TG - Empowerment Technologies
TG - Empowerment Technologies
TG - Empowerment Technologies
Description: Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating content and experiences for learning in the
professional tracks.
Applied productivity tools with the use of advanced tools and independently apply advanced 4. uses common productivity
advanced application techniques techniques found in common productivity tools to create or tools effectively by CS_ICT11/12-
productivity and software develop ICT content for use in maximizing advanced
applications in developing ICT specific professional tracks ICTPT-Ic-d-4
application techniques.
content for specific
These advanced tools and professional tracks
techniques currently include, but are These may be in the form of,
not limited to: but not limited to:
5. creates an original or
1. Mail merge and label generation 1. Calculating spread sheet
derivative ICT content to
of athletic statistics effectively communicate or
2. Custom animations and timing
3. Hyperlinking in presentations (Sports) present data or information
4. Integrating images and external 2. Layout of catalogue of related to specific
creative works (Arts) professional tracks. CS_ICT11/12ICTPT-
material in word processors
3. Materials/ingredients Ic-d-5
5. Embedded files and data
projections for batches of
6. Advance and complex formulas
baked goods (Tech- Voc)
and computations
4. Letterhead/ business card
design (Business/
Imaging and Design for the Online how to manipulate text, independently apply the 6. evaluate existing websites
Environment covering the topics of graphics, and images to techniques of image and online resources based
create ICT content intended manipulation and graphic on the principles of layout,
for an online environment design to create original or graphic, and visual message
1. Basic principles of graphics and
derivative ICT content from design
layout existing images, text and
2. Principles of visual message graphic elements for use in
design using infographics specific professional tracks. CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-
3. Online file formats for images Ie-f-6
and text These may be in the form of,
4. Principles and basic techniques but not limited to:
of image manipulation 1. Team/ athlete/ league
5. Basic image manipulation recruitment posters
using offline or open-source (Sports)
2. Logo or crest for a
community, school
6. Combining text, graphics, and organization or barkada
images (Arts) 7. use image manipulation
7. Uploading, sharing, and image 3. Labeling and manual of techniques on existing
hosting platforms images to change or CS_ICT11/12-
operation for tools and
equipment (Tech-Voc) enhance their current state ICTPT-Ie-f-7
to communicate a message
4. Presentation of cafeteria
for a specific purpose
patronage data
Usable platforms/ (Business/ Academic) 8. create an original or
applications currently include but are derivative ICT content to
not limited to: effectively communicate a
visual message in an online CS_ICT11/12ICTPT-
1. Google Sketch Up
environment related to Ie-f-8
(freeware) specific professional tracks
2. GIMP (open source/ freeware)
Online platforms as tools for ICT the principles and independently apply the 9. evaluate existing online h-9
content development covering the techniques of design using principles and techniques of creation tools, platforms and
topics of: online creation tools, design using online creation applications in developing
platforms, and applications tools, platforms, and ICT content for specific
to develop ICT content for applications to create original professional tracks
1. The nature and purposes of specific professional tracks or derivative ICT content for
online platforms and use in specific professional
applications tracks
2. Basic web design principles 10. apply web design principles CS_ICT11/12ICTPT-
and elements These may be in the form of, and elements using online
3. Web page design using creation tools, platforms,
but not limited to:
templates and online and applications to
1. Survey instruments
WYSIWYG platforms communicate a message for
using a specific purpose in specific
Google forms (Business/ professional tracks
These online platforms currently
include, but are not limited to: Academic)
1. Presentation/ visualization 2. Athletic match-ups and
(Prezi, Zoho, Slideshare, league standings using
mindmeister) Mindmeister (Sports)
3. Catalogues/Swatches/ 11. create an original or CS_ICT11/12ICTPTIg-
2. Cloud computing (Google
options for products and derivative ICT content using
Drive, Evernote, Dropbox) h-11
services using Prezi online creation tools,
3. Social Media (Twitter, platforms, and applications
Facebook, Tumblr) (Tech-Voc) to effectively communicate
4. Web Page Creation 4. Online photo album of messages related to specific
artistic works or professional tracks
(Wix, Weebly)
photographs using Picasa
5. File Management (Arts)
(zamzar, word2pdf) 5. Online music production
6. Mapping (Google Maps, using Sibelius (Music)
Multimedia and ICTs covering the how rich media content and independently assess one’s 14. explore the principles of
topics of: interactivity affects and experience along a range of interactivity and rich content
changes the user experience online rich content on the basis in the context of Web 2.0
of the usability of the interface and the participation of the
1. Rich content in the online in the delivery and
user in the online experience
environment and the user consumption of ICT content
2. multimedia and
3. Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and user
participation in the
ICTs as platform for change covering ICT as a tool, medium, and independently articulate how 15. share anecdotes of how
the topics of: force in bringing about action ICT tools and platforms have he/she has used ICTs to be
and mobilize change in a changed the way people part of a social movement,
population, society, or culture. communicate, and how social change, or cause to illustrate
1. ICT as medium for advocacy change has been brought about aspects of digital citizenship
and developmental by the use of ICTs
2. The social power of social
3. Digital citizenship and the
Filipino people
Samples of this phenomenon include IIl-15
but are not limited to:
1. EDSA and Cardinal Sin’s call to
action via radio broadcast
2. EDSA Dos and the use of text
messaging to mobilize people
3. Million People March against
Pork barrel via Facebook
4. Disaster relief operations and
mobilization via Internet and
text brigades
how to maintain and independently evaluate the 22. generate a report on the
Sustaining an ICT Project for Social
performance of an advocacy via performance of their ICT
Change covering the topics of: sustain the operation of an
an ICT Project for Social Project for Social Change on
ICT Project for
Change through available the basis of data gathered
1. Updating content and Social Change from available monitoring
monitoring tools and evaluating
maintaining traffic to an tools and evaluating
techniques such as user
techniques CS_ICT11/12ICTPT- IIs-
ICT Project for Social interviews, feedback forms, and
Change Analytics data 22
2. Monitoring social impact of
advocacies communicated via
ICT Project for Social