PAME 4th-AMSA Implementation Progress Report For The Period 2015-2017

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Arctic Council MA

Status on Implementation


of the AMSA 2009 Report

Recommendations SS

MAY 2017



Arctic Council
Status on Implementation of the
AMSA 2009 Report Recommendations

MAY 2017

Sandra Walser/Hurtigruten
Guide to Acronyms and Abbreviations


AECO Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators LRIT Long Range Identification and Tracking
AIA Aleut International Association MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention
AIS Automatic Identification System of Pollution from Ships
AMAP Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program MEMA Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous Peoples and
(Arctic Council Working Group) Local Communities in Marine Activities
AMATII Arctic Maritime and Aviation Transportation MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee
Infrastructure Initiative
AMSA Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment MOSPA Operational Guidelines that implement the
Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution
AMTP Arctic Marine Tourism Project
Preparedness and Response in the Arctic
AmverNet Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue
MPA Marine protected area
MSC Maritime Safety Committee
AOOGG Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines
NAMMCO North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission
AOR Arctic Ocean Review
NGO Non-governmental organization
ARHC Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission
NOx Nitrogen oxide
ASTD-EG Arctic Shipping Traffic Data Expert Group
BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Council NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
BWMC Ballastwater Management Convention (IMO) (USA)
CAFF Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna NSR Northern Sea Route
(Arctic Council Working Group) PAME Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity (Arctic Council Working Group)
CBMP Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program PM Particulate matter
CMTS Committee on the Marine Transportation System RP3 Recommended Practices for Arctic Oil Spill
DNV Det Norske Veritas
SAO Senior Arctic Official
EBSA Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Area
SAR Search and rescue
EPPR Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response
(Arctic Council Working Group) SARiNOR Search and Rescue in the High North
SAMBR State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report
ERMA Environmental Response Management Application
SBSTTA Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
GHG Greenhouse gas
Technological Advice
GSIS Global Integrated Shipping Information System
SDWG Sustainable Development Working Group
HFO Heavy fuel oil
(Arctic Council Working Group)
IALA International Association of Marine Aids to SOLAS Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (IMO)
Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
ICC Inuit Circumpolar Council SONS Spill of National Significance
SOx Sulfur oxide
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
SRS Ship reporting system
IHO International Hydrographic Organization
STWC International Convention on Standards of Training,
IICWG International Ice Charting Working Group Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
IMO International Maritime Organization TFOPP Task Force on Oil Pollution Prevention
IMSO International Maritime Satellite Organization (Arctic Council Task Force)
IWC International Whaling Commission VOS Voluntary Observing Ship scheme
WGICA Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Central
JCOMM WMO-IOC joint Technical Commission for Arctic Ocean
Oceanography and Marine Meteorology
WMO World Meteorological Organization
Table of Contents
MA 2 Executive Summary


6 Status of Progress on Recommendations

6 THEME I — Enhancing Arctic Marine Safety
6 I(A). Linking with International Organizations
8 I(B). IMO Measures for Arctic Shipping

T 10
I(C). Uniformity of Arctic Shipping Governance
I(D). Strengthening Passenger Ship Safety in Arctic Waters
11 I(E). Arctic Search and Rescue (SAR) Instrument

12 THEME II — Protecting Arctic People and the Environment

12 II(A). Survey of Arctic Indigenous Marine Use
12 II(B). Engagement with Arctic Communities
13 II(C). Areas of Heightened Ecological and Cultural Significance
13 II(D). Specially Designated Arctic Marine Areas
14 II(E). Protection from Invasive Species
15 II(F). Oil Spill Prevention
16 II(G). Addressing Impacts on Marine Mammals
17 II(H). Reducing Air Emissions

18 THEME III — Building the Arctic Marine Infrastructure

18 III(A). Addressing the Infrastructure Deficit
19 III(B). Arctic Marine Traffic System
20 III(C). Circumpolar Environmental Response Capacity
22 III(D). Investing in Hydrographic, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data

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© Russian Federation

Executive Summary

The 2017 Progress Report on Implementation of the 2009 Arctic AMSA recommendations. However, PAME and the other relevant
Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA) Recommendations is the fourth Working Groups of the Arctic Council will continue to work on
effort by the Arctic Council’s Working Group on the Protection of the enhancing Arctic maritime safety and the protection of marine envi-
Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) to document and track progress ronment. And progress on these activities and achievements,
on developments in Arctic marine environment protection, maritime especially with regard to shipping in the Arctic waters, will be con-
safety and collaboration with other international and regional tinuously reported to the Senior Arctic Officials and Ministers.
Organizations, observer states and industry in accordance with the
17 AMSA Recommendations to promote safety and environmental Eight years after the adoption of the AMSA Recommendations the
protection and awareness of current and future Arctic shipping Arctic Council and PAME can list major achievements, some of which
activity. are highlighted below:

In course of the eight years after the adoption of the AMSA report The Polar Code
we have witnessed significant achievements and progress in the One of the main overall achievements in implementing the AMSA
enhancement of maritime safety and the protection of the marine recommendations, especially of this biennium 2015-2017, is the
environment in Arctic waters due to the successful implementation adoption of the mandatory Polar Code by the International Maritime
and significant advances in carrying out many of the AMSA Organization (IMO). The Polar Code, which covers both maritime
recommendations. safety and environmental requirements, entered into force on 1
January 2017 through amendments to MARPOL and SOLAS
As new and forthcoming developments in the Arctic will to some Conventions, and is the first step to ensure robustness of ship opera-
extent overtake the rest of the AMSA Recommendations, this report tions in the Arctic waters.
will be the final one of this kind on the progress on the specific 17
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The enforcement of the Polar Code will also improve passenger Carriage and use of HFO in Arctic waters
ship safety when sailing in the Arctic waters. Passenger ship safety
has been one of the key topics in the work of the PAME WG. The PAME has worked to address the risks associated with the use and
requirements on the crew members will be enforced in July 2018 carriage of HFO by vessels in the Arctic for several years. Two new
through amendments to the International Convention on Standards projects on this topic were conducted in the current period; HFO
of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), Phase IIIA “Heavy fuel Oil Releases from Shipping in the Arctic”
which sets qualification standards for masters, officers and watch and HFO Phase IIIB “Possible Hazards for Engines and Fuel Systems
personnel on seagoing merchant ships. Using Heavy Fuel Oil In Cold Climate”. The Phase IIIA project com-
piled information about shipping incidents involving the release of
It is of great importance to ensure a harmonized implementation HFO into the marine environment above the 55th parallel north.
and enforcement of the Polar Code, where both the IMO and Arctic The Phase IIIB report describes marine fuels, fuel systems
Council have a major role to play. PAME is developing a project for onboard ships, fuel treatment and what possible hazards are involved
member states to report on Polar Code implementation, Port State when operating such HFO fuel and engine systems. PAME will con-
Control regime statistics on ship compliance, and challenges in com- tinue its work and is considering new projects in connection to
plying with the Polar Code. Furthermore PAME has in cooperation mitigating risks associated with the use and carriage of HFO by ves-
with the maritime industry decided to establish an Arctic Shipping sels in the Arctic.
Best Practice Information Forum. The aim of this Forum is to increase
awareness of the Polar Code and to facilitate the exchange of infor- Some of the Arctic Council member states submitted documents
mation and best practices associated with maritime operations in concerning carry and use of HFO in the Arctic waters to the 70th
the Arctic. Session of the IMO’s Marine Environmental Protection Committee
(MEPC70). To ensure that discussions on the carriage and use of HFO
in Arctic waters will be continued in IMO, the Arctic States need to
be active and ask for a new Agenda item for the future discussions.

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Enforcement of the Ballast Water Management Convention The collaboration with other international Organizations,
observer states and industry
As a result of Finland’s ratification of the IMO Ballast Water
Management Convention (BWMC) in September 2016 the Convention PAME works continuously to strengthen its collaboration with
will enter into force on 8 September 2017. As invasive species have international organisations. During the last eight years PAME has
been considered globally to be one of the most severe threats to the met with important international organizations (such as IMO, ICES,
biodiversity of Oceans and Seas, the enforcement of the Convention IALA, IICWG, IWC, NAMMCO) and significant progress has been made
will enhance the protection of the Arctic marine environment. in the cooperation with these important relevant organizations.

Legally binding Agreements among the Arctic States In 2015 a joint IMO-PAME and World Maritime University (WMU)
international conference “ShipArc” on safe and sustainable shipping
Working within the Arctic Council, the Arctic States have shown in a changing arctic environment, was held in Malmø, Sweden.
that they can respond to new challenges by establishing binding Furthermore, as a follow-up IMO`s Secretary General stated his will-
cooperation. This is made particularly clear by the negotiation of ingness to further strengthen the IMOs collaboration with the Arctic
legally binding agreements, such as the Arctic Search and Rescue Council in the coming years.
Agreement and the Arctic Oil Spill Preparedness and Response
Agreement. Two important milestones in the Arctic Councils work At the Arctic Council’s 2013 Ministerial Meeting several impor-
towards sustainable developments in the Arctic. tant shipping countries were granted observer status in the Arctic
Council, (e.g. China, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Japan). Some of
these observer States have actively participate in the PAME meetings
and made substantial contributions to its work and shared knowl-
edge of the region. In 2016 an Arctic workshop was held in the
Republic of Korea with representatives from PAME.
PAME has during the last eight years had increasing engagement
with industry on key topics related to shipping e.g. passenger ship
safety. To further enhance the cooperation with industry PAME has
decided to invite the national ship-owner association of the host
country of the PAME meetings to take part in its deliberations.
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Future developments

These main achievements show clearly the successes that can be

achieved through implementation of the AMSA recommendations in
good international cooperation, and the importance of the Arctic

The Arctic is changing fast. Human activity and international

interest continues to grow, and at the same time the effects of cli-
mate change are becoming increasingly more visible in the Arctic.
The increase in shipping activity in the Arctic still constitutes a risk
to the vulnerable environment and must be met by relevant measures
to reduce the risk of accidents and pollution. Joint commitment and
international cooperation is an imperative for a safe, clean and sus-
tainable development in the region. The Arctic Council’s work on safe
shipping and the protection of the Arctic Ocean is more important
now than ever before.

Looking forward – many challenges remain and new ones are

emerging with regard to ship operations in the Arctic. We will see
continuous increase in the Arctic shipping activities and it is only
through good international cooperation that we can properly address
and find future solutions.

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Status of Progress
on Recommendations

THEME I — Enhancing Arctic Marine Safety

I(A). Linking with International Organizations
“That the Arctic states decide to, on a case by case basis, identify areas of common interest and
develop unified positions and approaches with respect to international organizations such as: the
International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Maritime Satellite Organization
© Karsten Bidstrup

(IMSO) to advance the safety of Arctic marine shipping; and encourage meetings, as appropriate, of
member state national maritime safety organizations to coordinate, harmonize and enhance the
implementation of the Arctic maritime regulatory framework.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation I(A)

PAME, WMU, IMO The ShipArc 2015 Conference on Safe and Sustainable Shipping in a changing Arctic, was held in
Malmø, hosted by WMU and planned and co-sponsored by WMU, IMO and the Arctic Council /PAME

PAME, Russia In 2016 the International Conference “Northern Sea Route - to strategic stability and equal partnership
in the Arctic” was held in Russia, on board of the nuclear-powered icebreaker “50 LET POBEDY”.

PAME, ARHC The Arctic regional Hydrographic Commission (ARHC) presented its report “Update on the Activities
of the ARHC” and attachments to PAME in September 2015. PAME adopted a record of Decision
noting the substantial value of the Arctic Voyage Planning Guides produced.

PAME, IICWG The International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) gave a presentation on their work to PAME in
September 2015. The implementation of the Polar Code and its implication for Ice Services and
maritime industry is a major focus area. The Shipping Expert Group will explore possible areas of

PAME, Norway At PAME´s invitation, representatives from the Norwegian Coastal Agency gave a presentation on
BarentsWatch and Havbase in September 2015.

PAME, Marine, Trade & Energy At PAME´s invitation, a representative from the Marine, Trade & Energy Group, DWF LLP made a
Group, DW LLP presentation in February 2016 on the role of marine insurance in support of the Polar Code.

Continued on the next page

1. Neither this Report nor the information it contains constitutes an assessment by any PAME member government of the consistency with international law, including the Law of the Sea, of domestic laws,
regulations or other measures or resolutions identified or referenced herein.
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I(A). Linking with International Organizations (continued from the previous page)

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation I(A)

PAME and maritime industries As a joint initiative by the maritime industries and PAME an “Arctic Shipping Best Practices Information
Forum” is established . . The aim is to increase awareness of the IMO Polar Code and to facilitate the
exchange of information and best practices associated with operations in the arctic. The terms of
reference was adopted by PAME I 2017.
PAME, the Arctic Economic The Arctic Economic Council gave a presentation in PAME II 2016 on its work with regard to shipping,
Council´s WG on Maritime and it´s Maritime Transportation WG.
PAME, Arctic Coast Guard Forum The Arctic Coast Guard forum gave a presentation on it’s work in PAME II 2016.
Technical Commission for Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Expert Team on
Oceanography and Marine Sea Ice (ETSI) made a presentation at PAME I-2017 on its Arctic-related projects, priorities and
Meteorology (JCOMM) activities..
Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI)
PAME, National Ship owner PAME II 2016 decided that for its future meetings, the national ship owner associations of the Arctic
Associations State hosting the PAME meeting should be invited to make a presentation on Arctic shipping issues.
EPPR, Arctic Coast Guard Forum EPPR and ACGF provide regular updates at each other’s meetings. EPPR is planning to host ACGF
content on the EPPR website to facilitate information sharing.
CAFF As part of its support to the CBD EBSA workshop held in March 2014 in Finland all the data gathered
to inform this workshop (including the AMSAIIC data) have been archived and made accessible on
the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS) so as to facilitate any future work on this issue.
CAFF working with PAME have developed an Arctic Marine Protected Areas 2016 report
CAFF is developing phase 2 of the land cover change index, a framework to harness remote sensing
potential for use in Arctic biodiversity monitoring and assessment activities and to produce a series
of satellite-based remote sensing products focusing on the circumpolar Arctic

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I(B). IMO Measures for Arctic Shipping

“That the Arctic states, in recognition of the unique environmental and navigational conditions in the Arctic, decide to cooperatively support
efforts at the International Maritime Organization to strengthen, harmonize and regularly update international standards for vessels operating
in the Arctic. These efforts include:

• Support the updating and the mandatory application of relevant parts of the Guidelines for Ships Operating in Arctic Ice-covered Waters
(Arctic Guidelines); and,
• Drawing from IMO instruments, in particular the Arctic Guidelines, augment global IMO ship safety and pollution prevention conventions
with specific mandatory requirements or other provisions for ship construction, design, equipment, crewing, training and operations,
aimed at safety and protection.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation I(B)

Member States and IMO IMO finalized its work on a global mandatory code for ships operating in polar waters (Polar Code). The
Code entered into force on the 1th of January 2017.

PAME emphasized the need for timely implementation of the Polar Code.

Norway Norway co-sponsored a proposal to IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on additional performance
and/or test standards to be developed in support of the implementation of the Polar Code to be
considered by IMO ( MSC 97/21/3). The issue has been added to agenda of the relevant sub committees
( SSE and NSCR)
PAME , Norway & USA HFO Phase IIIA (USA) “Heavy fuel Oil Releases from Shipping in the Arctic” and IIIB (Norway) “Possible
Hazards for Engines and Fuel Systems Using Heavy Fuel Oil In Cold Climate” – final project reports were

PAME has worked with the risks associated with the use and carriage of HFO by vessels in the Arctic for
several years. Two projects on this topic were completed in the current reporting period; HFO Phase IIIA
(USA, Russian Federation, Kingdom of Denmark and Norway) “Heavy fuel Oil Releases from Shipping in
the Arctic” and HFO Phase IIIB (Norway) “Possible Hazards for Engines and Fuel Systems Using Heavy Fuel
Oil In Cold Climate”

The scope of the HFO Phase IIIA project was shipping incidents involving the release of HFO into the
marine environment above the 55th parallel north. The areas considered were the Arctic and near-Arctic.
Environmental conditions in the Arctic and near-Arctic are often extreme and similar. The document
describes characteristic of the Arctic environment and biota and other aspects relevant for oil spills.
Appendix A of the final project document, lists shipping incidents identified in publicly available sources
between 1970 and 2014 which involve a release or spill from a vessel of oil and any resulting liability from
such release.

The HFO Phase IIIB report describes marine fuels, fuel systems onboard ships, fuel treatment and what
possible hazards are involved when operating such HFO fuel and engine systems. Furthermore, it
presents results, where available empirical data were analyzed in order to discern why ship engines fail
and whether it could be related to the use of HFO.

Continued on the next page

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I(B). IMO Measures for Arctic Shipping (continued from the previous page)

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation I(B)

PAME and Member States PAME I 2017 decided to include in its 2017-19 Work Plan four projects in connection with mitigating
risks associated with the use and carriage of HFO by vessels in the Arctic
• Collect and report Information for the most recent three-year period on the number, types and
routes of ships in the Arctic that used HFO as fuel (including quality or grade) or transported it as
cargo, including if available the volume of HFO carried as bunker fuel and/or cargo as well as the
destination of HFO transported as cargo;
• In partnership with SDWG, collect, report and/or review information about on-shore use by
indigenous and local communities of HFO as well as the extent to which such communities rely
on ships that burn HFO to deliver supplies and provisions;
• Prepare an information paper summarizing PAME’s work on HFO for submission by Arctic States
to IMO’s Marine Environmental Protection Committee; and
• Commission a study that explores the environmental, economic, technical and practical aspects
of the use by ships in the Arctic of alternative fuels, including LNG.
Canada, USA, Russia Canada & USA (MEPC70/17/11 and Russia (MEPC70/17/9) submitted documents to MEPC70 on the use
and carriage of HFO in Arctic waters. Discussions will be continued both in IMO as well as in PAME.

EPPR EPPR has developed a “Guide to oil spill response in snow and ice conditions in the Arctic”. The guide is
also developed to be a global guide through IMO. The draft guide was approved by IMO PPR3 in
February 2016 and the final approval was made by IMO MEPC70 in October 2016.
PAME, Finland & Russia PAME I 2017 discussed a project proposal regarding how PAME can report on Polar Code
implementation, Port State Control regime statistics on ship compliance, and challenges in observing
the Polar Code. A revised project proposal will be discussed at the PAME II 2017 meeting.

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I(C). Uniformity of Arctic Shipping Governance

“That the Arctic states should explore the possible harmonization of Arctic marine shipping regulatory regimes within their own jurisdiction
and uniform Arctic safety and environmental protection regulatory regimes, consistent with UNCLOS, that could provide a basis for protection
measures in regions of the central Arctic Ocean beyond coastal state jurisdiction for consideration by the IMO.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation I(C)

I(D). Strengthening Passenger Ship Safety in Arctic Waters

“That the Arctic states should support the application of the IMO’s Enhanced Contingency Planning Guidance for Passenger Ships Operating
in Areas Remote from SAR Facilities, given the extreme challenges associated with rescue operations in the remote and cold Arctic region; and
strongly encourage cruise ship operators to develop, implement and share their own best practices for operating in such conditions, including
consideration of measures such as timing voyages so that other ships are within rescue distance in case of emergency.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation I(D)

PAME (Canada, USA and Norway ) PAME continued its discussion on the Arctic Marine Tourism Project (AMTP).
EPPR EPPRs SAR Expert group, established in December 2015, will as part of its mandate take into
consideration the needs of the cooperate with cruise industry organizations when developing
exercises and after action reports.
Norway A Search and rescue exercise for research purposes took place in ice infested waters North of Svalbard
in April 2016. The objective was to identify and explore gaps between the functionality provided by
SOLAS approved safety equipment and the new functionality required by the Polar Code. The exercise
was especially focused on search and rescue operations with regard to passengers. The findings were
presented to IMO MSC 97 in November 2016.
Kingdom of Denmark In 2016 the Kingdom of Denmark implemented national regulations for shipping safety and mandatory
pilotage for passenger vessels carrying more than 250 passengers in Greenland waters.
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I(E). Arctic Search and Rescue (SAR) Instrument

“That the Arctic states decide to support developing and implementing a comprehensive, multi-
national Arctic Search and Rescue (SAR) instrument, including aeronautical and maritime SAR,
among the eight Arctic nations and, if appropriate, with other interested parties in recognition of the
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remoteness and limited resources in the region.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation I(E)

EPPR Pursuant to the Arctic Council Iqaluit 2015 Declaration, EPPR will advise SAOs on relevant SAR incidents
and events and maintain a repository of lessons learned and best practices of Arctic SAR incidents and
events. EPPR facilitates implementation of the SAR agreement by focusing on enhancing cooperation,
highlighting best practices, exchanging information, analyzing results of exercises, and sharing lessons
learned. EPPR will maintain a repository for lessons learned in Arctic SAR exercises and incidents and
best practices of Arctic SAR incidents and events. EPPR recognizes operational SAR tactics vary and
remain the responsibility of member states. In December 2015 an Expert Group on Search and Rescue
(SAR EG) was established to promote and assess implementation of the Arctic Search and Rescue

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THEME II — Protecting Arctic People and the Environment

II(A). Survey of Arctic Indigenous Marine Use
“That the Arctic states should consider conducting surveys on Arctic marine use by indigenous
communities where gaps are identified to collect information for establishing up-to-date baseline
data to assess the impacts from Arctic shipping activities.”
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Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(A)

PAME, AIA PAME received an update on the “Arctic Marine Indigenous Use Mapping: Tools for Communities”
project in September 2016. An agreement of cooperation between AIA and the Korea Maritime
Institute on the project was been signed on 21 November 2015. Additional support for the project has
been received via a grant from the North Pacific Research Board on August 16, 2016. The project is
currently undergoing a testing phase in Sand Point, Alaska.

II(B). Engagement with Arctic Communities

“That the Arctic states decide to determine if effective communication mechanisms exist to ensure engagement of their Arctic coastal com-
munities and, where there are none, to develop their own mechanisms to engage and coordinate with the shipping industry, relevant economic
activities and Arctic communities (in particular during the planning phase of a new marine activity) to increase benefits and help reduce the
impacts from shipping.”and Arctic communities (in particular during the planning phase of a new marine activity) to increase benefits and help
reduce the impacts from shipping.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(B)

PAME, AIA, USA The ongoing Project entitled “Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
in Marine Activities” (MEMA Project),will prepare a narrative report with a compilation of information
on existing mechanisms, processes, recommendations and guidelines for engagement of indigenous
peoples and local communities in marine activates that have been developed in the Arctic.

In June 2015 EPPR has launched the project

EPPR, AIA, USA, Canada, Norway “Prevention, Preparedness and Response in small communities”. The implementation strategy engages
communities in a self-assessment survey of their preparedness, as well as risk and impact. This will
result in an evaluation of preparedness and exposure in small communities. The outcomes from the
project is expected to be: (1) greater awareness of risk and preparedness at a local level, and access to
best practices, (2) the ability for national governments to address misperception or lack of awareness,
and (3) the identification of gaps in preparedness relative to risk. A summary report and interactive
map will be ready for approval for the Fairbanks ministerial meeting in 2017.
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II(C). Areas of Heightened Ecological and Cultural Significance

“That the Arctic states should identify areas of heightened ecological and cultural significance in light of changing climate conditions and
increasing multiple marine use and, where appropriate, should encourage implementation of measures to protect these areas from the impacts
of Arctic marine shipping, in coordination with all stakeholders and consistent with international law.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(C)

CAFF As part of its work on mainstreaming of Arctic biodiversity CAFF is developing a set of biodiversity
principles aimed at helping to incorporate biodiversity objectives and provisions into all Arctic Council
work and encourage the same for on-going and future international standards, agreements, plans,
operations and/or other tools specific to development in the Arctic. This includes, but is not restricted to,
oil and gas development, shipping, fishing, tourism and mining.

II(D). Specially Designated Arctic Marine Areas

“That the Arctic states should, take into account the special characteristics of the Arctic marine
environment, explore the need for internationally designated areas for the purpose of environmental
© Russian Federation

protection in regions of the Arctic Ocean.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(D)

ICES,PAME An ICES/PAME WG on Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Central Arctic Ocean (WGICA) has
been established for the period 2016-18, to consider vulnerability of the ecosystem of the Central
Arctic Ocean in relation to climate change, Arctic shipping, and other impacts induced by natural and
anthropogenic change.

CAFF CAFF co-Chaired a first workshop in this process and participation in an assessment being considered
for CAFFs 2017-19 work plan.
CAFF is releasing the State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report (SAMBR). The SAMBR summarizes
the status and trends in key biotic elements of the Arctic marine environment and provides advice on
how to better improve marine biodiversity monitoring across the Arctic. The results are based on
efforts to find, gather, integrate and interpret all available existing Arctic marine biodiversity monitoring
datasets to improve the detection and understanding of changes in circumpolar marine biodiversity.
The CBMP reporting mechanisms are designed to reduce the time between detection of a change on
the ground and an effective policy response.
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II(E). Protection from Invasive Species

“That the Arctic states should consider ratification of the IMO International Convention for the
Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments, as soon as practical. Arctic states
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should also assess the risk of introducing invasive species through ballast water and other means so
that adequate prevention measures can be implemented in waters under their jurisdiction.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(E)

Finland Ratified the BWMC (2004) on 8 September 2016, which lead to the entry into force of the Convention
on 8 September 2017.

Russia A ballast water exchange requirement has put into force in all Russian ports accordingly to the
regulation of the BWMC.

USA (NOAA) NOAA prepared a white paper on Arctic Economic Pressures and Invasive Species Concerns for the
CAFF Invasive Species Working Group meeting in Akureyri, Iceland, March 2016.

PAME, CAFF CAFF has together with PAME developped a strategy to prevent the introduction of alien and aquatic
invasive species into Arctic ecosystems (Invasive Species Project). The Arctic Invasive Species Strategy
and Action plan (ARIAS) identifies actions that the Arctic Council and its partners need to take to
protect the Arctic from one of its most significant threats: the adverse impacts of invasive alien species.
These are priority actions directed towards all Arctic ecosystems, taking environmental, cultural and
economic drivers, impacts and response measures into consideration. CAFF worked closely with PAME
on the marine components of the strategy.

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II(F). Oil Spill Prevention

“That the Arctic states decide to enhance the mutual cooperation in the field of oil spill preven-
tion and, in collaboration with industry, support research and technology transfer to prevent release
of oil into Arctic waters, since prevention of oil spills is the highest priority in the Arctic for environ-
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mental protection.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(F)

EPPR, PAME EPPR coordinates the the follow up of the implementation of the Framework Plan developed by the
Task Force on Oil Pollution Prevention (TFOPP) . A report, with matrix as an annex, has been developed
in cooperation with PAME, to identify follow-up activities that support objectives in the Framework
Plan. The report/matrix was forwarded to the 2017 ministerial meeting.

The report “Overview of measures specifically designed to prevent oil pollution in the Arctic marine
environment from offshore petroleum activities” provides a comprehensive overview of measures
based on contributions from the industry and R&D institutions through a baseline survey and a review
of open source information. The report demonstrates that extensive research and development
initiatives have been ongoing for several decades related to enhancing the safety of offshore petroleum
activities in the Arctic and cold climate regions. The report, although being a documentation of facts,
presents observations, recommendations and suggestions for further work.

EPPR has prepared a report on Standardization as a Tool for Prevention of Oil Spills in the Arctic for
approval by the Ministerial meeting in 2017. The objective of the work is to describe how engineering
and technical standards are developed, maintained, and utilized in the prevention of oil spills from
offshore petroleum and maritime activities. During report development, international trade
organizations were provided an opportunity to provide comments. EPPR also conducted a joint
workshop with the International Oil and Gas Producers to discuss existing standards and risk

A primary responsibility of the EPPR Working Group is to contribute to the advancement of emergency
prevention, preparedness and response capabilities and protocols within the Arctic marine
environment. EPPR accomplishes many of its objectives through the implementation of the Agreement
on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (MOSPA Agreement)
and associated Operational Guidelines that delineate the practical aspects of executing the MOSPA
Agreement. The objective of the MOSPA Agreement is to strengthen cooperation, coordination and
mutual assistance among the Parties on oil pollution preparedness and response in the Arctic in order
to protect the marine environment from pollution by oil. In order to accomplish these EPPR initiatives
specific to the MOSPA Agreement, as well as future initiatives as determined by consensus of the EPPR
membership, the EPPR adopted the creation of the Marine Environmental Response Experts Group.
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II(G). Addressing Impacts on Marine Mammals

“That the Arctic states decide to engage with relevant international organizations to further assess the effects on marine mammals due to
ship noise, disturbance and strikes in Arctic waters; and consider, where needed, to work with the IMO in developing and implementing mitiga-
tion strategies.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(G)

PAME, IWC At PAME´s invitation, representative from the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling
Commission (IWC) made a presentation on IWC´s Arctic relevant programs and activities and indicated its
support for ongoing communication and further collaboration among IWC, PAME and NAMMCO.

CAFF As part of CAFF’s Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP), a Marine Mammal Expert Group
was established in 2008 under the Marine Steering Committee.

USA Noise generated by anthropogenic activities (such as commercial shipping and oil & gas seismic
exploration) is recognized as a potential threat to marine mammals, which are protected in the USA by the
Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. Current scientific data suggest that
increased background noise levels can have negative impacts on the acoustic habitat of many species
(including marine mammals) by interfering with the detection and interpretation of critical acoustic cues,
such as those used for communication, detection of prey and predators, or navigation. To support the
analyses of these effects at ecologically-relevant scales and to increase our understanding of the changing
ocean acoustic environment, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in
2015/16 established a system of 11 Ocean Noise Reference Stations, including one in Arctic waters, to
monitor and characterize long-term trends and changes in the ambient sound field.
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II(H). Reducing Air Emissions

“That the Arctic states decide to support the development of improved practices and innovative
technologies for ships in port and at sea to help reduce current and future emissions of greenhouse
gases (GHGs), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (SOx) and Particulate Matter (PM), taking into
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account the relevant IMO regulations.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation II(H)

PAME, Norway Norway regularly submits updates on IMO´s work with respect to black carbon to the Shipping Expert

Finland Finland submitted two documents to PAME I 2017 and IMO PPR4 (PPR4/9/2 ; PPR4/9/3) meetings
“Experiences on MAAP measurements” (MAAP = Multiangle Absorption Photometry measuring
method) and “Preliminary results from the BC measurements” and an information paper (PPR4 INF.7)
“Black Carbon emission measurements using different marine fuels”.

Kingdom of Denmark Following introduction of strict limits on sulphur emissions from ships in 2015 in the North Sea and
Baltic Sea, the Kingdom of Denmark has tested different types of remote sensing technology to detect
non-compliance. The experience gained and the procedures developed will likely be useful for
enforcement of future emissions-reducing legislation in the Arctic.

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THEME III — Building the Arctic Marine Infrastructure

III(A). Addressing the Infrastructure Deficit
“That the Arctic states should recognize that improvements in Arctic marine infrastructure are
needed to enhance safety and environmental protection in support of sustainable development.
© Russian Federation

Examples of infrastructure where critical improvements are needed include: ice navigation training;
navigational charts; communications systems; port services, including reception facilities for ship-
generated waste; accurate and timely ice information (ice centers); places of refuge; and icebreakers
to assist in response.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation III(A)

PAME, Member States In 2015 PAME encouraged Member States to strengthen and expand terrestrial AIS networks where
appropriate and feasible in order to support safety of navigation, risk reduction, search and rescue and
incident response.

PAME, USA, Russian Federation PAME completed the Regional Reception Facilities Plan (RRFP) and submitted the final draft document
(Co-Chairs), with Finland, to PAMEII-2016 for consideration by PAME representatives, permanent members, and observers. The
Norway, Sweden, Kingdom of completed Arctic RRFP project, with consensus from all AC country delegations, is now ready for
Denmark (GL), Iceland, Canada consideration by SAO’s (spring 2017 Ministerial) with the recommendation for submittal of the Arctic
RRFP to the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) with co-sponsorship and/or
support of each AC country delegation to MEPC for consideration by the committee. The Arctic RRFP
provides a viable alternative framework for ensuring MARPOL/POLAR CODE compliance for arctic
shipping and enhanced pollution prevention from ship’s waste.

PAME, Canada, USA, Norway, National ice centers collaborate via International Ice Charting Working Group on data standards, ice
Sweden, Finland, Russia, products and services, exchange of expertise, input to regulators, input to new satellite missions
Kingdom of Denmark focused Arctic shipping safety.
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III(B). Arctic Marine Traffic System

“That the Arctic states should support continued development of a comprehensive Arctic marine
traffic awareness system to improve monitoring and tracking of marine activity, to enhance data
© Russian Federation

sharing in near real-time, and to augment vessel management service in order to reduce the risk of
incidents, facilitate response and provide awareness of potential user conflict. The Arctic states
should encourage shipping companies to cooperate in the improvement and development of national
monitoring systems.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation III(B)

PAME, USA PAME established the Arctic Shipping Traffic Data Expert Group (ASTD-EG), consisting of experts from
Member States and the PAME Secretariat, in order to develop a draft design document. A data sharing
document and a cost-sharing agreement is to be presented and tentatively adopted by PAME I 2017.

PAME, Norway PAME received an update from Norway in 2015 and 2016 regarding the status of current ship traffic in
the high seas areas of the Central Arctic Ocean and invited Norway to continue to provide an update
on the ship traffic in the High seas areas of the Arctic.

Norway Norway operates two polar orbiting satellites capable of detecting AIS-equipped vessels in the Arctic.
It is aimed to maintain two satellites in operation at all times. Norway has during 2016-17 worked on
constructing replacement satellites, which are planned to be launched during the next years as current
satellites are expected eventually to fail. Furthermore Norway has in this period started initial planning
of a chain of environmentally friendly shore based AIS-receivers to enable real time traffic monitoring
of AIS equipped vessels along the coast of the Svalbard archipelago. Implementation of the shore
based receivers is contingent on availability of financing.

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III(C). Circumpolar Environmental Response Capacity

“That the Arctic states decide to continue to develop circumpolar environmental pollution response capabilities that are critical to protecting
the unique Arctic ecosystem. This can be accomplished, for example, through circumpolar cooperation and agreement(s), as well as regional
bilateral capacity agreements.”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation III(C)

EPPR, Member States EPPR is assigned the responsibility for maintaining the Operational Guidelines that implement the
Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (MOSPA)
to which all Arctic Council countries are signatories. Under the leadership of the U.S., a second table
top exercise took place in May-June 2016. One of the lessons learned in the exercise After Action
Report was the development of the MER Experts Group in order to focus on the implementation of the
MOSPA Agreement and Operational Guidelines. The MER Experts Groups will focus specifically on:
• Implementing lessons learned noted in each MOSPA Agreement Exercise After-Action Report
• Ensuring corrective actions and recommendations are reflected as updates to the MOSPA
Agreement and Operational Guidelines submitted to SAOs and Ministerial level for approval.
• Making recommendations for training focus areas and training opportunities.
• Participating in various (current and future) activities and projects specific to EPPR’s MER roles
and responsibilities.
The EPPR project Development of a Database of Arctic Response Assets created a stand-alone,
searchable database of major response assets in the Arctic. The database and user manual will be an
EPPR deliverable for the 2017 Ministerial meeting.
The project Conditions on Oil Spill Circumpolar Response Viability Analysis will estimate when different
types of oil spill response systems can be effectively deployed in different areas of the Arctic based on
historical met-ocean conditions. The goal of this effort is to provide more science-based decision-
making in Arctic oil spill response contingency planning. An additional benefit of this study will be to
identify components or methods used in response countermeasures that could be enhanced through
additional research and development. The report will be submitted as an EPPR deliverable for the 2017
Ministerial meeting.

Norway Norway developed and presented a risk assessment and an emergency response analysis for Svalbard
and Jan Mayen to EPPR. Recommendations from these studies will be used to improve the
Environmental response capacity in these areas.

Norway Norway held a large, full scale oil spill response exercise was held in the Svalbard area in the fall 2016.

Norway, Russia Norway and Russia hold annual oil spill response exercises are held in the Barents Sea in relation to a
bilateral agreement between Norway and Russia. Furthermore, two table top exercises, focusing on oil
drift from a Norwegian offshore petroleum installation into Russian territorial waters, were conducted.

Russia Modern multipurpose salvage vessels have been built and delivered for enhancement of oil spill
preparedness and response in the Arctic region. For example, one multipurpose salvage vessel with
ice class with a total capacity 4 MW and two similar vessels with total capacity 7 MW are a combination
of icebreaker and the vessel for oil spill combating.
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III(D). Investing in Hydrographic, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data

“That the Arctic states should significantly improve, where appropriate, the level of and access
to data and information in support of safe navigation and voyage planning in Arctic waters. This
would entail increased efforts for: hydrographic surveys to bring Arctic navigation charts up to a level
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acceptable to support current and future safe navigation; and systems to support real-time acquisi-
tion, analysis and transfer”

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation III(D)

PAME, USA The USA completed an informal review of the United Nations Environment Program 1st World Ocean
Assessment, giving particular consideration to those chapters relating to shipping in the Arctic and
current and proposed PAME work on shipping-related issues. A summary report was provided to the
PAME Shipping Expert Group at PAME II 2016 in Portland. The 1st WOA is a baseline document assessing
the state of all the world’s oceans. The several references to Arctic Ocean issues, include impacts of
climate change on ice conditions in the Arctic and on changing Arctic marine habitat and effects on
marine animals and mammals especially on species diversity. The 1st WOA provides an excellent source
for reference materials on scientific literature (on Oceans in general and in those chapters devoted to
Arctic/Polar issues) for PAME and other AC WG project leads. The complete document is available from

Russia In order to improve hydrographic surveys and works, the direction of software-and- technical re-
equipment of hydrographic units and vessels is consistently implemented with application of modern
efficient and intense technical means and methods for bottom relief survey. Stationary surveying
complexes based on modern multi-beam echo sounders of Company KONGSBERG EM3002D,
EM2040D and EM710RD and mobile surveying complex based on multi-beam echo sounder of
Company TeletdainResonSeaBatT20-P with opportunities for various applications from charting to
search and research of underwater objects were installed in surveying vessels. Operating experience
of these echo sounders during period 2010 - 2016 in the ice conditions of the Arctic has shown their
high efficiency of data collection and processing for marine cartography.

In 2015, the removal of radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) used for energy supply of aids
to navigation was completed from the coasts of the Arctic Seas surrounding of the Russian Federation.
Total numbers of evacuated RTGs were 396. Investment in this project was carried out from the federal
budget of the Russian Federation, and at the expense of international technical assistance in the
frames of the program to reduce global radiative threats.
Currently Federal State Unitary Hydrographic Department implements measures on equipping aids to
navigation with non-polluting sources of energy supply based on renewable energy sources
(photovoltaic panels, wind power plants).

In 2015, 30 AIPs were put in operation.

During the period 2011-2015, 238 AIPs were put into operation . In 2016, transportation and installation
of 25 units is provided.

Continued on the next page

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III(D). Investing in Hydrographic, Meteorological and Oceanographic Data (continued from the previous page)

Lead State and Partners Status of Recommendation III(D)

Russia According to the Rules of Navigation in the Water Area of NSR, approved by the order of the Minister
of Transport of the Russian Federation from 1/17/2013 No. 7, the NSR Administration daily posts on
the official website the analysis of a hydrometeorological situation and the hydrometeorological
forecast, advance time till 72 o’clock on the water area of NSR, and also: coastal warning East, coastal
warning West, types of ice conditions (“easy”, “average”, “heavy”), charts of an ice condition of Arctic
Ocean and the seas of Kara, Laptev, East-Siberian, Chukchi, weather charts of the northern polar
region, daily hydrometeorological information of METAPEA XX and METAPEA XXI, the weekly
hydrometeorological bulletin AARI, long-term ice forecasts for the first and second half of the Arctic
navigation in the water area of NSR (July-October). This information on a hydrometeorological situation
is available to users of the website round the clock and can be used by Masters for planning of voyages
to the water areas of NSR.

Kingdom of Denmark ArcticWeb is a web application for voyage planning providing easy access to relevant data, services
and tools e.g. ice and weather information, ship positions, navigational warning, a reporting tool and
a search and rescue tool. ArcticWeb is targeted at mariners and focused on usability and minimized
data volumes.
ArcticWeb is an initiative started by the Danish Maritime Authority and has been operational for the
waters around Greenland since 1st January 2014. Today over 100 vessel users, 25 ice pilots and 100
shore users, e.g. Authorities, Rescue Centers, Vessel Operators and Meteorological Institutes, are
registered and actively use ArcticWeb to plan and execute voyages. In 2016, 75-80% of cruise vessels
navigating the waters around Greenland made use of ArcticWeb

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