it a global reality."
here's a reason why the larger by Congressional committees . That 's goal was made U.S. policy in the FY2018
U.S. shipbuilders have gov- happening right now and among the National Defense Authorization Act.
ernment relations offices, resources members of those commit- Until Congress changes, it striving for
usually staffed up with a tees, and their staffers, have available are 355 ships is a legal requirement.
goodly number of retired Congressional Research Service ( CRS ) " The Navy and the Department of
U.S. Navy admirals. The U.S. government reports. As this was written, the CRS had Defense ( DoD) have been working
is the U.S. shipbuilding industry's larg- just released its latest "Navy Force Struc- sinc e 2019 to develop a successor for
est customer and the biggest part of the ture and Shipbuilding Plans: Background the 355-ship force-level, goal," says the
federal government's shipyard spending and Issues for Congress" report. CRS report, ' the new goal is expected to
is done by the Navy. A recent U.S. Mar- introduce a new, more distributed fleet
itime Administration report says that How Many Ships architecture featuring a smaller propor-
78.7% of total 2019 revenues for the U.S. Dated June 16, it notes that in December tion of larger ships, a larger proportion
shipbuilding and repairing industry came 2016 , the Navy released a force-structure of smaller ships, and a new third tier of
from military shipbuilding and repairs . goal that calls for achieving and main- large unmanned vehicles (UVs )."
So, not surprisingly the Navy ' s taining a fleet of 355 ships of certain "On December 9, 2020," continues
annual budget requ est is always the types and numbers. Politicians like sim- the report, "the Trump administration
focus of intense scrutiny-not least ple numbers like that and the 355-ship released a document that can be viewed
as its own vision for future Navy force industrial base pivot points required to out of the budget and, thus, violate the
structure. The document presents an support future platform development current multi-year procurement con-
envisioned Na vy force-level goal for and the industrial base development tract the department has with the two
achieving by 2045 a Navy with a more needed for these future planned plat- shipbuilders. Multi-year contracts repre-
distributed fleet architecture, including forms, such as the next generation attack sent an agreement between Congress and
382 to 446 manned ships and 143 to 242 submarine (SSN (X) ) and the future large the DoD that we will both stay commit-
large UVs. The Eiden administration can surface combatant (DDG(X) ), including ted to the fielding and funding of said
choose to adopt, revise, or set aside this land-based testing to enable success in weapon system . I have often said that I
document." these future programs. am not overly concerned with the num-
With the President Biden's nominee for bers of ships we are striving to build
Secretary of the Navy yet to be confirmed, Eight New Ships but more about the capabilities those
it can be assumed that things are not yet The Navy's proposed FY2022 budget ships will bring to the fleet. The Flight
set in stone. All we know thus far is what's requests the procurement of eight new III destroyer that fell out of this budget
in the Navy budget request. And what's ships, including two Virginia-class attack is the very capability that the Navy needs
in a recent a "Report to Congress on the submarines (SSNs ); one Arleigh Burke now and in the future .. . This committee
Annual Long-Range Plan for Construc- (DDG-51 ) class destroyer; one Constel- will consider all options for restoring that
tion of Naval Vessels for Fiscal Year 2022" lation (FFG-62) class frigate ; one John destroyer in this year's NDAA."
a slender substitute for the long awaited Lewis ( TAO-205) class oiler ; two TATS Rep. Joe Courtn ey, Chairman of the
complete 30-year shipbuilding plan . One towing, salvage, and rescue ships; and one House Subcommittee on Seapower and
is promised to accompany the President's TAGOS (X) ocean surveillance ship. Projection Forces, echoed that concern.
budget for FY2023. The request for but a single Arleigh "Just like last year," he said, "we have
"Meantime," says the submission, "the Burke is already getting push back. a tough job ahead of us -this budget has
department is conducting analysis to In his opening remarks at a June 17 some positive elements and it has some
refine understanding of the readiness hearing on the Navy's FY2022 request, problems that we have to solve.
and performance of the fleet against House Armed Services Committee Chair- "Once again, our panel is tasked with
a future near-peer competitor capa- man Rep . Adam Smith said that "on the making sense of an unexpected reduction
ble of global operations. Furthermore, concerning side of the budget request, I in steady rate production of one of our
the DON continues to evaluate the was disappointed to see a destroyer fall highest priority combatant vessel with
the proposed reduction of one DDG-51 and presence are increasing. has presented a b udget t hat removes a
destroyer. I am deepl y concerned that "Whatever the ultimate goal is for the planned major combatant vessel only to
sudden course change threatens the sta- size of our fleet, the basic fundamen - list it as its top underfunded requirem ent.
bility of the industrial base, undermines tals of successful shipbuilding remain That is not a trend any of us here on this
confidence in multi-year procurement the same: stable ano predictable require- committee want to see continued into a
agreements, and threatens our ability to ments that industry can plan towards and third year."
meet our defense strategy.
"At the same time, the budget proposes Add Eight, Delete 15
an increase in ship retirements- nearly The FY2022 request proposes the decom-
double the number of new ship construc- missioning of 15 ships, including seven
tion proposed- including an increase in The FY2022 request Ticonderoga class cruisers and four lit-
the retirement of cruisers planned for toral combat ships. Add eight, delete 15,
modernization. Cruiser modernization is proposes the doesn't sound like fleet growth .
an issue that this subcommittee has grap- "The total of eight new ships requested
pled with for many, many years. I hope dee om missioning for FY2022 is one more than the total of .,
seven new ships that were projected for
our witnesses today can provide more
detailed insight into the analysis behind
of 15 ships. FY2022 under the Navy's FY202 l budget
t his proposal and how it fits into t h e submission," says the CRS report, noting
Navy's overall efforts to meet its opera-
tional requirements.
"Led by our subcommittee, Congress is
clearly on record in bipartisan support of
a 355-ship Navy due to the need to grow
rely on, steady rate production that facil-
itates effective workforce development
and cost reduction, and an underlying
that this is "about two less than steady-
state replacement rate for a 355 -ship
Navy (which is about 10 ships per year)."
Looking at the mone y, the CRS
report says that "the Navy's proposed
the fleet and capabilities needed . Whether long-term strategy that the Navy, Con- FY2022 budget requests $18.1 billion for
it's the fleet of 2022, 2032 or 2042, the gress, and industry can work from . construction of new ships within its ship-
fact remains that the investments we "Too many recent budgets have fallen building budget (the Sh ipbuilding and
make today dictate the fleet we will have short of these fundamentals only to rely Conversion, Navy, or SCN, appropriation
tomorrow. And that the fleet we have is on Congress to fill the gaps. For example, account), compared wi th $17.8 billion
aging and becoming more costly to oper- this is the second year in a row, under two for construction of new ships within the
ate while demands for Navy capabilities different administrations, that the Navy SCN account projected for FY2022 under
the Navy's FY2021 budget sub mi ssion, industry, including both shipyar ds and numbers of small multi -miss ion combat-
$22.8 billion in FY2022 for construction supplier firms, have adequate capacity for an ts, such as Constellation Class Frigates
of new ships within the SCN acco unt in executing the Navy's shipbu ilding plans? " (FFG 62 ), enab le more efficient distribu-
the December 9, 2020, document, and an Hmm. tion of missions across the sur face fleet,
enacted FY202 l total of $20.1 billion for freeing up more capable assets (CGs and
the construction of new ships within the Big Shake Up Ahead? DDGs) for critical high-end missions and
SCN account." In addition to a change in the occupancy of that the FNFS (Future Naval Force Study)
" The issue for Congress," says the the White House, one reason why the Navy indicated that growi n g the small surface
report, " is whethe r to approve, reject, or is still developing its analysis is that a major combata nt force enables reductions in
modi fy t h e Navy's force-level goal, its change in thinking is taking place. the quantity of large surface combatants
proposed FY2022 shipbuilding program , On December 9, 2020, the Trump admin- while yie ldin g a more d ist ribut ed and
and its longer- term shipbuilding plans. istration released a document presenting an lethal force .
Key questions for Congress include the envisioned Navy force- level goal for achiev- "Next generation ships and submarines
following: Is the Navy's force-leve l goal ing by 2045 a Navy with a more distributed are in the early stages of requirements
(either the exis tin g 355-s h ip goal or a fleet architecture. While the Biden adm inis- definition, an d their cost uncertainty
possible su ccessor goal ) appro priate for tration may not go along with everything in compo unds further in the out years of the
supporting U.S. national sec urity strat- that document, th e CRS report noted that plan," says the submission . Costs are being
egy and U.S. defense strategy? Is the more the general idea of shifting the Navy toward estimated and the impact on overall force
distributed fleet arch itecture envis ioned a more distributed force arc hitecture th at mix will be determined within the on go-
by the Navy the most cost effective fleet includes a sma ll er proportion of larger ing work of ... future fle et architecture
arc hite ct ure for meetin g future mis sion ships, a larger proportion of smaller ships, analysis and associated experimentation."
needs? Are the Navy's proposed FY2022 and a new third tier ofla rge unmanned ves- As things look right now, the shap e of
shipbuilding program and (if submitted) sels may remain, because supp ort for this th e future Navy will be determined in
its FY2022 five-year and 30 -yea r ship - change has been developing within Navy a push and pull between the admirals,
building plans consistent with the Navy's planning for years as a consequence of industry a nd Congress . Those r etir ed
force-leve l goal? Give n finite d efe n se changes in technologies and the capabilities admirals now working for shipb uilders
resources and competing demands for of potential adversaries. will be kept busy.
de fense funds, what is the prospective The just su bmitted not-so -long-range Next month, we ' ll take a look at all
affordability of th e Navy's shipbuild- shipbuilding plan gives hin ts of what may those ships ordered by government agen-
ing plans? Does the U.S. ship buildin g be to come. It notes that _that, In crease d cies other th an the Navy. ,,t
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hile major government commercial new construction vessels as well vessels for other markets, such as fishing, will
machinery, electrical, equipment, and elec- enhanced production for the shipyard and spring-mounted superstructure for addi-
tronics was then purchased new, installed, lifecycle cost reduction for the Coast Guard. tional crew comfort.
tested, and commissioned. Eastern Shipbuilding is also currently well Also in the towing vessel category, in mid-
The North Star was delivered in April and is underway on a $45 million facility optimi- June, 2021, Metal Shark's Bayou La Batre,
now being outfitted for its future in the Bering zation project at its Nelson Street Facility Ala., shipyard delivered its third inland tow-
Sea fishery. that is fully permitted and funded . The com- boat t to Florida Marine Transporters (FMT).
Eastern Shipbuilding also recently pany has partnered with city, county and Measuring 120 by 35 feet, the four -decked,
launched the third ferry of the Ollis-class, the state governments to secure grant funding welded-steel towboat, named Gianna Hull
latest vessels in Staten Island Ferry's modern- for a portion of this project and have also boasts nine-person crew accommodations
ized fleet. Eastern Shipbuilding says that it has partnered with Triumph Gulf Coast to be and is Subchapter M compliant. More info
been a tremendous honor to build this class awarded economic development grants as on the Gianna Hull can be found on page 4.
and deliver state-of-the-art, maritime vessels well. These facility improvements are 100% This towboat is the third delivery in a three-
to New York's harbor and the world's busiest in support of the OPC project. vessel contract with FMT since 2018, following
passenger-ferry route. The Eastern Shipbuilding team says it Metal Shark's acquisition of the assets of Hori-
Eastern Shipbuilding says it is also proud sees a lot of opportunities for repair and zon Shipbuilding earlier that year.
to be the prime builder for the U.S. Coast conversion projects, which is why the According to Doug Barrow, vice presi-
Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) pro- company has invested in a third facility dent of Metal Shark Alabama, "the pandemic
gram, and the company recently held the specifically for those projects. Once its dry posed some challenges, but we were able to
keel authentication for the second vessel, the dock is in operation, Eastern says it will keep our projects moving forward by work-
cutter Chase. In June, Eastern Shipbuilding become a full-service vessel sustainment ing together and looking out for each other.
submitted its Stage II proposal for the pro- facility that can accommodate both com- "I believe that deep mutual respect and
gram and anticipates the Stage II award in mercial and government customers. understanding were forged between our
2022, which will mean over 10,000 cumula- As Gary Eymard, owner of Eymard Marine team and FMT's representatives through our
tive jobs for the next 15 years. Construction & Repair Inc. and L&G Towing close cooperation, and through continual
In addition, Eastern is building an in Harvey, La., explains, the level of work at process improvement we were able to show
8,550-cubic-yard twin-screw trailing suction his (and many others) remained steady dur- an increase in efficiency with each consecu-
hopper dredge for Weeks Marine Inc. This ing the COVID pandemic. tive build. I know these vessels will serve the
is the second large hopper dredge built for "We still worked every day," Eymard FMT fleet well, and we would gladly build
Weeks Marine. says. "O ur crew stayed healthy and we were with FMT again."
Eastern Shipbuilding is also investing in able to keep going. As in many other indus-
the newest technology to be environmen- tries, the biggest impact has been supplies. Regulations to Monitor
tally responsible as the industry is rapidly Steel prices went up 30% and delivery One thing that the towing sector is still
moving into zero emissions and reduced delays have been difficult." coming to grips with is Subchapter M.
footprint across the board. As such, the Eymard Marine Construction & Repair Released in 2016, the regulation "builds on
shipbuilder has invested in equipment, doesn't typically do retrofit or conversions the industry safeguards already in place and
processes, and procedures to minimize the projects in its yard. Along with a bit of repair establishes new training protocol and vessel
impacts to the environment. work, the majority of its work involves new compliances based on qualitative risk assess-
All of the facilities are ISO 14001 compli- construction of push boats. ment and risk management standards."
ant, which means that the company adheres Last November, the company completed As Robert Keister, vice president at
to processes and procedures designed a 1,500 hp. towboat named the M/V Caleb Sabine Surveyors explains, Subchapter M
specifically to miwnimize the overall envi- Eymard for sister company Eymard Brothers has brought nearly 6,000 vessels into a new
ronmental footprint whether it is carbon Towing Company. The towboat build was a regulatory compliance and will require
emissions, keeping waterways clean, or reduc- five-year project, completed during gaps in each vessel to be drydocked at least once
ing waste through recycling initiatives, to the shipyard's work for outside clients. every five years.
name a few. In November 2020, C&C Marine and "The drydocking will be a much more
Additionally, the company has invested in the Repair in Belle Chasse, La., delivered the M/V intense inspection of the vessel than they used
country's first-ever on-site production facility Scarlett Rose Furlong, the first in a three boat to have:' Keister says. "Towing vessels will need
to support the CSISR system testing for OPCs. series to Hines Furlong Line Inc. in Nashville, more work done to them, thus tying up a
The co-location of the PF with vessel construc- Tenn. C&C designs and builds towboats, drydock for a longer period of time. The dry-
tion ensures the CSISR systems are seamlessly dredges, barges, offshore supply vessels, docking of each towing vessel will take longer
integrated into government vessels and reduces along with a variety of other marine vessels. than previous drydocks, causing backlogs, par-
schedule and cost risk for customers. The completed triple-screw 6,600 hp. ticularly in the rivers system."
towboat measures 170- by SO-feet, with the The real first wave of Subchapter M required
Offshore Patrol Cutters pilothouse eyeline measuring at 39 feet, 3 ,drydockings will begin early in 2022 and will
Eastern Shipbuilding Group has also dedi- inches. CT Marine LLC, based in Portland, roll on from there.
cated its Nelson Street Facility to the OPC Maine, designed the Scarlett Rose Furlong. "Subchapter M has affected us the most,"
project to ensure continuous and uninter- The towboat is outfitted with three 100-inch says Eymard. "Building a new vessel requires
rupted construction of those critical national diameter stainless-steel fixed pitch propellers a bit more time and money having TPOs and
security assets and have tailored that facil- and features double steering rudders. PEs involved:'
ity specifically to the needs of OPCs. This The vessel's design includes accom- Shipyards Like Eymard Marine are paying
OPC-specific facility allows the company modations for 11 Offshore Patrol Cutter attention to these and other regulations to meet
to optimize processes that have resulted in crew, plus one guest, as well as a floating, the required compliance measures. ll,
chambers, and adding hydrogen to the com- than 500,000 hours operating experience and conditions. Based on these results, the cerium-
bustion process. The company has cut the market leadership in many key vessel seg- manganese catalyst will be further optimized.
methane slip from its dual-fuel engines by ments," said Galke. "Our next-generation Currently work is underway to trial the catalyst
85% since 1993. X-DF2.0 technologies will prepare our engines on an actual engine. Stay tuned.
"In 1993, the methane slip was 16 grams for even better performance, both with LNG
per kilowatt hour, but by optimizing engines and with the future fuels to come:' Japan Targets Hydrogen Engines
and leakages, we have been able to take that The first vessels to be equipped with Though its use in fuel cells has received
slip down from 16 to between two and three WinGD's X-DF2 .0 iCER main engines will much attention, hydrogen can also be
grams today," said Kaj Portin , Wartsila's be four LNG-fueled PCTCs (Pure Car/Truck burned in internal combustion engines and,
general manager of fuel and operational flex- Carriers) just ordered by Japan's NYK Line. at the end of April, Kawasaki Heavy Indus-
ibility, in an article published last October. Measuring 199.9 meters long by about 38 tries, Ltd. , Yanmar Power Technology Co.,
He added that Wartsila is currently meters beam, the vessels will have a capacity Ltd., and Japan Engine Corporation formed
working on a range of methane-reducing of about 7,000 cars and will also be equipped a consortium to pursue joint development of
solutions, which include figuring out "how with battery hybrid technology to further hydrogen fueled marine engines for ocean-
to get gas into the cylinder; how to design improve fuel efficiency. going and coastal vessels.
the cylinder so there is no place for the gas The ships will be built at China Merchants The companies say that, by cooperating on
to hide; how to optimize the combustion Jinling Shipyard (Nanjing) Co. Ltd. and will common fundamental technologies such as
room so that combustion is •fast and com- be delivered from 2022 to 2023. They and basic experiments and analysis on hydrogen
plete; how to improve fuel injection so the are planned to be assigned to transport vehi- combustion, materials, and sealing techniques,
pilot fuel is stable and spread around in the cles mainly to/ from Europe and/ or to the as well as classification society requirements,
best way; and having the right air-fuel ratio." Middle East. each company aims to bring hydrogen-fueled
With these innovations, Portin is confi- engines to the market by 2025.
dent Wartsila's next combustion concept Methane Catalyst Kawasaki Heavy Industries will develop
can take down the methane slip by more MAN Energy Solutions is exploring the use of medium-speed four-stroke engines, Yanmar
than 50% to roughly 1 gram per kwh, while catalysts for methane reduction as a partner Power Technology will focus on medium-
keeping the NOx, SOx and other particu- in the Fraunhofer Institute project "IMO KAT and high -speed four -stroke engines, and
lates at the same level. - Development of an innovative methane oxi- Japan Engine Corporation will embark on
dation catalyst to reduce exhaust emissions the development of low-speed two-stroke
Winterthur Launches iCER from ships operating on gas." engines . All three simultaneous develop-
Meantime, the leading designer of low pres- The focus has been on developing an ments will enhance the product lineup of
sure, Otto-cycle two-strokes, Winterthur exhaust gas catalyst based on cerium and propulsion and auxiliary (generator) engines
Gas & Diesel (WinGD ) has launched a new manganese as catalysts containing precious for a wide range of vessels. In addition, a
technology designed to reduce methane slip metals react with the sulfur contained in hydrogen fuel storage and supply system will
emissions and cut fuel consumption in its fuel and engine oil and are therefore limited be developed as part of the integrated hydro-
X-DF dual-fuel engines. Called iCER (Intel- in their effectiveness. Secondly, the costs of gen fuel system.
ligent Control by Exhaust Recycling, ) the precious metals are difficult to calculate and For.more information on hydrogen, please
system delivers enhanced combustion con- have risen sharply in recent years. see our feature on page 25.
trol through the use of inert gas. The result, Tests on a laboratory scale showed that In Engines Part 2, we will take a look at new
says WinGD, is a reduction in methane slip the cerium-manganese catalyst is suitable for developments in medium speed four-stroke and
emissions of up to 50% when using LNG and methane oxidation under ship-specific process high-speed marine engines. i:t
a significant reduction of fuel consumption,
of 3% in gas mode and 5% in diesel mode.
"By adjusting the recirculation rate of
inert gas and controlling parameters like
fuel admission and ignition timing, we can
increase compression ratios for greater effi-
ciency," said Volkmar Galke, WinGD global
director of sales. "The result is optimized
combustion through closed-loop control
regardless of ambient conditions and load."
Like all future X-DF2.0 technologies, iCER
will be available for all new X-DF engines. It is
currently completing trials at one ofWinGD's
dedicated test engine facilities-the final step
in a two-year testing program. The company
is also finalizing plans for a pilot installation.
As well as using fossil LNG, X-DF
engines will also be able to burn carbon-
neutral synthetic or bio-derived LNG when
Wartsila and RINA have developed a novel propulsion arrangement based on
it becomes available.
using two four-stroke dual-fuel engines, with options for electric power back
"Our highly efficient and reliable X-DF
engines are already widely used, with more up from batteries or a small dual generator when the ship is idle.
or the shipping industry, pre - primers only encapsulate rust until the paint/ from prior technologies by using a non-toxic,
elcome to the first of a and water, which gives them high fuel effi- fantastic steaks on our hydrogen barbecue!
Rea lity:
Hydrogen is a commodity in the industrial
a longtime goal ofViega;' said Viega's Direc- makes it unnecessary to post a fire watch or to
tor of Marine T.J. Tracy. "It's an affirmation of prepare job site for hot work.
just how reliable and durable our fittings are in The second benefit is cost and labor savings.
even the most demanding circumstances:' Pressing can reduce installation time by 70%
Pressing pipe offers the Navy, shipyards and over traditional methods of joining pipe. When
contractors two major benefits. coupled with savings when testing the systems,
The first is mitigation of fire. Fire is one of due to n ear zero leaks, the cost and schedule
... the greatest dangers in ship construction, repair advantages easily outweigh the investment .
and maintenance. There were more than 600 Studies carried out by NASSCO show that test-
shipboard fires documented between 2017 and ing pressed pipefittings costs less due to fewer
2020. A recent analysis by the Society of Naval leaks, repairs and retesting.
Architects and Marine Engineers found more "Viega has been helping commercial marine
than half of the fires were caused by hot work, and other industries benefit from pressing for
such as welding and soldering. years and we're excited to bring that technol-
In July 2020, welding sparks ignited small ogy to our defense partners;' said Tracy. "We're
NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND fires on Navy ships at two separate shipyards. proud and confident that our fittings will make
(NAVSEA) has approved the use ofViega Though they were quickly extinguished, the pipe joining safer, faster and more efficient on
MegaPress CuNi mechanically attached fittings fires prompted work shutdowns while safety Navy ships:'
in sizes ½ inch to 2 inch in surface combatants measures were reviewed. That same month, the The primary NAVSEA-approved fitting is
for a variety of systems, including chilled water, amphibious assault ship Bonhomme Richard Mega.Press CuNi, a 90/10 copper nickel alloy
potable water, electronic freshwater cooling, burned for four days while pierside in San Diego. specifically designed to withstand harsh marine
seawater cooling, washdown countermeasures, Repairs were estimated to take six years and cost environments. It can be used on Schedule 40
drainage and others. Viega's ProPress copper $3 billion so the Navy was forced to decommis- and Class 200 90/10 copper nickel pipe. The
½-inch fittings were also approved for potable sion the ship 18 years ahead of schedule. second is the ProPress copper fitting system,
water and various drains. Because pressing does not require heat, which offers more than 400 di fferent config-
"NAVSEA is arguably the toughest standard flame or an external power source, it eliminates urations and three different sealing elements:
in the world and earning that approval has been the danger of fire when joining pipe. It also EPDM, FKM and HNBR.
J&AEnterprises, Inc.
lii-H·FffiiiMHiiMI GHS
General HydroStatics
Also does: longitudinal strength • shear and bending moments, stress and
deflection due to weight and buoyancy forces.
Chevron ·· ····· ············ ····· ··· ·· ·· ·· ······ ··· ······· ···· ···· ··················· ····· ·· ···· ······ ···· ···· ····· ····· ······ ·· C2
Dex-O-Tex Marine· ·· ··· ....... ...... ........ .. ....... .... ..... .. .... ..... .. .. ..... ...... ... .. .. ...... ........... .. ......... 11
Em par Corporation (Syndeck) •...... ·· ·· .... · · · ··· ····· •..... ·· ·· ..... . ·· ...... . •· ·· .. .. ·· .... •· ...... .... ·· •· · ...... •· • 18
JA Moody ·· ·· .. .. ·· · · · .. ········ .. .. · · · .. .. ··· ..... ·· · ·· ·· .. · · · .. .. ........ ·· ······· · .. ·· ·· ····· ·· · ·· · .. .... ·· · .... ······ .. · · C4
JMS Naval Architects ··· ·············· ··· ······ ··· ·· ·· ······· .. ········ ····· ···· ·· ··· ···· .. ···· ··· ... ····· ···· ··· ·· ··... ..... . 9
Louisiana CAT •.'. ••••.. ••.. ••••••••••.. •••••.. ••••••••••••••••.. ••••••.. ••••.. ••••••••.. •.. •••••••••...... ••••.. .. ••••••.. ••••• 14
MSHS Group ·· ····· ······· .. ··· ···· ··· ···· ·· ................... ... ... ... .... .. .......................... ..... .... ............ 12
NCP Coatings ·· .. .. ·· .. .. ·· · .... ·· ··· ...... ···· ·· · ·· · .. . · ·· .... .. · ·· .... .. ·· ...... ·· · ... . · · · .. .... ··· · ... .. ·· ..... ... · .... ·· · · 10
Pivotal LNG LLC ·· ·· ...... · · · ..... .. ···· .. ··· .......... ... ··· ......... .. ·· ... · · .. .. ··· ...... · ... ····· · .... ·· ·· .. .. ·· · .... ···· 29
Simplex Americas ••· ··· · · ·· ····· · ·· ··· ·· ·· · ····· ·· · ···· · · ··· ·· · ·· ····· · ·· ·· ·· ·· · ····· ·· · ·· ··· ·· ·•··· ·· · ···· · · ··· ·· ··· · ·· ·· ·· 17
W&O Supply ..... ... .... .. ...... · ... ... ...... · · ·. · · .......... · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · ... ...... · · · · ·. · .. . · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · ·.. 27
made through training and soft controls,
grow, it is currently facing some of which have proven results in other safety- as an industry, we see a statistical floor that
its biggest obstacles in history from critical industries: we collectively haven't broken through yet
the critical race against time to decarbonize • Peer support mechanisms; consistently and far from the overall improve-
and address the widespread impact of the • Simulation exercises; ments in safety outcomes across the sector.
ongoing pandemic. • Line management training and Safety within the industry is not some -
Even so, the most pressing issue is not one development; thing one organization can tackle alone. As
that is new, but rather one that has contin- • Employee assistance programs and coun- an integral part of the supply chain for most
ued to be at the forefront of the industry's selling helplines; industries, shipping and maritime is highly
mind: safety. Whether based in an offshore • Telemedicine; collaborative and therefore will require all
facility or in the inland barging industry, it • Training regarding the importance of stakeholders to ensure safety is interwoven
is often acknowledged that shipping is a haz- good nutrition and physical exercise; and into all operations. Effective change requires
ardous occupation that is both mentally and • Methods to improve crew/team intentional, cross-industry engagement to
physical trucing in one of the most dangerous socialization. develop a thriving culture of care to drive
work environments. In the long run, by prioritizing their improvements that support maritime safety
workforce, carriers will see vast benefits as and wellbeing. One the most impactful areas
Physical and Mental Wellbeing a healthy workforce leads to more motiva- of collaboration for Shell is the Maritime
To truly build healthy work environments for tion, innovation, success, engagement, and Partners in Safety Program that focuses on
mariners, companies must account for both resourcefulness. In fact, research shows that visible leadership, reflective learning methods
their physical and mental needs. For exam- when mariners are in good physical and and care and resilience.
ple, a recent report from Shell Shipping and mental health, there are fewer accidents, After all, it is about recognizing that no one
Maritime, "The journey from health and incidents and adverse events, plus a more has all the answers, understanding the impor-
safety to healthy and safe;' acknowledges that motivated crew who want to do a great job tance to collaboratively participate in the
along with the risk for physical harm, more for their company. process and creating a culture where people
attention is now being paid to the psycho- look out for each other and intervene where
logical risk of having a career in the maritime Advancing Vessel Safety necessary. When the industry comes together
industry. Greater concern is being given by When compromised, mental health and to focus on an obstacle, there will be a positive
employers as a result of the reported preva- wellbeing impairs an individual's ability to impact. We need continued and even stron-
lence of common mental health problems like perform at their best and as such could result ger partnership in shipping and maritime to
anxiety and depression, as well as the elevated in an increased risk of incidents occurring. prioritize safety and collaborate on creating
risk and incidence of suicide for mariners. In As vessel equipment has become more tech- healthy work environments for workforce.
fact, the report cites research that found more nically advanced, mariners are expected to
than 20% of respondents were "feeling down, be familiar with more complex navigation,
depressed or hopeless every daf' cargo and engineering systems, thus poten- KARRIE TRAUTH
Furthermore, five key themes were iden- tially adding to levels of stress and anxiety. Genera l Manager
tified that influence mariners' wellbeing Additionally, the continued evolution of Shell Shipping and
such as fatigue, the work environment, the automated systems and digital data gather- Maritime Americas
nature of the role, socialization and leader- ing has led to further efficiencies and updates.
ship. To address these, the report offers the We must place an importance around
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