Datokarama English Education Journal: The Implementation of Picture Series in Teaching Narrative Reading Text
Datokarama English Education Journal: The Implementation of Picture Series in Teaching Narrative Reading Text
Datokarama English Education Journal: The Implementation of Picture Series in Teaching Narrative Reading Text
Language is the most important aspect in human interaction. People communicate
and interact with others by using the language. One of the languages in the world is English.
In a big community, English has become an international language. Most of the community
in the world use English in order to communicate with others who have different language.
Therefore, English is very important to be taught and learned by students in learning
English. There are four skills and some components in learning English. The skills are
listening, speaking, reading, and writing while the components are vocabulary, grammar,
and pronunciation.
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This problem then became a separate motivation for the researcher to conduct
research at MTs Al-Khairaat Uemalingku Ampana, Tojo Una-una District, in Central
Sulawesi Province. And raised the title "The Implementation of Picture Series in Narrative
Reading Text to the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Al-Khairaat Uemalingku Ampana”
There have been several studies that related to this research. First, Rachmawati
conducted a study entitled “The implementation of picture series in Narrative writing for
Tenth Grades of SMAN 2 PONOROGO”. This was qualitative research. The instruments used
by the researcher were field notes, student writing assignments, and questionnaires. The
results showed that the implementation of a series of pictures applied by the teacher help
students in writing narrative texts (Rachmawati, 2021).
The first previous study is related to this study because it examines the same thing,
the implementation of picture series. The previous study focused its implementation on
writing skill while this study highlights the implementation of picture series in reading
narrative text.
Second, Widiantari employed a study entitled “The Implementation of picture series
to improve children speaking skills in An-Nasuha Kindergarten, Pabedilan District, Cirebon
Regency”. The researcher stated that the ability to speak in children is still low, this can be
seen in the aspects of children's fluency when speaking and telling stories in front of the
class. The majority of children have not dared to express the feelings and messages they
want to convey properly and correctly. One way to improve speaking skills is through
picture series. Through the picture series, it is hoped that children can read the illustrations
in the pictures so that they are able to speak.
The second previous study have a relation to this study. Both studies focused on the
implementation of picture series in teaching. The difference lies on the skill and research
method. The previous study focused on speaking skill and applied classroom action
research, while this study focused on reading skill and applied a qualitative research
Narrative Text
Narrative is a form or product of written language whose contents express an idea,
experience, and knowledge of a person to be read by various groups. Alwi in Nurdjan and
Rustan states that an essay is a series of sentences related to connecting other propositions
so as to form a unity which is story, fruit, pen, creation, composition, made-up story and the
result of a series (Nurdjan & Rustan, 2010).
Based on some of these definitions, it can be concluded that an essay is the result of
composing consisting of a series of related sentences to form a single unit.
Narrative is an essay or story that presents an event or occurrence and how the
event took place based on the chronological order. The incident may actually happen, but it
may also be just an illusion. Narrative contains facts: Biography, autobiography, or stories
of experience while narratives in the form of fiction: Novels, short stories, or comics.
Expository narrative, is a form of narrative that aims to convey information about
the ongoing event or process. Narrative is broadening the reader's knowledge. The stages in
a process are conveyed in informative language with an emphasis on the use of denotative
words. Suggestive narrative, is a form of narrative whose purpose is to give meaning to
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Intensive Reading
Intesive reading is type of reading that focus on idiom and vocabulary that taught by
the teacher in the classroom and that idiom and vocabulary is exist in poem, poetry, novel
or other source. For example : The students focus on linguistic or semantic details of a
reading anf focus on structure details such as grammar.
Extensive Reading
Extensive reading is type of reading involves learners reading texts for enjoyment
and to develop general reading skills. For example : The students read as many different
kinds of books such as journals, newspapers, and magazine as you can , specially for
pleasure, and only needing a general understanding of the contents.
Aloud Reading
Aloud reading are reading by using loud voice and clearly. For example : reading
poetry, dialogue, and other type of texts.
Silent Reading
Silent reading activity is mean to train the students to read without voice in order
that the students can concentrate their attention or though to comprehend the texts. For
example : The students reading a text by heart.
The approach is the underlying assumption in using the mindset used to discuss the
object of research. In writing scientific papers, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive
research approach, which describes the aspects that are the target of the researcher. The
approach in question is a research that seeks to describe the current problem solving based
on the data, so that the authors can find certainty and authenticity of the data to be
described as accurate research results. Descriptive research according to Suharsimi
Arikunto "is more appropriate when using a qualitative approach" (Arikunto, 1993).
Qualitative research is a research aimed at describing and analyzing phenomena,
events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of people individually and
in groups (Sukmadinata, 2012).
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Through the implementation of picture series learning, it can improve the quality of
learning to make it more meaningful. Through picture series learning students are not only
required to master a number of information, but also how national education is to be
achieved which not only forms an intelligent humans, but also to form people who are pious
and have skills. In addition, having a noble attitude.
In the teaching and learning process, the teacher applied picture series learning
strategy to the VIII grade students at MTs Al-Khairaat Uemalingku, Ampana. According to
the English teacher, this strategy applied due to the students’ difficulties in finding the ideas
in reading passages. There were some steps that applied in this learning strategy. First, the
teacher conveyed the competencies to be achieved. Next, the teacher explained the material
deeply, such as the steps to write a narrative text. The teacher distributed ten pictures
randomly, then the students sort the pictures into a logical sequence. The picture sorted on
the students’ respective tables. Last, the students were asked to write a narrative text based
on the sequence of the image. At the end of the class, the teacher evaluated the students’
work, and asked the students to improve their writing at home. During the learning process,
the students seemed focus to the instruction given by the teacher. This strategy attracted
their interest in learning.
The implementation of picture series can improve students’ learning outcome and
students’ focus on learning activity in the classroom, especially in learning English. This was
stated by the English teacher at MTs Al-Khairaat Uemalingku, Ampana, during the
interview. In addition, there was another information obtained by the researcher during
the interview regarding the teacher’s obstacles in the implementation of picture series
learning strategies; time reduction of learning process and the students’ heterogenous
abilities in understanding the material. According to the English teacher, there are two
solutions that overcomes these obstacles; the first solution is improving the teachers’
quality in teaching and learning process by mastering some interesting techniques or
strategies, so the teacher can apply the picture series strategy in the classroom totally. The
second solution is collaboration. With the relevant to government (the education office) so
that the teaching and learning process can return to normal without reducing the number
of subject hours, so that teachers will be even more optimal in teaching students.
The picture series learning strategy was applied by the English teacher in teaching
narrative reading text at MTs Al-Khairaat Uemalingku, Ampana. The learning process was
done by arranging pictures as in the material taught by the teacher. However, there were
the inhibiting factors experienced by the teacher in implementing the strategies in teaching
English to the VIII grade students; limited time and the students’ heterogenous abilities in
understanding the material.
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