Lesson Plan July 2023
Lesson Plan July 2023
Lesson Plan July 2023
Use Student Cards 27-42. Give the first student in each row
III. Games and an envelope with a card in it. S1 looks at the card and
Activities returns it to the envelope. Then S1 hands the envelope to S2
and whispers (He)has (a camera). The last student says the
sentence aloud and then opens the envelope to confirm that
the sentence matches.
IV. Extra Practice Let’s Go workbook 2, p. 14-15.
Have students to this for homework or in class.
“Goodbye song”
Rojanawit Malabiang School
Activity Procedure
“Goodbye song”
Rojanawit Malabiang School
Activity Procedure
Play a Game.
III. Games and 1. Have students look at the sentences on p. 21. Read each
Activities sentence aloud and have students echo read it after you.
2. Model the game with a pair of student volunteers. Each
student selects a column and puts a marker at the start.
Students play Rock, Paper, Scissors (pp. 17-21) to
determine who moves.
3. Have students play the game in pairs or small groups.
IV. Extra Practice Unit 1 Test (p.128) and Unit 2 Test.
“Goodbye song”
Rojanawit Malabiang School
Activity Procedure
Where Is It? Review the prepositions in, on, under, and by.
I. Warm Up Have students place classroom objects around the room.
Give directions on placement as needed. Then ask Where's
my (book)? Elicit the response It's (on) the (table).
II. Presentation of Introductions
New Topic A. Listen and say.
1. Use puppets or student volunteers to model the
conversation. Have students repeat the line after you.
2. Place a book under your chair. Use gestures and
movement to act out the conversation.
3. Have students look at the pictures. Ask students to name
the characters and any objects they already know. Play
Class CD1 Track 38 and have students listen to the
conversation. Then, have students listen again and point to
the characters as they speak.
4. Have students listen to the audio and repeat the question
and answer.
5. Have students practice the questions and answers in two
groups and then in pairs.
B. Listen and sing.
1. Play Class CD1 Track 40 and have students repeat words
they recognize from the conversation.
2. Play the song again. Have students clap to keep the beat
as you model the song line by line.
3. Divide the class into two groups to sing the song.
4. Have students look at the song pictures and lyrics. Ask
them to point to and read words that they recognize. Help
students identify the phrases that appear more than once.
C. Say and Act. Tell time.
1. Use puppets or student volunteers to model the
2. Pair the students and have them practice the
conversation. Have them switch roles so both students have
a turn to practice each part.
“Goodbye song”