Sodhi's Attitude Scale Manual
Sodhi's Attitude Scale Manual
Sodhi's Attitude Scale Manual
man u al
Dr. T. S. Sodhi
Faculty of Education
Punjabi University
( I XXV .)
Attitudes are important phenomena in the field of education. It is
one of the fundamental responsibilities of the educationists to develop
positive attitudes among educands towards socially desirable goals. In
order to assess the degree of change that is occurring in the attitude of
students it is essential that some standardised tools be prepared. Without
such instruments it won’t be possible to carry out any worthwhile research
in attitudinal changes. Such tools will be of great use not only to educa
tionists but also to the social agents, psychologists and administrators.
The author, who had studied the attitudinal differences in students
of the secular and the religious institution in connection with his doctoral
thesis, decided to standardise the tools. It was first published in 1974.
During the last one decade it has been extensively used to conduct
research studies in the field of sociology, psychology and education at
M.A. M. Ed. and M. Phil, level. However, due to different types of
changes in the area, there was a need that it should be revised and new
norms prepared for it. So, it was done and after modifying some of the
items adding some more, processing it for item analysis and preparing fresh
norms in 1983.
Development of Attitude Seale
The author started with thirty items in each area of the attitude. In
compiling the statement he avoided factual statements, statements which
could be interpreted in more than one way, statements likely to be endorsed
similarly by everyone and statements in compound sentences. The statements
were discussed personally with the experts in the field of education,
psychology and sociology. On their recommendations, the language of a
few was also changed. The items were subjected to item analyses.
Item Analysis
It was done on the basis of first tryout. The discriminating power of
each item was calculated by applying the formula :
' .u l i =*H=*L
ULI stands for ‘upper lower index’ in the discriminating power, Ru stands
for students giving right answers in upper 27% lot and R1 for students
giving right answer in lower 27% lot. In this context, right answer means
the answer which tallies with the value of ‘Yes’ in the scoring sheet and T
stands for the number of examinees in each group. The items having
discriminating power of less than 2 were eliminated.
( Iy x v / 3
( 5 )
The following number of items remained in the final draft.
S. No. Name of the Area No. of items
1. Attitude towards Teachers and parents 12
2. Attitude towards discipline 10
3. Attitude towards Life and Humanity 19
4. Attitude towards Country 10
5. Attitude towards Religion 20
The students are comfortably seated in a well-lighted classroom
under normal conditions.
It should be made clear to them that their performance in the scales
will in no way effect their achievements nor their inage in the school nor
with the parents. The results would be used only for the improvement of
educational policy, conduct of research or change of syllabi. These results
in no case will be given to the parents, teachers or heads of institutions.
In India, high school students are generally not familiar with psycho
logical tools. They are to be fully acquainted with the manner of respond
ing to the scales before these are administered to them.
The following procedure is suggested for the administration of the
scales :
It is always better to give the instructions in local language. It is
not essential that exactly the same words as are being put down below in
oral instructions to the students, should be used. Instead, the spirit of the
instructions is to be followed so that one may be sure that each student
understands what he is to do and how he is to answer the items.
When all the students are seated, you should say to them :
“We shall now give you the booklets. You are requested not
to open it till I tell you to do so. Also please do not write any
thing on the booklet”
Then distribute the booklets to the students and watch that the
students do not turn over the pages. In case someone is trying to do so,
he should be checked politely.
Each student should be provided with an answer-sheet. It should be
made clear to them that they are to use that sheet for giving their answers
against the area of the attitude in the column .which carries the numbers of
the item.
After that, the students should be told to fill in the columns on
answer sheet. This should be supervised and help rendered wherever
necessary. The instructions should be given :
lxxv/7. ■)
( 6 )
“Open the cover page. On the page 3 the general instructions
about the scales and how to fill in the answers are given. You
should read them silently while I will read them aloud.”
In order to be sure that the students have understood the instructions,
which you have read aloud the following oral instructions should follow :
“In every item of the scale one statement is given and you can
have three kinds of feelings about each item. You may either
agree with the statement or disagree with it or you may be in
different to the opinion given in it i.e. neither in favour nor
against it or uncertain i.e not sure of your opinion. In case you
agree with the statement, then on the answer sheet you are to go
to the area of the attitude given on it and in front of the item
number on it out of the three responses given i.e. Yes ? No, you
should encircle yes. In case you do not agree with the opinion
then you should encircle No, If you are indifferent or uncertain
you should encircle sign of ? You are to encircle only one out
of the three alternatives given in front of each item. No item is
to be left undone. You may take your own time. Generally,
students are able to complete all the scales within 45 minutes.”
While telling all this, write down three responses on the blackboard
and encircle them as you explain their meaning. In order to make the
things clear, attempt one example on the blackboard and say :
“Now we will attempt one example on the blackboard and
indicate the response.” On the blackboard write down.
Even when the teacher is unreasonable, he should be obeyed.
Yes ? No
“If you agree with the statement then encircle the word Yes. If
you are uncertain or do not want to comment upon it, then
encircle ? . In case you think that when the teacher is unreason
able, he should not be respected then you should encircle word
No, on the answer sheet.”
Now you may tell the students that in case they want to change their
reply on a second thought they should put a cross ( x ) on the first encircled
word and encircle the other word they think is the correct reply.
Ask the students if they have any doubt about the method of attempt
ing the item of the scale and remove their difficulties.
Finally, tell them to get ready with their pens and to begin when
you say “Start”. When they are ready, say “Start”.
After a few minutes, walk in the class and see if each student is
entering his answers in the correct way. In case one is not, explain again.
Be sure that silence is maintained. Every student should be given enough
time to finish the work.
( 7 )
The answer-sheets have been designed for hand scoring. Table 2 is
providing the score value of yes responses and served as scoring key. For
each area only the value of ‘Yes’ has been given as + or —, against each
item. If the value shown for the item is positive and (i) the student has
marked ‘Yes’ in his response, give him + 1 ; (ii) if he has marked ‘No’
give him — 1, (iii) if he has marked sign of *?’, give him (0). Conversely
if the value shown for an item on the scoring key is negative and the (i)
student has responded Yes’ give him —1. (ii) if he has marked ‘No’ give
him +1. (iii) In case he has encircled sign of *?’ give him (0) in this case
too. When you have scored one scale add the scores of items algebrai
cally and that will be the score of the individual. Thus each individual
will get five separate scores on the five scales. Thesse should be recorded
on back page of the answer sheet printed thereon. For easy scoring trans
parent scoring key is also provided.
The scoring key have been given in the table 2.
The Scoring Key (The Value of Yes Response)
Areas / a hi IV V
Item No.
1 41 -i +i +1 +1
2 —i —i —i +1 +1
3 41 ~i 41 +1 -1
4 4-1 —i +i —1 +1
5 -i +i -i -1 +1
6 +i +i -i +1 +1
7 -i -i 41 +1 +1
8 41 +i -i —1 —1
9 -i -i 41 +1 -1
10 4l —i -i —1 +1
11 4-1 +i 41
12 —i -i +i
13 +i —i
14 -i +i
15 —i 41
16 +i +i
17 —i +i
18 -i +i
19 -i -i
20 +i
( 8 )
Reliability and Validity
For finding out the reliability and validity of the measures taken by
the instruments a random selection of scores of about one-tenth students
in the total sample i.e. of 300 students to be exact, was taken.
These 300 students were administered the scales after a month again
and the correlation between the scores in the first and second test in the
different areas of the scales gave the test retest co-efficients of reliability for
each of the five areas.
These have been recorded in table 3 below.
I. Attitude towards
Teachers and
Parents •72 •55 •52 •50 •50
II. Attitude towards
Discipline •80 •70 •73 •74 •70
III. Attitude towards
Life and Humanity •85 •70 •70 •79 •79
IV. Attitude towards
Country •80 •50 •72 •73 •70
V. Attitude towards
Religion •86 •65 •70 •70 •70
( 9 )
For validity of each scale three external criteria were taken one by
one :
(a) Opinion of teachers,
(b) Opinion of parents, and
(c) Opinion of an intimate friend.
These opinions were got recorded on a seven point rating seale, the
numerical value of the points ranging from 0 to 6. The scale scores in
each area were correlated with the three rating scores separately and thus
three validity co-efficients were computed by the Pearson’s Product-Mom
ent Method for each scale area. The results have been recorded in Table
3 below. The average of the three co-efficients computed after making
Fisher’s Z—transformations have been given.
Development of national norms for these attitude scales was not
contemplated. The author is in favour of local norms because the homo
geneity of the group for whom the norms are meant is a vital condition.
When the norm group is composed of several sub-groups which vary
widely from one another, then this condition remains unfulfilled.
It is significant that even in U.S.A. where it is comparatively easier
to develop national norms, the trend is strongly towards the use of
regional and local norms for attitude scales.
Regional Norms
Percentile rank norms for the region extending over Punjab, Haryana
Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh area have been prepared. Besides
norms for the total group, separate norms for “boys” and “girls” for
“rural” and “urban” students of this region have been prepared. The test
was administered to a total number of 3000 students of 60 schools of the
area. The answer scripts were scored and percentile rank norms for the
total population were calculated. Separate norms for rural students who
numbered 1400 in the total sample for urban students who were 1600 in
number were also prepared. The total sample of 3000 students was also
divided sex-wise and separate norms for boys and girls were computed.
The total number of boys in the sample was 1500 and of the girls also
1500. In the norm (tables the percentile rank norms have been given
correct upto the whole number, but wherever two or more raw scores were
going to have the same whole number percentile ranks, their percentile
ranks have been given correct upto the first decimal place in order to show
their separate statuses.
( 10 )
Part I—Attitude Towards Teachers and Parents
Percentile Rank Norms of Students of Punjab, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh
Score of
Student Total Group Boys Girls Rural Urbans
77=3000 77=1500 77=1500 77= 1400 77=1600
-4 1 0 1 1 1
—3 2 1 2 2 1
—2 3 2 4 4 4
—1 7 3 7 7 7
0 10 7 9 10 9
1 15 15 17 18 15
2 23 24 29 27 26
3 38 34 37 36 35
4 61 . 40 47 44 58
5 62 56 57 56 63
6 72 68 70 68 71
7 80 80 82 77 82
8 87 88 89 85 89
9 92 94 95 93 94
10 95 97 97 97 96
11 98 98 99 98 98
12 100 100 100 100 100
Part II--Attitude Towards Discipline
Percentile Rank Norms of students of Punjab, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh
Score of Total Group Boys Girls Rural Urban
student 77=3000 77 = 1500 77=1500 77=1400 77=1600
-6 0 0 1 0 0
-5 1 1 3 1 1
-4 2 I 3 2 2
-3 3 2 4 4 2
—2 5 4 7 6 5
-1 8 6 8 10 18
0 14 14 15 12 13
1 22 22 24 28 21
2 33 33 37 40 31
3 44 49 49 53 41
4 56 63 61 64 53
5 69 75 73 75 65
6 80 88 83 83 81
7- 89 91 91 92 89
8 96 96 97 97 96
9 99 99 99 99 99
10 100 100 100 100 130
( 11 )
OO ~-
Score of Total Group Boys Girls Urban
¥= 3000 JV= 1500 JV=1500
-6 0 0 0 1 0
-5 1 1 1 2 0
-4 2 2 2 3 2
—3 3 3 4 4 4
-2 5 4 6 8 7
—1 8 7 9 13 9
0 10 8 11 18 12
1 19 18 19 22 18
2 25 24 22 31 24
3 32 32 28 38 33
4 38 40 34 45 43
5 47 48 41 52 52
6 55 60 49 59 61
7 63 67 58 66 67
8 69 72 65 73 73
9 75 78 73 77 78
10 80 84 78 83 82
11 84 87 82 85 85
12 87 90 86 90 87
13 90 92 88 93 90
14 92 93 91 94 92
15 94 96 93 96 94
16 95 97 . 96 97 96
17 97 98 97 98 97
18 98 99 98 99 98
19 100 100 100 100 100
( 12 )
—5 1 0 0 0 0
-4 2 0 2 1 0
-3 7 I 4 3 2
-2 18 2 7 6 3
-1 35 3 10 11 5
0 55 5 19 18 8
1 73 9 28 24 13
2 82 13 40 33 19
3 89 27 51 50 27
4 94 40 63 66 38
5 96 56 78 81 53
6 97 70 87 89 68
7 98 83 92 94 78
8 99 93 ' 97 98 89
9 99 99 99 99 99
10 100 100 100 100 100
( 13 )
Part V—Attitude Towards Religion
Percentile Rank Norms of Students of Punjab, Haryana
Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh
-12 •5 0 0 0 0
—11 •7 0 0 0 0
—10 1 0 •6 0 •5
-9 2 0 •8 0 •8
—8 4 0 1 ■5 1
—7 7 1 1 ■8 1-5
-6 9 1 3 1 1-8
—5 10 1 3 2 2
—4 12 2 5 3 3
—3 21 4 7 5 6
—2 29 7 13 8 8
-1 35 8 17 11 11
0 46 10 19 14 15
1 50 16 26 18 23
2 63 22 33 22 32
3 70 27 42 30 41
4 75 39 48 37 50
5 81 42 56 45 58
6 83 51 65 58 64
7 88 63 73 63 72
8 89 71 77 70 74
9 92 81 82 77 74
10 94 86 87 82 89
11 96 90 90 87 92
12 96-8 93 93 88 95
13 97-4 95 95 89 97
14 98 . 97 97 92 98
15 98-6 98 97-5 93 98-5
16 '98-9 98'7 97'8 96 988
17 99 99 98 97 99
18 99-5 99-5 99 98 99-5
19 99*8 998 99-5 99 99-7
20 100 100 100 100 100
(Ixxx vO
( 14 )
( 15 )
' John W. Kinch (1973) : Social Psychology M;-Graw -Hill Book Company,
New York.
(Jxxxvm ^
3. *raftm-#!iRf i fm^$r ^
«K< ?t, mt; 'mR ^Rlt ?§ 40 fRRR WI FiRcfT t I
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( 6 )
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19. toRT^i'T^r I
20. «<4swf *Fp? 11
Answer Sheet
fmi f^R :—
rtro (Marne)— m (Age)—
P^ctT «j j t 'TFT (Father’s name)—
f^uicPt (School)— ^aT (Class)-
t -s t f t (Place)— (Date)-
t ot (Address)—
Seoring Table
Part Area of Attitude Score
i sfsqrq^ tTcj (Teachers and Parents)—
n •3Tfwr (Discipline)—
m m ^t h t o i (Life and Humanity)—
IV (Country)—
V £Ff (Religion)—
© 1984,1997.4ll rights reserved, Reproduction in any form is a violation of Copyright Act. Sodhi Attitude Scale (SAS).
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