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Received: 27 May 2017 Revised: 3 August 2017 Accepted: 17 August 2017

DOI: 10.1002/ffj.3418


The essential oil of patchouli, Pogostemon cablin: A review*

Teris A. van Beek1 | Daniel Joulain2

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry,
Wageningen University, Stippeneng 4, 6708 Abstract
WE Wageningen, The Netherlands The leaves of Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. (Lamiaceae) are the source of patchouli
SCBZ Conseil, Les Micocouliers ‐ F3, 99 essential oil, which is – with an annual production of about 1300 tonnes – an important
avenue Sidi Brahim, 06130 Grasse, France and unique commodity in the fragrance industry. All the literature pertaining to patchouli
Correspondence was critically reviewed with an emphasis on the qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis
Teris A. van Beek, Laboratory of Organic
Chemistry, Wageningen University,
of the oil but also harvesting, fermentation, drying, distillation, used analytical techniques,
Stippeneng 4, 6708 WE Wageningen, The sensory aspects including molecules responsible for the odour, adulteration and toxicological
Netherlands. Tel. + 31 317 482376; aspects, i.e., skin sensitisation, are discussed. In total 72 constituents have been convincingly
Fax + 31 317 484914;
identified in the oil and another 58 tentatively. The main constituent is the sesquiterpene
Email: [email protected]
patchoulol. For this review over 600 papers were consulted and in the supplementary
information all patchouli‐related references not relevant enough to be cited in the paper itself
are listed.


adulteration, composition, odour, patchoulol, steam distillation, toxicology

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N constituents,15 and a short monograph containing information on

constituents and odour was published as early as 1875.16 More exten-
Patchouli essential oil (PEO) is obtained by steam distillation or sive monographs were published near the end of the 19th century17,18
hydrodistillation of the dried leaves of Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) and PEO constituents like patchoulol and patchoulene already occur in
Benth. (Lamiaceae). It has a unique woody odour and is an indispensable Beilstein's Handbook of Organic Chemistry.19
and difficult to replace constituent of many women's and men's With regard to the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry
fragrances as well as cosmetics in general.6 It has been stated that “this Number (RN) assigned to the essential oil, the situation is somewhat
oil is one of the most important materials available to the perfumer.”7 confusing. In our view the CAS RN, which corresponds best to the
Approximately 90% of today's global production of 1200‐1300 metric essential oil is [8014‐09‐3] (Oils, patchouli), the definition of which is:
tonnes per annum is realised in Indonesia.8-11 Swamy et al. mention a “Extractives and their physically modified derivatives. Pogostemon
higher figure of about 2000 tonnes.12 In terms of bulk, it is approxi- cablin (Pogostemon patchouli), Labiatae” with as other names: Oil of
mately the tenth most important essential oil.8 The current price level Patchouli, Patchouli oil. In addition to this RN, there is also [84238‐
is US $ 61‐63 per kg for good quality oil11 but has been as high as $ 39‐1] (Patchouli, extract) with as definition: “Extractives and their
150/kg.13 In terms of turnover PEO belongs to the 15 most important physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes,
essential oils,14 and we estimate the current annual sales at approxi- essential oils, oleoresins, terpenes, terpene‐free fractions, distillates,
mately $ 75 million. Patchouli leaves entered the European market in residues, etc., obtained from Pogostemon cablin (Pogostemon patchouli),
the first half of the 19th century and the odour soon became popular. Labiatae”. This is clearly a much wider definition also encompassing
The essential oil is already mentioned in the first book on plant solvent extracts and supercritical fluid extracts. However, it does not
exclude the essential oil. Still other CAS RNs, like [1442462‐94‐3],

*Part 6 of 7 in a series on woody fragrance raw materials. For parts 1‐5 see [918959‐91‐8], [94334‐20‐0], [91770‐50‐2], [91770‐49‐9], [91079‐
references 1–5.1–5 37‐7], [73049‐67‐9], [68917‐23‐7], and [73049‐85‐1] refer to specific

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2017 The Authors. Flavour and Fragrance Journal Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

6 Flavour Fragr J. 2018;33:6–51.

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modified extracts, e.g., acetylated or oxidised extracts, and are of little too. All papers were obtained in complete form and are not cited from
importance for this review. [1450625‐49‐6] refers to a biotechnologi- abstracts only. In some cases, external experts or authors of published
cally produced extract, which is reminiscent of patchouli but is not patchouli papers were consulted for advice. Reliable references
derived from P. cablin. In the USA, PEO has been approved by the Food relevant to the fertilisation, harvesting, drying, fermentation and
and Drug Administration under paragraph 21 CFR 172.510,20 and has distillation of patchouli leaves, identification and chemical analysis of
the GRAS (“generally recognized as safe”) status under nr 2838. It volatile constituents of patchouli, and the odour, adulteration and
occurs in the list of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) under EC toxicology of the oil finally made it into this review. Some analytical
list nr 616‐944‐7,22 and in the Chinese positive list of ingredients used papers were deemed less reliable and were excluded. This review
in cosmetics under nr 02634.23 excludes a discussion of the history, botany, ecology, breeding, cultiva-
Over the years many reviews have appeared on Pogostemon cablin, tion, biotechnology, pharmacology, medical and food uses, economy
its constituents and their uses. They are summarised in Table 1. In spite and biosynthesis of constituents or the oil itself. For these topics, the
of the large number of reviews, a comprehensive and critical review of reader is referred to one of the many reviews cited in Table 1. All
the chemical composition of PEO and its quality control, adulteration, encountered patchouli references, which are not cited in this review,
odour and possible skin sensitisation is still lacking, i.e., a review for are listed in the Supplementary Information (SI).
the fragrance industry similar to the ones, which appeared earlier in
this journal on plants containing woody fragrances.1-5 This review aims
at filling this gap.
2 | I N F L U E NC E OF F ER T I L I S A T I O N ,
H A RV E S T I N G T I M E , D R Y I NG ,
TABLE 1 Overview of earlier reviews on P. cablin, its constituents or F ER M E N T A TI O N A N D D I S T I L LA T I O N
Year of
Main topics of review publication References
broad, i.e., history, botany, 1911, 1921, 2.1 | Average Essential Oil Content
cultivation, distillation, annual 1931, 1949
production and prices The average oil percentage in “dried” P. cablin leaves as
cultivation of patchouli 1968, 1986, reported in 72 references was calculated as 2.6% (ranges: 0.54 –
1988, 1994,
5.2%).12,26-28,55,58-121 However in view of the discussion below, this

trade of PEO 1982 33,34 figure is not precise as it is dependent on the exact plant material used

chemistry 1984, 1995 35,36 (cultivar, age, soil and growth conditions), percentage of stems as well as

mini reviews on chemistry 1976‐2014 37-43 foreign materials (soil, other plant species like weeds122), drying and/or

agrotechnology 1995 44 fermentation, storage, final percentage of water and the distillation

uses in foods 1996, 2016 45,46 technique, conditions and duration. There is no standardisation so it is

all aspects except for chemical 1997 47 well possible that the percentage PEO of two batches of identical plant
constituents material could differ more than a factor of two. A few studies reported
botanical and biological aspects 1999 the oil percentage in fresh leaves on a fresh weight basis, a realistic
general review 2005, 2015 13,49
value being ~0.3%.123 Mahanta reported a seemingly high value of
role of P. cablin as herbal medicine 2007 50
0.7%.122 Twigs or stems contain less oil than leaves.65,75 Husain stated
in China
that an oil content of 2.5% is satisfactory for commercial purposes.30
origin of the name “patchouli” 2010 51
Weiss cites Indonesian sources, who claim 5.8%, or even 6‐8% oil
odour 2012
content, but this seems optimistic in view of all the reports above.47
phytochemistry and pharmacology 2013, 2015
production and application 2013
cultural practices, harvesting, 2016 56 2.2 | Effects on Oil Composition
distillation and diseases
In view of the difficulties associated with the chemical analysis of PEO
botany, agrotechnology and 2016
biotechnology (see § 3.2), the natural variation of patchouli leaves and the lack of
standardisation of various procedures such as fertilisation, harvesting,
drying, fermentation or distillation, in our view there are currently no
References were obtained from the authors' existing personal reliable studies on the effect of said parameters on the percentage of
literature databases on patchouli as well as a search in SciFinder individual constituents in PEO. Thus, this aspect is not further
Scholar from 1900 till October 20, 2017 with the key words: discussed.
“Pogostemon cablin”, “patchouli”, “patchouly” and “patchoulol” but
restricted to English, French and German publications in journals. Addi-
2.3 | Fertilisation and Cultivation Conditions
tionally, Miltitz Berichte and Fritzsche, Dodge and Olcott monthly bul-
letins were scanned. More references in more languages were found Bhaskar and Saha et al. compared different nitrogen treatments. The
after reading all the initially obtained papers and these were subse- oil yield in kg/ha increased with more nitrogen but an effect on the
quently downloaded and read. Several relevant patents were included oil content (in %) was less clear, with only the lowest N dose giving
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significantly less oil.73,95,96 Also in similar later studies, no or a very lim- Kongkathip et al. investigated the patchoulol content of PEOs
ited influence of fertiliser levels on oil content was found but the yield obtained from leaves harvested after 3, 6 or 9 months and noted a
in kg/ha invariably increased.76,87,88,99-102,124,125 Additionally Singh gradual decrease as a function of leaf age.68
found no effect of the irrigation level on oil content or oil composi-
tion.102 No effect of potassium on the oil content was found.92
Bhaskar et al. investigated the effect of two growth regulators
2.5 | Drying and Fermentation
(triiodobenzoic acid and kinetin) on oil content and oil yield. At the As about 50% of the available PEO is stored in cells buried within the
maximum dose of both, the oil yield (in kg/ha) more than doubled leaves (see next section on distillation for more information), the distil-
but the oil content increased only by 25%.73,103 In contrast, in another lation of fresh leaves gives a low yield, also when expressed on a dry
study a 50 μM application of kinetin gave a 58% increase in % oil con- weight basis. The best way to free the interior oil is drying and possibly
tent on a shade dry weight basis.126 Application of benzyl adenine (BA) also a mild fermentation of the leaves. These processes make the cell
gave a 50% increase in oil yield but did not influence oil content.94 walls of the oil glands more permeable, making it in turn easier for
Misra obtained the same result for foliar application of gibberellin.85 PEO to diffuse out of the leaves and be steam distilled. This was
When patchouli plants were grown under sun and shade conditions, already more than a century ago well documented by de Jong.127 He
there was no significant difference in oil content in one study, while determined the oil content of fresh leaves, leaves fermented during
in two other studies unshaded plants contained more oil.28,47 When 11 several days at 52 °C and leaves dried immediately after harvesting
different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were tested, one was found to and found that the dried and fermented leaves gave exactly the same
increase significantly both biomass and oil content.104 yield, which was 2.5 times higher than that of distilled fresh leaves.127
Later studies confirmed this finding.65,83 During the fermentation,
there was no enzymatic action on stored non‐volatile precursors to
2.4 | Harvesting Time increase the amount of PEO127 thus disproving an earlier hypothesis.18
The first harvesting usually takes place six months after planting in the Similarly, Guenther stressed that proper drying is important as it makes
field, and then again, every three to six months for a total of two to the membranes more permeable. However fermentation should be
three years. Harvesting is best done after sunrise or before sun- avoided as it can lead to a mouldy odour.27 On the other hand
set.27,30,47,48 Tripathi and Hazarika investigated the influence of the changes as a result of curing could occur during storage or shipment
harvest year and the harvest within each year on the oil content. The of baled leaves from Asia to Europe or USA leading to higher quality
oil content declined from 4.1% in year 1 via 3.5% in year 2 to 2.7% PEOs.27,48 The investigation by Gogröf produced results, which are
in year 3. There were no significant differences between the three har- somewhat contradictory to those above.128 He found a 50% higher
vests within each year.59 The same authors studied the influence of oil content in leaves dried during 30 days relative to fresh leaves.
the maturity stage. The oil content of semi‐mature leaves (4.5%) was Possibly this is due to a “storage” effect (vide infra). Also deliberate
higher than those of vegetative (4.0%) and fully mature leaves fermentation gave a slightly increased oil yield. Based on TLC, he
(3.8%).59 Blank et al. harvested four times within the first year after noted no qualitative changes as a result of drying or fermentation.128
planting and found average percentages of 1.73, 1.70, 2.14 and The fact that changes are still occurring during storage was shown
1.79% for 7 different plants.61 Manjunatha et al. reported approxi- in a study where leaves were stored for 210 days and analysed every
mately the same oil percentage for harvests 6, 9 and 12 months after 30 days for PEO content. Oil yield initially increased and reached a
planting. The oil yield per ha decreased sharply for these same har- maximum of 4.2% after 150 days of storage. Afterwards it declined
vests, especially from the first to the second harvest. Similar results to 3.15% at 210 days, almost the same content as after 30 days of dry-
have been reported by Singh et al.110 In contrast, in another study both ing (3.05%).83,124 Fermentation was avoided. An explanation was not
the oil content and the oil yield per ha were much higher for the sec- given but slow evaporation could be the cause of the long‐term
ond harvest after 11 months than for the first harvest after 8 decrease. In the same study shade drying and sun drying were com-
months.97 Sarma compared the oil yield in kg/ha of harvests after 5, pared. The oil content was ~15% lower after sun drying. The effect
8 and 11 months in two subsequent years. In both year 1 and 2, the of storage on the oil content did not depend on the method of dry-
highest yields were noticed after 11 months and on average yields ing.83,124 According to Doraswamy sun drying is initially possible but
were 40–50% higher in year 2 than in year 1. The influence of the har- after a slight withering of the leaves, drying should be continued in
vesting time during the day (morning, mid‐day, evening) was much less the shade.116 A storage of 150 days being optimal for the oil yield
pronounced. In yet another study, leaves were harvested after 3, 6 was confirmed in an independent study.59 These authors suggested
or 9 months. Oil yields were 3.45, 3.36 and 2.38%. Unusually Thai that the increase up to 150 days is due to modest fermentation, which
et al. harvested every month from the 4th month after planting weakens the cell walls and thereby facilitates oil recovery.59
onwards.120 The oil yield increased from an initial ~2.2% to ~3.1% Drying usually takes place by spreading the leaves out on a floor or
for the last three harvests. As the amount of leaves in kg/ha decreased placing them in racks with proper ventilation and frequent turning to
sharply during the last two harvests, the optimum oil yield in kg/ha avoid the growth of fungi.27,48,116 Doraswamy stated that leaves
rd th 120
peaked at the 3 and 4 harvest (~14 kg/ha). Overall the different should be dried to one fifth of their original weight to get a high yield
studies do not yield one conclusive picture and most likely local influ- and superior quality.116 When comparing three different drying
ences like plantlet type, soil, rain, temperature, weeding, manure, methods, namely spread drying (8‐10 days), heap drying (10 days),
amount of leaves, distillation parameters, etc. play an important role. and spread (3‐4 days) followed by heap drying (2 days), the oil yields
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were respectively 3.70, 3.35 and 3.87%.59 Ramya et al. reviewed sev- As the oil in the internal structures is deeply buried and can hardly
eral drying studies and mentioned that oven drying at 30–50 °C during pass the intact oil gland membranes, it is adamant that a drying step
half a day gives a similar oil yield as shade drying during 54 hr.55 This precedes the hydro or steam distillation. More than a century ago de
was confirmed in another study where percentages of 2.46, 2.60 and Jong already remarked that otherwise only the oil in the outside glan-
2.40% were reported for mechanical drying at 40 and 45 °C and shade dular hairs could be obtained.127 Quite remarkably, Gogröf reported
drying during 45 hrs respectively. Oyen cited a source stating that that fresh leaves yielded their oil faster than dried leaves. He came to
drying at temperatures over 40 °C resulted in 80% loss of oil.48 In this conclusion by hydrodistillation experiments and microscopic stud-
another well‐documented study just the opposite result was found: ies of the leaves after distillation. Perhaps this contradictory result is
drying during 5 hr at 45 °C and 96 hr at 17–25 °C gave yields of due to working with P. heyneanus instead of P. cablin. The exact identity
3.25 and 2.25% respectively. In both cases the final water content of the species used in his study is unclear.128 Recently the results of de
was 17%. Masetto et al. compared drying periods of 0, 10, 14, 21 Jong were confirmed by hydrodistilling fresh, semi‐dry and dry leaves.
and 28 days and found the highest yield after 10 days of drying.112 The distillation of fresh leaves was essentially over after 3 hours but
Kongkathip compared oven‐dried leaves with leaves fermented yielded only 1.82% of oil. For semi‐dry and dry leaves these figures
during 11, 34, 44 or 77 days. The percentages given for the oven‐ were 10 hours & 3.62% and 15 hours & 4.18% respectively.83,124
dried leaves (0.30%) and 34 days fermented leaves (1.04%) seem erro- Bruns reported an almost 10% higher oil yield if the distillation time
neous. The authors concluded that fermentation during 77 days gave was increased from 5.5 to 7.5 hours.75 But even after drying and grind-
the highest oil yield (2.48%).68 Rulianah et al. have tried to degrade ing, the high boiling constituents in PEO are difficult to distil, with
cellulose and lignin in patchouli leaves by treatment with a white rot steam distillation being more effective than hydrodistillation.77 Von
fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, in a liquid medium to increase Rechenberg reported a 10% higher yield with steam distillation starting
the oil yield.79 After a 7‐day treatment the oil content was 2.8% and from the same leaves and also a different oil composition.77 Similarly
after 15 days 4.5%. The resinoid oil was isolated from the medium by Doraswamy reported higher yields when steam distillation was used
liquid‐liquid extraction (LLE) with hexane. A reference value obtained versus hydrodistillation.116
by steam distillation of dried leaves was not given. Although the yield The bottom line is that patchouli leaves require long distillation
is high, the procedure does not seem to be economically feasible on times, a common feature for all sesquiterpene‐rich essential oils. De
a large scale. Another problem may reside in the olfactory properties Jong reported that it took several days before no more oil was
of the fermented oil. Yu et al. carried out a pretreatment of the leaves distilled and Gildemeister and Hoffmann mention 36 hr.26,127
with hemicellulase during 1 hr at 45 °C followed by steam distillation. It Benveniste mentions a relatively short 6 hr for a steam distillation
gave a 41% higher oil yield than non‐treated leaves.129 to complete90 but Guenther cites steam distillation times of commer-
Summarising, it is clear that proper drying prior to distillation cial distilleries of 12–24 hr.27 He also remarked that higher steam
is absolutely necessary to obtain a good yield. However, what pressures reduce the distillation time and often but not always
exactly happens during the drying and possible fermentation and long‐ increase the yield. A too high steam pressure or too long distillation
term storage in chemical terms and how this affects the odour quality may affect the quality negatively. The steam pressure is best varied
of the resulting PEO is still unclear after more than a century of research. during the distillation.27,55 By cohobation of the distillation waters,
the oil yield can be increased by 15%.27 Kumar showed that soaking
of dried leaves prior to hydrodistillation led to a 5% (after 12 hr of
soaking) to 10% (after 24 hr of soaking) higher yield of PEO.66
2.6 | Distillation Technique Recently Costa et al. reported that an 8 hr hydrodistillation of dried
Through a truly excellent microanalysis study, Henderson et al. showed leaves in a Clevenger apparatus statistically did not yield more oil
that in P. cablin volatile constituents are located in two different types than a 1 hr distillation even though at first glance the percentages
of cells.130 On the leaf epidermis one can find glandular trichomes. of 4.8 (8 hr) and 3.3 (1 hr) suggest otherwise.108 As their conclusion
Independent of its size, one leaf contains 60,000 trichomes and each differs significantly from all others over the past century, it should be
trichome contains 2 ng of essential oil. In the spongy mesophyll of treated with some reservation. Ramya et al. studied the effect of bed
leaves one can find internal cells containing essential oil. There are packing densities of 8, 10 and 12 kg/m3 of the distillation still on the
approximately 3 times more internal cells than external ones but as oil content after 4‐6 hr of distillation time. The highest content of
the internal ones contain 3 times less essential oil, the amount of 2.78% was not surprisingly found for the lowest loading in combina-
PEO stored in both cell types is about the same. Qualitatively there tion with the longest distillation time although overall the differences
was no difference in composition. Stems and roots contained much were small.55
less essential oil than leaves. Another anatomic study postulated
that the internal mesophyll cells contain more sesquiterpenes although
no chemical analytical evidence was provided.131 These findings con-
2.7 | The presence of iron in patchouli essential oil
firm much earlier observations as well as a recent micro- Iron ions can occur in PEO, as a result of the distillation process being
scopic study.134 In 2013, two detailed electron microscopy studies carried out in non‐stainless steel equipment or due to storage in iron
were performed in which up to six different types of glandular tri- containers.27,136,137 The presence of iron ions causes the PEO to be
chomes, two forms of non‐glandular trichomes, and two types of inter- darker in colour,138,139 and can furthermore reduce the stability of
nal glands were distinguished. the oil.137,140 The presence of phenolic or enolic constituents or a high
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acidity increases the iron content27,138 so we hypothesise that the iron 1

H‐NMR.152,153 Already in 1967 Tsubaki applied capillary GC to better
content in a PEO might be partially related to its pogostone content. separate PEO hydrocarbons.154
Harunsyah reported on a PEO having an iron content of 384 Over the next 15 years several fragrance companies, like IFF,155
137,140 141
ppm, while 25 ppm is the specified maximum. Some compa- Roure Bertrand Dupont,156 and Henkel KGaA,75 carried out in‐depth
nies offer PEOs containing iron and iron‐free qualities.142 Iron ions analyses of patchouli oil. Most of our current knowledge on its constit-
can be removed by treatment with citric acid, tartaric acid or EDTA, uents still stems from these investigations. The main motivation was to
oxalate,143 by molecular distillation,27,142,144 or by filtration over ben- find out which molecules are responsible for the unique patchouli
tonite.145 Holdsworth‐Haines described the use of tartaric acid to odour (see also § 5.1 on odour) and GC‐olfactometry (“sniffing port”
remove either copper or iron from PEO.138 Copper‐containing PEOs analyses) was applied several times to PEO. In this period GC com-
are greenish in colour. bined with mass spectrometry became commercially available and pro-
vided hitherto unknown analytical capabilities in the essential oil field.
C‐NMR was introduced during this period as a new and very useful

3 | ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF spectroscopic technique.

P A T CH O U L I E S S EN T I A L O I L The fourth and last period runs from approximately 1985 till our
present time. GC‐MS is now widely available and mass spectral data-
bases (Wiley, NIST) come with the purchase of the instrument. This
3.1 | History of patchouli oil analysis and used
resulted in quantitatively many analyses, of which many are qualita-
analytical techniques tively of lower quality than before. High‐speed GC on 10 m × 0.1 mm
Several periods regarding patchouli oil analysis can be distinguished. × 0.2 μm columns has been applied on PEO.157,158 In spite of run times
The first period runs from 1840–1960 during which analyses were shorter than 5 min with fair resolution, in practice this approach never
mostly focused on characterisation of the oil by parameters like spe- became popular. Occasionally new compounds in patchouli oil are
cific gravity, refractive index,146,147 optical rotation, colour, odour reported159,161 or the structure of a known compound corrected.162
and solubility (Table 2). Separation of compounds proceeded by vac- Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD), which allows the distinction of
uum distillation and crystallisation, and structure elucidation took place enantiomers even when they lack a UV chromophore, was applied in
by highly elegant but nonetheless tedious and time‐consuming chemi- the latter study. As the VCD spectrum can be theoretically calculated,
cal degradation and derivatisation studies. The purity of products was it allows the determination of the absolute configuration. Nowadays
most often assessed by boiling points, elemental analysis and mixed structural proof is provided by 2‐dimensional NMR rather than by total
melting points (m.p.) with reference substances. Although patchoulol synthesis. Chromatographic resolution has potentially dramatically
had already been isolated in the 19th century, not a single structure increased by the commercial availability of GC×GC‐TOFMS (compre-
of the major sesquiterpenic constituents was known prior to hensive two‐dimensional gas chromatography with time‐of‐flight mass
1960.26,27 However systematic investigations were on‐going.148-150 spectrometry for detection). Fragrance companies continue to be inter-
and in the period 1950–1960 column chromatography as well as UV ested in patchouli oil and patchouli odour.162-165

TABLE 2 Physicochemical properties of patchouli essential oil

166 167 141 27
Specific gravity (g/mL) 0.954–0.983 0.952–0.975 0.950–0.975 0.940–0.995
Refractive Index 1.4990–1.5120 1.5050–1.5150 1.507–1.515 1.505–1.5160
Optical rotation −43°–−66° −40°–−60° −48°–−65° −40°–−72°
Miscibility with 90% ethanol mixture of 10:1 90% ethanol: mixture of 10:1 90% ethanol:oil gives 1:2 to 10:1 90% ethanol:
oil is clear a diaphanous solution or light oil is clear
Colour yellow to reddish brown light yellow to reddish brown

and IR spectroscopy were used for the first time.149 Gogröf was the According to Guenther higher quality oils exhibit higher absolute
first to apply a chromatographic method in an analytical fashion to specific gravity, refractive index and optical rotation values and good
PEO (ascending thick layer chromatography with silica gel solubility.27 A high specific gravity and optical rotation together indi-
"chromatostrips", an early version of TLC).128 cate a high patchoulol content and consequently a lower hydrocarbon
The period from 1960–1970 saw the identification of several content, which will provide a more pleasant aroma. In the 1930s, so
major constituents like patchoulol, α‐guaiene, α and β‐patchoulene, called “Singapore oils” were in high demand and showed a higher spe-
seychellene, and α‐bulnesene. Synthesis played an important role in cific gravity and better miscibility than “Java patchouli oil”.168 In
these investigations and an X‐ray study finally solved the structure of another case, a PEO from the Seychelles was rejected on the basis of
patchoulol.151 Newly introduced techniques included both analytical wrong figures for specific gravity, refractive index and optical rotation
and preparative packed column gas chromatography, and in spite of a fair odour and good solubility.169
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Nowadays PEO as well as the leaves of P. cablin occur as mono- dimethoxy‐2‐methylphenol (not less than 34.6% of the oil), trilaurin
graphs in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.170,171 Patchouli leaves are iden- (39 carbons, non‐steam distillable), glycyl‐L‐proline, 2‐hydroxy‐5,6‐
tified by microscopy and TLC of the contained essential oil with epoxy‐15‐methyl‐pregnan‐20‐one or butylated hydroxytoluene
patchoulol as reference substance. For patchoulol a minimum content (synthetic antioxidant) to name a few. Papers reporting such com-
of 0.10% based on dry leaves is specified.171 PEO is identified by its pounds were given less credit with regard to other identifications.
colour, smell, specific gravity (0.950 ‐ 0.980) specific rotation As mass spectra of structurally different sesquiterpenes can be
(−43°–−66°), refractive index (1.503‐1.513), TLC on silica with near identical, the opposite is also true: even a fit of 99% does not
patchoulol and pogostone as reference substances and the absence always guarantee that a compound has been correctly identified. We
of materials insoluble in 90% ethanol (1:10 ratio). A minimum content came across many examples of misidentifications of this kind. Although
of 26% is specified for patchoulol. in retrospect one can of course never prove that a certain constituent
did not occur in a particular oil, based on the over 100 patchouli
analyses studied, we have excluded isolated reports of – sometimes
3.2 | Considerations for the evaluation of published
major – compounds not mentioned by other investigators. An example
patchouli oil analyses is germacrene A reported at a concentration of 11.73% while for the
All papers describing the structure elucidation of individual compounds almost co‐eluting α‐bulnesene a concentration of only 0.86% was
or chemical analyses of the total essential oil of Pogostemon cablin given in the same paper. α‐Bulnesene is one of the four major constit-
(patchouli oil) were carefully checked with two aims in mind. Aim 1 uents of PEO. Superficially the two mass spectra are similar. In 2017,
was to arrive at a listing of all compounds, which – with a greater an “improved” patchouli plant containing 40.41% β‐selinene as major
(Table 3A) or lesser degree (Table 3B) of confidence – occur in PEO. constituent was reported. Based on the depicted chromatograms, most
Aim 2 was to determine the qualitative and quantitative variation of likely an identification error was made.
the major constituents (Table 4). Papers devoted to solvent or super- An additional problem of complex oils, like patchouli, is that inev-
critical extracts were excluded as they do not deal with essential oils itably some compounds (partially) co‐elute, which changes the mass
and cannot be compared quantitatively with essential oils by GC, since spectrum of the major contributor and obscures the spectrum of the
extracted non‐volatile compounds do not elute. By definition essential minor one, resulting in turn in a wrong assignment. By careful
oils are obtained via steam distillation (mostly industrial scale) or deconvolution this can be corrected to some extent but this requires
hydrodistillation (lab scale, e.g., Clevenger apparatus). A second mass spectral expertise, which sometimes appears to be absent. Also,
consideration was that there is currently no significant market for long listings of identified trace constituents were considered as some-
odorant‐rich patchouli extracts. Finally, the benzene extract, which what suspicious for the reasons given above. In our view, still more is
was mostly used in the past, is now obsolete. not known about the trace constituents (concentration from 0.01‐
Although essential oil analysis appears simple and straightforward 0.5%) of PEO than what is known. Occasionally authors have reported
as it only involves the injection of a diluted solution of the essential oil on the occurrence of a specific enantiomer, e.g., in 2016 both (−)‐
into a GC‐MS, in our opinion it is not. This is especially true for oils caryophyllene oxide and caryophyllene oxide (later eluting) were
consisting mostly of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated ses- reported in one and the same analysis of patchouli oil. However, in
quiterpenes, like for instance PEO. First of all, the chromatography can all such cases a non‐chiral column was used making such assignments
be poor, e.g., due to severe overloading of the column or too short impossible and thus the report less credible. The same holds true for
retention times (low k' values), and several examples of such shortcom- the same compounds reported twice, or even thrice, in a single analysis
ings in the patchouli literature were encountered. This will automati- and the inclusion of vague compound names such as “trans‐tricyclo” or
cally result in more co‐elution and additionally the mass spectrum “isobutyrate” or “apha‐guanine”.
can be affected. Less credit was given to such analyses. The paper by Similarly, incidental reports of sesquiterpenes belonging to biosyn-
Frister is an example of too short retention times.175 Additionally there thetically very different classes from those occurring in PEO were
are wrong mass spectral assignments and errors in the legend.175 The disregarded until more convincing evidence than just a mass
real pitfall in essential oil analysis however, lies in the data processing. spectrum is provided. The major sesquiterpenes occurring in
Commercial mass spectral databases, such as NIST and Wiley, are patchouli oil belong to the guaiane, α/γ‐patchoulane, β/δ‐
not dedicated to essential oils, which means that many sesquiterpene patchoulane, deoxypatchoulol, seychellane, and caryophyllane classes.
spectra do not occur in these databases but spectra of many more Minor constituents belong to the elemane, eudesmane, germacrane,
non‐volatile constituents do occur. As the library search algorithm will humulane, farnesane, cycloseychellane, nortetracyclopatchoulol and
always generate some fit, albeit at 30% similarity, this can lead to the copaane classes. Although we cannot exclude the occurrence of other
supposed identification of rather odd compounds in patchouli oil such classes, until further proof is provided we treat the identifications of,
as farnesyl pyrophosphate (ionic, non‐volatile), thyroxine (a non‐ for example, (−)‐eromophilene, cis‐thujopsene, trans‐longipinocarveol,
volatile human hormone), 5‐azulenemethanol (a blue compound; longifolenaldehyde, (+)‐α‐longipinene, aristolone, 4,5‐diepiari-
patchouli oil is never blue), tetrahydrosmilagenin (a non‐volatile stolochene, β‐ylangene, valencene, nootkatene, dihydrokaranone, γ‐
steroid‐triol), squalene (non‐steam distillable, human skin muurolene, γ and δ‐cadinene, 4‐oxo‐14‐norvitrane, β‐chamigrene,
constituent), 1,4,7,10,13,16‐hexaoxacyclooctadecane (a crown ether), and α‐bergamotene on biosynthetic grounds as doubtful.
3‐hexadecyne (so far not known as a natural product), dibutyl phthal- Retention indices (RIs or LRIs = linear retention indices) are neces-
ate (plasticizer), anthracene (polyaromatic hydrocarbon), 4,5‐ sary to identify sesquiterpenes with a much greater degree of
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confidence than by mass spectra alone. Tables with RIs of sesquiter- of both Pogostemon species were unable to detect acetophenone in P.
penes are available.176-178 However we noted several papers where cablin oil.181 Probably several unlikely compounds detected in PEO
RIs seem to have not been experimentally determined but rather sim- have been correctly identified and originated from a contamination.
ply copy/pasted from the aforementioned databases. Such papers This however was in most cases impossible to prove.
have been treated cautiously. Also, papers reporting impossible RIs Finally we encountered one odd case where analytical data of one
such as RI = 932 for patchoulol or RI = 1939 for l‐(+)‐ascorbic acid set of authors182 were copied five years later by a pair of unrelated
2,6‐dihexadecanoate (anyhow not a steam distillable compound) hav- authors without providing any remark in the experimental or a citation.
ing 37 carbons were considered to be less reliable. Papers reporting Furthermore, the same pair of authors (Kusuma and Mahfud) subse-
oxygenated sesquiterpenes eluting before sesquiterpene hydrocar- quently republished these data in 2017 with unexplained changes
bons, or tridecane eluting 7 min after tetradecane (in a 2016 paper) and without citing their own paper from 2016. Together these facts
have been treated with some reservation. RIs can somewhat vary even made us entirely disregard the six very similar papers by these two
if recorded on the same stationary phase depending on carrier gas, authors, however these references like all others rejected can be found
inlet pressure, column length and diameter, film thickness, analyte con- in the SI.
centration, detector (FID versus MS) and especially the temperature
gradient.179 Peak reversals are possible due to using different temper-
ature gradients or by going from gradient to isothermal elution. Polar
3.3 | Constituents of Patchouli Essential Oil
phases (such as PEG 20M), which are often preferred when analysing
essential oils, are prone to produce more variable and thus less reliable Based on all criterions mentioned above, we weighed the quality of
RIs upon ageing and depending on manufacturers. Thus, like mass each report and gave more value to – in our opinion – high quality
spectra, RIs should be used wisely. reports and completely disregarded (and neither used nor cited) lower
Errors in identifications, reported mass spectra and RIs do occur in quality analyses. However, all references relating to non‐used patch-
the literature and through error multiplication ("domino effect") can ouli analyses can be found in the supplementary information. In retro-
further complicate essential oil analyses. The most notorious error of spect, it was possible to correct several clearly wrong assignments,
this kind relates to the identification of seychellene as γ‐patchoulene especially when a chromatogram was available. In such cases,
by Wenninger et al. in 1966.153 Presumably based on this persisting corrected data have been used. We have also compared the combined
error, Hussa et al. still misidentified in 2011, so 45 years (!) later, results qualitatively with independent GC‐MS analyses of genuine
seychellene as γ‐patchoulene. This particular confusion in the litera- PEOs carried out in the laboratories (Robertet and Wageningen Uni-
ture is further aggravated by an unknown component, having the versity) of both authors using dedicated essential oil mass spectral
same mass spectrum as γ‐patchoulene, almost co‐eluting with δ‐ databases.
patchoulene (see also § 3.3 on identification). In spite of claims by The outcome of the excellent, good and fair reports has been used
some authors, reference standards are regrettably not available for to compile a listing of compounds, which occur in PEO with a high
most sesquiterpenes occurring in PEO. degree of certainty (Table 3A) or with a reasonable degree of certainty
Still another type of error that can occur in patchouli analysis is (Table 3B). This information is qualitative, i.e., whether a constituent
either a wrong botanical identification or a mix‐up of samples in the occurred at a high or low concentration did not play a role. So actually,
lab. For instance, in a 2016 paper, carvacrol (47.5%) and p‐cymene Tables 3A and 3B contain several compounds, which cannot be
(15.2%) were reported as the main constituents of patchouli oil. Not detected in total PEO, not even by an expert with a modern GC‐MS.
surprisingly, neither patchoulol nor any of the other constituents typi- This is especially true for carboxylic acids, phenols and amines
cal of patchouli oil were reported. This shows a total lack of any liter- (alkaloids), which can be easily separated and significantly enriched by
ature research by the authors and this paper has not been cited in LLE. In the literature, hundreds of compounds have been reported to
this review but does occur in the SI. Possibly a botanical misidentifica- occur in patchouli oil. If a constituent has been reported in an – in our
tion also played a role in the atypical oils reported on by Sugimura et al. view – dubious paper or has been reported only once or twice, the con-
in the 90s.74,180 Since then no one else has reported near 20% of stituent did not make into Table 3B. First, additional independent proof
germacrene B and longifolene in PEO. should be provided. Some compounds or groups of compounds merit
A further problem is the occurrence of extraneous constituents in more attention from an identification point of view, i.e., because the
patchouli oil, by inadvertent contamination of leaves of P. cablin with identification is troublesome or because of a structural revision. These
other materials like weeds prior to steam distillation, by a lack of are discussed in the following paragraphs after which Table 3A and 3B
cleaning of the distillation equipment between charges or by wilful with 72 positively and 58 tentatively identified patchouli constituents
adulteration before or after distillation. An example of the latter is respectively follow. Identifications reported by scientists from the
the addition of gurjun balsam, which contains compounds belonging fragrance industry deserve special attention,155,165,183-185 since they
to the aromadendrane class (see § 4 on adulteration). Several authors have not been published in peer‐reviewed journals on the basis of
have reported the occurrence of acetophenone in patchouli oil. detailed spectroscopic data recorded from isolated pure substances.
Acetophenone is the main constituent (51%)181 of P. heyneanus and As this missing information may exist as proprietary information of
this species is used to adulterate P. cablin. Only small amounts of P. these companies, many of these identifications could be correct.
heyneanus will be needed to be able to detect acetophenone as a minor However, as they do not satisfy the requirements of this journal, we
constituent in genuine PEO. Murugan et al. in their comparative study have therefore included them in Table 3B.
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3.3.1 | SQHCs in general (tricyclo[,6]undecane) and patchoulol (tricyclo[,10]

Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (SQHCs) constitute a large fraction of undecane) all share the same cyclodecane ring (C1 to C10) and differ
PEO. Hefendehl and Welch et al. both mention 62%,186,187 while only in the bridging positions of the isopropyl group, i.e., C11 with its
Ohloff et al. report 40‐60%.52 Our in‐house analyses of more than 20 two geminal methyl groups, and the zero carbon connections (second-
commercial samples show a wide range of variation (49‐73%, mean ary bridge), they proposed shorthand names to name the three
59%). The literature data in Table 4 based on 100+ PEO analyses patchoulane skeletons unambiguously.198 Based on the location of
yield an average of 47% excluding γ and δ‐patchoulene and unidentified the C11 bridge and the second ring fusion, they distinguish
SQHCs so approximately half of the oil. In extreme cases the SQHC con- [1,7:5,10]‐, [1,7:1,5] and [7,10:1,5]patchoulanes. Patchoulol 33 would
tent can be > 80% or < 25%. As discussed in § 3.2, the identification of thus be named [1,7:5,10]patchoulan‐1‐ol.198
sesquiterpenes, including SQHCs, is wrought with difficulties leading to The chemical structures of most of the major SQHCs have been
many misidentifications in PEO. Ideally identification should be based on unambiguously confirmed by either total synthesis, like for seychellene
an identical EI‐MS according to both the computer algorithm and a and cycloseychellene,187,199 or hemi‐synthesis, e.g., α‐guaiene 16 and
skilled human observer and identical retention times to an authentic ref- aciphyllene 17 from guaiol.200 Nowadays, NMR is often replacing full
erence substance on two different GC phases. Thus, as only few SQHCs or hemi‐synthesis for proof of structure but errors are possible and
are commercially available, identifications are rarely ideal. pogostol 37 is a telling example (vide infra). High resolution NMR
In the very first chemical study of PEO in 1869, it was reported that and MS data have been published for many isolated SQHCs, e.g., for
patchoulol 33 could be easily converted to a SQHC, which must have α‐guaiene, α‐bulnesene, seychellene and α‐patchoulene, albeit in a
been a mixture of patchoulenes.188 The name “patchouline” was coined rather confusing article requiring errata.201,202
for this product in 1877,189 which was later changed to “patchoulene”. Some of the PEO SQHCs, e.g., β‐patchoulene 21 and α‐
The first attempt to isolated pure SQHCs by repeated fractional distil- patchoulene 24 are suspected to be artifacts formed by dehydration
lation from PEO took place in 1904.190 Based on the reported boiling of patchoulol 33 and subsequent Wagner‐Meerwein rearrangements
points, fractions 1 and 2 might have been (partially pure) α‐patchoulene during steam distillation.52 Invariably when patchoulol is dehydrated,
24 and α‐bulnesene 15 respectively. After partially successful studies depending on the conditions various mixtures of patchoulenes and
on probably again α‐patchoulene and α‐bulnesene in 1950 by Šorm other rearranged hydrocarbons result. For instance, when treated with
et al.,149 the identification of the main SQHCs in PEO started in earnest POCl3 in pyridine, a mixture of γ‐patchoulene 23 and α‐patchoulene 24
in 1962. 152,191
The identification of α‐bulnesene 15, α‐guaiene 16 and resulted in 91% yield. When the mixture of 23 & 24 or patchoulol 33
β‐patchoulene 21 was based on a comparison by GC, UV, IR and NMR was treated with concentrated sulphuric acid in ether, β‐patchoulene
with isolated dehydration products of guaiol and bulnesol. The 21 was formed.192 And when heated in refluxing hexane in the
contemporary study by Büchi et al. on the formation of the various presence of acidic Amberlite‐IR‐120H, patchoulol is transformed
patchoulenes from patchoulol 33 must have been helpful. 192
A few in 77% yield into a mixture containing 55% β‐patchoulene 21 and
years later, Tsubaki et al. used a combination of the new capillary GC 5% δ‐patchoulene 22, among other unidentified hydrocarbons.203
technique, column chromatography (including AgNO3 complexation), Interestingly, small amounts of seychellene 26 are also formed under
preparative GC, NMR and IR to confirm the presence of α‐bulnesene these conditions, together with ε‐patchoulene 76.163 The latter has
15, α‐guaiene 16 and β‐patchoulene 21, and establish that of been tentatively identified as a very minor constituent in PEO and might
α‐patchoulene 24.154 They also identified β‐elemene 7 and β‐ well be an artifact formed by isomerisation of β‐patchoulene and/or
caryophyllene 18, the latter being a genuine PEO constituent as con- δ‐patchoulene during distillation.163 Although the above conditions
firmed by others.153,193,194 Additionally Tsubaki et al. detected but differ from those during steam distillation, almost certainly, depending
not identified a tricyclic sesquiterpene “hydrocarbon G” having a termi- on pH and temperature, dehydration of patchoulol followed by
nal methylene according to its IR and NMR spectra. The mass spectrum carbocation rearrangements take place during steam distillation.
showed the base peak at m/z 122.154 It was proven to be identical to However, what happens exactly during the fabrication of PEO and the
seychellene 26, which was simultaneously isolated and structurally influence of steam distillation on its qualitative and quantitative compo-
identified by Wolff et al. In his study of a PEO produced sition has never been investigated in detail with modern techniques.
in Brazil, Peyron reported in addition to most of the SQHCs Aromadendrene and cadinane SQHCs have been frequently
mentioned above, α‐elemene and λ‐patchoulene. In retrospect, the reported in PEO but we consider these reports erroneous (see also
latter two compounds were most likely β‐elemene 7 and a mixture of § 3.2). An example is the report by Ishihara et al. (PEO SQHC fraction
seychellene 26 and δ‐patchoulene 22, respectively. 194
Teisseire containing 4% gurjunene and 1% δ‐cadinene).204 The presence of
reported in 1973 the isolation of 13 sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, of the former class is the result of adulteration.205,206 The mentioning
which 8 were identified. Of those, only α‐humulene 5 had not been of δ‐cadinene in concentrations of 2‐3%40 in four PEOs is probably
reported before in PEO.156,193 His unidentified “hydrocarbon B” was due to a misidentification of aciphyllene 17 (Lawrence, personal
later shown to be δ‐patchoulene 22. 197
A few minor SQHCs in PEO communication).
merit special attention and are discussed individually at the end of this
Faraldos et al. have commented on the confusing nomenclature 3.3.2 | Aciphyllene
of the patchoulane sesquiterpenes. As the skeletons of Aciphyllene (guai‐4,11‐diene) 17 is always present in a few percent in
α/γ‐patchoulane (tricyclo[,5]undecane), β/δ‐patchoulane patchouli oils. It elutes just before the major constituent α‐bulnesene
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15 on non‐polar columns. It was independently identified by Saritas SE30 or CP Sil5) an LRI of 1497 is reported, i.e., close to aciphyllene
and by Joulain,163,207 and later confirmed by others.208 In the structure (LRI=1495) and α‐bulnesene (LRI=1503).177 Unfortunately often
given by the former two authors the 2‐propylidene side chain at C‐7 “γ‐patchoulene” is reported to elute close to α‐patchoulene and
has the α‐configuration, in contrast to almost all other sesquiterpenes δ‐patchoulene, probably due to the elution there of a still unknown
in PEO. When aciphyllene was first synthesized by Blay et al., its spec- SQHC having almost the same mass spectrum as 23.
tral data did not match those of the natural product. Subsequently
its structure was revised to 17 (Table 3A), i.e., with the C‐7 substituent
in the β‐position. The structural revision was confirmed by Srikrishna 3.3.6 | η‐Selinene
and Pardeshi,210 and later by synthesis.200 η‐Selinene 75 (ent‐isomer of cascarilladiene) has been tentatively
identified as a very minor SQHC in PEO (Joulain, unpublished). It is
easily overlooked as it coelutes with cycloseychellene and/or
3.3.3 | α‐Copaene
β‐caryophyllene on non‐polar phases. However, on a polar Wax phase,
This hydrocarbon has been cited as a possible marker for contamination
it can be observed close to cycloseychellene and α‐guaiene.
or adulteration. Indeed, the earlier mentioned ISO norm states that the
content of this hydrocarbon should not exceed 1%, which suggests that
higher levels would indicate some adulteration, possibly with copaiba 3.3.7 | Oxygenated sesquiterpenes in patchouli
balsam (Copaifera spp.). While authentic PEOs have been found to essential oil
contain 0.1% α‐copaene 25,123 the authors have recorded lower
percentages or even undetectable levels of this SQHC in many oils
Patchoulol (syn. patchouli alcohol) was first isolated in crystalline form
distilled and analysed by us and PEOs with α‐copaene levels >0.5%
by Gal in 1869 as the major component of PEO.188 The first correct
should indeed be treated as suspicious in terms of possible adulteration.
elemental composition (C15H26O; adjusted from the C30H26O2 given
in the paper) of what was then named "patchouli camphor" was
3.3.4 | Cycloseychellene derived 8 years later.189 In retrospect amazingly correct, the com-
The rare tetracyclic cycloseychellene 27 was first reported in 1973. pound was suspected to be the hydrated hydrocarbon (C5H8)3, i.e.,
One year later Dhekne and Paknikar showed that Tsubaki's “hydrocar- C15H24 + H2O. Wallach and Tuttle confirmed these data in 1894.216
154 212
bon E” (Figure 1) was actually cycloseychellene. Its structure was They also suggested that patchoulol is a tertiary alcohol, a proposal
revised in 1981 on the basis of high field NMR studies,213 and total which found support 10 years later.217 Next Semmler and Mayer con-
synthesis. cluded that patchoulol is a tricyclic alcohol on the basis of its molecular
refractivity.218 The first – incorrect – structure A (Figure 2) for
patchoulol was published by Treibs.148 Unaware of carbocation rear-
rangements, he concluded from the fact that dehydration produced
some (blue) guiazulene that patchoulol must possess a bridged 5‐7 ring
system. This work was continued by Büchi et al. with a series of
chemical degradations of β‐patchoulene 21, γ‐patchoulene 23 and
211 α‐patchoulene 24.192 The isolation and the structural determination
FIGURE 1 Left: initial (wrong) structure of cycloseychellene.
Right: Revised and correct structure of cycloseychellene 27213 of 21, 23 and 24 obtained by pyrolysis of the acetate and the forma-
tion of β‐patchoulene 21 by dehydration of patchouli alcohol
with H2SO4, I2, or H3BO3, led to the – incorrect – conclusion that
3.3.5 | γ‐Patchoulene patchoulol possessed the tricyclic structure B (Figure 2). With struc-
The IR spectrum initially assigned to γ‐patchoulene 23 isolated from ture B in mind, an elegant partial synthesis of patchoulol was designed
PEO actually corresponded to seychellene 26.214,215 The IR spectrum from (+)‐camphor, via an epoxide of 24, which was expected to lead to
of authentic γ‐patchoulene obtained by dehydrating patchoulol with optically active "patchouli alcohol" B but in reality led to the true
POCl3 and preparative GC (pGC), was reported later.215 This spectrum natural product 33!219 However shortly thereafter, structure 33 was
is identical to that of γ‐patchoulene isolated from PEO in July 2000 by finally and unambiguously assigned to patchoulol on the basis of an
one of the authors.163 Indeed the IR spectra of γ‐patchoulene 23 and X‐ray crystal analysis151 of the known bright red chromic acid ester.220
seychellene 26 show striking similarities, whereas these hydrocarbons The apparently contradictory results of both the chemical elucidation
are easily distinguished by their mass spectra and linear retention of the structure of patchoulol and of its partial synthesis from (+)‐
indices (LRIs). Although frequently reported as a constituent of PEO, camphor were explained in a subsequent article.221 The unexpected
whether γ‐patchoulene genuinely occurs in patchouli leaves or is reverse skeletal rearrangement of an epoxide, which was overlooked
merely an artifact, remains to be determined. Tsubaki et al. could not by the authors, caused faith to be placed in the wrong structure B
detect it in PEO but they could detect it in distillation fractions of instead of 33. This historical case has been attractively reviewed by
PEO. According to them it elutes just after α‐bulnesene on a HB‐ renowned organic chemists.222,223 Faraldos et al. studied the
2000 stationary phase.154 Teisseire confirmed that γ‐patchoulene biosynthesis of patchoulol in considerable detail through the use of
does not occur in PEO and that its retention time in GC is totally differ- deuterium labelled farnesyl diphosphate.198 As part of these studies,
ent from seychellene. On a dimethylpolysiloxane phase (syn. DB1, they published the most extensive NMR study of 33.198
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While patchoulol is not specific for Pogostemon species, its occur- of a relation between patchoulol and norpatchoulenol concentrations.
rence in high concentrations is nevertheless scarce in other essential On the other hand, the concentrations of norpatchoulenol and
oils, and mostly restricted to certain Valeriana species,224 for example nortetracyclopatchoulol 35 do seem to be related suggesting a com-
26.2% in Valeriana celtica leaf oil,225 up to 50% in Valeriana wallichii mon C14 precursor. Thus, the biosynthesis of norpatchoulenol 34
rhizome oil,226 in Valeriana pancicii root and rhizome oil,277 and up to (as well as 35) in patchouli leaves remains unknown to date.
66.7% in Valeriana jatamansi rhizome oil.228 Adulteration of V. celtica
and V. jatamansi with PEO supposedly occurs, however as in the above
cited studies genuine plant material was used, there is no doubt that 3.3.9 | Nortetracyclopatchoulol
patchoulol is a true constituent of several Valeriana essential oils. The structure of nortetracyclopatchoulol was originally published as a
Nowadays, purified patchoulol obtained by fractional distillation of trace constituent (0.001%) with a typical patchouli odour, which was
PEO and subsequent crystallisation is commercially available in multi‐ even slightly stronger than that of patchoulol and norpatchoulenol.155
kg quantities for fragrance applications under the trade name As an X‐ray study failed, in addition to the obtained GC, IR, MS and
Healingwood.229 NMR data, the authors performed a correlation with norpatchoulenol.
Treatment with a strongly acidic ion exchanger gave indeed the
expected norpatchoulenol after which the authors concluded that E
(Figure 3) represented the trace constituent. The configuration of the
cyclopropane ring was left undecided. For the next 33 years this was
assumed to be the correct structure. However, in 2014, Zaizen et al.
published structure 35, also a nortetracyclopatchoulol, as a novel
odour‐active compound in patchouli oil. They performed a rigorous
FIGURE 2 Left: first (wrong) structure A of patchoulol.148 NMR study including INADEQUATE C‐13C measurements, which
Middle: second (wrong) structure B of patchoulol.192,219 technique was not available in the early 80s.162 Sniffing port gas chro-
Right: correct structure 33 of patchoulol151 matography was used to pinpoint this minor constituent. However, as
no nortetracyclopatchoulol was detected in their study and the mass
spectrum for 35 was identical to that of nortetracyclopatchoulol, we
3.3.8 | Norpatchoulenol reason that Zaizen et al. in fact reisolated nortetracyclopatchoulol.
Norpatchoulenol 34 was first reported in PEO by Teisseire's group in Additional proof for this hypothesis can be found in the fact that in
1971.230,231 Its structure and absolute configuration were determined our own PEO analyses, only one peak with the same mass spectrum as
by a correlation with cyperene232 (Scheme 1) and an X‐ray analysis of a 35 can be observed and on a WAX phase this compound elutes just
crystalline bromo‐ketone derivative. Later Mookherjee claimed that after patchoulol and well before pogostol (Joulain, unpublished), i.e.,
norpatchoulenol had already been known to his employer since at the same position as in the Wax chromatogram of Zaizen et al. This
1966.155 The concentration of 34 in PEO is on average 1% but the would imply that structure E is wrong. This is certainly possible as it
actual percentages vary from 0.11 to 4% (see Table 4). would be very difficult to distinguish between E and 35 with low res-

SCHEME 1 Possible biosynthetic route to norpatchoulenol 34 starting from patchoulol 33 via intermediates C and D according to Ourisson.234
Far right: structure of cyperene

A biogenesis of 34 from patchoulol 33 (Scheme 1) has been pro- olution NMR without having both compounds available. It is further
posed by Ourisson, based on forcible gastric feeding of 33 to rabbits likely that 35 would be converted to norpatchoulenol upon treatment
and dogs, generating diol C and hydroxy‐acid D as hydrolysable glucu- with acid. Thus, the important odour‐active nortetracyclopatchoulol
ronides present in the urine of the animals.234 Diol C was also pro- has structure 35 and occurs as such in Table 3A. The absolute
duced by microbial hydroxylation (bacteria or fungi). Catalytic or configuration was proven by vibrational circular dichroism (VCD).162
chemical oxidation of diol C furnished hydroxy‐acid D and the latter As can be seen in the chromatogram of PEO B (Figure 7b),
was converted to 34 by lead tetraacetate in pyridine in the presence nortetracyclopatchoulol (peak marked ntP at 44.5 min) is not necessar-
of cupric acetate. However, neither C nor D has been identified so ily a 0.001% trace constituent but can occur at concentrations of 0.5%
far as putative precursors of patchoulol in PEO or any patchouli or higher. Therefore, in some oils it might contribute significantly to
extract. Also, our analyses of many PEOs, do not point in the direction the overall patchouli odour.
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Hitokawa.241 By NOED NMR experiments (not described in the

Experimental) they arrived at the same structure H for pogostol as
published earlier by Teisseire. The same conclusion was reached by
Stierle et al.242
In the same year the structures for pogostol and its methyl ether
were challenged by Booker‐Milburn et al. after their total synthe-
sis.243 On the basis of 13
C‐NMR data, they proved that natural
FIGURE 3 Left: initial (wrong) structure E of nortetracyclopatchoulol. pogostol was neither identical to H nor to its 7‐epimer. However,
Right: Revised correct structure of nortetracyclopatchoulol 35162 they did not propose any alternative structure. The structure of
pogostol was then corrected to I (Figure 4) by Amand et al. on the
basis of renewed NOE observations in two different solvents.244 In
3.3.10 | Pogostol CDCl3 H4 and H5 are separated by only 0.01 ppm complicating
Although pogostol has been reported to occur in more than 30 essen- NOE conclusions, which probably led to four groups publishing the
tial oils including PEO, its identification has been rarely supported by same but wrong structure H. In pyridine, these two atoms are much
more evidence than mere GC‐MS data. However, PEO is the exception better separated. In 2014, pogostol was isolated from a fungus and H
to the rule as several authors have reported also NMR data and its was given as the structure.245 In the 90s we have isolated pogostol
occurrence in PEO is beyond doubt. Pogostol was first isolated by Pfau from PEO and carried out detailed NMR studies. The C‐NMR data
and Plattner in 1936. They converted it to the blue guiazulene by are identical to those published by Itokawa, Weyerstahl, Stierle,
the dehydration/dehydrogenation method, which they had just Amand and Barra. One of the authors (TvB) arrived at the same con-
invented. In 1968 Hikino et al. proposed structure F (Figure 4), i.e., clusion as Amand et al. concerning the relative stereochemistry.246
without any stereochemistry.237 The stereochemistry at C4, C5 and However structure I is not in agreement with the evidence provided
C7 was partially clarified (structure G, Figure 4) by Teisseire et al. on by Teisseire. As pogostol can be converted to α‐bulnesene and
the basis of convincing chemical correlations with both bulnesol and bulnesol, 37 represents the correct structure for pogostol, i.e., the
α‐bulnesene whose absolute stereochemistries were already known enantiomer of I. Although not being hard evidence, the fact that all
at that time.156,193 Unfortunately he did not provide any specific compounds in PEO without double bonds at C4, C5 and C7, like α‐
optical rotations in his Experimental. Ten years later Itokawa et al. patchoulene 24, γ‐patchoulene 23, α‐bulnesene 15, seychellene 26
isolated a sesquiterpene alcohol from Alpinia japonica rhizomes and and patchoulol 33, have the same stereochemistry at C4, C5 and
identified it as pogostol on the basis of having identical IR and low field C7 as 37, supports the suggested absolute stereochemistry. Conse-
H NMR data as an authentic reference.238 Although they overlooked quently, the structure assigned in the CAS Registry to (−)‐pogostol
Teisseire's findings and did not show any stereochemistry, they did with the chemical name (1R,3aS,4R,7S,8aR)‐decahydro‐1,4‐dimethyl‐
report C NMR data, which proved to be very useful in subsequent 7‐(1‐methylethenyl)‐4‐azulenol with CAS RN [21698‐41‐9] is wrong,
investigations by other authors. In 1987 without further explanation, as it corresponds to (+)‐ent‐pogostol. The – in our view – correct
Teisseire reported structure H (Figure 4) for pogostol.239 In 1997, structure of pogostol present in PEO is shown in Table 3A, with
Fleischer et al. reported pogostol O‐methyl ether from Artabotrys the (1S,3aR,4S,7R,8aS)‐configuration, and is therefore pending a new
stenopetalus with the same stereochemistry as in H.240 They elucidated CAS RN.
the structure on the basis of extensive NMR studies including HMBC
and NOESY spectra. In 2000, during the course of an in‐depth 3.3.11 | Selinane SQHCs
analysis of vetiver essential oil, Weyerstahl et al. isolated and In considering the fairly large number of selinane (syn. eudesmane)
identified pogostol by comparing their C‐NMR data with those of hydrocarbons identified in PEO, albeit in relatively minor proportions,

FIGURE 4 Various postulated, partially inaccurate, structures of pogostol 37

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one could expect that traces of oxygenated selinane derivatives β‐patchoulenone 39, α‐patchoulone 99 and 9‐oxopatchoulol 103 were
are present as well, but no such sesquiterpenoids have been cited as PEO constituents,208,252, 99 was already known as a hemi‐
identified yet. synthetic product.253
As a matter of fact, rotundone 40 is likely to correspond to one of
3.3.12 | Sesquiterpene ketones the aforementioned ketones. It has been repeatedly (inadvertently?)
Only a few sesquiterpene ketones have been reported as constituents cited as a constituent of PEO,254,255 although no detailed report has
of patchouli oil, the first one by Teisseire et al. They proposed two ever been published on its isolation and unambiguous identification
possible structures without stereochemistry, J or K (Figure 5). Later the by well‐accepted spectroscopic techniques. A constituent having the
spectroscopic data were critically re‐examined and the compound was typical MS and GC LRIs on non‐polar and polar columns of rotundone
identified as α‐bulnesenone.197 α‐Bulnesenone was recently synthe- can indeed be easily detected in PEO (Joulain, unpublished;
sised and its structure confirmed on the basis of EI‐MS and NMR Posthumus, personal communication; see also Figure 7c). The presence
data.247 However this ketone could not be detected when searching of 40 in PEO is not surprising since it has been shown to be readily pro-
for ions at m/z 218 (molecular ion, 41% rel. int.) and m/z 108 (base duced by aerial oxidation of α‐guaiene 16.256
peak) in the TIC trace from a GC‐MS analysis of PEO (Joulain, unpub- Four norsesquiterpene ketones 41‐44 were recently identified as
lished). Thus it remains doubtful whether Teissseire's ketone was actu- trace constituents (< 100 ppm) in PEO by Liu et al.160 Although the
ally α‐bulnesenone. A retrospective correlation is impossible as starting oil (215 g) was lab‐distilled, one may question the naturalness
Teisseire et al. published only UV, IR and H‐NMR data and Givaudan of the methoxylated ketone 43, which could well be an artifact formed
only 13C‐NMR and EI‐MS data. by reaction with methanol, which was used as a solvent during the
Later Mookherjee et al. reported "strong‐woody‐patchouly" isolation procedure.
β‐patchoulenone 39, "strong carvone, camphoraceous" α‐guaienone Li et al. published the structures of five hydroxysesquiterpene
98 (no relative stereochemistry provided), "strong ambergris" ketones, one known one and four new ones 104‐108 (MW= 234
α‐patchoulone 99, and "odorless" 9‐oxopatchoulol 103 to be present Da) occurring in a 70% ethanolic extract of patchouli stems.159 After
in "traces" in PEO. However as the results have never been re‐analysing the data of several of our own patchouli analyses, at
published in a peer‐reviewed journal and nobody has since fully least four trace constituents in PEO with a mass spectrum, which
identified 98, 99 and 103 in PEO, their report should be considered could very well fit the published structures could be detected (Joulain
tentative until they are isolated and confirmed by modern spectro- and Posthumus, unpublished results). Unfortunately, Li et al. did not
scopic techniques. In contrast, however, 39 was already known as a publish EI‐MS spectra so for now it is unclear which structure fits
synthetic product by oxidation of β‐patchoulene,248 which contributed which mass spectrum and which peak in the chromatogram and thus
to its identification. Buré and Sellier detected an ill‐defined “9‐ the five ketones are in Table 3B. The same holds true for the recently
oxopatchoulol” but without spectroscopic proof its identification discovered pocahemiketal A 45 and B 46 as new low ppm elements
remains tentative.208 of PEO.161

FIGURE 5 Structures of discussed sesquiterpene ketones

Despite its patchouli‐related name, (−)‐patchoulenone cannot be 3.3.13 | Other oxygen‐containing sesquiterpenoids
detected in PEO (Joulain, unpublished). However it does occur in The identification of the "strong woody" α‐cedrenal 102 (Table 3B)
Cyperus species.249-251 Consequently, the compounds that have been cited by Mookherjee without providing proof needs to be confirmed,
wrongly identified as "patchoulenone" and "isopatchoulenone" since no other cedrane sesquiterpenes have been identified so far in
in PEO, 208
still need to be correctly identified. Some of this con- PEO.183 In contrast, sesquiterpene oxides, such as the guaiene oxides
troversy has been caused by Akhila and Tewari, who in their 28/29 and caryophyllene oxide 30 have been fully identified in PEO
review on patchouli oil, incorrectly cited Trivedi et al.35,249 When a long time ago (Table 3A). It is noteworthy that the former two have
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been detected recently among the products generated by simple unpublished data). Bearing in mind that such LLE procedures at high
aerial oxidation of α‐guaiene 16, together with rotundone 40 and and low pH may generate artifacts, it is noteworthy that no direct GC
7‐epichabrolidione A 97.256,257 Since 16 is a major constituent of analysis of PEO with an N‐specific or selective detection (NPD or
PEO (~11%, Table 4), it is not surprising to find these same ketones chemiluminescence, respectively) has ever been carried out. The
as well as the C‐1 epimer 101 of 7‐epichabrolidione 100 in PEO major ones contain one nitrogen atom only (odd molecular weight).
(Joulain, unpublished; Table 3B). The latter compound had already Patchouli pyridine 69 and epiguaipyridine (Figure 6) have been
been identified in a soft coral.258 Air oxidation of α‐guaiene is thought reported as the two main nitrogenous components of PEO.266 The
to proceed through a hydroperoxide acting as a common intermediate latter structure was a few years later corrected by van der Gen
for the production of 28, 29, 40, 100 and 101 as well as an oxidising who, after synthesis, suggested that the main pyridine sesquiterpene
agent for the production of other minor oxygenated sesquiterpenes of PEO has in fact the 7R,10S (cis‐) configuration and is thus
from other substrates.256,257 The same may be true for hydroperox- guaipyridine 70.267
ides, which occur naturally in patchouli leaves, but do not exist in
the essential oil since they are likely to be destroyed during steam or
hydrodistillation. Many other minor mono and dihydroxylated sesqui-
terpenes as well as hydroxylated sesquiterpene ethers and ketones
can be detected by GC‐MS in PEO.
Spathulenol, an aromadendrane tertiary alcohol, can be
detected sometimes as a trace element in PEO but its presence is
most likely due to adulteration. It is also known to be an artifact
produced by air oxidation of bicyclogermacrene.260 However the
latter compound has so far not been detected in PEO, possibly due FIGURE 6 Structure of 10‐epiguaipyridine
to a co‐elution with major SQHCs on both non‐polar and polar
stationary phases.
In a review of N‐compounds in essential oils, Maurer cited the
original paper by Büchi and consequently drew the epi isomer.268
3.3.14 | Pogostone The 1H NMR data from van der Gen was insufficient to make an
In contrast to patchoulol, pogostone 51 is specific for P. cablin and such unambiguous identification but recently the structure was definitely
a single species occurrence is a rare feature in the plant kingdom. The established as 70.251 Although guaiol pyridine or epicananodine 117
same holds true for its analogs 47‐50 and 52‐53, which occur in much has been tentatively identified by NMR, its possible formation as an
smaller concentrations in PEO. Pogostone was first identified by Klein artifact by hydration of 70 (or even from patchouli pyridine 69)
et al.261 The ratio of patchoulol to pogostone varies markedly in PEO, during the isolation procedure involving strong acid treatment, should
which may be due to the existence of different chemotypes of P. not be ruled out. As a matter of fact, only guaipyridine 70 can be
262 263
cablin, and/or selective accumulation of pogostone in stems. Very detected by direct GC‐MS analysis of PEO and patchouli solvent
recently, two independent research groups have investigated these extracts by extracting ions m/z 214 and 215 (Joulain, unpublished).
hypotheses in more detail and moreover suggested that tissue age Consequently, the presence of 69 in PEO needs to be confirmed.
may also play a role. All these factors together could certainly The other minor N‐containing compounds cited in the litera-
account for the high variability of the pogostone content in PEO, ture185,268 have been withheld from Table 3A. More evidence is
depending of the proportions of stems versus leaves and age of the cul- needed prior to their identification as true constituents of PEO
tivar used for the production of PEO. Another factor might be related to (Maurer, personal communication). As of today, the biogenetic origin
the high acidity of 51 (predicted pKa ≈ 6). If PEO contains a significant of these sesquiterpene pyridines is unclear.
percentage of 51, the “acid value” according to titration will be “out of
spec”. To remedy this, such a PEO could be washed with base, which in
3.3.16 | Eugenol, benzaldehyde and cinnamic aldehyde
turn will contribute to variation in the % of 51. Interestingly, Howarth
Eugenol 68 was first reported as a minor PEO constituent (8 g from
reported on a higher acidity of PEOs originating from Sulawesi (acid
22 kg; 0.036%) in 1904.269 It was isolated from PEO by a combina-
value 11‐17) compared to those from Sumatra and Java (acid value 3‐
tion of solvent enrichment, fractional vacuum distillation, extraction
5) with a concomitant drop in patchoulol content from ~32% to
with sodium carbonate (phenolic fraction) and again distillation. It
~27%.10 The lower quality of PEOs from Sulawesi might be caused by
was characterised by its odour, b.p., density, colouration with Fe(III)
an increased pogostone concentration. There are many recent papers
and m.p. of a derivative. Similarly, “traces” of benzaldehyde and
on the biological activity of pogostone as well as patents on its possible
cinnamic aldehyde were detected. They were somewhat less rigor-
applications. This topic is beyond the scope of this review, however
ously identified by their smell and a non‐depressed m.p. of a mixture
several of those references are included in the SI.
of derivatives of the isolated products and synthetic benzaldehyde
and cinnamic aldehyde.269 The presence of eugenol was also reported
3.3.15 | Nitrogen‐containing compounds by Gogröf who used TLC as well as a hybrid of column chromatogra-
About 20 nitrogen‐containing compounds, i.e., alkaloids, can be phy and thick layer chromatography to separate it from other PEO
detected by GC‐MS when analysing a basic fraction of PEO (Joulain, constituents.128 A few years later Dummond who studied commercial
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PEOs of various origin, confirmed Gogröf's findings.136 Identification compounds have the same Rf value in various solvents (Joulain,
proceeded by smell, various physical parameters and properties of unpublished data).
several derivatives. The concentration was determined as 0.27%. This Similar to the 1904 Schimmel report, Dummond also reported
suggests either an analytical error (the author also reported not less “traces” of benzaldehyde and cinnamaldehyde but neither of them
than 1.15% (!) of a basic constituent in PEO, which is highly unlikely) could be detected by us in a range of PEOs by routine GC‐MS.136,269
or a contamination of the starting PEO, since eugenol cannot be Hussin reported benzaldehyde but not cinnamaldehyde as a sub‐100
detected by GC‐MS and ion extraction (m/z 164) in any genuine, ppm constituent. Masada reported high concentrations of these three
lab‐distilled oil investigated by us. However, in using the highly sensi- compounds with eugenol actually being the main constituent (!) of the
tive and selective method for the quantification of fragrance allergens oil. This implies an extremely adulterated PEO.272 Morris stated
(CEN method), eugenol can indeed be detected, but its content in that eugenol, cinnamaldehyde and benzaldehyde originate from
genuine oils does not exceed 100 ppm (Joulain, unpublished data). P. heyneanus,273 but this seems unlikely as Murugan did not detect them
This confirms somehow previous findings where eugenol is reported in P. heyneanus oil.181 Also Hollo et al. reported the occurrence of
among other traces of phenolics and acids after extraction with eugenol and benzaldehyde based onTLC and IR.274 Their proof appears
KOH or as a sub 100 ppm constituent. However as the latter unsatisfactory and possibly the authors were biased, i.e., based on ear-
oil was contaminated, it is impossible to be certain where such traces lier reports they wanted to see compounds, which were not there. Else
originated from. Possibly the eugenol observed by both Gogröf and they dealt with heavily adulterated PEO. Until further proof, it was
Dummond by means of TLC, was pogostone 51 as the two decided not to enter benzaldehyde and cinnamaldehyde in Table 3B.

TABLE 3A Compounds positively identified in patchouli essential oil

Chemical structure Common Chemical Name MW CAS RN Identification reference

1 α‐pinene 136 80‐56‐8 206

2 β‐pinene 136 127‐91‐3 206

3 limonene 136 138‐86‐3

4 pentadecane 212 629‐62‐9 Joulain (unpublished)

Posthumus (unpublished)

5 α‐humulene 204 6753‐98‐6 156

6 germacrene D 204 23986‐74‐5

7 β‐elemene 204 515‐13‐9 154

8 δ‐elemene 204 1206‐34‐4 206,247

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TABLE 3A (Continued)

Chemical structure Common Chemical Name MW CAS RN Identification reference

9 selina‐4,11‐diene 204 17627‐30‐4

10 α‐selinene 204 35387‐23‐6 163

11 δ‐selinene = selina‐4,6‐diene 204 473‐14‐4 163

12 β‐selinene 204 473‐12‐1 163

13 7‐epi‐α‐selinene 204 123123‐37‐5

14 selina‐4(15),7(11)‐diene 204 515‐17‐3

15 α‐bulnesene (= δ‐guaiene) 204 3691‐11‐0 149,152

16 α‐guaiene 204 3691‐12‐1 152

17 aciphyllene 204 87745‐31‐1

18 (E)‐β‐caryophyllene 204 87‐44‐5

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TABLE 3A (Continued)

Chemical structure Common Chemical Name MW CAS RN Identification reference

19 (E)‐7‐epi‐β‐caryophyllene 204 68832‐35‐9

20 (Z)‐β‐caryophyllene 204 118‐65‐0

21 β‐patchoulene 204 514‐51‐2 152

22 δ‐patchoulene 204 53823‐16‐8 156,197

23 γ‐patchoulene 204 508‐55‐4 215

24 α‐patchoulene 204 560‐32‐7 153

25 α‐copaene 204 3856‐25‐5 167

26 seychellene 204 20085‐93‐2

27 cycloseychellene 204 52617‐34‐2

28 1β,5β‐epoxy‐guai‐11‐ene 220 10224‐59‐6

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TABLE 3A (Continued)

Chemical structure Common Chemical Name MW CAS RN Identification reference

29 1α,5α‐epoxyguai‐11‐ene 220 10410‐05‐6

30 caryophyllene oxide 220 1139‐30‐6

31 1,10‐epoxy‐guai‐11‐ene 220 133647‐70‐8

32 (Z)‐nerolidol 222 3790‐78‐1 Joulain (unpublished)

Posthumus (unpublished)

33 patchoulol 222 5986‐55‐0

34 norpatchoulenol 206 41429‐52‐1

35 nortetracyclopatchoulol 206 not assigned

36 6‐hydroxypatchoulol 238 1287235‐52‐2

37 pogostol 222 not assigned

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TABLE 3A (Continued)

Chemical structure Common Chemical Name MW CAS RN Identification reference

38 guaia‐10(15),11‐dien‐1α‐ol 220 133593‐97‐2

39 β‐patchoulenone 218 37932‐11‐9 183,248

40 rotundone 218 18374‐76‐0

41 14‐nor‐β‐patchoul‐1(5)‐ene‐4‐one 204 93570‐32‐2

42 14‐nor‐β‐patchoul‐1(5),2‐diene‐4‐one 202 1899836‐02‐2

43 2β‐methoxy‐14‐nor‐β‐patchoul‐ 234 1899832‐98‐4

44 14‐nor‐β‐patchoul‐1(5)‐ene‐2,4‐dione 218 1902118‐42‐6

45 pocahemiketal A 264 not assigned

46 pocahemiketal B 236 not assigned

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TABLE 3A (Continued)

Chemical structure Common Chemical Name MW CAS RN Identification reference

47 4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐(1‐oxobutyl)‐ 196 22073‐85‐4

48 4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐(2‐methyl‐1‐ 196 22073‐86‐5

49 4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐(3‐methyl‐1‐ 210 872310‐80‐0 Joulain (unpublished)

oxobutyl)‐2H‐pyran‐2‐one Posthumus (unpublished)

50 4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐(2‐methyl‐1‐ 210 58667‐67‐7

51 pogostone; dhelwangin 224 Enol : 23800‐56‐8
Keto: 58667‐66‐6

52 4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐(1‐oxohexyl)‐ 224 27424‐82‐4

53 4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐(5‐methyl‐1‐ 224 69793‐67‐5

54 nonyl acetate 156 143‐13‐5 Joulain (unpublished)

Posthumus (unpublished)

55 2‐methylbutyric acid 102 116‐53‐0

56 pentanoic acid 102 109‐52‐4

57 4‐methylpentanoic acid 116 646‐07‐1

58 2‐methylpentanoic acid 116 97‐61‐0

59 heptanoic acid 130 111‐14‐8

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TABLE 3A (Continued)

Chemical structure Common Chemical Name MW CAS RN Identification reference

60 nonanoic acid 158 112‐05‐0

61 cis‐2‐pentylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid 156 5075‐48‐9

62 trans‐2‐pentylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid 156 58650‐45‐6

63 phenol 94 108‐95‐2

64 o‐cresol 108 95‐48‐7

65 dimethylphenol 154 undefined

66 4‐vinylphenol 120 2628‐17‐3

67 guaiacol 124 90‐05‐1

68 eugenol 164 97‐53‐0

69 patchoulipyridine 215 6517‐97‐1

70 guaipyridine 215 41447‐48‐7

71 (E)‐3‐(but‐1‐enyl)pyridine 133 142505‐11‐1

72 (Z)‐3‐(but‐1‐enyl)‐4‐propylpyridine 175 142505‐12‐2
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TABLE 3B Compounds tentatively identified in patchouli essential oil

Chemical structure Common chemical name MW CAS RN Identification
73 2‐ethylfuran 96 3208‐16‐0

74 α‐curcumene = ar‐curcumene 202 644‐30‐4 Joulain (unpublished)

75 η−selinene 204 599‐57‐5 Joulain (unpublished)

76 ε‐patchoulene 204 172925‐72‐3 Joulain (unpublished)

77 hotrienol 152 20053‐08‐7

78 safranal 150 116‐26‐7

79 2‐methylisoborneol 168 2371‐42‐8

80 geosmin 182 19700‐21‐1

81 ethyl 4‐methylpentanoate 144 25415‐67‐2

82 guaia‐1,11‐dien‐10‐ola 220 not assigned 162

83 guai‐11‐en‐5‐ola 222 not assignedb 162

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TABLE 3B (Continued)

Chemical structure Common chemical name MW CAS RN Identification

84 (E)‐phytol 296 150‐86‐7

85 hexahydrofarnesylacetone 268 502‐69‐2

86 4,5‐epithiocaryophyllene 236 65563‐95‐3

87 1,2‐epithiohumulene 236 65563‐96‐4

88 2,3‐dimethyl‐2‐cyclohexen‐1‐one 124 1122‐20‐9

89 3,4‐dimethyl‐2‐cyclohexen‐1‐one 124 10463‐42‐0

90 3‐methyl‐2‐cyclohexen‐1‐one 124 1193‐18‐6

91 isophorone 138 78‐59‐1

92 2,3,4,4‐tetramethyl‐2‐cyclohexen‐1‐one 152 28354‐98‐5

93 3,5‐dimethylcyclohexan‐1,4‐dione 140 14384‐30‐6

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TABLE 3B (Continued)

Chemical structure Common chemical name MW CAS RN Identification

94 4‐oxoisophorone 152 1125‐21‐9

95 dihydrobovolide 182 10547‐84‐9

96 4‐(3‐methyl‐2‐furyl)‐2‐butanone 152 898543‐80‐1

97 α‐bulnesenone 218 143072‐17‐7 Joulain et al. (unpublished)

98 α‐guaienone 218 not assigned 183,252

99 α‐patchoulone = patchoulione 220 5986‐56‐1 183,253

100 7‐epichabrolidione A 236 1633708‐84‐5 Joulain et al. (unpublished)

101 1,7‐diepichabrolidione A 236 1644642‐00‐1 Joulain et al. (unpublished)

102 α‐cedrenal 218 28587‐62‐4 183,252

103 9‐oxopatchoulol 236 111931‐60‐3

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TABLE 3B (Continued)

Chemical structure Common chemical name MW CAS RN Identification

104 (4R)‐4‐hydroxyrotundone 234 1564275‐90‐6

105 (4R)‐4‐hydroxy‐10‐epirotundone 234 190451‐21‐9

106 cis‐4‐hydroxy‐β‐patchoulen‐2‐one 234 1564275‐86‐0

107 trans‐4‐hydroxy‐β‐patchoulen‐2‐one 234 1564275‐89‐3

108 (4R)‐4‐hydroxy‐α‐patchoulen‐8‐one 234 1564278‐84‐8

109 4‐ethylphenol 122 123‐07‐9

110 3‐propylphenol 136 621‐27‐2

111 4‐ethylguaiacol 152 2785‐89‐9

112 4‐vinylguaiacol 150 7786‐61‐0

113 (E)‐3‐(but‐1‐enyl)‐4‐propylpyridine 175 142505‐13‐3

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TABLE 3B (Continued)

Chemical structure Common chemical name MW CAS RN Identification

114 (Z)‐3‐(but‐1‐enyl)pyridine 133 142505‐10‐0

115 5‐isopropyl‐2‐picoline 135 20194‐71‐2

116 5,6‐dihydro‐3,6,6‐trimethyl‐7H‐ 175 55713‐43‐4

117 guaiol pyridine = epicananodine 233 41447‐00‐1

118 dehydroguaiol pyridine 231 not assigned

119 6,7‐dihydro‐1,3,6,6‐tetramethyl‐ 203 55713‐38‐7

120 122 undefined

121 136 undefined

122 150 undefined

123 164 undefined

124 2‐methoxy‐3,6‐dimethylpyrazine 138 19846‐22‐1

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TABLE 3B (Continued)

Chemical structure Common chemical name MW CAS RN Identification

125 2‐methoxy‐3‐isopropylpyrazine 152 25773‐40‐4

126 2‐isobutyl‐3‐methoxypyrazine 166 24683‐00‐9

127 quinoxaline 130 91‐19‐0

128 2‐aminoacetophenone 135 551‐93‐9

129 methyl anthranilate 151 134‐20‐3

130 methyl N‐methylanthranilate 165 85‐91‐6

undefined stereochemistry; bCAS RN 1632300‐50‐5 has been assigned to a defined isomer of synthetic origin.256

3.4 | Qualitative and quantitative variation of major hydrocarbons will be correspondingly low and vice versa. However, the
constituents ratios between the hydrocarbons appear to be fairly constant (see § 3.5
on Fingerprints). Besides the natural chemical variation, the drying and
The second aim was to map the variation reported in the literature
distillation process (hydrodistillation versus steam distillation, duration,
among the major constituents of PEO formulated in § 3.2. All reports
pH of still, etc.) will contribute to the variation. The most variable com-
deemed reliable were analysed with respect to the main constituents.
pound of all is the non‐terpenoid pogostone. It can be undetectable
If authors analysed multiple oils, the average % was used. When
(Figure 7a) or be the major constituent (Figure 7b). According to Luo
authors reported a combined % for two or more constituents, such
et al. there are patchoulol and pogostone chemotypes of P. cablin.262
data was not used. When authors did not report the occurrence of a
The same group also reported that stem oil contained twenty times
particular compound, it was not assumed to be zero but rather was
more pogostone than leaf oil, which could also partially explain the
ignored. When authors reported a trace, arbitrarily it was counted as
concentration differences.263 Hu in a fingerprinting paper based on
0.02%. Compounds mentioned in less than eight analyses were
18 PEOs reported patchoulol‐pogostone ratios varying from 0.70 to
disregarded so many trace components mentioned in Table 3A do
9.50.307 Liu et al. reported pogostone concentrations from < 5% to >
not figure in Table 4. Over 100 oil analyses from 75 papers were
65%.308 The average concentration of 8.9% in Table 4 is an exaggera-
evaluated and the results expressed as average percentage and ranges
tion. This is caused by the fact that in many analyses pogostone
are summarized in Table 4. No analytical results by the authors are
occurred at < 1% and was therefore ignored. However, we have not
incorporated in Table 4.
entered 0% each time a compound was not mentioned.
The ranges in Table 4 indicate an enormous variation between oils
However even the wide ranges inTable 4 already give an indication
and of course significant variation is to be expected. In spite of the fact
which compounds are major constituents and which ones are interme-
that, where possible, the dataset has been scrutinized and corrected, it
diate or minor constituents. This is more easily seen from the average
will still contain errors and this is probably most true for the more values, which in our opinion are indeed representative of the average
extreme values. The large ranges are partially due to the widely variable PEO. The total excluding pogostone adds up to ~91% and this fits our
ratio of hydrocarbons to oxygenated constituents in PEO. If a patchouli own observations that the combined constituents in Table 4 together
oil contains 80% of oxygenated compounds, the relative amounts of all with γ and δ‐patchoulene but excluding pogostone, make up 90‐97%
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TABLE 4 Average concentration (GC, internal normalisation) and and unique for PEO, are absent as well as the important aroma contributor
ranges of major patchouli constituents based on over 100 patchouli oil nortetracyclopatchoulol. α‐Gurjunene is an indicator of adulteration and
analyses. Compounds are tabulated in order of elution on a should not be allowed to occur in PEOs, not even at 0.2% in oils prepared
polydimethylsiloxane phase36,40,58,60-67,69-72,74-76,81,83,86,91,92,99,101,
102,104,106,108,111-113,118-124,129,179,181,182,186,201,206,208,263,280-306 in an artisanal way. The Indonesian norm SNI 06‐2385‐2006 demands a
minimum of 30% patchoulol and a maximum of 0.5% α‐copaene.141
Constituent Average % Ranges % Nr of data

α‐Pinene 0.09 0.01‐0.3 28

TABLE 5 Allowed ranges of several constituents of patchouli oil
β‐Pinene 0.20 0.02‐1 30
according to 2003 ISO norms167
Limonene 0.03 0.01‐0.3 22
δ‐Elemene 0.52 0.01‐1.9 19 Constituent Minimum % Maximum %

β‐Patchoulene 3.0 0.03‐12 78 β‐Patchoulene 1.8 3.5

β‐Elemene 0.89 0.18‐1.9 40 Copaene traces 1
Cycloseychellene 0.46 0.02‐0.8 21 α‐Gurjunene 0.0 0.2a
(E)‐β‐Caryophyllene 3.1 0.75‐6.8 78 α‐Guaiene 11 16
α‐Guaiene 11 2.9‐23 64 β‐Caryophyllene 2 5
Seychellene 6.6 2.3‐13 67 Bulnesene 13 21
α‐Humulene 0.69 0.05‐2 26 Norpatchoulenol 0.35 1
α‐Patchoulene 4.5 1.2‐13 70 Patchoulol 27 35
Germacrene D 0.12 0.0‐0.2 8 Pogostol 1 2.5
Aciphyllene 2.4 0.7‐4.2 30 Total 56.15 85.2
α‐Bulnesene 14 2.9‐23 83 a
only for oils prepared in an artisanal way.
Norpatchoulenol 0.86 0.11‐4.0 37
Caryophyllene oxide 0.73 0.0‐4.6 30
Pogostol 2.4 0.2‐6.2 50 3.5 | Chromatographic fingerprint of patchouli oil
Patchoulol 39 11‐72 104 A gas chromatogram of an essential oil can serve as a fingerprint and
Total without pogostone 90.6 is a powerful tool in controlling the quality of produced or bought
Pogostone 8.9 0.1‐27.7 24 oil.311 Moreover it can show also peaks, which should not be there,
Total with pogostone 99.5 ‐ ‐ i.e., volatile adulterants or impurities. Published, correctly assigned
chromatograms are also helpful for future researchers. Notwithstand-
of PEO. γ and δ‐patchoulene are the only intermediate constituents not ing the wide variation in concentration of individual constituents,
present inTable 4 for the reason that insufficient reliable data was avail- patchouli oil does have a unique profile. In Figure 7a‐c the sesquiter-
able in literature. Interestingly, Schmidt has analysed 52 PEOs from pene regions of the chromatograms on DB5 stationary phase of three
Indonesia, India, China, Madagascar and Brazil over a period of 15 very different PEOs are depicted. Oil A almost meets the ISO norms
years.309 Unfortunately, neither analytical data nor averages are given, and contains no pogostone. Stem oil B contains pogostone in over
only the ranges for 22 constituents. However, if the median of the 20%, some α and β‐pinene and has a very high norpatchoulenol con-
ranges is taken as a kind of average, there is actually a very good corre- tent. Oil C has a very high patchoulol content, some pogostone, several
spondence with the data in Table 4. β‐Elemene is not reported by him
more oxygenated, higher boiling constituents and a low hydrocarbon
but as the concentration reported by Schmidt for α‐copaene is too high
content. The sesquiterpene hydrocarbon pattern is specific with
(0.2‐1.6%; normally ≤ 0.1%) and otherwise the data look reliable, we
relatively low concentrations of δ and β‐elemene, cycloseychellene
assume α‐copaene has been misidentified, even more so as our range
and humulene, intermediate concentrations of β‐patchoulene,
for β‐elemene in Table 4 (0.2‐1.9%) is very similar to his range reported
β‐caryophyllene, α‐patchoulene, δ‐patchoulene and aciphyllene and
for α‐copaene. Rather surprisingly no pogostone is reported. The only
real mismatch is the too high concentration reported by him for high concentrations of α‐guaiene, seychellene and α‐bulnesene.
γ‐patchoulene (5.9‐8.0%). This must be a misidentification although it Compounds specific for PEO include cycloseychellene 27,
is unclear what it was in reality as all major PEO constituents are norpatchoulenol 34, nortetracyclopatchoulol 35, several patchouli
accounted for in Schmidt's table.309 ketones, pogostone 51 and the pyridines 69 and 70. Only the first
When the average percentages and the ranges are compared with the three should always be detectable. Cycloseychellene is easier sepa-
ISO norms, the ISO norms appear to be somewhat restrictive. For instance, rated from (E)‐β‐caryophyllene 18 on a DB1 (Figure S2 in SI) than a
none of the three PEOs depicted in Figure 7a‐c would meet the standard DB5 stationary phase (Figure 7b) but can also be resolved from 18
based on the patchoulol content. If sellers would need to meet all the on DB5 with a different temperature gradient (Figure S4 in SI). The
demands inTable 5 for all their oils, it would require considerable blending patchoulenes, seychellene, patchoulol and pogostol are highly charac-
or manipulation, and indeed blending of premium high‐patchoulol Indone- teristic of PEO. Non‐sesquiterpenoids, which are almost always
sian PEO with cheaper low‐patchoulol Chinese PEO occurs.310 Also the detectable in low concentrations in PEO include α and β‐pinene, nonyl
choice of compounds is odd, copaene is present at trace levels in PEO acetate and pentadecane. The PEO fingerprint is characterised by the
and not typical for PEO and cycloseychellene would be a better choice. combination of the above compounds in relatively fixed relative ratios
Seychellene and pogostone, which are respectively highly characteristic (see Table 6 and Figure 7a‐c).
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TABLE 6 Relative percentages of 15 major constituents of the 3 patchouli oils depicted in Figure 7a‐c
Constituent RI CPSil 5a177 RI DB1b RI DB5176 RI DB5c Oil A Oil B Oil C

α‐Pinene ‐ ‐ 932 ‐ 0.1 1.9 0.0

β‐Pinene ‐ ‐ 974 ‐ 0.3 4.8 0.0
β‐Patchoulene 1388 1384 1379 1388 1.7 2.2 0.2
(E)‐β‐Caryophyllene 1421 1416 1417 1425 3.9 2.1 0.5
α‐Guaiene 1440 1434 1437 1442 13.0 7.5 2.3
Seychellene 1447 1442 1444 1448 7.4 4.3 3.0
α‐Patchoulene 1467 1458 1454 1461 5.3 2.5 1.7
δ‐Patchoulene 1466 1460 ‐ 1465 3.1 1.3 0.6
Aciphyllene 1495 1495 1501 1502 3.1 1.5 0.9
α‐Bulnesene 1503 1502 1509 1510 16.2 10.1 4.2
Norpatchoulenol 1551 1544 1553 1559 1.1 4.5 1.0
Caryophyllene oxide 1578 1572 1582 1575 0.1 0.0 1.0
Pogostol 1647 1641 1651 1656 2.1 2.0 4.3
Patchoulol 1661 1651 1656 1661 36.8 22.9 59.4
Pogostone ‐ 1677 ‐ 1716 0.0 22.0 3.4
Total 94.2 89.6 82.5
equivalent to DB1 (dimethyl polysiloxane).
van Beek, unpublished; for conditions, see SI, Figure S2.
van Beek, unpublished; for conditions, see SI, Figure S4.

FIGURE 7A Partial gas chromatogram (sesquiterpene region) of patchouli oil A on a DB5 stationary phase. Legends: δE = δ‐Elemene, βE = β‐
Elemene, βPa = β‐Patchoulene, βCa = (E)‐β‐Caryophyllene, CyS = Cycloseychellene, αGu = α‐Guiaene, Sey = Seychellene, αHu = α‐Humulene,
αPa = α‐Patchoulene, δPa = δ‐Patchoulene, U = Unidentified constituents, GD = Germacrene D, δSe = δ‐Selinene = Selina‐4,6‐diene, 15 =
Pentadecane, Aci = Aciphyllene, αBu = α‐Bulnesene = δ‐Guiaene, 7eS = 7‐epi‐α‐Selinene, ZNe = (Z)‐Nerolidol, eBu = 1,10‐epoxy‐α‐Bulnesene, nPa
= Norpatchoulenol, Cao = Caryophyllene oxide, ntP = Nortetracyclopatchoulol, Pgl = Pogostol, Pat = Patchoulol. GC conditions: 60 m × 0.25 mm ×
0.25 μm DB5 column; He 18 psi; 60 °C (0 min hold) to 260 °C at 3 °C/min; MS detection (M.A. Posthumus, unpublished results)
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FIGURE 7B Partial gas chromatogram (sesquiterpene region plus pogostone) of PEO B prepared from stems on a DB5 stationary phase. For peak
assignments and conditions, see Figure 7a. 2mP = 4‐Hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐(2‐methyl‐1‐oxobutyl)‐2H‐pyran‐2‐one 50, 6mP = 4‐Hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐
3‐(3‐methyl‐1‐oxobutyl)‐2H‐pyran‐2‐one 49, Pgn = Pogostone (M.A. Posthumus, unpublished results)

FIGURE 7C Partial gas chromatogram (sesquiterpene region) of a significantly oxidised PEO C on a DB5 stationary phase. For peak assignments
and conditions, see Figure 7a. Rtd = rotundone, 234 = unidentified constituent with MW = 234, possibly identical with 104 ‐ 108 (M.A. Posthumus,
unpublished results)
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3.6 | Quantitative Analysis of Patchoulol are approximately the same when FID is used. Apart from this, there
should be an indirect check on the gross presence of non‐volatile or
The combined data from MS (to ensure identification) and FID (for extraneous compounds. This is most easily achieved by comparing
quantification) will provide a fingerprint as well as relative percentages the total peak area of all patchouli‐related peaks (see section on Fin-
of the constituents (100% internal normalisation with equal response gerprint) with that of the patchoulol peak with or without correction
factors for all components). If the PEO is genuine, freshly distilled of RRFs. Teisseire has discussed an alternative approach.239 Finally
and properly stored, it will contain only volatiles and thus the found for satisfying the ISO norms, the absolute concentration of several
relative percentages are representative of the entire sample. When additional constituents like α‐guaiene 16, α‐bulnesene 15 and pogostol
using a flame ionisation detector (FID), hydrocarbons give higher 37 needs to be determined, which again can be done starting from the
responses than oxygenated components and thus in PEO the found absolute concentration of patchoulol 33. Preferably predicted RRFs
percentages for sesquiterpene hydrocarbons are expected to be should be used in this case.
slightly too high and that of patchoulol slightly too low, e.g., in reality Surveying the literature, there are quantitative papers on
33 instead of 30% patchoulol. More accurate figures can be obtained patchoulol and pogostone only. Both internal60,171,265,317,322,323 and
by using earlier experimentally determined relative response factors external standardisation68,89,170,307,324-327 have been applied.
(RRFs) or predicted RRFs. When using the Total Ion Current The very first quantitative method for patchoulol was developed
(TIC) of a mass spectrometer as detector, the deviation can be larger by a committee of experts and used 1‐pentadecanol as internal stan-
than 10%.315 In the past a thermal conductivity detector (TCD; dard (i.s.).322 This i.s. elutes shortly after patchoulol and, being a stable
katharometer) has also been used for PEO and the author claims that C15 alcohol, is a fair choice, its main disadvantage being the b.p., which
RRFs do not differ much from 1.316 Van Beek has compared 3 different is 57 °C higher than that of patchoulol and additionally it is a primary
detectors on five different GC systems (TCD; MS‐TIC; FID; FID; FID) alcohol whereas patchoulol is tertiary. Both packed and capillary col-
for the analysis of patchoulol in PEO by means of internal umns were used. 0.5 μL (10% PEO in ethyl acetate) was injected with
standardisation and found absolute percentages of 31.0, 30.6, 30.9, a split of 1:200. The injection temperature was not specified. Detection
30.7 and 30.9%.317 At least for patchoulol, this suggests that with was by FID. The purity of patchoulol reference was only determined by
internal standardisation the detector does not strongly influence the 100% normalisation. Van Beek used (E,E)‐farnesol as i.s.317 This com-
outcome as long as all other parameters are optimal. When PEO is pound is well separated from both patchoulol and other PEO constitu-
adulterated with non‐volatile additives, the measured relative percent- ents, its b.p. is only 4 °C lower than that of patchoulol and it has the
ages will not change but no longer reflect the true absolute percent- same oxidation status and elemental composition (C15H26O). Unfortu-
ages. The same holds true when essential oils are old and have been nately, it is not a tertiary alcohol. Cedrol, a saturated tricyclic teriary
improperly stored as this leads to non‐volatile polymers.318 alcohol with a b.p. 15 °C lower than that of patchoulol, might be a good
The International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI) has alternative i.s. A GC equipped with one injector (split 1:100) and two 60
published guidelines for quantitative GC analysis of essential oils.319 m columns (DB1 and DB‐Wax) each with their own FID was used thus
For obtaining truly quantitative data, they advise to use external generating 2 chromatograms per injection. Two different PEOs were
standardisation, internal standardisation or standard addition. The analysed in 2008 and 2010. The patchoulol percentages found were
use of an autosampler is desirable and to avoid discrimination splitless for oil 1 30.9% (DB1, 2008), 30.3% (DB1, 2010), 30.7% (Wax, 2008)
or on‐column injection preferred. However even then, quantitative and 30.6% (Wax 2010). For oil 2 these values were: 50.9% (DB1,
essential oil analysis remains a complex task with many potential 2008), 50.2% (DB1, 2010), 50.4% (Wax, 2008) and 50.9% (Wax
pitfalls like linearity, widely different concentrations of constituents, loss 2010). The actual percentages are unknown but the results provide
or decomposition of analytes during their analysis, non‐availability of confidence. The method was partially validated by analysing an artificial
reference compounds, finding a proper internal standard, optimisation PEO consisting of ~10% dodecanol, ~50% tetradecane and 37.36%
of the many different GC parameters, baseline separation of analyte patchoulol. Analysis by the same i.s. method yielded 37.26% and
peaks, column selection, choice of detector, and, injection volume and 37.40% for the DB1 and DB‐Wax column respectively.317 Details were
split ratio in case of split injections. The absolute purity of unfortunately never published.
reference analytes for preparing calibration solutions is an often Hussin et al. published a quantitative method, which is also lacking in
neglected issue. Indications from suppliers cannot always be relied details. It appears that no true relative response factor (RRF) against the
on and a 100% normalisation GC analysis of the standard ignores used i.s. was calculated for patchoulol but rather the average RRF of sev-
non‐volatile impurities. Quantitative NMR against a suitable, non‐volatile, eral monoterpene alcohols against the i.s. using FID. Whether this is
stable and commercially available reference compound of known appropriate was not validated. As i.s. nonane was used, whose chemical
absolute and high purity is the preferred solution.321 and physical properties are significantly different from those of
For PEO three main aroma volatiles (see section on Odour) patchoulol. Filippi et al. explicitly mentioned that nonane gives
patchoulol 33, norpatchoulenol 34 and nortetracyclopatchoulol 35 relatively high fluctuations as an i.s. in quantitative vetiver analyses com-
are most relevant for an assessment of their absolute concentration. pared to a higher boiling i.s.318 Nonane does not satisfy several of the
Patchoulol is commercially available but the other two constituents demands specified by the IOFI Working Group on Methods of
are not. However, comparing the well resolved peak areas of 34 and Analysis.319 Injection temperature was 280 °C, split ratio 1:100 (10%
35 with that of patchoulol should yield also their true concentrations. PEO in hexane). The injection volume was not specified.60 The fourth
Being all three tertiary alcohols, it can be assumed that their RRFs internal standard method was not applied to PEO but rather to
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headspace samples.323 As i.s. nonyl acetate 54 was used, which is an thrice to PEO.330-332 The study by Ruan is actually inferior to routine
unfortunate choice as this is the only simple ester naturally occurring in 1‐dim. GC of PEO. This is partially caused by using a DB1 column of
PEO, albeit in low concentrations. The last two methods both only 2 m length in the 1st dim, which on top has the unusual diameter
used octadecane as i.s. 171,265
Its b.p. is 30 °C higher than that of and film thickness of 100 μm and 3.5 μm respectively. The 2nd dim.
patchoulol, which could lead to discrimination during injections. Also its OV17 column is somewhat non‐polar, which does not benefit an opti-
RRF will differ significantly from that of patchoulol making it altogether mal resolution. The modulation time was 4 sec. The 2D‐fingerprint
not the ideal i.s. In the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Monograph, the method shows some additional minor components but eventually only five
was applied to a chloroform extract of P. cablin leaves. The injector tem- components got identified.330
perature was not specified and 1 μL (extract in hexane) was injected with The second study is more elaborate and three different column
a split of 1:20. The detector temperature was 280 °C. In the last combinations were compared. For their PEO sample the authors
method the injector temperature was 230 °C and 1 μL (5% PEO in hex- preferred a 60 m Wax column (0.25 mm × 0.25 μm) in the 1st dim.
ane) was injected with a split of 1:50. 265
Overall the fully published and a 3 m chiral (Cyclodex‐B) column (0.10 mm × 0.10 μm) in the 2nd
methods do not appear superior to the method using 1‐pentadecanol dim. The analytical rationale for choosing a chiral column was that
published 30 years ago. 322
Still a well‐validated internal standard method “the chiral column is a good choice for separating the isomeric compo-
for patchoulol in PEO remains to be published. nents in volatile oils of traditional Chinese medicines”. Although it is not
The methods using external standardisation have been applied yet known (vide infra) whether mixtures of enantiomers ("scalemic
170,171 307,324,325
to PEO, on patchouli leaves, or on isolated mixtures") occur in PEO, it is unlikely that any enantiomers can be
patchoulol.326,327 All methods are similar in the set‐up of the calibra- resolved within 5 sec. If any constituents would occur as a mixture of
tion curve although the range of concentrations (factor 8 to 1000) enantiomers, a partial separation would lead to band broadening in
and the number of points (4 to 10) varies. All curves show good the 2nd dim., which is actually undesirable. Of course the selectivity of
linearity (r2 > 0.995) indicating that nowadays GC autosamplers can the chiral phase is quite different from the 1st dim. Wax phase and
reproducibly inject 1 μL volumes with an RSD of 1%. The injection based on the 2D FID contour plots the combination works well. The
conditions vary considerably with temperatures ranging from as low modulation time was 5 sec and a temperature gradient of 70 to
as 210 °C,325 to as high as 280 °C.324,325 The injection volumes were 200 °C at 3 °C/min was used. As both columns were present in the
1 or 2 μL and split 1:10, splitless or pulsed splitless were used. same oven, no individual optimisation of the temperature gradients of
Detection proceeded by FID, CI‐MS (monitoring of m/z 221 and 205) the two columns was possible. Nevertheless, in this study many more
or EI‐MS. In the latter case, TIC, SIM or MS/MS was used. Several peaks were resolved but clustered classes of compounds (e.g., sesqui-
assays were (partially) validated. The best‐validated assay appears the terpene hydrocarbons and alcohols) have not been indicated. The used
recent one by Yang et al.89 Details on linearity, recovery (accuracy), PEO looks highly atypical with many monoterpenes not found in other
precision, LOD, LOQ, repeatability, stability, inter and intraday studies as well as few sesquiterpene hydrocarbons suggesting contam-
variability are provided by the authors. Some methods also simulta- ination or adulteration. The identification of many sesquiterpenes
neously determine pogostone by GC.89,307 Wang et al. published a appears dubious and several characteristic ones like seychellene and
GC‐MS method for pogostone only. Octacosane was used as i.s. pogostol are suspiciously absent. The authors claimed that they
Somewhat surprisingly, the authors deemed it necessary to purify “tentatively” identified 394 compounds. Relative concentrations are
pogostone from PEO prior to GC‐MS by means of two LLE steps. not given. Overall this study was unfortunately not the breakthrough
Due to the interest in its pharmacological properties, in recent years in PEO analysis.
several LC‐MS methods for the determination of pogostone in Edwards et al. used 20 m BPX5 column (0.18 mm × 0.18 μm) in
experimental animals have been published. These are not discussed the 1st dim. and a 2 m DB1701 (= 14%‐cyanopropyl‐phenyl)‐
here; for references, see SI. methylpolysiloxane) column (0.25 mm × 0.15 μm) in the 2nd dim.332
Detection was by EI‐TOF‐MS at both 70 and 12 eV. As this was only

3.7 | GC‐IR, Two‐dimensional GC and Chiral GC an exploratory study with PEO being one of 8 analysed essential oils,
it was not in‐depth and only patchoulol is reported. However, all
3.7.1 | GC‐IR the major and intermediate PEO constituents could be identified
In the 80s GC‐FTIR was “in trend” and there are two applications in the (McGregor, personal communication). The hardware is fine but the
field of PEO.163,329 Although FT‐IR is valuable in structure elucidation contour plot shows little added value over a proper 1‐dim. GC study
and can sometimes provide answers GC‐MS cannot (in the same on a 60 m column. This is caused by a limited difference in selectivity
paper,329 there are nice examples for distinguishing different santalols between the BPX5 and DB1701 columns. A combination of a DB5
from sandalwood oil by IR), its added value over GC‐MS in the case of and a Wax column would probably have shown more resolved peaks.
PEO was not demonstrated. Since then GC‐FTIR has faded out. Thus a good GC×GC study on PEO, comparable to the state‐
of‐the‐art one on vetiver oil,318 is regrettably still lacking. Anyhow,
3.7.2 | Two‐dimensional GC even if such a study would be performed, it is doubtful whether it
In principle comprehensive 2‐dimensional GC (GC×GC) is a very would lead to many newly identified components as the mass spectral
powerful technique for resolving complex essential oils. It can separate identification is only as good as the mass spectral database and many
many more components than 1‐dim. GC and thus provide cleaner mass PEO components probably do not occur in the commercial databases.
spectra, especially of minor components. So far GC×GC was applied However due to the much higher chromatographic resolution of
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the GC×GC separation, at least one would know how many more oil higher fractions, pepper oil, white camphor oil, guaiac wood oil,
constituents are awaiting their structural elucidation, i.e., they would copaiba and gurjun balsams, residues from vetiver and camphor oil
be upgraded from “unknown unknowns” to “known unknowns”. productions, cubeba oil, amyris oil) or synthetic (vide infra).27,48,295,335
In the past adulteration of patchouli resinoid oil with oakmoss
3.7.3 | Chiral GC resinoids, with cloves and with coumarin, or even diluted with PEO
Chiral phases for GC can be used for two different purposes: (1) for has been described.173
true chiral GC for the distinction of enantiomers or (2) as a stationary Many different synthetics have been used to adulterate PEO. At
phase with a unique selectivity independently of chirospecific least 20% of phthalates in a PEO of French origin has been reported
separation purposes. The latter application can be used preparatively one century ago.337 The authors remarked that “The prices paid at
333 present for pure patchouli oil make such manipulations exceedingly
too. Betts used chiral GC (Chiralsil‐Val phase) for purpose (2), i.e.,
to achieve a better separation of patchouli hydrocarbons than on profitable”. The addition of glycols such as hexylene glycol, propylene
standard, e.g., dimethyl polysiloxane, stationary phases. However glycol and dipropylene glycol, benzyl benzoate, various phthalates or
according to today's standards, the resolution does not appear superior methyl esters of hydrogenated resin acids (Hercolyn D) as well as
to chromatograms currently obtained on DB5 stationary phases. An non‐volatile adulterants such as vegetable oils (e.g., palm oil), fixed oils
advantage though is that with 20 min the separation was rather (e.g., castor oil) or mineral oil has been cited.35,48,75,186 Non‐volatile
fast.334 Wu used a Cyclodex‐B column as the 2nd dim. column in a adulterants are not detectable by conventional GC. However a
331 straightforward method to detect and quantify those, is integration
GC×GC application (vide supra). Thus the first true chiral GC study
of PEO, e.g., of purified constituents or after heartcutting, still has to of the 15‐20 most intense peaks in GC and comparison with an
take place. Based on reported optical rotations for patchoulol and internal standard (“semi‐quantification”, see also § 3.6).315,322 The
patchoulenes and biosynthetic considerations, it is expected that these study by Bruns is particularly valuable as it provides GC profiles of
PEO compounds do not occur as mixtures of enantiomers but this is PEO spiked with gurjun balsam and it shows where various glycols,
still to be proven. isobornyl acetate and (Z)‐8‐camphene methanol (syn. (Z)‐patchouli
ethanol) elute.75 More recently, a paper using a PEO adulterated
with 14.3% methyl benzoate appeared.338 Most of these adulteration
4 | A D U L TE R A T I O N A N D CO NT A M I N A T I O N
cases would have been detected by an odour assessment by
Different adulteration practices exist in the field of essential oils. trained evaluators.
The exact form depends mainly on the chemical composition and the Until the introduction of modern analytical techniques in the
value of the targeted essential oil. Adulteration, that is, intentional second half the 20th century, colour tests, standard physical measure-
alteration or falsification, can occur in the case of PEO: (1) prior to ments (mostly solubility tests, density, refractive index, etc.) and
distillation by adding extraneous materials to genuine patchouli leaves; chemical determinations such as the saponification number, were used
or (2) after distillation by "supplementing", i.e., diluting PEO with to detect gross falsifications, albeit with probably limited efficacy.25
various ingredients. Deliberate adulteration should be distinguished The first report on the use of gas chromatography to detect the
from inadvertent contamination as analytically they are quite fraudulent addition of the much less expensive gurjun balsams
different to detect. For adulteration to be economically worthwhile, (Dipterocarpus spp.) to PEO was published in 1966,153 and the efficacy
the addition of at least 20% of adulterant is necessary, resulting in of this technique was rapidly confirmed by others.339 However initially
significant changes in physical parameters, constituents and/or odour. this did not lower the frequency of adulteration.90 Nowadays GC
In contrast, contamination with a few % of leaves from another species fingerprinting based on GC‐FID or GC‐TIC chromatograms (see § 3.5)
or soil during steam distillation will generally be more difficult to is the number one quality control method to detect abnormalities in
detect. Some forms of PEO adulteration, which used to be common, PEO. Other less used QC techniques capable of detecting adulteration
are obsolete today thanks to the tremendous progress in analytical include C‐NMR295 and HPTLC.340 In contrast with some other
chemistry. economically important essential oils, stable isotope mass spectrome-
Adulteration of PEO has occurred for a long time. The addition of try has not yet been used to detect possible adulteration of
leaves from other, cheaper plant species to "Java patchouli" was cited PEO constituents.
already in the 19th century.17 The same goes for post‐distillation Over time adulteration of PEO with gurjun and copaiba balsams
adulteration of PEO: when pure, the latter was said to dissolve in an equal was most prevalent and therefore received a lot of attention.75,153,339
bulk of 95% ethanol; if not, adulteration with copaiba balsam should be α‐Gurjunene (Figure 8) does not occur in PEO and has long
suspected.336 Later, the frequent adulteration of PEO was mentioned been recognised as an indicator for the presence of gurjun
several times,24 including in dedicated textbooks on essential oils.26 balsam.75,153,339,341 Recently, the presence of alloaromadendrene
Over time many different materials have been added – up to 80% (Figure 8) in PEO was addressed in detail and it was confirmed that
– to genuine patchouli leaves prior to distillation. Ocimum basilicum var. its detection is also indicative of the addition of gurjun balsam.205,206
pilosum, Urena lobata var. sinuate, Hyptis suaveolens, Plectranthus Unfortunately in the same year a committee of analytical experts
fruticosus, Lavatera olbia, Pogostemon heyneanus, Microtoena insuavis, misidentified δ‐patchoulene 22 as alloaromadendrene in PEO and thus
or Pavonia weldenii and even sand or soil – up to 50% – or water – caused some confusion.179 The detection of calarene (Figure 8), a
up to 35% – to increase the overall weight, have been mentioned. 27,48
constituent of Dipterocarpus jourdainii and D. intricatus balsams,339
Substances added to PEO after distillation, can be either natural (cedar was not mentioned by Cornwell.206 In summary, neither α‐gurjunene
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nor alloaromadendrene or other aromadendrane‐type sesquiterpenes 5 | O D O U R OF P A T C H O U L I O I L

such as spathulenol (Figure 8) should be considered as constituents
of genuine PEO. These aromadendrene‐type sesquiterpene hydrocar-
5.1 | Constituents responsible for patchouli odour
bons are absent in another gurjun balsam (Dipterocarpus costatus),
which contains mainly (E)‐β‐caryophyllene and α‐humulene.339 The Not less than 50 major patchouli‐themed perfumes were released
addition of this balsam can be detected (and also copaiba balsam, for between 1917 and 2007.345 Much has been said and written about
the same reason) since these two sesquiterpene hydrocarbons occur the odour of patchouli essential oil and extracts,6,346 and regardless
in lower relative percentages in genuine PEO. of their origin, the qualitative olfactory properties of PEO are complex.

FIGURE 8 Structures of alloaromadendrene, α‐gurjunene, spathulenol and calarene

Some contamination of PEO by crop protection agents or resi- Arctander has published a pertinent olfactory assessment of patchouli
dues in the still from earlier distillations is possible.13 To our knowl- odour: “a dark orange or brownish‐coloured, viscous liquid, possessing
edge, no report has been published to date on the detection and an extremely rich, sweet‐herbaceous, aromatic‐spicy and woody‐
quantification of pesticides in PEO. Various phytosanitary treat- balsamic odour. An almost wine‐like, ethereal‐floral sweetness in the
ments are currently involved during the cultivation of patchouli to initial notes is characteristic of good oils, although this top note can
counteract diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and other be absent or masked in freshly distilled, but otherwise good oils”.347
pests.48 The odour is also described as "rich, heavy, sweet‐herbaceous,
Adulteration of PEOs, which are sold to major fragrance houses aromatic/spicy/camphoraceous, woody, balsamic, root‐like and deli-
appears less prevalent today as the biggest end users of this natural cately earthy",348 and “very intense, woody, sweet‐balsamic with
product have the analytical expertise to detect it. However PEOs sold spicy and woody‐earthy undertones; displays extreme originality”.7
in small bottles in health or “well‐being” shops, for e.g., aromatherapy, Odour evaluation of fractions from patchouli extracts or essential
are still frequently adulterated (van Beek, unpublished). A chromato- oils may be biased by the presence of contaminants such as
gram of a PEO bought commercially in The Netherlands containing anethole.349
5% benzyl alcohol, 22% α‐gurjunene, 3% thujopsene, 7% Many authors have used a set of three basic odour descriptors
alloaromadendrene, 2% γ‐gurjunene, 3% cedrol and 20% benzyl repeatedly: earthy, woody and camphoraceous.155,350 Whereas the
benzoate, i.e., 1 part PEO and 2 parts adulterants (!), is shown in the earthy, "cellar like" note is clearly reminiscent of mould, the woody
SI. Another example is the oil used in a study on antimicrobial activity descriptor is more vague, since there are many natural products,
of essential oils.342 It contained 11.3% α‐gurjunene, 6.7% benzyl including fragrant wood extracts and synthetic odorants, which belong
alcohol, 3.1% thujopsene, 2.8% aromadendrene and 2.6% α‐cedrol, to this category, all providing various nuances and effects (e.g., "dry
which at the same time casts doubts on the antimicrobial results.342 cedarwood", "warm agarwood", iso‐E Super, etc.). The "camphora-
In 2017 a PEO containing 17.8% aromadendrene was used to ceous" attribute is sometimes found less desirable by perfumers, which
determine the effect of PEO on human skin cells.343 initiated the design of synthetic patchouli substitutes.351
Although it has not yet been reported, theoretically the The controversial contribution of (−)‐patchoulol to the odour of
commercial availability of Clearwood™, a potential patchouli substitute PEO is undoubtedly a historical case. As early as 1875, this hitherto
(see § 5.2), which is 25% cheaper per kg than "regular" PEO, creates an unidentified compound was suspected to be odourless "if repeatedly
opportunity to adulterate genuine PEO. Such adulteration will be crystallised".16 This was confirmed in 1903.217 However one year
harder to detect as Clearwood™ consists of the usual patchouli later it was stated in an inconclusive report of Schimmel & Co. that
SQHCs, pogostol and patchoulol, i.e., all compounds normally present patchoulol after repeated crystallisation still smelled of patchouli.
in PEO. However, Clearwood™ contains patchoulol ethyl ether in a Nonetheless it was speculated that it might possibly be odourless
significant amount and this compound does not occur in PEO. Thus, when pure.269 In 1949, a new investigation confirmed that recrystal-
addition of a few % of Clearwood™ to genuine PEO will be detected lized patchoulol smelled characteristically of patchouli.148 Probably in
by GC‐MS as this compound can be sensitively observed through its view of the earlier findings, the authors allowed for the possibility
molecular ion at m/z 250 (55%) and its base peak at m/z 111 (van Beek, that the odour was caused by minute amounts of degradation
unpublished). A somewhat similar adulteration scenario would be the products instead of patchoulol itself. The odourless character of
addition of patchoulol produced by transgenic Artemisia annua (−)‐patchoulol was again alleged by Roure Bertrand Dupont in
plants.344 Should the price of PEO once again rise to $ 160/kg as has 1973, possibly to support the decisive contribution of
happened in the past,13 such practices might occur. norpatchoulenol 34, which had just been isolated and identified as
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“the true carrier of the odour of patchouli oil”.193,232 However com- (+)‐nortetracyclopatchoulol 35: ~1.0 ng/L air
petitors from the fragrance industry opposed this claim. Firmenich
stated that mainly patchoulol was responsible for the odour of The authors stated that these figures are approximate and indeed
PEO with a minor role for norpatchoulenol. In a sniffing port analysis Mookherjee et al. arrived at a slightly different ranking.155 The concen-
the latter molecule was described as having an “intense, rooty, trations given in the latter paper for 33, 34 and 35 of 30, 0.5 and
cellar‐potato‐like odour”. Independently an academic group also 0.001% respectively are somewhat arbitrary and will vary considerably
stated that patchoulol had a typical PEO odour and that in practice (see § 3.4). For 35 it seems too low as it can be easily
norpatchoulenol possessed a stronger odour but that it was not typ- observed by GC‐MS in total PEO and can even reach a concentration
ical of the complete oil.186 Subsequently and possibly in response to of ~1%, e.g., see Figure 7b.
this paper, Teisseire weakened his own earlier claim and wrote that Kraft pertinently reminded us that quite a number of people are
pure patchoulol is “practically odourless”,353 a statement, which later anosmic or have very different sensitivities for these natural
gained moderate support from colleagues at Givaudan: "patchoulol products.345 This is a rather frequent physiological phenomenon.
... contributes very little to the olfactive character of this important Secondly, and more importantly, in view of the many studies carried
natural product". Meanwhile, chemists from IFF published their out during the last three decades of the last century on the structure/
extensive studies on PEO, which included a synthesis of racemic patchouli odour relationship of structurally related tertiary alcohols, the
patchoulol. This was found to have an odour “nearly identical” to that probability that patchoulol is odourless is extremely low.155,351,357-360
of pure natural patchoulol.155 Further they confirmed the impor- Depending on the shape and size of pure patchoulol crystals,
tance of norpatchoulenol, which possessed according to them a sublimation eliciting odour perception may vary and could possibly
“considerably more intense odour than that of patchoulol”. Addition- suggest that it is odourless. Together with anosmia, this hypothetical fea-
ally they identified nortetracyclopatchoulol 35 (see § 3.3) as a new ture may account for the contradictory odour assessments of patchoulol
powerful player in this fragrant orchestra. Some years before this over almost 150 years, and should motivate further investigations.
compound had already been patented by IFF.276 Its structure was In contrast with these "master contributors", very few odour
corrected about 40 years later by other authors who reisolated this descriptions of other isolated constituents, minor or not, have been
compound with the help of GC‐olfactometry (see § 3.3) and con- published. Pogostol has been mentioned once as one of the major
firmed that it showed a “strong woody and earthy odour with warm contributors to the woody odour of PEO but this seems somewhat
and sweet nuance”. 162
doubtful.361 The "strong ambergris" odour of α‐patchoulone 99,
The one‐century old dispute concerning the odour of patchoulol initially known as a hemi‐synthetic product,253 and later identified at
came finally to an end with the synthesis of both enantiomers of "trace" levels in PEO, and the "strong woody patchouli" odour carried
patchoulol. This enabled to assess their odour unambiguously.355 The by β‐patchoulenone 39 (also as a "trace") have been mentioned.183,252
synthetic, nature‐identical (−)‐(1R,3R,6S,7S,8S)‐patchoulol exhibited a Not less interesting is the – still putative – contribution of
“strong, typical patchouli scent with an earthy, slightly camphoraceous, rotundone 40, an extremely potent compound with a detection
powdery cellar note, which was practically indistinguishable from nat- threshold of 8 ng/L in water, although 20% sensory panellists are
ural patchouli alcohol”. In contrast, the odour profile of the unnatural subject to anosmia.362,363 Actually, the contribution of 40 as a "wood,
(+)‐(1S,3S,6R,7R,8R)‐patchoulol was described to be “much weaker, peppery, agarwood‐like" compound to the odour performance of
less characteristic, nearly indefinable and by no means reminiscent of PEO as a whole,364 has not been assessed yet. Cis‐ and trans‐
patchouli. It might however have a β‐santalol odour with a green pentylcyclopropane carboxylic acids, respectively 61 and 62, are
undertone”. potent odour contributors: when isolated, the cis‐isomer 61, which
A somewhat rudimentary but nonetheless effective GC‐ occurs in the essential oil at ~200 ppm, is claimed to possess a
olfactometric analysis of PEO allowed assigning intensities to approxi- "patchouli‐like, animal, leathery note with good intensity and persis-
mately 15 GC‐eluted constituents. The scores ranged from odourless tence".183,271,279 The contribution of pogostone (syn. dhelwangin) 51
(score 0), via weak (1) and well detectable (2) to intense (3). Patchoulol that occurs – like its minor analogs – in variable concentrations in
was the only one rated 3. Thus the authors confirmed that PEO,271,279 has not been reported so far, and is therefore supposed
patchoulol is the main odour carrier, although they incorrectly to be negligible or nil.
indicated it to be a racemate. It is noteworthy that the odour of the Based on the structural similarity, one could expect the odour of
major sesquiterpene hydrocarbons was described as well detectable the major pyridine isomer 70 in PEO to be reminiscent of the "green,
("gut wahrnehmbar"). Earlier Bruns had already carried out a more earthy and carrot‐like" odour of epiguaipyridine, the major pyridine‐
extensive GC‐olfactometric analysis of PEO with 32 detected peaks sesquiterpene present in Cyperus scariosus essential oil (cypriol).251
and their odour descriptions. However this is not borne out by the earlier odour description of 70
The detection thresholds measured for the three closely as being "weak pyridine‐like".268 More than one century ago,
related tertiary alcohols 33, 34 and 35 are important parameters Schimmel's chemists had detected a "base of stupefying odour".269
to consider when discussing their odour value and relative Patchouli pyridine 69 and guaipyridine 70 are described to possess
contributions:52 "off‐notes of nauseating, rooty‐quinolinic character".52 These pyridines
and other nitrogen‐containing compounds have therefore controversial
(−)‐patchoulol 33: ~0.93 ng/L air odour properties: some think they contribute to the aroma of patchouli
(+)‐norpatchoulenol 34: ~2.8 ng/L air (Joulain, unpublished) while others disagree.183
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Several sources have remarked that fresh PEO does not have claim that removing acidic, phenolic and/or basic fractions, produces a
the best odour and that aged oils smell better.49,55,310,347,352 This warm, herbacious, camphoraceous, woody‐patchouli odour that is
aspect has best been described by Guenther: ‘Freshly distilled oils better than the odour of the original crude oil.252 Lowering the content
have a somewhat “green” and harsh note which, however, changes con- of certain sesquiterpene hydrocarbons carrying "a nasty top note" by
siderably with time. Aging of the oil for a prolonged period will develop fractional distillation with concomitant enrichment of patchoulol and
that full, rich, and almost fruity note for which the best grades of patch- norpatchoulenol is also claimed to provide a rectified oil having "no
ouly are renowned and so highly esteemed by expert perfumers’ as well green or earthy top note, but rather a mild sweet, woody, balsamic
as ‘Aging of the oil is of utmost importance. A patchouly oil several and amber‐like odour".366 In summary, it appears that the typical
years old possesses a much finer and fuller odor than one freshly harsh‐musty character of crude PEO may or may not be appreciated
distilled’. Freshly distilled essential oils often possess an off‐note to the same extent by some perfumers in their creations.
due the presence of highly volatile olfactorily‐undesirable com-
pounds like acetaldehyde, ammonia or hydrogen sulfide.18 These
preferentially evaporate the first days after distillation. However, a
5.2 | Clearwood™, a possible substitute for
continuous quality increase over a number of years is chemically dif-
ficult to envisage and we have never come across any clear explana-
patchouli oil?
tion or chemical and olfactory research to back up this long‐standing The biotech company Amyris in Brazil in a partnership with
observation. If PEO is properly packed (room temperature, dry, no Firmenich produces Clearwood™, which according to a marketing
oxygen, no light, inert container), apart from some redox reactions, sheet is a “soft clean version of Patchouli without the earthy,
dehydrations and subsequent hydrations, very little chemistry should leathery and rubbery notes found in the natural oil”.164 It can be
occur and the smell is therefore not expected to change noticeably. used like patchouli or as a new woody building block at higher
However, there are some hints that the improvement occurs dosages.164 The production is based on research carried out by
primarily when the oil is not properly packed and dried. In that case Firmenich over the past 15 years. Enzymes involved in the synthesis
hydration, oxidation and partial polymerisation will occur and some of patchoulol and other sesquiterpenes were identified in P. cablin.
alteration and actual improvement of the odour might occur. One cDNA was found to encode for a multifunctional patchoulol
Howarth suggested that this is done on purpose: ‘The first rule when synthase, which in combination with farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP)
it comes to odor is that patchouli gets better with age. This is key, produced most of the sesquiterpenes found in PEO in similar yields
because as the odor matures it gets more round and loses some of and ratios.367 Part of the underlying research was patented.368,369
the harsher green notes. One can achieve this through a simple process Through a recombinant DNA approach, the required enzymes are
of aerating to start the oxidation process. Sometimes this “ageing” is brought to expression in a transformed host organism, in this case
done at origin before sampling’. a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).370 The yeast should also be
An example is the formation of rotundone 40 by aerial oxidation of capable of producing the starting material FPP and is grown on a
guiaene 16.256,257 Thus the formation of traces of 40 might alter or medium based on cane sugar. This approach is now being used for
improve the overall aroma of PEO over time. In somewhat oxidised many more valuable plant products.371 A new CAS RN [1450625‐
PEOs, rotundone can occur in relatively high concentrations (~1%; 49‐6] was created for this product “Oils, Patchouli, patchoulol
Figure 7c). A somewhat similar story could hold true for the strong synthase‐modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae‐fermented, from
celery‐like smelling dihydrobovolide 95, which has been cited as a carbohydrates” but rather surprisingly in the marketing sheet the
contributor to the odour of PEO.155 Indeed, lactone 95 has a low CAS RN [84238‐39‐1] is used, which refers to P. cablin extracts
odour threshold of 480 pg/L in air and can be formed through oxida- (see Introduction). However, Clearwood™ is prepared via a GMO
tion processes.365 However we have never been able to detect it in process and is certainly not a P. cablin extract.
any PEO or patchouli extract and the identification remains tentative. Chemically Clearwood™ consists of the regular sesquiterpene
More research is clearly desirable. hydrocarbons found in PEO plus pogostol and patchoulol. It contains
The same holds true for twelve compounds (Table 3B) reported neither the acids, bases and pogostone present in PEO nor the
recently at trace levels in a commercial PEO of Indonesian origin, olfactorally important norpatchoulenol and nortetracyclopatchoulol
using an undefined headspace sampling technique.165 Both (see § 5.1), which probably apart from pogostone, all contribute to
2‐methylisoborneol 79 and geosmin 80 with detection thresholds the “dirty” odour of PEO. In contrast, it contains several oxygenated
(ppt levels) much lower than their actual concentrations are highly sesquiterpenes, including patchoulol ethyl ether, which are not present
potent elements and could contribute to the earthy/ musty odour. in regular PEO (van Beek, unpublished). As a result, the natural status
However one should not rule out the possibility that 79 and 80 are of Clearwood™ would certainly be challenged if one considers CAS
actually artefacts produced by cyanobacterial contamination of the RN [84238‐39‐1]. Clearwood™ has a different “cleaner” odour and
water used for the distillation, since tank storage of rainwater is a the statement that it can be used as a new woody building block or
common practice in PEO‐producing countries. “PEO extender” is probably closer to the truth than that it can be used
In the perfumery industry, differences of opinions are indeed not like patchouli. Indeed, a recent patent claims the use of compounded
scarce when expressing preferences, and patchouli is no exception. On mixtures containing inter alia highly potent trace elements newly found
the one hand, some creative perfumers consider that the complexity in PEO, with the aim of restoring somehow Clearwood™'s lack of
of a crude essential oil is the key to its attractiveness. In contrast, others richness.165
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6 | TOXICOLOGY AND SKIN SENSITISATION levels in genuine PEO (see § 3.3) and the presence of isophorone and
farnesol has not been confirmed to date. The other above cited
The skin contact allergy of essential oils or their constituents is a concern compounds are trace elements in patchouli (<150 ppm) and can be
in fragrance compounding, and PEO is not an exception.309,372,373 Neat detected and quantified accurately only by using a validated specific
or as the main constituent of PEO, patchoulol is a fragrance ingredient GC‐MS method.386 One should not rule out however that the
used in decorative cosmetics, fine fragrances, shampoos, toilet soaps presence of these compounds in PEO is the result of contamination
and other toiletries as well as in non‐cosmetic products such as house- during harvesting, distillation or manufacturing.
hold cleaners and detergents. In neat form, its use annual worldwide The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is the driving force
use is 0.5‐1 metric tonne, whereas the consumption of the essential oil among regulatory authorities in implementing the European Union's
is much bigger at ~1300 tonnes. Belsito et al. have made an assessment groundbreaking chemicals legislation for the benefit of human health
of the general toxicological and dermatological risk of many terpene and the environment as well as for innovation and competitiveness.
alcohols including patchoulol‐containing products.374 Their conclusion Just as for any other chemical entering the EU or used in the EU, ECHA
was that patchoulol has a low order of acute toxicity with dermal and provides information on PEO and addresses toxicological concerns.387
oral NOAELs (no observed adverse effect levels) of 50 mg/kg body
weight/day or greater and is negative in mutagenicity and genotoxicity
tests. At current use levels, patchoulol is non‐irritating and sensitisation
potential is generally low. In a separate note the results specific to Among the sesquiterpene‐rich essential oils in the category "natural
patchoulol were summarised by Bhatia et al.375 In a rat study, PEO orally woody commodities", patchouli is of major importance for the
administered for 90 days at a level in excess of at least 100 times the fragrance industry. Similar to other important raw materials of this type
maximum estimated daily dietary intake in man evoked no adverse such as vetiver and sandalwood oils (and to a lesser extent agarwood),
effect on growth, food consumption, haematology, blood chemistry, sesquiterpenes represent more than 95% of PEO, including at least six
liver and kidney weights or on gross and microscopic appearance of nor‐ and two seco‐sesquiterpenes, but its composition has not yet been
major organs at autopsy.376 investigated in‐depth to the same level. Hence, whereas more than 150
Over time, various groups have investigated PEO in more detail volatile constituents have been identified in vetiver,5 sandalwood,3 and
with respect to the risk of triggering allergic reactions on the skin. agarwood,4 including many minor or even trace elements of high olfac-
Nakayama et al. found 3 “strongly positive” and 8 “weakly positive” tory relevance, the number of such compounds identified so far in PEO
reactions to “Patchouli oil” (unknown test concentration) in patch tests is unfortunately smaller. Considering that the main vectors of the
with 183 patients.377 The number of patients, mostly Japanese earthy‐mouldy note, namely the trio patchoulol 33, norpatchoulenol
women, with pigmented cosmetic dermatitis thought to be caused in 34 and nortetracyclopatchoulol 35, alone cannot account for the rich-
part by PEO, decreased significantly after 1978 when major cosmetic ness and high complexity of PEO odour, there is an on‐going need to
manufacturers began to eliminate strong contacts sensitizers (e.g., identify more high impact odour‐donating components of PEO, includ-
cinnamaldehyde) from their products.378 Clinical data published in ing carbonyl‐containing sesquiterpenes such as rotundone 40.
2002 reported that 0.8% positive reactions to PEO (10% in petrolatum) It is noteworthy that only six important odour contributors have been
in 1606 consecutive patients were observed.379 A more recent study conclusively identified during a 30‐year period (1962‐92) represented by
on patch results with PEO identified 0.6% positive reactions in 2446 ~25% of the references cited in the present review, and no such compo-
consecutively tested patients and 1.4% positive reactions in 828 nents – with exception of rotundone – have been identified during the last
patients tested in the context of a special series.380 For assessing skin 25‐year period representing ~65% of the references! Notwithstanding the
contact allergy of cosmetics, two "fragrances mixes" (14 components very recent findings concerning ultra‐trace constituents,165 this is a para-
in total), the 26 allergens,381 which need to declared in cosmetics, dox, when one considers the availability of efficient GC‐olfactometry
and several essential oils were tested. When PEO was patch‐tested devices to pinpoint key odorants, and improved separation techniques as
in this study (10% concentration in petrolatum), 53 patients out of well as more sensitive and powerful spectroscopic tools for the identifica-
5539 (1%) gave a positive reaction. It is regrettable that, no informa- tion of complex chemical structures. The launching in the late 1980s of low
tion was given in this report about the intensities of the reactions, and cost GC‐MS systems, leading to a proliferation of lower quality publica-
none of these reports gave any information about the quality of the tions in the domain of essential oil analysis, partially accounts for this
tested essential oils (origin, genuineness, age, peroxide value, etc.). regrettable situation. More GC‐MS analyses will by themselves not provide
Some of the above studies have been summarised by the Scientific the structures of the many still unknown PEO constituents, even if occur-
Committee on Consumer Safety of the EU.383 ring at the 1‐2% level.
Among the constituents ever reported in PEO, at least six are Furthermore, what happens in fresh patchouli leaves during the
restricted in fragrance compounding: limonene, linalool, citronellol, "drying‐fermentation" step and subsequent storage prior to steam
farnesol,206 eugenol,271 and isophorone.252 Whereas limonene, linal- distillation in relation to PEO odour is still enigmatic and remains to
ool, citronellol, farnesol and eugenol are suspected skin sensitisers be clarified, despite recent reports.388-390 This holds also true for the
with restricted use levels or purity requirements with regard to ill‐understood increase in olfactory quality of PEO after years of
the level of oxidation, isophorone 91 is officially classified as a CMR storage. Finally, the fate of some genuine leaf constituents – already
(carcinogen, mutagen, reprotoxic) and should not be used at all as a identified or pending identification – during the distillation process also
fragrance ingredient.385 However eugenol 68 occurs only at low ppm needs to be better understood. The present review is therefore a
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389. Yoshitome K, Hasegawa T, Fujihara T, Santoso M, Aziz MA,
oil of patchouli, Pogostemon cablin: A review. Flavour Fragr J.
Yamada H. Study on aroma profile of patchouli depending on
manufacturing process, In Proceedings of 60th TEAC, Abashiri, 2018;33:6–51.

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