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Magnitude and Intensity measure different 3 fractures. A ductile structure's ability to contort and
characteristics of earthquakes. Magnitude measures dissipate energy during an earthquake is, therefore,
the energy released at the source of the earthquake. also advantageous as it will keep deforming without
Magnitude is determined from measurements on reaching ultimate failure or collapse.
seismographs. Intensity measures the strength of
shaking produced by the earthquake at a certain Retrofitting is the Science and Technology of
location. Intensity is determined by its effects on strengthening the existing structures or structural
people, human structures, and the natural elements to enhance their performance with new
environment. Magnitude is measured by Richter scale technology, features and components. Retrofitting of
and intensity is measured by the Mercalli scale. an existing reinforced concrete structure includes
either repair, rehabilitation (or) strengthening terms.
Earthquake Design Philosophy The classification of retrofitting techniques for RCC
The earthquake design philosophy may be buildings is mainly of two categories, such as,
summarized as;
(a) Under minor but frequent shaking, the main 1. Global Retrofitting Techniques
members of the building that carry vertical and 2. Local Retrofitting Techniques
horizontal forces should not be damaged; however
building parts that do not carry load may sustain
repairable damage. Global Retrofitting Techniques
(b) Under moderate but occasional shaking, the main
members may sustain repairable damage, while the Adding Shear Wall, Adding Infill Wall, Adding Steel
other parts of the building may be damaged such that Bracing, Adding Wing Wall, Wall Thickening
they may even have to be replaced after the Technique, Mass Reduction Technique, Base
earthquake. Isolation Technique, Mass Dampers
(c) Under strong but rare shaking, the main members
may sustain severe (even irreparable) damage, but the Local Retrofitting Technique
building should not collapse.
Jacketing of Beams, Jacketing of Columns, Jacketing
Response spectrum analysis is a method to estimate of Beam-Column Joints, Strengthening of Individual
the structural response to short, nondeterministic,
transient dynamic events. Examples of such events
are earthquakes and shocks. Since the exact time
Methods of Retrofitting
history of the load is not known, it is difficult to
perform a time-dependent analysis. The exact value
of the peak response of a MDOF system in its nth Some of the commonly used methods of retrofitting
natural mode can be obtained from the earthquake of structure are:
response spectrum. The response spectrum method is
based on a special type of mode superposition. The Adding Steel Bracing, Jacketing Method, External
idea is to provide an input that gives a limit to how Plate Bonding, Base Isolation Technique, Mass
much an eigenmode having a certain natural Reduction Technique, Wall Thickening Technique,
frequency and damping can be excited by an event of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), Adding Shear Wall,
this type. Epoxy Injection Method, Section Enlarging
Reinforcing Method
A ductile structure can accommodate large
deformations without losing its strength and stability,
Seismic Design Factors
while a brittle structure can fail suddenly and
catastrophically. Ductility can also reduce the damage ● Low Height to Base Ratios.
and repair costs of a structure after an earthquake, as ● Equal Floor Heights.
it can prevent or limit the formation of cracks and
IS 4326 : 1993
IS 4326 : 1993
practices help in achieving the desired material areas. It helps inform building codes, zoning
properties and structural performance. regulations, and emergency preparedness plans to
Innovative Materials and Techniques: Explore reduce the impact of earthquakes on lives and
innovative materials and construction techniques that property.
enhance the ductility of RC members. Research and
development in this area continually offer new
solutions for improving structural performance.
By implementing these methods, engineers can
effectively increase the ductility of RC members,
ensuring the safety and resilience of structures under
various loading conditions, including seismic events.
Seismic evaluation
Seismic evaluation is a process used to assess the
vulnerability of structures, buildings, or infrastructure
to earthquake-induced ground motions. It involves
analyzing various factors such as soil conditions,
building materials, design specifications, and regional
seismic activity to determine how well a structure can
withstand seismic forces.