SMRM5203 1 MMNoor RM Intro & Assignment 2023may22
SMRM5203 1 MMNoor RM Intro & Assignment 2023may22
SMRM5203 1 MMNoor RM Intro & Assignment 2023may22
Director, German Academic & Career Centre (GACC), UMP. Feb 2016 – Jan 2018
What is the difference between the 5 types of Searches? Write your results
and discuss/comment it
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CLO Descriptions of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
1 Analyze research articles, papers and any relevant academic sources in
writing a good research proposal. (C4,PLO2)
2 Demonstrate the ethical issues involved in a research process. (A3,PLO11)
3 Prepare a research proposal to address the research problem and achieve
research objectives with an appropriate research design, data collection,
data analysis and interpretation of research findings. (A4,PLO6)
Introduction to Research
What is a Research ?
Research: The word research is composed of two
syllables “Re” and “Search”.
“Re” is the prefix meaning ‘Again or over again or
a new’ and “Search” is the latter meaning ‘to
examine closely and carefully’ or ‘to test and try’.
Together they form, a careful, systematic, patient
study and investigation in some field of knowledge
undertaken to establish principles / policies.
Research Defined and Described
“Research is the systematic approach to obtaining and
confirming new and reliable knowledge”
– Systematic and orderly (following a series of steps)
– Purpose is new knowledge, which must be reliable
Methodology and Research Design
Research is creating new knowledge - Neil Armstrong
Armstrong (1930-2012) was an American astronaut famed for being the first man to
walk on the Moon.
Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing - Wernher von Braun
Von Braun (1912-1977) was a German-American physicist and rocket engineer whose
team launched the first US satellite into space.
If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research - Albert Einstein
Research is not … cont.
Searching out published research results in
libraries (or the internet)
• This is an important early step of research
• The research process always includes synthesis
and analysis
• But, just reviewing of literature is not research
Research is…
1. Searching for explanation of events, phenomena,
relationships and causes
–What, how and why things occur
–Are there interactions?
2. A process
– Planned and managed – to make the information generated
– The process is creative
– It is circular – always leads to more questions
Writing Thesis/Project Proposals: The Big Picture
Your proposal describes your proposed plan of work:
• What you intend to study (Scope and Research
• How you intend to study your topic (Methodology).
• Why this topic needs to be studied (Significance).
• When you will complete this work (Timeline).
• (Occasionally) Where you will conduct this work.
Quantitative vs Qualitative
Quantitative Qualitative
Structured data Unstructured data
Statistical analysis Summary /Describe
Objective conclusions Subjective conclusions
Survey, experiment Interviews, focus groups
Based on numbers Based on opinions & experiences
Larger sample Smaller sample
Mostly closed ended question Open ended questions
Research methodology is conclusive Research methodology is exploratory
Turnitin Report (Optional)