Canon Dental Photography Guide

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Canon Inc. Canon Europe Ltd. 3 The Square
Stockley Park
Canon Europe Uxbridge Middlesex
English Edition
© Canon Europa N.V., 2018
Dental photography is an essential part of
modern dentistry – as well as an element of
many advanced educational qualifications,
where it’s a great way to illustrate a
dentist’s skills and expertise. Pictures are
also a vital part of communicating different
treatment options with the patient as well
as planning the treatment.

Canon offers a range of EOS cameras, lenses and specialist flashes that enable
dentists and clinical staff to make consistent, accurate high quality dental pictures.

Dental photography kit comprises:


Canon offers a selection of Canon’s extensive range Canon produce two specialist
EOS DSLR cameras to fit of interchangeable lenses flashes a Macro Ring Lite and
most budgets for dental includes a choice of macro a Macro Twin Lite. The Ring
photography. lenses that are ideal for dental Lite comprises two flash tubes
photography. A macro lens that are wrapped around the
Recommended choices are
has the ability to produce 1:1 front of the lens just out of the
the EOS 80D with EF-S
Index 60mm macro lens, or for
life-size images and have a picture for even illumination.
closest focusing distance of A Twin Lite has two small
full frame quality, the EOS
0.2-0.3m. flash units which positioned
5D Mark IV, or EOS 6D Mark
2 3 8 19 anywhere around the lens to
II, with EF 100mm L macro
give greater control of the
lens. The 100mm used with
Choosing a camera, Configuring and Practical guide to Problem solving tips lighting.
the APS-C sensor body is
lens and flash caring for your camera dental photography
not recommended owing to
increased subject to camera

1 Canon dental photography guide Canon dental photography guide 2

Before you start taking photographs, features on your new camera will need
customisation via the camera menu system to optimise it for dental photography.

1 Optical viewfinder
dioptre correction 2 Remove card sizes
(8GB, 16GB) 3 Manual
exposure 4 Image files
Raw + jPEG 5 Set picture

It is also important to configure Almost all EOS cameras can Manual exposure mode is set The camera can be configured You will need an editing Picture styles determine how
the optical viewfinder before use standard Secure Digital on the camera by turning the to store both RAW and JPEG software package to review colours appear in the images
using the camera. Since each (SD) memory cards. 8GB or mode dial to the M position. images on the memory card the RAW image. Patient captured by the camera.
photographer has different 16GB cards are an ideal option. Then the shutter speed, each time a picture is taken. confidentiality is assured since Neutral style is recommended
eyesight, cameras include a SDHC, SDXC or cards marked aperture and ISO can be JPEG images are easily used Canon cameras don’t retain any for intra oral and close up
dioptre correction that needs with UHS-1 are compatible with set. For consistent dental on all computer platforms and images in their internal buffer photos. Portrait style should be
to be adjusted to suit each EOS cameras. photography, the shutter speed are compressed to reduce the memory. selected when taking extra oral
individual user. is set to 1/125s and ISO 100 storage space required. Use pictures. Easy to program when
Cameras must be set to only
for all patients. The aperture the largest size jpeg setting for using custom shooting modes
• Set the lens to the minimum take photos when a memory
value will need to be changed best quality.
– closest focus – distance card is in the card slot. Press
depending on the kind of photo
and aim the camera at a light the MENU button and navigate RAW images store the image as
being taken. Use apertures
coloured background to the menu option ‘Release unprocessed data and have a
in the range of f/9 to f/32 for
shutter without card’ and set it high level of integrity if pictures
• Adjust the dioptre dial next to good depth of field.
to OFF. are needed for evidential
the viewfinder until the focus
purposes or AACD / BACD
points – a series of squares
accreditation cases. Use the
across the image – are as
largest size jpeg setting for
sharp and clear as possible
best quality.
• If the range of correction is
insufficient, Canon has several
dioptre correction lenses
that will change the range of

3 Canon dental photography guide Canon dental photography guide 4

6 Deactivate Auto
Lighting Optimizer 7 Set the white balance
to flash white balance 8 Evaluative
Metering mode 9 Use MyMenu to quickly
access and review settings 10 Custom
shooting modes 11 Manual

Auto Lighting Optimizer Since dental photos only use The metering mode should Canon’s latest cameras have Advanced EOS cameras include Most of the time use AF,
enhances images to brighten flash, set flash white balance to be set to Evaluative. This a green menu section known one or more custom shooting however for close up images,
parts of the scene that the achieve consistent colour. ensures balanced metering as My Menu, which can be modes. These offer a way to it’s best to use manual for
camera determines to be and predominantly white configured for quick access recall a preset camera con better control over framing and
underexposed. For consistent scenes with teeth are not or review of commonly guration just by turning the distance. Set the AF Mode on
results this automatic function underexposed by the camera. used features and functions. camera mode dial. This ensures the camera to ‘One shot’ and
should be deactivated. Cameras can be set so that that consistent camera settings set the AF point to a single
the My Menu screen is shown are always used. centre spot AF point.
whenever the MENU button is
You can pre program one
mode for extra oral views and
another for intra oral and close
up views.
If the Custom shooting modes
are used, the Auto update
setting must be disabled.

5 Canon dental photography guide Canon dental photography guide 6

12 Manual
flash power: 13 Camera care
and cleaning: 14 Fine tune the
camera setup:
For all the extra and intra-oral dental
photographs below, the camera
should be set to:
• Manual exposure mode
• Shutter speed of 1/125s
• ISO 100

Set the flash to manual mode EOS cameras, lenses and Once the ISO, aperture, speed • Extra oral views
by pressing the MODE button flashes should not be sterilised. and flash are set, frame teeth • Intra oral views
on the ash until M is displayed. The camera can be kept clean for a test photo. Check the test • Close ups
Normally flash power between with damp sterile wipes if image and adjust flash power
1/2 and 1/4 is being used. necessary. Sterile gloves are to get correct exposure. For
not required when handling the subsequent images simply
Flash power and flash mode can
camera. alter the aperture - f/9-11 for
be set either on the flash itself or
portraits, and f/25-f/32 for
through the camera LCD menus
intraoral images.
if preferred. If using the Canon
MT-26EX RT it is recommended
to use the supplied diffusers to
reduce reflections and bright
patches occurring on teeth.

7 Canon dental photography guide Canon dental photography guide 8

• Camera settings:
1/125, f9-11, ISO 100
• Flash Power:
1/2 - 1/4
• Picture style:

Improved portraits with additional flash - ADVANCED

Different views commonly used:
When using dark/color backgrounds in portrait In this example an additional external Speedlite
photography, the problem is to stand the patient out 600EX II-RT Flash was placed next to the patient
Smile Lips at rest Side profile from the background. Solution is to use an additional aimed at the ceiling. The white ceiling is working
remote flash as a ”hair” light. like a big softbox lighting the hair and standing the
patient out from the backround

The close up / ring flans is used to trigger the

external flash and adjust the power.

Retracted view Side profile smile 45 degree smile

9 Canon dental photography guide Canon dental photography guide 10

INTRA Retracted right
teeth together
Retracted anterior
teeth together
Retracted left
teeth together

• Camera settings:
1/125, f25-32, ISO 100
• Flash Power:
1/2 - 1/4
• Picture style:
Retracted teeth Retracted teeth Retracted teeth
teeth apart right teeth apart center teeth apart left

Different views commonly used:

Smile right Smile front Smile left

Full arch upper & lower occlusal view

Occlusal views might need 1-2 bigger f-stop setting (f/25-29)

Side view Upward angle

 ocus tip: Half press shutter while focussing on the canines. once focus is locked reframe right or left to
show all teeth, then press the shutter all the way down to take the picture.

11 Canon dental photography guide 12 Canon dental photography guide

If the captured image appears too bright;
• Flash power level is set too high
• Aperture value is not set correctly for the photo being taken
• The camera is too close to the teeth

If the captured image appears too dark;

• Flash power level is set too low
• Aperture value is not set correctly for the photo being taken
• The camera is too far from the teeth


Different views commonly used:
The flash power setting is not normally changed once set on the flash. Check that the flash
is set to Manual mode – M is displayed in the top right corner of the flash unit LCD, and that
Close up right Close up center Close up left the power level is set between 1/2 and 1/4 depending of the camera setup.

The aperture value controls the amount of light recorded in the picture. Smaller numbers
like f/4 allow more light in, bigger numbers like f/32 let less light in. For most intra oral and
close up pictures the aperture should be set between f/25 and f//32. For extra oral and
portrait views the aperture value should be between f/9 and f/11.

It is possible that the different posture of individual patients will require small adjustment of
the focus; the lens can be set to autofocus mode for these pictures. Sliding the switch on
Advanced tip: A polarizing filter can be used to remove reflections and bring out the teeth details. the side of the lens barrel to the AF position activates autofocus.
Useful view when communicating with dental technicians when sending stump shade pictures of
If the close-up and intra-oral views are incorrectly focussed make sure that the camera
viewfinder dioptre correction is set to the optimum for the photographer.
 amera settings:
1/125, f25-32, ISO 100 There is a tendency for photographers to focus on the closest part of the teeth, which
causes the teeth further aw ay to be out of the zone of sharpness. Check after each shot,
 lash Power: by zooming in and panning the image on the camera’s LCD, that the focus is sharp on the
1/2 - 1/4 specified teeth, often the lateral incisors or canines, as there is a zone of sharpness in front
 icture style: of the point of focus and a bigger zone behind the point of focus.
Occlusal and buccal mirrors may mist up in some cases. Warming the mirrors before
• Use a contraster behind the teeth inserting them in to the patient’s mouth or have the assistant blow air to the mirror while
taking the pictures helps alleviate this.

13 Canon dental photography guide 14 Canon dental photography guide

This guide was prepared with
the professional assistance of;

Dr. Petteri Viljakainen

DDS. Canon trainer and lecturer.
Member of AACD and BACD.

Canon dental photography guide 16

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