JASC 2011a GulyasSmegiVEG
JASC 2011a GulyasSmegiVEG
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Pál Sümegi
University of Szeged
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Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic
transformation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary
Sándor Gulyás*, Pál Sümegi
University of Szeged, Department of Geology and Paleontology, H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2-6, Hungary
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The turn of the 6th and 5th millennia BC witnessed probably the largest economic and cultural
Received 7 December 2010 transformation of SE Europe giving rise to a new techno-complex occupying the alluvial plains of the Tisza
Received in revised form River and its tributaries in the southern parts of the Carpathian Basin. Representatives of the Tisza Culture
18 July 2011
were engaged in intensive farming complemented with foraging creating a complex system of hierarchical
Accepted 20 July 2011
multi-layered settlements (tells). The favorable endowments of the sites with a large variety of multiple
ecotones ideal for multifocal subsistence, as well as the introduction of new farming techniques ensured
the establishment of long-term sedentary lifeways. However, according to the archeology, a major shift in
subsistence happened toward the end of the Late Neolithic marking the terminal part of the evolution of
Multiproxy paleoecological analysis the culture. Traditional crop cultivation was increasingly complemented with hunting, animal husbandry
Social & economic crisis gaining importance. Other second-line resources like fish and shellfish followed the same pattern. Finally,
Riparian environment tells were disintegrated and a new cultural group of the Copper Age emerged. The exact background of
Late Neolithic these transformations is still unknown. In order to see whether or not potential transformations in the
Carpathian Basin local riparian environment had some role in shaping human behavior, a multiproxy paleoecological
analysis was implemented on mollusk material of one of the largest tell sites of SE Hungary. Freshwater
mollusks collected by humans in themselves characterize the quality of the water body from which they
derive. They are also an excellent marker of socioeconomic response to environmental stress. According to
our findings the emergence of new settlement phases and the intensified foraging could have been
correlated with alteration of stream properties yielding successively higher floods. This was initially
beneficial creating lush pasturelands for large bodied prey infiltrating the area during the referred period
like aurochs, red-deer. But ultimately it might have reduced areas suitable for agriculture and living most
likely leading to social disruption besides other cultural, social processes.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0305-4403/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
2 S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17
Fig. 1. The distribution of horizontal and multi-layered (tell) settlements in the Great Hungarian Plain during the evolution of the Late Neolithic Tisza culture with contemporary
cultural groups marked (modified after Gulyás and Sümegi, 2011).
large bodied domesticates (auroch and cattle) (Fig. 1). The final climatic perturbation were postulated among potential trigger
phase of the Tisza Culture in the southern Great Hungarian Plains is factors but not yet justified. In order to see whether or not potential
represented by the Gorzsa group with a network of interacting transformations in the local riparian environment had some role in
settlements in the vicinity of Hódmezo } vásárhely and Szeged shaping human behavior, a multiproxy paleoecological analysis was
(Figs. 1e3). According to the archeology, a major shift in subsistence implemented on mollusk material of one of the largest tell sites of SE
happened toward the end of the Late Neolithic marking the terminal Hungary: Hódmezo } vásárhely-Gorzsa. Since freshwater mollusks
part of the evolution of the culture. Traditional crop cultivation was collected by humans characterize the quality of the water body from
increasingly complemented with hunting, animal husbandry of which they derive on the one hand. Furthermore, they are also an
large bodied animals (cattle, pig) (Horváth, 2005; Szabó, 2007, excellent marker of socioeconomic response to environmental
Bartosiewicz, 2005) (Fig. 2). Probably other second-line sources stress. Terrestrial mollusks on the other hand may shed light onto
like fish and shellfish showed the same pattern. Finally tells were compositional changes in the vegetation near the sites themselves.
disintegrated and a new cultural group e the so-called Early Copper
Age Tiszapolgár Culture- emerged (Gyucha et al., 2009; Parkinson
2. General characteristics of the studied Late Neolithic tell
et al., 2004, 2010). The exact background of these transformations
site of Hódmezo} vásárhely-Gorzsa
is still to be revealed. Social and economic changes as well as a major
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17 3
Fig. 2. The ratio of domestic and wild animals during the Neolithic of Hungary (after Bartosiewicz, 2005).
The site covers an area of 5 ha of which 3.5 represents roughly (Fig. 3e). Correlation between the individual profiles was imple-
the tell settlement itself. Out of the 2.6e3 m thick sequence about mented on the basis of relative archeostratigraphy (Horváth, 1988,
1.8e2 m corresponds to the period of the Late Neolithic Tisza 2005) and absolute chronology (Hertelendi and Horváth, 1992;
Culture overlain by layers of Early and Late Copper Age, Early and Hertelendi et al., 1998; Gulyás et al., 2010). Faunal changes
Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, Sarmatian Age as well as Medieval observable in the archeological material must be attributed to
deposits. The inner chronology of the site established by Horváth various factors, if we appreciate the human or cultural context of
(1982) corresponds to four successive settlement phases marked the material. Abundance of certain faunal elements in our fresh-
as D to A. Phase C yielded the thickest 1 m deposit of the sequence water shellfish material is the outcome of the complex interplay of
(Horváth, 1988). According to the available test-probe data, the various biotic (predation including humans) and abiotic ecological
settlement reached its greatest extent of 35,000 m2 during this components (substrate conditions, hydraulic parameters, water
phase. Houses were arranged in a circle around a large open space temperature, pH, bioproduction, sediment accumulation etc)
and burnt down several times. Based on the evaluation of succes- (Byers and Broughton, 2004; Wolverton, 2005). Thus changes
sive finds the longest periods of D and C were further subdivided observable in faunal abundances can indicate subsistence change
(D1, D3 and C1, C2, C3) (Horváth, 1994, 2005). Phase B is repre- and resource selection resulting from increased foraging pressure
sented by a couple of graves dug into the occupation layers of phase on the one hand. On the other hand, environmental change can also
C. Finally the last A phase is given by the artefacts of some scattered reduce the abundance of certain faunal elements independent of
pits and occupation levels. human predation. Thus to resolve issues of temporal change
According to the available radiocarbon dates (Hertelendi and observable in the studied archeofauna a complex analysis of several
Horváth, 1992; Hertelendi et al., 1998; Gulyás et al., 2010) and the lines of information is needed (Peacock and Seltzer, 2008; Rustioni
archeology of the site (Horváth, 1982, 2005), out of the 6 major et al., 2007) (Fig. 4). Faunal composition based on abudance was
phases of the Tisza Culture (Table 1.) 4 typical (Tisza IIeV) and 1 determined using the measure minimum number of individuals
transitional phase to the Early Copper Age (Tisza VI) has been (MNI) via taking into account the valves present in larger numbers
identified (Horváth, 2005). per taxon (Peterson, 1989; Lyman, 1994; Claasen, 1998). The taxa
present were identified to the lowest possible level using the works
3. Material and methods of Richnovszky and Pintér (1979) and Soós (1943). The ecological
characteristics of the individual species were gleaned from studies
Fine stratigraphic sampling yielded mollusk samples in adjacent of the modern fauna using the works of Sümegi (1989), Krolopp and
profiles along micro-horizons corresponding to occupation levels Sümegi (1992, 1995), Sümegi and Krolopp (1995), Evans (1972) and
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
4 S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17
} vásárhely-Gorzsa. a) wider surroundings of the site with tell sites of the same culture marked (dark dots). b) conditions preceding the
Fig. 3. Location of the study site of Hódmezo
19th century river regulations and, c, d) geomorphology of the site. e) squares of excavated profiles by Horváth (1988, 2005).
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17 5
diversity index (H) was calculated for the sample assemblages to Prey demographic structure was determined via univariate
measure resource specialization as it exists along a continuum (Zar, statistical analysis of mussel shell parameters (shell height) (Gulyás
1996; Hammer and Harper, 2005). It is also important to recognize and Sümegi, 2004). The received descriptive statistics was used to
that similar evenness values do not mean that resource utilization identify foraging strategies (Charnov and Orians, 1973; McArthur
or targeted habitat conditions are unchanging. Sample proportions and Pianka, 1966; McArthur and Levins, 1967; Broughton, 1999;
can remain the same but the taxa corresponding to those propor- Lupo, 2007; Bird and Bliege-Bird, 2000) and its outcome on the
tions may change; i.e. a shift in habitat conditions or targeted patch harvested fauna.
may appear. In order to identify units of similar paleobiological In order to assess the fidelity of information gained, taphonomy
content reflecting similar environmental or habitat conditions, the yielding potential bias was considered (Behrensmeyer and Hill,
collective handling of ecological information of the studied taxa 1980; Behrensmeyer et al., 2000; Peacock, 2000; Claasen, 1998;
and faunal abudance values is needed. For this several widely Pike-Tay et al., 2004; Bartosiewicz, 2006). Here the indices of the
adopted explorative multivariate statistical methods are known rate of fragmentation depicting the ratio of quantifiable elements
(Digby and Kempton, 1987; Chatfield and Collins, 1980; Davies, (Kent, 1988; Nichol and Wild, 1984; Claasen, 1998; Lyman, 1984)
1998). In our work DCA (detrended correspondence analysis) was was considered along with valve representation (Koike, 1979;
implemented on a taxon/abudance data matrix per sample Peacock and Seltzer, 2008; Gulyás and Sümegi, 2004; Gulyás
following the methods of Hill and Gauch (1980); Behrensmeyer et al., 2007). To asses potential bias from sample size, Spearman
(1991) and Rustioni et al. (2007). Eigenvalues received were used rho was calculated between the gained parameters and the number
to describe information expressed by the faunal composition of the of identified elements (Simpson et al., 1960; Cochrane, 2003).
sample as whole. Visual evaluation of the scatterplot enabled the In order to retain further ecological parameters of the studied
interpretation of the ecological meaning of the received eigen- aquatic habitats, shells were subjected to geochemical analysis.
values. Thus the received axes were identified to reflect major Some of the routinely recorded trace elements in shells are excel-
ecological gradients; i.e. changes in water velocity, substrate type in lent markers or proxies of certain parameters of the studied
case of the freshwater mollusks or habitat and humidity changes in waterways. Mn2þ has been proposed as indicator of algal produc-
case of the terrestrial mollusks. However, faunal frequency or tivity (Vander Putten et al., 2000; Langlet et al., 2006, 2007; Caroll
abundance on its own may not be sufficient to capture all aspects of and Romanek, 2008; Siegele et al., 2001; Lazareth et al., 2003) and
harvest strategies deployed. It is necessary to use additional lines of as such an ideal proxy of the rate of dissolved oxygen in the water
information such as changes in prey demographic structure (body (Mutvei and Westermark, 2001; Ravera et al., 2003, 2007; Caroll
size, age) as well reflecting foraging pressure on the fauna and its and Romanek, 2008). Fe2þ, Zn2þ are soluble in relation to the
background causes-harvest strategy employed-(McAulife, 1984; acidity of the medium and as such may record fluctuations in the
Broughton, 1994), fluctuations in habitat conditions due to over- pH (Stumm and Morgan, 1996; Mutvei and Westermark, 2001).
harvest or other natural causes (Erman and Erman, 1984; Murphy According to Lee and Wilson (1969) and Hill (1975) rivers with
and Davy Bowker, 2005; Weber, 2005; Bauer and Wachtler, 2001; a larger discharge tend to be more dilute and as such relatively
Peacock, 2000; Reitz and Wing, 1999), and/or climatic parameters deprived of dissolved elements compared to rivers with a lower
(Klein and Cruz-Uribe, 1984; Nagaoka, 2002, 2005; Cannon, 2000; discharge. Consequently, a negative shift in general concentration
Jerardino and Navarro, 2008; Yamazaki and Oda, 2009). values of trace elements may also reflect a transformation in
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
6 S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17
Table 2
Composition of the identified archeomalacofauna.
discharge values of a fluvial system. Shells of the same mussel taxon Statistical analysis including KruskalleWallis test and correla-
(Unio pictorum (Linnaeus)) were chosen for analysis in order to tion analysis were performed following the methods of Sokal and
avoid discrepancies deriving from taxon-specific incorporation of Rohlf (1995) to explore and clarify the relationship among the
the studied elements. Samples were acid digested on hot plate gained variables using programs SPSS 11 and PAST 1.8 (Hammer
following a modified procedure of Szöo } r et al. (1992) and Peacock and Harper, 2005). Statistical significance was assumed when
and Seltzer (2008). Mn, Fe and Zn concentrations were recorded p < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively. The gained proxies were also
using the flame AAS technique in a PerkineElmer AAS type 100 at depicted graphically using the program Golden Software Grapher
the Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged, 7.0 to study shifts in the values in relation to archeostratigraphy.
Hungary. Calibrations and measurements were performed in
accordance with international standards following Pradyot (2004). 4. Results
Samples were measured 3 times to ensure reproducibility of the
results is better than 0.1%. Shell concentrations of elements are 4.1. Taxonomic composition of the studied fauna
reported to dry weight to enable comparison with other published
data on modern and subfossil unionid taxa. The studied archeofauna yielded 10,335 specimens (NISP) of 7
Finally additional social and cultural aspects of the fauna freshwater (4 bivalve, 3 gastropod) and 2 terrestrial mollusk taxa
(shellfish use in sacrificial and everyday activities) was also incor- (Table 2). Freshwater elements are clearly dominant (95.84%), while
porated into our analysis. the proportion of terrestrial gastropods is relatively negligible
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17 7
(4.16%) due to the nature of the deposit. In the freshwater fauna the paleotemperatures based on malacothermometry (Sümegi, 1989)
dominant ecotypes (85.73%) are those of so-called ditch elements were somewhat above the modern value (22e23 C ). This is
preferring standing or temporarily moving-water conditions and congruent with the idea of Holocene climatic optimum during the
a muddy substrate (painter’s mussel ¼ Unio pictorum (Linnaeus Atlantic (Denton and Karlen, 1973; Davis et al., 2003; Kalis et al.,
1755), swollen river mussel ¼ Unio tumidus (Philipsson 1788)). Taxa 2003; Voigt et al., 2008; Wolverton, 2005). The fauna was domi-
showing preference for moving-water conditions (rheophylic) (river nated by the xerophylous, forest-steppe- dweller Cepea vindobo-
mussel ¼ Unio crassus (Philipsson 1788), river snails ¼ Viviparus nensis (Férussac 1821) (76%). Conversely, the proportion of the
acerosus (Bourguinat 1862) and Viviparus contectus (Millet 1813)) are hygrophilous, shade-loving Burgundy snail (Helix pomatia (Lin-
relatively subordinate (14.27%). Freshwater snails populating minor naeus)) is subordinate (w24%). This data is in line with that shown
ponds of the floodplain (Lymnaea stagnalis (Linnaeus 1758), are also by the freshwater fauna; i.e. the presence of wide-open grasslands
subordinate in the fauna similarly to pond mussel (Anodonta cygnea on the flood-free natural high hosting the settlement (Fig. 3).
(Linnaeus 1755) (w1%). This fact plus the univocal dominance of If we examine the composition of the fauna by sample we can
painter mussel in our material is a clear proof of the artificial nature clearly see that there is only a slight scatter between samples
of the deposit. Nevertheless, the composition of the mollusk fauna along Axis 1 of the DCA scatterplot (Fig. 5). Bubble size corre-
ideally describes a habitat in accordance with the location of the site. sponds to the magnitude of the eigenvalue along Axis 2. Circles
Namely, a protected floodplain away from the main channel (Fig. 3) with dotted line depict scatter in sample values along major
with relatively calm conditions, and a muddy substrate as well as ordination axes. Dotted lines mark inferred ecotype boundaries
dense aquatic vegetation and higher bioproduction rates. The along major gradient axes. Rheophylic elements like river snails
presence of moving-water elements points to recurrent minor are not sharply separated from typical ditch elements of painter’s
floods carrying coarser material onto the floodplain as well. Two mussel and swollen river mussel along Axis 1 apart from thick
thermophylous terrestrial snail taxa were identified in the material shelled river mussel, which is characterized by a highly positive
with about 234 specimens (Table 2). The inferred mean July eigenvalue (w2). This somewhat complicates the interpretation
Fig. 6. Fluctuations of proxy values describing major environmental parameters throughout the life of the study site (broken lines depict major trend in data).
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
8 S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17
Table 3
Correlations between received variables for habitat quality, foraging strategy, taphonomy, archeostratigraphy.
Decoration (PCA) Temper (PCA) Imported ceramics (PCA) Harvested mussels Harvested riverine snails Water velocity
Spearman’s Decoration Correlation 1 0.5091 0.743662595748901 0.412253201007843 0.372900277376175 0.346557408571243
rho coefficient
(PCA) Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0110 0.0000311744406644721 0.0453013330698013 0.072704866528511 0.0971125289797783
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Temper Correlation 0.5091 1 0.672626554965972 0.25179386138916 0.106637716293335 0.281739115715027
(PCA) Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0110 0.000317014986649156 0.235257282853127 0.619932770729064 0.182282775640488
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Imported Correlation 0.743662595748901 0.672626554965972 1 0.559844672679901 0.469998359680176 0.576287925243377
Ceramics Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0000311744406644721 0.000317014986649156 0.00444378657266498 0.0204772986471653 0.00320466374978423
(PCA) N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Mussel Correlation 0.412253201007843 0.25179386138916 0.559844672679901 1 0.70069682598114 0.206566646695137
harvest coefficient
Intensity Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0453013330698013 0.235257282853127 0.00444378657266498 0.000137150083901361 0.332823514938354
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Harvested Correlation 0.372900277376175 0.106637716293335 0.469998359680176 0.70069682598114 1 0.060500580817461
Riverine Sig. (2-tailed) 0.072704866528511 0.619932770729064 0.0204772986471653 0.000137150083901361 0.778844058513641
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Water Correlation 0.346557408571243 0.281739115715027 0.576287925243377 0.206566646695137 0.060500580817461 1
velocity coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0971125289797783 0.182282775640488 0.00320466374978423 0.332823514938354 0.778844058513641
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Shannon H Correlation 0.0623367428779602 0.433043479919434 0.0802095159888268 0.0474016107618809 0.144504979252815 0.0243478268384933
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.772301971912384 0.0345363691449165 0.709469139575958 0.825913190841674 0.500511765480041 0.910087406635284
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Average shell Correlation 0.0418484434485435 0.141739130020142 0.281605154275894 0.488801926374435 0.249401673674583 0.291304349899292
Height Sig. (2-tailed) 0.846054673194885 0.508832454681396 0.182499662041664 0.0153595302253962 0.239884734153748 0.167254343628883
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Fragmentation Correlation 0.0575541220605373 0.221352472901344 0.010682393796742 0.247716397047043 0.00718328543007374 0.124374866485596
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.789372324943542 0.298582792282104 0.960488677024841 0.243180274963379 0.973425447940826 0.562563121318817
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Right/left Correlation 0.0257810801267624 0.245805889368057 0.102468870580196 0.235833168029785 0.0796248465776443 0.10764903575182
valve coefficient
Ratio Sig. (2-tailed) 0.904817402362823 0.24695186316967 0.633752286434173 0.267255455255508 0.711498260498046 0.616598844528198
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Size range Correlation 0.182036712765694 0.15090237557888 0.212121829390526 0.635928690433502 0.366565227508545 0.0621874332427979
of dominant coefficient
mussel Sig. (2-tailed) 0.39458429813385 0.481526523828506 0.31969279050827 0.000837902654893696 0.0780950710177422 0.772833406925201
N 24 24 24 24 24 24
Mn2þ Correlation 0.140533775091171 0.0181818176060915 0.0325203686952591 0.252029895782471 0.217744663357735 0.224675327539444
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.54345291852951 0.937650084495544 0.88870894908905 0.270402312278748 0.343040108680725 0.327510237693787
N 21 21 21 21 21 21
Fe2þ Correlation 0.14248563349247 0.0103896101936698 0.243252351880074 0.256576836109161 0.285342991352081 0.068831168115139
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.537811577320098 0.964349031448364 0.2879958152771 0.261560827493668 0.209913671016693 0.766877889633178
N 21 21 21 21 21 21
of the ecological meaning of Axis 1. However, thick shelled river a more important role than considerable shifts in substrate condi-
mussel is the only taxon with a preference for a sandy substrate. tions during the history of the tell complex.
The remaining rheophylic river snail and the ditch species like For the entire profile the inferred two components (DCA1 &
painter’s mussel, swollen river mussel and pond mussel with DCA2) tend to display a gradually increasing trend regarding their
a muddy substrate preference are characterized by eigenvalues intensities not absolute values (Fig. 6). For substrate conditions
below 0.5 and zero. The typical pond dweller pond mussel has an the first settlement phase (D) is in sharp contrast with the
extremely negative eigenvalue (2.7) in similar magnitude to the successive phases of C and B with a prevalence of muddy
thick shelled river mussel (w2). So this gradient (Axis 1) giving substrate and only minor fluctuations between the two subphases
78.25% of the total variance must represent habitat/substrate type D1 and D3. Conversely, in phase C, apart from some minor fluc-
along which elements with a preference for muddy substrate are tuations, generally coarse-grained substrate conditions develop in
clearly separated from those of sandy substrate. comparison with the preceding phase probably as a result of
Conversely, separation of taxa according to their ecological heightened floods carrying more suspended load onto the distal
characteristics is more straightforward along Axis 2 giving 22.75% parts of the floodplain located at a larger distance from the active
of total variance. Here ditch elements are characterized by eigen- channel hosting the settlement (Fig. 3). A similar pattern was
values close to zero (w 0.5 and 0.25). Rheophylic elements on the observable in the parameter expressing fluctuations in the
other hand have high positive eigenvalues (w1 and >1). So this hydraulic conditions of the floodplain in the vicinity of the site.
gradient must correspond to variation in preference shown for The beginning of phase D1 is characterized by relatively higher
hydraulic conditions of the habitat. Samples tend to display a larger water velocities, which is gradually reduced by the middle part of
scatter along Axis 2 implying that fluctuations in hydraulic phase D3. From the second half of phase D3 there is a marked
parameters attributable to recurrent floods must have played increase in water velocity remaining relatively high during almost
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17 9
Correlation Fe2þ
Shannon H Average shell height Fragmentation Right/Left valve ratio Size range of dominant mussel Mn2þ
0.0623367428779602 0.0418484434485435 0.0575541220605373 0.0257810801267624 0.182036712765694 0.140533775091171 0.1424
0.772301971912384 0.846054673194885 0.789372324943542 0.904817402362823 0.39458429813385 0.54345291852951 0.537
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.433043479919434 0.141739130020142 0.221352472901344 0.245805889368057 0.15090237557888 0.0181818176060915 0.0103
0.0345363691449165 0.508832454681396 0.298582792282104 0.24695186316967 0.481526523828506 0.937650084495544 0.964
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.0802095159888268 0.281605154275894 0.010682393796742 0.102468870580196 0.212121829390526 0.0325203686952591 0.2432
0.709469139575958 0.182499662041664 0.960488677024841 0.633752286434173 0.31969279050827 0.88870894908905 0.2879
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.0474016107618809 0.488801926374435 0.247716397047043 0.235833168029785 0.635928690433502 0.252029895782471 0.256576836109161
0.825913190841674 0.0153595302253962 0.243180274963379 0.267255455255508 0.000837902654893696 0.270402312278748 0.261560827493668
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.144504979252815 0.249401673674583 0.00718328543007374 0.0796248465776443 0.366565227508545 0.217744663357735 0.285342991352081
0.500511765480041 0.239884734153748 0.973425447940826 0.711498260498046 0.0780950710177422 0.343040108680725 0.209913671016693
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.0243478268384933 0.291304349899292 0.124374866485596 0.10764903575182 0.0621874332427979 0.224675327539444 0.068831168115139
0.910087406635284 0.167254343628883 0.562563121318817 0.616598844528198 0.772833406925201 0.327510237693787 0.766877889633178
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
1 0.0391304343938828 0.0948032215237617 0.459796488285065 0.523157238960266 0.112987011671066 0.315584421157837
0.855947911739349 0.659473419189453 0.0237850397825241 0.00870951171964407 0.625809609889984 0.16345351934433
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.0391304343938828 1 0.423135459423065 0.164306417107582 0.295716464519501 0.0571428574621677 0.28311687707901
0.855947911739349 0.0393800139427185 0.442962676286697 0.160622596740723 0.805660963058471 0.213647812604904
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.0948032215237617 0.423135459423065 1 0.02048827894032 0.245759025216103 0.185774609446526 0.0461188703775406
0.659473419189453 0.0393800139427185 0.924296498298645 0.247044876217842 0.420097708702087 0.842648386955261
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.459796488285065 0.164306417107582 0.02048827894032 1 0.13251993060112 0.0501631312072277 0.119870342314243
0.0237850397825241 0.442962676286697 0.924296498298645 0.537045240402221 0.829037904739379 0.604771375656127
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.523157238960266 0.295716464519501 0.245759025216103 0.13251993060112 1 0.420915901660919 0.119519330561161
0.00870951171964407 0.160622596740723 0.247044876217842 0.537045240402221 0.057415671646595 0.605837166309356
24 24 24 24 24 21 21
0.112987011671066 0.0571428574621677 0.185774609446526 0.0501631312072277 0.420915901660919 1 0.0525127053260803
0.625809609889984 0.805660963058471 0.420097708702087 0.829037904739379 0.057415671646595 0.816469132900238
21 21 21 21 21 21 21
0.315584421157837 0.28311687707901 0.0461188703775406 0.119870342314243 0.119519330561161 0.0525127053260803 1
0.16345351934433 0.213647812604904 0.842648386955261 0.604771375656127 0.605837166309356 0.816469132900238
21 21 21 21 21 21 21
the entire period of phase C again apart from some relatively freshwater fish was studied unfortunately only in a single sub-
negligible fluctuations. profile (profile no.18) of the excavated area. Nevertheless, in this
This again may point to the development of higher floods from profile a relatively strong correlation was observed between
the second part of D3, which gradually die off as we reach the foraging intensities of fish and shellfish (Spearman rho ¼ 0.415)
terminal part of phase C (Fig. 6). Fluctuations in relative humidity (Appendix:Table 3). So there is every reason to believe that this
on the natural high inferred from the ratio of xerophylous terres- pattern holds true for the rest of the studied subprofiles from the
trial gastropods in our material seem to be congruent with the excavation site as well. Not to mention that the correlation of both
trend seen in the parameters discussing the most important parameters is likewise strong and significant with those expressing
features of the studied fluvial system, especially that of water hydraulic conditions on the floodplain (Spearman rho ¼ 0.967
velocity. The first phase (D1) was characterized by generally lower p ¼ 0.01) (Appendix:Table 3). It is also important to note that the
humidity compared to the successive phases (Fig. 6), followed by majority of fish were given by such taxa as carp (70%), catfish (15%)
a sharp increase by phases D3 and C and a generally decreasing and pike (7%), all of which like to dwell in ponds and lakes with lush
trend toward the terminal part of phase C (C3) and B. So fluctua- vegetation and a muddy substrate. The majority of the specimens
tions in humidity values on the natural high are congruent with were extraordinary in size, especially catfish based on biometry of
changes in flood intensity. Thus heightened floods onto the flood- headbones, yielding substantial amount of meat to the community
plain must have resulted in higher humidity values even in the (Horváth, 2005). The number of harvested river snails and that of
flood-free drier areas, which is an excellent expression of the hygrophilous shade-loving terrestrial snails displays a strong
greater intensity of fluvial activities during the referred settlement statistically significant correlation as well (Spearman rho ¼ 0.579
phases after subphase D1. p ¼ 0.01) (Appendix: Table 3). So the increased harvest of moving-
Harvest intensity seems to have followed the trend seen in water river snails is linked to periods of higher humidity marking
water velocity, substrate type and humidity values as well (Fig. 6). the contemporarity of heightened floods and intensified foraging
Altogether 9 harvest peaks was observed (Neolithic micro-levels on the floodplain. Heightened floods thus must have carried more
24, 22, 19, 17, 16, 13, 10, 8, 5) with a strong correlation between nutrition onto the wet meadows, with sufficient water for primary
the harvest of dominantly ditch mussel elements and rheophylic production of plants as well, creating lush grasslands and a some-
river snails (Spearman rho ¼ 0.701 p ¼ 0.01) (Appendix:Table 3). what more closed forest-steppe vegetation in the vicinity of the
During phase D foraging seems to have been subordinate both site. This must have been ideal for large bodied ruminants like
regarding freshwater mussels and river snails (Figs. 6 and 7). cattle, auroch, deer as well as wild boar. According to the pattern
Conversely, phase C was characterized by an intensive exploitation observable, second-line aquatic resources seemed to have played
of aquatic habitats displaying 4 peak harvest periods, each of which a gradually increasing importance in the economy of the local
tends to fall in the periods of the individual subphases (C1, C2. C3). community toward the second half of its life and as such might
The highest peak was recorded during subphase C3 after which have been able to provide enough meat together with that gained
a sharp decrease is observable. Foraging intensity regarding from hunting to be a staple in subsistence. The heightened reliance
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
10 S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17
Table 4
Results of KruskaleWallis test for significant diffence between mean size of the dominantly harvested freshwater mussel.
on second-line aquatic and terrestrial resources developed paral- 4.2. The size composition of the studied fauna
lely with the observed transformation of hydraulic parameters of
the floodplain. It is also important to examine whether or not the previously
In the next part we shall examine proxies describing some mentioned shift in foraging strategy regarding harvested taxa is
aspects of foraging strategy employed (harvest evenness) (Figs. 6 equally observable in the size composition of the fauna; i.e. foraging
and 7). During subphases D1 and the first half of D3, character- was size-specific or not and strategy employed had influence on the
ized by low foraging intensities, a relatively specialized foraging was foraged natural populations (Fig. 7). Peak harvest periods are
employed targeting only a low number of available taxa (Shannon H characterized by high average size values (Spearman rho ¼ 0.489
low) (Fig. 7). However, from the second half of subphase D3, when p ¼ 0.05) (Appendix:Table 3), while there is a general decrease in
foraging gradually gains more importance toward the terminal part modal size after each harvest peak, which is statistically significant
of phase C, we can see a dominantly generalist type of foraging only after the largest peaks in subphases C3 and C2 (Appendix:
compared to the previos phase (Shannon H values close to 1) tar- Table 4). This implies an increased pressure on the natural pop-
geting all available shellfish taxa on the floodplain, including those ulation from foraging; a clear sign of overharvest after which the
as well which originally had a lower currency value in line with OFT shellfish population had time to recover. Other statistical parame-
prey-choice models. This is also a clear expression of the heightened ters describing size distribution of the fauna (skewness and
role of aquatic resources in subsistence during the referred period. kurtosis) also point to a size-specific foraging strategy in times of
The referred foraging proxies tend to have a moderately strong intensified harvest. Positive skewness values generally refer to the
positive correlation with abundance values of shade-loving hygro- dominance of larger size classes in the material; i.e. foraging for
phylous terrestrial snails (Spearman rho ¼ 0.308), and a likewise dominantly larger specimens due to higher meat yields. Positive
moderate but negative correlation with abundances of xerophylous kurtosis values equally refer to a peaked distribution and as such
steppe elements (Appendix:Table 3). So periods with increased a size-specific harvest implying the presence of a small number of
humidity were characterized by the deployment of generalist, while size classes concentrated close to the mean. Conversely, negative
those of lower humidity, a specialist type of foraging activity. As it skewness indicates the dominance of smaller size classes. Negative
has been mentioned before higher humidity periods could have kurtosis on the other hand refers to a flattened distribution due to
developed on the floodplain as a result of increased evaporation the presence of several size classes in “relatively equal” proportions
attributable to higher temperatures and larger constant water (Bailey and Milner, 2000).
coverage on the floodplain, which might have developed only Peaked distributions are linked to the major harvest peaks,
during larger floods (Fig. 3) as mentioned earlier in line with while intervening periods are characterized by relatively flatter
patterns seen from other proxies. distributions (Fig. 7). The larger trend seen in this parameter is also
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17 11
Bonferroni corrected/uncorrected
N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N21 N22 N23 N24 N25
0.04761 0.002019 0.00189 0.302 0.0004326 0.04088 0.01719 0.3502 0.03374 0.6504 0.01086 0.2002 0.07515 0.08529
0.3975 0.0323 0.02156 0.2498 0.009351 0.6236 0.3753 0.4088 0.6851 0.394 0.4479 0.6801 0.4174 0.9003
0.2076 0.002867 0.00008773 0.1552 0.0001196 0.2981 0.1449 0.4695 0.4817 0.3915 0.2965 0.7732 0.3714 0.9931
0.174 0.005473 0.001388 0.4759 0.0005526 0.2283 0.1292 0.6608 0.3402 0.5743 0.23 0.8729 0.909 0.7981
0.08687 0.002562 0.0006672 0.9928 0.0003201 0.1057 0.03655 0.8597 0.1088 0.8764 0.04651 0.4731 0.3768 0.3798
0.6319 0.2332 0.2481 0.413 0.1193 0.8988 0.6862 0.5334 0.8309 0.4278 0.7159 0.637 0.5411 0.9278
0.1076 0.002242 0.0005338 0.7768 0.0002499 0.1375 0.05251 0.8025 0.2061 0.6931 0.07004 0.9068 0.7901 0.6266
0.3138 0.03791 0.0313 0.4398 0.01248 0.4826 0.2621 0.5519 0.528 0.6543 0.33 0.8899 0.8861 0.7417
0.02603 0.000347 0.00003443 0.7771 0.00001754 0.02635 0.007525 0.9837 0.06678 1 0.009001 0.4159 0.2371 0.2681
0.5045 0.03317 0.01127 0.04853 0.007395 0.9907 0.5694 0.4546 0.8821 0.3696 0.7388 0.3869 0.1131 0.8014
0.1177 0.004617 0.001065 0.5682 0.0008157 0.1817 0.06357 0.8166 0.264 0.7065 0.1347 0.9657 0.8977 0.5986
0.6754 0.05364 0.02866 0.0464 0.007967 0.9046 0.6971 0.3697 0.9404 0.3467 0.9279 0.449 0.1389 0.822
0 0.2606 0.3295 0.04662 0.1973 0.5404 0.8728 0.4615 0.676 0.3579 0.7646 0.299 0.1372 0.8021
1 0 0.6687 0.0007931 0.8054 0.03812 0.09981 0.2228 0.1424 0.1577 0.1243 0.04595 0.002251 0.3221
1 1 0 0.0001995a 0.4364 0.01676 0.09591 0.1904 0.1548 0.1267 0.08326 0.03622 0.0002342 0.3157
1 0.2784 0.07004 0 0.0001239a 0.05192 0.02069 1 0.1517 0.8571 0.03259 0.6675 0.4843 0.3942
1 1 1 0.04348 0 0.01341a 0.04129 0.1048 0.0698 0.08465 0.03996 0.02101 0.0001501 0.1507
1 1 1 1 1 0 0.5639 0.4701 0.9639 0.3985 0.7484 0.4056 0.1659 0.9285
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.3864 0.7866 0.2752 0.9263 0.2789 0.06224 0.7709
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.51 1 0.3789 0.3929 0.543 0.4941
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.339 0.7856 0.4464 0.2369 0.7052
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.1437 0.3307 0.109 0.04719 0.05132
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.3372 0.5023 0.5488 0.6261
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.4092 0.106 0.887
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.8283 0.9759
1 0.7902 0.08221 1 0.05268 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0.6725
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
congruent with observed fluctuations in harvest intensity. Apart biased, taphonomical characteristics of the samples were also
from peak harvest periods, subphases D1 and D3 are generally assessed (Fig. 7). The proportions of fragments not entering
characterized by a flattening trend toward D3 in kurtosis. As we statistical analysis is generally below 50% and even lower (40% or
move to phase C and foraging turns more and more intensive, 20%) during major harvest peaks. So our data does not seem to be
kurtosis gets positive with peak values observed during the largest significantly biased as a result of taphonomic processes as shown
harvest peak of the entire profile. The same trend develops for by a strong significant negative correlation between our fragmen-
skewness, although fluctuations are not as great here as in case of tation proxy and the modal size of the dominantly harvested
kurtosis. But here too peak harvests are right skewed, while shellfish (Spearman rho ¼ 0.423 p ¼ 0.05) as well (Appendix:-
intervening periods are somewhat left-skewed compared to the Table 3). The relatively equal proportion of valves in the samples
preceding phase. also seems to corroborate this statement.
Nevertheless the major trend is just the same as for kurtosis. The number of modified shells was very low both for mussels
These interpretations are also seen in the values of general size and snails, implying that the majority of shellfish must have been
range of the studied material and the strong correlation between used for dietary purposes dominantly, either by humans or as
this parameter and the former two describing size distributions of fodder. This must be attributed to the relatively high protein
the fauna (Spearman rho ¼ 0.482 p ¼ 0.05 and Spearman content of the meat and the presence of essential trace elements
rho ¼ 0.750) (Fig. 7) (Appendix:Table 3). Peak harvests are char- and vitamins not available from other food sources.
acterized by higher range values again pointing to a relatively
generalized foraging strategy congruently with the pattern seen in 4.3. Results of geochemical analysis of freshwater shells
evenness of taxa (Spearman rho ¼ 0.636 p ¼ 0.05), yet the selection
of dominantly larger size classes yielding more meat (Appen- Shells subjected to geochemical analysis derive from a single
dix:Table 3). This strategy again has significantly brought down the subprofile of the site profile No.18 (Fig. 3e). The reason behind this
mean size of the population as mentioned, as a result of over- choice was the availability of information on other aquatic second-
harvesting, which is seen in a negative shift of skewness and line resources (fish) from this subprofile alone (Fig. 7). Concentra-
kurtosis values. Finally it’s also important to mention that fluctu- tions of Mn2þ ranged between 125 and 471 ppm in the samples.
ations in modal size are moderately correlated with that of habitat Difference between the individual micro-horizons was statistically
type and water velocity proxies (Spearman rho ¼ 0.322) (Appen- significant (KruskaleWallis p ¼ 0.0055321). Within the entire
dix:Table 3). This parameter is also moderately correlated with our profile there are major fluctuations in the concentration of this
humidity proxy values (Spearman rho ¼ 0.253) (Appendix:T- element between values around 150 ppm and 400 ppm implying
able 3). So in general larger specimens were usually foraged for pronounced shifts in the hydraulic parameters of the studied water
in periods of higher floods resulting in higher stream velocities and body with recurrent phases of increased and decreased dissolved
humidity on the floodplain. oxygen content. The lowest value is reached in the topmost part of
In order to test whether or not our size compositional param- the profile assigned to phase B (125.202 ppm). In general we can say
eters and the interpretations deduced from them are potentially that apart from these major shifts there is a gradual upward decrease
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
12 S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17
Fig. 7. Fluctuations of proxy values describing foraging strategy throughout the life of study site.
in the concentration of this element. The most pronounced peaks of statistically significant (KruskaleWallis p ¼ 0.00165). The major
low manganese concentrations (w130e150 ppm) are connected to trend observable here is the same as for manganese. There is
the peak harvest periods and subphases D3, C1, C2, C3 and B. Fluc- a gradual upward decrease in iron concentration of the studied
tuations in manganese concentrations tend to display a moderately shells, where minima corresponds roughly to the individual
strong negative correlation with the number of harvested mussels subphases D3, C1, C2, and C3. Fluctuations of iron concentrations had
(Spearman rho ¼ 0.252), that of harvested river snails (Spearman a moderately strong negative correlation with the number of har-
rho ¼ 0.218), that of hygrophilous snails (Spearman rho ¼ 0.173), vested mussels and river snails, similarly to manganese (Spearman
stream velocity (DCA2) and substrate type (DCA1) (Spearman rho ¼ 0.257 & 0.285) (Appendix:Table 3). All in all concentration
rho ¼ 0.225 illetve 0.315), and the size range of harvested changes in manganese and iron point to a frequent shift in water
mussels (Spearman rho ¼ 0.421). Conversely, this parameter has quality throughout the entire history of the tell. The general decrease
a positive correlation with the number of xerophylous snails in the concentration of both studied elements in accordance with
(Spearman rho ¼ 0.104) (Appendix:Table 3). This means that parallel Lee and Wilson (1969) and Hill (1975) refer to increased stream
with a decrease in manganese concentration of the studied shells discharge toward the terminal part of the evolution of the culture.
indicating elevated levels of dissolved oxygen in the water, the
number of harvested mussels and river snails, as well as the targeted 4.4. Comparison of findings with archeology proxies of the site
size range of the foraged mussels increased along with humidity and
stream velocity. So again periods of intensive foraging were char- Finally a comparison of our proxies was made with quantitative
acterized by an increase in stream velocity, a slight shift in substrate information on the archeology of the site on the basis of raw data by
type and stream velocity, which is a clear mark of more pronounced published by Horváth (2005) including such parameters as vessel
floods onto the floodplain. Concentrations of iron display a similarly decoration, type of temper used for pottery making and type of
large fluctuation in the profile as that of manganese with values pottery imported to the site. In order to elucidate the most
ranging between 36 and 175 ppm. It also points to a frequent fluc- important components, raw data of Horváth (2005) was subjected
tuation of the pH conditions near the site during the history of the to multivariate ordination (PCA) and the received eigenvalues were
tell complex. Difference between the individual micro-horizons was taken to accurately describe the interpreted archeologies of vessel
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17 13
Fig. 8. Fluctuations of proxy values describing archeostratigraphy of the study site (raw data from Horváth (2005)).
decoration, temper, imported ceramics (Fig. 8). There is a strong period spanning about 100e150 years marked the greatest
and statistically significant correlation between all three referred expansion of the representatives of the Tisza culture in the Great
archeological parameters (Spearman rho ¼ 0.744 p ¼ 0.01 Hungarian Plains (Fig. 1, Table 1), most likely as a result of favorable
& 0.509 p ¼ 0.05) (Appendix:Table 3). So the observed pattern warm climatic conditions and relative hydrological stability. This is
unambiguously reflect a similar social and economic evolution of seen in our local data at this site and another nearby contemporary
the tell complex. In addition all three parameters show a strong or tell site (Szegvár-Tu} zköves (Figs. 1e3)) as well (Gulyás and Sümegi,
moderate correlation with foraging intensities (Spearman 2011). As a result of the warmer climate, probably with somewhat
rho ¼ 0.412 p ¼ 0.05 & Spearman rho ¼ 0.373). Furthermore, the reduced humidity compared to previous phases, and increasing
parameter used for establishing the archeostratigraphy; i.e vessel human activities, vegetation on the loess-covered lag surface must
decoration is moderately correlated with fluctuations in stream have become more open as seen on the high number of xerophy-
velocity (Spearman rho ¼ 0.347) and substrate type (Spearman lous mollusk elements. The expansion of open-vegetation areas
rho ¼ 0.354) (Appendix:Table 3). This means that transformations and grasslands in the vicinity of the site, as well as some higher-
in the economy are hallmarked by shifts in the quality of the lying floodplain areas must have favored the creation of extensive
surrounding riparian environment. arable lands and pasturelands. Furthermore, in a period of relative
water shortage (lowstand in rivers) settling beside watercourses
5. Discussion must have been quite advantageous in the heart of the Carpathian
Basin, the driest region in Central Europe. The number of harvested
The studied Late Neolithic tell site Hódmezo }vásárhely-Gorzsa shellfish was low in this period. This points to a minimal and
from the Lower-Tisza region spans almost the entire period of the alternative use of shellfish at the site other than dietary purposes.
evolution of the Late Neolithic Tisza culture from its formative According to the available archeology, pottery with straw, shell and
phase (Tisza I. Horváth, 2005) up to its transitional phase to the crushed ceramic temper is confined to this period alone (Horváth,
Early Copper Age Tiszapolgár culture (Tisza VI. Horváth, 2005). The 2005). So shellfish might have been used primarily as a fertilizer
life of the Tisza culture starts somewhat later in Gorzsa (during in a period of low floods to compensate for the loss of organic
Tisza II. or locally D1 phase) and entails all the remaining phases of matter generally transported by floodwaters onto the floodplain.
cultural evolution. This enabled us to compare transformations Then the empty shells were crushed and utilized as temper in
observable in the riparian environment and the role of second-line pottery.
freshwater resources with the socioeconomic evolution of the Conversely, a marked transformation in the hydraulics of the
referred tell complex (Figs. 6 and 7.). floodplain is observable from the second half of the next settlement
Phase D1 starting around 4900 cal BC in Gorzsa (later phase of stage D3 (Tisza III.). This brought about an increase in water velocity
the Tisza II. period) is characterized by calm conditions on the on the one hand, and a shift in the geochemistry of the water seen
floodplain, with a prevalence of muddy substrate around the site, in the reduced ratio of dissolved manganese and iron in the shells
a high rate of primary production, low oxygen levels, and relatively as well. All these factors indicate an elevated freshwater supply to
stable pH conditions in the pools of the backswamp (see Fig. 9.a). As the backswamp areas near the site. Transformations inferred for the
shown by the archeology (Horváth, 1982, 1987, 1989, 2005), this substrate also point to the development of intensified flood activity
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
14 S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17
Fig. 9. Inferred environment of the study site during major settlement phases.
during the referred period. Higher floods must have carried more humidity values as a result of the relatively higher temperatures.
organic matter onto the floodplain boosting the fertility of gallery This and higher fertility of soils enhanced bioproduction in the
woodlands and wet meadows, which was beneficial for grazing gallery forest and adjacent wet meadows of the floodplain creating
animals wild or domestic (Fig. 9.b). Floods must have reached ideal conditions for large bodied ruminants like auroch or red-deer
higher levels in the regions of the Upper and Middle Tisza, so their (Fig. 9.c and d.). Their hunting seems to have played a continuously
fertilizing work must have been more beneficial there compared to increasing role in the lives of Late Neolithic communities
the southern areas. It was this period when new contemporaries of (Bartosiewicz, 2005; Szabó, 2007) along with fishing and shellf-
the Tisza culture, the Herpály and Cso } szhalom groups, character- ishing. The most prominent harvest peaks for shellfish seem to
ized by a subsistence mainly based on auroch hunting and animal correspond to major shifts observable in our environmental proxies
husbandry, first appear (Horváth, 2005; Raczky et al., 2004). The in relation to the individual subphases. Similary to the proxies for
referred period also hallmarks the so-called second migration wave pH and dissolved oxygen levels a dual peak characterizes the
of wild fauna (Vörös, 2003, 2005), when numerous large bodied intensity of shellfishing in subphase C2. Similar opportunistic
gallery woodland elements like auroch and red-deer surged into economic activities with an increased reliance on fish and shellfish
the area of the Carpathian Basin from the neighboring areas, most were recorded in numerous Late Neolithic sites in Romania con-
likely as a result of the appearance of lush pasturelands on the nected to the so-called Gulmenita culture in Bordusani and Harsova
floodplain attributed to these recurrent floods. The blessings of in a riparian setting as our site (Radu, 1997; Sárkány-Kiss and Bolos,
these iterative floods on agricultural activities are clearly seen in 1996a,b; Venczel, 1997).
the low amount of harvested shellfish during this period. The inferred iterative floods in the referred periods must have
The next settlement stage (phase C or (Tisza IV.)), giving the been initially beneficial for the Late Neolithic communities creating
thickest occupational deposit at the site of Gorzsa (Horváth, 1982), extensive, fertile pasturelands on the floodplain, and attracting
is characterized by rapidly changing floodplain environment, large bodied wild fauna into the region. The mass appearance of
where the emergence of almost every subphase (C1, C2, C3) was easily available protein sources tempted communities to increas-
accompanied by the development of stream conditions and ingly turn to such originally second-line activities like hunting,
a transformation of the substrate as well marking the appearance of fishing, shellfishing and domestication of wild ruminants (Horváth,
prominent iterative floods. All this is seen not only in our stream 2005; Raczky, 1988; Bökönyi, 1974, 1988; Sherratt, 1982; Szabó,
velocity proxies, but the cyclical increases of the dissolved oxygen 2007, Bartosiewicz, 2005). The dominant animals in level 3 corre-
content of the water body, and the fluctuations in the pH values sponding to settlement phases CeB in Gorzsa were cattle and
(Fig. 6). These latter proxies have a dual peak in the level corre- auroch. The number of aurochs was greatly reduced by level 1
sponding to subphase C2 and single peaks at subphases C1 and C3 (phase A) most likely as a result of the depletion of the herd as an
each. outcome of massive hunting of large bodied bulls. Nevertheless, the
The inferred iterative floods seem to get more pronounced ratio of other wild components like red-deer remained relatively
upwards in the sequence accompanied by a sharp increase in constant marking the elevated importance of hunting in the
Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
S. Gulyás, P. Sümegi / Journal of Archaeological Science xxx (2011) 1e17 15
subsistence of these communities here (Szabó, 2007). Similar the groundlevel (Kalicz and Raczky, 1987). This must have been an
economic transformations have been documented in connection important device in fight against elevated groundwater tables and
with the northern Vra culture, where people have given up farming inland waters. The mentioned prominent floods and accompanying
turning to traditional hunting, fishing, gathering activites in their inland waters must have trigerred similar structural changes in
subsistence as a result of the development of favorable conditions Gorzsa seen in a multiple displacement of the settlement center
for prey animals. The referred transformations in the lives of the and most likely led to the final abandonment of the settlement after
people of the Tisza culture appeared in their cult lives and material phase B around 4500 cal BC besides other social, cultural processes
culture as well (Horváth, 1982, 1987, 1988, 2005). There are an (Horváth, 2005; Parkinson et al., 2004, 2010).
increasing number of animal idols appearing from levels of the
referred settlement phases pointing to the increasing importance Acknowledgments
of hunting and animal husbandry in subsistence. Several times
foundation deposits turn up in connection with the erection of new The authors would like to express their gratitude to all
houses. Numerous pits with thick layers of freshwater shells and colleagues working at the Department of Geology and Paleon-
auroch horns and skulls under the threshold of houses are recorded tology, University of Szeged for assisting in the technical part of the
from phase C in Gorzsa (Horváth, 1982). Plus several clay bull paper preparation and a part of the labwork. Special thanks to
figurines appear on the walls of houses expressing the importance Ferenc Horváth at the Móra Museum of Szeged for granting access
of these creatures in the lives of the community. Sacrificial pits with to the material subjected to analysis. Work was supported from the
a similar role and content were recorded in Tisza I. phase at the site research fund of the Department of Geology and Paleontology,
of Öcsöd-Kováshalom (Kalicz and Raczky, 1987; Raczky, 1987, 1988). University of Szeged, Hungary. Finally, thanks are due to the
Initially beneficial iterative floods turn more pronounced upwards editorial board of The Journal of Archaeological Science and the five
in the profile toward the terminal part of the evolution of the tell. reviewers whose comments made the final version of this paper
This is clearly visible in all our proxies recording water velocity, stronger and clearer than early drafts. Work was supported from
oxygen level, pH, humidity, or substrate conditions. The most the research fund of Departments of Geology and Geography,
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Please cite this article in press as: Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Farming and/or foraging? New environmental data to the life and economic trans-
formation of Late Neolithic tell communities (Tisza Culture) in SE Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science (2011), doi:10.1016/
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