Mental Health Nursing Training in Zimbabwe

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Mental Health Nursing Training in Zimbabwe

Article in Journal of Nursing & Care · January 2016

DOI: 10.4172/2167-1168.1000345


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2 authors:

Walter Mangezi Bazondlile Marimbe

University of Zimbabwe University of Zimbabwe


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Journal of Nursing and Care Mangezi et al., J Nurs Care 2016, 5:3

Mini Review Open Access

Mental Health Nursing Training in Zimbabwe

Walter Mangezi1*, Bazondlile Dube- Marimbe1, Chido Mawoyo1 and Nyamadzawo Chivese2
1University of Zimbabwe , Zimbabwe
2Parirenyatwa Hospital, Zimbabwe
*Corresponding author: Walter Mangezi, Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe, Tel: +263712606560; E-mail: [email protected]
Received date: Jan 13, 2016; Accepted date: May 26, 2016; Published date: June 02, 2016
Copyright: © 2016 Mangezi W, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Citation: Mangezi W, Dube Marimbe B, Mawoyo C, Chivese N (2016) Mental Health Nursing Training in Zimbabwe. J Nurs Care 5: 345. doi:

Introduction when they qualify in clinical settings, they are remunerated the same as
the diploma qualified nurses. This has resulted in a limited number of
The training of Mental Health nursing practitioners is critical in B.Sc. qualified nurses being recruited and retained in psychiatric
developing countries [1] especially Zimbabwe. This is because there is clinical practice resulting in a low uptake in the Masters of Science in
a critical shortage of Psychiatrists which has resulted in task shifting. psychiatric nursing. A Registered general Nurse with a diploma in
The mental health nurse therefore carries the biggest part of the service mental health cannot be enrolled into the Master’s degree in
provision [2] in mental health services. A mini review of some relevant Psychiatric Nursing programme directly as there is no bridging course
documents and articles was carried out to support this paper. between the Diploma programme and the Master’s degree programme.
This has resulted in a low uptake of the Masters in Psychiatric nursing
Structure of Training programme because after completing a 3 years general nursing
Diploma and 18 months post graduate diploma in mental health
In Zimbabwe, nurses have traditionally been trained by the Ministry
nursing, they still have to do another 4 years in B.Sc. nursing to enrol
of Health and Child Care at Government, Private and Mission
for the Master’s program. This forms a gap in the training of future
hospitals. The Ministry of Higher education trains nurses at tertiary
leaders in Mental Health Nursing and Psychiatry Services.
educational institutions. The Ministry of Health and Child Care train’s
general nurses for three years who are awarded a Diploma in general
nursing and these are called registered general nurses. The majority of Way Forward
nurses in Zimbabwe are registered general nurses. The Diploma in It is critical to introduce a bridging course [4] where a registered
General nursing has 37 h of theoretical input on Mental Health nurse can do selected modules that will fill in the gaps between the 18
Nursing and 6 weeks of clinical attachment in a psychiatric ward. The months post graduate Diploma in mental health nursing and the B.Sc.
government has also adopted the training of Primary Care Nurses nursing programme so that they can be upgraded to a Bachelor of
through an 18 months intense program in which Mental Health Science. A model to bridge the gap that can be adopted is one that is
training is done over 8 h of theoretical input with no clinical used at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland where a 18 months
attachment. program is available to convert the diploma in nursing into a B.Sc.
The Ministry of Higher Education through the University of psychiatric nursing degree. In Cape Town there is a 12 months
Zimbabwe started offering a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) [3] degree in program that offers modules that will enable a psychiatric nurse to
Nursing in 1998. The degree is a four year programme. The Bachelor of hold a B.Sc. nursing degree after completing the programme. An
Sciences (B.Sc.) degree in nursing has 48 h of theoretical input in alternative solution is to encourage the B.Sc. nursing graduates to take
Mental Health Nursing and 6 weeks of clinical attachment on a up a career path in Clinical Mental Health Nursing, so that after
psychiatric ward. University of Zimbabwe also offers the Master of appropriate experience they may consider doing the Master’s degree in
Science in nursing degree with majors in psychiatry, midwifery and Psychiatric nursing. This will ensure the on-going training of future
medical surgical nursing. Other tertiary educational institutions that leaders in the Zimbabwe Mental Health Services.
offer undergraduate degree programs for nurses include Africa
University, Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe Open References
University and Chinhoyi University of Technology.
1. Brundtland GH (2001) Message from the director-general, The world
Ingutsheni Psychiatric Hospital offers a 3 year generic Diploma in Health Report 2001, World Health Organisation, France.
Mental Health Nursing and an 18 months post-basic Diploma in 2. Kakuma R, Minas H, Dal Poz RM. Strategies for strengthening human
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing which is done after acquiring the 3 resources for mental health. In Global Mental Health Principles and
year basic Diploma in General Nursing. Currently, it is the only Practices, Oxford University Press, New York.
hospital offering training in a mental health nursing Diploma. 3. Mapanga KG, Mapanga MB(2000) Nursing In Zimbabwe. Online Journal
of Issues in Nursing.
4. Royal College of Ireland (2016) BSc (Hons) Nursing - Bridging
Challenges Programme.
The B.Sc. nursing qualified personnel have not been accommodated
in the hierarchy of the government nursing structure. For that reason,

J Nurs Care Volume 5 • Issue 3 • 1000345

ISSN:2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal

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