Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics and The National Curriculum For England 0862 - tcm143-595682
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics and The National Curriculum For England 0862 - tcm143-595682
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics and The National Curriculum For England 0862 - tcm143-595682
Version 1.0
Copyright © UCLES 2020
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Colour coding key: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Mapping for the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics: Years 7 to 9 .................................................................................................................................... 11
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives that do not align with the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study ...... 28
We have mapped Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics (0862) to the national curriculum for England key stage 3 (KS3) mathematics programme of study. This
mapping document shows where Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics (0862) is covered in the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study.
The Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics Curriculum Framework provides a comprehensive set of progressive learning objectives for mathematics. The learning
objectives detail what learners should know or what they should be able to do in mathematics in each of Stages 7 to 9 of lower secondary education. They provide a structure
for teaching and learning and a reference against which learners' understanding can be checked. Each learning objective from the Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics
Curriculum Framework has a unique code, e.g. 7Sp.01. These codes appear in the Cambridge Teacher Guide, Schemes of Work and other published resources which can
be found at Ask the Cambridge coordinator or exams officer in your school if you do not already have a log-in for this
support site.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 4
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics is taught over three years (Stages 7 to 9) and is designed for ages 11 to 14. Each stage in the Cambridge Lower
Secondary Mathematics curriculum is designed to support a clear progression of mathematics knowledge and skills within and across the lower secondary stages.
Learners will develop over time their mathematical skills in Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measure, and Statistics and Probability while thinking and working
We have introduced Thinking and Working Mathematically as a key part of the Cambridge mathematics curriculum to assist learners in considering the processes that
are involved when solving problems. Thinking and Working Mathematically connects all the strands and learning objectives of the mathematics curriculum to support
learners in developing a collection of mathematical strategies.
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics and the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study cover the same expected learner ages:
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 5
Similarities Differences
Aspects of the two curricula that overlap: Aspects of the Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum
• There are substantial similarities between both curricula. The majority of that are not covered by the national curriculum for England KS3
the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study mathematics programme of study:
is covered in the Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum. • Number: deduce fractions that have recurring or terminating decimals;
• Strand organisation of the curricula is comparable, with learning objectives compound percentages
organised under similar strands. • Algebra: open and closed intervals
• Geometry and Measure: connect number of sides of a regular polygon to the
National curriculum for Cambridge Lower Secondary number of lines of symmetry and order of rotation; reflective symmetry in 3D
England KS3 mathematics Mathematics shapes; bearings; using coordinates to find the midpoint and points on a line
programme of study segment
• Statistics and Probability: select, trial and justify data collection and sampling
Number Number
methods to investigate predictions for a set of related statistical questions,
Ratio, proportion and rates of considering what data to collect, and the appropriateness of each type; effect of
change sample size on data collection and analysis; advantages and disadvantages of
Algebra Algebra different sampling methods; potential issues and sources of bias with data
collection and sampling methods; finding the theoretical probabilities of
Geometry and measures Geometry and Measure combined events; identifying when successive and combined events are
Probability Probability and Statistics independent
Aspects of the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics
programme of study curriculum that are not covered by the Cambridge
• The Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum considers
calculators a useful aid and learners should understand when it is best to
Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum:
use them to help them calculate. The national curriculum for England KS3 • Algebra: exponential and reciprocal graphs, terms arithmetic and geometric
mathematics programme of study recommends using calculators to • Ratio, proportion and rates of change: linking ratios to linear equations
calculate results accurately and interpret them appropriately. • Geometry and measures: using trigonometric ratios in right angle triangles,
• Both curricula emphasise the importance of incorporating their approach constructing a perpendicular to a give line from/at a given point, recognise and
to mathematics in all learning objectives. The national curriculum for use perpendicular distance from a point to a line as the shortest distance to the
England KS3 mathematics programme of study emphasises the line, draw polygons other than regular that are reflectively and rotationally
importance of Working Mathematically. The Cambridge Lower Secondary symmetrical
Mathematics curriculum emphasises the importance of Thinking and • Probability: sets.
Working Mathematically through eight defined characteristics.
Other differences to note:
• The Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum places an emphasis
on estimating in calculations and measurements.
• Cambridge learners are expected to work mentally in all aspects of their
mathematics to develop conceptual understanding. They are encouraged to
build a personal collection of helpful mental strategies by critiquing and
improving. In the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 6
Other similarities to note: of study there is specific mention of using mental strategies within some
• The Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum encourages statements rather than a holistic approach across the subject.
the use of technology as a valuable resource for teaching and learning, • Cambridge learners are encouraged to use any written method that suits their
especially when covering statistics. How and when it should be used is left understanding of mathematics and their context. The national curriculum for
to the discretion of the school to ensure that there is added value for the England KS3 mathematics programme of study recommends specific formal
learners. Similarly, the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics written methods.
programme of study recommends that teachers should use their
judgement about when to use ICT tools.
Percentage of the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study
curriculum statements covered explicitly by the Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 92%
curriculum, in whole or in part
Percentage of the Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum mapped against the
national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study, in whole or in part
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 7
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics is compatible Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics is compatible
with use of support materials recommended with additional support required
You are
Schools and teachers: you can add or integrate the Cambridge Schools and teachers: you may need assistance to add or
Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum yourselves and will integrate the Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum
benefit from: and will benefit from:
• using the materials on the support sites • discussing with your regional Cambridge International contact
• attending Cambridge International training (face-to-face or the specific needs of your school and identifying what available
online) support from Cambridge International best meets your needs
• a member of staff becoming a Cambridge International • discussing the compatibility of the Cambridge curriculum with
curriculum coordinator (or equivalent) and engaging with your subject specialist(s). This conversation may include
training and support analysing the specific issues with using the Cambridge
• using the wider guidance available, such as Implementing the curriculum in your school and jointly agreeing solutions.
Curriculum with Cambridge
• discussing with your regional Cambridge International contact
the specific needs of your school and identifying what available
support from Cambridge International best meets your needs.
It is possible to integrate the Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics curriculum with the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study as
there is significant overlap of content and the pedagogical approaches of both curricula are similar.
To integrate the two curricula, you will need to consider the amount of time you have available to teach mathematics and if more time can be provided.
• If more time is provided, it may be possible to cover the overlapping content and the unique content of both curricula.
• You would need additional planning time to integrate Cambridge’s Thinking and Working Mathematically.
• If more time is not available, you will need to make decisions about what unique parts of both curricula you will prioritise and which learning objectives can be
blended to minimise the time requirements. These decisions may be affected by other subjects you teach and whether you currently use the Cambridge Upper
Secondary programme (IGCSE and A Level).
Some of the content unique to Cambridge in Stage 9 is an introduction to IGCSE™ content and could be removed to provide more time for other aspects of both
curricula to be covered. Please cross-check your requirements with the relevant IGCSE syllabuses and make decisions suitable for your school.
Some aspects of the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study are covered in other parts of the Cambridge Pathway. For example, some
is covered in the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum and some may be covered within the IGCSE Mathematics syllabuses.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 8
We recommend that you read and consider the guidance document Implementing the Curriculum with Cambridge and at least one member of staff attends the
Introductory training for Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics.
In addition, we provide a progression grid that is useful for identifying progression of all content across all stages. This will support you to ensure that progression of the
Cambridge curriculum can be maintained when moving content between stages/years.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 9
Colour coding key:
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 10
Mapping for the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics: Years 7 to 9
Understand and use place value for decimals, 9Np.01 Multiply and divide integers and decimals by 10 to the power of any Place value of decimals is
measures and integers of any size positive or negative number. introduced in Cambridge
Primary Mathematics along
with measures.
Order positive and negative integers, decimals and 7Nf.06 Understand the relative size of quantities to compare and order decimals Cambridge learners are
fractions; use the number line as a model for and fractions, using the symbols =, ≠, > and <. encouraged to use any written
ordering of the real numbers; use the symbols =, ≠, 8Nf.06 Understand the relative size of quantities to compare and order decimals method that suits their
<, >, ≤, ≥ and fractions (positive and negative), using the symbol s=, ≠, >, <, ≤ and ≥. understanding of mathematics
and their context.
Use the concepts and vocabulary of prime 7Ni.04 Understand lowest common multiple and highest common factor (numbers Prime and composite numbers,
numbers, factors (or divisors), multiples, common less than 100). common multiples and
factors, common multiples, highest common factor, 8Ni.03 Understand factors, multiples, prime factors, highest common factors and common factors are introduced
lowest common multiple, prime factorisation, lowest common multiples. in Cambridge Primary
including using product notation and the unique 8Ni.05 Use positive and zero indices, and the index laws for multiplication and Mathematics.
factorisation property division.
Use the four operations, including formal written 7Ni.01 Estimate, add and subtract integers, recognising generalisations. Cambridge learners are
methods, applied to integers, decimals, proper and 7Ni.03 Estimate, multiply and divide integers including where one integer is encouraged to use any written
improper fractions, and mixed numbers, all both negative. method that suits their
positive and negative 7Nf.02 Estimate and add mixed numbers, and write the answer as a mixed understanding of mathematics
number in its simplest form. and their context.
7Nf.03 Estimate and multiply and divide two proper fractions.
7Nf.04 Use knowledge of common factors, laws of arithmetic and order of
operations to simplify calculations containing decimals or fractions.
7Nf.07 Estimate and add and subtract positive and negative numbers with the
same or different number of decimal places.
7Nf.08 Estimate and multiply and divide decimals by whole numbers.
8Ni.02 Estimate, multiply and divide integers, recognising generalisations.
8Np.01 Use knowledge of place value to multiply and divide integers and decimals
by 0.1 and 0.01.
8Nf.02 Estimate and subtract mixed numbers, and write the answer as a mixed
number in its simplest form.
8Nf.03 Estimate and multiply an integer by a mixed number, and divide an integer
by a proper fraction.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 11
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
8Nf.04 Use knowledge of the laws of arithmetic and order of operations (including
brackets) to simplify calculations containing decimals or fractions.
8Nf.07 Estimate and multiply decimals by integers and decimals.
8Nf.08 Estimate and divide decimals by numbers with one decimal place.
9Nf.02 Estimate, add and subtract proper and improper fractions, and mixed
numbers, using the order of operations.
9Nf.03 Estimate, multiply and divide fractions, interpret division as a multiplicative
inverse, and cancel common factors before multiplying or dividing.
9Nf.06 Estimate, multiply and divide decimals by integers and decimals.
Use conventional notation for the priority of 7Ni.02 Understand that brackets, positive indices and operations follow a
operations, including brackets, powers, roots and particular order.
reciprocals 7Nf.04 Use knowledge of common factors, laws of arithmetic and order of
operations to simplify calculations containing decimals or fractions.
8Ni.01 Understand that brackets, indices (square and cube roots) and operations
follow a particular order.
9Nf.04 Use knowledge of the laws of arithmetic, inverse operations, equivalence
and order of operations (brackets and indices) to simplify calculations containing
decimals and fractions.
Recognise and use relationships between 7Ni.06 Understand the relationship between squares and corresponding square Relationships between
operations including inverse operations roots, and cubes and corresponding cube roots. operations including inverse
8Nf.09 Understand and use the relationship between ratio and direct proportion. operations are progressively
9Nf.04 Use knowledge of the laws of arithmetic, inverse operations, equivalence introduced from Stage 2
and order of operations (brackets and indices) to simplify calculations containing onwards in Cambridge Primary
decimals and fractions. Mathematics.
Use integer powers and associated real roots 7Ni.06 Understand the relationship between squares and corresponding square
(square, cube and higher), recognise powers of 2, roots, and cubes and corresponding cube roots.
3, 4, 5 and distinguish between exact 8Ni.06 Recognise squares of negative and positive numbers, and corresponding
representations of roots and their decimal square roots.
approximations 8Ni.07 Recognise positive and negative cube numbers, and the corresponding
cube roots.
9Ni.02 Use positive, negative and zero indices, and the index laws for
multiplication and division.
9Ni.04 Use knowledge of square and cube roots to estimate surds.
Interpret and compare numbers in standard form A 7Np.01 Use knowledge of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers and
x 10n 1≤ A<10, where n is a positive or negative decimals by any positive power of 10.
integer or zero 9Np.01 Multiply and divide integers and decimals by 10 to the power of any
positive or negative number.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 12
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
9Ni.03 Understand the standard form for representing large and small numbers.
Work interchangeably with terminating decimals 7Nf.01 Recognise that fractions, terminating decimals and percentages have
and their corresponding fractions (such as 3.5 and equivalent values.
7/2 or 0.375 and 3/8)
Define percentage as ‘number of parts per 7Nf.01 Recognise that fractions, terminating decimals and percentages have Understanding percentage as
hundred’, interpret percentages and percentage equivalent values. the number of parts in each
changes as a fraction or a decimal, interpret these 7Nf.05 Recognise percentages of shapes and whole numbers, including hundred is introduced from
multiplicatively, express one quantity as a percentages less than 1 or greater than 100. Stage 4 onwards in Cambridge
percentage of another, compare two quantities 8Nf.05 Understand percentage increase and decrease, and absolute change. Primary Mathematics.
using percentages, and work with percentages
greater than 100%
Interpret fractions and percentages as operators 7Nf.05 Recognise percentages of shapes and whole numbers, including Understanding that fractions
percentages less than 1 or greater than 100. can act as operators are
progressively introduced from
Stage 2 onwards in Cambridge
Primary Mathematics.
Use standard units of mass, length, time, money 7Gg.04 Understand the relationships and convert between metric units of area, Units of mass, length, time,
and other measures, including with decimal including hectares (ha), square metres (m²), square centimetres (cm²) and square money and other measures,
quantities millimetres (mm²). with decimal quantities are
8Gg.03 Know that distances can be measured in miles or kilometres, and that a introduced in Cambridge
5 Primary Mathematics.
kilometre is approximately of a mile or a mile is 1.6 kilometres.
Round numbers and measures to an appropriate 7Np.02 Round numbers to a given number of decimal places. Rounding measures are
degree of accuracy [for example, to a number of 8Np.02 Round numbers to a given number of significant figures. covered by the Thinking and
decimal places or significant figures] Working Mathematically
characteristics, not by learning
Use approximation through rounding to estimate 7Ni.01 Estimate, add and subtract integers, recognising generalisations.
answers and calculate possible resulting errors 8Ni.02 Estimate, multiply and divide integers, recognising generalisations.
expressed using inequality notation a< x≤ b 9Np.02 Understand that when a number is rounded there are upper and lower
limits for the original number.
Use a calculator and other technologies to calculate Cambridge Lower Secondary
results accurately and then interpret them Mathematics encourages the
appropriately use of technology as a valuable
resource for teaching and
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 13
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
Cambridge learners use
calculators in conjunction with
mental and written strategies.
Appreciate the infinite nature of the sets of integers, 8Ni.04 Understand the hierarchy of natural numbers, integers and rational
real and rational numbers numbers.
9Ni.01 Understand the difference between rational and irrational numbers.
Use and interpret algebraic notation, including: 6Ni.03 Understand that brackets can be used to alter the order of operations.
• ab in place of a × b 7Ae.01 Understand that letters can be used to represent unknown numbers,
• 3y in place of y + y + y and 3 × y variables or constants.
• a2 in place of a × a, a3 in place of a × a × a; a2b 7Ae.02 Understand that the laws of arithmetic and order of operations apply to
in place of a × a × b algebraic terms and expressions (four operations).
• a/b in place of a ÷ b 7Ae.03 Understand how to manipulate algebraic expressions including:
• coefficients written as fractions rather than as - collecting like terms
decimals - applying the distributive law with a constant.
8Ae.02 Understand that the laws of arithmetic and order of operations apply to
• brackets
algebraic terms and expressions (four operations, squares and cubes).
8Nf.04 Use knowledge of the laws of arithmetic and order of operations (including
brackets) to simplify calculations containing decimals or fractions.
Substitute numerical values into formulae and 9Ae.03 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
expressions, including scientific formulae algebraic expression, and move between the two representations (including
squares, cubes and roots).
9Ae.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a
formula (including squares and cubes), and manipulate using knowledge of
inverse operations to change the subject of a formula.
Understand and use the concepts and vocabulary 7Ae.03 Understand how to manipulate algebraic expressions including:
of expressions, equations, inequalities, terms and - collecting like terms
factors - applying the distributive law with a constant.
8Ae.01 Understand that letters have different meanings in expressions, formulae
and equations.
8Ae.03 Understand how to manipulate algebraic expressions including:
- applying the distributive law with a single term (squares and cubes)
- identifying the highest common factor to factorise.
9Ae.01 Understand that the laws of arithmetic and order of operations apply to
algebraic terms and expressions (four operations and integer powers).
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 14
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
9Ae.03 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
algebraic expression, and move between the two representations (including
squares, cubes and roots).
9Ae.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a
formula (including squares and cubes), and manipulate using knowledge of
inverse operations to change the subject of a formula.
9Ae.05 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
equation. Move between the two representations and solve the equation (including
those with an unknown in the denominator).
9Ae.07 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
inequality. Move between the two representations and solve linear inequalities.
Simplify and manipulate algebraic expressions to 7Ae.03 Understand how to manipulate algebraic expressions including:
maintain equivalence by: - collecting like terms
• collecting like terms - applying the distributive law with a constant.
• multiplying a single term over a bracket 8Ae.03 Understand how to manipulate algebraic expressions including:
• taking out common factors - applying the distributive law with a single term (squares and cubes)
• expanding products of two or more binomials - identifying the highest common factor to factorise.
9Ae.02 Understand how to manipulate algebraic expressions including:
- expanding the product of two algebraic expressions
- applying the laws of indices
- simplifying algebraic fractions.
Understand and use standard mathematical 8Ae.05 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a
formulae; rearrange formulae to change the subject formula (mixed operations), and manipulate using knowledge of inverse
operations to change the subject of a formula.
9Ae.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a
formula (including squares and cubes), and manipulate using knowledge of
inverse operations to change the subject of a formula.
Model situations or procedures by translating them 7Ae.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
into algebraic expressions or formulae and by using algebraic expression, and move between the two representations (linear with
graphs integer coefficients).
7Ae.05 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a
formula (single operation), and move between the two representations.
7Ae.06 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
equation. Move between the two representations and solve the equation (integer
coefficients, unknown on one side).
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 15
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
7As.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a
linear function in two variables (of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑥𝑥 + 𝑐𝑐 or 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚), and move
between the two representations.
8Ae.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
algebraic expression, and move between the two representations (linear with
integer or fractional coefficients).
8Ae.05 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a
formula (mixed operations), and manipulate using knowledge of inverse
operations to change the subject of a formula.
8Ae.06 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
equation. Move between the two representations and solve the equation (integer
or fractional coefficients, unknown on either or both sides).
8As.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or
as a linear function in two variables (of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐), and move
between the two representations.
8As.06 Recognise that equations of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐 correspond to
straight-line graphs, where 𝑚𝑚 is the gradient and 𝑐𝑐 is the 𝑦𝑦-intercept
(integer values of 𝑚𝑚).
Use algebraic methods to solve linear equations in 7Ae.06 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
one variable (including all forms that require equation. Move between the two representations and solve the equation (integer
rearrangement) coefficients, unknown on one side).
8Ae.06 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
equation. Move between the two representations and solve the equation (integer
or fractional coefficients, unknown on either or both sides).
7As.03 Understand that a function is a relationship where each input has a single
output. Generate outputs from a given function and identify inputs from a given
output by considering inverse operations (linear and integers).
8As.03 Understand that a function is a relationship where each input has a single
output. Generate outputs from a given function and identify inputs from a given
output by considering inverse operations (including fractions).
Work with coordinates in all four quadrants 6Gp.01 Read and plot coordinates including integers, fractions and decimals, in all
four quadrants (with the aid of a grid).
6Gp.02 Use knowledge of 2D shapes and coordinates to plot points to form lines
and shapes in all four quadrants.
7Gp.02 Use knowledge of 2D shapes and coordinates to find the distance
between two coordinates that have the same x or y coordinate (without the aid of
a grid).
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 16
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
Recognise, sketch and produce graphs of linear 7As.05 Use knowledge of coordinate pairs to construct tables of values and plot
and quadratic functions of one variable with the graphs of linear functions, where 𝑦𝑦 is given explicitly in terms of 𝑥𝑥 (𝑦𝑦 = 𝑥𝑥 + 𝑐𝑐
appropriate scaling, using equations in x and y and or 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚).
the Cartesian plane 8As.05 Use knowledge of coordinate pairs to construct tables of values and plot
the graphs of linear functions, where 𝑦𝑦 is given explicitly in terms of 𝑥𝑥
(𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐).
8As.06 Recognise that equations of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐 correspond to straight-
line graphs, where 𝑚𝑚 is the gradient and 𝑐𝑐 is the 𝑦𝑦-intercept (integer values of 𝑚𝑚).
9As.05 Use knowledge of coordinate pairs to construct tables of values and plot
the graphs of linear functions, including where 𝑦𝑦 is given implicitly in terms of 𝑥𝑥
(𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 = 𝑐𝑐), and quadratic functions of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑥𝑥 2 ± 𝑎𝑎.
9As.07 Read, draw and interpret graphs and use compound measures to
compare graphs.
Interpret mathematical relationships both 8As.06 Recognise that equations of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐 correspond to straight-
algebraically and graphically line graphs, where 𝑚𝑚 is the gradient and 𝑐𝑐 is the 𝑦𝑦-intercept (integer values of 𝑚𝑚).
9As.06 Understand that straight-line graphs can be represented by equations.
Find the equation in the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐 or where 𝑦𝑦 is given implicitly in terms
of 𝑥𝑥 (fractional, positive and negative gradients).
9As.07 Read, draw and interpret graphs and use compound measures to
compare graphs.
Reduce a given linear equation in two variables to 8As.06 Recognise that equations of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐 correspond to straight-
the standard form y = mx + c; calculate and line graphs, where 𝑚𝑚 is the gradient and 𝑐𝑐 is the 𝑦𝑦-intercept (integer values of 𝑚𝑚).
interpret gradients and intercepts of graphs of such 9As.06 Understand that straight-line graphs can be represented by equations.
linear equations numerically, graphically and Find the equation in the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐 or where 𝑦𝑦 is given implicitly in terms
algebraically of 𝑥𝑥 (fractional, positive and negative gradients).
Use linear and quadratic graphs to estimate values 7As.03 Understand that a function is a relationship where each input has a single
of y for given values of x and vice versa and to find output. Generate outputs from a given function and identify inputs from a given
approximate solutions of simultaneous linear output by considering inverse operations (linear and integers).
equations 8As.03 Understand that a function is a relationship where each input has a single
output. Generate outputs from a given function and identify inputs from a given
output by considering inverse operations (including fractions).
8As.07 Read and interpret graphs with more than one component. Explain why
they have a specific shape and the significance of intersections of the graphs.
9Ae.06 Understand that the solution of simultaneous linear equations:
- is the pair of values that satisfy both equations
- can be found algebraically (eliminating one variable)
- can be found graphically (point of intersection).
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 17
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
9As.03 Understand that a function is a relationship where each input has a single
output. Generate outputs from a given function and identify inputs from a given
output by considering inverse operations (including indices).
Find approximate solutions to contextual problems 7As.07 Read and interpret graphs related to rates of change. Explain why they Contextual problems are
from given graphs of a variety of functions, have a specific shape. covered by the Thinking and
including piece-wise linear, exponential and 8As.07 Read and interpret graphs with more than one component. Explain why Working Mathematically
reciprocal graphs they have a specific shape and the significance of intersections of the graphs. characteristics, not by learning
9As.07 Read, draw and interpret graphs and use compound measures to objectives.
compare graphs.
Generate terms of a sequence from either a term- 7As.01 Understand term-to-term rules, and generate sequences from numerical
to-term or a position-to-term rule and spatial patterns (linear and integers).
7As.02 Understand and describe 𝑛𝑛th-term rules algebraically (in the form 𝑛𝑛 ± 𝑎𝑎,
𝑎𝑎 × 𝑛𝑛 where 𝑎𝑎 is a whole number).
8As.01 Understand term-to-term rules, and generate sequences from numerical
and spatial patterns (including fractions).
8As.02 Understand and describe 𝑛𝑛th term rules algebraically (in the form 𝑛𝑛 ± 𝑎𝑎,
𝑎𝑎 × 𝑛𝑛, or 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ± 𝑏𝑏, where 𝑎𝑎 and 𝑏𝑏 are positive or negative integers or fractions).
9As.01 Generate linear and quadratic sequences from numerical patterns and
from a given term-to-term rule (any indices).
9As.02 Understand and describe 𝑛𝑛th term rules algebraically (in the form
𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ± 𝑏𝑏, where 𝑎𝑎 and 𝑏𝑏 are positive or negative integers or fractions, and in the
form , 𝑛𝑛2 , 𝑛𝑛3 or 𝑛𝑛2 ± 𝑎𝑎, where a is a whole number).
Recognise arithmetic sequences and find the nth 8As.02 Understand and describe 𝑛𝑛th term rules algebraically (in the form 𝑛𝑛 ± 𝑎𝑎, The term ‘arithmetic sequence’
term 𝑎𝑎 × 𝑛𝑛, or 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ± 𝑏𝑏, where 𝑎𝑎 and 𝑏𝑏 are positive or negative integers or fractions). is not used. The formula for it is
included in this list of possible
sequence rules.
Recognise geometric sequences and appreciate 9As.02 Understand and describe 𝑛𝑛th term rules algebraically (in the form The term ‘geometric sequence’
other sequences that arise 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ± 𝑏𝑏, where 𝑎𝑎 and 𝑏𝑏 are positive or negative integers or fractions, and in the is not used. The formula for it is
form , 𝑛𝑛2 , 𝑛𝑛3 or 𝑛𝑛2 ± 𝑎𝑎, where a is a whole number). included in this list of possible
sequence rules.
Ratio, proportion and rates of change
Change freely between related standard units [for 7Gg.04 Understand the relationships and convert between metric units of area, Converting between standard
example time, length, area, volume/capacity, mass] including hectares (ha), square metres (m²), square centimetres (cm²) and square units is introduced in
millimetres (mm²). Cambridge Primary
8Nf.10 Use knowledge of equivalence to simplify and compare ratios (different Mathematics.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 18
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
Use scale factors, scale diagrams and maps 7Gp.01 Use knowledge of scaling to interpret maps and plans.
7Gp.06 Understand that the image is mathematically similar to the object after
enlargement. Use positive integer scale factors to perform and identify
8Gg.07 Represent front, side and top view of 3D shapes to scale.
8Gp.06 Enlarge 2D shapes, from a centre of enlargement (outside or on the
shape) with a positive integer scale factor. Identify an enlargement and scale
9Gp.01 Use knowledge of bearings and scaling to interpret position on maps and
9Gp.06 Enlarge 2D shapes, from a centre of enlargement (outside, on or inside
the shape) with a positive integer scale factor. Identify an enlargement, centre of
enlargement and scale factor.
9Gp.07 Analyse and describe changes in perimeter and area of squares and
rectangles when side lengths are enlarged by a positive integer scale factor.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 19
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
Solve problems involving percentage change, 8Nf.05 Understand percentage increase and decrease, and absolute change. Solving problems are covered
including: percentage increase, decrease and 9Nf.05 Understand compound percentages. by the Thinking and Working
original value problems and simple interest in Mathematically characteristics,
financial mathematics not by learning objectives.
Solve problems involving direct and inverse 7As.05 Use knowledge of coordinate pairs to construct tables of values and plot Solving problems are covered
proportion, including graphical and algebraic the graphs of linear functions, where 𝑦𝑦 is given explicitly in terms of 𝑥𝑥 by the Thinking and Working
representations (𝑦𝑦 = 𝑥𝑥 + 𝑐𝑐 or 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚). Mathematically characteristics,
7As.07 Read and interpret graphs related to rates of change. Explain why they not by learning objectives.
have a specific shape.
7Nf.09 Understand and use the unitary method to solve problems involving ratio
and direct proportion in a range of contexts.
8Nf.09 Understand and use the relationship between ratio and direct proportion.
8Ae.06 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as an
equation. Move between the two representations and solve the equation (integer
or fractional coefficients, unknown on either or both sides).
9Nf.07 Understand the relationship between two quantities when they are in direct
or inverse proportion.
9Nf.08 Use knowledge of ratios and equivalence for a range of contexts.
9As.03 Understand that a function is a relationship where each input has a single
output. Generate outputs from a given function and identify inputs from a given
output by considering inverse operations (including indices).
Use compound units such as speed, unit pricing
and density to solve problems
Geometry and measures
Derive and apply formulae to calculate and solve 7Gg.05 Derive and know the formula for the area of a triangle. Use the formula to Calculating the perimeter of a
problems involving: perimeter and area of triangles, calculate the area of triangles and compound shapes made from rectangles and 2D shape is introduced in
parallelograms, trapezia, volume of cuboids triangles. Cambridge Primary
(including cubes) and other prisms (including 7Gg.07 Derive and use a formula for the volume of a cube or cuboid. Use the Mathematics.
cylinders) formula to calculate the volume of compound shapes made from cuboids, in cubic
metres (m3), cubic centimetres (cm3) and cubic millimetres (mm3). Solving problems are covered
8Gg.04 Use knowledge of rectangles, squares and triangles to derive the by the Thinking and Working
formulae for the area of parallelograms and trapezia. Use the formulae to Mathematically characteristics,
calculate the area of parallelograms and trapezia. not by learning objectives.
8Gg.06 Use knowledge of area and volume to derive the formula for the volume of
a triangular prism. Use the formula to calculate the volume of triangular prisms.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 20
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
9Gg.04 Use knowledge of area and volume to derive the formula for the volume of
prisms and cylinders. Use the formula to calculate the volume of prisms and
Calculate and solve problems involving: perimeters 8Gg.02 Understand π as the ratio between a circumference and a diameter. Know Calculating the perimeter of a
of 2-D shapes (including circles), areas of circles and use the formula for the circumference of a circle. 2D shapes is introduced in
and composite shapes 9Gg.01 Know and use the formulae for the area and circumference of a circle. Cambridge Primary
9Gg.03 Estimate and calculate areas of compound 2D shapes made from Mathematics.
rectangles, triangles and circles.
Solving problems is covered by
the Thinking and Working
Mathematically characteristics,
not by learning objectives.
Draw and measure line segments and angles in 7Gp.01 Use knowledge of scaling to interpret maps and plans. Drawing and measuring line
geometric figures, including interpreting scale 9Gp.07 Analyse and describe changes in perimeter and area of squares and segments and angles are
drawings rectangles when side lengths are enlarged by a positive integer scale factor. introduced in Cambridge
9Gg.11 Construct 60º, 45º and 30º angles and regular polygons. Primary Mathematics.
Derive and use the standard ruler and compass 8Gg.12 Construct triangles, midpoint and perpendicular bisector of a line
constructions (perpendicular bisector of a line segment, and the bisector of an angle.
segment, constructing a perpendicular to a given
line from/at a given point, bisecting a given angle);
recognise and use the perpendicular distance from
a point to a line as the shortest distance to the line
Describe, sketch and draw using conventional 7Gg.01 Identify, describe and sketch regular polygons, including reference to
terms and notations: points, lines, parallel lines, sides, angles and symmetrical properties.
perpendicular lines, right angles, regular polygons, 7Gg.14 Draw parallel and perpendicular lines, and quadrilaterals.
and other polygons that are reflectively and
rotationally symmetric
Use the standard conventions for labelling the sides 7Gg.02 Understand that if two 2D shapes are congruent, corresponding sides and
and angles of triangle ABC, and know and use the angles are equal.
criteria for congruence of triangles
Derive and illustrate properties of triangles, 7Gg.01 Identify, describe and sketch regular polygons, including reference to Cambridge Lower Secondary
quadrilaterals, circles, and other plane figures [for sides, angles and symmetrical properties. Mathematics encourages the
example, equal lengths and angles] using 7Gg.03 Know the parts of a circle: use of technology as a valuable
appropriate language and technologies - centre resource for teaching and
- radius learning.
- diameter
- circumference
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 21
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
- chord
- tangent.
8Gg.01 Identify and describe the hierarchy of quadrilaterals.
8Gg.10 Derive and use the fact that the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the
sum of the two interior opposite angles.
Identify properties of, and describe the results of, 7Gg.10 Identify reflective symmetry and order of rotational symmetry of 2D
translations, rotations and reflections applied to shapes and patterns.
given figures 7Gp.03 Use knowledge of translation of 2D shapes to identify the corresponding
points between the original and the translated image, without the use of a grid.
7Gp.04 Reflect 2D shapes on coordinate grids, in a given mirror line (𝑥𝑥- or 𝑦𝑦-
axis), recognising that the image is congruent to the object after a reflection.
7Gp.05 Rotate shapes 90º and 180º around a centre of rotation, recognising that
the image is congruent to the object after a rotation.
8Gp.03 Translate points and 2D shapes using vectors, recognising that the image
is congruent to the object after a translation.
8Gp.04 Reflect 2D shapes and points in a given mirror line on or parallel to the 𝑥𝑥-
or 𝑦𝑦-axis, or 𝑦𝑦 = ± 𝑥𝑥 on coordinate grids. Identify a reflection and its mirror line.
8Gp.05 Understand that the centre of rotation, direction of rotation and angle are
needed to identify and perform rotations.
9Gp.03 Transform points and 2D shapes by combinations of reflections,
translations and rotations.
9Gp.04 Identify and describe a transformation (reflections, translations, rotations
and combinations of these) given an object and its image.
9Gp.05 Recognise and explain that after any combination of reflections,
translations and rotations the image is congruent to the object.
Identify and construct congruent triangles, and 7Gp.06 Understand that the image is mathematically similar to the object after
construct similar shapes by enlargement, with and enlargement. Use positive integer scale factors to perform and identify
without coordinate grids enlargements.
7Gg.02 Understand that if two 2D shapes are congruent, corresponding sides and
angles are equal.
9Gp.06 Enlarge 2D shapes, from a centre of enlargement (outside, on or inside
the shape) with a positive integer scale factor. Identify an enlargement, centre of
enlargement and scale factor.
Apply the properties of angles at a point, angles at 7Gg.12 Know that the sum of the angles around a point is 360º, and use this to Angles on a straight line are
a point on a straight line, vertically opposite angles calculate missing angles. introduced in Cambridge
7Gg.13 Recognise the properties of angles on: Primary Mathematics.
- parallel lines and transversals
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 22
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
- perpendicular lines
- intersecting lines.
8Gg.11 Recognise and describe the properties of angles on parallel and
intersecting lines, using geometric vocabulary such as alternate, corresponding
and vertically opposite
Understand and use the relationship between 7Gg.13 Recognise the properties of angles on:
parallel lines and alternate and corresponding - parallel lines and transversals
angles - perpendicular lines
- intersecting lines.
8Gg.11 Recognise and describe the properties of angles on parallel and
intersecting lines, using geometric vocabulary such as alternate, corresponding
and vertically opposite.
Derive and use the sum of angles in a triangle and 7Gg.11 Derive the property that the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is 360°, Deriving the sum of angles in a
use it to deduce the angle sum in any polygon, and and use this to calculate missing angles. triangle is introduced in
to derive properties of regular polygons 9Gg.07 Derive and use the formula for the sum of the interior angles of any Cambridge Primary
polygon. Mathematics.
9Gg.08 Know that the sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360°.
Apply angle facts, triangle congruence, similarity 7Gg.02 Understand that if two 2D shapes are congruent, corresponding sides and Deriving the sum of angles in a
and properties of quadrilaterals to derive results angles are equal. triangle and the sum of angles
about angles and sides, including Pythagoras’ 7Gg.11 Derive the property that the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is 360°, on a straight line are introduced
Theorem, and use known results to obtain simple and use this to calculate missing angles. in Cambridge Primary
proofs 7Gg.12 Know that the sum of the angles around a point is 360º, and use this to Mathematics.
calculate missing angles.
9Gg.09 Use properties of angles, parallel and intersecting lines, triangles and
quadrilaterals to calculate missing angles.
Use Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometric ratios 9Gg.10 Know and use Pythagoras’ theorem. Solving problems are covered
in similar triangles to solve problems involving right- by the Thinking and Working
angled triangles Mathematically characteristics,
not by learning objectives.
Use the properties of faces, surfaces, edges and 7Gg.06 Identify and describe the combination of properties that determine a Solving problems are covered
vertices of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, specific 3D shape. by the Thinking and Working
pyramids, cones and spheres to solve problems in 7Gg.09 Use knowledge of area, and properties of cubes and cuboids to calculate Mathematically characteristics,
3-D their surface area. not by learning objectives.
8Gg.05 Understand and use Euler’s formula to connect number of vertices, faces
and edges of 3D shapes.
8Gg.08 Use knowledge of area, and properties of cubes, cuboids, triangular
prisms and pyramids to calculate their surface area.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 23
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
9Gg.05 Use knowledge of area, and properties of cubes, cuboids, triangular
prisms, pyramids and cylinders to calculate their surface area.
Interpret mathematical relationships both 9Ae.06 Understand that the solution of simultaneous linear equations:
algebraically and geometrically - is the pair of values that satisfy both equations
- can be found algebraically (eliminating one variable)
- can be found graphically (point of intersection).
Record, describe and analyse the frequency of 7Sp.01 Use the language associated with probability and proportion to describe,
outcomes of simple probability experiments compare, order and interpret the likelihood of outcomes.
involving randomness, fairness, equally and 7Sp.02 Understand and explain that probabilities range from 0 to 1, and can be
unequally likely outcomes, using appropriate represented as proper fractions, decimals and percentages.
language and the 0-1 probability scale 7Sp.03 Identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event, and
recognise when they are equally likely to happen.
7Sp.05 Design and conduct chance experiments or simulations, using small and
large numbers of trials. Analyse the frequency of outcomes to calculate
experimental probabilities.
8Sp.04 Design and conduct chance experiments or simulations, using small and
large numbers of trials. Compare the experimental probabilities with theoretical
Understand that the probabilities of all possible 8Sp.01 Understand that complementary events are two events that have a total
outcomes sum to 1 probability of 1.
9Sp.01 Understand that the probability of multiple mutually exclusive events can
be found by summation and all mutually exclusive events have a total probability
of 1.
Enumerate sets and unions/intersections of sets 8Sp.02 Understand that tables, diagrams and lists can be used to identify all
systematically, using tables, grids and Venn mutually exclusive outcomes of combined events (independent events only).
Generate theoretical sample spaces for single and 7Sp.04 Understand how to find the theoretical probabilities of equally likely
combined events with equally likely, mutually outcomes.
exclusive outcomes and use these to calculate 8Sp.03 Understand how to find the theoretical probabilities of equally likely
theoretical probabilities combined events.
Describe, interpret and compare observed 7Ss.03 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data.
distributions of a single variable through: Choose and explain which representation to use in a given situation:
appropriate graphical representation involving - Venn and Carroll diagrams
discrete, continuous and grouped data; and - tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 24
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
appropriate measures of central tendency (mean, - dual and compound bar charts
mode, median) and spread (range, consideration of - waffle diagrams and pie charts
outliers) - frequency diagrams for continuous data
- line graphs
- scatter graphs
- infographics.
8Ss.03 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data.
Choose and explain which representation to use in a given situation:
- Venn and Carroll diagrams
- tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
- dual and compound bar charts
- pie charts
- frequency diagrams for continuous data
- line graphs and time series graphs
- scatter graphs
- stem-and-leaf diagrams
- infographics.
9Ss.03 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data.
Choose and explain which representation to use in a given situation:
- Venn and Carroll diagrams
- tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
- dual and compound bar charts
- pie charts
- line graphs, time series graphs and frequency polygons
- scatter graphs
- stem-and-leaf and back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagrams
- infographics.
7Ss.04 Use knowledge of mode, median, mean and range to describe and
summarise large data sets. Choose and explain which one is the most appropriate
for the context.
8Ss.04 Use knowledge of mode, median, mean and range to compare two
distributions, considering the interrelationship between centrality and spread.
9Ss.04 Use mode, median, mean and range to compare two distributions,
including grouped data.
Construct and interpret appropriate tables, charts, 7Ss.03 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data. Pictograms are introduced in
and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar Choose and explain which representation to use in a given situation: Cambridge Primary
charts, pie charts, and pictograms for categorical - Venn and Carroll diagrams Mathematics.
- tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 25
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
data, and vertical line (or bar) charts for ungrouped - dual and compound bar charts
and grouped numerical data - waffle diagrams and pie charts
- frequency diagrams for continuous data
- line graphs
- scatter graphs
- infographics.
8Ss.03 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data.
Choose and explain which representation to use in a given situation:
- Venn and Carroll diagrams
- tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
- dual and compound bar charts
- pie charts
- frequency diagrams for continuous data
- line graphs and time series graphs
- scatter graphs
- stem-and-leaf diagrams
- infographics.
9Ss.03 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data.
Choose and explain which representation to use in a given situation:
- Venn and Carroll diagrams
- tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
- dual and compound bar charts
- pie charts
- line graphs, time series graphs and frequency polygons
- scatter graphs
- stem-and-leaf and back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagrams
- infographics.
Describe simple mathematical relationships 7Ss.04 Interpret primary and secondary data, identifying patterns and trends,
between two variables (bivariate data) in within and between data sets, to answer statistical questions. Present
observational and experimental contexts and conclusions, considering data sampling as one source of variation, and validate
illustrate using scatter graphs predictions.
7Ss.05 Interpret data, identifying patterns, within and between data sets, to
answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions, considering the sources of
variation, including sampling, and check predictions.
8Ss.05 Interpret data, identifying patterns, trends and relationships, within and
between data sets, to answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions,
considering the sources of variation, including sampling, and check predictions.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 26
National curriculum for England KS3
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives Notes
mathematics: Years 7 to 9
9Ss.03 Record, organise and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data.
Choose and explain which representation to use in a given situation:
- Venn and Carroll diagrams
- tally charts, frequency tables and two-way tables
- dual and compound bar charts
- pie charts
- line graphs, time series graphs and frequency polygons
- scatter graphs
- stem-and-leaf and back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagrams
- infographics.
9Ss.05 Interpret data, identifying patterns, trends and relationships, within and
between data sets, to answer statistical questions. Make informal inferences and
generalisations from own and others’ conclusions, identifying wrong or misleading
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 27
Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics learning objectives that do not align with the national curriculum for
England KS3 mathematics programme of study
7Ni.05 Use knowledge of tests of divisibility to find factors of numbers greater than 100.
8Nf.01 Recognise fractions that are equivalent to recurring decimals.
9Nf.01 Deduce whether fractions will have recurring or terminating decimal equivalents.
7Ae.07 Understand that letters can represent an open interval (one term).
7As.06 Recognise straight-line graphs parallel to the 𝑥𝑥 - or 𝑦𝑦-axis.
8Ae.07 Understand that letters can represent open and closed intervals (two terms).
9As.04 Understand that a situation can be represented either in words or as a linear function in two variables (of the form 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 + 𝑐𝑐 or 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 = 𝑐𝑐), and move between
the two representations.
Geometry and Measure
7Gg.08 Visualise and represent front, side and top view of 3D shapes.
8Gg.09 Understand that the number of sides of a regular polygon is equal to the number of lines of symmetry and the order of rotation.
8Gp.01 Understand and use bearings as a measure of direction.
8Gp.02 Use knowledge of coordinates to find the midpoint of a line segment.
9Gg.02 Know and recognise very small or very large units of length, capacity and mass.
9Gg.06 Identify reflective symmetry in 3D shapes.
9Gp.02 Use knowledge of coordinates to find points on a line segment.
Statistics and Probability
7Ss.01 Select and trial data collection and sampling methods to investigate predictions for a set of related statistical questions, considering what data to collect (categorical,
discrete and continuous data).
7Ss.02 Understand the effect of sample size on data collection and analysis.
8Ss.01 Select, trial and justify data collection and sampling methods to investigate predictions for a set of related statistical questions, considering what data to collect
(categorical, discrete and continuous data).
8Ss.02 Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different sampling methods.
9Ss.01 Select, trial and justify data collection and sampling methods to investigate predictions for a set of related statistical questions, considering what data to collect, and
the appropriateness of each type (qualitative or quantitative; categorical, discrete or continuous).
9Ss.02 Explain potential issues and sources of bias with data collection and sampling methods, identifying further questions to ask.
9Sp.02 Identify when successive and combined events are independent and when they are not.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 28
9Sp.03 Understand how to find the theoretical probabilities of combined events.
9Sp.04 Design and conduct chance experiments or simulations, using small and large numbers of trials. Calculate the expected frequency of occurrences and compare with
observed outcomes.
V1 20Y09 Mapping Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 0862 (Stages 7 to 9) to the national curriculum for England KS3 mathematics programme of study (Years 7 to 9) 29
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