Drama Lesson Plan - Google Docs 1

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‭ ame‬‭: Sophie Tomashot‬

N ‭Lesson Title: Drama‬

‭Date: 4/7/24‬ ‭ rade Level‬‭:‬‭Kindergarten‬
G ‭Circle one:‬ ‭ECE‬ ‭PKSN‬

‭ tandard(s)/Guideline(s)‬‭: Creative Development: 2. Creativity and Play a. Develops ability to express new ideas through‬
‭imaginative and inventive play.‬

‭ tandard(s)/Guideline(s)‬‭: Cognitive Development: 1. Memory a. Develops‬‭the ability to recall information about objects,‬
‭people, and past experiences.‬

‭Pre-assessment of current knowledge:‬

Instructional Objectives (1-2)‬ ‭ ssessment of Student Learning‬

A ‭Learning Experience‬
One/Two Assessed Instructional‬ Identify Evidence:‬‭(What will you collect‬ Academic Language:‬
Objective(s‬‭): The student will be able‬or record as data to demonstrate students‬
to...‬ have met your objective(s) and skill?)‬ ‭Drama‬
‭Memorize a short sentence as their‬ Theater‬
part in the play.‬ ‭During‬ ‭the‬ ‭performance‬ ‭keep‬ ‭track‬ ‭of‬ Performance‬
‭students'‬ ‭lines‬ ‭and‬ ‭take‬ ‭anecdotal‬ ‭notes‬ Memorization‬
‭on their confidence throughout the play.‬ Lines‬
One Assessed Developmental Skill:‬ Curtain‬
Program Monitoring‬‭: (How will you‬ Microphone‬
The student can memorize their specific‬ aggregate or compile your evidence into a‬ Sets‬
section and time it correctly as others‬ class or group view?)‬
say their parts.‬
‭To show the student's work there can be‬
‭a show/play where the students exhibit‬ Procedural steps:‬
‭their skills to the parents and other‬
‭classmates.‬ ‭1.‬ ‭Select an age-appropriate‬
‭play/show for the kindergarteners‬
Safety Considerations:‬ ‭2.‬ ‭Allow the students to pick their‬
‭favorite line they would like to‬
Making sure students don’t fall off the‬ ‭memorize for the show‬
stage.‬ Differentiation:‬ ‭3.‬ ‭Have students write out their‬
Making sure classroom organization is‬ ‭Have students improvise and share a‬ ‭sentences and practice saying‬
well put together and not cluttered for‬ ‭funny story and move from student to‬ ‭them in class independently.‬
tripping hazards.‬ ‭student to continue to the ending.‬ ‭4.‬ ‭Practice as a class moving from‬
‭student to student saying their line‬
‭while reading‬
‭5.‬ ‭Practice as a class without their‬
‭6.‬ ‭Allow students to express‬
‭themselves during their line to add‬
‭ ersonal flare (dance move or‬
‭singing their line).‬
‭7.‬ ‭Perform for parents :)‬

Authentic Materials:‬‭(Describe authentic‬

real-life, hands-on materials.)‬

‭ aper‬
Theater/stage if available‬

Adult Roles:‬

‭Check-in with students to make sure they‬

know all the words in their specific line.‬

‭ ttps://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Early-Learning/Early-Learning-Content-Standar‬

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