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Ujian Sekolah (Us) : Pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak Dinas Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan

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Alamat : Jl. Raya yang kamu mau, Lebak-Banten Kode Pos. 42393




Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N www.ilmuguru.org

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/T anggal : Minggu, 00 Maret 2022
Kelas : IX
Waktu : 00.30 s/d 00.00 WIB

1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bacalah Hamdallah setelah selesai menjawab semua soal
4. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!
1. Read the following text carefully ! Bella : I hope so
1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 — 20 cm
away from the LCD screen. The expression of hope from the dialog above is .....
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly. A. I am nervous too
Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or B. I heard you will join singing competition
brush. C. Don’t worry
D. I hope you will do well
You can also do the following steps:
1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser. 4. Tika : I won the storytelling competition
2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as yesterday. I got the 1st place
bright as a new one Dina : wow, I am so proud of you. You are the
1st winner. Congratulation my friend
What is the purpose of the text above ?
A. To tell the way to clean a phone LCD by using Which sentence of Dina that congratulate Tika ?
detergent A. I am so proud of you
B. To show how to clean a mirror B. Congratulation my friend
C. To tell the procedure to clean an LCD screen C. I got the 1st place
D. To tell how to use fabric cleanser and detergent D. You are the 1st winner

2. What is the suitable step to fill in the incomplete 5. Bob : the exam will start tomorrow morning and I
step of the procedure text above ? do not study yet
A. Turn on the stove then put the frying fan over Lulu : yeah me too. What should we do?,
the stove Pia : I think we should cheat so we do not have to
B. Wash the banana and give the salt study
C. Fry the banana on the stove Mia : I don't think so.We should study to get good
D. Turn off the stove and fry the banana in hot result from the exam
cooking oil
Which sentence that indicate an expression of
3. Sandra : Bella, I heard you will join singing disagreement?
competition tomorrow A. I don’t think so
Bella : yes, I am excited but I am nervous too B. I think we should cheat
Sandra : don’t worry, I hope you will do well and C. What should we do ?
be the winner D. We do not have to study

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6. Arrange the dialog below into correct order! 10. Look at the following picture!
1. Aska : you should not drink cold drinks
so that you would not get flu
2. Mia : I want to drink the ice
3. Aska : why ?
4. Braga : you should not drink cold drink
5. Mia Because I have an allergy to ice
or cold drink
A. 2 4 3 1 5 C. 2 4 3 5 1
B. 2 3 4 1 5 D. 2 4 3 1 5
When will the product be expired ?
The Quations No 7 and 8! A. 29 April 2018 C. Calories 140
Expectorant, Gualfenesin 100 mg B. 325 ml D. Total carbohydrate 35 g
antitussive, and cough TABLETS Dextromethorphan
FOR DOGS AND CATS hydrobromide 10 mg
suppressant for 11. Lina : “Hey, that’s Dayu. Dayu! Dayu!”
temporary relief of FOR VETERINARY
cough symptoms in USE ONLY CAUTION: If animal’s Siti : “I don’t think she can hear you. She has
dogs and cats cough is persistent or earphones on her ears and she’s singing.
DOSAGE: chronic cough is
SMALL DOGS and accompanied by Maybe she’s listening to her favorite
CATS: ½ tablet, repeat excessive secretions, songs.”
in four hours prolonged
LARGE DOGS: depression, or fever,
1 tablet every four consult a veterinarian What is Dayu doing ?
hours A. She is not singing her favourite song
NOTE: Keep out of reach of
B. She has earphones
Do not use for puppies
or kittens under 3 TAKE TIME C. She is singing and listening to her favourite song
months of age or dogs DIRECTIONS D. She can hear
or cats less than 5 lbs.
(2.3 kg) body beight
12. Now I know that reading novels is Siti’s hobby.
When I saw her in the canteen, she was reading a
7. Based on the drug label above, how much is the
novel, now she is reading a novel. And, I’m sure
dosage for big dogs ?
when I meet her next time, she will be reading a
A. ½ tablet every four hours
novel, too.
B. One tabet every four hours
C. Half tablet
What is she so sure about what will Siti doing next
D. Quarter of tablet
time ?
A. She will be reading C. She was reading
8. “Keep out of reach of children “
B. She is reading D. She reads
What does this sentence mean ?
A. Give the drug to children
13. Edo : "By the way,did you get to the practice on
B. Ask children to drink the drug
time or late?"
C. Children will drink the drug
Udin : "We were a bit late.When Beni and I got to
D. The drug should not be close to children
the fied, the others were just sitting and
chatting. They said they were waiting for
9. Look at the following picture!
Beni : "In fact, they were not just waiting for
us.They were also waiting for our coach Mr.
Ali. He was going to the sports shop to buy
a new whistle."

What was their coach doing when they were waiting

for him ?
A. He was sitting
B. He was chatting
How many pieces of chips can you find in the C. He was practicing
package ? D. He was going to the sport shop
A. Serving size 1 C. 15
B. 10 g D. 1.5 g 14. Arrange the dialog below into correct order

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1. Tio : what are you doing ? you seems 18. Why did Sura and Baya fought ?
busy A. Because they wanted to live in sea
2. Bima : good morning too B. They fought for food
3. Bima : I am doing my homework for C. They felt tired after fighting
tomorrow Math subject D. They wanted to be the master of the sea
4. Tio : hey buddy, good morning
A. 4 2 1 3 C. 4 2 3 1 19. “they lived in the different places”
B. 4 1 2 3 D. 4 1 3 2 The underlined word has similar meaning with .....
A. Home C. Location
15. Complete the dialogue below with correct sentence B. Residence D. River
in form of Present Perfect Tense
Tio : why does Mia live with her 20. Specify which one is the orientation of Narrative
grandmother ? text above ?
Dio : I don’t know. Do you know why Rara A. Once Sura and Baya were looking for some
? food
Rara : it’s because her mom and dad ..... B. Yummy, this is my lunch said Baya
A. Has passed away C. Having passed away C. “No way, this is my lunch, you are greedy” said
B. Have passed away D. Had passed away Sura. They fought for the goat. After several
hours they felt tired
The Quations No 16 and 20! D. A long time ago there were two animals, Sura
Sura and Baya and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and
Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea
A long time ago,there were two animals, Sura and Baya.
Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. The Quations No 21 - 24!
They lived in a sea. Poor Mr Lebai (Pak Lebai Malang) - a Folk tale from
West Sumatra
Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food.
Suddenly, Baya saw a goat. long time ago, a man called Mr Lebai lived on a river
bank in a village in West Sumatra. One day, he received
"Yummy,this is my lunch," said Baya. two party invitations-one from a villager up stream and
another one down stream. The two parties' locations
"No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy" said Sura. were far from each other. How ever, the parties were to
Then they fought for the goat. After several hours,they take place exactly at the same time.
were very tired.
Not wanting to miss both parties, he started rowing his
Feeling tired of fighting,they lived in the different boat down stream for he knew that the food there was
places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the very delicious. In the middle of his journey, he stopped.
land. The border was the beach, so they would never Mr Lebai remembered that the host of the upstream
fight again. usually gave more food to the guests, so he turned his
boat back and started to row upstream.
One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some
food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not After rowing for several minutes, he stopped again. He
much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he remembered that the downstream host was a generous
knew that Sura broke the promise. man. Mr Lebai thought that if he got there early, he
would get a delicious buffalo head. He turned back to go
16. What is the purpose of the text above ? to the downstream village.
A. To give facts to readers
B. To give information to the readers However, when he got there, the party in the
C. To entertain or amuse the readers downstream villag was over. He saw people walking
D. To promote a product home, bringing bags of food. Mr Lebai was
disappointed. He quickly turned his boat again heading
17. Where did Sura and Baya live ? for the upstream village. He rowed as fast as he could.
A. They lived in a sea However, in the middle of the journey, he saw people
B. They lived on the ground walking home bringing their bags of food, too. It meant
C. They lived in lake the party in the upstream was over, also.
D. They lived in mountain

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In the end, Mr Lebai went home empty-handed, 99% bamboo yet infrequently they eat different plants
disappointed, and exhausted. He was so unfortunate. or meat furthermore nectar. Honey bee stings would
There after, he was nick named "Pak Lebai Malang" or not hurt Panda on the grounds that they have a tough
"Poor Mr Lebai." skin. Pandas eat in a sitting position. Panda does not
rest like other bear sorts.
21. Where did Mr.Lebai live ?
A. He lived in a village Pandas just have one foe. Their foes are wild puppies. At
B. He lived in a river the point when the wild canines assaulted them , panda
C. He lived in a banks will climb trees to evade battles.
D. He lived in a river bank in a village in West
Sumatera Panda generation rate is truly low. Female pandas don't
breed until 5 to 7 years. Female pandas can just have up
22. Why did Mr.Lebai went to the downstream village to 3 children at one time.The infant panda are as little as
first ? kittens. Children normally leave their moms the
A. Because he is hungry following 18 months. Presently you know the data
B. Because the food in downstream village is about panda and why it is imperiled.The pandas ought
delicious to be helped and spared or these excellent creature will
C. Because he will get more food be terminated.
D. Because he would get buffalo head 26. Which part is the conclusion of the text above?
A. Panda bar is a standout amongst the
23. From the text above we know that ..... jeopardized creatures and on the edge of
A. Mr. lebai got delicious food eradication
B. Mr. Lebai attended both of the parties in B. Pandas live in teritoriteies with a ton of
downstream and upstream village different creatures yet have couple of foes.
C. Mr. Lebai did not get the food at all C. Pandas invest energy to eat for around 10 to 12
D. Mr. Lebai got the buffalo head hours a day
D. The pandas ought to be helped and spared or
24. The moral message of the story is ...... these excellent creatures will be terminated
A. Do not be greedy C. Do not be wise
B. Be careless D. Be a indecisive person 27. Why does Panda generation rate is low ?
A. because the are rare animal
25. Complete the dialogue below with correct form of B. because they are on the edge of eradication
Passive Voice ! C. because they don’t breed until 5 to 7 years
Bimo : I am hungry now. Do we have any food D. because they are excellent creatures
at home ?
Rima : don’t worry, we have lots of food. The The Quations No 28 - 29!
meatball ..... by mom yesterday. It’s on Bottom of Form
the dining table If you’re lonely
A. Is cooked C. Were cooked And need a friend
B. Was cooked D. Will be cooked And troubles seem like
They never end
The Quations No 26 - 27! Just to remember to keep the faith
Panda bear is a stand out anmongst the most And love will be there to light the way
jeopardized creatures and on the edge of eradication.
Anyway, a group of researchers has been framed around 28. “And troubles seems like they never end”
the backwoods in China to help spare the panda bear The underlined word THEY refers to .. ?
populace. This report will let you know about the panda A. Problems C. A friend
bear and why they are imperiled. B. Lonely D. Need

Pandas five in territories with a ton of different 29. “if you’re lonely”
creatures yet have couple of foes.They lived in What is the meaning of the lyric above ?
Southeast China. They live in the cool backwoods on the A. Ketika kamu merasa sedih
incl ines of the dim mountains. There are a considerable B. Jika kamu kesepian
measure of bamboo trees eat. C. Jika kamu murung
D. Jika kamu merasa dekat
Pandas invest energy to eat for around 10 to 12 hours a
day, around 40-80 kg. Panda nourishment comprises of 30. Rangga : excuse me Rindu, I want to ask

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something 35. Temi : tell me about your brother
Rindu : yes, what is it? Bayu : My brother is a skillfull man. He is not
Rangga : The question number 4. I don’t get it yet only skillfull but also smart. He can play
Rindu : alright, let me explain guitar well. At age 14 he is already a
basketball star from our school. He can
The underlined sentence is an expression of ..... play basket well too. He is a good son
A. Giving opinion C. Giving attention too. He never disobeys our parents. I
B. Asking opinion D. Asking for attention love him so much

31. Maya : excuse me Miss Choose correct statement based on the dialogue
Miss Mira : Yes, What is it? above .....
Maya : I don’t understand our lesson. What A. Bayu’s brother is an intelligent man
should I do before writing a report text B. Bayu’s brother is lack in skill
Miss Mira : you sould choose your topic first. Do C. Bayu’s brother is not active person
you understand? D. Bayu’s brother is good in volleyball

The sentense that indicates an expression of Quations No 36 and 37!

checking understanding is ……
A. Do you understand ?
B. Yes what is it ?
C. Excuse me Miss
D. I don’t understand our lesson

32. Lala : look, it is a leather jacket

Mia : oh you are right. There are so many colours
Lala : I like this pink coloured jacket. What do you
think about it?
Mia : I think pink is a sweet colour. You should buy 36. The receiver of the card above is .......
it A. Fahri C. Aziz
B. Bestfriend D. Dear
The sentence that indicates an expression of giving
opinion is …. 37. “Dear Aziz, congratulations, you are now a high
A. Look, it’s a leather jacket school graduate”
B. Oh you’re right The underlined word refers to .....
C. I think pink is a sweet colour A. Aziz C. Graduate
D. You should buy it. B. High school D. Congratulation

The Quations No 33 - 34! 38. Arrange the Greeting Card Below into a correct
Mom : Mia, will you help me to buy sugar to the mart order !
near our home? I am cooking now 1. From your friend Ahmad
Mia : Alright, I will mom but wait a moment. I am 2. Get well soon my buddy
doing my homework now 3. I heard you are hospitalized for three days
Mam : Ok because of high fever
4. Dear Bayu
33. Why does Mia ask her mom to wait ? A. 4,2,3,1 C. 4,3,2,1
A. Because she is working on her task B. 4,2,1,3 D. 4,1,3,2
B. Because she is eating
C. Because she is waiting 39. Arrange the words below into a correct form of
D. Because she is cooking Simple Present Tense !
food for Mom us everyday prepares
34. Which sentence that indicates a willingness ? A. Mom food prepares for us everyday
A. Mia, will you help me to buy sugar to mart near B. Mom prepares food us for everyday
our home ? C. Mom prepares food for us everyday
B. I am cooking now D. Mom food prepares everyday for us
C. I am doing my homework now
D. I will mom 40. Rika : horse is faster than chicken

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Mia : yeah that’s true but chicken is faster 44. Mia : hi Tia, good morning where will you go
than turtle after finishing velleyball macth?
Rika : that’ true, rabbit is fast to but horse is Tia : hello, good morning. I will go home
the fastest directly
Mia : ok, I will go to the bookstore to buy
What is the fastest animal based on the dialogue Math book
above ....... Tia : alright, see you then
A. Chicken C. Turtle Mia see you too
B. Rabbit D. Horse
The sentence that indicates expression of saying
4. Rika : horse is faster than chicken goodbye based the dialogue above is …..
Mia : yeah that’s true but chicken is faster A. Hello good morning
than turtle B. See you then
Rika : that’ true, rabbit is fast to but horse is C. Hi Tia
the fastest D. Good morning

What animal is faster than chicken based on the The Quations No 45 - 46!
dialogue above ? Toto : hi good morning uncle
A. horse and rabbit C. rabbit Uncle : good morning. You dog looks amazing. Is
B. turtle D. horse your dog Siberian Haski? I have a dog too it is
The Quations No 42 - 43! Toto : yes. It is Siberian Huski. My dog love to play
That day was Saturday night. My friends and I went to and playful
Bromo Mountain for camping. We went there by bus. Uncle : I want to have this dog too someday
We arrived on the slop of Bromo Mountain on Sunday at
5 a.m.We climbed the Bromo Mountain on Sunday 45. The underlined word IT refers to .....
Morning. We built a tent for staying. We stayed in the A. Uncle’s dog C. Toto’s dog
area of Bromo Mountain for two days night. My friend, B. Toto D. Bulldog
Damar had duty to look for some firewood for cooking.
Dino had duty to look for some clean water. Roni and I 46. The underlined sentence in the dialogue above is an
had duty for cooking. Riko had duty to keep the tent expression of ......
clean and tidy. We had different duty. A. Apologize C. Agreement
B. Opinion D. Greeting
In the noon, my friends and I cooked together.We
cooked some rice and also vegetables. After that we had 47. Whiteboard Chairs
lunch together. In the night, there were some Plate Eraser
interesting and fun games. We had to join the games. At Knife Tables
10 p.m. we made the fire and we sat making a circle
around the fire. We also sang a song and one of us Based on the list above, the things that is not
played a guitar. In the night, we went to sleep in the usually in the classroom is …..
tent. I felt so cold. I could not sleep anymore. I stayed up A. Plate, eraser C. Plate, whiteboard
until the morning came. We decided to go home. I felt B. Chairs, tables, knife D. Plate, knife
so tired. We went home by bus. Although we felt tired,
we were happy because it was our first time to go to The Quations No 48 - 50!
Bromo Mountain for camping. My older sister is Kinanti Arianti. She is a very
diligent and charming girl. She is eighteen years old this
42. Where did they camp ? year. She is a student in a universit y.-
A. Bromo Mountain C. On Sunday morning Kinanti is tall enough. She is 170 cm. Her weight is
B. By bus D. Sunday at 5a.m. 55 kilogram. Her complexion is rather tan. There is a
special thing she has and you can know. It is a mole on
43. “we arrived on the slop of Bromo Mountain on her nose. My sister also likes to dance some traditional
Sunday at 5 a.m." dances. such as jaipong, gambyong, and srimpi. She also
The underlined word ARRIVED has similar meaning likes to wear jeans and t-shirt. Usually she completes his
with ...... appearence by wea ring a pa ir of sneakers.
A. Went C. Live
B. Leave D. Reached 48. Based on the text above, which sentence that does
not describe Kinanti’s physical appearance......

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A. Kinanti is tall enough D. Her weigh is 55 kilogram
B. She is a student in a university
C. She is 170 cm 50. He topic of the text above is .....
D. Her weight is 55 kilogram A. Kinanti’s physical appearance
B. Kinanti’s character, physical appeareance,
49. Based on the text above which sentence that habbit and things she likes
describes Kinanti’s personality? C. Kinnati’s educational background
A. She is eighteen years old D. Kinanti’s university
B. She is very diligent and charming
C. She is tall enough

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