Normative Data
Normative Data
Normative Data
Normative data is data from a reference population that establishes a baseline distribution for a score or
measurement, and this data can be compared against. However, there are a few things we must consider.
If using “norms” or “rating tables” to interpret your test results, you must consider whether the tests were carried out
using the same protocol – many tests have a number of variations but are still given the same name.
It is also important to consider what population group the normative data was derived from. For example, the age
group or ability level – many studies have been carried out with college/university students/athletes.
Published norms are generally based on the range of scores around the mean. However, this doesn’t necessarily
mean the above average score is good. For example, the test group may have achieved poor results across the
board and therefore, an above average score is still fairly poor.
L = Level
S = Shuttle.
L = Level
S = Shuttle.
An estimation of your V02 max can be calculated from your Cooper test score:
An estimation of your V02 max can be calculated from your Cooper test score: