Sanakan21 Part1
Sanakan21 Part1
Sanakan21 Part1
The first comprehensive attempt to
reverse-engineer the mammalian brain
in order to understand brain function.
It id predicted that Hyperloop can take
you from Bhubaneswar to Delhi in 2
hours flat.
Do we really need this?
On behalf of the CSE department l extend a warm welcome to all the stakeholders to
be a part of the CSE Department. Our university has the distinction of being known
as one of the pioneers in the field of CSE and IT education and has been accredited
with a Grade 'A' by NAAC. Our aim is to become a leader in providing high-quality
education and research in the area of Computer Science, Information Technology,
and allied areas. We strive hard to develop human resource with sound theoretical
and practical knowledge in the discipline of Computer Science & Engineering and to
work in groups for Research, Projects, and Co-Curricular activities involving modern
methods, tools and technology and to collaborate and interact with professionals
from industry, academia, professional societies, community groups for enhancement
of quality of education. We seek to be renowned for our distinctive curriculum
emphasizing work- integrated learning, learning-based work, problem solving and
cross-cultural skills. As a Head of the Department, I take the leadership to maintain
academic standards focusing on Outcome Based Education (OBE) by innovative
pedagogy, Industry-Academic interaction and doing live projects etc. With our
distinct student cantered teaching-learning methodology, our students will be able to
face challenges of life with our holistic approach in teaching and learning
encouraging students to indulge in extra-curricular activities to shape them as
leaders of tomorrow. All these efforts are followed ambitiously to develop the overall
personality of the students so as to equip themselves with modern and sensitive
outlook to face the challenges of the competitive world. Our experienced faculty are
the strong pillars of the department whose focus is to empower a diverse community
of students to nurture their capabilities, transform their lives and find success through
high-quality teaching and learning. They also encourage engagement with industry
and community to make the world a better place through the creation, sharing, and
use of new knowledge. I thank all the members for their unconditional support in
preparing directly or indirectly for this magazine.
Mamatarani Das
Soumya Sahoo
Every struggle in your life has shaped you into a person you are
today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you
It's okay to fail. Take risks and make mistakes. This classroom is for
practice, not performance. Learning is practice.
Sampa Sahoo
"The duties of a teacher are neither few nor small, but they elevate
the mind and give energy to the character."
Anjana Mishra
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and
to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of
true education."
Image Courtesy
Smaranika Pradhan
1st Year CSE
" One child one teacher one book One pen can change the world "
These golden words by Malala Yousafzai the Youngest Nobel Prize
Laureate ignite my heart every time I read them and follow the tradition it
was my heart with pride and pleasure and will launch the 2021 edition of
"Sankalan" magazine. Through all these years this magazine has provided
a platform for every student to showcase their artistic and literary along
with their phone out-of-the-box technical to read and cherish the
brilliance wrapped around them. I am to make a difference in the world
and inspire readers.
In this edition of "Sankalan" along with technical articles creative writing
paintings and beautiful moments captured in our department for the year
we have added a section that will showcase their extraordinary
photography skills of our beautiful Wayne campus. This magazine is not of
continuous support and encouragement we receive from all the members
of society of computer science and engineering department registration
and all the students. Then it is the day when the magazine is finally
coming out has been a very memorable one and the shared talent of all
our states is a remarkable we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone
who said they beautiful pieces for the magazine.
We would also like to extend our warm regards to everyone who was
involved in this magazine directly and indirectly making and process very
Engineering knowledge: Apply the 8.Ethics: Apply ethical principles and
knowledge of mathematics, science, commit to professional ethics and
engineering fundamentals, and an responsibilities and norms of the
engineering specialization to the solution of engineering practice.
complex engineering problems.
9.Individual and team work: Function
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, effectively as an individual, and as a
review research literature, and analyse member or leader in diverse teams, and in
complex engineering problems reaching multidisciplinary settings.
substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, 10.Communication: Communicate
and engineering sciences. effectively on complex engineering activities
with the
3. Design/development of solutions: engineering community and with society at
Design solutions for complex engineering large, such as, being able to comprehend
problems and design system components or and write effective reports and design
processes that meet the specified needs documentation,
with appropriate consideration for the make effective presentations, and give and
public health and safety, and the cultural, receive clear instructions.
societal, and environmental considerations.
11.Project management and finance:
4. Conduct investigations of complex Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
problems: Use research-based knowledge of the engineering and management
and research methods including design of principles and apply these to one's own
experiments, analysis and interpretation of work, as a member and leader in a team, to
data, and synthesis of the information to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
provide valid conclusions. environments.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and 12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need
apply appropriate techniques, resources, for, and have the preparation and ability to
and modern engineering and IT tools engage in independent and life-long learning
including prediction and modelling to in the broadest context of technological
complex engineering activities with an change.
understanding of the limitations.
To become a leader in providing high quality
education and research in the area of
Computer Science, Information Technology,
and allied areas.
To develop human resource with sound
theoretical and practical knowledge in the
discipline of Computer Science &
To work in groups for Research, Projects,
and Co-Curricular activities involving
modern methods, tools and technology.
To collaborate and interact with
professionals from
industry, academia, professional societies,
community groups
for enhancement of quality of education.
PEO1: To provide the fundamental
knowledge in mathematics, science and
engineering concepts for the
development of engineering system
(Fundamental Knowledge).
PEO2: To apply current industry
accepted computing practices and
emerging technologies to analyze,
design, implement, test and verify high
quality computing systems and
computer-based solutions to real world
problems (Design and development).
PEO3: To enable the use of appropriate
skill sets and its applications towards
social impacts of computing
technologies in the career related
activities (Skill Set) and to produce
Efficient team leaders, effective
communicators and capable of working
in multi-disciplinary environment
following ethical values.
PEO4: To practice professionally and
ethically in various positions of industry
or government and/or succeed in
graduate (Professionalism) and to make
substantial contributions to the society
(Societal Contribution).
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering BATCH 2018-22
Society of
presented by
Computer Science
and Engineering
23 ART &
25 ART &
In this changing world order, technology is the key aspect for
one nation to conquer. We have observed of yore centuries
were those nations dominated the world order those who
bring in the new era of changes to society which brought
them to the apex which earned them the titles of world
superpower. The subcontinent was once the foremost
torchbearer as they developed the structure of society such
as Indus’s valley civilizations, then the torch went to the
Eastern Asia as they brought in trade model in the form of
the robust silk route. As the centuries unfolded with the great
Renaissance Europe took the torch and unfolded science to
the world. After the world witnessed two world wars the USA
took the torch by developing modern warfare, bringing in a
nuclear arsenal. So, what stands next? How will the world
order be shifted again? What will be the feather on the cap
for the next nation to hold the torch? For formulating the
answers to these questions, we need to observe the
progress made by the nations.
"India is showing exponential Evidence suggests that countries like Russia, China, North
growth in bringing in new Korea operates contingent of coders who operates cyber-
technology in the defense sector, attacks on the confidential databases of other nation and
from the development of next-gen organizations. They are also entitled to the work of
developing next-gen AI-based security software plus which
fighter jets such as AMCA, to
can be integrated into weapons of mass destruction. It is
constantly updating its missiles
reported that the new generation defense machine is being
arsenal with out-of-the-box design automated, from jets like Japanese i3, F/A-XX American
and specifications such as concept to European's Future Combat Air System (FCAS)
Brahmos, HSTDV & Agni series." which will be equipped with swamp drones, AI pilot with
capability having high-intensity laser; to ground-based
missiles systems which can counter any aerial threats.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and
presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world
of work. The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating:
tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while the number
of undernourished people.It has undoubtedly lead us to experience mental health
Today’s youth are our tomorrow ‘s future , but due to ominous situation created by
covid 19 , the youth is really shaken from all the pressure may be studies , family and
peer.The pandemic has disturbed the students daily routine . It has shifted their
attention towards unnecessary stuffs like social media , drinking activities ,smoking
, selfdoubt.
The speedy shifting of examinations has lead to the creation of selfdoubt within
them and made them impotent. Every year there are lakhs of students attending
entrance examinations which also include droppers.
This examinations pressure was really tough for them to handle along with the losses
of their families. According to the reports nearly 34 students died by suicide each
Loss of condolosesnce and comolete loss of touch from outside world has lead the
teenage people more anxious and resulted to feel anxiety.
Due to tremendous increase in the death rate by covid, all work places were shut
down , which has lead to a great loss for employment.
Common man in current situation is facing problems regarding its financial
The farmers suffered a huge loss , as they were not able to sell their products due to
Lockdown .
The migrant workers specially had to come across many difficulties to return to their
own places. Due to sudden implication of lockdown there were negligible travelling
facilities. For example, a 13 year old girl travelled 1200km from Gurgan to
Darbhanga and brought her father in bicycle.
Even in such apathetic conditions the reel life villianSonuSood turned into real life
hero . He along with his own team helped many workers to reach their places safely .
His organisation was a saviourfor many homeless people.
There’s always a beam of light even in the darkness.
Covid 19 has taught us to tackle to live with unpredictable situations. The pollution
rate has gone down to some extent especially during pandemic.
The death rate of street animals has decreased during this time.
So in general even in this pathetic condition we have learned to live our life with new
perception that nothing last forever.
evolving, keep With the startups like, Flipkart, Zomato, Myntra etc. Climbing the ladders
of success, we all want to work with the most innovative minds or rather have a startup
thinking, keep of our own. Maybe working in an MNC and end up being the key or the best performer.
Well there is always the flip side to it where you end up with just another job and start
pushing cribbing everything around you just due to frustration, lack of opportunity to prove
yourself, internal politics etc..etc..
on top of it.”
Everyone aspires for something different. Be it a specific job title, a big dream to chase, a
particular spouse. Nothing is wrong about it, especially considering needs of any single
person who does not remain static over their lifetime, but evolve to match their
STRIVE circumstances at one time. Obvious, isn’t it? Yet some of our strives seem well, unnatural
at best.
f you imagine a tree, its history, the legend behind it, what do you see? It starts with a
single stalk, then first leaf, then trunk manifests itself, then you get branches with more
and more leaves and even more branches. Environmental reality can and will affect the
process. Winds will blow shaping the tree with an awkwardly aerodynamic shape,
THE BEST allowing it to grow more easily. Every now and then a flower will sweep the area-
hopefully the tree will be big enough to sustain it. Mistletoe will prey on it, as will several
insects, birds and other beings. What will the tree do about it?
ANKITA JAISWAL And we do have plenty of excuses, most of them easily distinguishable by the word
‘anyway’. No excuse is good enough to settle for the next best thing.
HAVE A CLEAR IDEA OF Oh, sure, you will several times be honest. Infact, it doesn't really matter. You fail, you
WHAT YOU WANT. draw conclusions, you evolve, you keep calm and carry on..That’s it!! This is how the
greatest inventions are mad. This is how people become genuinely happy in their life.
Keep on growing. I’ve never heard of a
tree or any other living organism to
What does it take to get there? It's actually easier than you think. If were to be all
voluntarily stop growing. To decide its
managerial and play with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic,
‘big enough’. To settle for whatever the
reality gives them. Timeboxed) goals, you could either magnify the goal tenfold or decrease the timebox
ten times.
BECOME BETTER.. Thinking of a dream job, far beyond your seemingly achievable postings? Just file your
resume. Worst case scenario, nothing will happen. Odds are, you’ll receive some
Only one species is the exception to feedback like-” you don’t have enough experience in the areas of A, B,C”.
this rule. Some call it homosapiens,
other mentions the mankind, yet others Fantastic, now you know what to do to get there. I got to work with industry-best this
are honest enough to simply look in the way. Attempt, Rejection, Feedback, Conclusion, Improvement, another attempt leads
mirror. Yes, we’re this very special to success. That’s how it works. They say persistence is the key to success-and it might
species. We voluntarily give up our actually be.
chances to achieve something more, to
become someone better, to positively
It is not only about career. See that fancy Lamborghini parked there. Is it something
and actively affect our reality
you’d really like, yet can’t afford?Well, how do you know you can’t? See that someone
over there, the popular one, which you’d dream would live with you “happily ever
after”? Why wouldn’t you just come over and try? Sure, you can get rejected-but then
you know what might not work on this kind of person. Lesson learnt.
It is unnatural for any being to limit itself voluntarily. This is not ho we change
ourselves, how we change our reality, how we change the world. Whatever you do,
aspire for the best. If you fail, learn from it, modify your approach, then do it again.
A small mantra of success by APJ ABDUL KALAM which you ought to recite daily: “I
will have great aim; I will continuously acquire knowledge; I will do hard work; and I
will persevere and succeed”
Self-sufficiency in India
does not imply turning
inwards or becoming an
insular nation, but rather
embracing the world by
getting stronger. The call
for a self-sufficient India
does not imply closing
doors to globalisation, but
rather that India should
thrive alongside the rest of
the world, as a self-
sufficient India will have
more to give the rest of the
world. As a result, we
should all strive together
to build a self-sufficient,
resilient, and dynamic
India that honours our rich
India has been independent for 75 The first five-year plan was launched
years. India's GDP is currently in 1951, just a few years after India's
valued at 2.78 trillion dollars and is independence. It concentrated on
expected to reach the 5 trillion agriculture and irrigation to increase
dollar milestone by the 2030s. All of farm productivity since India's foreign
this is made even more amazing by reserves were being depleted by food
the rock bottom we had reached as grain imports. The plan was a success,
a result of Britain's with the economy increasing at an
deindustrialization of our study. In annualised pace of 3.6 percent, above
1947, just about a sixth of India's the aim of 2.1 percent, but it was the
A BRIEF HISTORY OF population was literate. According Mahalanobis plan, the second five-
OUR ACHEIVEMENTS to Cambridge history and the study year plan, that established the
of Angus Maddison, India's share of groundwork for economic
SINCE 1947
global GDP fell from 22.6 percent in modernization to better serve India's
1700 - nearly equivalent to Europe's long-term growth imperatives.
Samar Chandra 23.3 percent - to 3.8 percent in 1952. Prashant Chandra Mahalanobis was
3rd Year, CSE possibly the single most influential
figure in shaping India's development
"The brightest jewel in the British strategy. He was the chief advisor to
crown," as former Prime Minister the commission that formed the
Doctor Manmohan Singh called it, Indian Statistical Institute in 1955, and
was the poorest country in the is widely regarded as India's father of
world in terms of per capita GDP at modern statistics. The Mahalanobis
the turn of the twentieth century. plan was based on the Swadeshi (or
self-reliance) mentality.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister, defined power and steel as the foundations for
planning. The 680-foot Bhakra multi-purpose project on the Sutlej River in Himachal Pradesh, he said, is
the new temple of a resurgent India. Several hydel projects were developed in India to power houses,
factories, and irrigate crops, including the massive Bhakra-Nangal dams. The second plan established a
goal of 6 million metric tonnes of steel production. Germany was given the contract to build a steel plant
at Rourkela, while Russia and the United Kingdom were given the contracts to build steel plants in Bhilai
and Durgapur, respectively. Other "modern temples" were the Indian Institutes of Technology and the
Atomic Energy Commission.
On June 9, 1964, Lal Bahadur Shastri, a minister without responsibility in Nehru's government, took over
as Prime Minister. India's economic fragility had been revealed as a result of the war with China. He was
convinced that India needs to shift away from centralised planning and price controls due to chronic
food shortages and price increases. He refocused on agriculture, accepted a larger role for private
enterprise and foreign investment, and reduced the influence of the former Planning Commission.
The fact that India was on the verge of a major famine in the 1960s prompted Shastri to focus on food
security. Food aid imports from the United States, on which India was depended, were beginning to
wreak havoc on the country's foreign policy autonomy. That's when geneticist M.S. Swaminathan,
together with Norman Borlaug and other scientists, stepped in with high-yield wheat variety seeds,
kickstarting the Green Revolution. Swaminathan is currently a proponent of India's transition to
sustainable development. He is an advocate for environmentally sustainable agriculture, food security,
and biodiversity preservation. This is what he refers to as a "evergreen revolution."
Following the triumph of the Green Revolution, Shastri focused on the dairy industry, particularly the
Verghese Kurien-led cooperative movement in Gujarat's Anand. He contributed to the expansion of the
Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd's activity, ushering in the White Revolution. The
government's Operation Flood resulted in a rapid increase in milk production in the years that followed.
The dairy industry's self-sufficiency was accomplished exclusively through the cooperative movement,
which now includes over 12 million dairy producers across the country. Amul, the brand founded by
cooperative farmers in Anand, is still the market leader decades later.
The first Maruti automobile went off the Gurgaon assembly line in 1983. In November of that year, Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi handed over the keys to Harpal Singh of Delhi. It was a contentious project,
developed by Indira's son Sanjay but plagued by defects to the point where the government finally
agreed to a joint venture with Suzuki of Japan to manufacture the car. It was a true people's car: fuel-
efficient, inexpensive, and simple to drive, a far cry from the ponderous cars that Indians had been used
to up until that point. The Maruti 800's popularity signalled the emergence of a new Indian middle class.
Indians were unchained after ten years of economic liberalisation, and the first decade of the twenty-first
century reflected that. As a result, in 2007, a much smaller Tata Steel purchased the UK-based company
Corus for a staggering $13.1 billion. In 2007, the Aditya Birla Group's Hindalco Industries Ltd completed a
$6 billion takeover of Novelis, a US-based company. Tata Motors purchased Jaguar-Land Rover for $2.3
billion the following year. In 2010, Bharti Airtel paid $10.7 billion to buy out Zain Africa. It was a time when
multibillion-dollar acquisitions were commonplace. The hysteria has subsided, but aspirations have not.
Several companies have sprung up across India in the last decade as young entrepreneurs experiment
with ideas in digital payments, online shopping, on-demand delivery, education, software, and other
fields. Flipkart, one of India's first companies and early unicorns, was valued at over $21 billion when
Walmart bought a 77 percent investment in it in 2018. Flipkart was created by two former Amazon
workers in 2007 and was valued at over $21 billion when Walmart bought a 77 percent stake in it in 2018.
Every year, the number of unicorns, or new enterprises valued at above $1 billion, has increased. The rise
of startups has resulted in the emergence of a new ecosystem of angel and venture capital, incubators
and accelerators, as well as new societal consumption patterns.
I am taking you back to a point where all the final years are also stuck sometimes and that phase comes between
job and college life yes friends its placement.
Placement this phase is the most important phase of any college student whether he/she may be an engineer,
doctor or lawyer, or anything this phase is very important for him/her.
Luck or Hard work in Campus placements….?
Many people say that luck is a thing that many people use as an excuse for a mistake or failure in their tasks.
They also think that there is nothing that has called luck, it’s just the hard work and the talent individual needs to
possess in order to achieve success.
This brings us to the conclusion that all the successful people in the world are hard working in nature and they
got that height of success without an unknown dimension called luck.
This is the stage where I was baffled about the luck factor in my life. Then the crucial part of my life Campus
Placements has began in our college.
Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work
Absolute view considers your level of success compared to everyone else, But Relative success is choices and
habits which you decide.
My point of View
Success is not a matter of luck or accident or being in the right place at the right time. Success is as predictable
as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. By practicing the principles that you have just learned, you
will move to the front of the line in life.
Emotional These calls to action are there to remind
you that you don't want to be like the fly
who keeps banging himself against the
window, trying to get through the glass—
if you don't change your approach, all
the persistence in the world will never
pay off. Your Action Signals are
whispering to you (perhaps screaming!),
through the experience of pain, that you
Subhrakant Sahu need to change what you're doing.
I've found that whenever I feel a painful
1st Year, CSE emotion, there are six steps I can take
very quickly to break my limiting
Remember the power of changing emotional states? If you 6.Get excited and take action
put yourself in a state of mind where you truly are feeling
curious about learning something, this is an immediate Now that you've finished the first five steps—
pattern interrupt to any emotion and enables you to learn a identified what you were really feeling, appreciated the
great deal about yourself. Getting curious helps you master emotion instead of fighting it, gotten curious about what it
your emotion, solve the challenge, and prevent the same really meant and the lesson it was offering you, learned
problem from occurring in the future. As you begin to feel from it, figured out how to turn things around by
the emotion, get curious about what it really has to offer modeling your successful past strategies for handling the
you. What do you need to do right now to make things emotion, and rehearsed dealing with it in future situations
better? If you're feeling lonely, for example, get curious and and installed a sense of certainty—the final step is
ask, "Is it possible that I'm just misinterpreting the situation obvious: Get excited, and take action! Get excited about
to mean that I'm alone, when in reality I have all kinds of the fact that you can easily handle this emotion, and take
friends? If I just let them know I want to visit with them, some action right away to prove that you've handled it.
wouldn't they love to visit with me as well? Is my loneliness Don't stay stuck in the limiting emotions you're having.
giving me a message that I need to take action, reach out Express yourself by using what you rehearsed internally to
more and connect with people?" Here are four questions to create a change in your perceptions or your actions.
ask yourself to become curious about your emotions: What Remember that the new distinctions you've just made will
do I really want to feel? What would I have to believe in change the way you feel not only today, but how you deal
order to feel the way I've been feeling? What am I willing to with this emotion in the future. With these six simple
do to create a solution and handle this right now? What can I steps, you can master virtually any emotion that comes up
learn from this? As you get curious about your emotions, in your life. If you find yourself dealing with the same
you'll learn important distinctions about them, not only emotion again and again, this six-step method will help
today, but in the future as well. you identify the pattern and change it in a very short
period of time. So practice using this system. Like anything
4.Appreciate and Get confident else that's brand-new, at first this may seem
cumbersome72. But the more you do it, the easier it will
Appreciate what you can learn from your emotions and become to use, and pretty soon you'll find yourself being
get confident that you can handle this emotion immediately. able to navigate your way through what you used to think
The quickest, simplest, and most powerful way I know to were emotional minefields. What you’ll see instead will be
handle any emotion is to remember a time when you felt a a field of personal coaches guiding you each step of the
similar emotion and realize that you've successfully handled way, showing you where you need to go to achieve your
this emotion before. Since you handled it in the past, surely goals. Remember, the best time to handle an emotion is
you can handle it again today. The truth is, if you've ever had when you first begin to feel it. It's much more difficult to
this Action Signal before and gotten through it, you already interrupt an emotional pattern once it's full-blown. My
have a strategy of how to change your emotional states. So philosophy is, "Kill the monster while it's little." Use this
stop right now and think about that time when you felt the system quickly, as soon as the Action Signal makes itself
same emotions and how you dealt with them in a positive known, and you’ll find yourself being able to quickly
way. Use this as the role model or checklist for what you can handle virtually any emotion.
do right now to change how you feel. What did you do back
then? Did you change what you were focusing on, the Acceptance, Awareness, exploration and appreciation are
questions you asked yourself, your perceptions? Or did you the four simple steps towards mastering your emotions
take some kind of new action? Decide to do the same right and all these abovementioned qualities can only be
now, with the confidence that it will work just as it did achieved by a lot of practise and self-discipline.
before. If you're feeling depressed, for example, and you've
been able to turn it around before, ask yourself, "What did I
do then?" Did you take some new action like going for a run The best thing about hard times is that they
or making some phone calls? Once you've made some make you stronger, they teach you how to be
distinctions about what you've done in the past, do the a fighter and the most important thing is that
same things now, and you'll find that you’ll get similar they make you a good human being. So rather
results. fighting with your own emotions during a bad
phase better accept your emotions and give a
5. Get Certain You Can Handle This Not Only Today, But shoulder to yourself.
in the Future as Well. Don’t be harsh on yourself and remember
one thing,” If you could only love enough, you
You want to feel certain that you can handle this emotion
could be the most powerful person in the
easily in the future by having a great plan to do so.
The Last
Aditya Saumya
2nd Year, CSE(DS)
That night,
you walked up to me
soaked in rain
that pleasant smell you carried
as your cologne slowly washed away.
Your sparking eyes, full of angst
refused to meet mine when you said the last words
that came crashing down on me
like a faint clap of thunder
which still echoes in my ears
reminding me,
of the forgotten loneliness
you had taken away from me.
That night,
I shed tears along with the sky.
She Prince Kumar
3rd Year, CSE
Aman Bawri
2nd Year CSE
A Peaceful Grey
व्याकु ल पर्वत अंकित कु मार पाठक
प्रथम वर्ष, CSE
व्याकु ल पर्वत के समीप एक गांव स्थित है, गांव के लोग पर्वत और उसके वन पर काफी हद तक
आश्रित थे । कई किलोमीटर दूर शहर से एक व्यक्ति अक्सर अपने कीमती गाड़ी में आया करता
जंगल के बीच पर्वत की ओर गाड़ी रोककर घंटों सिर्फ पर्वत को देखा करता । एक दिन चालक
स्थान पर बैठे बैठे उस व्यक्ति की मृत्यु हो गई उस दिन से लेकर आज तक वह गाड़ी वहीं खड़ी है
। गांव में अफवाह फै लने लगी लोगों का कहना है पर्वत से लौटते वक्त उन्होंने गाड़ी में बैठे एक
साए परछाई को देखा है । शिक्षक अजय ने अफवाह को समाप्त करने की ठानी उन्होंने कई
योजनाएं बनाई लोगों से ऐसे ऐसे तर्क किए कि लोग मानने के लिए तैयार हो गए भूत प्रेत कु छ
नहीं है । लेकिन इस दौरान उन्हें भी इस गाड़ी से लगाव हो गया अब वह भी चालक की बगल
वाले स्थान पर बैठकर घंटों सिर्फ पर्वत को देखा करते एक दिन वे लापता हो गए । गांव में
अफवाह फिर से फै लने लगी लोगों का कहना है उन्होंने गाड़ी में बैठे दो साए परछाई को देखा है
। हर्ष शिक्षक अजय के घनिष्ठ मित्र थे उन्होंने बचपन से लेकर आज तक उनकी मेहनत को
देखा था और उनके गायब होते ऐसी अफवाह फै लना उन्हें काफी परेशान कर रही थी । इस
चिंताभाव में वो उस गाड़ी के करीब ही टहल रहे थे । चांदनी रात की रोशनी पुणे वाकई गाड़ी में
बैठे थे साहिब परछाई को दिखलाती है । वे क्षण भर में अपने मित्र को पहचान गए उसके तरफ
यह बोलते हुए तोड़े "तुम कहां थे तुम जानते हो तुम्हारे लापता होने के बाद कै सी अफवाएं...."
"यह अफवाह नहीं व्याकु ल पर्वत की अलौकिक भावनाएं जो मुझे इस व्यक्ति के संगती ने
सिखलाई है" शिक्षक अजय ने चालक स्थान की ओर इशारा किया जहां पर कोई नहीं था । फिर
वह बोले "जब मानव आज तक मौलिक भावनाएं नहीं समझ पाए तो क्या समझेंगे ये दुख दर्द
पीड़ा की शांति, अके लेपन की हलचल और भय का सुख भावनाएं मनुष्य प्रेत ईश्वर के बीच की
रेखा होती है संतुष्ट व्यक्ति के लिए अमृत और असंतुष्ट व्यक्ति के लिए विष जैसा होती है ।
शिक्षक अजय ने अपने मित्र को गाड़ी के भीतर बुलाया चांदनी रात की रोशनी गाड़ी के भीतर
उन्हें वाकई दो साए परछाई को दिखलाती है उस दिन से लेकर आज तक कोई भी चिंतित
मनुष्य अगर उस राह से गुजरा है वह आज तक कभी अपने घर वापस नहीं लौटा है ।
मैं नारी हूं.. मैं शक्ति हूं..
श्रीलेखा गौड़ा
प्रथम वर्ष, CSIT
सदियों से ही धरती पर, अपमान नारी को थमाया है, पर ईश्वर ने सौ सौ बार, राज यही सुनाया है। धरती को
साक्षर बनाने को, माता ने सरस्वती रुप पाया है।बात सोलह आने सच है। धरती के निर्माता भगवान श्री
ब्रह्मा ने जब अपनी पुत्री धरा बनायी थी। तब ही उसके विकास के लिए उन्होंने सरस्वती एवं लक्ष्मी माता
को बनाया। फिर पृथ्वी पर मानव जीवन का प्रारम्भ हुआ और पुरुष ने नारी पर अत्याचार शुरु किए, तभी से
धरती तबाही की ओर चल रही थी। नारी हमेशा से ही धैर्य एवं ममता की मूरत रही है। परन्तु कु दरत का
मानो यह नियम हो कि अच्छे को इम्तिहान के दौर से गुजरना पड़ता है।इंसान चांद पर पहुँच गया है। तारे
तोड़ने का ख्वाहिश रखता है, परन्तु उसकी सोचने की क्षमता उतनी ही पिछड़ी है जितनी ये संसार । आज
भी और तशोषण एवं अत्याचार का लक्ष्य है। पुत्री के जन्म से पहले उसके माता –पिताउ से खत्म करने की
योजनाएँ बनाने लगते हैं। उसके बड़े होने से पहले उसे काम पर लगा दे ते है जबकि सरकार ने मुफ्त शिक्षा
जारी कर दी है परन्तु फिर भी असाक्षरता में कोई गिरावट नहीं है। इसलिए सरकार को कठोर कदम उठाने
होंगे। उनके घर घर जाकर बेटी और बहू को शिक्षा का महत्व बताना होगा अपने घर की, पड़ोस की
लड़कियों को विद्यालय भेजना होगा। उनके माता-पिता को समझाना होगा। तभी सभ्यता का विकाश हो
सकता है।यदि धरती को कु दरत से बचाना है, तो नारी का, सम्मान करना होगा। उसकी शक्ति पहचानना
होगा। नारी को शिक्षित करना होगा, तभी दुनिया हकीकत में विकसित मानी जाएगी। नारी के प्रति धर्म
समझना ही नहीं निभानाभी होगा।
मत समझना नारी को कमजोर,
साक्षात शक्ति का रूप है नारी ||
खेतों में किसान मर रहा।
सरहद पे जवान मर रहा।
जिन्दा तो हैं वैसे हम सब,
पर अंदर का इंसान मर रहा।
रहा। जिन्दा तो वैसे हैं हम सब,
पर अंदर का इंसान मर रहा।
प्रिंस कु मार
तृतीय वर्ष, CSE
दीप्ति भुईयाँ
तृतीया वर्ष, CSE
प्रिंस कु मार
तृतीय वर्ष, CSE
Abhinav Kumar
CSE AI&ML, 1st Year
The experts of
changing the data in the block is near to
impossible, and this type of database is
blockchain. New data is added to the chain in
the form of new blocks, the information is
transparent to everyone so, everyone can verify
and validate. This technique was originally
described in 1991 by a group of researchers and
it intended to record a digital copy of the time
like Elon
of occurrence of particular events so that it is
not possible to backdate them or to tamper
Musk, Jack
with them. It is almost like a person authorized Dorsey,
to perform certain legal formalities, especially
to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and Mukesh
other documents for use in other jurisdictions.
However, it was unused until 2009 when Ambani stated
Satoshi Nakamoto an anonymous developer
adapted this technology to build a digital that this
cryptocurrency ‘Bitcoin’, for maintaining a
secure and decentralized record of
has the power
As the birth of world wide web , expands
usages of the new technology arises along with
the expanded business opportunities, web
server, people who host and store the
documents and web browser , companies set
up to help you view linked documents and the
exploration of the internet began The growth businesses
of internet was like
Web 1.0 - Internet of connection and the world
Web 2.0- internet of information
Web 3.0 - internet of value interact.
The web 3.0 the internet of value represents a
world where value is exchanged at the speed
in which information moves today.The new
web 3.0 browser is being built to help you
manage your cryptocurrency ,keys,password
and other blockchain features.
Hearing the word ‘Blockchain’ in today's time is like
hearing the word internet in the 90's. Where people
thought that it is not going to impact their daily life but in
today’s scenario the events that have taken place in the
past 30 years had a great impact on the users daily lives.
Marking up the
HyperText Markup
Language Divya
1st Year, CSE
HTML is abbreviated as hypertext markup language. It is used for structuring the content
on the web (means placing your content at their place so they become meaningful). In
layman’s term, it is the building block of the webpage. And we use it to make web pages.
So now you get some understanding don’t worry if you don’t just remember that almost
everything you search on the internet is made up of HTML. There are plenty of resources
on the internet to guide you. So wake up the curious spider of yours and surf the web to
learn more about the web.
Let’s start with some basic terminologies and concepts:-
There are two types of element in html:-
1)Block element- this starts with a new line and
take all the breadth of the
Screen. For ex- <div>, <p> , <h1> etc. THE BASICS YOU
2) Inline elements- this doesn't start with a new line MUST KNOW TO
and take as much width
is necessary. <span> , <img> , <a>, <button> etc. STRUCTURE YOUR
3. Attributes- Attributes provide additional information
about HTML elements.
For example- <a href=”#”> here “href” is an MORE FEATURES
attribute. LIKE HTML APIS,
4. Semantics- This is an important thing to keep in mind CANVAS,
cause semantics helps you to convey your message in an MULTIMEDIA AND
understandable way by the humans and the screen
readers both. Semantic means providing meaning or logic
to your content. For example:- <h1> tag has a semantics JUST AN OVERVIEW
that it shows the highest prior heading. Hence your page TO MAKE YOU
shouldn’t use the <h2> tag before the <h1> tag cause this
will hinder the semantics of your page and this will lead to AWARE OF THE
nuances in the meaning of your content. CHECKPOINTS YOU
5. DOM:- DOM is abbreviated as Document object
model and it is the only conceptual stuff to learn in the ATTENTION TO IN
Html. It is an API that describes the logic for how your
content would be manipulated. In this concept, all the
elements are children of the parent component HTML GO AND EXPLORE
and the properties are and methods of the parent THE WORLD OF THE
element are inherited by the child element. All the styles
applied to the parent element is also applied to the child
due to this model.
"Sometimes it's better to leave something alone, to pause, and that's very true of
By Priya Ranjan
1st Year, CSE
for more than the cost of land in India; in
some cases, for tens of thousands of dollars.
Some professionals advise that the NFT is a
bubble poised to pop, and others accept that
they may be right here to live, and with that,
they may alter the face of making an
investment forever.
Modern bionics operate by interfacing
motor signals with rerouted nerves
that connect to working muscles . For
example, patients with amputated
arms undergo a complicated surgery
that re-wires nerves from dead
shoulder tissue to healthy chest
muscle. Electrodes are then attached
to the chest and connected to the
bionic arm, which enables signals to
be relayed from the brain to the
bionic, causing it to move in the
desired manner . Bionics are currently
capable of a quite a range of motions,
including grasping, flexing, reaching,
exerting, and rotating joints . While
we’re nowhere near being able to
construct a Terminator, the advent of
techniques such as 3D printing has
helped propel the field over several
obstacles, including those of cost,
customization, and versatility.
Since the invention of The Braille Language in the pre-
digital world in 1819, we have come a long way in
assisting visually impaired folks to have their share of
self-sustenance.In a world of downright dependence
on gadgets, many are trying to create independence
for themselves.
According to a BrailleWorks article, until 2012, various
single-purpose applications were developed to make
life easier for the blind. Some of which include
●LookTel: The Money Identifier Mobile App which AUTONOMY AND
instantly recognizes currency and speaks the
denomination, INDEPENDENCE
●KNFB Reader App: Reads Virtually Any Text Aloud
from both Single and multi-page documents accurately,
fast, and effectively,
Amisha Kirti
●TapTapSee: Identifies objects they encounter in their
daily lives through Photos, 3rd Year, CSE
●Color ID Free: Discovers the names of the colors
Around You using Iphone Camera,
MyEye ,one of the competitors of Aira, incorporated an earpiece and camera which is AI
run.Both of these, however, were unable to overcome the disadvantage of high cost.In
2015, a major breakthrough, Be My Eyes, a Danish smartphone app was released, which
eliminated the need for wearables.Thanks to its audio-video connexion, which allowed
individuals to be the eyes for a blind person in need of aid remotely via a live video
connection and be assisted by a network of sighted users through a live chat.
Nevertheless, we couldn’t overlook the difficulties of dealing with agents in real time and
none of the technologies listed above totally relied on the fast improving AI and vision
In 2017,a groundbreaking SeeingAI app was released marking one of the first major
strides into the AI accessibility space by a major tech company, Microsoft. A research
project that brought together the power of the cloud and AI to deliver an intelligent app
It could recognise photographs, colours, and faces, as well as provide data on people's
emotions. A multipurpose programme that could read and explain any type of paper that
is placed in front of the smartphone camera, such as banknotes or product barcodes.
With VoiceOver, this software proved to be completely accessible.The no cost feature
turned out to be another boon.
Apps like Seeing AI are truly revolutionary for blind and visually impaired people who can
nonetheless see their surroundings in a new way.”Microsoft's advancements in object
captioning will help automate managing rich media assets and enrich metadata
significantly”, Pelz-Sharpe, founder of market advisory and research firm Deep Analysis.
Seeing AI was developed for iOS but Lookout is the equivalent app of Seeing AI on
Android.Envision Technologies built a similar programme called Envision AI, however it
isn't fully free..Therefore for now, SeeingAI dominates the oversaturated app market.
When we think of robots, we might imagine a range of different types of machines, human like
automatons etc. But what are they and how will they change the world in the future?
Do you know what robots are?
Robotics vary from other machines in the way they interact with the world. They have the ability to
modify their environment and adapt to the world around them based on their activities.
A detailed definition explains that:A robot is a product of the robotics sector, which involves the
creation of programmable robots that can aid people or duplicate their operations.
Robots were originally designed to perform repetitive activities (such as assembling parts in an
assembly line), but they have since evolved to accomplish duties such as fighting fires, cleaning
houses, and aiding with extremely complex procedures. Each robot has a different amount of
autonomy, ranging from fully-autonomous bots that accomplish activities without any external
influences to human-controlled bots that carry out tasks that a person has complete control over.
Although the notion of robots has been around
for a long time, it is only in the last few
decades that they have become more
complicated and useful. Robots now have a
wide range of practical applications in a
variety of industries. some of these types of
robots include:
·INDUSTRIAL: The most prevalent
application of robots is in basic, repetitive
industrial activities. Assembly line
procedures, picking and packaging,
welding, and other related activities are
examples. They are reliable, accurate, and
·ARMY:Military forces all over the globe
now deploy robots in fields like UAVs
(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), UGVs
(Unmanned Ground Vehicles), triage, and
surveillance, thanks to recent innovations.
·SERVICE: One of the main growth areas in
robotics is in the personal service industry.
Uses include for manual tasks such as
dispensing food and cleaning.
·MEDICAL: Medtech robots are being
employed in a variety of ways in the
healthcare industry. Whether it's aiding
with surgery, rehabilitation, or
physiotherapy, or handling test specimens.
·EXPLORATION:We often use robots to
reach hostile or otherwise inaccessible
areas. A good example of exploratory
robots is in space exploration, such as the
Curiosity Rover on Mars.
environments can be dangerous for humans
to enter, such as disaster areas, places
with high radiation, and extreme
environments. In those places robots are
used to do all the tasks.
·In some situations, they can boost ·In certain industries, robots are displacing
productivity, efficiency, quality, and humans, posing economic challenges.
consistency. ·Robots, on the whole, can only do what
·Robots, unlike humans, do not become they're instructed, which means they can't
bored. improvise (although AI and machine
·They may keep repeating the same learning is changing this).
procedure until they wear out. ·Because of current robotics technology,
·They may be extremely precise, down to most machines are less dexterous than
fractions of an inch, which makes them humans and lack the capacity to
particularly helpful in microelectronics comprehend what they observe.Experts are
production. focusing on designing robots that can
·Robots can operate in hazardous perceive the environment better.
conditions for humans, such as with ·In terms of the original cost, maintenance,
hazardous chemicals or in high-radiation the requirement for supplementary
zones. components, and the need to be
·They don't have the same physical or programmed to complete the task, robots
environmental demands as humans. with practical applications are often
·Some robots feature sensors and actuators expensive.
that are superior than those found in
Is robotics the future of the world?
Automation and robots, according to a McKinsey analysis, will cause a revolution in the way we work.
They believe that employees in different parts of Europe will require different talents in order to
obtain job. According to their estimate, activities requiring mostly physical and manual abilities
would decrease by 18% by 2030, while those needing basic cognitive skills will decrease by 28%.
Workers will require technical abilities, and those with competence in STEM fields will be in even
higher demand. Similarly, many jobs will require socioemotional abilities, especially those that
cannot be replaced by machines, such as caring for others and teaching.
Robots may potentially become a more fundamental part of our daily lives. Many ordinary duties in
our homes, such as cooking and cleaning, can be difficult.
Similarly, machines that can use computer vision and natural language processing, such as self-
driving cars and digital assistants, may become increasingly capable of interacting with the world.
The future of medicine may be shaped by robotics as well. Surgical robots can do incredibly
accurate operations, and with developments in artificial intelligence, they may be able to undertake
surgeries on their own in the future.
Machines and robots with the ability to learn could have an even wider range of uses. Robots that
can adapt to their surroundings, learn new procedures, and change their behaviour in the future will
be better suited to more complicated and dynamic activities.
Robots have the potential to improve our lives in the long run. They may be able to enhance
healthcare, make transportation more efficient, and provide us more freedom to pursue creative
endeavours in addition to shouldering the strain of physically demanding or repetitive work.
Robotic machines are all around us, even though humanoid robots are still primarily in the world of science
fiction. These technical marvels currently assist us in a variety of areas, and they have the potential to
revolutionise our future.
Despite a multitude of benefits and drawbacks, one thing is certain: persons with robotics talents will be in
great demand in the future. There will almost certainly always be work in the field of robotics, whether it be
designing, programming, or maintaining robots.
By Musharaf Parwej
Almost everyone knows about the
word METAVERSE even those who
1st Year CSE
A metaverse is a network of 3D
virtual worlds focused on social
connection. It is a virtual reality where
people can interact with other people
more easily. We all can interact with
people using a holographic image of
ourselves in the metaverse called
HYPERLOOP Prasant Sagar
The Next Big Thing in Transportation 2nd Year CSE
We all have heard of Elon Musk, the man who founded Tesla and SpaceX, but what is a Hyperloop?
Hyperloop is a proposed mode of transport that would propel pods through tubes at speeds as high
as 760 miles per hour. The pods would move as fast as trains, planes, and automobiles but use an
energy-efficient system to provide better capacity than any other mode of transportation. In fact, it's
projected that Hyperloop could take you from Bhubaneswar to Delhi in less than 2 hours flat!
It sounds too good to be true right? That's because it might be. But this type of ground-breaking
transportation system has massive potential for changing the future we live in.
What is a Hyperloop?
How do Hyperloop capsules work?
The Hyperloop capsules in Musk's model float above the tube's surface on a set of 28 air-bearing
skis, similar to the way that the puck floats just above the table on an air hockey game. One major
difference is that it is the pod, not the track, that generates the air cushion in order to keep the tube
as simple and cheap as possible.
The pod would get its initial velocity from an external linear electric motor, which would accelerate
it to 'high subsonic velocity' and then give it a boost every 70 miles or so; in between, the pod
would coast along in near vacuum. Each capsule could carry 28 passengers (other versions aim to
carry up to 40) plus some luggage; another version of the pods could carry cargo and vehicles.
The pods will get their velocity from an external linear electric motor -- effectively a round
induction motor (like the one in the Tesla Model S) rolled flat. Under Musk's model, the Hyperloop
would be powered by solar panels placed on the top of the tube which would allow the system to
generate more energy than it needs to run.
➨The technology offers very fast speed of ➨High speed of capsule (almost at speed of
transportation which is twice that of aircraft. sound) may cause dizziness to the passengers
➨It has very low power consumption. travelling due to vibration and jostling.
➨It is low-cost transportation system on long ➨Initial cost of investment to have the system in
run. place is very high. The long vacuum chamber
➨It is immune to bad weather conditions. manufacturing requires more technical skills.
➨It is resistant to earthquakes. Moreover this is costly and also risky to maintain.
➨It is safe mode of transportation system.
Telepresence refers to a collection of technologies that allow
a person to feel as if they were present, to give the illusion
of being present, or to have an influence at a location other
than their real location via telerobotics.
If you are a fan of the Star Wars franchise, you may recall
the scene where R2D2 projects a tiny holographic recording
of Princess Leia. During the 2014 Billboard Music Awards, a
holographic image of the late Michael Jackson was projected
on stage during a performance. This futuristic world of
holographic images is evolving right before our eyes. And
not long from now, holographic telepresence will be used for
3D video conferencing.
Although holographic Telepresence is still in its nascent
developmental stages, some recent supportive technological
advancements have paved the way to its mainstream VS AR AND VR
adoption. Manufacturers of digital cameras are including
features like real-time depth acquisition. The availability of VR blocks out your ability to see and hear the real world
augmented and virtual reality head-mounted displays has ,usually through a VR headset. AR uses a computer and,
constantly increased, encouraging the use of holographic sometimes, a special headset or glasses to create digital
Telepresence technologies. objects and overlay them onto what you see in our
physical world.
THE GAINS Holographic TelePresence is a projection that uses an
illusion effect .Holographic AR is steps beyond — no
Flexibilityi.e. access to speakers from around the world headset or special glasses needed.
Transcend geographical boundarieswithreduced costs of
travel and avoid scheduling conflicts by gaining global
access to talent.
Two-way interactivity with audiencei.eappear in many POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF
locations simultaneously, and have two-way engagement
with live holograms. Give your audience an unforgettable
Versatility, and scalabilityas the same presentation can be MILITARY (Geographic intelligence) - Soldiers may observe
simultaneously in multiple locations.Minimal technological three-dimensional terrain, peer "around" corners, and
equipment is required for beaming and easily prepare for missions using fully dimensional holographic
transportable. pictures and 3D holographic maps of "battle-spaces."
TELEMEDICINE-Telepresence can allow medical
Expensive: The components required to project
professionals to advise and assist colleagues thousands
holographic images are expensive. Despite the reduction in
of miles away in real time.
the cost of light modulators and other equipment,
EDUCATION AND CLASSROOM - Facial expressions,
holographic projection at a large scale continues to be
body language storytelling, and reading the room
before going on to the next lesson are all important in
Carrier network dependency :To have clear holographic
the classroom. It's difficult to connect on a 2D platform
communication via smart devices, carrier networks with
in this online lifestyle. Imagine the radically enhanced
enormous bandwidth are necessary. As the number of
lectures and engaging encounters if you add holography
customers grows, so do the bandwidth requirements.
to the mix.
Brain“. The project was founded in May 2005 by the So, Why do we need a virtual brain? We need this as
Brain and Mind Institute of École Polytechnique we know intelligence is the inborn quality that cannot
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. Its be created. Some people have this quality so that they
mission is to use biologically-detailed digital can think to such an extent that others cannot reach
reconstructions and simulations of the mammalian it. Human society would always need such
brain to identify the fundamental principles of brain intelligence and such an intelligent brain. But the
structure and function. intelligence is lost along with the person after death.
A virtual brain is a solution to it. The brain and its
The project is headed by the founding director Henry intelligence can be alive even after death.
Markram—who also launched the European Human We often face difficulties in remembering things such
Brain Project—and is co-directed by Felix Schürmann, as people’s names, their birthdays, the spellings of
Adriana Salvatore and Sean Hill. Using a Blue Gene words, proper grammar, important dates, historical
supercomputer running Michael Hines's NEURON facts, etcetera. A virtual brain can take away the extra
software, the simulation involves a biologically stress we all face to remember things. It is a perfect
realistic model of neurons and an empirically technical solution to a very common human problem.
reconstructed model connectome. The Blue Brain can help us in the following ways:
Today scientists are carrying out research to create an Even after the death of a person his intelligence
artificial brain that can think, respond, take decisions can be used.
and store information. The main aim is to upload a This could boost the study of animal behavior.
human brain into the computer, so that it can think, That means by interpreting the electric impulses
and make decisions without the presence of a human from the brain of the animals, their thought
body. process can be understood easily.
It would allow the deaf to hear via direct nerve
" The blue brain project, if implemented successfully, stimulation, and also be helpful for many
would indeed change many things around us and it psychological diseases.
will boost the area of research and technology. Certain We could make use of the information of the brain
research and development take decades or even that was uploaded into the computer and use it to
provide a solution to mental disorder.
centuries to complete, so the knowledge and efforts of
a scientist can be preserved and used further in his
absence. “The Blue Brain” can turn out to be a blessing
for the humanity. "
How sustainable is eco-tourism?
Every industry has seen some form of digital transformation with cloud technology—especially the higher
education sector — which is primarily responsible for a better future.
With the help of such collaboration tools, you can also share your research or study materials instantly.
While the presence of cloud-based technology helps students and teachers collaborate quickly, it
also helps universities. Considering that they have several sizable departments or campuses, they can
easily deploy collaboration systems to share information across campus.
This saves time for everyone and helps global innovation.
#4. Automation
Automation is at the core of cloud technology powering the education sector. It results in various
improvements overall — ranging from the ease of learning to the administrators running the
Everything gets easy, quick, and with less staff needed.
#5. Efficiency
Being able to communicate over the Internet using cloud-based platforms reduces the time taken to
Not just efficient communication, several college-related activities and administration tasks also take
much less time.
Let me take the example of submitting a document at the end of a class. You just end up piling up the
documents, and the college staff must organize them to store them somewhere.
This takes time and has a possibility of documents getting misplaced.
With online education, everyone has a separate account and a content management system setup
where things get automatically organized.
Overall, due to the reduced friction for communication and automation, performing tasks has
significantly improved.
#6. Flexibility
The ability to communicate, share resources, and perform various tasks from anywhere (and anytime)
is exciting.
And these are some of the biggest reasons cloud technology is rapidly being adopted by every
This brings flexibility to the higher education sector — which was not possible without cloud
It is now possible for universities and colleges to adjust schedules and still efficiently work with
students from across the globe. Or connect with skilled teachers from a different part of the world to
help improve students.
The cost savings reflect for both students and universities at various levels. So, it’s a win-win for
#10. Scalability
Scaling up the cloud infrastructure is easier than physical expansion. Physical constraints may have
limited the growth of a college or university in the past. But with limitless possibilities, with cloud
technology, the sky’s the limit!
An educational institute can easily meet the demands of an increasing number of students and
resources. And all that with reduced costs (and less time).
This also gives the education system the ability for transparent accountability.
Yes, the college administration may have access to how you use their platform, what you access, and
when you do. But on an individual level, you get more privacy.
And not just limited to that — the cloud stores university data with the ability to recover from any
data corruption or loss. Any tampering with the data is also detectable.
Soham Rath
2nd Year, CSE-Cloud Computing
What Unity Is ?
Unity is a 2D/3D engine and framework that
provides a mechanism for developing 2D, 2.5D,
and 3D game or app scenarios. I mention games
and apps because I've seen training simulators,
first-responder programmes, and other business-
focused Unity products that require interaction
with 2D/3D space. Unity allows you to connect
with them not just via code, but also through
visual components, and export them for free to
every major mobile platform and a whole lot
more.(There is also a pro version, which is quite
wonderful but not free.) With the free version, you
can do a lot.) Unity supports all major 3D
programmes as well as a variety of audio
formats, and it even recognises the Photoshop
(.psd format), so you can simply drag and drop a
.psd file into a Unity project. You may use Unity to
import and build assets, write code to interact
with your objects, create or import animations for
use with a sophisticated animation system, and
much more.
Scripting's Power
There are numerous gaming engines that include
a visual editor. Because of their formulaic
approach to behaviours, many of these engines
lack the power required to create substantial or
complicated games. Object behaviours in Unity
aren't confined to built-in modules that come
with the engine. Instead, Unity supports strong
behaviours implemented in one of three robust
programming languages: JavaScript, C#, and
Boo. Furthermore, all three languages can be
utilised concurrently within a project, allowing
people with diverse technological backgrounds
to participate to the project at the same time.
Because the languages are utilised as scripts,
they may be compiled quickly, iterated quickly,
and designed with flexibility.This method to game
development using a common language means
that you can start building games rapidly using
knowledge you already have (or is easily
Licenses and Pricing
Many engines nowadays have exorbitant prices or
incomprehensible payment options. Many engines do
not display prices, necessitating lengthy quote
negotiations to discover true values.Unity, on the other
hand, only comes in two flavours: Unity Free and Unity
Pro.Unity Free is, of course, free, and it is not a
watered-down, gimped version of the engine. It
includes all of the features you'd need to create and
sell commercial games.If you want some of the more
professional features, such as LOD Support, Path-
finding, or IK Rigs, you can purchase the Unity Pro
licence for $1,500.If you're not sure which licence is
best for you, the Unity Free licence includes a 30-day
Pro trial as well as a 30-day Android add-on trial.
The Unity game engine is an immensely powerful and
versatile tool for project development. The visual
editor, complete and robust scripting, the animation
technology, and multi-platform build support set this
engine apart from the competition. The incredible
community and sponsored asset store is the icing on
the already quite tall cake. I'm assuming you've
completed downloading the Unity engine by now
(didn't you start downloading right after reading the
fantastic intro? ), so I won't waste any more of your
time. Install that engine, and let's get to work!
Shubham Yadush
3rd Year CSE
The dark web is the content of the World Wide Web that resides on darknets, which are Internet-based
overlay networks that require special software, setups, or authorisation to access. Private computer networks
can interact and do business anonymously on the dark web without revealing identifying information like a
user's location. Although the phrase deep web is occasionally used incorrectly to refer solely to the dark web,
the dark web is a small subset of the deep web, which is the section of the Web not indexed by web search
Small, friend-to-friend peer-to-peer networks, as well as huge, popular networks managed by public
organisations and individuals, such as Tor, Freenet, I2P, and Riffle, make up the black web. Due to its
unencrypted nature, users of the dark web refer to the ordinary web as Clearnet. The Tor dark web, often
known as onionland, employs the onion routing traffic anonymization mechanism as its top-level domain
suffix. onion.
Child pornography was the most often hosted
type of content on Tor, followed by illegal
marketplaces, according to a December 2014
analysis by Gareth Owen of the University of
Portsmouth, while the individual sites with
the most traffic were dedicated to botnet
operations. Many whistleblowing websites, as
well as political debate forums, have a
presence. Some of the most popular sites are
those relating to Bitcoin, fraud-related
services, and mail order services.
Commercial darknet markets facilitate illegal- Studies on the quality of commodities received
goods transactions and often accept Bitcoin as over the dark web, as well as pricing
payment. Starting with the success of Silk discrepancies in dark web markets versus prices
Road and Diabolus Market and its subsequent in real life or on the World Wide Web, have
confiscation by legal authorities, these been attempted. From January 2013 to March
markets have received a lot of media 2015, one such study was conducted on
attention. Silk Road was one of the first dark Evolution, one of the most popular crypto-
web marketplaces to appear in 2011, allowing markets. The study discovered issues with the
for the trade of weapons and resources for quality of illegal drugs sold in Evolution, stating
identity fraud. These markets offer no user that "the illicit drugs purity is found to be
protection and can be shut down by different from the information indicated on
authorities at any time. Despite the fact that their respective listings," despite the fact that the
many marketplaces have closed, others have digital information, such as concealment
sprung up to take their place. There were at methods and shipping country, "seems
least 38 active dark web market venues as of accurate." Consumer motives for using these
2020. These marketplaces are similar to eBay markets and the factors that influence their
or Craigslist in that they allow users to utilisation are less well understood.
interact with merchants and provide product
to Machine
Ritesh Sinha
4th Year, CSE
Machine learning is being used in a wide range of applications today. One of the
most well-known examples is Facebook’s News Feed. The News Feed uses
machine learning to personalize each member’s feed. If a member frequently
stops scrolling to read or like a particular friend’s posts, the News Feed will start to
show more of that friend’s activity earlier in the feed.
Behind the scenes, the software is simply using statistical analysis and predictive
analytics to identify patterns in the user’s data and use those patterns to populate
the News Feed. Should the member no longer stop to read, like or comment on
the friend’s posts, that new data will be included in the data set and the News Feed
will adjust accordingly.
Use Security-Proof
Scammers will likely try to steal what you already
have before duping you into buying forged NFTs. It
will help if you adopt security-proof passwords that
are nigh impossible to crack with brute force. That
said, your password should include upper and
lower case letters with a mix of special numerals,
such as #,¢,℅, and @.
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) protocol
after building a stronger password. This protocol
includes a second verification layer in the form of a
random PIN or QR code which you’ll need to input
before accessing your account. No scammer can
access this information unless they have your
gadget at hand.
Being safe from NFT scammers starts with you. Employ these tips starting today and protect your trading or minting account and NFTs from merciless
hackers. Once they get to you, they wipe out everything and disappear without a trace. All the same, the kind of platform you use also has a lot to do with
how secure you are from online predators. Sign up to SpaceSeven today and enjoy a security-proof layer on your account, thanks to Concordium
blockchain. The platform is also ID-centric with a Know Your Client (KYC) protocol to help you verify the identities of every artist and collector you interact
Shashanka Mondal, 2nd Year, CSE
Under GirlScriptOdisha Tech Fest there was a
mascot designing competition. In which the
theme was : Any figure or animal or design
that represent the culture of state of odisha.
Shashanka Mondal
2nd Year, CSE
Shrijan Singh
2nd Year, CSE
Bushra Shireen
2nd Year, CSE (Web Technology)
Aman Irshad
4th Year, CSE
Yash Kant
2nd Year, CSE(Cloud)
" I'm Yash Kant.
I'm a writer,
author, poet, and
shayar. My works
have been
published in 80+
books and have
been mentioned
in many
newspapers all
across India. "
Ritesh Sinha
4th Year, CSE
"I have won Best Of The Nation Champion award in Future skills 2020 in
which I was representing India. It was an event organized by world skills
russia in which 28 countries participated and I bagged first position in
Ritesh Sinha,
4th Year CSE
Swagat Choudhury
4th Year CSE
Saumya Sakshi
4th Year CSE
India skills (national level)
Skill: industry 4.0
Medal : Gold
Ashish Mohapatra
IndiaSkills (National level)
Skill: Cloud Computing
Medal: Bronze
4th Year CSE
Payal Patra
"Top 5 Finalist in the Capgemini Tech Challenge 2021"
4th Year CSE
"I have achieved prizes and trophies in Kabadi , cricket intra tournament .
Also got some medals in Athletics "
Abhijit Mohapatra
4th Year CSE
"The Best DLP Agent
Monitoring Engineer"
Nishant Kumar
4th Year CSE
Yashraj Jain
4th Year, CSE
"Won Machine
Learning Quiz,
Arranged by
Google India."
"First place in Vidyantrik Chem-E-Car"
Aishee Biswas,
4th Year CSE