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Math 5e Lesson Planning DB

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STEM 433/533 Lesson Planning Template

(Complete answers in Purple font)

Name: Dan Bogdanowicz Grade: 4th Topic: Fractions

Brief Lesson Description: I will be teaching my students how to compare and order fractions and mixed numbers with the use of models
and real-life representation.

Estimate time is 5-7 classes.

Specific Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to illustrate and explain the meaning and understanding of the numerator and
denominator in their comparison explanations. For example, the larger of the denominator in value actually means the size of the
fraction is decreasing. Students will be able to give the definition of a fraction is equal pieces of a whole unit, or to be able to express
whole numbers as fractions. Students will be able to order and compare fractions using <, >, = in relationship to a number line. Students
can define and compare an Improper fraction and/or mixed number in various ways.
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? I want to encourage students to acknowledge and respect each other’s cultural differences with a positive attitude, students
will gain knowledge of numerical representation with respect to fractions. My students to experience real-world factors that are relevant to
our everyday lives.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge: 3.2
The student will a) name and write fractions and mixed numbers represented by
a model; b) represent fractions and mixed numbers, with models and symbols; and c) compare fractions
having like and unlike denominators, using words and symbols
Math VA SOL: Visual Arts VA SOL: NCTM Standard:
Standard: 4.2 The student will a) compare 4.11 The student will explore 4.NF.A.2: Compare two fractions with
and order fractions and mixed numbers, different numerators and different
with and without models; how artmaking skills can be used
denominators, e.g., by creating
in the development of solutions common denominators or numerators,
to real-world problems. or by comparing to a benchmark
fraction such as 1 2 . Recognize that
comparisons are valid only when the
two fractions refer to the same whole.
Record the results of comparisons with
symbols >, =, or < and justify the
conclusions by using a visual fraction

Specific Problem-Solving Strategy being used: The student will use problem-solving, mathematical communication,
mathematical reasoning, connections, and representations to • Compare and order no more than four fractions having like
and unlike denominators of 12 or less, using concrete and pictorial models. • Use benchmarks (e.g., 0, 1 or 1) to compare and
order no more 2 than four fractions having unlike denominators of 12 or less. • Compare and order no more than four
fractions with like denominators of 12 or less by comparing number of parts (numerators) (e.g., 1 < 3). • Compare and order
no more than four fractions with like numerators and unlike denominators of 12 or less by comparing the size of the parts
(e.g., 3 < 3). • Compare and order no more than four fractions (proper or improper), and/or mixed numbers, having
denominators of 12 or less. • Use the symbols >,<, =, and ≠ to compare fractions (proper or improper) and/or mixed numbers
having denominators of 12 or less.
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions: -As the denominator values gets larger, the fraction gets larger in value. The representation of
a numerical number such as ¼, is actually an equation representing 1 divided by 4=. Teachers learn from student misconceptions. I as a
teacher must be aware of student misconceptions to evaluate all my lessons looking for student understanding and gain of knowledge.
Also, if need to reteach any of misconceptions.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: (Discrepant events are awesome to use

Teacher will introduce lesson with a video on mini refresher on fractions Fraction Review

Teacher will then ask students about where they see fractions and when they may use fractions in real-life experiences. Teacher will write
student responses on the board and help to with prompts if students have difficulty. This can help show students fractions are all around

Teacher will handout KWL graph to students on fractions in ordering and comparing them

Fraction KWL.pdf

By writing a KWL chart the students will begin to develop the critical thinkings skills (KWL) when working with and processing the concept of

EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:

Teacher will provide each student a dice and worksheet on roll a numerator. Objective this wll help student to remember parts of
fractions and start to learn about greater than less than fractions

roll num.pdf

Teacher wil go over and remind the students that a fraction is written with a numerator over a denominator and write examples on
Teacher will provide a fraction sort sheet to help will learn to order from least to greatest.

fract sort.pdf

Teacher will provide students quilt sheet. This will help with writing fractions using a visual to help students go over parts to a fraction.
This activity will reinforce the visual learners in my class.

Quilt activ.pdf

During each of these activities, teacher will pull small groups to check for student understanding to see which students may be struggling
with understanding an may need more individualized help or modifications.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

Teacher will start showing video for students on comparing fractions. Comparing Fractions
Teacher will discuss using number lines, fraction strips and graphs to show how these can be used as visuals for ordering and comparing
fractions. This will help to show understanding comparing and ordering fractions and also the use of manipulatives.

compare fract.pdf

Equal to: being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value
Equivalent: equal in value, amount, function, meaning
Benchmark fractions: Fractions that we can use when measuring, comparing, or ordering other fractions.
Unit fraction: any fraction with 1 as its numerator (top number), and a whole number for the denominator (bottom number).
Greater than, less than: The greater than sign ( > ) denotes that the number after the more than sign is smaller than the number before the
symbol. The less than sign ( < ) denotes that the number after the sign is bigger than the number before the sign.
Whole number: a number without fractions; an integer.
Numerator: the number above the line in a common fraction
Denominator: he number below the line in a common fraction; a divisor.
Proper fraction: a fraction that is less than one, with the numerator less than the denominator.

Improper fraction: a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator,
Mixed number(s): a whole number, and a proper fraction represented together
Common denominator: a shared multiple of the denominators of several fractions.

--Any ELL students with IEPs teacher will have a print out sheet with vocabulary and definitions for students to paste in notebook
--Teacher will collect worksheets and check students answers to pull any students for remediation during independent practice time.
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
Students will complete fractions assignments to show an understanding of comparing fractions and equivalents
-Teacher will handout assignment and go over the directions and expectations that students need to have their pizza model and answer
the questions.

Pizza fraction.pdf


Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):

Teacher will provide quiz to check for students understanding 18 questions 1 pt per question.

Fraction quiz and


Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric):

Teacher will provide test to students after final lesson 33 questions 1 pt per each

Fraction Test.pdf
——Students will have the opportunity to write their thoughts of likes and dislikes of the entire assignment. The purpose of this:
a) Provides feedback to teacher for areas to improve or modify any part of lesson,
b) Students added “buy-in” of lesson adding to learning.
c) Giving opportunity for teaching across the curriculum by adding a writing element to this lesson.
Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
• Students with disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders)- read aloud and small group reinforcement, allot extra time
as needed
• ELL- pull small groups for read-aloud on assessments create worksheets in their 1st language pair students with a buddy that
speaks the same language to help with translation if a student is available.
• Gifted learners provide extension activities possible as co-teachers for students that need extra help in small groups
Continued Plan for Differentiation: What specific activities will you have in place for each Tier of learning and why you chose them:
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Slower paced to reinforce and confirm the facilitator. student disabilities and learning style.
understanding for ENTIRE class. I would model a mini-lesson using fraction Activity is to describe or define what is a
• Drawing varied representations of strips. Starting with a representation of one fraction? What are the parts of a fraction
varied fractions called out by teacher. whole. I would break the one whole into called?
For example, “will each of you draw a varied fractions., naming the fraction • This is a totally verbal one on one
diagram of a fraction representing represented. I would reinforce the naming activity that I did teach in Tier one. I
one-half. As the teacher I am looking would ask my student in their words to
of the numerator and denominator.
for a representation of equal parts of explain what a fraction was and why
• Each student within the group will be
one whole. they did so.
given a fraction to model. They will
• This activity can be modified to • I would then cite varied examples such
have a group leader lead by a explain their representation to all as a pizza, birthday cake, candy bar,
student. within the group. Teacher will correct and have them explain to me how
as needed. they might divide each into different
For the drawing you can use white boards, • Students will continue to color fraction fractions or pieces. Why would they do
construction paper cut outs, or just crayons strips representation that teacher calls so?
on drawing paper. This adds a fun part to out. I am looking for their understanding and
the learning when you are doing a proficiency within their answers and
reinforcement activity. explanations.

Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

How will you evaluate your practice? Review of data from assessments, student evaluation and independent
Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson? As the denominator values gets larger, the fraction gets less in
value. The representation of a numerical number such as ¼, is actually an equation representing 1 divided by 4=.
How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning? Teachers learn from student misconceptions.
I as a teacher must be aware of student misconceptions to evaluate all my lessons looking for student
understanding and gain of knowledge. Also, if need to reteach any of misconceptions this can be down in small
groups or individual remediation.
Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced? Yes, help students to
gain an understanding of fractions and how they are around us in everyday life.

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