The Determinants of Public Debt in The Gambia: Estimates Using The Autoregressive Redistributed Lag (ARDL) Bound Cointegration Technique

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Vol. 15(2), pp.

46-55, April-June 2023

DOI: 10.5897/JEIF2023.1193
Article Number: C3F9A3070703
ISSN 2006-9812
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article Journal of Economics and International Finance

Full Length Research Paper

The determinants of public debt in the Gambia:

Estimates using the autoregressive redistributed lag
(ARDL) bound cointegration technique
Saikouna Jarju and Matarr Njie*
Department of Economics and Finance, School of Business and Public Administration, University of the Gambia,
Received 19 February, 2023; Accepted 5 May, 2023

The main objective of this paper is to examine the key determinants of public debt in the Gambia. To
achieve this objective, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARD) method was employed to examine the
impact of short-run and long-run selected macroeconomic variables as well as a government
effectiveness variable in determining the public debt level of The Gambia during the period 2000 to
2019. The results reveal that trade openness and gross fixed capital formation have an increasing
impact on the Gambia’s public debt in the long-run. On the other hand, GDP growth, official exchange
rate, and the government effectiveness variables have been found to have decreasing effects on public
debt levels in the long-run. However, none of the variables show a significant relationship with public
debt of levels of The Gambia in the short-run. Given these findings, it is recommended for the
Government of the Gambia to improve the country’s governance effectiveness, in particular, as weak
government institutions was found to be one of the main drivers of the country’s public debt in the

Key words: Public debt, debt sustainability, Auto Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL), GDP growth.


Public debt, which is also referred to as government debt, intense. Some, including Berensmann (2019) cite internal
pertains to the total amount of money that a government factors, including poor debt management and low
owes to its creditors. However, although the government revenues, while others found other economic
accumulation of public debt is a global phenomenon, with factors such as interest rate, economic growth, inflation,
many countries having high levels of public debt, the debt stock, budget deficit, public expenditure, openness,
debate in both the academic and policy-making circles on and monetary policy credibility as determinants of public
the determinants of public debt accumulation, particularly debt (Drazen, 2000; Imbeau and Pétry, 2004; Swaray,
in developing countries remains both on-going and 2005 as cited in Ekouala (2022:12-13). For Ekouala

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Jarju and Njie 47

(2022), socio-political factors such as the system (both A parallel strand of literature focuses on debt
presidential and legislative), corruption, electoral sustainability and a country's debt carrying capacity is
openness and competitiveness for legislative election as said to be determined by numerous factors, including
well as fraud have all been found to be key determinants primary deficits, interest payments, exchange rate,
of public debt accumulation, particularly in countries of inflation, and GDP growth, as well as the macroeconomic
the Central African Economic and Monetary Community environment and debt management capacities
region. (Mahmood et al., 2009; Greenidge et al., 2010; Wyplosz,
Similarly, research focusing on topics such as the 2011; Kiptoo, 2012).
sustainability and the optimality of the public debt levels, Greenidge et al. (2010) conducted a study on the
as well as the corresponding sustainable trajectory of drivers of foreign debt in the Caribbean countries and the
fiscal balance has also been voluminous and growing results show that there is decreasing impact export and
(See for example Forslund et al., 2011; IMF, 2019; effective exchange rate (REER) on external debt. This
Calderón and Zeufack, 2020). finding conforms with the conclusion of a study by Kiptoo
Other studies have also earlier examined the elements (2012), who looked at the factors that influence Kenya's
that determine the evolution of public debt (Reinhart and external debt sustainability and found that the country‟s
Rogoff, 2010; Sinha et al., 2011; Swamy, 2015; level of export and economic growth were both directly
Lau and Lee (2016). Swamy (2015) in particular revealed related to debt sustainability.
that economic growth, population, FDI, and inflation all In groundbreaking study, Eisl (2017) evaluated the
had a diminishing impact on debt using the Panel impact of government effectiveness on public debt. The
Granger causality methodology. He argued that results from this study showed that political stability, the
investment, government spending, and openness to rule of law, the control of corruption, government
trade, on the other hand, had an increasing impact on effectiveness, and regulatory quality promote lower public
public debt. Sinha et al. (2011) used panel regression to debt accumulation because these minimizes the
confirm that growth in GDP, interest rate changes; incentives for governments to “borrow from the future,” by
inflation rate, current account, and foreign direct increasing state capacity to collect taxes and effectively
investment are the primary factors that influence the use public funds, and by providing more security and
magnitude of public debt. However, Reinhart and Rogoff equity to private investment, inducing higher economic
(2010) examined GDP growth and public debt nexus, growth and tax revenues.
concluding that if the percentage of debt-to-GDP is less Other studies that focused on examining the nexus
than 90%, the link between them becomes weak. between public debt and these governance indicators
Sinha et al. (2011) used panel regression to confirm include North (1991), Acemoglu et al. (2002), Acemoglu
that growth in GDP, interest rate changes; inflation rate, et al. (2005), Oatley (2010) and Gunduz (2017).
current account, and foreign direct investment are the According to Gunduz (2017), institutions that control
primary factors that influence the magnitude of public government operations in managing economic resources
debt. However, these findings were refuted by the study play a significant role in designing well-formulated
of Reinhart and Rogoff (2010) who examined GDP policies that boost economic efficiency and lower the risk
growth and public debt nexus concluding that if the of negative shocks. In this sense, governments that have
percentage of debt-to-GDP is less than 90%, the link better and higher-quality institutions are more likely to
between them becomes weak. These conclusions stimulate performance and increase production, resulting
spurred a lot of debate that led a distinct body of research in more job opportunities for their citizens. This according
to explore whether the arguments are robust enough to to Gunduz (2017) will convince consumers to spend
account for non-arbitrary debt levels (Krugman and more, thus enabling the government to mobilize more
Eggertsson, 2011; Cecchetti et al., 2011; Bittencourt, revenue through taxes and thereby help avoiding budget
2015). deficit in the future.
In a study that used multiple econometric In a seminal study, Acemoglu et al. (2002) provided
methodologies, Lau and Lee (2016) explored main outstanding arguments as to why the quality of
factors driving public debt in The Philippines and institutions is the drivers that explain the differences in
Thailand. Their findings suggest inflation and interest cost economic performance between countries. These
to have been the most important elements in determining differences in the quality of institutions, according to
Thailand's external debt. However, no proof of Acemoglu et al. (2002), helps explain why some
relationship could be established between the countries are wealthy, while others are impoverished,
aforementioned variables and public debt in the case of with countries having strong institutions growing faster
The Philippines. This finding conforms to an early study than those without. South and North Korea, for example,
by Rangarajan and Srivastava (2003) who established were the same country in 1944, with the same people,
that primary deficits and the difference between interest cultures, history, languages, and geography. However,
rates and growth significantly influences the change in when they split in 1945, each adopted a different
debt-to-GDP ratios. economic path. North Korea adopted a centrally planned
48 J. Econ. Int. Finance

economy with no private property rights, no free press. the factors that contribute to the high levels of public
South Korea, on the other hand, adopted a capitalist debt, particularly in the Gambia. By analyzing the role of
system of economy that includes property rights, economic and political factors in shaping the country's
democracy, an open economy, and a reliable legal debt dynamics, the paper provides a more
system. Their institutional differences reflect their comprehensive understanding of the determinants of the
divergent economic paths and, as a result, debt bearing Gambia‟s public debt and offers practical
capacity. recommendations for improving debt management, not
Strong institutions are believed to uphold and ensure only in the Gambia, but in other developing and emerging
effective ownership rights, which encourage investors to economies, as well.
spend, develop, and participate in economic activities. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II
Expectations are important in an economy and as such, if describes the research methodology used in the study,
individuals believe their property rights will be retained including a description of the data, variables, and
and safeguarded, they will become more ready to invest econometric techniques. Section III provides an analysis
in the country, all of which play a role in a country's debt of The Gambia‟s public debt portfolio in order to give the
carrying capacity and long-term debt sustainability discussion more meaning.
(Acemoglu et al., 2005). Section IV presents the empirical results of the ARDL
As can be seen from the foregoing brief survey of the model, including a discussion of the significance of the
recent literature, both theoretical and empirical findings determinants of public debt in the Gambia, while Section
on the determinants of public debt remain inconclusive, V concludes the study by summarizing the main findings
particularly in the context of developing countries. Hence, of the paper, highlighting its contribution to the literature,
it is important to investigate the key determinants of and provides recommendations for the country‟s
public debt in the context of a small developing economy policymakers and other stakeholders.
like the Gambia, given that the value of the country‟s
public debt has risen sharply in recent years and as of
September 2022, it stood at D90.7 billion DATA AND METHODOLOGY
The study is based on secondary time series data and focuses on
stood-at-d90-7billion-finance-minister/). both short-run and long-run analysis to check the determinants of
This represents a significant burden on the country's public debt in the Gambia.
economy and poses risks to its financial stability and
long-term growth prospects. Therefore, it is important to
understand the factors that contribute to the country's Data
public debt and assess their significance in shaping its
This study uses a time series data on DEBT (public debt to GDP
trajectory. ratio), GROWTH (GDP growth), OPEN (trade openness), GFCF
Overall, the literature suggests that the determinants of (gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP), RIR (real
public debt vary across countries and regions. In the case interest rate), EX_RATE (official exchange rate), and GOV_EFF
of The Gambia, no specific studies have however (Government Effectiveness) all extending over the period from 2000
identified the different determinants of the country‟s to 2019. The data was extracted from the World Development
public debt levels. Indicators (WDI) database, and from the Central Bank of the
Gambia (CBG) data warehouse.
The paper thus attempts to fill this apparent gap in the Similar variables have also been used in previous studies on the
literature by addressing the main research questions of determinants of public debt (Ekouala, 2022; Bittencourt, 2015).
the study: do the selected variables such as trade To determine the influence of economic growth on public debt,
openness, gross fixed capital formation, GDP growth, the model includes GDP growth (GROWTH) over the period of the
official exchange rate, and the government effectiveness study. Higher economic growth raises domestically generated
revenue, which reduces the need for debt. Hence, the expected
manifest a causal relationship on the evolution of public sign of the GROWTH coefficient in this paper is negative.
debt in The Gambia, and if such a nexus exists, what are Trade Openness in this paper measures the degree to which a
the policy implications of this link? country is engaged in trade with the rest of the world. It is
The paper addresses these questions by using an determined as the summation of exports plus imports in a year
Autoregressive Redistributed Lag (ARDL) bound divided by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Despite the fact that
cointegration technique to analyze the determinants of openness of an economy does manifest a direct link with public
debt, they are widely established to have manifested an inverse
public debt in the Gambia. The ARDL model is a popular relationship. Least developed economies are typically characterized
econometric technique that allows for the estimation of by restrictions on trade.
both long-run and short-run relationships between According to Auboin and Meier-Ewert (2003), the elimination of
variables, making it well-suited for analyzing the trade barriers can lead to greater growth in an economy and an
determinants of public debt. increase in export, thus, reducing dependence on external debt.
Through this analysis, the paper makes a significant The expected sign of openness in this paper is negative, implying
that the more the open an economy is, the lower its public debt
contribution to the growing body of literature on public levels.
debt in developing countries, and provides insights into Exchange rate fluctuations have been widely argued in most of
Jarju and Njie 49

the literatures to have impacted the debt levels in many least ̂ (1)
developed countries. When the value of a country‟s currency
appreciates its debt level reduces, vice versa. The study expects to
is a vector of regressors including lagged GDP growth
manifest a positive relationship between EX_RATE (official
(GROWTH), openness (OPEN), Gross fixed capital formation
exchange rate and public) and DEBT (public debt as percentage of
(GFCF), real interest rate (RIR), official exchange rate (EX_RATE),
GDP). A control variable, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) is
government effectiveness (GOV_EFF). The dependent variable in
expected to have a positive coefficient as the more investments are
the analysis below is the public debt to GDP rate. It also includes
undertaken by the Government; the more they borrow more from
the external sources to finance these investment projects thus the constant. is country-specific fixed effects, is time fixed
increasing public debt levels. effects, is the unobservable error term. The final equation
Another potential influencing element on public debt levels which estimated in the model is given as:
has been generally overlooked is government efficacy. Only Asiedu
and Lien (2011) evaluate, at least implicitly, the impact of
government effectiveness on public debt. (2)
Taking example on FDI inflow, findings have established too
much of unnecessary levels of bureaucracy in a government
Table 1 provide the description of variables and data sources.
obstruct such flows.
We may infer this finding to the postulated causal relationship
that link governance indicators to the government debt levels.
Government effectiveness has both restricting and enabling impact Descriptive statistics
on both public and private players.
Firstly, effective governments have viable, cogent, and result- Analysis of the Gambia’s public debt portfolio
oriented policies that allow them to better and prudently allocate its
meagre funds. This helps in reducing the dependence on the In this part of the study, a brief description of the nature and pattern
issuance of new debt to support the government's budget. of growth of the Gambia‟s public debt portfolio was provided.
Secondly, because an effective government delivers a steady One of the most worrying and challenging economic issues faced
and relatively beneficial economic environment, the quality of public by the policy makers in The Gambia is the high risk of debt distress
services helps increase the amount of revenue generated in an on the public debt portfolio. From the recent debt sustainability
economy. As a result, higher tax revenues are generated, reducing analysis conducted, the results have shown that the country has
budget deficit, which necessitates borrowing. breached most of the indicative debt sustainability thresholds by
Government effectiveness variable in this paper is part of the substantial margins, signalling major liquidity pressures (MoFEA,
World Governance Indicators from the World Bank database that 2020a).
are calculated from 31 diverse sources which are based on Since the country received debt forgiveness through the Highly
hundreds of different factors (Kaufmann et al., 2010). The data Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiatives, the debt levels have
exclusively focuses on perception data reported by commercial been rapidly increasing; this continues to pose threatening
information providers, public sector organizations worldwide, survey macroeconomic implications. According to an IMF (2018) Second
respondents, and NGOs. The aggregate indicator of a country's Staff Monitoring Program Review, The Gambia's public debt risks
score is expressed in standard normal distribution units (-2.5 to have worsened, with the ratio of debt to GDP approximately 130%
2.5). at end 2017. Debt service to revenue threshold registered
The explanatory variables described above were selected based significant breach in the recent periods showing a liquidity
on the review of the empirical and theoretical literature on the challenge of the government as huge chunk of the domestically
determinants of public debt. generated revenue predominantly from taxes goes into servicing
debt consequently restraining government spending in other
pressing sectors like agriculture, education, health etc.
This situation propelled the government to reduce the cost-risk
Model specification
factors embedded in the public debt portfolio over the medium to
long term by pursuing various policies aimed at addressing these
As argued by Njie and Badjie (2021), the preferable model for the
problems such as seeking only concessional external financing and
assessment of the determinants of public debt is the vector error
lengthening the maturity profile of the domestic debt to reduce roll-
correction model (VECM) because the time series vary and are not
over risk. One of the major objectives of these policies was to
stationary at the level term. However, the data are mostly
reduce the government's net domestic borrowing, which would
relieve yield pressure and allow for a progressive extension of the
maturity profile thus, help avoid locking in excessive costs upfront
by extending the maturity too quickly (MoFEA, 2020 b).
Vector Error Correction (VEC) model The Gambia's public debt can be traced back to the 1970s when
the country began borrowing from external sources to finance its
A Vector Error Correction Model (VEC) as in (1) is a restricted VAR development projects. By the 1980s, The Gambia's public debt had
designed for use with non-stationary series that are known to be already reached alarming levels, and the government had to resort
integrated. The VEC has cointegration relations built into the to borrowing from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to meet its
specification so that it restricts the long run behavior of the debt obligations.
endogenous variables to converge to their cointegration In the 1990s, The Gambia's public debt continued to increase,
relationships while allowing for short run adjustment dynamics. mainly due to external borrowing to finance infrastructure projects.
This study uses a time series data on DEBT (public debt to GDP By 2000, the country's public debt had reached $539 million,
ratio), GROWTH (GDP growth), OPEN (trade openness), GFCF representing about 93% of GDP. This high level of debt led to a
(gross fixed capital formation as a percentage of GDP), RIR (real debt crisis in The Gambia, which prompted the government to seek
interest rate), EX_RATE (official exchange rate), and GOV_EFF debt relief from international creditors.
(Government Effectiveness). The analysis of the determinants of In 2007, The Gambia's external debt was reduced by 87% under
public debt in the Gambia is based on the following model: the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, which was a
50 J. Econ. Int. Finance

Table 1. Descriptive statistics.

Variable N Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

DEBT 20 101.22 31.48 60.91 156.01
GROWTH 20 3.18 4.22 -8.13 7.23
OPEN 20 0.51 0.08 0.39 0.69
GFCF 20 15.18 5.45 4.56 24.92
RIR 20 19.21 12.12 -29.71 29.59
EX_RATE 20 31.76 10.69 12.79 50.06
GOV'T_EFF 20 -0.64 0.11 -0.90 -0.47
Source: Authors.

100 180

80 140
Percent (%) of GDP



20 40


0 0
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

External Debt Domestic Debt Total Public Debt/GDP

Figure 1. Evolution of public debt outstanding as a percentage of GDP.

Source: Authors.

joint program between the IMF and the World Bank aimed at the relationship between specified variables and public debt levels
reducing the debt burden of the world's poorest countries. This debt with focus on The Gambia. The Government, particularly the
relief helped to reduce the Gambia‟s debt-to-GDP ratio to 45% in Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs will be interested in this
2010. paper's findings which can be used to make policy decisions.
Despite the debt relief, The Gambia's public debt continued to To achieve this goal, this paper will attempt to address the
rise in the following years, mainly due to domestic borrowing to following central research question: What are the key determinants
finance recurrent expenditure. By 2017, the country's public debt of public debt accumulation in the Gambia?
had reached $1.2 billion, representing about 120% of GDP. This In finding answer (s) to the aforementioned question, the paper
high level of debt has put a strain on the country's economy and uses the Autoregressive Distributive Lags Mechanism (ARDL) as
has made it difficult for the government to finance its development proposed by Pesaran et al. (2001) to test whether the selected
projects. variables manifest a short run or long run impact on the public debt
In recent years, the government of The Gambia has taken steps levels in The Gambia.
to address the issue of public debt. In 2018, the government
launched a debt sustainability analysis to assess the country's debt
position and develop a strategy for managing its debt (International Public debt evolution in the Gambia
Monetary Fund, 2018). The analysis found that The Gambia's debt
was sustainable in the medium term, but it was still vulnerable to The graph in Figure 1 illustrates the historical trend in the evolution
external shocks. of public and publicly guaranteed debt for the past twenty years.
Notwithstanding, no specific research has examined the drivers The Gambia‟s public debt levels have ever been in an increase
of Gambia's debt levels to the best of my knowledge. As a result, before the receipt of the HIPC and MDRI debt reliefs mainly as a
this research intends to add to the current body of knowledge on result of persistent budget deficits, fiscal slippages, and an increase
Jarju and Njie 51

Table 2. Unit root test.

Dickey-Fuller Unit-Root-Test (DFURT) using AIC

Variables P-value at level P-value at 1st difference Judgment
DEBT -1.624 -4.782*** 1(1)
GROWTH -4.680*** - 1(0)
OPEN -2.536 -5.194*** 1(1)
GFCF -1.988 -6.566*** 1(1)
RIR -4.179*** - 1(0)
EXC -0.700 -2.784* 1(1)
GOV_EFF -2.955** - 1(0)
*, **, and *** represent 10, 5 and 1% significance levels, respectively.
Source: Authors.

in guarantees to the State Own Enterprises (SOEs). Before the model used to estimate determinants of the country‟s
receipt of the HIPC debt relief, the county‟s debt levels reached 140 public debt by presenting and discussing the results of
per cent to GDP.
In 2007 the country reached the HIPC completion point and
the Dickey-Fuller Unit-Root-Test, the lags selection using
benefited from assistance worth 66.6 million USD which was meant AIC, the ARDL bound test and the stability check that
to reduce the country‟s debt as a percentage of export below the was used to test the long run stability and reliability of the
150 per cent HIPC threshold. In terms of net present value, World ARDL model.
Bank and IMF contributions to this debt relief were US$22.3 million
and US$2.3 million, respectively. As of November 2007, US$8.0
million and US$0.6 million of these total promises had already been
delivered as interim assistance. In Net Present Value (NPV) terms,
Dickey-fuller unit-root-test
the total debt relief provided between 2001 and 2007 was US$17.5
million. In addition, The Gambia also benefitted from Multilateral Unlike most of the other co-integration techniques, the
Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) that was initiated by the G8 countries ARDL has important properties that make it appropriate
to eliminate debts of most indebted countries with the aim to further for this study. For example, it does not impose a limiting
reduce HIPCs debt and offer more resources to assist in achieving
condition that all variables for the research must be
the Millennium Development Goals. This relief has helped to reduce
the Debt to GDP ratio down from 140.5% to 60.9% as shown in integrated using the same order. Furthermore, the ARDL
Figure 1. methodology produces precise estimates even if the
Even though the relief was on the external debt portfolio, the sample size is small, but other co-integration
impact of the relief has trickled down on the domestic debt portfolio methods are sensitive to sample size, so doing bounds
too as the relief has created a breathing space for the budget which testing will indeed be consistent with this study.
eventually reduced the issuance of T-bills from the domestic debt
market to finance the budget deficit.
Read Srinivasan et al. (2012) for additional information
Despite the receipt of these debt reliefs, the country soon started on the ARDL approach.
to breached most of the indicative debt thresholds in less than a Pesaran et al. (2001) suggested the ARDL technique
decade which can be attributed to the uncontrollable growth in the that is premised upon its estimation of an Unrestricted
budget deficit. This has forced the government to restructure its Error Correction Model (UECM), which has significant
external debt with most of the bilateral and multilateral creditors in advantages over traditional cointegration methods.
2020 by deferring principal payments up to 2024.
According to the Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) report
Moreover, all the variables in this paper are time-series
(2020), exchange rate, economic growth, primary balance, nominal data, which means they could be non-stationary having
interest rates, and foreign direct investments, as well as current unit roots. A simple regression model using non-
account balance have been the driving factors on the growth of stationary variables might generate erroneous results.
public debt in The Gambia. Historical data have shown that the ARDL model is deemed ineffective when series are
combination of current account deficit and FDI are established to integrated to order 1(2) or above. As a result I first run a
have been the most significant cause of the increase in debt in The
Gambia. Other inexplicable factors (residuals) could have unit root test on the time-series variables. The test results
contributed to debt accumulation in the past, some of which will be are shown in Table 2, which indicates that variables are
assessed in this paper. integrated to a series of 1(1) or 1(0), indicating that the
ARDL model is suitable to use.


Lags selection using AIC
The major objective of this paper is to examine the
determinants of public debt in the Gambia. Therefore, in Unrestricted ECM was used in order to check the long-
this section, we will discuss the results from the ARDL run co-integration of the variables in the model. To be
52 J. Econ. Int. Finance

Table 3. AIC lag lengths.

LAG level
0 9.47249 5.79392* 6.69022 5.89173 8.09474* 7.31769 -1.72912*
1 9.02459* 5.91796 6.56145* 5.3583* 8.21932 4.76851* -1.71521
2 9.13928 5.90838 6.68267 5.43455 8.34429 4.83351 -1.64514
3 9.24051 6.0286 6.73295 5.50353 8.46097 4.88081 -1.5246
4 9.27908 6.04665 6.72456 5.62239 8.57502 5.00578 -1.4259
Source: Authors.

Table 4. ARDL bounds test result.

Hθ: no levels relationship F = 11.475

t= -6.356

Critical Values (0.1 -0.01), F-Statistic, Case 3

[I_0] [I_1] [I_0] [I_1] [I_0] [I_1] [I_0] [I_1]
L_1 L_1 L_05 L_05 L_025 L_025 L_01 L_01
K_7 2.03 3.13 2.32 3.5 2.6 3.84 2.96 4.26
Accept if F < critical value for I(0) regressors
Reject if F > critical value for I(1) regressors
Source: Authors.

able to do that, the number of lags must be established the ARDL regression analysis have remained steady
first before executing UECM which I did using the Akaike throughout time.
Info Criteria (AIC).
The lag lengths (1 0 1 1 0 1 0) established in Table 3
using the AIC are included in the Error Correction Model Long Run ARDL model using AIC criteria
in order to establish the short run impact of the
independent variables on public debt. According to the output of the estimated long run ARDL
(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) shown in Table 5, trade openness,
investment, GDP growth, government effectiveness and
ARDL bound test official exchange rate are the main determinants of the
Gambia‟s public debt in the long run with some degree of
The ARDL bound test is used to check the co-integration statistical significance.
and long-run connection between DEBT, GROWTH, The results show that trade openness and investment
GFCF, OPEN, RIR, EX_RATE, and GOV_EFF. The are positively associated with public debt accumulation in
empirical findings of the ARDL bound test are presented the Gambia and are significant at 1% and 10% significant
in Table 4. The results show that the F - value is higher levels respectively. This is in line with our theoretical
than the upper bound value, indicating that there is a preposition and findings in earlier literature. On the other
long-run relationship and co-integration between public hand, GDP growth, government effectiveness, and official
and the explanatory variables. exchange rate are inversely related the public debt in the
Gambia. This is consistent with their significance levels at
5, 5, and 10% respectively.
Stability check The negative relationship between GDP growth and
public debt levels manifested by the results of this paper
The CUSUM SQUARE was used to test the long run is supported by the findings of Hall and Sargent (2010).
stability and reliability of the ARDL model as proposed by This is in line with the assertion that higher economic
Brown et al. (1975). As seen in Figure 2, the CUSUM of growth enhances a country‟s domestic revenue
SQUARES test falls within the significant threshold of 5% generation, which in turn helps in lowering a country‟s
range. This indicates that all of the parameters utilized in budget deficit, thus reducing the pressure to contract
Jarju and Njie 53

CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance

Figure 2. CUSUM squared.

Source: Authors.

Table 5. ARDL model regression output.

ARDL(1,1,1,0,0,0,1) regression
Sample: 2000 - 2019
Number of obs = 20
R-squared = 0.7966
Adj R-squared = 0.5424
Root MSE = 15.7573
Log likelihood = -71.131157
D.DEBT Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95%Conf. Interval]
L1. -0.836** 0.238 -3.510 0.008 -1.386 -0.286
GROWTH -3.169* 1.303 -2.432 0.041 -6.172 -0.165
OPEN 4.834** 0.942 5.131 0.001 2.661 7.006
GFCF 7.820* 3.493 2.240 0.056 -0.234 15.874
RIR -0.528 0.523 -1.010 0.342 -1.734 0.678
EX_RATE -5.851** 1.818 -3.220 0.012 -10.043 -1.658
GOV_EFF -13.346* 6.301 -2.118 0.085 -29.056 23.363
D1. -1.415 1.018 -1.390 0.202 -3.762 0.932
D1. -1.402 1.975 -0.710 0.498 -5.958 3.153
D1. 3.869 2.205 1.750 0.117 -1.216 8.955
_cons -124.885* 52.942 -2.360 0.046 -246.970 -2.801
*, **, and *** represent 10, 5, and 1% significance levels, respectively.
Source: Authors.
54 J. Econ. Int. Finance

loans to finance the budget deficit. a problem as the appreciation of the currency may lead to
In the same vein, the decreasing effect of government an expansion of the current account deficit and hence the
effectiveness on public debt can be supported by the external debt. Therefore, policy makers should ensure to
findings of Melecky (2012) who posits that countries with have a stable currency in order to mitigate the exposure
effective governments have good public debt of external debt to foreign exchange risk.
management strategies and policies that help in Trade openness and gross fixed capital formation on
mitigating financial risk and lower cost of borrowing, thus the other hand are both associated with an increase in
keep the debt at a sustainable level. the public debt levels in The Gambia. However, the result
Gross fixed capital formation shows a significant of the error correction model shows that none of these
positive relationship which is in line with most of the variables are significant in determining the public debt
findings in the literature. As governments embark on levels in the short run. This implies that the short run
more investment ventures, they tend to borrow more to dynamics of the public debt may not be that significant,
finance these investment activities. and thus, policy makers should pay more attention to the
In the short run, the model shows that none of the factors that have a long run influence on the public debt
selected variables affect public debt in The Gambia as levels.
they are all statistically insignificant. Our findings have some implications for policy-making
The Error Correction Model (ECM) measures the rate in the Gambia because the results show that an increase
of adjustment back to equilibrium in an ARDL model. If in economic growth is associated with a decrease in
the adjustment speed or error correction term is inside public debt in the long run. As a result, the government
the (0, -1) boundary; it shows that there is a long term should pursue programs and policies that will enhance
convergence of the model. However if the adjustment economic growth in order to keep the debt at an optimal
speed does not lie within the (0, -1) boundary, then and sustainable level.
projected debt accumulation will be regarded to be Finally, the Government of the Gambia, particularly the
growing out of hand. Therefore, the above results show Ministry of Finance, may find the results of this study
that the evolution of Gambia debt level will not useful in making economic policy decisions such as
aggressively grow in the long run. This is supported by whether to increase the country‟s public debt and the
the ECM coefficient (-0.898) which is statically significant implications such decisions for the Gambia‟s long-term
at 5% significant level. The estimate, -0.898, implies that economic growth prospects.
89.9% of the deviation from the long-run relation is
adjusted in a year, which can be interpreted as indicating
that the short-run dynamics is not really important. CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS

The authors have not declared any conflicts of interests.

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