Pipe Distribution Network For Irrigation System: ISSN (PRINT) : 2393-8374, (ONLINE) : 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

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Umesh Balu Kadam , 2Kedar Bapusaheb Gaikwad
Swapnil Santosh Jadhav , 4Swapnil Ramu Pawar
Guide. Prof. N.A.Karmuse
Department Of Civil Engineering, Sinhgad Institute Of Technology & Science
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 2019 – 2020

INTRODUCTION With rising population, demand for

Historically Irrigation development in the commodities and change in life style, more and
country has been undertaken as Canal more demand for water resources from other
Distribution Network emanating from rivers, sectors is projected, leaving less water for
dams and reservoirs for the purpose of carrying irrigation as the availability is finite in nature.
water mostly through gravity up to outlets and With rising population, per capita water
from outlets to agricultural field through water availability has reduced drastically from 5177
courses or field channels. In earlier times canals cum in the year 1951 to 1567 cum in the year
were unlined; later on these unlined canals have 2011. As per international standards, now India
been improved by lining to increase their water is already in water stress zone (if water
carrying efficiency which led to extend water availability is between 1000 to 1700 cum per
deliveries to additional fields which had not year) with threats of climate change may further
been irrigated previously. Canals are designed aggravate the problem. By the year 2050, with
hydraulically to provide the most efficient cross projected population of the order of 1.6 Billion,
section for the transportation of irrigation water. the water availability will further reduce to
There is no further scope in improving the 1140 cum nearing to water scarce situation.
efficiency of the hydraulically most efficient India as a country has to adopt itself to this
canals section with most efficient lining. changed scenario. Efficiency has to be brought
Therefore the overall efficiency that can be in each water use activity including irrigation
achieved by canal conveyance and distribution for sustaining the food, water, shelter and
has reached the upper limit which is about 35- employment requirement of the human and
60%. animal population.
With the increasingly greater demand on limited Piped Irrigation System provides one of such
water supplies in many parts of country, there is options which if implemented properly can
an urgent need for its efficient utilization by curtail irrigation water demand without
reducing losses at various reaches in the compromising with net irrigation requirement
irrigation system. Replacement of existing (NIR) but by improving the water use
canals with pipe lines or new schemes with pipe efficiency. The estimated overall efficiency
lines wherever feasible in order to improve with piped irrigation network is of the order of
irrigation efficiency or to further extend the area 70-80%. Experience gained from several States
of irrigated agriculture is the need of the hour. and many Countries in arid and semi-arid zones
Field application of water through micro has shown that Piped Irrigation Network (PIN)
irrigation methods improves overall efficiency techniques are replacing successfully the
of the project to a great extent. Piped irrigation traditional open canal methods. However, some
can be accomplished many a times through of the projects already constructed with PIN are
gravity and/or use of pumps to lift the water not showing expected performance due to
into the distribution network. various reasons including improper planning
and lack of maintenance.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

For proper planning, design and implementation submerging standing crops and even
of Piped Irrigation Network in the country, the villages.
need for suitable guidelines is felt necessary by iv. No damage due to heavy rainfall or
the Ministry of Water Resources, River flood during monsoon.
Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, v. More Suitable option for flood prone
RD&GR) and Central Water Commission area.
(CWC). Accordingly, this guideline on PIN has vi. No hindrance in movement to the
been prepared. farmers and farm equipments.
Piped Irrigation Network (PIN) vii. Increase in CCA as compared to canals,
A Piped Irrigation Network (PIN) is a network as the water losses are negligible and
of installation consisting of pipes, fittings such acquired land for canal network can also
as valves, pumps (if necessary) and other be used for cultivation as Piped
devices properly designed and installed to Irrigation Network is under ground.
supply water under pressure from the source of viii. Better option for undulating fields.
the water to the irrigable area. ix. Because of shorter transit times for
For surface irrigation method, where large water from source to field, lower
heads are not required, the underground pipe conveyance losses and the smaller
line system is used which is essentially a low volumes of water in the conveyance
pressure system, also known as ‗open or semi system, pipe systems can deliver a
closed’ system. This system is open to supply which is more flexible in both
atmosphere and where the operating pressure duration and timing, in a way not
seldom exceeds 5m to 6m. The available level possible CDN, so enabling
differences of falling topography provide the intensification and diversification into
operating head for the system under gravity for higher value crops.
the low pressure flows. Where large heads are x. Less execution time for PIN as
required, underground pipe line system is used compared to CDN.
which is essentially a high pressure system, also xi. The important targets of the
known as ‗closed‘ system. This system is not modernization of irrigation schemes and
open to atmosphere and where the operating digital management will be achieved
pressure exceeds 10m for drip and 20m for when water is delivered through Piped
sprinklers. Usually gravity head is not sufficient Irrigation Network.
to create such a high pressure; therefore, pumps xii. In case of canals, the marshes and the
are used for this kind of system. ponds caused by excessive seepage, in
Advantages of Piped Irrigation Network course of time become the colonies of
over Canal Distribution Network (CDN) the mosquito, which gives rise to vector
The following are the advantages of PIN over borne diseases and this can be
Canal Distribution Network (CDN): minimized by adopting Piped Irrigation
i. As most of a piped distribution system Network. Further salinity and water
underground, right of way problems are logging can be reduced.
significantly reduced, allowing more xiii. Increase in project efficiency of the
direct and rational layouts to be chosen. Piped Irrigation Network is about 20%
Because outlet location is not limited by as compared to CDN.
topography, pipe systems are better able xiv. Fertilizers/chemical can also be mixed
to accommodate existing patterns of with the water.
land ownership with the minimum of xv. Quantity of water supplied by Piped
disruption compared with new irrigation Irrigation Network is easily
development using CDN. measureable; hence water auditing can
ii. Cross Drainage and Cross Masonry be accurately measured.
(Communication) structures can be Disadvantages of Piped Irrigation Network
omitted or minimized. i. Initial cost is generally higher as
iii. Irrigation works become obstacles in the compared to CDN.
way of free drainage of water during ii. Piped Irrigation Network may not be
rainy season and thus results in suitable if the irrigation water contains

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

large amount of sediments. Desilting preferably on a scale of 1:50,000, showing on
arrangement would be necessary in such them the area already under cultivation, soil
cases. types, habitation roads, drainage and contours
Application of Piped Irrigation Network of the area. The intensity of irrigation to be
The Pipe Irrigation Network systems especially provided in the project shall be decided after
are to be preferred over CDN alternatives in the taking into account the factors like socio
following situations: economic factor, area and intensity of the
i. Where water is valuable both, in terms irrigation being achieved on the other projects
of the crops which can be grown and in the neighborhood etc.
limited availability as evidenced by low The important crops of the area and their water
reservoir capacity or restrictive controls requirements shall be determined in
on water abstraction from river or consultation with the department of agriculture
groundwater sources, and the agriculturist of the area proposed to be
ii. Where poorly cohesive soils would served allowing for the anticipated change in
result in high seepage losses from open crop pattern due to introduction of wet farming
canals, in the area. Knowing thus the duty for various
iii. Where irrigable land cannot be reached crops, the area under cultivation under different
by an open canal system due to high crops, the intensity of irrigation, the culturable
ground levels. area to be commanded shall be worked out and
marked on the map. Areas that are higher and
A Piped irrigation network is a network may not be supplied with the flow/gravity
installation consisting of pipes, fittings and irrigation should be marked on the map with
other devices properly designed and installed to separate colour and the pumping requirements
supply water under pressure from the source of for that area need to be worked out separately.
the water to the irrigable area.
Pipelines also permit the conveyance of water Data Required for Piped Irrigation Network
uphill against the normal slope of the land and, Planning
unlike open channels, can be installed on The following data is required for planning and
nonuniform grades. The use of buried pipe layout of a Pipe system:
allows the most direct routes from the water i. Topographical map of the area
source to fields, and minimizes the loss of ii. Subsurface data
productive land (since crops can be planted on iii. Texture and salt component of the
the fields above the pipelines) soil
The planning and layout of Piped Irrigation iv. Soil characteristics including
Network unlike CDN is not controlled by the mechanical properties and shear
command area to be irrigated and the source of parameters
supply. The layout of main lines and branches is v. Permeability of the soil in relation to
generally fixed on the consideration of seepage losses
economy. For the layout of minors and vi. Rainfall data
distributaries, points of off take may be suitably vii. Water availability Subsoil water level
selected but their layout is more or less in the area and quality of the
governed by the blocks of areas to be irrigated underground water
taking into consideration watersheds and viii. Possibility of water logging and
drainages. The main lines and branches are salination
feeder lines for distributaries and generally no ix. Availability of suitable construction
irrigation is done directly from them. Irrigation material
outlets are provided on distributaries or minors x. Existing drainage and drainage
off taking from distributaries. facilities
The stage for general planning and layout of xi. Existing crop pattern
Piped Irrigation Network arises after the general xii. Existing communication and
feasibility of the project has been established. transportation facilities
The area to be irrigated by pipe line system xiii. Socio economic study and agro
shall be planned by preparing land use maps, economic survey of the project area

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

xiv. Adequate investigation should be The procedure to work out carrying
carried out to collect the data given capacity of canal for above alternatives
by digging trial pits and bore holes, is as given below:
where necessary, to ascertain the
nature of soil encountered along Carrying capacity of Pipe on the basis of
different alternative alignments. crop water requirement:
The fortnightly crop water requirement of the
Route Selection of Pipe Network planned ICA of the canal/pipe shall be
i. Length of pipelines in the network is calculated by Modified Penman Method. For
minimal, as much as possible. this, the cropping pattern approved by
ii. Pumping is avoided if possible or least concerned Authority shall be considered. The
pumping effort is needed. ICA of the Pipe line shall be decided after
iii. High water pressure is avoided. completion of detailed command area survey of
iv. Numbers of appurtenances (gate valve, project. Once the design cropping pattern and
check valve, drain, air release valve, ICA of the Pipe is finalized the fortnightly crop
pressure break valve) are minimized. water requirements / Net Irrigation requirement
v. Very low or high velocities are avoided (NIR) is worked out by Modified Penman
because low velocities cause Method. The gross Irrigation requirement (GIR)
sedimentation in pipes and high of canal/pipe shall be calculated by adding the
velocities cause corrosion of pipe. conveyance losses up to crop root zone
vi. This results into most economical For estimating Crop Water Requirement ―A
system. Guide for Estimating Irrigation Water
vii. If horizontal pipe sections are used, Requirements‖ (Published by MoWR RD &
release of air and drain the dirt will not GR, Yr-1984) may be referred. It can also be
be possible. So, in case of horizontal estimated by using software like CROPWAT by
ground surface, artificial slopes are FAO.
given to pipes to be laid. Design discharge of Pipe on the basis of due
water entitlement as per provisions Acts of
Guiding Principle for deciding Carrying State Authorities:
Capacity of Pipe/Canal As per the provisions in Acts of Water
The carrying capacity of the Piped Irrigation Resources Regulating Authority of States, the
Network/CDN shall be maximum of; irrigation water is to be supplied to the WUAs
a) The carrying capacity calculated on the on volumetric basis as per their due water
basis of the fortnightly crop water entitlement. The outlet capacity in m3/s or l/s
requirement as per the design cropping authorized per hundred hectares of Culturable
pattern and planned Irrigated Cropped Commanded Area (CCA) is called Basic
Area (ICA) of the project as per Discharge Coefficient (BDC). The BDC not
Administratively Approved project report only defines the size of outlet for each outlet
but considering 12 days flow period in a area but also form the basis for the design of the
Fortnight. distribution pipes/canals in successive stages.
b) The carrying capacity calculated on basis The BDC depends on the agro climatic zones
of due water entitlement of the Culturable and defined at chak head.
Command Area (CCA) of the Pipe line or It is essential to decide the master plan of WUA
distributary as per the provisions Acts of & their water entitlement at design stage. The
State Level Authorities. canal/pipe carrying capacity shall be decided
c) The carrying capacity calculated on basis such that due water entitlement will be supplied
of the operation schedule of the pipe/canal to all the WUAs in command area of all lines of
or distributary. The operation on the basis project.
of 12 days on and 2 days off in a fortnight To calculate the canal/pipe carrying capacity on
is preferable or as per the requirement. basis of water entitlement, following guidelines
shall be followed;
a) The master plan of all the probable WUAs
in command area of project is to be

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

prepared, once command area survey and water levels and type of lining and wetted area
tentative alignment of all the canals/Pipe of the canal. With most effective lining and
line is finalized. most efficient canal section the adopted
b) The locations where water is to be supplied efficiency for canals are 0.90 for Main/Branch
to the WUA is to be identified.(entry point Canal, 0.90 for distributary, 0.87 for
in jurisdiction of WUA) The water minor/subminor and 0.90 for field channels.
entitlement of the individual WUA and all With the above the canal conveyance efficiency
the WUA on individual canal/Pipe line from source to minor works out to be
shall be worked out. 0.90X0.9X0.87 X100 = 70.5% and Source to
c) The water entitlement of WUA and entire Field Channel (Distribution Efficiency) is about
canal/pipe line shall be decided on basis of 63% (70.5% X 0.9). As the piped net works are
the CCA of WUA and CCA of canal/pipe a closed system, there will be neither
line. The total due water entitlement thus evaporation losses nor absorption/seepage
worked out shall be considered as Net losses except some leakages at fittings.
water requirement (NIR) of canal/pipe line. Therefore, Design conveyance efficiency from
By adding canal/pipe line loses Source to Minor should not be lower than 0.95
(efficiencies) the gross water requirement and with Field Canal/Line Efficiency of 0.95,
(GIR) is calculated. The season wise and the project efficiency works out to be about
fortnightly gross water entitlement and net 90% (.95X95%).
water entitlement for canal/pipe shall be Field Application Efficiency
worked out. On the basis of fortnightly For the purpose of working out the water
water requirement, the canal/pipe design requirement at the head of the pipe line the field
carrying capacity shall be decided. application efficiency for micro irrigation as
2. Water Losses and Irrigation Efficiencies specified in part-II of the guidelines shall be
To account for losses of water incurred during adopted as not less than 90% in case of drip and
conveyance and application to the field, and not less than 75% in case of sprinkler irrigation.
efficiency factor should be included while In case of surface irrigation methods, the field
calculating the project irrigation requirements. application efficiency of not less than 60 % for
The project efficiency is normally divided into non- ponded/ponded crops.
three stages each of which is affected by a Project efficiency
different set of conditions. Over all irrigation efficiency for micro
a) Conveyance Efficiency, Ec : Ratio irrigation with sprinkler shall not be less than
between water received at inlet to a block 68% (95%X.95%X0.75) against the present
of fields and that released at project head. canal based conveyance system of 47.25%
b) Field Canal/Pipe line efficiency, Eb : (70%X90%X0.75). Similarly for drip irrigation,
Ratio between water received at the field it shall not be less than 81.23% (95% X 95% X
inlet and that received at the inlet of the 0.9) against the present canal based conveyance
block of fields. system of 56.7% (70%X90%X0.90).
c) Field application Efficiency, Ea : Ratio Capacity Factor:
between water directly available to the crop It is experienced that after construction of the
and that received at the field inlet. conveyance system, the various unanticipated
d) Project Efficiency, Ep : Ratio between water demands as mentioned below arises due
water made directly available to the crop to various reasons which affects the carrying
and that released at the head works, or Ep = capacity of system assumed at the time of
Ea Eb Ec design.
e) Distribution Efficiency, Ed : Eb Ec i. The drinking and industrial water
f) Farm Efficiency, Ef : Ea Eb requirement demands.
Conveyance losses in canals consist of two ii. The letting out of water in rivers, nala
components during scarcity period.
Evaporation losseand Seepage losses. The iii. The demands for lift irrigation schemes on
evaporation losses depend on the climatic zone uncommand side of the Canals/Lines.
and temperature variation whereas the seepage iv. The increased water demand due to the
losses depend on the type of sub-soil, Ground rich cropping pattern (Water intensive)

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

adopted by farmers in comparison with the water demands. Ultimately the rotation period
cropping pattern provided in of canal/pipe line gets prolonged which badly
Administrative Approved Project Report. affects the irrigation management and resulting
v. The demand for letting the water in in reduction in yield of the crops. In order to
storage tanks in command area and take care of the unanticipated demands in
recharging of the command area during future, some provision is to be made in the
monsoon period. carrying capacity of main and branch lines by
vi. Increase in ICA of project with aging adding capacity factor. For the design purpose,
(ICA of project becomes equal to CCA a capacity factor of 1.10 shall be considered for
due to conjunctive water use) Main line and Branch lines while deciding
The above are the unanticipated water demands carrying capacity. No allowance is made for
which could not be avoided. However it distributaries and minors as the capacity of
becomes very difficult to full fill the above these can be increased by increasing velocity
demands simultaneously with regular irrigation without much loss in head.



CANAL BASED Conveyance 70 70 70

CONVEYANCE Efficiency %
Field canal 90 90 90
Field application 75 90 60
Overall efficiency 47.25 56.7 37.8

PIPE BASED Conveyance 95 95 95

CONVEYANCE efficiency
Field Pipe 95 95 95
Field Application 75 90 60
Overall efficiency 67.68 81.23 54.15




Free Surface Flow 3.3.1 Law of conservation of Mass If it is
The flow in an open channel or in a closed assumed that water is incompressible, from the
conduit having a free surface is referred to as law of conservation of mass the Continuity
free-surface flow or open-channel flow. Free equation of flow can be established as follows.
surface is usually subjected to atmospheric Q = = Constant
pressure. Where, Q = Discharge
Pipe Flow or Pressurized Flow. Ai = Cross-sectional area
A conduit flowing full will have no free Vi = Velocity of flow
surface, then the flow is called pipe flow, or Law of Conservation of Energy
pressurized flow.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

The total energy of pipe flow consists of D = diameter in meters
elevationhead, pressure bead and velocity head. d) Colebrook-white formula
BetweenPoint (1) and (2), total energy may be where
conserved inprefect fluid . However, if the f = Darcy‘s friction coefficient
waterbegins to move, head loss generated by Re = Reynold‘s number = velocity x
frictionwill occur. So, theenergy equation Diameter/viscosity
willbe as follows. d = diameter of pipe
Where,∆E is energy addition to the system by k = roughness projection
pump, e) Modified Hazen William’s formula
∆H is the total head loss between points (1) The Modified Hazen William‘s formula has
and(2)It is very important to estimate the head been
losses forhydraulic engineering in steady derived from Darcy-Weisbach and
condition. ColebrookWhite equations and obviates the
3.4 Friction Loss (Major Loss) limitations of
There are a various formulae available Hazen-Williams formula.
forcalculating the head loss in pipes. 𝑉𝑉 =
However,Hazen-Williams formula for pressure where
conduits andManning‘s formula for free flow CR = coefficient of roughness ( Table 5.5)
conduits havebeen popularly used. D = pipe diameter in m
a) Hazen William Formula g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
𝑉𝑉 = S = friction slope
𝑄𝑄 = v = viscosity of liquid (m2/s)
𝑉𝑉 = For circular conduits, 𝜈𝜈20 ℃ for water =
Where, The Modified Hazen William‘s formula derived
Q = discharge in cubic metre per hour as
D = diameter of pipe in mm 𝑉𝑉 =
V = velocity in m/s where
r = hydraulic radius in m V = velocity of flow in m/s
S = slope of hydraulic grade-line CR = pipe roughness coefficient
(Head loss/ Length of conduit) and (1 for smooth; <1 for rough pipes; )
C = Hazen Williams coefficient r = hydraulic radius in m
b) Manning’s formula s = friction slope
𝑉𝑉 = D = internal diameter of pipe in m
where h = friction head loss in m
V = velocity in m/s L = length of pipe in m
r = hydraulic radius in m Q = flow in pipe in m3/𝑠𝑠
S = slope of hydraulic grade-line Minor Losses
N = Manning‘s coefficient of roughness Contraction Losses
may be adopted generally for design purposes Loss of head, hc, due to contraction of cross-
unless local experimental results or other section.The loss is caused by a reduction in the
considerations warrant the adoption of any other crosssectional area of the stream and resulting
lower value for the coefficient. For general increasein velocity. The loss of head at the
design purposes, however, the value for all sizes entrance to apipe from a reservoir is a special
may be taken as 0.013 for plastic pipes and case of loss dueto contraction
0.0015 for other pipes. It is noted that the contraction loss coefficient
c) Darcy-Weisbach’s Formula isalways smaller than the corresponding
𝑆𝑆 = expansion
where, loss coefficient. Also, ξv increases substantially
H = head loss due to friction over length L (m) with the contraction angle δ; and the above
f = dimensionless friction factor equation yields moderate losses for contraction
g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2 angles below δ < 30◦. For δ = 90◦, ξv = (1−φ)/2,
V = velocity in mps i.e., the loss increases linearly with the decrease
L = length in meters in the contraction ratio.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

3.5.2 Loss of head due to enlargement BENEFITS OF CLOSED PIPE
Loss of head, he, due enlargement of cross • It reduces the loss of water due to
section is caused by increase cross-sectional seepage and hence the duty is enhanced
area of the stream with resulting decrease in • It controls the water logging and hence
velocity. The enlargement may be either sudden the bad effects of water logging are
or gradual. The loss of head at the outlet end of eliminated
a pipe into a reservoir is a special case of loss • It provides smooth surface and hence
due to sudden expansion. velocity of flow can be increased
i) Exit or Outlet Loss • Due to the increased velocity the
Loss of head caused by obstruction ofValves discharged capacity of a canal is also
Loss of head, hg, caused by obstructions such as increased
gates or valves which produce a change in • Due to the increased velocity the
cross sectional area in the pipe or in the evaporation loss also reduced
direction of flow. The result is usually a sudden • It eliminates the effect of scouring in the
increase or decrease in velocity followed by a canal bed
more gradual return to the original velocity. • The increased velocity eliminates the
3.7 Total Loss of Head possibility of silting in the canal bed
The total loss of head, ∆H designates all losses • It controls the growth of weeds along
of head in a pipeline which there is steady and the canal sides and bed
continuous flow • It provides the stable section of the canal
PROBLEM STATEMENT • It reduces the requirements of lands
Reducing loss of water through Canal width for the canal, because smaller
Distribution Network (CDN) by providing section of the canal can be used to
Pipe Distribution Network (PDN) for produce greater discharge.
Presently the overall efficiency of irrigation • Domain Finalization....................1 WEEK
projects is around 41 – 48 %, it means that the • Research Papers..........................1 WEEK
average 50 % of water get lost. It implies that • Selection of Dam..........................1 WEEK
benefit of capital cost incurred on the traditional • Collection Data (Rainfall, Geographical &
open channel system for irrigation purpose is historical Data)...............2 WEEK
less than 50 per cent. Also at many places, extra • Calculation of Reduced
water is supplied to agriculture field due to bad Level........................................3 WEEK
practice of irrigation, it create the problem of • Calculation of
water logging and thereby reducing the fertility Losses..........................................2 WEEK
of land. To save the precious water storage, and BUDGET OF THE PROJECT
to utilize the maximum efficiency of irrigation Transportation Cost......................... 2000 Rs.
project we need to overcome with Pipe 3D Design of Model..........................4000 Rs.
Distribution Network. Stationary for Model Making.............. 8000 Rs.
OBJECTIVES TITLE :- Guidelines for Construction of Pipe
i. To collect the required parameters, Distribution Network (PDN) for Irrigation
condition and data for Pipe Irrigation AUTHOR :- Mr. Sandesh B. Kulavmode,
Network. Dr.S.S.Valunjkar
ii. Gunjawani Dam visit regarding Government of India aims to increase the water
collection of information about Pipe use efficiency by 20 percent till the end of year
Irrigation Network. 2017. Also as per Maharashtra Water Resources
iii. To utilize 100% of water in pipe Regulatory Authority (MWRRA) from the year
irrigation, and achieve highest percent of 2019 onwards adoption of microirrigation for
decided command area. perennial crops is made compulsory.
iv. Sub-divisions of Main Pipeline to Maharashtra Water and Irrigation Department
increase cultivation area. reports, current CCA of Maharashtra state is

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

approximately 225 lacs Hector (Ha). By propylene glycol solutions and K 25.2 ESFR
considering the availability of surface water and sprinklers that have been specifically tested for
ground water, the total area irrigated by surface the application. The listings and manufacturer’s
water is 85 lacs Ha and that of ground water is installation instructions for these propylene
41 lacs Ha. Hence it is possible to irrigate total glycol systems are very specific with regards to
126 lacs Ha, which contributing just 56 percent the type of system, the system volume and the
of total CCA. Demand of water for civilization piping configuration. If a system is selected to
and industrialization is increasing at an protect a cold storage occupancy using a
alarming rate. This increase in demand reduces propylene glycol solution, the fire protection
the water availability for irrigation. To designer must verify the appropriate product
overcome this water scarcity, optimum listings. In addition, the manufacturer’s
utilization of irrigation water is necessary which technical literature must be reviewed to ensure
will help in irrigating maximum area and for that the system design is in compliance with the
this purpose there is need to modernization of listings and that all of the required components
existing conventional CDN system. have been installed.
The objective of this paper is to highlighting the LITERATURE REVIEW 3
use of Pipe Distribution Network (PDN) instead TITLE :- GSM based Automated Irrigation
of Canal Distribution Network (CDN) to Control using Raingun Irrigation System
increase the overall project efficiency of AUTHOR:- R.suresh, S.Gopinath,
irrigation project and thereby reducing the K.Govindaraju, T.Devika,
stresses due to water scarcity. In order to N.SuthanthiraVanitha
achieve maximum benefits from PDN, The modern raingun irrigation systems, water is
planning, designing, and construction of it supplied half of the land zone of the plants by
should be carefully done. This paper provides a raingun due to which a large quantity of water
guideline for planning, designing and is saved. At the present era, the farmers have
construction of PDN system for irrigation. It is been using irrigation technique in India through
recommended that PDN system could be the manual control in which the farmers irrigate
economical and feasible over conventional the land at the regular intervals. The global
CDN and this system is so flexible that it can be irrigation scenario, however, is characterized by
implemented as a new scheme or used to poor performance, increased demand for higher
convert the existing CDN. agricultural productivity, decreased availability
LITERATURE REVIEW 2 of water for agriculture, increasing soil salinity
TITLE :- Calculating Friction Loss Darcy- and possible effects of global warming and
Weisbach Formula vs. Hazen-Williams: Why climate changeThis process sometimes
Darcy is the Appropriate Selection in Large consumes more water or sometimes the water
Volume Sprinkler Systems That Use reaches late due to which the crops get dried.
Propylene Glycol Water deficiency can be detrimental to plants
AUTHOR:- Scott Martorano, CFPS, Senior before visible wilting occurs. Slowed growth
Manager Technical Service rate, lighter weight fruit follows slight water
Propylene glycol has been widely accepted and deficiency. This problem can be perfectly
utilized in fire sprinkler systems for many years. rectified if we use automatic microcontroller
Until recently it has been restricted to antifreeze based raingun irrigation system in which the
loops on wet pipe sprinkler systems. Innovative irrigation will take place only when there will
advances in the design of sprinklers systems be intense requirement of water.
and full-scale fire testing of class 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4
commodities in rack storage configurations TITLE :- Toward precision irrigation for
have demonstrated that sprinkler systems pre- intensive strawberry cultivation
primed with a water and propylene glycol AUTHOR :- J. García Morillo, M. Martín,
solution utilizing K 25.2 sprinklers are a viable E. Camacho, J.A. Rodríguez Díaz,
option for the protection of cold storage P.Montesinos
occupancies under certain conditions. The Donana ˜ area in Southwestern Spain has
Full-scale burn testing has been conducted the largest concentration of strawberry
utilizing specific types of sprinkler systems; producers in Europe. The annual yield, close to

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

300,000 t, is mainly devoted to the international resources including water and food are falling
markets (more than 90%). Due to the high water shorter to cope up with the need of mankind. To
demand of strawberries and to the overcome this problem, it is very essential to
environmental concerns ofthe destination conserve the water in many ways and utilize it
countries, the maximization of water use so that food production should be sufficient to
efficiency is critical for the strawberry sector. serve for mankind need at reasonably low cost.
Aiming at the efficient water use in the To increase the food production from
strawberry production, a comprehensive drip agriculture land, irrigation is one of the tools to
irrigation system has been designed, according conserve the water and utilize it for agriculture
to precision irrigation principles. The system production. Irrigation of agriculture land is done
has been developed based on a three stages using various methods such as flow through
methodology. First, the irrigation process open channel, lift irrigation, and drip irrigation
carried out by farmers has been assessed to etc.
identify inefficiencies in the irrigation system Conventionally on almost all command area of
and management. Their performances have irrigation projects in India, the water for
been evaluated using indicators such as the irrigation is supplied through the network of
Relative Irrigation Supply (RIS), Strawberry turnout, sub minor, distributory, branch canal
Irrigation Water Applied (SWA) and and main canal. Here, almost 50 % of water is
Strawberry Water Footprint Applied (SWFA). lost during the storage and distribution. There
The second phase is focused in an accurate are many disadvantages of the conventional
irrigation scheduling based in precise crop system of irrigation. Their design overall
water requirements estimation and the optimum project efficiency (OPE) of the conventional
irrigation pulse design. Finally, the irrigation system is obliviously low and ranges between
system has been designed with the prevailing 41 to 48 % only. Actual OPE, it is needless to
wisdom of meets the needs of the crop in a say, is only 20-35 % in most of the irrigation
timely manner and as efficiently and as spatially projects due to many difficulties and
uniformly as possible. The most appropriate constraints. To improve the overall project
drip irrigation emitters for the particular efficiency of a project, it is essential to
conditions of the strawberry production in the overcome various reasons and constraints which
study area have been selected. The rest of the are responsible for the low efficiency.
on-farm irrigation technologies required to The Pipe Distribution Network (PDN)
control the system have been integrated, for irrigation purpose is one of the best solution
including soil water sensors, smart water for substantially improving the design and
meters, programmers, electrovalves and weather actual OPE. The Pipe Distribution Network
station. This precision irrigation system has (PDN) is the technique of irrigating the
been installed in a commercial strawberry farm command area through the network of HDPE
during the irrigation season 2013–2014. Also, pipes under gravity flow in place of open
an application for PC, mobiles and tablets has channels. This paper describes about the need of
been developed to provide farmers practical PDN system, advantage and scope of PDN,
information (e.g. irrigation times) for optimal essential requirement for PDN implementation,
irrigation scheduling. general installation guide lines for PDN,
LITERATURE REVIEW 5 planning and design principles of PDN. The
TITLE :- Pipe Distribution Network for paper also discusses about the magical
Irrigation – an Alternative to Flow Irrigation improvement in the OPE of an irrigation project
AUTHOR :- M. M. Satpute, P. V. Khandve, by adopting PDN. The paper compares the
M. L. Gulhane percentage increase in efficiency of the project
The population of mankind is increasing at and other parameters for an illustrated project of
distressing rate and human is tapping the natural Nagthana-2 in Amravati District of
resources to cater his need. The available Maharashtra.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020


Total irrigation of the project through the • Gunjawane dam is located on kanandi
traditional open canal is 16500 ha. As per the river, MoujeDhaneptal. Velhe Dist.
first revised administrative approval there were Pune
22 km of right canal and 144 km of left canal • Total reservoir capacity of dam is 3.69
was planned. tmc and water use is 4.17 tmc
As per the recurring programme through these
canal 685 ha. in Velhe, 7285 ha. in Bhor and
8530 ha. In Purandar Taluka.
• .

METHODOLOGY of testing of soil sample, preparing of contour

This chapter describes the materials and maps by using QGIS software. The details of
methodologies adopted in the study for the study area and the sequential methodologies
analysing the existing irrigation system and adopted in the present study are described
design of underground pipe line irrigation below.
system to minimize the losses. This study SITE SELECTION
depends mainly on primary data from the study As per IS: 11570-1985, the following factors
area, beside secondary data from relevant shall be considered while determining the
official sources. The method selected for appropriate location of Intake:
primary data collection included selection of 1. The location where the best quality of
site, actual site visit to the proposed site, rainfall water(at least suitable for irrigation
data, crop type and variety, yield, soil type, purposes) is available.
method of irrigation. Secondary data consisted

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020

2. Absence of currents that will threaten 2. Maximum use of area for cultivation.
the safety of the intake. REFERENCE
3. Absence of ice floats etc. i. TR4 : Plastic Pipe Institute
4. Formation of shoal and bars should be ii. Manual on water supply and treatment
avoided. by central public health and
5. Navigation channels should be avoided environmental engineering organization
as far as possible. (CPHEEO) under Ministry of Urban
6. Fetch of wind and other conditions Development
affecting the waves. iii. Book on Water supply engineering by
7. Ice Storms. S.K. Garg.
8. Floods. iv. Rural Irrigation System design standards
9. Availability of power and its reliability. code of practice of Australia
10. Accessibility. v. Pipe Distribution System for Irrigation
11. Distance from pumping station. Manual by INCID (1998)
12. Possibilities of damage by moving vi. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 44
objects and hazards. “Design and Optimization of
DESIGN CRITERIA FOR PIPE Irrigation Distribution
1. Limited water availability and extensive vii. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 59
command. “Performance Analysis of On-demand
2. Steep, uneven and undulated Pressurized Irrigation Systems”,2000
topography where canal system is viii. PIN Workshop (held in March 2017 at
uneconomical. CWC) presentation material
3. High losses due to evaporation, seepage
and water theft. WEBOGRAPHY
4. Adoption of advance techniques for 1. http://www.cwc.gov.in
future development. 2. http://www.irjet.net
5. Farmer’s responses and acceptability. 3. http://www.researchgate.net
6. Availability of adequate fund. 4. www.krishikosh.egranth.ac.in
DATA COLLECTION 5. http://www.ijraset.com
1. Visit to Gunjavani Dam. 6. http://www.iaeme.com
2. Collection of required Data. 7. www.iwmi.cgiar.org
3. Analysis of collected. 8. www.scribd.com
1. Selection of route of Pipeline.

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020


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