Session control file: C:\Users\User\Documents\SEM 4\SPASIAL\kanippeler.ctl
Data filename: C:\Users\User\Documents\SEM 4\SPASIAL\data jatim.csv
Number of areas/points: 38
Model settings---------------------------------
Model type: Poisson
Geographic kernel: adaptive Gaussian
Method for optimal bandwidth search: interval search
Criterion for optimal bandwidth: AIC
Number of varying coefficients: 6
Number of fixed coefficients: 0
Modelling options---------------------------------
Standardisation of independent variables: OFF
Testing geographical variability of local coefficients: On
Local to Global Variable selection: OFF
Global to Local Variable selection: OFF
Prediction at non-regression points: OFF
Variable settings---------------------------------
Area key: field1: Kab/
Easting (x-coord): field12 : longitude
Northing (y-coord): field11: latitude
Cartesian coordinates: Euclidean distance
Dependent variable: field2: Y
Offset variable is not specified
Intercept: varying (Local) intercept
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field3: X1
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field5: X3
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field6: X4
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field7: X5
Independent variable with varying (Local) coefficient: field8: X6
Global regression result
< Diagnostic information >
Number of parameters: 6
Deviance: 680.595663
Classic AIC: 692.595663
AICc: 695.305341
BIC/MDL: 702.421180
Percent deviance explained 0.547074
GWR (Geographically weighted regression) bandwidth selection
GWR (Geographically weighted regression) result
Bandwidth and geographic ranges
Bandwidth size: 3.000000
Coordinate Min Max Range
--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
X-coord 108.800194 124.466957 15.666763
Y-coord -8.749315 0.882681 9.631996
Diagnostic information
Effective number of parameters (model: trace(S)): 28.151665
Effective number of parameters (variance: trace(S'WSW^-1)): 24.900117
Degree of freedom (model: n - trace(S)): 9.848335
Degree of freedom (residual: n - 2trace(S) + trace(S'WSW^-1)): 6.596786
Deviance: 99.210081
Classic AIC: 155.513411
AICc: 341.009998
BIC/MDL: 201.614189
Percent deviance explained 0.933977
<< Geographically varying (Local) coefficients >>
Estimates of varying coefficients have been saved in the following file.
Listwise output file: C:\Users\User\Documents\SEM 4\SPASIAL\
GWR Analysis of Deviance Table
Source Deviance DOF Deviance/DOF
------------ ------------------- ---------- ----------------
Global model 680.596 32.000 21.269
GWR model 99.210 6.597 15.039
Difference 581.386 25.403 22.886
Geographical variability tests of local coefficients
Variable Diff of deviance Diff of DOF DIFF of Criterion
-------------------- ------------------ ---------------- -----------------
Intercept 44.822383 2.729285 -39.363812
X1 31.393805 1.714230 -27.965346
X3 32.957049 1.522827 -29.911395