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Vellore lastitute of Techuology
D a. i




Program Name & Branch: B. Tech (Mecbaoical Eagiaceriog)

Course Code: BMEE207
Course Name: Kinematics and Dynamies of Machines
Faculty Namefs): Deepa A. Niranjana Behera. Seathinathau.N, Sridharan.K & Veahaiesas

Class Number(s): VL2022230501012, VL2022230500994, VL20222 305U0Y98. VI2U22US0iU

Masimum Macks 5t
Exam Duration: 90 minutes
a cam ot an oil engine to raise a valve by S0 mm through 2 o tic
cam revolution. During the raise of the vaive. the toliower toliows S.LM
motion during the first 60 and Uniform acceieration and dececietaiu during i
the next b0". The diameter of the roller is 2Umn and minitnum radus o te
cam is 25mm
Synthesize a four-bar mechanism is used to transter eiectt ictt i tie mar
transformer of the electric locomotives Assume surtabie data
DDesign20 involute gears to avoid ntertererce ot moduic ~nm anc a t a c t d u

I 2 nodule in such a way that when they mesti with each other tte v e i t
ratio 5 3 . The pinion gear fotates at 1 >0 pen

In an ep1-Cyclic gear train as shown in the tigure. the turiter iceth r gcars
A and D is +2 and 82. When Gear A makes one revoiulion cinckwit aC D
makes half revolution counterclockwist. deiermine the nurmter ot revaiuluns
made by the arm which holds both the pinion gears



A vertical petrol eng1ne of 100mm diametet atid tmm stk ha

connectung rod of 250 mm long The mass ot the prston s A t r speet
000 rpm on the espanston stroke witti a crank 0 t r h iy deat cenre th:
a pressure 700 ANm etermine a r i farers ating p i s anc

uided pin cnd with at hD


Vellore Institute of Technology
( D e e u e d o be Univosity mder sechou 3of uGC Act, 1956)




Programme Name & Branch: B.Tech- Automotive, Mechanical, Manufacturing Engineering

Course Code& Name:BMEE204 and Fluid Mechanics and Machines

Faculty Name(s):Dr. Anuj Kumar, Dr. Immanuel Selwyn Raj A,

Dr.Sekarapandian N, Dr. Sreeja Sadasivan,
Class Number(s):VL2022230501045, VL2022230501046, VL2022230501047, VL2022230501049
Exam Duration:90 minutes
Maximum Marks:5x 10-50M

Q.No Question
Two venturimeter of different area ratio are connected at different locations at the same pipe and
similar manometers are used to measure pressure heads. The second venturimeter of area ratio 5
registers a pressure head 6h and the first one registers 1.5h. Find the area ratio of the first
venturimeter. Assume that the Ca value is same for both the venturimetrs.

The viscous fluid flows in

12 cm pipe such that its velocity measured 2 cm away from the pipe
wall is 0.98 m/s. Consider the flow is laminar and determine:
) centre line velocity
b)maximum shear stress
flow rate
dpressure head for a pipe length of 350 mm
Also, draw the shear stress and velocity profile

An oil of density 900 kg/m flowing through an elbow makes a

155° turn before
discharged, as shown in Fig.2. The elevation difference between the centers of inlet and thebeing
sections is 0.4 m and the inlet velocity is 7 m/s. If the pipe diameter at the
entrance and exit are
350 mm and 100 mm,
Determine the gage pressure at the pipe entrance, assuming the pressure at the exit is
Neglecting the weight of fluid and elbow, find the total force needed to hold the pipe in place.

The air flow rate in a pipe at 18°C is 11 m/min. A thick filter is being tested for losses. The
upstream pressure is measured as 130 kPa. Find the loss coefficient KL of the filter by
using the water manometer reading?

D 8 cmm

3.3 cm Water

Fig. 2

The wall shear stress t for flow in a narrow annular gap between a fixed and a rotating cylinder
is a function of density p,
viscosity 4, angular velocity 2, outer radius R, and gap width Ar. Using
Buckingham's method, determine the functional relationship for the dependent wall shear
stress Tw

Vellore lnstitate of Technologs


WINTER SEMESTER 2022-2023 (Seniors)

Programme Name & Branch: B.I ech- Automotive, echanical, Manufacturing Engineering

Course Code BMEE204L

Course ame Fluid Mechanics and Machines
Class Number(s)
VL.2022230500741, VL2022230501042, VL2022230501040
VL2022230501043, VL.2022230500747
Faculty Members Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim M, Dr.
Deepakkumar R, Dr.
Mohanta, Dr. Aruna Kumar Behura Dr. Abinash
Praveen Kumar G
Exam Duration: 90 minutes
Maximunm Marks: 5
General instructionfsE
() Assume if any values are need with
proper justifications

Q.o In
1. the R-block hostel,
a vertical venturimeter is fixed to measure the flowrate
of water 10
to the overhead tank. The vertical venturimeter has an iniet and throat diameter of 200
mm and S mi, respectively, he
pressure connection at the throat is 150 mm above
that at the inlet. The
pressure loss is 0.5 m between inlet to throat.
flow is 50 litres/s and the coetticient
T the actual rate of
of discharge is 0.96, calculate () the
difference between iniet and throat in Nm , and Caleulate the ditference of pressure
between man and throat in tmeters it t 1s measured by wo different U-tube
manometers tu) mercury manoneter m) manometcr with tluid
specitic gravity of 3

The library block's air

conditioning system receives chilled
water from the SJT Annexe
ustng the circular ppe of 0.3 ms of water canying capacity At front of the fibraty

block, tn the horizontal position the pipe of 200 mm diameter is decreased to 150 mm

diamctcr witlh bend angle ot 120. The pressure at mlet to the bend s Pa
etemine tlie magnatiede and directon of the lorce exerted by the bend, it 10% ot the

Cit &mc1ic energo Is ost in the benal

Library Block

In the
shuttle bus, SAE 10 oil is used for engine
cooling sy stem. The oil viscosity 0.0.
poise and specitic gravity 0.8 is
tlowing through $0 min diameter pipe and length 500
m at the rate of 0.19
lit./sec. Determine
) Centre-line velocity.
i ) Pressure gradient
in) Wall shear
Iv) Power
required to mantiam the low and
(V Comment on the tluid 1low regine.

4 In the Anna auditorium, the cooling air trom the air

-conditioning sy stem enters the
audtoriun through a reclangular duct. Air (p - 12 kg/m' and y- 1 5 X 10* m's)

tlows at a rate of 2.5 m''s in a 30 cm (6) cm steel rectangular duct (roughness value

tor steel, k - 4.6 X 1 0 ° m ) . What is thhe pressure drop i) front o f the hall at 10 m of the

duct and iu) thhe rear end of the hall at 50 m of the duct? LUse Maody's chart

The wall sluear stress T. in a boundary layer is assuned to be a funetion of stream

clocity U. boundary layer thickness o, local turbulence velueity u', density p. and local

pressare grudient dpdx Write thhe damensmless parameters

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