Quantum - I
Quantum - I
Quantum - I
Magnetism- it’s everywhere!
Quantum everywhere!
Charge acquired/exchanged is quantized.
Energy exchange between radiation and electron (in Photoelectric effect etc.) is quantized.
Quantum everywhere!
Charge acquired/exchanged is quantized.
Energy exchange between radiation and electron (in Photoelectric effect etc.) is quantized.
Quantum it’s everywhere!
physics: the beginning
Towards the end of 19th century, classical physics had attained near-perfection and tremendous success both in
theoretical and experimental fronts.
Almost all the known physical phenomena, ranging from dynamics of point masses, rigid bodies,
thermodynamics, geometrical and wave optics, electromagnetism, among others, could be described well within
the frame work of classical physics.
1. Newtonian Mechanics
2. Laws of thermodynamics
3. Fresnel wave theory
4. Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism etc.
Quantum it’s everywhere!
physics: the beginning
Deterministic in nature, i. e., given the relevant laws, the behavior of the system can exactly be predicted.
Further, physical quantities can in principle be measured with unlimited accuracy.
The various physical quantities and their changes can have any continuous value without restriction.
Particles and waves in classical physics are regarded as distinct and separate entities.
Quantum it’s everywhere!
physics: the beginning
Black bodyit’s radiation
A blackbody is an ideal body that absorbs all incident Also a perfect emitter.
radiation (without reflection or transmission).
At uniform temperature, blackbody radiation has a characteristic frequency (and corresponding wavelength)
distribution, depending only on its temperature.
T (K)
The intensity of radiation emitted from a blackbody reaches its maximum at a wavelength which is inversely
proportional to its absolute temperature (Wien's displacement law).
𝜆𝑚 = (𝑏 = 2.898 × 10−3 m. K)
Black body radiation it’s everywhere!
spectrum: Classical distribution laws
Wien's distribution Law: the energy density in the wavelength range λ to (λ + dλ) is given by
Fails at long wavelengths 𝐸 𝜆 d𝜆 = d𝜆
𝜆5 𝑒 𝑏Τ𝜆𝑇
Rayleigh-Jeans law: the energy density in the wavelength range λ to (λ + dλ) is given by
Fails at short wavelengths 8𝜋𝑘𝑇
(Ultraviolet catastrophe) 𝐸𝜆 d𝜆 = d𝜆
Planck’s quantum it’s everywhere!
hypothesis and law of radiation
Planck’s quantum it’s everywhere!
hypothesis and law of radiation
Planck’s radiation Law: the energy density in the wavelength range λ to (λ + dλ) is given by
𝐸𝜆 d𝜆 = 5 ℎ𝑐Τ𝜆𝑘𝑇 d𝜆
𝜆 (𝑒 −1)
This idea of quantized energy of an oscillator also successfully explained the low temperature behavior of molar
specific heat of solids. Further extension of this quantum idea to the propagation of energy with electromagnetic
radiation successfully explained some other phenomena in other domains of physics which could not otherwise
be explained by classical ideas.
Photoelectric it’s everywhere!
effect: observations
Experimental observations
Photoelectric it’s everywhere!
effect: observations
Photoelectric effect:it’s everywhere!
Einstein’s explanation
Energy of radiation energy is made up of discrete units or
localized bundles of electromagnetic energy, called photons,
which travel with velocity of light (𝑐) and have zero rest mass.
Photoelectric effect:it’s everywhere!
Einstein’s explanation
If this quantum of energy exceeds the minimum energy needed
for the electron to escape from metal surface, i.e., the work
function 𝜙0 , then the electron is emitted from the metal and
the excess energy ℎ𝜈 – 𝜙0 appears as its kinetic energy.
Particle it’s everywhere!
nature of Radiation
Summary of the photon picture of electromagnetic radiation
Each photon has an energy ℎ𝜈 and speed 𝑐 (in vacuum), the speed of light.
All photons of radiation of a particular frequency/wavelength have same energy 𝒉𝝂=𝒉𝒄⁄𝝀, irrespective of the
intensity of radiation. Photon energy is dependent on frequency and independent of intensity of radiation.
Photons are electrically neutral and are not deflected by electric or magnetic field.
All photons of radiation of a particular frequency/wavelength have same energy 𝒉𝝂=𝒉𝒄⁄𝝀, irrespective of the
intensity of radiation. Photon energy is dependent on frequency and independent of intensity of radiation.
Photon energyit’s
2 𝑚0 𝑐 2
For a photon of mass 𝑚, theory of relativity, its energy is 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 = 1/2
1− 2
Since a photon moves with speed of light, we have 𝑣 = 𝑐. If 𝑚0 𝑐 2 ≠ 0, then 𝐸 would be infinite.
infinite. But energy 𝐸 of photon is finite (= ℎ𝜈). Hence, the photon has zero rest mass (𝑚0 = 0), and
𝐸 cannot be determined from this expression, which takes the indeterminate 0 form).
For the photon, 𝑚0 = 0, and hence, 𝑬 = 𝒑𝒄, where 𝑝 = 𝐸Τ𝑐 is the momentum of the photon.
In a light-matter interaction (such as between photons and electrons), the total energy and momentum are
conserved. However, the number of photons may not be conserved. Photons may be absorbed or created.
Momentum and dualit’s everywhere!
nature of radiation
Energy of a photon for radiation of frequency 𝜈 is given by ℎ𝜈 = ℎ𝑐Τ𝜆
So we have, 𝑝 = 𝜆 , or
In summary
Wave natureMagnetism- it’s everywhere!
of particles: de Broglie’s hypothesis
Louis de Broglie suggested that the wave particle duality is a universal principle
and is not restricted only to electromagnetic radiations.
He argued that nature is symmetric, and what is true for photons (radiation)
must be true for material particles.
De Broglie proposed that the role of matter waves in guiding the motion of
material particles is analogous to that of electromagnetic waves in guiding the
motion of photons.
Wave natureMagnetism- it’s everywhere!
of particles: de Broglie’s hypothesis
For non-relativistic particles: ( i.e., when 𝑣 << 𝑐) , 𝑚 = rest mass 𝑚0. In this case, 𝝀 = 𝑚
For a non-relativistic free particle (i.e., with not subject to a potential), the total energy 𝐸 is equal to its kinetic
𝑝2 𝒉 𝒉
energy 𝐾. Then, 𝐾 = ⇒𝑝= 2𝑚𝐾 = 2𝑚𝐸. So, 𝝀 = =
2𝑚 2𝑚𝐾 2𝑚𝐸
If a particle with charge 𝑞 is accelerated through a potential difference of 𝑉 volt, then Kinetic Energy gained
𝑝2 𝒉
𝐾= 2𝑚
= 𝑞𝑉. So, 𝝀 =
Wave natureMagnetism- it’s everywhere!
of particles: de Broglie’s hypothesis
Mass of relativistic particles (𝑣 ~ 𝑐) varies with velocity 𝑣 as: 𝑚 = 1/2 .
1− 2
𝑚0 𝑣 𝒉 𝒉 1− 2
So, 𝑝 = 𝑚𝑣 = 1/2 and 𝝀 = 𝑚𝑣 = 𝝀 =
𝑣2 𝑚0 𝑣
1− 2
If the term 𝑝𝑐 is negligible compared to 𝑚0 𝑐 2 , then the motion is non-relativistic.
But if they are comparable, then the motion is relativistic.
Matter waves and it’s everywhere!
structure of the atom
For an electron orbiting a nucleus, the electron wave must form a standing wave, i.e., the circumference must be
multiples of the electron wavelength.
2𝜋𝑟𝑛 = 𝑛𝜆𝑒
Properties everywhere!
Phase velocity and Group
Phase velocity
From de Broglie hypothesis we know that when a particle moves in a medium, a wave is also associated with it.
The velocity of advancement of monochromatic wave (i.e. a wave of single frequency and wavelength ) in a medium ls called as phase
Or The velocity of the surface of constant phase is called phase velocity of the wave.
Let the harmonic wave moving along the +ve x direction be given as
ψ(x,t)=Asin (ωt-kx) , where A is the amplitude and (ωt-kx) represent the phase part.
It can be shown that the phase velocity is not equal to particle velocity. (Different either greater/ smaller than
particle velocity). So it is proposed that a instead of a single wave a wave packet moves along with the
moving particle. .
A wave packet is formed when a large no of harmonic waves having different amplitudes, frequencies and
wavelengths superpose such that the resulting wave-function vanishes everywhere except a finite region of
space. In this small region the particle can be located. Outside this region the waves interfere destructively ,
so that the amplitude reduces to zero.
Group Velocity
The velocity with which the wave packet or group of waves associated with the moving particle travels is called
group velocity.
where a is the amplitude of both the waves. ω1 and ω2 are angular frequencies and k1 and k2 are propagation
constants of both the waves respectively.
From superposition principle, the resultant displacement can be given as
( Since )
If ω1 and ω2 are nearly equal then and
which represents the resultant is a wave of angular frequency ω and propagation constant k. The amplitude of
the resultant wave is modified and is given as
It represents the envelope of the wave packets. This envelope travels with group velocity
Similarly if a large no of harmonic waves of continuously varying wavelengths and frequencies superpose to form
wave packet, the group velocity is
Relation between phase velocity( Vp ) group velocity(Vg )
In a non-dispersive medium,
as velocity is independent of variation of wavelength so
Hence i.e. the group velocity is equal to phase
How group velocity is related to
particle velocity
The group velocity is given as
➢ The narrower is the wavepacket, the position ➢ But a wide wavepacket has a clear
x of the particle can be meassured more defined wavelength.
accurately. ➢ But it is difficult to determine the
➢ However, the wavelength (λ) of the waves in exact position of the particle
the narrow wavepacket is not well defined, accurately. Hence the position of
i.e., there are not enough waves to measure the particle is uncertain in a large
λ precisely. Therefore, momentum cannot be
determined precisely.
“The square of the modulus value of ‘ψ’ (i.e., |ψ(x, y, z,t)|2) is the probability
density at (x, y, z) at instant ‘t’.” [The probability density is defined as the
probability of getting the particle per unit volume).
More precisely: dx gives the probability of finding the particle
between ‘a’ and ‘b’ at instant ‘t’.
(x, t ) = Ae
planewave of the form: i ( kx − wt )
or some linear combination of these type of waves forming the wavepacket.
The momentum of the free particle and its energy are related with
propagation constant 'k' and angular frequency 'ω' by the relations:
p = k and E =
Differentiating both sides of eqn. (1) twice with respect to ‘x’:
2 i ( kx − wt )
= − k 2
x 2
2 2 2k 2 i ( kx − wt )
− = Ae
2 m x 2 2m
2 2 p2
− = ( 2)
2 m x 2
Time dependent Schrödinger's equation (1D): (contd.)
For a free particle (in non relativistic motion): E =
2 2
So equation (2) can be written as, − = E (3)
2m x 2
2 2
i =− (5)
t 2m x 2
Equation (5) represents the time dependent Schrödinger equation for a
free particle in one dimension.
Time dependent Schrödinger's equation (1D): (contd.)
(b) For a particle moving under the action of a force field:
If the particle is moving under the action of a force field derivable from a
potential energy ‘V’ given by: V
F =−
p2 p2
Then the total energy of the particle is given by: E = + V ( x) = E − V ( x, t )
2m 2m
Substituting the above value in equation (2),
2 2 p 2
− =
2m x 2m2
2 2
− = E − V ( x, t )
2m x 2
2 2 ( x, t )
− + V ( x, t ) ( x, t ) = E ( x, t ) (6)
2m x 2
Putting the equations (8) and (9) in the above equation, we get:
f (t ) 2 2u ( x )
i u ( x ) =− f (t ) + V ( x)u ( x) f (t )
t 2m x 2
1 f (t ) 2 1 2u ( x )
i =− + V ( x)
f (t ) t 2m u ( x) x 2
Time independent Schrödinger's equation (1D) (contd.):
The L.H.S. of the above equation is a function of ‘t’ and independent
of ‘x’, where as the right side is a function of ‘x’ and independent of ‘t’.
This equality is possible only when both sides are equal to a constant
(say ‘E’) independent of ‘x’ and ‘t’. Hence, equating the R.H.S. to the
constant E,
1 u ( x)
2 2
− + V ( x) = E
2m u ( x) x 2
2 2u ( x )
− + V ( x)u ( x) = Eu ( x)
2m x 2
2 2u ( x )
+ (E − V ( x) )u ( x) = 0 (10 )
2m x 2