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The Project For Upgrading of National Road Route 1 in The Republic of Djibouti

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Djiboutian Road Agency

Ministry of Equipment and Transport

The Republic of Djibouti




December 2018





1 General Conditions of the Republic of Djibouti

Djibouti is a small country covering an area of 23,200 km² (approx. 1.3 times the Shikoku Island Area)
with a population of 993,000 (2017, Direction de la Statistiques et des Etudes Démographiques: DISED).
While it is strategically situated for marine transportation connecting Europe with the Middle East and
Asia through the Red Sea and is also geopolitically critically located as a gateway to inland East Africa
connecting Africa and the Middle East coastal countries, After the civil war lasting more than 10 years
has ended in 2001, Djibouti has maintained political stability, which is a factor of stability of African
Corner. French and US forces are stationed for regional stability and antiterrorism policy and it has also
drawn attention from the international community as a base for antipiracy measures in waters off the
coast of Somalia. Japanese self-defense forces have been also conducting anti-piracy operations with
Djibouti as their base since 2009.

The majority of the national land is covered by desert and agriculture is underdeveloped. Livestock
farming by nomads is traditional and noncommercial and the country has little resources of underground
water. The development of primary and secondary industries lags behind and the tertiary industry
accounts for 77.4% of GDP (2013, ADB). The nation depends mainly on income from transportation and
port services for exports of Ethiopia, services and lease fees related to French and US forces and foreign
Table 1 shows the GDP trend. Investment from Gulf countries and China is on the rise and
infrastructure development, which includes opening of the passenger and freight railway connecting
Addis Ababa of Ethiopia with Djibouti City and the Doraleh container terminal, has been in progress to
serve as the distribution base of Africa.

Table 1 GDP Trend

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Nominal GDP
150,658 174,801 186,449 200,578 220,222 240,569 258,658 282,228 306,896 335,669
Real GDP *
85,601 90,571 95,127 98,444 102,843 107,822 113,213 120,006 127,807 136,114
GDP growth
5.08 5.81 5.03 3.49 4.47 4.84 5.00 6.00 6.50 7.00
rate (%)
Inflation rate
4.97 11.96 1.67 3.95 5.07 3.74 2.40 2.94 2.10 3.00
Source: International Monetary Fund, "World Economic Outlook Database 2018"
Note: *: The base year of real GDP is 1990. 1 Djiboutian franc =JPY0.68

While the economy grows at a solid rate as described above, rural areas are not benefited by the
growth and thus the wealth gap between the capital of Djibouti City and rural areas has increased
remarkably. In addition, drought damage repeated by the impacts of climate change lowered the
agricultural and livestock farming productivity and the living environment is further worsening in rural
areas and population flow into the capital is accelerating. As a result, the population in suburban areas is

surging and workforce has become saturated to cause competition and the unemployment rate is further

2 Background and Outline of the Project

Djibouti with a population of about 993,000 (2017, DISED) is a geopolitically important country
facing the Gulf of Aden at the inlet of the Red Sea. With Ethiopia continuing economic growth at an
annual rate of 10% these days in the hinterland, Djibouti Port supports the central government finance by
its port revenue and acts as a start point of Djibouti Corridor, the physical distribution network toward
Ethiopia. Djibouti Port functions as a gateway of the region.
Of four axes of the Five-year Plan “Strategy of Accelerated Growth and Promotion of Employment
(2015 – 2019) (hereinafter referred to as “SCAPE”), which is the implementation strategy of the national
development plan of Djibouti, the “Economic Growth through Economic Infrastructure Development
and Strengthening of Competitive Power of Private Sector” was highlighted as the first axe. And the
highlighted vital strategy in the transport sector included promotion of development of highly
competitive international physical distribution network and improvement of domestic transport network
to promote domestic regional development and disparity adjustment. However, the pavement ratio of
1,194 km national road is only 43% (source: Preparatory Survey Report for “Road Management
Equipment Development Project (2016).” SCAPE considers it important issues to enhance the pavement
ratio and to improve the road conditions.
National Road Route 1 (hereinafter referred to as “RN1”) of Djibouti is the most vital trunk road in
length of 219 km connecting Capital Djibouti in which Djibouti Port is located to Galafi on the border to
Ethiopia, though which more than 90% of import cargoes of Ethiopia pass (source: Data Collection
Survey for Djibouti Corridor report (2017). RN1 is an arterial road of Djibouti Corridor. Though RN1 is
entirely paved, there are excessively increasing number of pot holes, shoulder damage, break-away of
pavement, etc., which are due to increase in passing vehicles by two times (as estimated by ADR from
the customs information) at Galafi on the border during 4 years from 2013 to 2017. In particular, around
Galafi, traffic congestion occurs that is caused by customs clearance services. Large trucks are to run
over the pavement edges to avoid stopped vehicles, accelerating shoulder damages. This in turn requires
time for passage and results in failure of securing the safe traveling of large trucks. In this context, the
Project to improve the bottleneck section of RN1 that plays a nucleus role in Djibouti’s international
physical distribution network may be positioned as contributing to strengthening of the international
physical distribution as intended by SCAPE.
In response to the above situation, the Government of Djibouti issued, in December 2017, an official
request for the Grant Aid for the improvement of RN1 to Japan.

3 Overview of the Survey Result and Project Contents

JICA dispatched a survey team to Djibouti from March 16 to May 2 in 2018 as a first survey and from
18 October to 29 October as a second survey for confirming the contents of the road improvement
request, and also field survey was conducted on the target area where the Djiboutian Road Agency under
the Ministry of Equipment and Transport, the Implementing Agency, carries out road upgrading in their

- ii -
own budget. Analysis based on the field survey results, rough design and initial estimation cost were
conducted after returning in Japan.

However, a request for withdrawal or a change in the target section of the Project have delivered to
Japan by the government of Djibouti during the domestic analysis in the survey. As a result of
consultations with the Djibouti government, the request section was to be implemented by Japan as
originally planned, however the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan canceled the survey preparatory for
"The Project for Upgrading if National Road Route 1 in the Republic of Djibouti" and have been decided
to implement it as the economic decided to implement in social development plan. In response to this,
JICA prepared a draft report summarizing the results of the survey and conducted an explanation in

The Project will be undertaken for the 20.69 km target section (see the location map in the first page)
from the point of the Ethiopia border toward Yoboki. Within the target section, the existing ford-crossing
structure that has caused flooding during rain to make passage impossible will be renewed to box culvert
structures and, in addition, various ancillary facilities will be provided to ensure the traffic safety,
achieving the high-level international trunk road enabling all-weather travelable road. It is expected that
the passengers and cargoes increase, the required traveling time will be reduced, the period when the
traffic is impossible is eliminated, and the safe traffic space is secured in the target area.

Table 2 shows the outline of input of the Project.

Table 2 Outline of the Input of the Project

Item Input
Road improvement with hot mix asphalt (excluding the area around the border) 20,275m
Road improvement near the border facilities by cement concrete pavement 415m
Development of the river-crossing structure (box culvert) of wadi 7 points
Development of the stormwater drainage facilities (box culvert) 33 point
Development of ancillary facilities, such as signs, guard rails, road marking. etc. 1 set
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

4 Project Schedule and Project Cost Estimation

The Project requires 27 months including bidding, construction supervision starting from
implementation design, based on the Guidelines for the Japanese Grants.

The expenses of Japan side is closed due to the confidential.

Noted that these project schedule and cost estimation is not confirmed by JICA.

Table 3 Initial Cost Estimation

Item Approx. project cost (USD)
Charges for opening of bank account 36,000
Note : [Exchange rate] 1 USD = JPY109.22

- iii -
5 Project Evaluation

(1) Relevance
Japan has established the following fields for special assistance in Djibouti with the major objective to
contribute to strengthening of infrastructures and the economic society for regional stabilization.
Ⅰ. Development of the economic and social infrastructure for sustainable growth
Ⅱ. Fostering human resources firmly supporting socioeconomic development
Ⅲ. Strengthening the efforts for regional stabilization
The Project is deemed to harmonize with Japan’s policy for assistance to Djibouti, meeting the
requirement of above I. In addition, as the technical training included in the soft component of the
Project will contribute to developing capacity of personnel for management and maintenance of
equipment, it meets the above II, as well.
Among the target roads, RN1 is ranked the most important by the Djibouti Government demanding
stable trade with neighboring Ethiopia, and road improvement is requested to ensure efficient and stable
traffic. Other national roads are regarded as important by both central and regional governments as they
contribute to stable logistic network connecting major cities in the country. As for Djibouti City Roads,
improvement and maintenance of main roads is needed to mitigate recent increasing congestion and to
enhance serviceability.
As such, improvement and maintenance of the target roads is urgent and prioritized by the Djibouti
Government, hence it is concluded that the Project is relevant.

(2) Effectiveness
Expected quantitative effects of the road improvement works in the Project are summarized in the
table 4 below.

Table 4 Quantitative Effects of Road Improvement

Current Value Target Value
(Year 2018) (Year 2024)
1 No. of passengers 50 passengers/day 90 passengers/day2
2 Cargo volume 32,900 tons/day3 37,900 tons/day4
Average time required in non-congested condition
3 About one hour5 20 minutes6
for the target 20 km
4 Frequency of road blocks due to flooding of wadi 10 times/year7 0 times/year
Remarks The current value has been established on the basis of field survey and hearing result.
The target value is calculated by assuming 10 % for annual growth rate.
The current value is based on the AADT in 2018, 940 truck/day, and the cargo volume is calculated by assuming
35 tones per one truck.
The target value is based on the AADT in 2024, 1,083 truck/day, and the cargo volume is calculated by
assuming 35 tones per one truck.
The current value is based on actual travel time.
Established based on the average speed of 60km
Established on the basis of results of hearing from ADR

Among the indicators shown above, indicators “1” and “2” can be measured in the target year by the
implementing organization that conducts traffic survey, and “3” can be measured by running actually
over the target section. The indicator “4” can be confirmed by the implementing organization that

- iv -
performs hearing to staff of the Dikhil Maintenance Base and residents along the road.

In addition to the quantitative effects listed above, various qualitative effects are expected such as
smoothing of cargo transportation, improvement of traveling performance, traffic safety measures,
improvement of access to social services of medical and education etc.

Noted that above project evaluation items are not confirmed by Djibouti government.


Location Map / Perspective
List of Figures and Tables

Chapter 1 Background of the Project ......................................................................... 1-1

1-1 Current Conditions and Issues in the Sector ..............................................................1-1
1-1-1 Current Conditions and Issues ................................................................................1-1
1-1-2 Development plan ...................................................................................................1-3
1-1-3 Social and Economic Conditions ............................................................................1-4
1-1-4 Natural Conditions ..................................................................................................1-8
1-1-4-1 Topography .......................................................................................................1-10
1-1-4-2 Geology ............................................................................................................1-12
1-1-4-3 State of Wadi ....................................................................................................1-16
1-1-4-4 Candidate Location of Material Quarrying, and the Work Base.......................1-18
1-1-4-5 Survey of Natural Conditions ...........................................................................1-21
1-1-5 Environmental and Social Considerations ............................................................1-25
1-1-5-1 Environmental Impact Assessment ...................................................................1-25
1-1-5-2 Land Acquisition and Resettlement ..................................................................1-41
1-2 Background and Outline of Grant Aid .....................................................................1-50
1-3 Trends of Japanese Assistance .................................................................................1-50
1-4 Assistance Trends of Other Donors .........................................................................1-52

Chapter 2 Contents of the Project ............................................................................... 2-1

2-1 Basic Concept of the Project......................................................................................2-1
2-1-1 Superior Objective and Project Goals .....................................................................2-1
2-1-2 Outline of the Project ..............................................................................................2-1
2-2 Outline Design of the Japanese Assistance ................................................................2-2
2-2-1 Design Policy ..........................................................................................................2-2
2-2-2 Basic Plan................................................................................................................2-5
2-2-2-1 Overall Plan ........................................................................................................2-5
2-2-2-2 Road Plan ...........................................................................................................2-6
2-2-2-3 Pavement Plan ....................................................................................................2-9
2-2-2-4 Structure Plan ...................................................................................................2-23
2-2-2-5 Border Facilities Plan .......................................................................................2-30
2-2-2-6 Ancillary facilities ............................................................................................2-32
2-2-3 Outline Design Drawings ......................................................................................2-33
2-2-4 Implementation Plan .............................................................................................2-33
2-2-4-1 Implementation Policy......................................................................................2-33
2-2-4-2 Implementation Conditions ..............................................................................2-37
2-2-4-3 Scope of Works .................................................................................................2-39
2-2-4-4 Consultant Supervision .....................................................................................2-40
2-2-4-5 Quality Control Plan .........................................................................................2-44
2-2-4-6 Procurement Plan..............................................................................................2-50
2-2-4-7 Implementation Schedule .................................................................................2-54
2-3 Obligations of Recipient Country ............................................................................2-55
2-4 Project Operation Plan .............................................................................................2-55
2-5 Project Cost Estimation ...........................................................................................2-56
2-5-1 Initial Cost Estimation ..........................................................................................2-56
2-5-2 Operation and Maintenance Cost ..........................................................................2-56

Chapter 3 Project Evaluation ...................................................................................... 3-1

3-1 Preconditions .............................................................................................................3-1
3-2 Necessary Inputs by Recipient Country.....................................................................3-1
3-3 External Conditions ...................................................................................................3-1
3-4 Project Evaluation......................................................................................................3-2
3-4-1 Relevance ................................................................................................................3-2
3-4-2 Effectiveness ...........................................................................................................3-2

1. Member List of the Study Team ................................................................................... A1-1
2. Study Schedule ............................................................................................................. A2-1
3. List of Parties Concerned in the Recipient Country ...................................................... A3-1
4. Minutes of Discussions ................................................................................................ A4-1
5. Technical Note............................................................................................................... A5-1
6. Information on Tax Exemption in (Republic of Djibouti) ............................................ A6-1
7. Reference
7-1 Road Current Situation Survey ............................................................................... A7-1
7-2 List of Existing Structures ..................................................................................... A7-15
7-3 Natural Condition Survey (Hydrologic/ River Analysis) ..................................... A7-21
7-4 Summary of Results of Geological Survey and Material Test .............................. A7-33
7-5 Outline Design Technical Seminar ...................................................................... A7-171
8. Reference Drawing ......................................................................................................... A8-1
Location Map

Target Section

Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa

Ethiopia Djibouti


Road (Regulation
by ADR)
National Road
New Rail Way
現況渡河構造物状況 (全 29 箇所)



Satellite Map of Target road and Existing Drainage Structures (number of structures: 27 places)

Chapter 1 Background of the Project

Figure 1-1.1 Topography Outline of Djibouti ............................................................................. 1-9
Figure 1-1.2 Geology around Djibouti........................................................................................ 1-9
Figure 1-1.3 Topography Outline of the Target Road ............................................................... 1-10
Figure 1-1.4 Geological Map of the Target Area (1/100,000) .................................................. 1-14
Figure 1-1.5 Image of Geological and Groundwater Structures of Target Area
(Southwest – Northeast Section) .......................................................................... 1-15
Figure 1-1.6 Wadi Water Shed Division Map for the Target Section of the Project ................. 1-16
Figure 1-1.7 State of Wadi Crossing the Road .......................................................................... 1-17
Figure 1-1.8 Monthly Rainfall in the Wadi Galafi Watershed (Average of 2000 to 2013) ....... 1-17
Figure 1-1.9 Candidate Locations of Material Quarrying and Work Base and Well
Construction ........................................................................................................ 1-20
Figure 1-1.10 Candidate Locations for Material Quarrying (Candidate 1) and Work Base ..... 1-20
Figure 1-1.11 Location of Boring Survey ................................................................................. 1-22
Figure 1-1.12 Positions of the Existing Road and Material Test Sampling .............................. 1-23
Figure 1-1.13 Grain Size Distributions ..................................................................................... 1-24
Figure 1-1.14 Proposed Sectional View.................................................................................... 1-25
Figure 1-1.15 Location Map of the Grant Aid Project .............................................................. 1-26
Figure 1-1.16 Current State Along the RN1 ............................................................................. 1-27
Figure 1-1.17 Landscape Along RN1 ....................................................................................... 1-28
Figure 1-1.18 Organizational Structure of MHUE ................................................................... 1-30
Figure 1-1.19 Environmental Impact Evaluation Implementation Flow .................................. 1-31
Figure 1-1.20 Section Requiring Acquirement of the Easement for ROW in the Project ........ 1-43

Table 1-1.1 Total Road Length under the Jurisdiction of the ADR (As of April 2018) .............. 1-1
Table 1-1.2 Total Highway Length under the Jurisdiction of the ADR (As of April, 2018) ....... 1-2
Table 1-1.3 Total City Road Length under the Jurisdiction of the ADR (As of April, 2018) ..... 1-2
Table 1-1.4 GDP Ratio by Industry............................................................................................. 1-5
Table 1-1.5 GDP Trend ............................................................................................................... 1-6
Table 1-1.6 Fiscal Revenues and Expenditures of Djibouti ........................................................ 1-6
Table 1-1.7 Administrative Regions and Population (2016)....................................................... 1-7
Table 1-1.8 Geological Classification of Target Road (Shown with Reference to the Border) 1-11
Table 1-1.9 Geological Characteristics around the Target Road ............................................... 1-12
Table 1-1.10 Groundwater State in the Site .............................................................................. 1-16
Table 1-1.11 Assumed Flow of Wadi ........................................................................................ 1-18
Table 1-1.12 Conditions to Select the Candidate Material Quarrying Location ....................... 1-19
Table 1-1.13 Survey Items ....................................................................................................... 1-21
Table 1-1.14 Position and Quantity of Boring Survey ............................................................. 1-22
Table 1-1.15 List of the Results and Quantity of Laboratory Soil Test Result......................... 1-24
Table 1-1.16 Outline of the Work ............................................................................................. 1-25
Table 1-1.17 Legal System Related to Environmental and Social Considerations of Djibouti 1-29
Table 1-1.18 Comparative Review of Alternative Plans ........................................................... 1-32
Table 1-1.19 Scoping Plan ........................................................................................................ 1-33
Table 1-1.20 TOR for Environmental and Social Considerations Survey ................................ 1-35
Table 1-1.21 Results of Environmental and Social Considerations Survey.............................. 1-36
Table 1-1.22 Scoping Plan and Survey Results ........................................................................ 1-37
Table 1-1.23 Cost for Mitigation Measures and Implementation of Mitigation Measures ....... 1-39
Table 1-1.24 Monitoring Plan ................................................................................................... 1-40
Table 1-1.25 Major Stakeholders of the Project ....................................................................... 1-41
Table 1-1.26 Land Acquisition related Legal System of Djibouti ............................................ 1-42
Table 1-3.1 Similar Projects Implemented by Japan................................................................. 1-51
Table 1-4.1 Activities of International Organizations and Other Donors (Roads and
Transport Areas) ................................................................................................... 1-52
Chapter 2 Contents of the Project
Figure 2-2.1 Section covered by the Project ........................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-2.2 Section for Comparison ...................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-2.3 Typical Cross Section ......................................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2-2.4 Wheel Load Distribution .................................................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-2.5 Flow to Select the Measure against Plastic Flow ............................................... 2-13
Figure 2-2.6 Distribution of the Distance and Subgrade CBR ................................................ 2-15
Figure 2-2.7 Grain Size Distribution and Test Sample of Subgrade ....................................... 2-16
Figure 2-2.8 Setting the Subgrade CBR .................................................................................. 2-18
Figure 2-2.9 CBR VS K30 for the Subgrade .......................................................................... 2-20
Figure 2-2.10 Subbase Thickness Design Curve..................................................................... 2-21
Figure 2-2.11 Paving Image (for CBR = 6)............................................................................. 2-23
Figure 2-2.12 Setting the Clearance (Box culvert, bridge) ..................................................... 2-24
Figure 2-2.13 Photos of Typical Site State of each Group ...................................................... 2-24
Figure 2-2.14 River-crossing Structure of Road Alignment Improvement Plans of Group 2 . 2-28
Figure 2-2.15 Road Plan for Facilities on the Border ............................................................. 2-31
Figure 2-2.16 Planning Road and Proposed Base Site ............................................................ 2-34
Figure 2-2.17 Dikhil Control Section and Planning road in National Route 1 ....................... 2-36
Figure 2-2.18 Supervision Structure ....................................................................................... 2-42
Figure 2-2.19 Supervision System of the Contractor .............................................................. 2-43

Table 2-1.1 Outline of the Input of the Project ....................................................................... 2-2

Table 2-2.1 Monthly Mean Temperatures ............................................................................... 2-3
Table 2-2.2 Major Road Geometric Design Elements ............................................................ 2-6
Table 2-2.3 Comparison Table of Road Construction Methods (PK205∼210) ..................... 2-7
Table 2-2.4 Traffic Survey Result (As of May, 2018) ............................................................. 2-9
Table 2-2.5 Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) of Trucks ............................................... 2-10
Table 2-2.6 Truck Traffic Forecast Reflecting Rail Share....................................................... 2-10
Table 2-2.7 Axle Load Survey Result ..................................................................................... 2-11
Table 2-2.8 Scale Factor by Vehicle Type ............................................................................... 2-12
Table 2-2.9 Average Annual Daily Wheel Load Distribution ................................................. 2-12
Table 2-2.10 Number of Equivalent 5 to Wheels .................................................................... 2-13
Table 2-2.11 Guideline for the Target DS Value for each Bituminous Material ..................... 2-14
Table 2-2.12 Target Value of Dynamic Stability (DS) for Surface Mixtures (times/mm) ...... 2-15
Table 2-2.13 Typical CBR of Sandy Soil ................................................................................ 2-17
Table 2-2.14 Pavement Composition according to CBR ........................................................ 2-19
Table 2-2.15 Pavement Composition to be Employed ............................................................ 2-19
Table 2-2.16 Type of Concrete Pavement and the Required Bearing Capacity Factor of
base/Subbase ...................................................................................................... 2-20
Table 2-2.17 Calculation Results for Concrete Slab Thickness Design .................................. 2-22
Table 2-2.18 Concrete Pavement Composition to be Employed............................................. 2-22
Table 2-2.19 Bridge structure and the clearance of box culvert structure: .............................. 2-24
Table 2-2.20 Classification of Structures ................................................................................ 2-24
Table 2-2.21 Comparison of Structure Type (Group 1) .......................................................... 2-26
Table 2-2.22 Results of the Study on the Possibility of Cost Reduction of Group 1 .............. 2-27
Table 2-2.23 List of Structure Plans ........................................................................................ 2-30
Table 2-2.24 List of Drawings ................................................................................................ 2-33
Table 2-2.25 Types of the Contractors (as of April, 2018) ...................................................... 2-35
Table 2-2.26 National Holidays in 2018 ................................................................................. 2-39
Table 2-2.27 Supervisors in Charge and Their Rolls .............................................................. 2-42
Table 2-2.28 Contractors in Charge and Their Rolls............................................................... 2-43
Table 2-2.29 Content of Trial Batch Test (medium-scale construction or more) .................... 2-44
Table 2-2.30 Target Values at Periodic Inspection of Asphalt Plant ....................................... 2-45
Table 2-2.31 Example of Items Studied in the Trial Construction (Asphalt Pavement) ......... 2-45
Table 2-2.32 Reference Example of Items for Control of Finished Shapes, Frequencies
and Standard Limits of Control ......................................................................... 2-45
Table 2-2.33 Quality Control Items, Frequency and Control Limit/ Reference Example – 1. 2-46
Table 2-2.34 Quality Control Items, Frequency and Control Limit/ Reference Example – 2. 2-48
Table 2-2.35 Quality Conditions of Concrete (Proposed values) ............................................ 2-49
Table 2-2.36 Items for Inspections at Acceptance of Concrete ............................................... 2-49
Table 2-2.37 Items for Quality Inspection Control of Structure across the River ................... 2-50
Table 2-2.38 Control Values of Finished Shape ...................................................................... 2-50
Table 2-2.39 Procurement Classification of Main Materials .................................................. 2-51
Table 2-2.40 Classification of Procurement Assumption of Main Construction Machines .... 2-52
Table 2-2.41 Implementation Schedule................................................................................... 2-54
Table 2-5.1 Maintenance Details and Costs ............................................................................ 2-56

Chapter 3 Project Evaluation

Table 3-4.1 Quantitative effects of road improvement (draft) ................................................ 3-2
Table 3-4.2 Qualitative Effects of Road Improvement ........................................................... 3-3

ADR Agence Djiboutienne des Routes

AfDB African Development Bank
DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
DEDD Direction de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable
DJF Djibouti Franc
EU European Union
GDP Gross Domestic Product
IMF International Monetary Fund
INDS Initiative Nationale pour le Développement Social
IOM International Organization for Migration
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
MET Ministère de l'Equipement et des Transports
NEXCO Nippon Expressway Company Limited
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
PAID Port of Djibouti
ROW Right of Way
SCAPE Strategy of Accelerated Growth and Promotion of Employment
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
WFP World Food Programme
WTO World Trade Organization


Chapter 1 Background of the Project

1-1 Current Conditions and Issues in the Sector

1-1-1 Current Conditions and Issues

Of the total road length (approx. 1,806km) in the Republic of Djibouti (herein after referred to as
Djibouti), the paved road accounts for mere 43% (approx. 778 km). The pavement ratio is low with
the national road at 48% and city road at 33%. It has become a factor of hindering national and
regional economic growth, improvement of people’s quality of life and access to social services. It
also expands the regional gap and hinders social stability, creating a disincentive for domestic and
overseas companies to make investments.
The Agence Djiboutienne des Routes (herein after referred to as ADR), is responsible for road
maintenance and repair work to solve this problem. However, technical and financial shortage
concerning road maintenance and repair is remarkable and road maintenance work is delayed. Table
1-1.1 shows the total road length by road type (national road and city road) under the jurisdiction of
the ADR.

Table 1-1.1 Total Road Length under the Jurisdiction of the ADR (As of April 2018)
Road Length (km)
Pavement type Ratio
National Road City Road Total
Asphalt Pavement 574 204 778 43%
Pavement 619 409 1,028 57%
Total 1,193 613 1,806 100%
Source: ADR

Table 1-1.2 and Table 1-1.3 show the total length of roads under the jurisdiction of the ADR by
pavement type

Table 1-1.2 Total Highway Length under the Jurisdiction of the ADR (As of April, 2018)
National Roads (km)
Road designation Asphalt pavement Total Pavement
Good Fair Total length ratio (%)
RN 1 98.0 121.0 219.0 0.0 219.0 100.0%
RN 2 27.0 0.0 27.0 0.0 27.0 100.0%
RN 3 15.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 15.0 100.0%
RN 4 8.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 8.0 100.0%
RN 5 0.0 17.0 17.0 48.0 65.0 26.0%
RN 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 75.0 75.0 0.0%
RN 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.0 68.0 0.0%
RN 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.0 29.0 0.0%
RN 9 0.0 122.0 122.0 0.0 122.0 100.0%
RN 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.0 16.0 0.0%
RN 11 94.0 0.0 94.0 30.0 124.0 75.8%
RN 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 0.0%
RN 13 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 33.0 0.0%
RN 14 62.0 0.0 62.0 0.0 62.0 100.0%
RN 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 102.0 102.0 0.0%
RN 16 0.0 0.0 0.0 115.0 115.0 0.0%
RN 17 5.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 100.0%
RN 18 0.0 0.0 0.0 88.0 88.0 0.0%
RN 19 9.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.0 100.0%
Total of National
318.0 256.0 574.0 619.0 1,193.0 48.1%
Source: ADR

Table 1-1.3 Total City Road Length under the Jurisdiction of the ADR (As of April, 2018)
City Roads (km)
Region designation
Asphalt Pavement
Unpaved Total
City District pavement Ratio (%)
Ras Dika 38.79 7.30 46.09 84.2%
Boulaos 114.38 156.17 270.55 42.3%
Balbala 35.97 213.27 249.24 14.4%
subtotal 189.14 376.74 565.88 33.4%
Ali Sabieh 3.78 8.55 12.33 30.7%
Dikhil 0.81 6.67 7.48 10.8%
Arta 4.24 6.60 10.84 39.1%
Tadjourah 3.80 3.69 7.49 50.7%
Obock 2.83 4.88 7.71 36.7%
Outside Djibouti subtotal 15.46 30.39 45.85 33.7%
City Road Total 204.60 408.13 612.73 33.4%
Source: ADR

National Route 1 (herein after referred to as RN1) which is the route covered by the Project, is the
most important arterial road connecting 219 km from the capital Djibouti where the Djibouti Port is
located to Garafi with the Ethiopian border, where more than 90% of imported goods in Ethiopia
pass through (Source: “Report of the data collection survey for Djibouti corridor, 2017”). Although
all of the NR1 has been paved so far, damage such as pot holes and road shoulder, peeling of

pavement are remarkably proceeding, since the number of vehicles passing through the Garafi
border, which is the border with Ethiopia, has doubled in the four years from 2013 to 2017
(estimated by the road authorities from customs information). Especially in the vicinity of Garafi,
where traffic conjunction occur due to customs duties, it is accelerating damage to the shoulder by
large vehicles passing through the edge of pavement avoiding stopped vehicles, requiring further
time to travel, not secured safe driving.
Under such circumstances, upgrade of NR 1 is regarded as an urgent task for the Government of
Djibouti. It not only contribute to improving domestic accessibility, it secure stable distribution of
Ethiopia, which is the major and important country of trade with for Djibouti.

1-1-2 Development plan

The Government of Djibouti started preparing "Vision Djibouti 2035" from 2011, and the following
four items were set as main pillars.

Good governance
Competitiveness, diversified economy and balanced development of national land
Expansion of social progress, development of human capital based on equal opportunities,
national capacity building and utilization
Regional integration and international cooperation of Djibouti
It is also a result of a participatory approach to the development and formulation of "Vision Djibouti
2035” through discussions between representatives of community organizations, universities, NGOs
and others. Thus, [Strategy of Accelerated Growth and Promotion of Employment hereinafter
referred to as SCAPE] has been formulated. The contents include the first medium-term plan
focused on the operation of the target period from 2015 to 2019.
SCAPE has set ten goals with 2019 as the target year.
1. Accelerate growth: Successfully complete the double digit growth of a bet with a real GDP
growth of around 10% per year over the 2015-2019 period and a 6% increased income per
capita between 2015 and 2019.
2. Reduce unemployment: Bring the unemployment rate to 38% in 2019 due to the global
growth momentum, the development of new sectors, the intensification of vocational training
and promoting direct action to support employment. Reducing unemployment rate to 38.
3. Limit the extreme poverty: Alleviating extreme poverty, with a targeted level to decrease it
by 20% in 2019, relying in particular on the promotion of economic activities in the interior
regions where the incidence is at its highest point.
4. Create the conditions of a regional hub: Accelerate the development of economic
infrastructure, through major investment projects, to sit in the long term, Djibouti's position
as a regional hub and area of attraction for foreign direct investment.
5. Better educate and train: Achieve by 2019 the goal of universal primary education and have
subsystems for vocational training and higher education for efficient and in tune with labor
market needs.
6. Ensure wide spread coverage of health care essentials: Achieving wide spread population

coverage for essential health care, strengthen the quality and effectiveness of the public
health system, and lower by more than 15%, 25% and 30% the maternal, new-- born and
infant mortality.
7. Reduce inequality and gender: Promote gender equality by primarily acting on reducing
women inequality in education (with a target of reaching a 100% girls/boys parity in primary
schools, up to 85% in middle and high schools and women literacy rate of more than 60% by
8. Resolve the question of water: Addressing the issue of chronic water supply deficit at the
national level based on large investment projects (desalination of sea water, interconnection
with Ethiopia, development drilling for the northern regions) in order to have a water supply
access of more than 85% by 2019.
9. Combat pre carious housing: Ensuring the demolition of precarious housing (target zero
slums) and giving priority to housing needs of the households with incomes that fall below
150,000 Djibouti francs, based on are formed institutional and regulatory framework and an
active housing policy.
10. Prepare to climate change: Prevent, by adapted strategies based especially on strengthening
the resilience of local populations, the risks associated with climate change and
mainstreaming of this topic in different sectarian policies.
In addition, the following policies have been set for road sector.
Expected results: Strengthening the national highway network to meet passenger and logistics
Target value: Increase Asphalt pavement rate of national highway network from 41% to 82% by
2019 and increase the percentage of roads with good pavement status from 36% to 82% in 2019.
Strategic direction: maintenance of the national highway network to meet demand and strengthen
domestic traffic with four priorities:

Expansion and restoration of asphalt road network

Development of road network structure and system development
Improvement of road maintenance
Improvement of road maintenance financing
Furthermore, SCAPE’s contribution to the transport sector is indispensable to ensure Djibouti’s
position as the first port for neighboring Ethiopia by maintaining and strengthening the logistics
The target section of National Route 1 development project according to the Project is consistent
with the development plan launched by the government of Djibouti.

1-1-3 Social and Economic Conditions

(1) General Conditions of the Republic of Djibouti

Djibouti is a small country covering an area of 23,200 km² (approx. 1.3 times the Shikoku Island
Area) with a population of 993,000 (2017, Direction de la Statistiques et des Etudes

Démographiques: DISED). While it is strategically situated for marine transportation connecting
Europe with the Middle East and Asia through the Red Sea and is also geopolitically critically
located as a gateway to inland East Africa connecting Africa and the Middle East coastal countries,
After the civil war lasting more than 10 years has ended in 2001, Djibouti has maintained political
stability, which is a factor of stability of African Corner. French and US forces are stationed for
regional stability and antiterrorism policy and it has also drawn attention from the international
community as a base for antipiracy measures in waters off the coast of Somalia. Japanese
self-defense forces have been also conducting anti-piracy operations with Djibouti as their base
since 2009.
The majority of the national land is covered by desert and agriculture is underdeveloped. Livestock
farming by nomads is traditional and noncommercial and the country has little resources of
underground water. The development of primary and secondary industries lags behind and the
tertiary industry accounts for 77.4% of GDP (2013, ADB). The nation depends mainly on income
from transportation and port services for exports of Ethiopia, services and lease fees related to
French and US forces and foreign assistance.
Table 1-1.4 shows the GDP ratio by industry. Trade with Ethiopia and port business are in good
condition and its economy has been relatively strong.

Table 1-1.4 GDP Ratio by Industry

2008 2013
Primary Industry Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and hunting 3.5 3.6
Mining 0.3 0.3
Manufacturing 3.5 3.2
Secondary Industry Electricity, gas and water 4.3 5.1
Construction 12.1 11.1
Total of secondary industry 20.2 19.7
Wholesale, retail, auto repair shops, hotel and 19.3 22.6
Transportation, warehousing and 32.0 27.6
Tertiary Industry Finance, real estate, rental and corporate 8.5 8.6
Public services 15.5 17.8
Other services 1.0 0.8
Total of tertiary industry 76.3 77.4
Total 100.0 100.0
Source: AfDB, OECD, UNDP, UNECA "African Economic Outlook 2017"

Table 1-1.5 shows the GDP trend. Investment from Gulf countries and China is on the rise and
infrastructure development, which includes opening of the passenger and freight railway connecting
Addis Ababa of Ethiopia with Djibouti City and the Doraleh container terminal, has been in
progress to serve as the distribution base of Africa.

Table 1-1.5 GDP Trend
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Nominal GDP
(Million 150,658 174,801 186,449 200,578 220,222 240,569 258,658 282,228 306,896 335,669
Djiboutian franc)
Real GDP *
(Million 85,601 90,571 95,127 98,444 102,843 107,822 113,213 120,006 127,807 136,114
Djiboutian franc)
GDP growth rate
5.08 5.81 5.03 3.49 4.47 4.84 5.00 6.00 6.50 7.00
Inflation rate (%) 4.97 11.96 1.67 3.95 5.07 3.74 2.40 2.94 2.10 3.00
Source: International Monetary Fund, "World Economic Outlook Database 2018"
Note: *: The base year of real GDP is 1990. 1 Djiboutian franc =0.68 yen

While the economy grows at a solid rate as described above, rural areas are not benefited by the
growth and thus the wealth gap between the capital of Djibouti City and rural areas has increased
remarkably. In addition, drought damage repeated by the impacts of climate change lowered the
agricultural and livestock farming productivity and the living environment is further worsening in
rural areas and population flow into the capital is accelerating. As a result, the population in
suburban areas is surging and workforce has become saturated to cause competition and the
unemployment rate is further rising.
Table 1-1.6 shows the national fiscal revenues and expenditures. Revenue depends on grants from
foreign countries which represents 1.5% of total revenues, and in recent years budget deficits
continued to account for around 50% of revenues.

Table 1-1.6 Fiscal Revenues and Expenditures of Djibouti

(Unit: million Djiboutian franc)
2014 2015 2016
Revenues and donations 87,326 114,222 109,424
Tax Revenues 52,600 61,779 63,349
Direct Tax 22,941 26,724 26,541
Indirect and other taxes 29,660 35,055 36,808
Indirect tax 26,485 31,280 31,948
Other taxes 3,175 3,775 4,860
Non-tax domestic revenues 8,684 13,037 11,777
Non-tax overseas revenues 12,843 18,286 19,285
Donations 13,199 21,120 15,013
Development projects 9,521 8,474 6,500
Financial support 3,678 12,646 8,513
Annual Expenditures 114,392 180,805 162,750
Current expenditures 64,566 70,685 81,607
Salary, etc. 29,561 31,023 34,212
Salary 26,432 27,748 30,846
Housing allowance 3,129 3,275 3,366
Goods and services 20,245 22,999 27,702
For civilian budget 16,577 19,055 22,789
For military budget 3,668 3,944 4,913
Maintenance 1,456 1,320 1,403
Transfer 10,955 12,239 12,767
Interest rate payment 892 1,747 4,630

Current expenditures with overseas
1,456 1,357 893
Investment 49,827 110,120 81,143
Investment with domestic fund 19,368 30,704 15,188
Investment with overseas fund 30,459 79,416 65,955
Donations 9,521 8,474 6,500
Loans 3,767 5,377 5,943
Fiscal Revenues and Expenditures (including
-27,066 -66,582 -53,326
Source: International Monetary Fund (2013.3) "Djibouti: Sixth Review under the Extended Credit
Facility Arrangement and Request for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria—Staff Report"
Note: 1 Djiboutian franc =0.61 yen (As of May 2018)

(2) Politics and Administration

Djiboutian politics and administration are led by the president with a five-year term. The state
government is comprised of 17 ministries with the Prime Minister at its top. Djibouti is sectioned
into six administrative regions and the President appoints governors to assign them to each region
and they carry out local administration as state organizations.
The National Assembly of Djibouti consists of 65 members elected from each region. In addition,
each region also has regional assembly consisting of members elected by regional residence and the
chair is selected by the members. The regional assembly performs part of local administration
entrusted by the governor. It issues residence certificate and poverty certificate and manages family
registration of birth, death and marriage, etc. Garbage collection and treatment, construction permit,
market management, and management of public land are also supposed to be entrusted with the
regional government. However, partly because each region does not have their own fiscal revenues
and distribution of funds from the state government is limited, such duties are performed by the
national government in reality.

Table 1-1.7 Administrative Regions and Population (2016)

Regional Population of
Region Area (km2) population State/regional Capital
(person) (person)
Djibouti City
Djibouti 500 576,686 (capital) 576,686
Arta 1,100 51,418 Arta City 16,088
Ali Sabieh 1,800 105,491 Ali Sabieh City 46,030
Dikhil 7,200 107,917 Dikhil City 30,193
Tadjourah 7,000 105,194 Tadjourah City 17,980
Obock 5,600 45,929 Obock City 14,202
Total 23,200 992,635 Total 701,180
Source: 2017 Direction de la Statistique et des Etudes Démographiques of the Ministère de l’Economie et des
Finances (DISED)
Note: The value of the future population at the time of population and housing census (RGPH 2009) conducted in 2009

(3) Social Status of Roadside Community

1) Status of the Resident Life
Dikhil Region has a population of about 108, 000, of which about 30,000 live in Dikhil City. The
target areas, Yoboki and Galafi, have a population of about 6,000. Along the target road, there are

restaurants, stores and rest areas for drivers, which are major revenue sources for regional residents.
Nomads also live in the hinterland outside the towns and they form small communities in areas
where there are wells and schools. Hanlé Community in Yoboki District is situated 2 kilometers
away from RN 1 and they irrigate field with well water to grow dates, mango and tomato and ship
part of the produce to the town.
Though RN 1 may function mainly as an economic corridor, it is the transportation route of backup
materials and serves as the lifeline for local residents for doctors to visit to see them and transport
emergency patients. There are no accommodation facilities for visitors and visitors may find it
severe to stay in terms of the safety.
2) Educational Facilities
The educational facilities around the target section include elementary schools, one in each of Galafi
Community and Yoboki Community near the border. As of April 2018, there are about 200 pupils in
Galafi and about 400 pupils in Yoboki. There is one junior high school with about 300 pupils in
3) Medical Care Facilities
As regards the health and medical care system, there is no medical care facilities in Galafi. In
Yoboki, there is a clinic, but no doctor. This clinic is operated by two nurses. Because of lack of
facilities and equipment for medicines and beds, any patient requiring treatment are to be
transported to the hospital in Dikhil City.
4) Infrastructural Facilities
Telecommunication environment along the target section is poor as a whole though varying
depending on the time and location. As regards the electric power situation, the low-voltage
distribution line is provided in Yoboki near the Project site and in Galafi City on the border to
Ethiopia. However, the areas along the RN1 is not electrified and without streetlights.

1-1-4 Natural Conditions

The topographical outline of Djibouti is shown in Figure 1-1.1. The target road is located at the west
end of Djibouti and near the border to Ethiopia, and runs through the northern area of collapse plain
(Hanle plain) in the northwest to southeast direction. The topography of Djibouti is characterized by
the lava plateau and the collapse plain. Except for the coastal area, the rainfall within Djibouti is
mostly evaporated or infiltrated into the ground in the inland collapse plain and does not flow into
the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The collapse basin has Lake Assal (elevation -157 m) in the
middle of the country and Lake Abbe in the mountainous district of the border to Ethiopia, both of
which are famous as saline lakes.

Target road


Source: Prepared by the Survey Team using the ALOS30m mesh topographical data (Google Earth data used for the roads
and boundary)
Figure 1-1.1 Topography Outline of Djibouti

The geology around Djibouti is shown in Figure 1-1.2. Djibouti is located in the African Great Rift
Valley and most of the land consists of basalt lava gushing out during the Pliocene to Pleistocene (1
to 4 Ma). Lava formed a plateau on the western part of the country and was tilted and divided by the
northwest – southeast normal fault to form a collapse plain. This collapse plain has accumulation
of lacustrine and aeolian deposits.


Figure 1-1.2 Geology around Djibouti

The climate of Djibouti is roughly divided into dry and rainy seasons. The dry season (May to
September) has high temperature and low humidity while the rainy season (October to April) has
low temperature and high humidity. Annual rainfall is extremely small at around 150 mm
throughout the year. Since 2007, the annual rainfall has been around 50 mm, indicating the trend
toward draught. The temperature varies from 25 to 35℃, and the lowest during the December to
January period. On the other hand, the temperature continues to exceed 30℃ for days and may
reach 50℃. The humidity is high at 70% or more during the October to May period and low at 45 to
55% during the June to August period.

1-1-4-1 Topography
Figure 1-1.3 shows the outline of topography of the target road. The target road traverses
longitudinally the southwest edge of the Hanle plain (a boundary to the basalt lava plateau) and
crosses the plain at about 3 km before the border to Ethiopia and passes through the transverse
valley on the northern side. The largest wadi along the target road is the Galafi wadi at 4 km point.

Border to Ethiopia

Hanle plateau

Source: IGN France prepared the aerial view of the 1/100,000 topographic map published in 1950 by using Google Earth
(the target road added with a red line)
Figure 1-1.3 Topography Outline of the Target Road

Table 1-1.8 shows the topographic classification and the photo of the site state. The geology around
the target road includes the gentle hillside mainly of alluvial fan from Galafi wadi for a distance of 7
km from the border and the Hanle plain without undulation for a distance from a 7 km point to 15
km point. The section from a 15km point to the start point is located on the boundary to the basalt
plateau on the southeast side and passes through the boundary slope with the basalt plateau.

Table 1-1.8 Geological Classification of Target Road (Shown with Reference to the Border)
Section Geological classification Remarks
0 to 1km: Passing through the bottom of traverse valley
Section for 7 km from the Mainly alluvial fan 1 to 3km: Boundary to the basalt plateau on the north side
border (Gentle hill slope) 3 to 4km: Plain crossing section
4 to 7km: Alluvial fan from Galafi wadi
7h to 15km section Hanle plain Flat section without undulation
Bedrock section, tallus accumulation slope
Mainly the slope on the
High fills due to passage of small wadi and undulating
15km to start point section boundary with the basalt

As viewed at a 4km
point from the
border toward the
border to Ethiopia.
B asalt lava plateau
Border Gravel field
B order facilities originating from
Alluvial fan
spreading in the
neighborhood. The
section up to the
border facilities at
Galafi includes the
Greatest wadi of the section section to cross the
(seasonal stream in the alluvial fan) plain.

As viewed from a 4
km point from the
B asalt lava plateau border toward the
Hanle plain southeast side (start
B asalt lava plateau
point). In the
surrounding, the
Village at 5 km to the east from the gravel field
originating from
alluvial fan spreads.
The plain is viewed,
which is located
between basalt lava
Alluvial fan deposit distributed at 7 km from the border

Hanle plain 17 km
Basalt lava (normal fault scarp)
from the border.
T alus accumulation Lacustrine sand to
silt make up the
surrounding area. A
small pond may be
Vegetation may be
often observed in
locations where
Mainly lacustrine deposit (including fluvial groundwater exists.

Hanle plain 17 km from the border

Road passing
through the basalt
hilly terrain 20 km
from the border.
Being located on the
slope, the road has
bedrock distributed
on the left side of
the photo while high
fills developed on
the right side..

Basalt mountainous slope 20 km from the border

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-4-2 Geology

(1) Outline of Geology

Figure 1-1.4 shows the geological map of the target area and Table 1-1.9 summarizes the geological
characteristics. The geology around the target road comprises basalt lava (upper and middle basalt
lavas) gushed during 1 - 4 Ma (Late Pliocene – Early Pleistocene) and the sedimentary layer formed
after Late Pleistocene). The lava plateau is tilted stepwise by many normal faults in the northwest –
southeast direction, with basalt lava exposed directly. In the collapse depression, deposit formed
after Late Pleistocene is observed widely distributed. The road traverses mainly the plain section
longitudinally, so that alluvial ground and deposit from alluvial fan are observed, the section
through basalt lava is limited to the section around Galafi and to the southwest section. The deposit
originating from alluvial fan around wadi is classified according to the vertical relationship of
lacustrine white deposits (lime and shells) and their distribution elevation. The deposit originating
from alluvial fan before the last glacial stage (Pleistocene) is distributed around the Galafi wadi 4.0
km from the border.

Table 1-1.9 Geological Characteristics around the Target Road

Geological classification Characteristics and typical photo

Fluvial・lacustrine silt

Alluvial fan deposit
Left;Lacustrine silt to fine sand layer (widely distributed around the middle of target
road and containing salt)
Right;Deposit at Galafi wadi 4.0 km from the border
(Formed by relocation of terraced deposit from alluvial fan)

Lacustrine lime exposed in wadi at a
point (community) 5.5 km from the
Holocene border. Characteristic layer in white,
Lacustrine lime which is extremely fragile and presents
(containing shells) issues to solve for use as foundation of
(This is not observed directly below the

Terraced deposit originating from alluvial

fan exposed in the side wall of Galafi
Late Pleistocene wadi 4.0 km from the border. Average
Deposit originating from gravel diameter is around 30 cm
alluvial fan (maximum 1.3 m). Though slightly
compacted, this is readily eroded.
(Promising materials for road
Basalt lava in the mountainous area on
the southwest side, 6.0 km from the
Late Pliocene-
One of quarrying sites used for road
early Pleistocene
construction in 2002. (The surrounding
area has been prepared for the work camp
Upper basalt lava site.)
(Promising materials for road
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Border to Ethiopia

Hanle Plain

Holocene-Recent n formation Late Pliocene-Early

Silt containing salt (Recent Pleistocene
deposits) Upper basalt
River deposits (deposit from alluvial
fan) Middle basalt
Newest alluvial deposits
Coarse surface rock
Holocene formation Tuff
Alluvial deposits (from alluvial fan) of
lateHolocene) Hyaloclastite

Hydrothermal alteration

Lacustrine lime(unconsolidated)

Late Pleistocene formation

Alluviums・deposits from alluvial
Formation observed in the
neighborhood of road
Lacustrine diatom earth

Source: Prepared from the 1/100,000 geological map published by Bureau de Recherche Geologique et Minière
(BRGM) in 1995
Figure 1-1.4 Geological Map of the Target Area (1/100,000)

(2) Geological Structure and Groundwater
Figure 1-1.5 shows an image of geological structure in the longitudinal direction of the target road.
Since the rainfall around the target road is extremely small, water to be used depends on the
groundwater and the small amount of spring water from the skirts of a mountain. At 4 km from the
border, the deep well was dug, with water directed to the border facilities at Galafi and the
community 5.5 km from the border (see Table 1-1.10). Groundwater in the neighbourhood is at 50
m depth in the plain. Generally, groundwater in the Hanle plain area has the electric conductivity of
around 3000μS/cm, indicating higher chloride concentration. It is known that the deep wells in the
target area has lower chloride concentration than other wells in the neighborhood because of mixing
of surface water (rainwater origin) from the wadi. In the plain, there are old shallow wells and
spring water from the skirts of a mountain, providing small amount of perched groundwater. As the
plain is partially flooded (see Table 1-1.10, Photo 2) for a few days after rainfall, fluvial and
lacustrine deposits of the plain form the ground that does not allow easy infiltration in the depth

Southwest Northeast

Perched Road passing point Tallus accumulation

water 物
Alluvial fan deposit

Hanle Plain
Basalt lava (in strata)
Basalt lava
lacustrine deposits

Stable groundwater
(50∼100m below the
plain surface)

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.5 Image of Geological and Groundwater Structures of Target Area (Southwest –
Northeast Section)

Table 1-1.10 Groundwater State in the Site

Photo 1) Deep well 4.1km from the border Photo 2) Flooded state of plain section after rainfall (8 km
Distributes water to the border facilities at Galafi and the from the border). The plain was flooded for a few days due
community in the east. The well was dug with the Italian to spring water from the skirts of mountains.
fund in 1990: the depth 138m, the pumping discharge rate
13m3/hour, EC 1350∼1626μS/cm, temperature 42゜C,
groundwater level GL-53m. The water of this well has the
lowest electric conductivity among deep wells in Hanle
Plain and used for drinking. Mixing of surface water
dilutes dissolved ion (mainly sodium chloride).
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-4-3 State of Wadi

The target sector of the Project has small wadis crossing the national road. For the major wadi, the
northwest section of the target section is located in the catchment. The watershed division map of
the wadi concerned is shown in Figure 1-1.6. The wadi with the largest watershed area is Wadi
流域 流域面積 流域 流域面積
Waters Watershed
番号 (km ) 番号 (km )
1-1 5.51 13 9.48
1-2 2.9 14 0.54
1-3 0.23 15 0.26
Wade Galafi watershed 1-4
1-6 14.54 18 0.32
2 54.01 19 0.19
3 0.13 20 0.17
4 0.43 21 0.14
5 5.81 22 0.08
6 0.7 23 0.07
7 0.21 24 0.08
8 0.32 25 14.54
9 1.39 26 4.49
10 53.15 27 0.56
11 26.45 28 1.51
12 5.54 - -

Wadi Galafi watershed

National road

Hanle Plain

Hanle Plain

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.6 Wadi Water Shed Division Map for the Target Section of the Project

Wadi Galafi Wade crossing the national road in the plain

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.7 State of Wadi Crossing the Road

The wadi at the section start point and its end point flows down according to the terrain of valley,
reaching the national road. The wadi in the middle flows down to the Hale Plain, but its channel is
broken up to cross RN1. The field survey confirmed that the road pavement at points where wadi
crosses the road is heavily damaged. This is because the road longitudinal alignment of the section
descends according to the terrain, with water flowing when there is flowing water in wadi,
regardless of the scale of flooding.
The meteorological characteristics of Djibouti, that is, the small rainfall, is applicable without
exception to the target wadi area. The annual rainfall of Wadi Galafi is around 200 mm (according
to the satellite rainfall data summary for 2000 to 2013). The rainfall there tends to increase in the
rainy season (July and August). In certain years, the maximum rainfall may occur in April. The daily
rainfall exceeds 5 mm in an average of 10 days a year. Besides, the rainfall occurrence frequency
is also considered to be extremely small.

Jan Feb M ar Apr M ay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team from GsMap (JAXA) data

Figure 1-1.8 Monthly Rainfall in the Wadi Galafi Watershed (Average of 2000 to 2013)

This survey has been intended to confirm the rainfall waveform by time using the satellite rainfall
data. The rainfall pattern showed almost no rainfall continuing for one day or more, but showed

frequent short-term rainfall for less than half a day. The maximum hourly rainfall is less than 10
Under the given rainfall conditions, the peak flow of major wadis in the Project is expected to be
around 6m3/sec-59m3/sec as the historical maximum in past 18 years.

Table 1-1.11 Assumed Flow of Wadi

Historical Historical
Watershed maximum flow Watershed maximum flow
No. 3 No. 3
m /sec m /sec
1 -1 6.43 13 9.8
1 -2 1.91 14 1.05
1 -3 0.16 15 0.51
1 -4 1.66 16 0.26
1 -5 0.37 17 0.9
1 -6 17.01 18 0.63
2 58.15 19 0.37
3 0.07 20 0.33
4 0.8 21 0.23
5 10.1 22 0.18
6 1.31 23 0.14
7 0.4 24 0.16
8 0.6 25 15.58
9 2.52 26 8.62
10 51.47 27 1.08
11 25.97 28 2.91
12 5.75 - -
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

For the flow calculation of the target wadi, refer to the Appendix 7-3 Hydraulic/river analysis

1-1-4-4 Candidate Location of Material Quarrying, and the Work Base

Figure 1-1.9 shows the candidate locations of material quarrying and candidate locations for work
base and well construction while Table 1-1.12 shows the conditions for selection of candidate
location for quarrying. Road improvement requires 100,000 to 200,000 m3 pavement materials.
Except for fine sand silt of plain field, the target road area has the bedrock of basalt lava and alluvial
deposits (hard gravels and sand gravels), which is made from hard basalt. It is proposed therefore to
quarry the materials in the neighborhood and use them for banking material and aggregate (asphalt
Because materials are found abundantly in the neighborhood and these materials are not so much
different in terms of quality, three candidate areas have been selected by taking into account social
conditions and the quarrying results in the past.
Candidate 1;Southwest slope (basalt lava and alluvial fan deposits) 6 km from the border
This was prepared as a base for the work and will be a promising candidate site as a base in the
Project. Deep well will be constructed while securing the distance (500 m or more) not affecting
the existing deep wells.
Candidate 2;Northeast slope (basalt lava and talus deposits) around 13 km from the border
Northeast slope almost in the middle of work section, located remote also from the community.
Similar basalt lava in terms of materials
Candidate 3;Alluvial deposit 4 km from the border
It is not known whether quarrying was made here in the past. As gravels of alluvial deposit is

used, hard materials can be quarried than rock bed mountainous areas. Depending on the
crushing equipment, boulders will have to be screened because of the maximum gravel diameter
(about 1000 mm) and the uniaxial compressive strength (about 100 Mpa).

Table 1-1.12 Conditions to Select the Candidate Material Quarrying Location

Conditions Conditions for Selection
Social To avoid the border interference territory
・To avoid the interference territory zero to 2 km from the border
To avoid the communities and the settled areas
・To avoid the area around the Galafi border facilities 2 km from the border
・To avoid the alluvial fan deposits (with communities) 5 km from the border
・To avoid the alluvial fan deposits (with settled areas) 10 km from the border
・To avoid northeast and southwest basalt plateau (with settled area) 16 to
20km from the border
Experiences The target road was improved during a period from 1992 to 2002, and the material
quarrying site in those years is left. This site is considered the most minor in terms
in the past
of impact on society and nature because the site has once been used for quarrying.
Note) The material quarried in the 3 candidate sites will be checked in terms of quality by the laboratory soil test
(abrasion loss test). The amount of available materials is expected to be 300,000 m3 or more on all candidate sites,
so that the candidate site may prove satisfactory as an independent material quarrying site.

Promising candidate locations for the work base and deep well construction are shown in Figure
The work base was selected at a point that is slightly close to the community 5 km from the border
and that has once been used for road works in the past. These locations are located at the end of
alluvial fan and safe even in the case of landslide disasters because there is no new flood plain
Groundwater is generally salinity. Accordingly, the location was selected, which is recharged with
much amount of surface water and does not affect any existing deep wells (that is, 500 m or more
from the existing well). The well construction site was selected at the stable plateau in the alluvial
fan without topographic alteration, such as wade.

Candidate 3

Candidate 1

Candidate 2


Candidate material quarrying site

Existing deep well
Deep well (proposed)
Work base (proposed)
Target road

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.9 Candidate Locations of Material Quarrying and Work Base and Well

“Candidate material quarrying site” Basalt lava mountainous Candidate work base site” On the southwest side of the
area on the southwest side of the road, 6.2 km from the border road, 6.2 km from the border (Former work base of road
(Former quarrying site of road improvement in 2002) improvement in 2012
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team
Figure 1-1.10 Candidate Locations for Material Quarrying (Candidate 1) and Work Base

1-1-4-5 Survey of Natural Conditions

(1) Topographic Survey

1) Survey Objective
This survey was conducted to understand the information on the topography, wadi, and planimetric
features necessary for road design.
2) Survey Method
To shorten the survey period, the aerial photograph was taken with drone. The data taken in this
manner was corrected with reference to the established reference point and plotted into the 3D
contour map.
3) Survey Location and Range
The 22 km section, on RN1, from the border to Ethiopia was selected as a target and the survey was
made basically over a range 25 m or more on both sides of center line. For a part of major points,
the survey range was expanded.
4) Survey Items
Table 1-1.13 shows the survey items and their details.

Table 1-1.13 Survey Items

Item Details・Quantity
Plan・preparation・data collection
Survey with established reference point 20 or more concrete-made reference points established
Topographic survey L=22km
W=50m or more (25 m or more from the center of existing road)
* For a part of major points, the range was expanded.
Survey on existing planimetric feature Buildings・structures・culvert, etc.,
Data processing・3D contour mapping Topographic contours, 0.5 m interval
Preparation of the report
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

5) Survey Results
The resulting contour map is shown in the plan view of Appendix 8 “Outline design drawings.”

(2) Boring Survey

The boring survey was conducted to determine the appropriateness of the foundation ground for
three large river-crossing structures. Boring was done at five points with a total length of 50 m. In
addition to boring, the standard penetration test was conducted. But the frequency of penetration
was fewer than initially planned because of geological nature; debris flow deposit (boulder layer).
Positions and quantities of the boring survey are shown in Table 1-1.14 and Figure 1-1.11.

Table 1-1.14 Position and Quantity of Boring Survey
Name North Latitude East Longitude Length (m) SPT
B-1 11°42'40.08"N 41°50'45.83"E 10.0
B-2 11°42'15.66"N 41°50'57.05"E 10.0 1
B-3 11°42'15.40"N 41°50'57.47"E 10.0
B-4 11°42'15.11"N 41°50'57.83"E 10.0
B-5 11°41'52.38"N 41°51'32.45"E 10.0 3
Total 50.0 4

Border of Ethiopia B-1



Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.11 Location of Boring Survey

As a result of drilling survey of five holes, it was observed that the ground of these five locations
consisted of gravel layer including basalt boulder and did not contain white silt layer (less
consolidated lacustrine deposits). Except for the surface layer (loose range) of debris flow deposit, a
box culvert foundation was judged to be designed as spread foundation type.

(3) Material Test

For the road materials of subgrade, subbase and aggregate, the laboratory soil test was
recommissioned locally for evaluation, in addition to the simple dynamic cone penetration test
conducted by the survey team.

Subgrade;Subgrade soil was sampled on the road side and subject to the grain size analysis,
liquid plasticity test, compaction test, and CBR test.
Existing subbase;The existing subbase material was sampled and subject to the grain size
analysis, liquid plasticity test, compaction test, and CBR test.
Raked gravel;Raked gravel material was sampled around the old material quarrying site of the
existing road and subject to the grain size analysis, liquid plasticity test, compaction test, and
CBR test.
Aggregate and subbase material;Basalt (debris flow deposit) was sampled mainly from the old

material quarrying site of the existing road and subject to the grain size analysis, liquid
plasticity test, and abrasion resistance test.
As a result of laboratory soil test, both subgrade and subbase showed that the alluvial fan deposits in
the site and deposits making up the existing plain were gravelly soil with a wide grain size range. It
was also confirmed that the materials are free from problem and the clay content and water content
of the material was low. The CBR characteristics were determined to be CBR at >20% for the
subgrade and >40% for the existing road subgrade and raked gravel. Abrasion of aggregate was
confirmed to be 15% or less.
As is known from the above, CBR for the subgrade was reviewed in line with the local test (simple
penetration test) conducted every 500 m. It was confirmed that the subgrade of existing road and
raked gravel had a sufficient strength as the subbase course. Moreover, the materials for base course
and aggregate have high abrasion resistance and are of satisfactory characteristics.
Figure 1-1.12 shows positions of the existing road and material test sampling, Table 1-1.15 shows
list of the quantity laboratory soil test results, and Figure 1-1.13 shows the grain size distributions.

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.12 Positions of the Existing Road and Material Test Sampling

Table 1-1.15 List of the Results and Quantity of Laboratory Soil Test Result
Material Sampling and Laboratoly test

Liquid limit test Plastic limit CBR test Abrasion test

Position Classification DCP Particle size Compaction test
test(-0.4mm) Three point method
Class Name
Nothing Easting -0.075mm -2.36mm LL PL wopt% % %

RB01 11°37'39.06"N 41°56'49.28"E Hanle plan depsit ○ ○ 30.0 54.1 ○ 31 21.8 ○ 9.1 2.100 ○ 23.0 -

RB02 11°38'30.13"N 41°55'46.57"E Hanle plan depsit ○ ○ 25.9 55.9 ○ 23.5 19.4 ○ 7.8 2.145 ○ 33.0 -

RB03 11°39'21.08"N 41°55'6.05"E Hanle plan depsit ○ ○ 23.3 54.4 ○ NP NP ○ 6.8 2.359 ○ 73.0 -
路床 Hanle plan depsit
(roadside of
RB04 11°40'26.62"N 41°53'54.33"E
(windblown silt)
○ ○ 97.9 100.0 ○ 32 19.8 ○ 15.0 1.910 ○
existing road)
RB05 11°40'56.77"N 41°52'38.04"E Fan deposit ○ ○ 12.9 25.0 ○ NP NP ○ 8.6 2.238 ○ -
RB06 11°41'59.91"N 41°51'26.51"E Fan deposit ○ ○ 13.5 30.2 ○ 27.5 18.8 ○ 8.3 2.230 ○ -
RB07 11°42'43.93"N 41°50'44.66"E Fan deposit ○ ○ 19.8 40.6 ○ NP NP ○ 8.4 2.200 ○ -
BC01 11°37'38.81"N 41°56'49.04"E Existing road bed BC ○ ○ 19.8 51.4 ○ NP NP ○ 7.0 2.160 ○ 53.0 -

BC02 11°38'29.93"N 41°55'46.32"E Existing road bed SBC ○ ○ 15.0 42.5 ○ NP NP ○ 7.6 2.160 ○ 51.5 -

BC03 11°39'21.00"N 41°55'5.94"E Existing road bed SBC ○ ○ 4.8 31.2 ○ NP NP ○ 6.1 2.145 ○ 46.0 -
Subbase materials
of existing road BC04 11°40'26.46"N 41°53'54.25"E Existing road bed BC ○ ○ 29.8 57.9 ○ NP NP ○ 8.8 2.245 ○ 73.5 -

BC05 11°40'56.56"N 41°52'37.96"E Existing road bed SBC ○ ○ 13.0 43.2 ○ NP NP ○ 7.4 2.145 ○ 54.0 -

BC06 11°41'59.85"N 41°51'26.42"E Existing road bed SBC ○ ○ 11.8 39.1 ○ NP NP ○ 7.3 2.239 ○ 64.0 -

BC07 11°42'44.00"N 41°50'44.80"E Existing road bed SBC ○ ○ 19.6 49.9 ○ NP NP ○ 5.6 2.158 ○ 48.0 -

SBC08 11°42'7.52"N 41°51'20.89"E Fan deposit ○ 7.4 30.4 ○ NP NP ○ -

○ 9.8 2.120 47
Raked gravel SBC09 11°41'26.62"N 41°51'41.26"E Fan deposit ○ 12.7 49.3 ○ NP NP ○ -
○ 7.9 2.234 60
SBC10 11°41'54.72"N 41°51'46.44"E River deposit ○ 3.3 70.9 ○ NP NP ○ -
○ 7.8 2.070 42.5
SBC11 11°40'20.09"N 41°55'8.12"E Talus cone deposit ○ 28.3 59.5 ○ NP NP ○ -
○ 8.7 2.270 69.5
Ma01 11°42'13.92"N 41°50'57.42"E Fan deposit ○ - - ○ NP NP - - - ○ 9.4

Ma02 11°41'27.09"N 41°51'38.47"E Fan deposit ○ 6.1 24.3 ○ NP NP - - - -

Ma03 11°41'24.58"N 41°51'35.27"E Talus/Basalt ○ 10.4 34.2 ○ NP NP - - - -

Ma04 11°42'12.55"N 41°50'53.89"E Fan deposit ○ - - ○ NP NP - - - ○ 13.9

Ma05 11°40'14.39"N 41°55'12.81"E Talus/Basalt ○ - - ○ NP NP - - - ○ 14.8

Ma06 11°40'14.07"N 41°55'15.32"E Talus/Basalt ○ 14.3 43.2 ○ NP NP - - -

0 24 24 18 18 3 3

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.13 Grain Size Distributions

1-1-5 Environmental and Social Considerations

1-1-5-1 Environmental Impact Assessment

1-1-5-1-1 Outline of the Project Components Causing Impact on the Environment and
The Project is to improve the existing RN1 of 20.69 km, which is located in Galafi in the west of
Dikhil Region in Djibouti and connects Yoboki to southeast of Ethiopia. The target section was
constructed as a part of RN1 in 1970s and improved under assistance of the World Bank in 2003. At
present, the road is suffering heavy damage. The Project plans overall repair of the road pavement,
widening about 2 m from existing 9.5 m to proposed 11.5 m, and modification of alignment
partially around the river-crossing structures. For a part of sections, widening of maximum 10 m on
one side, including the slope, is expected because banking for embankment is made.
Table 1-1.16 shows outline of the work and Figure 1-1.14 shows the proposed sectional view.

Table 1-1.16 Outline of the Work

Improvement of carriageway with hot mix asphalt pavement
Improvement of roads near the border by cement concrete pavement
Outline of the work Improvement of the river-crossing structure at the wade crossing point
Improvement of the road drainage facilities
Improvement of the safety facilities, such as guard rails, road marking
Carriageway width : 3.75m
Shoulder width : 1.25m
Cross section Soft shoulder: 0.75m
Road width: 11.5m

Thickness (cm)
Layer Material Quality standard Start to PK200
PK210 to End
Surface Hot asphalt mixture Modified asphalt to be used 5 5
Pavement plan
Binder Hot asphalt mixture Modified asphalt to be used 7 7
Mechanical stabilized
Base Modified CBR 80 or more 30 45
cruched stone
Subbase Surplus gravelly soil Modified CBR 30 or more 50 50

Structure plan River-crossing structure at wadi: 7 points, Drainage crossing structure: 33 points
Border facilities plan Waiting lane
Concrete pavement near the border facilities
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Embankment slope
Left side
Right side

Existing road
Wide ning max about 10 m
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team
Figure 1-1.14 Proposed Sectional View

In the targeted improvement section, the work will totally be executed within the existing road site,
excluding a part of alignment modification points, storage of equipment related to the construction
work, and installation of a temporary office. Considering locational conditions that all of
surrounding lands are vacant lands without owner and some are public lands, no negative
environmental and social impacts on the surrounding are expected during work and after road
opening for service. Since there are communities without land ownership, each at the point close
Galafi on the border and at a point of 4 km from the Galafi start point, it is essential to minimize the
impact of work land through environmental and social considerations. The figure shows the location
map of the Grant Aid Project.

Border to Ethiopia

Galafi communities(2 points)

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.15 Location Map of the Grant Aid Project

1-1-5-1-2 Basic Environmental and Social State

As shown in the location map of the Project of the above section, the scope of RN1 improvement
includes the work on the existing road from Galafi on the border to Ethiopia in the west of Dikhil
Region to a point around Yoboki 20 km in the southeast direction of Dikhil Region. The site is
located in the northern part of Hanle Plain and consists geologically of basalt lava for the most part.
The temperature varies between 25℃ and 35℃ every year and the annual rainfall is extremely
small at about 150 mm throughout the year. It is difficult to grow crops and no intensive utilization
of land, such as agriculture and livestock farming, is undertaken though vegetation unique to the
arid zone, such as acacia, is observed here and there on the desert with gentle slope. In the rainy
season, wadi (seasonal stream) appears, causing flooding temporarily.
The population of the target area of the Project, Yoboki and Galafi, is 6,000 including nomads
leading a nomadic existence. The living zone of nomad spreads deep in the hinterland outside the
community, and nomads moves to carry on livestock farming and to find out pasture. In many cases,
nomads build a camp mainly in locations where there are schools or wells. There are restaurants,
stores and rest areas for drivers along the road, which are principal sources of income for regional

residents. Although RN1 is characterized mainly as an economic corridor, it is also the
transportation route of backup materials and serves as the lifeline for local residents for doctors to
visit to see them and transport emergency patients.
The figure below shows the current state along the RN1.

1 2

Border to Ethiopia
Galafi communities (2 points)
3 4

1. Galafi community 2. Galafi community 3.Roadside desert 4.Nomad dwelling 5.Roadside desert
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team
Figure 1-1.16 Current State Along the RN1

As shown in the figure above, the survey showed that, in the above work section, there are
dwellings and communities including the two settlement points of around 300 close to Galafi on the
border and one nomad village of several housholds in the proximity. All of houses are located at a
few-meters distance from the road. Residents living on the roadside are originally nomads and part
of them are settled. They operate restaurants and shops mainly for truck drivers, which are their
principal source of income. Residents continuing the nomadic life also coexists with the existing
The target RN1 is the major international economic corridor connecting to Djibouti Port, a vital
trade entrnace for Ethiopia, which has the large vehicles traffic volume exceeding 1000
vehicles/day/direction at present. The traffic volume shows an increasing tendency at a rate of 10%
a year. Improvement of the existing road of the Project will cause increase in the traffic volume
from the present level, which may cause deterioration of the surrounding environment and thus
negative impact on the houses and communities.
The Project is expected to widen the road by about 2 m from the present 9.5 m to the proposed 11.5
m. The Project also includes the plan of raising the road in a part of the target section, which is

expected to use the land of maximum 10 m on one side. Since the land around the target road is
totally government-owned, there is no need of land acquisition. The Project involves improvement
of the existing road. Accordingly, there is no significant impact on the nomad communities living in
the vacant area in the neighborhood. Hearing from the Direction of Environment and Sustainable
Development conducted along with the reconnaissance survey proved that there is no rare animals
and plants around RN1 of the Project, there is no migratory route for birds, and there is no sanctuary
related to any animals and plants at all.

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.17 Landscape Along RN1

Underground utilities in the road area include groundwater pumping facilities near Galafi on the
border, water supply pipes to supply water to neighboring villages, and telecommunication cables.
However, they are distanced more than ten meters from the improvement area and will not present
much hindrance to the work. However, the work is executed in the vicinity of underground utilities,
so that ADR, the Project implementing agency, must explain and negotiate the contents of the
design and work with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Water Resources and the
Djibouti Telecom, namely the administrators of underground facilities, for their approval before
starting the work.

1-1-5-1-3 Systems and Organizations Considering Environment and Society of

Recipient Country

(1) Legal System Related to Environmental and Social Considerations

In Djibouti, the Ministerial Order on Revision of the Environment Impact Evaluation Procedure
(Décret n°2011-029/PR/MHUEAT portant révision de la procédure d’étude d’impact
environnemental) (hereinafter called Ordinance No. 2011-029) was established in 2011 on the basis
of the Environmental Act (Loi n°51/AN/09/6ème L portant Code de l'Environnement) enacted in
2009. The Ordinance, together with other environment related laws, establishes the framework for
existing environment management. However, for the emission and discharge standards related to air
quality, water quality, noise and vibration, etc., the international stdandard of WHO, etc, is basically
applied as required.

In Djibouti, the projects that are obliged to undertake the environmental impact evaluation are
established while being classified into the projects covered by the simple environmental impact
evaluation (étude d'impact environnemental sommaire) and those covered by the detailed
environmental impacts evaluation (étude d'impact environnemental détaillée) in the attachment to
the Ordinance No. 2011-129.
The legal systems related to environmental and social conditions are shown below. (For the legal
systems related to land acquisition, refer to the ‘Legal Framework related to Land
Acquisition ‘ described later.)

Table 1-1.17 Legal System Related to Environmental and Social Considerations of Djibouti
Class Laws
Environmental Law No.51/2009
Loi n°51/AN/09/6ème L portant code de l'environnement
Establishing terrestrial and marine protected areas Law No.45/2004
Loi n°45/AN/04/5ème L portant création des aires protégées terrestres et marines
Mining Law No.66/1994
Loi n° 66/AN/94/3L sur le code minier
Revising the environmental impact assessment procedure Decree No.29/2011
Décret n°2011-029/PR/MHUEAT portant révision de la procédure d’étude d’impact environnemental
Transport of dangerous products Decree No.212/2003
Décret n°2003-0212/PRE/MHUEAT portant réglementation du transport des produits dangereux
Protection of biodiversity Degree No.65/2004
Ordinances Décret n°2004-0065/PR/MHUEAT portant protection de la biodiversité
National Commission for Sustainable Development Decree No.92/2004
Décret n° 2004-0092/PR/MHUE portant création de la commission nationale du développement durable
Environmental Impact Assessments Decree No.11/2001
Décret n° 2001-0011/PR/MHUE sur les études d’impact sur l’environnement
Source: Direction of Environment and Sustainable Development

Note that, in the table above, the “Law Concerning Land and Marine Sanctuaries” is the only one
law in Djibouti that specifies the areas to be protected: Day Forest, Mabla Forest, Lake Abbe, and
Lake Assal are four areas designated as reserves and protected by laws. Note however that these
reserves are remote from the Project and the above law will not be applied to the Project.

(2) Organizations Related to Environmental and Social Considerations

In Djibouti, the environmental administration is integrated, on both national and regional levels, to
MHUE (Ministère de l’Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement), and DEDD (Direction de
l'Environnement et du Développement Durable) is in charge of practical serbvices.The
organizational structure of MHUE is shown below:

Minister’s Office

Secretary General

Direction of Habitat Direction of Environment and Direction of Administration Direction of Training,

and Urban Planning Sustanable Development and Finance Documentation and

Sub direction of Sub-Direction of Sub-Direction of Pollution and

Great Green Wall Sustanable Development Environmental Assessment

Source: MHUE
Figure 1-1.18 Organizational Structure of MHUE

(3) Environmental Impact Evaluation Procedure

As described above, the projects obliged to implement the environmental impacts are classified into
the projects for simplified environmental impact evaluation and those for detailed environmental
impact evaluation in the attachment to the Ordinance No. 2011-029. Regarding the road, only the
regular maintenance with material of the road in the rural area (Entretien périodique (avec rapport
de matériaux) des routes en zone rurale) is taken as a target of simplified environmental impact
evaluation, but no description is contained concerning new construction or repair of the roads. In
this way, the stipulation contains ambiguities here and there.
For the inquiry made by the survey team on the necessity of environmental impact evaluation
concerning this road improvement work, the authority agreed that there are ambiguities in the
description of the law and explained that the necessity of implementing the environmental impact
evaluation should be determined not only by the project content and scale, but also from the overall
viewpoint by taking into account the social impact and location. Then at a later date, it is received
that the Project was not required an environmental impact assessment for the upgrading existing
road, and the document that referred to the construction permit could be issued in a few days based
on an application letter from ADR. The application letter for environmental impact assessment
related to the Project has been issued from ADR on October 25, 2018, addressed to DEDD.
The figure below shows the flow of the procedure of implementing the environmental impact
evaluation of Djibouti. Note that the EIA procedure is not necessary in the Project.

Project Progress EIA Procedure

Screening 3) Actor
: Proponent (EdD)
Filing of Project, including Scoping Draft and TOR of EIA : MHUE
Set Up of Expert Group to Verify Consistency of TOR : Project Affected People/ Public
within : Expert Group
Review of TOR 30 days : Ad Hoc Technical Evaluation Committee

Decision on TOR MHUE : Ministry of Housing, Urbanism,

and Environment
DATE : Directorate of Land Planning and
Conditional Admissible Environment

Action to obtain Conducting of Public Consultation/

Favorable Decision EIA Study Hearing 4)

Submission of EIA Report

Re-formation of Expert Group (incl. certified consultants, if

Feasibility Study necessary) for Review of EIA Report within
of Project 1) 15 or 20 days 6)
Review of EIA Report
Inspection 5)

Determination on Environmental Admissibility within

20 days
Conditional Admissible Inadmissible

Conducting of Acceptable Change of Project Plan,

EIA, or Public Hearing or Project Cancellation

Evaluation of Environmental Admissibility within 20 days

Determination on Granting of Environmental Permit

within 20 days

Conditional Admissible Inadmissible

Action to obtain Change of Project Plan, Note:

Favorable Decision or Project Cancellation 1) EIA must be included in the feasibility study.
2) For the activities referred by the Decree No.2011-029/PR/MHUEAT,
an environmental approval is indispensable for the legality of any
Filing for Project administrative authorization.
Issuance of Environmental Permit 3) Screening is a procedure to determine whether a project is subject
Approval 2)
to summary or detailed EIA, or is exempt from the procedure of EIA,
referring to the Annex to the Decree No.2011-029/PR/MHUEAT.
Environmental Environmental 4) Process of public participation for a project is designated by the
Implementation of Monitoring Control MHUE.
Project, if approved 5) Public inspection is conducted by inspectors appointed by the
6) Maximum period is depend on the category of project; within 15 days
Completion of Project Issuance of Environmental Discharge for a summary EIA and within 20 days for a detailed EIA. The required
time for public inspection is not included in the maximum period.

Sourse: Prepared by the Survey Team on the basis of Ordinance No.2011-029

Figure 1-1.19 Environmental Impact Evaluation Implementation Flow

Generlly, after screening by DEDD, maximum 30 days will be required for the operator to submit
the necessary documents including TOR, etc. for environmental impact evaluation to the competent
authority and to obtain approval of TOR, and maximum 80 days for the operator who has conducted
the environmental impact evaluation to submit the report and to obtain the environmental clearance.
Note that practically such period could be much longer because such number of days do not include
the time for addition due to return when TOR modification is required or the time required for
inspection of the environmental impact evaluation report is not included,

(4) System of the Implementing Agency (ADR) related to Environmental and Social
The Project implementing organization, ADR, has no section in charge of environmental and social
considerations and the Design Section is in charge. ADR is a relatively new organization established
in November 2013. In the projects undertaken by ADR in the past, the consultant employed by the
donor undertook the environmental and social considerations. Where implementation of
environmental and social considerations is required in the Project undertaken by ADR, it is
considered difficult to take necessary measures within ADR because of less experience with these
considerations. It is necessary therefore to take measures such as outsourcing the service or to
forming a working group comprising persons experienced in such considerations from government
organizations or local governments. Note that government organizations include Ministry of
Equipment and Transport that is a competent authority above ADR, central government authorities
such as Direction of Environment and Sustainable Development, and Bureau of National Property,
and local government organizations such as the Government of Dikhil Region.
As of 2018, there is no certification system for private consultants to implement the environmental
impact evaluation survey. During hearing at Direction of Environment and Sustainable
Development, it was reported that the private consultants capable of implementing the
environmental impact evaluation survey exist in Djibouti, in which only a few have ever
implemented evaluation according to the Environmental Impact Evaluation Guideline of World
Bank, etc.

1-1-5-1-4 Comparative Review of Alternative Plans

The Project covers improvement of the existing road and is not expected to include substantial
alignment and structural modification. Accordingly, comparative review with alternative plans is
limited to zero option (no project implementation).

Table 1-1.18 Comparative Review of Alternative Plans

Item Project implementation No project implementation
No impact on natural environment because the -
target road wayside is an Acacia-dappled desert
environment without rare animals and plants
No relocation necessary though two communities RN1 is not a community road, but used for backup
exist along the target road; buildings are materials supply, visit of doctors to patients or
distanced more than 10 meters from the road transport of emergency patient. At present, because
environment of heavy damages to the road surface, the transport
speed is substantially suppressed. High-risk
situation, such as delay in transport by vehicle in
case of emergency, etc. continues.
For the economy of Djibouti, the principal source RN1 is the major route connecting the neighboring
of income is the tertiary industry centering country, Ethiopia, to Djibouti Port, with the
around the trading services. Improvement of number of large trucks exceeding 1000
RN1, the important physical distribution route vehicles/day. At present, because of heavy damage
connecting the neighboring country, Ethiopia, to to the road surface, the traveling speed is
Djibouti Port to ensure smooth physical substantially suppressed, with overturn accident
distribution presents substantial positive effects occurring frequently. Such economic loss will
on the economy of Djibouti. continue if the Project is not implemented.
Recommended The Project with almost no impact on the natural No implementation of the Project not
optimum plan and social environment while contributing greatly recommended because RN1 becomes a factor
and to economic growth. It is recommended to hindering the development of industry supporting
justification implement the Project. the country.
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-1-5 Scoping
As shown in Table below, 30 impact items were set according to the JICA Guidelines for
Environmental and Social Considerations (April 2010). A scoping plan was prepared jointly by
ADR and the Survey Team.

Table 1-1.19 Scoping Plan

Class work In Reason for evaluation
During service
Land acquisition, The road is provided totally within the existing road land, so
1 D D that acquisition of land from the private land is totally
resettlement unnecessary. No relocation of resident at all.
The poor exists around the target area, but not so much exposed
2 The poor D D to the impact because the Project is improvement of the
existing road.
Ethnic minorities and D D
No ethnic minorities and indigenous people live in and around
indigenous people the target area.
Regional economy, such Being improvement of the existing road, the Project will exert
4 as employment, means D D almost no negative effect on the regional economy.
of living, etc.
Land utilization and Being improvement of the existing road, the Project will exert
5 utilization of regional D D almost no adverse effects on the existing land utilization or
resources utilization of regional resources.
Groundwater is used temporarily during work, but it is not
known how much such use exerts effects. The possibility of
6 Water use C D
affecting the water use in the neighborhood during use is not
During work: Temporary traffic regulation (bypassing or
Reason for social environment

Existing social alternating traffic) is assumed.

7 infrastructure and social B- D In service: The work that may exert adverse effect on the
services social infrastructure or social service in the service state is not
Social capital and social There is no social capital or social organizations, such as
organization. such as regional decision-making organization in and around the target
8 regional D D area.
organization, etc.
Uneven distribution of D D
Improvement and existence of the road are considered not
damage and benefit presenting uneven damage and benefits to the surrounding area.
Conflict of interest D D
Improvement and existence of the road are considered not
within the region presenting conflict of interests in the surrounding area.
11 Cultural heritage D D No cultural heritage in and around the target area
No aesthetic landscape and tourist sites in and around the target
12 Landscape D D
area. No landscape requiring conservation
It is almost inconceivable that improvement and existence of
13 Gender D D
the road exert negative effect on the gender.
It is almost inconceivable that improvement and existence of
14 Children’s rights D D
the road exert negative effect on the children’s rights.
It is almost inconceivable that improvement and existence of
the road promote spreading of infectious disease. Influx of
Infectious disease such D D workers from other districts is considered limited because the
as HIV/AIDS, etc.
construction work is not large in scale and local workers are
During work: Consideration necessary concerning the work
Work environment environment of construction workers.
16 (including occupational B- B-
safety) In service: Consideration necessary concerning safety
measures during periodic inspection.
Protected areas No natural reserves in and around the target area

17 D D

Almost no effect on the ecosystem because of desert spreading

18 Ecosystem D D mostly in and around the target area, in which there is no rare
animals and plants.

Class work In Reason for evaluation
During service
It is inconceivable that improvement and existence of the road
19 Hydrology D D
cause changes in the flow and river bed of the rivers.
Topography and D D
There will be almost no effect on the topography and geology
geology because large-scale banking or cutting is not proposed.
During work: Temporary deterioration of air quality may be
considered due to construction work.
In service: The improved road causes increase in the traffic
21 Air pollution B- C volume, resulting in increase in the exhaust gas and thus
possible adverse effects on the air quality. Note that, even at
present, there is certain traffic volume, so that the expected
adverse effects would be limited. However the magnitude of
the impact is unknown.
During work: The possibility of water pollution due to oil
leakage from the construction machinery cannot be denied, but
the degree and range of effects would be limited because the
22 Water pollution C D construction work is not large.
In service: Existence of improved road would not cause water
During work: Generation of construction wastes expected
23 Waste B- D In service: No wastes generated by the existence of improved
Pollution control

During work: The possibility of soil contamination due to oil
leakage from the construction machinery cannot be denied, but
the degree and range of effects would be limited because the
24 Soil contamination C D construction work is not large. However the magnitude of the
impact is unknown.
In service: No soil contamination by the existence of improved
During work: Noise and vibration expected due to operation
of the construction machinery. The degree and range of effects
is limited because no large-scale work is proposed.
25 Noise and vibration B- C In service: Improved road causes increase in the traffic
volume, possibly resulting in increase in noise and vibration.
Note that, even at present, there is certain traffic volume, so
that the expected adverse effects would be limited.
It is inconceivable that improvement and existence of the road
26 Subsidence D D
cause ground subsidence,
It is inconceivable that improvement and existence of the road
27 Odor D D
cause offensive odor.
It is inconceivable that improvement and existence of the road
28 Sediment D D
cause adverse effects on the bed materials.
During work: Considerations must be taken to prevent
accident during entry/exit of vehicles related to the work.
In service: Improvement of the road causes increase in the
29 Accident B- C traffic volume, and the possibility of increase in accidents
cannot be denied. Currently, turnover accidents occur

frequently because of worsened road state, so that road

improvement may contrarily reduce the number of accidents.
However the magnitude of the impact is unknown.
It is inconceivable that improvement and existence of road
Cross-border effects and
climate change
D D causes cross-border effects. The effects related to climate
change is almost inconceivable.
A+/-: Significant positive/negative effects possible
B+/-: Not significant, but certain degree of positive/negative effects possible
C: Degree of effects not known. (Further survey is necessary. The degree of effects is identified in the course of
D: Effects not assumed
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team
The effects of the Project implementation was evaluated by classifying them into A+/- (Significant
positive/negative effects possible), B+/- (Not significant, but certain degree of positive/negative
effects possible), C (Degree of effects not known), and D (Effects not assumed). The above effects

were judged to be ‘Not significant, but certain degree of positive/negative effects possible’ and
‘Degree of effects not known’ in terms of nine items (1. water use, 2. existing social infrastructure
and services, 3. work environment, 4. air pollution, 5. water pollution, 6. waste, 7. soil
contamination, 8. noise and vibration, and 9. accident).

1-1-5-1-6 TOR for Environmental and Social Considerations Survey

For eight environmental items judged to be ‘Not significant, but certain degree of positive/negative
effects possible’ and ‘Degree of effects not known’ in the scoping plan, the contents and method of
environmental and social considerations survey were surveyed as shown in the table below.

Table 1-1.20 TOR for Environmental and Social Considerations Survey

Environmental Items Survey Items Survey Method
Water use (1) Effects of water intake for the work on (1) a) Hearing from organizations concerned, b)
water resources survey of existing data
(2) Domestic use state of groundwater (2) a) Site reconnaissance and hearing, b) survey of
existing data
Existing social (1) Confirmation of the effects caused by (1) a) Confirmation of the current use of road, b)
infrastructure and road improvement work work contents, work method, period, position,
social services (2) Well and water pipes installation state range, etc. c) site reconnaissance and hearing
for domestic water supply, and (1) a) Confirmation of current use of wells and
measures to be taken, such as water supply pipes, b) road design, work
relocation, etc. contents, range, c) site reconnaissance and
Work environment (1) Occupational safety measures in the (1) a) Occupational safety examples in the
(including construction site construction site of similar structure, b)
occupational safety) Verification of bylaw and the occupational
(2) In-service occupational safety measures safety guideline of ADR
(periodic inspection and maintenance) (2) Verification of the occupational safety related
bylaw and occupational safety guideline of ADR
Air pollution (1) Confirmation of the effects caused by (1) a) Confirmation of the work content, work
road improvement work method, period, position, and range, b)
confirmation of the type, operating position,
operating period, etc. of construction machinery
Water pollution (1) Groundwater quality (1) a) Hearing from organizations concerned,
b) survey of existing data
(2) Groundwater domestic use state (2) a) Site reconnaissance and hearing,
b) survey of existing data
Waste (1) How to deal with construction wastes (1) a) Hearing from organizations concerned,
b) similar case surveys
Soil contamination (1) Measures to prevent oil leakage during (1) a) Confirmation of the work contents, work
work method, period, position, range, b) Confirmation
of the type, operating position, and operating
period of construction machinery
Noise and vibration (1) Distance from the source to the (1) Site reconnaissance and hearing
residential place (2) a) Confirmation of the work contents, work
(2) Confirmation of the effects by the road method, period, position, range, b) Confirmation
improvement work of the type, operating position, and operating
period of construction machinery
Accident (1) Distribution state of various facilities, (1) Site reconnaissance
such as residential place, hospitals,
schools, and traffic state of surrounding
roads. (2) Confirmation of the work contents, location, etc.
(2) Accident preventive measures, such as of guard rail, caution signs,
ban on access. etc. when the facilities
are put into service
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-1-7 Results of Environmental and Social Considerations Survey
The results of environmental and social consideration survey conducted in the site according to
scoping are shown in the table below:

Table 1-1.21 Results of Environmental and Social Considerations Survey

Results of Survey
Water use Communities around the target area draw up groundwater partially for domestic use. As a result of
hearing from Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock Farming, and Water Resources in charge
of managing the wells, water supply from the neighboring wells is possible at a rate of 30 /h.
Water necessary for the work will be supplied from the deep well to be newly drilled on about 3 km
distanced from the well for the community close to the border. It is important to measure a
groundwater level baseline of community well before the construction and monitor the groundwater
level during the construction to keep the effects on the surrounding communities minimum. In
addition, if the community well suffered water depletion, suspend construction work and consider
another way of water supply.
Existing social Since the traffic flow may be affected during road improvement, it is necessary to take measures,
infrastructure and such as provision of a detour, etc. The detour route which total length is 21.66 m and one lane on
social services one side will be installed along the target road, and since target road and all the surroundings are all
national owned land, there is no privately owned land therefore environmental impact is hardly
Work In addition to the measures to ensure safety in the road improvement site, it is necessary to take
environment safety measures related to in-service periodic inspection and maintenance of the road.
Air pollution No large-scale work is assumed for road improvement, and fine dust is normally observed because
this area is arid. Besides there is no facilities requiring specific considerations, such as a hospital,
etc. in small communities found here and there in the neighborhood. Therefore, air pollution as an
effect of fine dust from the work is expected to be small. It is essential however to take measures to
keep minimum the effects on the surrounding communities during positioning of operating
construction machinery and storage of equipment and machines.
Water pollution There is no river or freshwater lake with running surface water in the neighborhood of the target
area. Though surface water may flow into wadi temporarily during rainfall in the rainy season, the
field survey and hearing from the Direction of Environment and Sustainable Development did not
confirm the use of such surface water for domestic water and agricultural water. Considering the
scale and contents of road improvement, it is almost inconceivable that the Project causes
deterioration of water quality of surface found here and there temporarily.
Wastes No large scale work is assumed. Wastes are expected to occur due to road improvement, such as
wastes like asphalt removed from existing road pavement.
Soil Since no large scale work is assumed, serious soil contamination is not conceivable. However, due
contamination care must be taken to handle oil leakage or waste oil treatment for construction machinery.
Noise and Since small communities are found here and there in the neighborhood, due care must be taken to
vibration keep minimum the noise and vibration of construction machinery, such as a drilling machine, etc.
Accident It is necessary to take the accident preventive measures around small communities during work so
that no unauthorized person enter the site. It is also essential to take in-service measures against
traffic accident because the traffic volume may increase after improvement of the road.
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-1-8 Impact Evaluation

The table below shows the evaluation results of environmental impact on the basis of above
environmental and social considerations survey.

Table 1-1.22 Scoping Plan and Survey Results
Evaluation based
on Survey
During Scoping
Class Reason
Before Before
Work In Work In
During Service During Service
Work Work
Land acquisition,
1 D D N/A N/A
2 The poor D D N/A N/A
Ethnic minorities・
3 D D N/A N/A
indigenous people
Regional economy,
4 such as employment, D D N/A N/A
means of living, etc.
Land utilization and
5 utilization of regional D D N/A N/A
During work: According to hearing on the data of
the well water amount in the neighborhood of
target area, water necessary for the work is
available sufficiently from a new deep well.
Besides the new deep well is positioned on the
6 Water use C D B- D
downstream side of groundwater direction, the
possibility of causing groundwater depletion
during work is small. Anyway due care must be
taken to keep the effects minimum.
In service: No effect assumed
Social environment

During work: Temporary traffic regulation

Existing social
(bypassing or alternating traffic) is assumed during
7 infrastructure and B- D B- D
road improvement.
social services
In service: No effect assumed
Social capital and
social organization.
8 such as regional D D N/A N/A
organization, etc.
Uneven distribution
9 of damage and D D N/A N/A
Conflict of interest
10 D D N/A N/A
within the region
11 Cultural heritage D D N/A N/A
12 Landscape D D N/A N/A
13 Gender D D N/A N/A
14 Children’s rights D D N/A N/A
Infectious disease
15 such as HIV/AIDS, D D N/A N/A
During work: Due care necessary on work
Work environment
environment of workers
16 (including B- B- B- B-
In service: Due care necessary on occupational
occupational safety)
safety during periodic inspection
17 Protected areas D D N/A N/A

18 Ecosystem D D N/A N/A


19 Hydrology D D N/A N/A

Topography and
20 D D N/A N/A
During work: During road improvement, it is
21 Air pollution B- C B- D

necessary to consider suppression of fine dust and

Evaluation based
on Survey
During Scoping
Class Reason
Before Before
Work In Work In
During Service During Service
Work Work
exhaust gas emission from operating construction
machinery, etc.
In service: At present, certain amount of fine
dusts are observed because of arid character of the
place and the traffic amount of 1000 vehicles/day
or more, so that the effect of road improvement is
During work: Though surface water may flow
into wadi in the neighborhood of target area
temporarily during rainfall in the rainy season, the
use of such surface water could not be confirmed.
22 Water pollution C D D N/A
Since no large-scale work is assumed for road
improvement, it is almost inconceivable that the
Project causes deterioration of water quality of
surface found here and there temporarily.
During work:
It is expected that construction waste such as
asphalt and concrete by removing of existing road
is produced, thus it is necessary to dispose them in
23 Waste B- D B- N/A
place along the target section designated by ADR
them appropriately, after crushing them at the
construction site. (Specific place is designated by
ADR after D / D)
During work: Soil contamination possible due to
oil leakage from the construction machinery. It is
24 Soil contamination C D B- N/A
necessary to take measures, such as periodic
inspection, etc.
During work: Noise and vibration expected from
the operating construction machinery. It is
25 Noise and vibration B- C B- N/A
necessary to use the equipment with small noise or
to select the appropriate work hours.
26 Subsidence D D N/A N/A
27 Odor D D N/A N/A
28 Sediment D D N/A N/A
During work: Due care must be taken to prevent
entry of residents into the work site and to prevent
accident of work-related vehicles
29 Accident B- C B- B- In service: Traffic safety measures are necessary

because the traffic accident may increase due to

increase in the traffic volume and in the traveling
Cross-border effects
30 D D N/A N/A
and climate change
A+/-: Significant positive/negative effects possible
B+/-: Not significant, but certain degree of positive/negative effects possible
C: Degree of effects not known. (Further survey is necessary. The degree of effects is identified in the course of
D: Effects not assumed
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-1-9 Costs for Mitigation Measures and Implementation of such Mitigation

Cost distribution for mitigation measures and implementation of such mitigation measures is shown
in the table below.

Table 1-1.23 Cost for Mitigation Measures and Implementation of Mitigation Measures
Implementing Responsible
No Impact Item Mitigation Measures (Draft) Cost
Agency Organization
1 Water use During work: Developing a new deep Contractor/ ADR Included in the
well about 3 km distance from the ADR total project
community, Measuring deep well water cost
level before construction, Periodic
monitoring of well water level. If
community well suffered water depletion,
suspend construction work and consider
another way of water supply.
2 Existing social During work: Securing the traffic flow Contractor ADR ditto
infrastructure and by providing detour during road
social services improvement
3 Work environment During work: Provision of safety Contractor/ ADR Included in the
(including equipment such as helmet and/or ADR total project
occupational safety) barricade to prevent work accident, safety cost, and the
training for workers annual
In service: Provision of safety equipment facilities
to prevent work accident, training for administration
workers by means of periodic inspection costs of ADR
and maintenance manual
4 Air pollution During work: Reduction of fine dusts by Contractor ADR Included in the
periodic water spraying around the total project
community (approximately three times a cost
day), by providing protective sheet.
Reduction of nitrogen oxide generation by
efficient operation of construction
5 Waste During work: Contractor ADR ditto
It is expected that construction waste such
as asphalt and concrete by removing of
existing road is produced, thus it is
necessary to dispose them in place along
the target section designated by ADR
them appropriately, after crushing them at
the construction site. (Specific place is
designated by ADR after D / D)
6 Soil contamination During work: Work around community Contractor ADR ditto
to be executed only in daytime. Periodic
maintenance and inspection of heavy
machinery and office vehicles
7 Noise and vibration During work: Periodic maintenance and Contractor ADR ditto
inspection of heavy machinery and office
8 Accident During work: Guard staffs to be Contractor/ ADR ditto
deployed at the entrance/exit of trucks and ADR
work-related vehicles into ordinary road
In service: Guard rail and caution signs to
be installed
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-1-10 Environmental Management Plan, Monitoring Plan

The Project is to improve the existing road and no large-scale work is expected. But such effect is
limited. To mitigate the impacts on the existing social infrastructure and services during work, to
ensure thorough execution of safety measures in the work site, and to suppress generation of air
pollution and wastes, it is essential that the construction agreement documents contain adequately
the specifications of work method and the items of monitoring to be undertaken with the
responsibility of the contractor. It is also essential to establish the construction management system
ensuring reliable monitoring.

The monitoring plan of the Project is shown below.

Table 1-1.24 Monitoring Plan

Environment Item Item Location Frequency Method
[During work]
Approval and Comments from the Communities around Once/month Hearing ADR
license, government agency and the target area, and
explanation to residents and communities work site
local residents
Water use Water level of groundwater Work site Once/month Simple ADR
Existing social Traffic flow Work site Once/month Visual method Contractor
infrastructure and hearing
and services
Work Implementation status of Work site Once/month Hearing Contractor
environment Safety measures
Air pollution Implementation status of Work site on the Twice/month Visual method Contractor
Suppression of fine dusts underground line and hearing
(water spraying three times
a day)
Waste Waste treatment status Work site Twice/month Hearing Contractor
Soil Implementation status of Work site Twice/month Hearing Contractor
contamination Waste soil treatment
Noise and Noise Residential area Twice/month Simple Contractor
vibration around work site on measuring
the underground line instrument,
Accident Implementation status of Entry/exit of Twice/month Visual method Contractor
Traffic safety measures work-related vehicles and hearing
to the ordinary road
[In service]
Work Safety measures Target road Twice/year Hearing ADR
Accident Installation condition of Target road Twice/year Visual method ADR
Safety measures and hearing
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-1-11 Consultation among Stakeholders

Consultation was made among Dikhil Governor, Yoboki village chief, and Survey Team on April 25
2018, where the Project contents were shared. Full cooperation was provided for the Project,
including explanation to local residents, securing of waste disposal site, etc. Communication to
residents was determined to be done by the Dikhil Governor and Yoboki village chief. Discussions
were held several times between Ministry of Habitat, Urban Planning, and Environment and
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock Farming, and Water Resources to share the Project
contents and exchange opinions. They presented no particular objections and were cooperative.
On the basis of above review items and the latest local situation, ADR decided the design policy. At
a time of the second field survey of the Project preparatory survey, that is, when DFR presented
explanation and discussion, the final design and specifications of the Project were provided to ADR.
Before work start, ADR should explain the Project outline, project validity, results of study of
alternative plans, expected negative effects, etc. for environmental and social consensus building. It
is recommended to hold the stakeholder meeting to establish the Project implementation system,
Major stakeholders are as follows.

Table 1-1.25 Major Stakeholders of the Project
Major stakeholders
Central government ADR (Ministry of Equipment and Transport)
agencies Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock Farming, and Water Resources
Ministry of Habitat, Urban Planning, and Environment
Related organization Telecommunication Corporation
Dikhil Governor, Yoboki village chief
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-2 Land Acquisition and Resettlement

1-1-5-2-1 Necessity of Land Acquisition and Resettlement

As described in 1-1-5.4 “Comparative review of alternative plans” and 1-1-5.5 “Scoping,” the
Project does not require acquisition from private land at all because the partial widening of the road
as well as access road for the work site and construction equipment storage are all within the
premises of the existing road or government-owned land. Since there is no buildings in the vicinity
of the target road, there is no possibility of residents relocation at all.

1-1-5-2-2 Legal Framework concerning Land Acquisition

The land of Djibouti is roughly classified into the registered land (terres immatriculées) and
unregistered land (terres non immatriculées). The former is the land owned by individual persons,
legal entities, or the government while the latter is vacnat lands without owners (terres vacantes et
sans maître). The latter is considered belonging to the nation. The registered land is the one
transferred from the country and is thus provided with permanent ownership. The authority of the
land management is assigned to the Department of domains and land retention (Direction des
domaines et de la conservation foncière), Ministry of Budget, which is in charge of management of
registered land, management of national land including vacant land, and oversees lotting-out and
registration. Note that mapping of registered land for management is made only for urbanized areas
in Djibouti City.
Unregistered land may include those whose possessory right is temporary assigned to the individual
person or legal entities by the local government (Prefecture). The ownership of such land with
approved temporary possessory right is after all in the hand of government, and no permanent
structure can be constructed there. Since the temporary posssessory right can be assigned
independently by the prefectural authorities without making inquiry to the central government
agencies, so that the Department of domains and land retention cannot grasp the state of such
assignment. Though the Prime Minister’s Office instructed the local authorities to stop such
assignment of temporary possessory right in 1997, such assignment is still under way customarily.
Note that temporary possessory right is allowed on condition that the approved structure is installed
within three months.
When ADR is to acquire the easement of any unregistered land (national land) for road, ADR must
first check at the local authorities for the land with temporary possessory right, perform
compensation if there is any possessor, and apply to the Department of domains and land retention.
In response to application from ADR, the Bureau drafts the Executive Order concerning assignment

of the easement and presents it before discussions in the Prime Minister’s Office. The draft finally
becomes effective after signature by the President. On the other hand, for expropriation of registered
land, ADR will prepare the inventory of lands concerned and apply for land expropriation to the
Bureau. In response to application from ADR, the Bureau drafts the Executive Order and presents it
before discussions in the Prime Minister’s Office. The draft finally becomes effective as the
Executive Order concerning land expropriation after signature by the President. Land expropriation
can now be implemented. According to the Bureau, about one month will be necessary, in the case
of acquisition of easement, from application to the effectuation of the Executive Order and about
one month will be necessary, in the case of acquisition of private land, from application to the
effectuation of the Executive Order.
The land acquisition related legal system of Djibouti is shown below.

Table 1-1.26 Land Acquisition related Legal System of Djibouti

Class Laws
Fixing the procedures for the application of the laws relating to land tenure Law No.178/1991
Loi n° 178/AN/91 2eL fixant les modalités d’application des lois relatives au régime foncier
Organization of land ownership Law No.177/1991
Loi n° 177/AN/91 2eL portant organisation de la propriété foncière
Laws Organization of the private domain of the State Law No.173/ 1991
Loi n° 173/AN/91 2eL portant organisation du domaine privé de l’État
Regulating expropriation for public purposes Law No.172/1991
Loi n° 172/AN/91 2eL réglementant l’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique
Fixing and organizing the public domain Law No.171/1991
Loi n° 171/AN/91 2eL portant fixation et organisation du domaine public
Defining the attributions and the composition of the National Commission of the Property Ownership
Bylaw No.469/2012
Arrêté n°2012-0469/PR/SECL définissant les attributions et la composition de la Commission nationale
Bylaws de la Propriété Foncière
Final concession of all the subdivisions of the capital Bylaw No.500/2010
Arrêté n°2010-0500/PR/MEFPCP relatif à la concession définitive de l’ensemble des lotissments de la
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-1-5-2-3 Scale and Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Though the road width is not to be stipulated legally, ADR plans to set the basic width of the Project
to 11.5 m. The existing right-of-way (ROW) has a width of a total 50 m, 25 m from the road
centerline on one side, and most of the sections for road improvement of the Project fall within this
scope. For the section (PK213+740 to PK214+040) about 300 m from the end point at Galafi (PK
217+890) up to to 3.85km to 4.15km points, the alignment is proposed to be improved along with
new construction of river-crossing structure, so that maximum about 30 m width in this section will
be out of ROW. Namely, ADR must request assignment of easement of this section to the Bureau,
It is already confirmed that there is no resident around the section for which the easement must be
assigned newly. Prior to application, ADR should ask Prefectures of Djibouti and Dikhil to confirm
that no temporary possessory right is assigned to the above land. Later on, ADR is to execute the
procedure of acquiring the easement for the required section by requesting by writing the Bureau.
This procedure must be taken by commencement of the work.
The location requiring acquirement of the easement by taking procedure to the Bureau is shown


Current ROW

Area requiring acquirement of

ROW(Maximum 30m wifth)

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 1-1.20 Section Requiring Acquirement of the Easement for ROW in the Project

1-1-5-2-4 Others

(1) Complaint Handling Mechanism

When the residents or communities around the target road present complaint during implementation
of the Project, ADR, the implementing Agency, should identify the appropriate person in charge of
complaint prior to construction to ensure rapid handling acceptable to the affected residents.
The complaint handling procedure must be thoroughly communicated to enable quick response to
complaining affected residents. (For example, if the notice letter is handed over to illiterate person,
a reliable intermediator should explain details orally). The person in charge of complaint handling is
obliged to inform his own name and address to all affected residents and take, with his responsibility,
appropriate measures for any complaint from affected residents.
The residents and communities lodge a complaint against ADR, if they have any complaint during
implantation of the Project. The implementing Agency should identify the detail of complaint as
soon as it accepts and conduct a study on the solution, after verifying a fact and cause. When a
solution issued by the person in-charge of complaint is agreed by the residents or communities,
implement the solution and verify result. On the other hand, if the residents and communities are not
satisfied with the solution given by the person in- charge of complaints, the affected residents or
communities can lodge a complaint in court.

(2) Proposed Monitoring Form

For the monitoring items needed in the Project, ADR should report the monitoring results
periodically on the basis of report from the contractors during the work period and by implementing,
with its responsibility, environmental measurement, hearing, etc. when the Project is put into service.

The in-service report period will be one year after opening for service.
The proposed monitoring form related to the Project is shown below.

[During work]
1) Approval and license, explanation to residents
Monitoring item State during report period
Response to comments from residents and communities
Response to comments from government agencies

2) Water use (groundwater)

Measure- Remarks
Monitoring item (unit) Baseline ment (Measurement location, frequency, method)
Water amount supplied from the well
of village and communities (−m)
Monitoring item State during report period
Response to comments from residents and communities

3) Existing social infrastructure and services (traffic flow)

Monitoring item State during report period
Traffic regulation, deployment of staff, etc. at the road
crossing point during work
Response to comments from residents and communities

4) Work environment (safety measures)

Monitoring item State during report period
Safety measures, work accident in the work site
Response to comments from the field workers

5) Air quality (implementation status of suppression of fine dusts)

Monitoring item State during report period
Suppression of fine dusts at work site by water spraying
three times a day at construction site)
Response to comments from residents and communities

6) Waste
Monitoring item State during report period
Construction wastes (including construction waste soil)
disposal process based on EMP

7) Soil contamination (implementation status of soil contamination treatment)

Monitoring item State during report period
Periodic inspection of construction machinery
Waste oil treatment

8) Noise and vibration (noise)
Item (unit) Measured Measured Local Referenced Remarks
value value standard international standard (measurement location,
(average) (maximum) (WHO) frequency, method)
Noise (dB) 50dB 70dB 70dB 70dB

Monitoring item State during report period

Response to comments from residents and communities

9) Accident (implementing status of traffic safety)

Monitoring item State during report period
Traffic safety measures at entry/exit of work-related
vehicles to the ordinary road
State of traffic accident attributed to the work

[In service]
1) Work environment (safety measures)
Monitoring item State during report period
Safety training to periodic inspection and maintenance
Accident occurrence state during periodic inspection and

2) Accident (installation condition of safety equipment)

Monitoring item State during report period
Safety measures in the transmission facilities (guard rail,
caution sign)
Event of entry of unauthorized personnel

(3) Environment Check List

The following environment check list has been prepared jointly by ADR and the Survey Team.
Noted that it is not confirmed by JICA and ADR on content of 1-1-5 Environmental and Social

1-2 Background and Outline of Grant Aid

Djibouti with a population of about 993,000 (2017, DISED) is a geopolitically important country
facing the Gulf of Aden at the inlet of the Red Sea. With Ethiopia continuing economic growth at an
annual rate of 10% these days in the hinterland, Djibouti Port supports the central government
finance by its port revenue and acts as a start point of Djibouti Corridor, the physical distribution
network toward Ethiopia. Djibouti Port functions as a gateway of the region.
Of four axes of the Five-year Plan “Strategy of Accelerated Growth and Promotion of Employment
(2015 – 2019) (hereinafter referred to as “SCAPE”), which is the implementation strategy of the
national development plan of Djibouti, the “Economic Growth through Economic Infrastructure
Development and Strengthening of Competitive Power of Private Sector” was highlighted as the
first axe. And the highlighted vital strategy in the transport sector included promotion of
development of highly competitive international physical distribution network and improvement of
domestic transport network to promote domestic regional development and disparity adjustment.
However, the pavement ratio of 1,194 km national road is only 43% (source: Preparatory Survey
Report for “Road Management Equipment Development Project (2016).” SCAPE considers it
important issues to enhance the pavement ratio and to improve the road conditions.
RN1 of Djibouti is the most vital trunk road in length of 219 km connecting Capital Djibouti in
which Djibouti Port is located to Galafi on the border to Ethiopia, though which more than 90% of
import cargoes of Ethiopia pass (source: Data Collection Survey for Djibouti Corridor report (2017).
RN1 is an arterial road of Djibouti Corridor. Though RN1 is entirely paved, there are excessively
increasing number of pot holes, shoulder damage, break-away of pavement, etc., which are due to
increase in passing vehicles by two times (as estimated by ADR from the customs information) at
Galafi on the border during 4 years from 2013 to 2017. In particular, around Galafi, traffic
congestion occurs that is caused by customs clearance services. Large trucks are to run over the
pavement edges to avoid stopped vehicles, accelerating shoulder damages. This in turn requires time
for passage and results in failure of securing the safe traveling of large trucks. In this context, the
Project to improve the bottleneck section of RN1 that plays a nucleus role in Djibouti’s international
physical distribution network may be positioned as contributing to strengthening of the international
physical distribution as intended by SCAPE.
In response to the above situation, the Government of Djibouti issued, in December 2017, an
official request for the Grant Aid for the improvement of RN1 to Japan.
In response to the request, Japan International Cooperation Agency conducted the preparatory
survey for Grant Aid.

1-3 Trends of Japanese Assistance

(1) Japan’s Assistance Policy

Djibouti is strategically situated for marine transportation connecting Asia, Africa and Europe. Even
in the unstable African Corner, it has maintained stability since the peacebuilding in 2001 and it has
good foreign relations with Japan and other countries. The Djibouti Port is also one of the main

distribution bases in East Africa to Ethiopia and South Sudan and other neighboring nations and the
country plays a critical role for continuing a steady economic growth in East Africa that promotes
economic integration and partnership. Japan regards ODA to the country is significant as it will help
solve the various domestic challenges, promote stability and development, and contribute to stable
development of international economy including East Africa and Japan.
As the country is a distribution base in East Africa and actively tackling such international
challenges as antipiracy measures. Japan takes the following three areas as the focal areas:

I. Economic and social infrastructure development for sustainable growth.

II. Capacity building to support economic and social development.
III. Promotion of efforts for regional stability.
The Project coincides with “I. Economic and social infrastructure development for sustainable
growth” among the three focal areas mentioned above.

(2) Related Assistance Plans by Japan

Table 1-3.1 below provides a summary of past projects similar to the Project.

Table 1-3.1 Similar Projects Implemented by Japan.

Fiscal Year
Project Title (Project g Agency Project Summary Note
Subjects for road
Procurement of road maintenance equipment:
Road Equipment maintenance equipment Maintenance and
Fiscal Year Ministry of (bulldozers, wheel management of roads
improvement 1993 Public Works
Project of Djibouti loaders, motor graders, implemented by the Public
· Urban Works Bureau,
(tentative tile) (About 6.2 tire rollers, vibratory
billion yen) Planning and rollers, water trucks, improvement of gravel
(ordinary grant aid) Housing roads, maintenance of
dump trucks, concrete
mixers, etc.) drainage and sewerage
paths in urban areas
Road maintenance
Road Equipment (RN1 and RN2)
Fiscal Year Ministry of Procurement of
improvement Public Works Total extension of roads to
1996 - 1998 equipment for road be improved (13.63 km
Project of Djibouti · Urban
(tentative tile) (About 20.6 maintenance (vibrating [RN1: 5.1 km, RN2: 8.53
billion yen) Planning and rollers, watering cars, km])
(ordinary grant aid) Housing
workshop tools,
supplementary parts
Road maintenance
equipment (Bulldoza,
Excavator, Wheel loader, Road maintenance
Fiscal Year Facilities Motor grader, Asphalt
The Project for Department equipment subject: road
Improvement of 2015 finisher, Dump truck, maintenance and
of Asphalt plant etc.) and
Road Management (About Transportatio implementation of road
Equipment 1.239 Workshop equipment stations and gravel
n and Road (Electric welding
(ordinary grant aid) billion yen) pavement road
Bureau machine, Alternator · maintenance
Starter testing machine
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

1-4 Assistance Trends of Other Donors

The donor activities in the road and transportation fields related to this program are as follows.

Table 1-4.1 Activities of International Organizations and Other Donors

(Roads and Transport Areas)
Organization Target Area Summary
Infrastructure renovation project including roads in District
World Bank Djibouti city 7 in Djibouti City. It is currently underway to be completed
by 2019.
Road renovation project of 52 km section from Arta to
Mouloud (branch point with RN5) among RN1. The
RN (Arta - project has been completed in 2015. As the RN1 section is
Mouloud) the most recently renovated part, it is a section where the
pavement situation is good within the national highway of
219 km.
This road is parallel to the north side of RN1, and this
project is positioned as an international trunk road leading
Kuwait RN 11
to Ethiopia. Currently it is in the planning stage, design
section, time, project cost etc. are undecided yet.
The railway train connecting the Ethiopian capital Addis
China Southern Djibouti Ababa and Djibouti. It has already started operation in
February 2018.
Source: ADR



Chapter 2 Contents of the Project

2-1 Basic Concept of the Project

2-1-1 Superior Objective and Project Goals

RN1 of Djibouti is the most vital trunk road in length of 219 km connecting Capital Djibouti where
Djibouti Port is located to Galafi on the border to Ethiopia, and it is the main artery of Djibouti
corridor where more than 90% of import cargoes from Ethiopia pass (Source: Data Collection
Survey for Djibouti Corridor report 2017). Though RN1 is entirely paved, there are excessively
increasing number of pot holes, shoulder damage, reveling of pavement, etc., which are due to
increase in passing vehicles by two times (as estimated by ADR from the customs information) at
Galafi on the border during 4 years from 2013 to 2017. In particular, around Galafi, traffic
congestion occurs that is caused by customs clearance services. Large trucks are to run over the
pavement edges to avoid stopped vehicles, accelerating shoulder damages. This in turn requires time
for passage and results in failure of securing the safe traveling of large trucks.

The Government of Djibouti has developed a long-term development plan, “Vision Djibouti 2035,”
and a medium-term plan, SCAPE, covering the period from 2015 to 2019. The latter plan
proposes development of a competitive international physical distribution network for the transport
and traffic sector, aiming at increasing the national road asphalt paving rate up to 82% by 2019. In
this context, the Project to improve the bottleneck section of RN1 that plays a nucleus role in
Djibouti’s international physical distribution network may be positioned as contributing to
strengthening of the international physical distribution as intended by SCAPE.

To contribute to achieving the superior objective, the Project aims at smoothing of the traffic in the
surrounding area of the border and at improvement of accessibility to the outside of the region by
undertaking the road improvement of the particularly damaged portion near the border within 100
km section from Dikhil to the border to Ethiopia in RN1 where pavement is being increasingly

2-1-2 Outline of the Project

To achieve the above Project goals, the Project will be undertaken for the 20.69 km target section
(see the location map in the first page) from the point of the Ethiopia border toward Yoboki. Within
the target section, the existing ford-crossing structure that has caused flooding during rain to make
passage impossible will be renewed to box culvert structures and, in addition, various ancillary
facilities will be provided to ensure the traffic safety, achieving the high-level international trunk
road enabling all-weather travelable road. It is expected that the passengers and cargoes increase,
the required traveling time will be reduced, the period when the traffic is impossible is eliminated,
and the safe traffic space is secured in the target area.

Table 2-1-1 shows the outline of input of the Project.

Table 2-1.1 Outline of the Input of the Project

Item Input
Road improvement with hot mix asphalt (excluding the area around the
Road improvement near the border facilities by cement concrete pavement 415m
Development of the river-crossing structure (box culvert) of wadi 7 points
Development of the stormwater drainage facilities (box culvert) 33 point
Development of ancillary facilities, such as signs, guard rails, road marking.
1 set
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

2-2 Outline Design of the Japanese Assistance

2-2-1 Design Policy

(1) Basic Policy

For the target road section, about 20 km will be covered by the Project, with sections established
according to two conditions as follows:

The end point of development section will be a point on the border to Ethiopia.
The start point of development section will be established at a 20 km point along the existing
road from the above end point. This point will be set within a straight section allowing safe

On the basis of conditions described above and after negotiation with the Djiboutian counterpart,
the basic policy will be to undertake the improvement of existing road within the above section,
with the Project start point at 20.69 km from the point on the border to Ethiopia toward Yoboki. (For
the result of alignment comparison with the new route, see 2-2-4-2 Facilities Plan (1) Alignment

For the road structure of the target section, the hot mix asphalt pavement generally employed due to
construction material procurement and construction situations in Djibouti will be chosen. Note that,
in certain sections passing through the border facilities, the concrete pavement proving highly
resistive against static load to be applied repeatedly on the pavement surface will be used. This is
because wheel action, etc. is normally observed while large vehicles are running with low speed or
are stopped during traffic congestion by vehicles waiting for customs clearance. It is also planned to
introduce the refuge lane for certain section causing traffic congestion in the neighborhood of the
customs office, thereby mitigating traffic congestion.

(2) Policy Concerning natural Environmental Conditions

The Republic of Djibouti in which the Project is to be implemented has two seasons: the dry season
from May to September and the wet season from October to April. Since the annual rainfall is
extremely small at about 150 mm, project implementation is considered not much affected even in
the wet season. On the other hand, the June – August period is the intensely hot season causing

execution of the construction work in the extremely severe environment in the area concerned.
Therefore, it is essential to establish a construction plan while taking into account decrease in the
construction speed, restriction of the work contents, etc. Table 2-2.1 shows the monthly mean
temperature data.

Table 2-2.1 Monthly Mean Temperatures

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mean max. temperature 29.8 31.0 32.2 34.2 38.2 41.7 43.9 43.3 39.3 35.1 32.2 30.7
Mean min. temperature 21.6 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.1 29.4 31.2 30.7 28.9 25.7 23.1 21.7
Mean temperature 25.1 25.6 27.0 28.8 31.0 33.6 36.0 35.1 32.6 29.3 26.9 25.6
Source:Data of the National Meteorological Observatory in Djibouti Airport (2002 to 2012)

(3) Policy concerning Construction/Procurement Situations

Djibouti has no standard concerning the road design, so that the Project will apply the Japanese
standard respectively to the geometric design, pavement design, drainage design, and structural
design. For the type of signs and road markings, the French standards as employed conventionally
will be followed.

Concerning the situations of procuring construction equipment and materials in Djibouti, leasing
companies and market are extremely limited. It is a common practice to import the construction
equipment and materials from foreign countries (Europe and America, Dubai, Ethiopia, China, etc.)
for each project. Accordingly, the construction equipment and materials will be planned while
taking into account the possibility of local procurement and the procurement costs.

There are no accommodation facilities for the Japanese and third-country work staffs to live in the
neighborhood of the site. Before commencement of the work, it is necessary to consider establishing
the work camp complete with the accommodation facilities and other living environment. Moreover,
there is no medical facilities around the site, and the nearest hospital is within Dikhil City. The
system must therefore be established to ensure the minimum first-aid and emergency transport of
patients in case of medical crisis and injured personnel.

(4) Policy on the Operation and Maintenance

The Dikhil Compound of ADR (Direction des Travaux) is in charge of the maintenance of the target
section. This base is about 80 km distanced from the start point of the target section, and it will take
about four hours one way due to poor road conditions. The policy will basically focus on mitigation
of the maintenance burden after road development as much as practicable.

In the context of mitigating the burden of maintenance, the policy to be taken into account in design
of various facilities will be as follows:

To prevent early deterioration and damage of pavement, the road design involves establishment of
the pavement composition on the basis of survey results on the axle load. To improve the resistance
against fluidity, wear, and raveling, and to enhance adhesion to aggregates, and deflection
traceability, on the other, the road surface design uses modified asphalt to achieve the pavement
superior in durability.

For a part of section passing through the border facilities, substantial reduction of the maintenance
cost will be attempted by employing a concrete pavement (maintenance free for 50 years) highly
resistive against static load.

In the river-crossing structure design, the box culvert bottom plate is provided with the grade
enough to prevent accumulation of soils and steel pipes will be arranged to the front of its bulkhead
to protect is from direct collision of flowing stones, minimizing the impact on the structure.

(5) Policy concerning the Grade of the Facilities

The international physical distribution network superior in serviceability and durability will be
established while securing the sufficient width and pavement compositions and by taking into
account the significance of RN1, impact of damage, traffic characteristics comprising mainly large
cargoes, etc.

(6) Policy concerning the Construction/Procurement Methods, and Construction


The policy concerning the construction and procurement methods and the construction schedule of
the Project is shown below:

To construct a detour so as to construct the target road without affecting the traffic flow of
the existing road using materials available in the field, and to ensure safe, adequate and
economic construction.
To prepare a construction plan by taking construction materials readily procured locally in
the neighborhood of target area into account.
To establish an efficient construction schedule by considering the scope of the work to enable
easy material procurement and simultaneous construction, in addition to the construction
plan schedule for early commencement.
To plan the facilities that do not require any special construction machinery or technology
will be planned by taking into account the maintenance capability of recipient country.
To thoroughly consider the social environment and securing of the traffic safety for
development of a construction plan.

Among work materials described above, those procurable locally will be water and crushed stone.
The following points will be taken into account on the basis of situations around the target area and
the contents of the work.

As the target area is the arid desert area except for certain flooded areas, groundwater will be taken
for water used during construction by drilling wells newly. This plan will have to include such well
drilling work in the entire process.

Concerning crushed stones, locally-available materials (surplus gravelly soil) determined to be good
quality will be used for roadbed and subbase materials to reduce the cost and to shorten the
construction schedule.

2-2-2 Basic Plan

2-2-2-1 Overall Plan

The overall layout plan based on the above policies is described below.

(1) Scope of the Project

The scope of the Project covers the 20.69 km section from the border. Specifically, this is 20.69 km
section from the concrete pile which shows the actual border position located within the border
buffer zone between two countries, toward Yoboki up to area around the Djiboutian Telecom steel
tower. It has been agreed with ADR that the boundary concrete pile at the end point was established
at PK217 + 890 after calculation of the distance such that observation points were consistent with
existing kiloposts in the EU-backed section. The (concrete made) kiloposts, each corresponding to
these points, were arranged every 1 km.

End Road to be developed L=20.69km) Start

point point


Border pile
representing the end

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.1 Section covered by the Project

(2) Design Standard

Djibouti has no standard for the road design. Therefore, in the Project, the Japanese standards
applies basically to the geometric design, pavement design, drainage design, and structural design.
Note that, for the signs and road markings, the French standard commonly employed locally applies.
For the cross-section composition, the designs will be established so that the consistency with the
sections adjacent to the target section of the Project is ensured.

Road geometric design : Japanese standard (Road Structure Ordinance)

Pavement design : Japanese standard (Guideline for Pavement Design and Construction,
Handbook for Pavement Design, etc.)
Drainage design : Japanese standard (Guideline for Drainage Work)
River-crossing structures : Japanese standard (Guideline for Culvert Work)
Guardrails: EU standard. Japanese standard for installation conditions (Standard and
Explanation of Guardrail Installation)
Signs and road markings : French standard. Japanese standard for installation conditions
(Standard and Explanation of Road Signs Installation)

(3) Road Geometric Design

The design speed is basically 80 km/h, but will be reduced to 50 km/h for the hilly 5 km section
around the border. This is because the existing alignment of this section includes relatively small
curve radius without any spiral curves and because the vehicles are to be stopped finally at the
border facilities. The major road geometric design elements of the Project are shown in Table 2-2.2.

Table 2-2.2 Major Road Geometric Design Elements

RN 1
General Around the Border
Item Unit
(PK197+200 to (PK212+890 to
PK212+890) PK217+890)
Design speed km/h 80 50
Minimum curve radius m 280 100
Maximum grade % 4 6
Minimum grade % 0.3 0.3
Minimum vertical curve Convex m 3,000 800
radius Concave m 2,000 700
Carriageway cross slope % 2.0 2.0
Shoulder cross slope % 2.0 2.0
Maximum superelevation % 10 10
Minimum stopping sight distance m 140 65
Minimum passing sight distance m 350 200
Limit curve radius allowing
m 900 350
omission of spiral curve
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

2-2-2-2 Road Plan

(1) Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Plans

1) Horizontal Alignment

In order to minimize interference with existing facilities, such as roadside houses and underground
utilities, and the work volume, the horizontal alignment will basically follow the existing road
alignment. However, for the area around Galafi Wadi about 4 km from the border, the alignment
will be shifted slightly by taking into account the river-crossing structure position.

For the section of about 5 km from PK205 to 210 as shown in Figure 2-2.2, the road runs on the flat
land and has no wayside obstructions. Pavement of the existing road is maintained in a relatively
satisfactory state. Therefore, the existing road may be used as a detour during the construction and a
new road may be planned beside the existing one. For this 5 km section, two proposals have been
compared and studied as shown in the comparison table of Table 2-2.3. The first proposal of
constructing the planned road over the existing one and of constructing the temporary road on the
side of the planned road is considered superior in terms of drainage, landscape, maintenance, and
work costs.

P K217+8 90 整
Road 備
to 対
be 象 道 路 (L
= .
6 9
k m
20.69 )

P K19 7+90
Start point
End po int

Section for comp arisonL = 5.0 k m

RN 1

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.2 Section for Comparison

Table 2-2.3 Comparison Table of Road Construction Methods (PK205∼210)

Proposal 1 Proposal 2
Planned road Existing road Planned road

Existing road (used

(usedasasaa bypass during Alignment
detour during
construction work)
construction) shift
Detour road

Planned road to be constructed over the existing Planned road to be constructed on the side of the
one existing one
Temporary road for use during work to be The existing road to be repaired and used as a
provided on the side of existing road bypass during work
1 month for construction of temporary road + 6 6.5 months for construction of planned road
Construction months for construction of planned road (including repair of the existing road) + 0.5
period (including removal of existing culvert) = 7 months for removal of existing culvert) = 7
months months
No particular problem The existing culvert under the existing road
may possibly become a bottleneck for
drainage if not removed after construction of
the existing road.
No particular problem Old road left after construction of planned
Landscape road may not be acceptable in terms of
Traffic Traffic capacity enough to meet the traffic Traffic capacity enough to meet the traffic
capacity volume with two lanes in 20 years is ensured. volume with two lanes in 20 years is ensured.
Maintenance will have to cover two lanes, so Old road will not be used after construction of
that the maintenance cost will be equivalent to the planned road. Maintenance will have to
that of Proposal 2. cover two lanes, so that the maintenance cost
will be equivalent to that of Proposal 1.
[Main line/1km] [Main line /1km]
1) Roadbed embankment work:1,600m3×¥244 1) Roadbed embankment work:9,000m3×¥244
= ¥ 400,000 = ¥2.2 million
2) Subbase course:2,000m2×¥3,470 2) Subbase course:10,000m2×¥3,470
= ¥ 7 million =¥ 34.7 million
Construction 3) Base course:10,000m2×¥1,457 3) Base course:10,000m2×¥1,457
cost = ¥ 14.6 million = ¥ 14.6 million
4) Binder course:10,000m2×¥1,863 4) Bindr course:10,000m2×¥1,863
= ¥18.6 million = ¥ 18.6 million
5) Surface course:10,000m2×¥1,388
= ¥13.9 million 5) Surface course:10,000m2×¥1,388
= ¥13.9 million

Proposal 1 Proposal 2
[Detour/1km] [Partial repair of existing road/1km]
1) Macadam:9,000m2×¥1,695= ¥15.3 million 1) Macadam:3,000m2×¥1,695= ¥5 million
Total ¥63.5 million/km (1.0) Total ¥89 million/km (1.4)
Total construction cost for 21km: Total construction cost for 21km:
¥1.33 billion (1.0) ¥1.46 billion (1.1)
Determined to be superior to Proposal 2 from Determined to be inferior to Proposal 1 from
overall viewpoint overall viewpoint
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

2) Vertical Alignment

For vertical alignment, slight raising fill will be made from the existing road level by taking into
account the following points:

Basically, the pavement of existing road will be used as the subbase course, and the proposed
level will be set in such a manner that the required pavement thickness is secured over
existing pavement.
The vertical alignment will be established so that the required covering can be secured over
the crossing culvert to be installed.
The existing road partially structured as a ford crossing type will be changed to cross the
river through culvert, and the proposed level is planned correspondingly. Note that the
river-crossing structure of the ford-crossing section will be detailed in 2-2-2-4, River
Structure Plan.
When the vertical alignment of existing road does not comply with the geometric design
standard, the former will be reviewed till it complies with the latter.

(2) Composition of Cross Section

The target section of the Project will have the carriageway width of 3.75 m (equivalent to the
special value of Type 1, Road Structure Ordinance) by taking into account 1) large trucks
occupying most of vehicles running through this section and 2) conformity with the adjacent
sections (design completed). For the shoulder, the width of 1.25 m will be planned to allow parking
of disabled cars there while ensuring traffic of large vehicles in both directions while considering
harmonization with the above adjacent sections (the road width: 10.0 m). Note that the required soft
shoulder with the width of 0.75 m will be added for protection at the pavement end and in the space
of road facilities.

The composition of typical cross section based on the above description is shown in Figure 2-2.3.

Road width

Carriageway width

Soft shoulder Shoulder Carriageway Carriageway Shoulder Soft shoulder

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.3 Typical Cross Section

2-2-2-3 Pavement Plan

(1) Design Period, Reliability

The design period for pavement is often set at 15 years in the African region. Considering the
importance of the road concerned, however, the design period will be 20 years as generally
employed for trunk roads in Japan and the reliability will be 90% according to the similar policy.

(2) Design Traffic Volume

The study conducted 24-hour traffic counts on two weekdays and a weekend by categorizing the
vehicles into eight types. Table 2-2.4 shows the result of the traffic counts.

Table 2-2.4 Traffic Survey Result (As of May, 2018)

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8
Survey Full- Semi- Total
Full-trai Semi-tra Trailer trailer Heavy Light Bus Car
Direction ler iler truck truck
Date (tanker) (tanker)
To Ethiopia 395 329 205 53 26 34 7 95 1,144
May 2
To Djibouti 259 239 155 33 20 31 10 91 838
To Ethiopia 335 312 238 49 17 33 11 143 1,138
May 3
To Djibouti 162 165 131 32 18 22 6 94 630
To Ethiopia 239 227 257 60 13 24 12 98 930
May 4
To Djibouti 219 218 137 34 17 30 8 115 778
Percentage by
29% 27% 21% 5% 2% 3% 1% 12% 100%
vehicle type
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

The above survey was conducted at the intersection of NR1 and NR5, between Dikhil and Djibouti
City. As a result, although buses and passenger cars hardly use the target section they accounted for
13% of the traffic counted. Therefore, only Type 1 to Type 6 vehicles, excluding buses and cars, are
considered as the target section traffic.

Moreover, ADR provided the traffic data (daily traffic of the past three months, monthly traffic of
the past two years) based on the fee collected from trucks using NR1. The data are used to adjust the
traffic counts for daily as well as seasonal variations to obtain the annual average daily traffic

(AADT). As Table 2-2.5 shows, the AADT of the trucks per direction is estimated at 940.

Table 2-2.5 Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) of Trucks

Daily Truck Traffic Daily Ajustment Monthly Average Annual Daily Traffic
(from the survey) Factors Adjustment Factors (AADT per direction)
date To To To To To
To Djibouti To EthiopiaTo Djibouti
Ethiopia Ethiopia Djibouti Ethiopia Djibouti Average
(2) (1)*(3)* (2)*(4)*
(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(5) (6)
May 2 (Wed) 1042 737 0.87 1.46 0.99 0.94 894 1011 952
May 3 (Thu) 984 530 0.87 2.16 0.99 0.94 850 1073 962 940
May 4 (Fri) 820 655 1.04 1.51 0.99 0.94 840 927 907
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Regarding the traffic growth rate, both the truck traffic using the NR1 and the GDP of Ethiopia were
growing at about 10% on average in the past ten years. It is, however, unlikely that the similar high
growth rate will be maintained in the next 20 years. The IMF forecast Ethiopia’s GDP growth rate to
be 8.17% on average until 2023, and the truck traffic is assumed to grow at this rate of AADT in
2018 (940*8.17%=76.8) in the future.

In addition, since the railway service which started in 2018 is expected to significantly affect the
NR1 traffic, an interview was conducted with the Ethiopian Railway Corporation on the future
cargo operation plans. According to the interview and documents provided, the company has a plan
to gradually increase the freight train frequency from the current 1 round-trip per day to 5
round-trips per day by 2023, and to 19 round-trips per day in the long term. Each train is estimated
to carry cargo equivalent to that of 53 trucks, and considering this the future truck traffic is forecast
as shown in Table 2-2.6.

Table 2-2.6 Truck Traffic Forecast Reflecting Rail Share

Daily truck Daily truck traffic
traffic (per Rail transport adjusted for rail share
direction) (per direction)
Number of
Trucks/day equivalent Trucks/day
2018 940 1 53 940
2019 1,017 1.5 80 937
2020 1,094 2 106 988
2021 1,170 3.5 186 984
2022 1,247 4 212 1,035
2023 1,324 5.5 292 1,032
2024 1,401 6 318 1,083
2025 1,478 7.5 398 1,080
2026 1,555 8 424 1,131
2027 1,631 9.5 504 1,127
2028 1,708 10 530 1,178
2029 1,785 11.5 610 1,175
2030 1,862 12 636 1,226
2031 1,939 13.5 716 1,223
2032 2,016 14 742 1,274
2033 2,092 15.5 822 1,270
2034 2,169 16 848 1,321

2035 2,246 17.5 928 1,318
2036 2,323 18 954 1,369
2037 2,400 19 1,007 1,393
2038 2,477 19 1,007 1,470
2039 2,553 19 1,007 1,546
2040 2,630 19 1,007 1,623
2041 2,707 19 1,007 1,700
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Considering 2021 as the service commencement year, the result shows that the truck traffic after 20
years, i.e., in 2041, will be 1700 truck per day. Since passenger car equivalent is assumed to be 3.0
as most of the truck is full-trailer or semi-trailer, AADT of passenger car unit is about 10,000 in
both directions, which means that this road will be reaching full of traffic capacity for two-lane road
in 2041.

(3) Wheel Load

The study carried out axle load surveys for two weekdays, 12 hours each day. The survey targeted
the six types of the trucks described above, and about 16% of the trucks bound for Ethiopia were
randomly selected for the survey. Table 2-2.7 shows the survey result.

Table 2-2.7 Axle Load Survey Result

Number of wheels by vehicle type
Wheel Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6
Full- Semi- Total
load (t) Heavy Light
Full-trailer Semi-trailer Trailer trailer truck truck
(tanker) (tanker)
0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1-2 0 1 0 0 1 4 6
2-3 4 21 0 0 10 2 37
3-4 58 75 17 2 2 0 154
4-5 49 45 12 1 0 1 108
5-6 119 78 24 5 1 0 227
6-7 138 91 49 6 0 1 285
7-8 42 37 8 1 0 1 89
8-9 1 9 2 0 0 0 12
9-10 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
Total 411 358 113 15 14 9 920
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

The above daily distribution based on the sample survey is converted into that of the AADT by
applying scale factors for each truck type shown in Table 2-2.8. The average annual daily wheel
load distribution is shown in Table 2-2.9.

Table 2-2.8 Scale Factor by Vehicle Type
Scale factor by vehicle type
Vehicle Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6
Full- Semi- Average
type Heavy Light
Full-trailer Semi-trailer Trailer trailer
truck truck
(tanker) (tanker)
5.3 4.9 11.9 20.2 4.7 9.5 6.2
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Table 2-2.9 Average Annual Daily Wheel Load Distribution

Number of wheels by vehicle type
Wheel Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6
Full- Semi- Total
load (t) Heavy Light
Full-trailer Semi-trailer Trailer trailer
truck truck
(tanker) (tanker)
0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1-2 0 5 0 0 5 38 48
2-3 21 103 0 0 47 19 190
3-4 306 369 202 40 9 0 926
4-5 259 221 142 20 0 9 651
5-6 628 384 285 101 5 0 1,403
6-7 728 448 581 121 0 9 1,887
7-8 222 182 95 20 0 9 528
8-9 5 44 24 0 0 0 73
9-10 0 5 12 0 0 0 17
Total 2,169 1,761 1,341 302 66 84 5,723
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.4 shows distribution of wheel load calculated from result of the axle load survey. The
axle-load limit in Djibouti is 12 t (6 t each wheel), and the number of the wheels that exceed this
limit accounted for 44% of the total. Table 2-2.10 shows the distribution of the current equivalent 5 t
wheels, including the overloaded wheels. The result shows that the number of the equivalent 5 t
wheels is about twice of the actual, and it is taken into account for the pavement design.

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.4 Wheel Load Distribution

Table 2-2.10 Number of Equivalent 5 to Wheels
Wheel Representative Number of wheels counted 5t Number of equivalent 5 t wheels
wheel load conversion
load (t) value (t) (wheels/day/direction) (%) factor (wheels/day/direction) (%)
0-1 0.5 0 0.0% 0.0001 0.0 0.0%
1-2 1.5 48 0.8% 0.0081 0.4 0.0%
2-3 2.5 190 3.3% 0.0625 11.9 0.1%
3-4 3.5 926 16.2% 0.2401 222.3 1.9%
4-5 4.5 651 11.4% 0.6561 427.1 3.7%
5-6 5.5 1,403 24.5% 1.4641 2,054.1 17.7%
6-7 6.5 1,887 33.0% 2.8561 5,389.5 46.4%
7-8 7.5 528 9.2% 5.0625 2,673.0 23.0%
8-9 8.5 73 1.3% 8.3521 609.7 5.3%
9-10 9.5 17 0.3% 13.0321 221.5 1.9%
Total 5,723 100% 11,609.6 100%
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

(4) Road Surface Design

For the asphalt pavement to be provided to the roads in the tropical countries like the target region,
any structural damage such as rutting produced by flow (surface damage) may occur. Also observed
in many cases are traffic of overloaded trucks, excessive speed down due to overloading, etc., which
tend to accelerated damage to the asphalt pavement more than expected.

Considering the regional and traffic characteristics for the target section, it is essential to select the
asphalt materials (selection of bituminous materials, with/without modifier) that are capable of
resisting flow rutting. The materials to be selected should be determined while referring to the case
of employing the design standard of Japan 1) and the case of employment of the empirical formula
2) shown below.

1) In Case of Employing the Japanese Design Standard

According to Figure 2-2.5 that shows the pavement type selection flow in the Road Design
Procedure of the Kanto Regional Development Bureau, MLIT, the road concerned may be classified
as the region requiring measures against plastic flow and as D Traffic, Ordinary Section, so that
application of modified asphalt is considered necessary for the surface and binder course.
Region where
where thethe measuresagainst
measures against fluidity
wear is mainly needed
is mainly needed

C traffic D traffic

Ordinary Intersection Ordinary Intersection

Selection M odified As or semi-

Surface lay er M odified As M odified As flexural pavement
Binder course Straight As M odified As flexible
M odified As
(Intermediate layer)

Source: Road Design Procedure of the Kanto Regional Development Bureau, MLIT

Figure 2-2.5 Flow to Select the Measure against Plastic Flow

2) In Case of Employing the Empirical Formula

When an empirical formula is to be used, the plastic deformation resistance is used as a basis for
required performance and the number of wheel passes for plastic deformation (dynamic stability:
DS) will be established as a performance index according to the traffic conditions. The target DS of
asphalt mixture necessary for the road concerned is calculated as follows:

DS=0.679 (Y・Tr・W・V・Ct / D) (Handbook for Pavement Design 2006)

Where DS: Target DS (times/mm)
Y: In-service period (days) = 3650 days (10 years: service life of asphalt pavement)
Tr: Large vehicles traffic volume (vehicles/day)=1223 vehicles/day (Traffic volume in 10
years after opening for service)
W: Wheel load correction factor (1.0 when the number of heavy vehicles is small; 2.0 when
it is large, and 3.0 when it is extremely large)
* Since large vehicle ratio is 100% in target section, it’s assumed as extremely large
V: Traveling speed correction factor (0.4 for ordinary sections and 0.6 for intersections)
Ct: Temperature correction factor
*log (Ct) = 0.0003216T2 + 0.01537T-2.080
T: 1.1t×1.5+0.17 exp (0.126t), in which t is the annual mean temperature = 29.7°
(Calculated based on data of the National Meteorological Observatory in Djibouti
Airport (2002 to 2012))
D: Rutting depth (mm)=40mm (from the data of pavement inspection procedure of
the Kinki Regional Development Bureau, MLIT)

The result of determining the target DS by reflecting the conditions of target section in the above
formula is shown below:

・Target DS= 0.679*(3650*1223*3.0*0.4*0.128/40)= 3883 (times/mm)

The calculated target DS is difficult to realize solely by applying the straight asphalt and may
require application of a modified asphalt highly effective in plastic flow resistance as shown in
Tables 2-2-11 and 2-2-12.

Table 2-2.11 Guideline for the Target DS Value for each Bituminous Material
For realization of the DS value of 3,000 times/mm, modified asphalt is mandatory. The DS
value of 1,500 times/mm is substantially difficult to realize when the straight asphalt is used. It
is considered that realization of this value is difficult unless conditions, such as aggregates, etc.
are met. For other roads, securing of the DS value of 500 times/mm is stipulated, which may be
said to be the minimum required performance of the asphalt mixture.
Source: Study for Management and Supervision of Road Pavement Works in Developing Countries, 2016
Handbook for Management and Supervision of Road Pavement works (draft), page 53, JICA

Table 2-2.12 Target Value of Dynamic Stability (DS) for Surface Mixtures (times/mm)
Dynamic stability target value
Traffic classification Asphalt used
Light to medium Less than 5,000
800 Straight asphalt
traffic vehicles/day/one way
5,000 vehicles or
Heavy traffic 3,000 or more Modified asphalt
more/day/one way
Note) Traffic volume is the volume of large vehicles in the first year
Source: NEXCO Design Standard, Vol, 1 Pavement

In view of the consequences of review on the case 1) of employing the Japanese design standard
and the case 2) of employing the empirical formula, modified asphalt will be the major asphalt
material for the target road. Note that the performance test will be implemented in the stage of
mixing design as proposed in the Handbook (draft) for Road Pavement Design in the Preparatory
Survey, the 2015 Report (separate) of Study for Pavement Design Standard Application in
Developing Countries (Project Study).

(5) Design CBR of Subgrade

The design CBR of subgrade has been reviewed while referring to the estimate from the laboratory
CBR test and handy cone penetration test and to the grain size characteristics. Figure 2-2.6 shows
the plot diagram of the distance and subgrade CBR.

Subgrade CBR

Converted CBR

Laboratory test
Design CBR

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.6 Distribution of the Distance and Subgrade CBR

Laboratory CBR test of subgrade was implemented at seven points, with the resulting CBR
ranging from minimum 20% to maximum 74%.
CBR estimated from the handy dynamic cone penetration test performed at a 500m interval
ranged from minimum 7% to maximum 80% and fell in general within a range of 10 to 20.
Grain size characteristics of subgrade differed in grain size distribution between the plain
section and the alluvial fan area. It was confirmed that the soil is rudaceous mixed with fine
fractions and sand and that the grain size range is generally wide (good grain size
distribution). (Figure 2-2.7)

Sample No Nothing ※ Easting ※

RB01 11°37'39.06"N 41°56'49.28"E Talus depsit

RB04 11°40'26.62"N 41°53'54.33"E Hanle plan depsit

RB02 11°38'30.13"N 41°55'46.57"E Hanle plan depsit

RB05 11°40'56.77"N 41°52'38.04"E Hanle plan depsit

RB03 11°39'21.08"N 41°55'6.05"E Hanle plan depsit

RB06 11°41'59.91"N 41°51'26.51"E Fan deposit

RB07 11°42'43.93"N 41°50'44.66"E Hanle plan depsit

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.7 Grain Size Distribution and Test Sample of Subgrade

It was confirmed that the subgrade contains hard gravels of basalt, is made up from sandy to
rudaceous soils with satisfactory grain size distribution, and is free from distribution of soils
presenting troubles, such as heavily weathered soil or alterated clay.

Regarding CBR to be used for design, CBR determined in the laboratory is known to show higher
values than that determined in the site in the case of clayey to rudaceous soils containing less clay
(Report Vol. 10, No.9, 1971 of the Port and Harbor Research Institute). Therefore such CBR value
was determined to be used as reference and CBR for design was set while referring to the common
CBR values (Table 2-2.13) obtained through estimation from the handy dynamic cone penetration
test and on the basis of grain size characteristics.

Table 2-2.13 Typical CBR of Sandy Soil

Optimum Compression test result (strain (5))

Class Soil Dry density CBR range
moisture content
At 140 kPa point At 350 kPa point

Sand and rudaceus sand with

SW satisfactory grain size distribution, 1.8-2.1 16-9 0.6 1.2 20-40
almost no fine grain content
SP Sand with poor grain size distribution 1.6-1.9 21-12 0.8 1.4 10-40
SM-SC Intermediate between SM and SC 1.8-2.0 16-11 0.8 1.6 10-40
SM-SC Silty sand and soil-silt mixture 1.8-2.1 15-11 0.8 1.4 5-30
SC Clayey sand, sand-clay mixture 1.7-2.0 19-11 0.1 2.2 5-20

Source:The 43rd Conference on Geotechnics (original Manfred R.Hausmann,1990)

The CBR value can be expected to be 10 to 40 because the subgrade soil of the site is equivalent to
rudaceous sand (equivalent to SW) or SM-SC. The design CBR was set to be the value obtained by
deducting the standard deviation from the mean CBR value after classification into the section of
plain sand and that of alluvial fan and talus deposits and removal of abnormal CBR values as
converted from the handy penetration test. In consequence, CBR for rudaceous soil abounding in
sand and silt (the plain section) was set to 8% and that for the gravel section abounding in gravels at
start and end points was set to 12%.

Design CBR set value

Start point to PK200 : CBR=12 (Rudaceous soil consisting mainly of deposits at mountain
foot and talus)
PK200 to PK210 : CBR=8 (Plain section: Rudaceous soil containing mixture of silt
and sand)
PK210 to End point : CBR=12 (Rudaceous soil consisting mainly of alluvial fan deposit)

Alluvial fan deposit Plain section
(rudaceous soil) Talus
(rudaceous soil mixed with fine

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.8 Setting the Subgrade CBR

(6) Pavement Composition

3) Asphalt Pavement

The thickness design of asphalt pavement employs the following equation:

T A=3.84N0.16/CBR0.3

H: Pavement thickness (cm)
TA: Required thickness when the pavement thickness is designed totally with hot
asphalt mixture (cm)
N: The number (wheel passes/one direction) when the total passing-wheel load
during the service period is converted to the 5t wheel load

The equation shown below is used to determine the 5t converted number of wheel passes N from
the axle load survey results described in (3):
αi= (Pi/5)4

The number of 5t converted wheel passes for 20 years is determined as follows:

Where αi: Ratio of the Pi t wheel load damaging the pavement. The 5t wheel load is
assumed to be 1.
Pi: Measured wheel load
N5: Number obtained by converting the total passing-wheel load to the 5t wheel load
at measured point (passes/day・one direction)
α: Increasing rate of the traffic volume in ten years

Table 2-2.14 shows the calculation results for pavement composition when CBR was changed from
4 to 12 under the design condition this time and Table 2-2.15 shows the pavement composition that
was employed.

Table 2-2.14 Pavement Composition according to CBR
CBR=4 CBR=6 CBR=8 CBR=10 CBR=12
Design p eriod Years 20 20 20 20 20
Traffic volume at start of service (2021) vehicles/day 984 984 984 984 984
Traffic volume in 10 years (2031) vehicles/day 1223 1223 1223 1223 1223
M ean number of axles of a vehicle 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63
Intensity factor at conversion to 5t value 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03
No. of wheel p asses as converted to 6t value
5t N= 102,036,076 102,036,076 102,036,076 102,036,076 102,036,076
in 20 y ears

Design CBR of subgrade 4 6 8 10 12

Pavement thickness (cm) H= 78 61 51 45 40
TA TA= 49 43 40 37 35
Surface, binder course (asp halt)
Surfaqce, 1.00 12 12 12 12 12
Pavement compsition

Base course (crushed stone for

mechanical stabilization) 0.35 56 46 45 36 30

Subbase course (surplus gravelly soil)

(raked gravel) 0.25 70 60 50 50 50
Total thickness 138 118 107 98 92

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Table 2-2.15 Pavement Composition to be Employed

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Note that crusher run is normally used for the subbase course. However, considering the capacity of
asphalt plant and the construction process this time, production of gigantic amount of crushed
stones enough for pavement of base course, subbase course, and detour for the construction is
difficult. Accordingly, gravelly soil that is available locally will be applied as it is to the subbase
course. Such gravelly soil has been confirmed to have the modified CBR of 30 or more in the
modified CBR test. Since this gravel ensures the bearing capacity equivalent to the crusher run, the
T A equivalent conversion factor was set to 0.25 for evaluation.

4) Concrete Pavement

1. Subgrade

For the subgrade of the section to be paved with concrete (near the border facilities), the design
CBR will be set to 12 on the basis of CBR test results.

2. Base/Subbase

The base and subbase courses are critical portions to disperse the traffic load transmitted from the
concrete slab and to transmit such dispersed load to the subgrade, so that it must have a sufficient
bearing capacity and must be highly durable.

According to the Pavement Design Handbook (p151 Feb. 2006), the required bearing capacity
factor of base/subbase with ordinary concrete pavement is 200 MPa/m or more. The composition of
base and subbase is to be determined from the base/subbase design curve in such a manner that the
required subbase K value is obtained.

Table 2-2.16 Type of Concrete Pavement and the Required Bearing Capacity Factor of
Required bearing capacity factor on the
subbase surface (K30)
Traffic volume classification N1-N4 N5-N7
Design traffic volume (vehicles/day・direction) T<250 250≦T
Type of Ordinary concrete pavement
pavement Continuous reinforced concrete 150MPa/m or more 200MPa/m or more
Roller compacted concrete pavement 200MPa/m or more 200MPa/m or more
1. The bearing capacity factor measurement method is as described in the Pavement Test Method
Handbook, 1-4-2 Plate Loading Test.
2. The value was obtained from the test using a loading test with the bearing capacity factor of
K30 and the diameter of 30 cm.
3. The bearing capacity factor of K75 determined with the 75 cm dia. loading plate is converted
to the K30 value by using the equation, K75=K30/2.2.
Source: Pavement Design Handbook, February, 2006, the Japan Road Association, P.151

For the subgrade of the target section, the subgrade design bearing capacity factor (K30) calculated
from the CBR results while referring to the graph of Figure 2-2.9 is K30=5.4x (12) + 22 = 87.

Former cement concrete
Kanto loam (ground) pavement procedure
Kanto loam (backfill)
Sandy silt and sand Ring road 7
(p laced sand)
Dark brown loam
(including humic
matters) Ozaki

Design standard
of Tokyo

Source: Pavement Survey and Test Method Handbook. June, 2007, the Japan Road Association, P. [1]-203
Figure 2-2.9 CBR VS K30 for the Subgrade

In order to set the subbase course with a thickness of 20 cm (the maximum thickness of one layer)
with crusher run and to set the bearing capacity factor of subbase to 200 MPa/m, the overall
base/subbase thickness must be 37 cm as shown in Figure 2-2.10.
・ Subbase course thickness = 20cm
・ Base course thickness=37 (overall base/subbase thickness) - 20=17 20cm (roundup
every 5cm)

Overall subbase Parallel line of crushed stone

thickness for mechanical stabilization
Subbase thickness

Subbase bearing capacity coefficient

Design bearing capacity coefficient of subgrade
Source: Concrete Pavement Guidebook 2016, March 2016, the Japan Road Association, P.27
Figure 2-2.10 Subbase Thickness Design Curve

3. Design of the concrete slab thickness

In Japan, the empirical design method is often employed. In the Project, however, the theoretical
design method will be employed because 1) the result of axle load survey on the target section
cannot be reflected and 2) the design conditions is restrictive in the empirical method. Table 2-2.17
shows the result of review on the concrete slab thickness according to the theoretical design method.
With the concrete slab thickness set at 30 cm, the degree of fatigue is satisfactory at (Fd)<1.0.

Table 2-2.17 Calculation Results for Concrete Slab Thickness Design
Design conditions
Design service life 20 (Year) Joint interval 7
Subbase bearing capacity (1) 5.0m or less (2) 6.0m (3) 7. 5m (4) 8.0m
coefficient k75 200 (MPa/m)
Elastic modulusE 28000 (MPa) (5): 10.0m (6): 12.5m (7): 5.0m
Poisson ratio ν 0.2 (-) shoulder 1
Linear expansion coefficient α 0.00001 (/℃ ) (1) Sufficient shoulder (2) Shoulder width of around 0.5 m
Concrete flexural strength 4.4 (MPa) Lane number 1
Concrete slab thickness h 0.3 (m) Width of lane 0
Select only in the case of one lane in one direction Assumed area
Slab thickness: compatible with 0.15m, 0.20m, 0.23m, 0.25m, 0.28m and 0.30m
(1) 3.25m (2) 3.75m (1) 4.50m
* Enter the measured slab thickness when K20 Cell shows “Measurement”. 2 (1) Urban (2) Suburban
Assumed area (1) T emperature difference small, (2) Temperature
T ype of concrete 1 1 difference large, (3) Measurement
(1): NC (2): CRCP (3) PCCP Fatigue curve 1 (1) Experimental equation (2) Empirical equation
Stress calculation position 3 Failure probabilityP f 0 For experimental equation only
(1) Free edge (2) Longitudinal joint (3) T ransverse joint or transverse cracking
Reliability 7
(1): 50% (2): 60% (3) 70% (4): 75% (5) 80%
(6): 85% (7): 90% CL 1.38 C1 1.00
(Δtemp>0) (Δtemp<0)
CW 0.98 0.95 γR 1.80

Traveling Frequency of Temperature Occurrence Daily traffic

Load (kN)
position traveling difference frequency volume

15 cm 0.5 19°C 0 9.8 0

45 cm 0.46 17°C 0 19.6 48
75 cm 0.02 15°C 0.007 29.4 190
105 cm 0.02 13°C 0.025 39.2 926
11°C 0.053 49.0 651
Traveling position Reduction factor 9°C 0.08 58.8 1403
15 cm 1.00 7°C 0.115 60.6 1887
45 cm 0.2 5°C 0.14 78.4 528
75 cm 0.1 3°C 0.21 88.2 73
105 cm 0.01 1°C 0.37 98.0 17
-1°C 0.48 107.8 0
Ratio of large vehicles -3°C 0.38 127.4 0
e mp>0 0.60 -5°C 0.12 147.0 0
Δ tem p<0 0.40 -7°C 0.02
-9°C 0

FD = 0.872

* 1. For the temperature difference of the target area, “Small” (Temperature Small: 22°, Large:30°), was chosen
because the monthly mean temperature difference (maximum – minimum) is around 13°.
2. The reliability is set to 90% similarly to the case of asphalt section.

Table 2-2.18 shows composition of the concrete pavement to be employed.

Table 2-2.18 Concrete Pavement Composition to be Employed

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

(7) Utilization of the existing pavement

Though mostly heavily damaged, the existing pavement will be used as subbase course because of
deficient subbase materials as described above and for reduction of the construction period and
costs. In this case, the residual strength of the existing pavement will be calculated with the
coefficient equivalent to that of surplus gravelly soil used for subbase course by assuming the
coefficient from the surface course to the subbase course at around 0.25. Since the existing
pavement is 44 cm from the surface course to subbase course, the planned subbase thickness will be
provided over the existing pavement to make up for the deficient thickness. Any pot hole or any
portion lost due to breakaway will be filled up with surplus gravelly soil. Figure 2-2.11 shows an
image of providing the pavement over the existing one.

New pavement
Surface course
Binder course

Base course
Existing pavement

S urface course
Base course Subbase course
S ubbase course Making up the lost portion

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.11 Paving Image (for CBR = 6)

2-2-2-4 Structure Plan

(1) Design Conditions

1) Design Load

The live load and the load model are to be based on the axle load survey results in the site.
According to the axle load survey results, the applicable wheel load will be the maximum value in
the 95% confidence interval while the load model will be the full-trainers (six axles) that are the
major local traffic mode.

2) Width

The width of the river-crossing section will be the same as set in the standard cross-section diagram.

3) Clearance and Minimum Internal Height

The dimensions (pier height and internal height) of river-crossing structures will be determined
while taking into account the clearance for soil sedimentation after completion.

Table 2-2.19 Bridge structure and the clearance of box culvert structure:
Flow Less than 200 or more 500 or more 2000 or more 5000 or more 10000
(m3/sec) 200 less than 500 less than 2000 less than 5000 less than 10000 or more
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0
Source: ”Explanation・Government Ordience for Structural Standard for River Administration Facilities, et., Feb. 2000,
Japan River Association, P115
Remarks: Basically, the allowance appropriate for the flow rate will be chosen and elevated, as required, according to the
significance or natural conditions of the Project site.


Hw: Water depth

Hc: Clearance
Remarks: Clearance to be secured under the pier girder

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.12 Setting the Clearance (Box culvert, bridge)

(2) Classification of Planned Portions of Structures

For selection of the type of river-crossing structures, the structure is classified into three groups as
shown in Table 2-2.20 according to the existing wadi size, existing structures and surrounding
environment. A structural type will be chosen for each group. Note that pipe culverts designed with
consideration to facilitate the workability will all be designed with a box shape because the
necessary precast products are not available locally. The minimum section of a box culvert will be 1
m x 1 m to facilitate the workability of maintenance.

Table 2-2.20 Classification of Structures

Class 1 Class 2 (existing structure) Group
Ford crossing (large scale) Group 1 (1 location)
River-crossing structure
Ford crossing (small scale) Group 2 (6 locations)
Crossing drainage Culvert structure Group 3 (33 locations)
Note: Wadi located 4.038 km from the border of Group 1 is classified separately because it is the largest in scale in the target
area of the Project.
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Photos of typical site state of each group are as shown in Figure 2-2.13.

Source:Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.13 Photos of Typical Site State of each Group

4) River-crossing Structure Type of Group 1

Group 1 is a ford-crossing structure with the current length of 100 m, with the concrete slab with the
width of 20 m and the difference in elevation of 5 m provided on the downstream side. For selection
of the type of river-crossing structure of the location concerned, improvement of the road alignment
is considered because the survey point is located at the crest of longitudinal alignment of the road
and the section is steep and has the small horizontal curve radius, Accordingly, the review of the
river-crossing structure should be made to select the applicable structure type on the basis of
alignment review results and to select the optimum plan by taking into account the structural
characteristics, constructability, water flow, etc. From the results shown in Table 2-2.21 shown
below, “Case-2 Box culvert (improved)” will be employed for the structure at the location

Table 2-2.21 Comparison of Structure Type (Group 1)
Proposals to be Case-1: Box culvert Case-2: Box culvert (improved) Case-3: Bridge
・ Ordinary box culvert structure ・ Structure with intermediate walls reduced by ・ Prestressed concrete bridge having three spans
・ Internal height to be established by taking into increasing the crossing span above the case of determined from the structure size
Outline account the water depth and clearance box culvert of Case-1 ・ Clearance to be secured below the girder of
・ Internal height to be established by taking into substructure
account the water depth and clearance ・ Pile foundation type determined from the
ground conditions
L=81.5m L=81.6m L=81.6m

Downstream side Upstream side


Outline view
Upstream side Downstream side Upstream side
Downstream side
(concrete covered)

Concrete pile

Gabion Gabion

(concrete covered) (concrete covered)

alignment of the More gentle than the current state ⃝ More gentle than the current state ⃝ Steep gradient than the current state △
Total width
ΣW=8.5m △ ΣW=5.4m ⃝ ΣW=5.0m ⃝
detrimental to flow
Approx. ¥50 million (1.0) ¥53 million (1.1)
construction cost Concrete volume1,183m3
⃝ Concrete volume 1,249m3
⃝ ¥412 million (8.3) △
Ranking △ ◎ [Selected] △
・ The river bed will be protected with concrete to prevent deposit of crushed stone, etc.
Measures against ・ To prevent deposit of crushed stones, etc. at the downstream end of the structure, concrete protection will be provided to the river bed of the 10 m section
flow and deposit of from the downstream end of the structure.
crushed stones ・ To prevent damage to the intermediate concrete wall to which crushed stone flowing along water flow clash, the surface protection with steel fence will be
(Common to all provided on the upstream side of concrete wall.
cases) ・The internal height of Case-1 and Case-2 and the pier height of Case-3 will be established by taking into account the clearance determined from the water
level, surrounding crushed stone size, and flowrate (and will be elevated depending on the characteristics of wade concerned.
5) Study on the Possibility of Reducing the Group 1, Costs

The study has been made to check for the possibility of further cost-down by reducing the channel
width relative to the proposed box culvert improvement that is selected. The box culvert adjusted to
the current channel width requires a structure comprising nine consecutive boxes, which offers
sufficient margin in terms of internal space section because the water depth in boxes is around 20
cm. The study has also been made on a case in which the channel width is reduced to one third to
make up three consecutive boxes. As shown in Table 2-2.22, the case of employing three
consecutive boxes causes comparatively high construction costs including construction of revetment.
There are other demerits in this option in addition to the above cost increase. In consequence, the
box culvert comprising nine consecutive boxes was employed without reducing the channel width.

Table 2-2.22 Results of the Study on the Possibility of Cost Reduction of Group 1
Proposals to Box culvert comprising nine consecutive
Box culvert comprising three consecutive boxes
be compared boxes
・ Channel width with nine consecutive ・ Box culvert reduced to three consecutive boxes
boxes 72.3m to reduce the channel width to 23.7m
Outline ・ Revetment to be provided only to the ・ Banking on the revetment and on its back
portion where boxes have been installed necessary to ensure smooth transition of channel

Rvetment 100m
Installed revetment Installed revetment Banking
10m 10m
Revetment 400m
Installed revetment
10m Installed revetment

・ Box culvert comprising nine consecutive ・ Box culvert comprising three consecutive boxes
boxes ・ Upstream side revetment: Mattress basket
・ Upstream side revetment: Mattress basket 10m×9 stages
10m×9 stages ・ Downstream side revetment: Mattress basket
Structure ・ Downstream side revetment: Mattress 10m×10 stages
basket 10m×10 stages ・ Bed protection: Mattress basket 25.1m×8 rows
・ Bed protection: Mattress basket 73.3m×8 ・ Upstream side training dike : h=3.0m×400m
rows ・ Downstream side training dike
Water depth ・ 0.4m ・ 0.7m
Stable because the existing flow section is △Long revetment necessary to minimize
secured turbulence of flow because the channel width is
reduced to one third.
Features △Checking for box overturn necessary because of
increase in water depth and flow velocity
△Large sized boulders movable more readily due
to increase in the water depth and flow velocity
Approximate ¥65 million ¥ 78 million
Ranking [Selected] △
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

6) Structure Type of Group 2

In Group 2, the existing structure is of a ford-crossing type, allowing water to flow into the existing
road during rainfall (the structure designed longitudinally to be lower than front and rear portions of
the road), often leading to regulation of vehicle traffics. In addition, there is also a concern about
the safety. As shown in Figure 2-2.14, the river-crossing structure type of this group will be
improved in terms of road alignment and modified to enable all-weather traffic by arranging culvert

The wadi section will be provided with the mattress baskets to provide slope protection and to
prevent scouring upstream and downstream sides of the culvert installation portion.
Side view

Existing road longitudinal section Ford-crossing

Ford-crossing structure


Wadi about 3.3 km from the border

Side view

Improved road longitudinal section

Culvert structure



Culvert structure

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.14 River-crossing Structure of Road Alignment Improvement Plans of Group 2

7) Structure of Group 3

The existing state of Group 3 includes arrangement of box culvert or pipe culvert. The field survey
is confirmed to show damage to the concrete members of existing facilities. In addition, the inlet
and outlet are also confirmed to be blocked due to collapse of surrounding road slopes. Considering
that the length of existing river-crossing facilities may become insufficient in the course of
improvement of the road width, it is planned to conduct total replacement of the existing structure.
The installation position and the size of planned culvert are to be equivalent or more to the existing
ones, which is actually determined from the results of hydraulic simulation using the satellite data of
topography (horizontal two-dimensional unsteady flow calculation).

Similarly to the case of Group 2, gabion is to be provided for slope protection and prevention of
scouring on both upstream and downstream sides of culvert installation.

8) List of Structure Plans

The list of structure plans for the target section is shown in Table 2-2.23 below.

Table 2-2.23 List of Structure Plans
Current state Plan
Measurement Sectional size Length Planned Sectional dimensions
point Necessity of new construction or
Structure type structure B×H(m) - consecutive
B×H, (mm) L(m) reconstruction of channel structures
No. number
197+484.800 Pipe culvert 1000 9.8 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-1 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
197+792.900 Pipe culvert 800 11.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-2 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
198+019 Pipe culvert 800 9.7 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-3 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
198+269.500 Pipe culvert 800 11.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-4 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
198+485.200 Pipe culvert 800 11.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-5 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
198+692.900 Pipe culvert 800 9.7 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-6 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
198+863.900 Box culvert 1000×1000 (two consecutive boxes) 11.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-7 1.5 x 1.0 - 1
199+279.100 Pipe culvert 1000 (two consecutive boxes) 15.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-8 1.5 x 1.0 - 1
200+376.500 Pipe culvert 600 8.4 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-9 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
201+030 No existing facilities - - - Box-10 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
201+942.900 Pipe culvert 600 8.7 Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-11 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
202+800 Pipe culvert 600 9.5 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-12 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
204+585 No existing facilities - - - Box-13 1.5 x 1.0 - 1
205+700 No existing facilities - - - Box-14 2.0 x 1.0 - 1
207+020 No existing facilities - - - Box-15 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
207+560 No existing facilities - - - Box-16 1.5 x 1.0 - 1
208+156 No existing facilities - - - Box-17 2.0 x 1.0 - 1
208+790.600 Pipe culvert 600 9.5 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-18 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
209+191.600 Pipe culvert 600 9.2 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-19 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
209+592 No existing facilities - - - Box-20 2.0 x 1.0 - 1
209+828 No existing facilities - - - Box-21 2.0 x 1.0 - 1
210+140 No existing facilities - - - Box-22 2.0 x 1.0 - 1
210+738 No existing facilities - - - Box-23 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
211+125 No existing facilities - - - Box-24 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
211+250 No existing facilities - - - Box-25 2.0 x 1.0 - 2
211+872.400 Box culvert 2000×1500 8.4 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-26 2.0 x 1.5 - 1
211+992 Ford crossing - 10.0 ⃝ Not appropriate for ford crossing Box-27 2.0 x 1.0 - 1
212+288 Ford crossing - 10.0 ⃝ Not appropriate for ford crossing Box-28 2.0 x 1.0 - 1
212+550 Ford crossing - 10.0 ⃝ Not appropriate for ford crossing Box-29 1.5 x 1.0 - 1
212+753.700 Box culvert 1000×800 10.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-30 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
212+819 Pipe culvert 600(two consecutive boxes) 8.8 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-31 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
213+126.700 Pipe culvert 600 9.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-32 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
213+355.100 Pipe culvert 600 9.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-33 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
213+411.300 Pipe culvert 600 9.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-34 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
213+514.700 Box culvert 2000×1500 10.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-35 3.0 x 2.0 - 2
213+852 Ford crossing - 10.0 ⃝ Not appropriate for ford crossing Box-36 7.5 x 3.7 - 9
214+675 Ford crossing - 10.0 ⃝ Not appropriate for ford crossing Box-37 3.5 x 2.0 - 2
214+760 Ford crossing - 10.0 ⃝ Not appropriate for ford crossing Box-38 3.5 x 2.0 - 6
216+765 Ford crossing - 10.0 ⃝ Not appropriate for ford crossing Box-39 2.0 x 1.5 - 1
217+875.400 Pipe culvert 800 9.0 ⃝ Insufficient length, lots of damages Box-40 1.0 x 1.0 - 1
*1: The internal section and length of the plan may be subject to change depending on the measurement results data
and the longitudinal alignment plan.
*2: Black letters indicate relocation while the blue letters indicate new construction.
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

2-2-2-5 Border Facilities Plan

At the border facilities, constant congestion is not observed at present, but congestion as follows
may occur:
Congestion caused by about three vehicles a day that have to park for extended period of
time due to human error or trouble in terms of the operation system
Congestion occurring when the handling capacity on the border is exceeded by vehicle
convoy onrushing toward the border facilities after having waited for passages due to road
flood and accident
Congestion caused by troubles occurring in the facilities on the Ethiopian side of the border

In view of these situations, a waiting lane will be provided at locations passing the customs facilities
on the border to mitigate congestion caused by waiting vehicles. The waiting lane for customs
facilities will be provided for the traffic toward Ethiopia only, with the width of 3.0 m and the
length of 50 m enough for two full-trailers to park. (See Figure 2-2.15)

Galafi Customs House
Mess hole
Imm igration Cu stoms facilities
Waiting lane

Djibouti Ethiopia
Watin g lan e

sh o u ld er carriag eway carriag eway

Djibouti military border base

Cu sto ms

Passing place
T o Ethiopia Immigration office (existing) Customs (existing) T o Djibouti

Shift lengt h Storage length Storage length Shift length

Asphalt Asphalt
pavement Concret e pavement pavement

Horizontal dimensions of the passing place

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.15 Road Plan for Facilities on the Border

Since heavy damage is inflicted due to acceleration/deceleration and slow-down of large vehicles in
the area around border facilities, the concrete pavement having the durability under static load will
be provided to the 415 m section including the shift length as shown in Figure 2-2.15. For the
design of concrete slabs, the theoretical design method in which the actual value from the axle
survey is reflected will be employed. For the design of subbase thickness, the subbase curve method
will be employed, which is to determine the required subbase bearing capacity factor from the
subgrade and traffic conditions.

The concrete pavement composition established by above design methods is shown below. (For
details, refer to 2-2-2-3 Pavement Design, (6) Pavement Composition);

Concrete slab: 30cm

Base course (Crushed stone for mechanical stabilization): 20cm
Subbase course (crushed stone): 20cm

2-2-2-6 Ancillary facilities

(1) Guard Rail

The guard rail for vehicles will be provided in the following locations where departure of vehicles
to the outside of the road presents the high degree of risk and where such departure is highly
possible while ensuring conformity with EU-assistance section and referring to Guide Fence
Installation Standard and Explanation of Japan.

Section where culverts have been installed

Outer portion of sharp curve sections (superelevation 6% or more)
High embankment sections (road side height 4 m or more)

Considering the local availability, the type of guard rail will be BMSNA2/C of EU standard
similarly to the EU-assistance section.

(2) Signs

The speed limit signs for the design speed will be provided at an interval of 800 m while referring to
the Road Signs Installation Standard and Explanation of Japan. Note that actual provision of signs
will be performed after consultation with the competent transport police, etc.

(3) Kilometer Posts

The concrete kilometer posts similar to those used in the EU-assistance section will be provided at a
1 km interval.

(4) Drainage Facilities

The target section runs mostly through the desert area, so that road surface drainage will be
discharge of stormwater to the roadside as is the case of the existing roads. For the section where the
roadside is inclined toward the road to allow stormwater to collect to the toe of embankment slope,
concrete will be placed to prevent scouring of the toe of slope.

2-2-3 Outline Design Drawings

The basic design drawings based on the basic plan and design conditions are shown in Appendix 8
Outline Design Drawings. List of drawings is shown in Table 2-2.24.

Table 2-2.24 List of Drawings

4 – 19 PLAN & PROFILE (1)∼(16)
20 – 123 CROSS SECTION (1)∼(104)

2-2-4 Implementation Plan

2-2-4-1 Implementation Policy

(1) Basic Points until the Selection of the Contractor

The Project is of a Grant-in-Aid which starts through the decision by the Japanese Government
Cabinet Meeting, and the conclusions of the Exchange of Notes (the E/N) and the Grant Agreement
(the G/A) between the Japanese Government and the Djibouti Government for implementation of
the Project.

The Consultant shall make a contact of a detailed design and a supervision of the Project between
the Djibouti Government after the conclusions of E/N and G/N, and shall start the detailed design
works. The Consultant shall make the documents such as design description documents,
specifications, cost estimation and necessary documents for the contract, and shall select the
Contractor by the implementation of bidding.

The bidding shall be processed through the necessary procedures for bidding and examination under
the approval of the Djibouti Government.

(2) Basic Policy for Construction

Considering the Gant-in-Aid project, the basic policies for construction are proposed to be as shown
Construction methods and procedures shall be determined in considerations of a desert
terrain and harsh weather in site, natural conditions such as a short-term inundation
accompanied by them, and current conditions of road pavements, passage for big vehicles
and traffic accidents.

The facilities shall be arranged properly for facilitating the construction in site, keeping
safety during works by avoiding the danger accompanied by the short-term inundation.
Main construction machines shall be procured and imported from Japan or Ethiopia from
preventing high prices of machines in the Djibouti
Almost construction materials are to be procured in the city of Djibouti except natural
resources which can be obtained in site. A safety plan of transportation shall be checked
before transportation for the materials delivered on field.
Construction of a new road by one side traffic regulation is considered to be difficult in an
existing road because of the degradation of pavements due to passage of big vehicles.
Induction of big vehicles through a detour is useful, and the construction plan has to include
it and improve safety sufficiently.
A construction base for the offices of the Contractor and the Consultant shall be planned at
the place where safety from inundation, comfort and flatness can be secured. A proposed site
at present is a flat land of 300m square on the west side of the road and in the direction of
4.5km south-east from Garafi.
Deep wells for the base are planned a little north of the base. Other proposed area for a
construction well is planned about 2km from the base. If the quantity of water is not enough,
a new potential point has to be looked for in the direction of a beginning point of the road.


Proposed deep
well site Planning road L=20.69km

Proposed base site

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.16 Planning Road and Proposed Base Site

(3) Taking Advantage of the Djibouti Consultants and Contractors, and Those

1) Construction Consultant

According to the Chamber of Commerce, there are 17 local consultants and more in the Djibouti.
Most companies except 3 companies have only a small number of engineer working there. And the
most consultants work for architectural design work and supervision of the buildings, so the number
of civil engineers is few because of a few number of the consultants in civil field, or because they
have to hold the civil and architectural works concurrently.

There are various size of local consultants in the architectural field. Sometimes the contractors enter
into the consultant field. In civil engineering field, there is no local consultant who majors for
road and structure design. Most companies continue their architectural works until civil works

There are 2 local consultants majoring for water-related works, but those companies are of small

There are cases that the contractors enter into the surveys such as geological survey, measuring
survey or traffic analysis. Some contractor has laboratory of their own, but most contractors don’t
have it. However the tests done on the private laboratories cannot be approved by the government
authorities, so every contractor or consultant has to entrust the test to the Central Laboratory
delivering the survey materials.

2) The Contractor

According to a registered list of the Djibouti Chamber of Commerce, 89 contractors are listed, but it
is estimated that there are many unlisted contractors. The contractors of large scale are of Italy
origin, Yemen origin and so on. There are contractors of Djibouti origin, however the scales of most
those contractors range from middle to small. Furthermore, the several contractors originated from
China enter into railway business, hotel business and so on. Sometimes foreign contractors enter
into the construction business for a limited period targeting the intended project.

Main business of the contractors is a construction of buildings, but every contractors deal with road
Table 2-2.25 Types of the Contractors (as of April, 2018)
Foreign-owned COSMEZZ, HAWKS, VEZI etc.
Local Group GSK Group, AL-GAMIL Group, Halt Group, Inmaa Group etc.
Independent Nalco, ALDHAFRA. O’CON s.a.r.l. etc.
Chine-owned CCECC, CHEC, CSCEC, Sinoma etc.
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

The Large medium-contractors have construction machines, but the local artisanal contractors
allocate the construction machines to the necessary works through borrowing and lending of the
machines. Construction of arterial roads are done by the large-medium-contractors financed from

the foreign donors.

Based on these situations, local subcontractors also seem to have an enough capacity to cooperate
with the Project since there are many experienced contractors in road projects. So that the consultant
can select the experienced engineers for supervision works even though the number is few.

(4) Roll of Dispatched Engineers

Since the engineers working for ADR (Agence Djiboutienne des Routes) are almost young, the
necessity of training and education by the dispatched engineers from Japan would be increasing.
Necessary engineering field has wide ranges of technologies, so the dispatch of engineering in every
field from designing to construction of road is to be expected.

(5) Implementation System of ADR

The Project is administrated by ADR under the jurisdiction of MET (Ministre de l’Equipment et des
Transport) as mentioned on Figure 2-1.1. Main implementation department of the Project is the
Construction Department among 3 departments in ADR. Dikhil Maintenance and Control Base is in
charge of the National Route between PK51, which is a junction of National Road 1 and 9, and
Dikhil adding a route between Dikhil and Garafi. And all the road sections for maintenance are
under control of its Dikhil Maintenance and Control Base.

Planning road 20.69km


National Road 1
Dikhil Control Section
Dikhil Maintenance
and Control Base
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team
Figure 2-2.17 Dikhil Control Section and Planning road in National Route 1

2-2-4-2 Implementation Conditions
The Contractor shall pay attention to the points as shown below.

(1) Observance of the Labor Law

In the Djibouti, the Contractor has to obey the Labor Law which prescribes a 48 hours of labor for
workers in a week, a minimum monthly payment of 35,000DJF (US$200) and holidays. In intense
heat period from June to August, the Contractor has to rethink of the conditions such as working
time considering labor environment and social customs.

(2) Consideration Items at Works

1) Construction Methods

Construction on intense weather in summer must be done considering the local conditions.
Asphalt and concrete scraps which breaks out by breaking existing roads shall be transferred
to the appointed places by ADR along the construction sections and shall be landfilled there.
At the beginning of construction, almost two wells would be dug around a planning road
section and necessary water quantity would be acquired there. The permission of Ministry of
Agriculture to start digging wells must be obtained beforehand. Those two places was
selected at the places where does not influence to other wells. However, if the wells do not
satisfy the enough quantity of water, other place has to be surveyed with a trial digging.
In order to progress the construction smoothly without affected by weather, and shorten the
construction period as possible, the construction sections are divided into mutually
independent sections.
An asphalt plant and a crusher plant have to be set up at places where avoids flood plain
areas, and at high hills where flood does not affect. Waste water from plants and drainage
from the Contractor’s camp must be treated and drained to the appropriate places.
The construction has to be done with no damage to an existing water and communication
pipes of the residents.
A large structure at about 4km point from the border, must be done inducing flood water by
summer sudden rain without damage to the structure under construction.
Utilize transceiver when contacting between the construction base, the sites and the vehicle
which are carrying the materials.
Concrete placing is done when temperature goes down at morning or evening, because the
concrete placed at high temperature tends to raise the temp. of concrete, increases of unit
quantity of water, decays the workability and slump, hastens the condensation of concrete,
decreases the long strength and so on. Under 25 degrees of temperature shall be taken as a
guide. Measures to keep out the heat would be to cover the sheet on the storage facilities
such as miscellaneous materials and aggregates, and to decrease the temperature sprinkling
on them. It is desirable to use cold water.
Diversion number of times of plywood form shall be maximum 4 imagining the usage of
undercoat and top paints of synthetic resins on plywood, and considering permeability.

However, since a common size of culvert is uniformly 1.0m*1.0m, the use of steel form is
Compaction with water shall be adopted because of using sandy soil to backfill soil.
Spreading depth shall be basically around 30cm.

2) Traffic Regulation

Traffic regulation in construction shall be approved by ADR with a drawing of regulation

plan, and construction starts. Implementation of traffic regulation include notification
signboards, protective cones, an induction display machine etc. Traffic guards shall be
allocated on both sides of construction sites, and make an effort to avoid accident and
induce vehicles appropriately
Detours in construction shall be consist of gravel pavement considering the trafficability and
reducing the vibration due to large vehicles.

3) Work Environment

Designated base shall be made because of protecting requisite minimum of living

environment for the Contractor, the Consultant and employed local workers from harsh
local natural conditions. The base is set up on the plateau in the south-west side of Garafi
for safety. This is an area of 300m square that suggests a demolished site for collection of
crushed stones. It is easy to protect workers there.
Since there is no appropriate medical facilities around the base, a system for first aid
measures (resident medical staff) would be required.
A local working hour is 9 hours of 6:00~12:00 and 15:00~18:00 from Saturday to
Wednesday, and 7 hours of 6:00~13:00 on Thursday. Friday is a holiday.
Since a temperature exceeds 40 ℃ at maximum at noon, and it exceeds 30℃ even at
minimum in the intense heat period of June to August, a working hour in the season is totally
5 hours: 3 hours from 6:00~9:00 and 2 hours from 16:00~18:00.
Working hours in the Djibouti being 48 hours in a week as same as in Japan, construction
plan must be made in compliance with the law.
Harsh natural conditions require a rest for supervisors to keep and control health.
National holidays in the Djibouti are as follows. They are used for determination of
non-working days. These days move depending on years, so they are put in the construction
Construction in the intense heat period of summer requires setting of tents, making
environment for workers to rest, provide them with water and cookies, and physical fitness

Table 2-2.26 National Holidays in 2018
Date Weekday Holiday Name Holiday Type
Jan. 1 Monday New Year Public Holiday
Mar. 20 Tuesday March Equinox Season
Jun. 15 Friday Eid al-Fitr Public Holiday
Jun. 21 Thursday June Solstice Season
Jun. 27 Wednesday Independence Day Public Holiday
Aug. 22 Wednesday Eid al-Adha Public Holiday
Aug. 23 Thursday Eid al-Adha Public Holiday
Aug. 24 Friday Eid al-Adha Public Holiday
Sep. 12 Wednesday Muharram Public Holiday
Sep. 23 Sunday September Equinox Season
Dec. 21 Friday December Solstice Season
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

2-2-4-3 Scope of Works

The items below show the outline of each burden matter for Japan and the Djibouti Governments in
implementation of the Project.

(1) Work Scope undertaken by Japan Side

1) Road Construction Works

Earth works, road bases, base courses, surface courses, drainages, structures across rivers,
accessories (facilities for security, guide signboard etc.), carriage markings, temporary works, well
digs, water supply works, detours, construction of a base camp and material plants works involved
in the road improving works of an existing road along a targeted section of 20.69km.

2) Procurement of Labors, Construction Machines and Materials

Procurement of necessary labors, construction machines and materials involved in the road

3) Safety Measures

Safety control and measures involved in the implementation of construction.

4) Consultant Works

Detailed design, making of bidding and contract documents, assistant of bidding and supervision of

Education toward other party institutions in each construction stage (OJT)

(2) Work Scope undertaken by Djibouti Side

1) Procuring of Sites

Right of way, sites for detours, necessary site for a construction base camp shown in the
construction plan, disposal sites for scraps originated from construction, procurement of the sites for
asphalt plants and crusher plants necessary for the product of aggregates, sites for well and approval
of drilling.

2) Maintenance and repair of detours, roads and incidental facilities

Maintenance of the constructed roads and incidental facilities not attributable to construction
personnel, general vehicles accident processing and road repair after accidents and floods etc.

3) Custom Clearance and Exemption

Provision of convenience for implementing custom clearance and exemption in the Djibouti based
on a construction machine and material list which was made before starting of construction.

4) Counterpart

Relative cost for nominated counterparts stay and transportation expenses of counterpart staff.

5) Others

Provision of convenience for the entry, staying and departure of the persons who work for the
Project. Monitoring of the environment and expenses required rather than that those of grand aid by

2-2-4-4 Consultant Supervision

(1) Basic Policy for Supervision

For the sake of achievement of the objects shown in the design documents of road pavements and
their accompanying works based on the contract conditions before construction, the supervisors do
control the construction with a schedule for keeping necessary items and qualities within the
construction period, and also keeping safety of the construction. The details are as follows.

1) Process Management

Compare the schedule with actual process in the period, survey the cause if there are differences and
get rid them off for the smooth progress of construction.

2) Control of Finished Shapes

Control the finished shapes measuring directly and correctly, make control charts, and correct them
based on the evaluation of data if there are problems. And take photos in each stage, and confirm the
finished shapes and quantities which cannot confirm after completion.

3) Quality Control

Conduct appropriately the physical and chemical tests based on the quality control standards, find
the problems and improvement methods with the results, and control to keep good quality.

4) Cost Management

Compare economically a scheduled cost calculated at making up the implementation budget with an
actual cost already happened, confirm the progress of construction (progress rate), and control the
cost not to be over the scheduled cost.

5) Safety Control

Take site conditions into account, plan and improve safety construction system and environment,
reform the problems if any, and instruct and control the system not to be involved in the accidents.

(2) Points to Note in Supervision

Points to note in supervision are as follows.

Most of all the vehicles passing on the existing road are large ones, the road pavement
condition is not good, and fall accidents are shown frequently. So the appropriate traffic
regulation is necessary for the safe passage of those vehicles even in inducing large vehicles
into detours.
The supervisors have to be made doubly sure of the hear measures especially in summer,
consider the physical conditions and health cares of workers and their supervisors, and avoid
an unreasonable progress.
Safety checks have to be done mainly on the appropriate allocation of flaggers, the clear
indication of off-limit area, the confirmation of black spots when operating the construction
machines, the danger such as worker’s involvement in machines, the obstacles in a rail, the
safety confirmation by watching the front, and the execution of safety education for workers.

(3) Supervision System

A chief of supervisors has to enter into the site before start of construction, adjust the schedule with
the relative organizations including the Contractor before starting, and make a system that can start
the supervision appropriately. On the basis, resident supervisor has to enter into the Djibouti one
month later of the contract, and after that sub-supervisor enters into there for employing local
engineers, set up the consultant office, and star the works.

After inspecting by a completion inspector at the completion of construction, and if passed the
inspection, the completion is to be accomplished.

Table 2-2.27 Supervisors in Charge and Their Rolls
Person in Charge Roll
Japanese Chief Consultant Over roll management
Engineers Adjustment between each organization before
and after construction
Completion inspector Inspection of completion of the construction at
the completion
Resident engineer Site resident supervisor in charge
Sub resident engineer Site sub resident supervisor
Local Assistant engineer 1 Assistant work of supervision
Assistant engineer 2 Assistant work of supervision
Assistant engineer 3 Assistant work of supervision (clerical work

Chief Consultant

Completion Inspector

Resident Engineer

Sub Resident Engineer

Local: Assistant Engineer 1 Local: Assistant Engineer 2

Local: Assistant Engineer 3

(clerical work concurrently)

Note: The bold frame above figure indicates engineer who resides on-site.
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.18 Supervision Structure

(4) Supervision System of the Contractor

Table 2-2.28 Contractors in Charge and Their Rolls

Person in Charge Roll
Japanese Chief As a general manager of construction, adjusts with the
government offices, consultants, local stake holders and
Engineers subcontractors, and implements process management, cost
management, quality control and safety control. Be witness
at the inspection after 1 year of completion.
Sub chief With attention from a chief, indicate to engineers in charge
and local engineers of the construction, and execute the
works. Sometimes negotiate on the behalf of chief.
Engineer in charge of 1 Execute the construction work of the 1st section, and be in
section charge of quality control and finished shapes.
Simultaneously, make as-build drawings of the 1st section.
Engineer in charge of 2 Execute the construction work of the 2nd section, and be in
section charge of quality control and finished shapes.
Simultaneously, make as-build drawings of the 2nd
Special engineer for Instruct and supervise the subcontractor as a specialist of
structure construction form, re-bar and concrete placing.
Special engineer for Instruct and supervise the subcontractor as a specialist of
pavement construction pavement.
Accountant and clerk Take in charge of accounting, internal and external
business. Stay in the Djibouti City, but go to site in need.
Local Engineer in charge of Local engineers consist of several engineers who are in
design, construction, charge of miscellaneous works such as making design
Engineers clerical work, and control documents, conducting and controlling construction works,
work of camp and doing paper works and foreign negotiations, controlling
materials. machines and materials, observing weather and so on.
Guard Guard of the construction camp.


Sub Chief Accountant and clerk

(resident in Djibouti)

Engineer in charge of Engineer in charge of

1 section 1 section

Structure Specialist Pavement specialist


Local Employment Engineers: Design, Construction, Mechanism

and others

Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Figure 2-2.19 Supervision System of the Contractor

2-2-4-5 Quality Control Plan

(1) Trial Test

In construction of banking, roadbed, base course, surface course, structure across the river, detour
and so on, the tests and measures for quality control must be conducted for each target item. The
Project is classified into a large-scale construction, so 2 periodic inspections must be conducted
during the construction period.

Trial tests has to be conducted based on Japanese JIS standard. Diversion number of times of form,
temperature in construction and so on, have to achieve prescribed quality with working standard

A pavement area exceeds 10,000m2, so test schedule will be made as a medium-scale construction
or more.

Table 2-2.29 Content of Trial Batch Test (medium-scale construction or more)

Quality control Finished
Items Trial Test
Plant control Others shape control
Implementation Before construction At product of a mixture At construction
Period At change of material
Method Test report or Extractive test such as Test, measures
implementation of test particle size, quantity of
asphalt and so on, and
trial test led by JIS
Source: Paving Construction Handbook (Japan Road Assoc.) Extraction of the contents of the medium-class construction
Content of Trial Batch Test (medium-scale construction or more)

The trial test is intended for confirming whether using materials and construction methods are
appropriate. It is done before construction start. In the Project, it is done aiming at necessary items
for construction.

The items of trial test is according to the quality test items at construction. The Project area is
known as harsh heat area, so it is important to catch the influences of heat to construction.
Judge whether using materials is appropriate
Catch the values beforehand necessary for control and inspection.
Confirm the performance of mainly using construction machines
Implement a test construction depending on the case. It enables us to make a work standard.

(2) Periodic Inspection of Asphalt Plant

Even an asphalt plant is a target of periodic inspection. Target values of inspection are as follows.

Table 2-2.30 Target Values at Periodic Inspection of Asphalt Plant
Inspection items Target value
Weighing 1/2 or less of weight 1 scale or within ±0.5% of weight
1/2 or more of weight 2 scales or within ±1% of weight
Thermo-meter Gap between a standard Within ±5
Time lag Within 6 minutes
Amount of discharge of asphalt Within ±1%
Source: Paving Construction Handbook (Japan Road Assoc.)

(3) Trial Construction

A trial construction enables us to spread the roadbed material and mixtures, compact them, confirm
the quality and workability, and make a work standard for each work. Also it enables to set a control
limit and frequency. The trial construction shall be done using a part of actual site, and shall be
appropriate to the construction.

Items in the trial construction are as follows.

Table 2-2.31 Example of Items Studied in the Trial Construction (Asphalt Pavement)
Study Items Content
Confirmation of Proper or improper of leveling machine etc.
construction machine
Selection of compaction machine, combination etc.
Confirmation of mixture Particle size, asphalt volume etc.
Workability, material separation etc.
Disposal limit of mixture Lower limit of temperature of mixture etc.
Leveling conditions Extra banking volume etc.
Compacting conditions Mixture temperature, order of rolling compaction,
number of times, velocity etc.
Source: Paving Construction Handbook (Japan Road Assoc.)

(4) Control of Finished Shapes of Pavement

Control of finished shapes is the confirmation whether finished shapes satisfies the design
documents, and inspection items are basic heights, widths and thickness.

Table 2-2.32 Reference Example of Items for Control of Finished Shapes, Frequencies and
Standard Limits of Control
Standard Limit of
Type of Works Items Frequency
Subgrade Basic height Every 40m ±5cm or less
Width Every 40m -10cm or more
Sub Base Course Basic height Every 20m ±4cm or less
Thickness Every 20m -4.5cm or more
Width Every 40m -5cm or more

Adjustment of particle size Thickness Every 20m -2.5cm or more
Width Every 100m -5cm or more
Base Cement and Lime Thickness Every 20m -2.5cm or more
Course stabile processing
Width Every 100m -5cm or more
Bitumen stable Thickness Every 1,000m -1.5cm or more
Width Every 100m -5cm or more
Cement and Thickness Every 20m -3cm or more
Bitumen stable
processing Width Every 40m -5cm or more
Concrete slab Thickness Every 100m -0.8cm or more
Width Every 40m -2.5cm or more
Flatness Every carriageway 2.4mm or less
All extension
Base /Surface heating asphalt Base thick. Every 1,000m2 -0.9cm or more
Surf. thick Every 1,000m2 -0.7cm or more
Width Every 100m -2.5cm or more
Flatness Every carriageway 2.4mm or less
(surface) All extension
Source: Paving Construction Handbook (Japan Road Assoc.)

(5) Quality Control Items and Frequency

Example of quality control items, frequency and control limit/reference are as follows.

Table 2-2.33 Quality Control Items, Frequency and Control Limit/ Reference Example – 1
Construction scale
of items、Inspection Frequency of
Standard control Inspection
Work Items status inspection
limit method
or more
When Pavement
Moisture content
abnormality was Inspection
PI ―
found by Handbook
Particle size
93% or more
Course Degree of Once per
〇 of maximum
compaction 1,000m2
dry density
Plow flooring 〇 ― At all times
Moisture content abnormality was
PI found by
Adjustment Pavement
of particle 2.36 ㎜ 〇 ― 1∼2 times /day ±15% or less Inspection
size 75 △ ― 1∼2 times /day ±6% or less Handbook
93% or more
Degree of Once per
〇 △ of maximum
compaction 1,000m2
dry density

2.36 ㎜ 〇 ― 1∼2 times /day ±15% or less
75 △ ― 1∼2 times /day ±6% or less

Cement and Lime Stable Process

Content △ ― 1∼2 times /day ±1.2% or less
cement Amount of
〇 〇 At all times n of empty
and lime use
93% or more
Degree of Once per
〇 △ of basic dry
compaction 1,000m2
density Pavement
When Inspection
abnormality was Handbook
Moisture content △ △
found by
Content of cement 〇 〇 1∼2 times /day Confirmatio
Cement Lime Stable

Content of asphalt n of amount

〇 〇 1∼2 times /day
emulsion of use

93% or more
Density(degree of Once per
〇 △ of basic dry Pavement
compaction) 1,000m2
density Inspection
Base Course

Content of water 〇 △ 1∼2 times /day
Temperature 〇 〇 At all times
In case of
printing record
Printing record: 〔Note〕
All Reference
or extraction/ In case of sieve
Particle 〇 ―
Sieve analysis
Bitumen Stable Process

analysis 1∼2 2.36mm±15%

times /day or less Pavement
75 ±6% or Inspection
less Handbook
In case of
Printing record:
printing record
or extraction/
Amount of asphalt 〇 △ Reference
In case of sieve
analysis 1∼2
times /day
−1.2% or less
93% or more
Degree of Once per
〇 △ of basic dry
compaction 1,000m2
Source: Paving Construction Handbook (Japan Road Association)

Table 2-2.34 Quality Control Items, Frequency and Control Limit/ Reference Example – 2
Construction scale of
items、Inspection Frequency of
Standard Inspection
Work Items status inspection
control limit method
or more
Once or once a
day per fine
Particle size, Unit JISA1102
〇 aggregate 300m3, ―
volume mass JISA1104
coarse aggregate
Surface water on fine
Concrete Slab

〇 2 per day ― JISA1111

Consistency 〇 〇 2 per day Within design JISA1101
Air content 〇 〇 2 per day Within design JISA1128
At measuring
Concrete temperature 〇 〇 consistency ―
Design strength
Concrete strength 〇 〇 2 per day JISA1106
or more
Appearance 〇 〇 At all times Observation
Temperature 〇 〇 At all times
In case of
printing record
Printing record: 〔Note〕
All Reference
or extraction/ In case of sieve
Particle 〇
Surface and Base Courses

Heating asphalt mixture

Sieve analysis
analysis 1∼2 2.36mm±15%
times /day or less
75 ±5% or
In case of
Printing record: printing record
All 〔Note〕
or extraction/ Reference
Content of asphalt 〇
Sieve In case of
analysis 1∼2 extraction
times /day analysis
−0.9% or less
93% or more
Degree of asphalt 〇 Once per 1,000m2 of basic dry
Legend 〇:Inspection at periodic interval or at all times is desirable.
:Inspection at abnormal status or when needed.
Source: Paving Construction Handbook (Japan Road Association)

(6) Quality Control Inspection of Concrete Structure

Inspections are to be implemented by checking whether the concrete structures satisfy the required
performances set at the beginning, and the completed structures are acceptable. JIS or the methods
approved by Japan Society of Civil Engineers shall be standard for site inspection methods and

regulations. These costs include in common temporary expense ratio.

1) Standard Values of the Structure across River

The quality for the structures across river in the Project adopts the quality conditions as shown
below as “Inland reinforcing structure.”

Table 2-2.35 Quality Conditions of Concrete (Proposed values)

Item Standard
Design Strength (N/mm2) 24
Slump (cm) 8.0~12.0
Content of Air (%) 4.0~4.5
Maximum Cement Ratio (%) 55
Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate (mm) 25
Minimum Unit Cement Content (kg/m ) 300~330
Type of Re-bar SD345 or equivalent

Reference Source:”Construction Technology” (Economic Research Association)

2) Inspection Items at Acceptance of Concrete

Items for inspections at acceptance of concrete are as follows.

Table 2-2.36 Items for Inspections at Acceptance of Concrete

Inspection Item Inspection Method Inspection Standard
Trial mix Commission to the Once before construction starts
Central Laboratory
Slump Test JIS A1101 At unloading, once per day or once per 50m3
Measurement of Content JIS A1106, JIS A1108, At unloading, once per day or once per 50m3
of Air JIS A1128
Chloride Total Amount Improvement of Once per day
Regulation durability of concrete
Measurement of Unit Once per day or once per 50m3
Water Volume
Concrete Compressive JIS A 1108 At unloading, once per day or once per 50m3.
Strength Test Test pieces are 7×3pc、and 28×3pc
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

3) Quality Inspection Control of Structure across the River

Items for Quality Inspection Control of Structure across the river are as follows.

Table 2-2.37 Items for Quality Inspection Control of Structure across the River
Item Quality Control Inspection
Concrete performance Control of construction performance of Inspection of mixture
concrete (slump or slump flow etc.) design
Control of hardened concrete performance Inspection of concrete at
(control of unit amount of water, unloading
water-cement ratio and strength Inspection of hardened
characteristics etc.) concrete
Construction Re-bar Control of processing and arrangement of Confirmation of works
of Concrete re-bars (quantity, position, space, degree of whether they are done as
fixing etc.) designed.
Form and Control of arrangement of form and Confirmation of works
Timbering timbering (Arrangement accuracy, degree whether they are done as
of strength etc.) designed.
Carrying Control of supply time of fresh concrete Confirmation of works
and Placing (carrying, conditions of concrete placing whether they are done as
machine, preparation, control of placing planned through being
speed etc.) present at.
Compaction Control of vibration and their preparation
(confirmation of whether compaction
works are done evenly and enough)
Finish Control of a finish time, conditions of
finishing machines, and preparation etc.
Curing Control of moist curing method and its Confirmation of temp. and
period. curing period.
Performance Finish Positions and sizes of members, flatness, Inspection of finish shape
of Structure Condition appearance, defects status Visual inspection
Durability Control of concrete quality, control of Non-destructive inspection
Performance construction, covering performance and
thickness of completed structure
Source: “Quality assurance and improvement of concrete structure guideline (Plan)”
(Chugoku Regional Development Bureau, Japan)

4) Inspection Result of Finished Shape

Finished shapes of structures across the river have to be within below values after inspection.

Table 2-2.38 Control Values of Finished Shape

Basic height ±30mm
Thickness ―20mm
Inner width ―30mm
Inner height ±30mm
Extension ―200mm
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan

2-2-4-6 Procurement Plan

(1) Procurement Policy

1) Materials

In Djibouti City, there are many materials used and necessary for road pavement works and

structure across the river works, and they are already imported and distributed widely in the market.
So it is possible to procure those materials in the Djibouti because they are stored in the warehouses
for construction machines and materials of the Contractors and the sellers. Almost of materials can
be obtained easily except special street lights and such.

Water of fine quality which don’t contain too much salt will be obtained by digging wells and
pumping up of ground water in site. Aggregates necessary for road works are obtained by setting up
a crusher plant or an asphalt plant in hill area rich in basalt and widely spread around the both sides
of the road.

Procurement of materials are obtained by transport from Djibouti City. However the road from
Dikhil to site is a harsh bumpy road, and many accidents are shown there, so a safety transport route
shall be considered enough.

2) Construction Machine

All main construction machines can be procured in the Djibouti, however their costs are
comparatively expensive that it requires to determine procurement country after comparing costs
with imported equipment from Japan or Ethiopia. (See Table 2-2.40 for procurement country of
main construction machines)

3) Labor

Employment in the Djibouti takes priority for the purpose of creature of job opportunity, activation
of local economy as the result, and improvement of technical level of local engineers and labors.
However some Japanese special engineers will be dispatched in the engineering field that is difficult
for local engineers to reach.

(2) Procurement Classification

Most main materials are imported from neighborhood countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, Qatar,
Turkey, Dubai, China, India and so on, and are distributed in the market except aggregates and
cement (medium quality) The interview to construction officials shows that 90% of imported civil
materials is via Dubai. However there is the case of the direct import from the countries of origin of
the executives (Italy, France and so on). There are tools of MAKITA made in Japan. In addition,
signals and street lights are imported directly by the government itself not by way of private
contractors. In this case, a private company assembles them, and they are constructed by ADR.

Table 2-2.39 Procurement Classification of Main Materials

Procurement Classification
Material Third Remarks
Djibouti Japan Country
Bituminous material
Aggregate for pavement
Cement Pakistan
Aggregate for concrete

Concrete block
Re-bar, iron wire
Wood (plywood, squared timber, Plate)
Fuel(gasoline, diesel, light oil)
Oils and fats
Paint(paint, section line)
Shaped steel, steel pipe, steel plate
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

Crushed rocks and soils for pavement and concrete works are carried into the site from a crusher
plant set up in the raw ore collection area which are several hundred meters from the road
construction site.

(3) Construction Machine

Construction machines necessary for road construction is procured as a lease because that
construction companies and construction machine rental companies hold them. Furthermore, if the
subcontractor cooperates with these private companies, it is possible to procure most of the
construction machines. However, the lease fees of necessary main machines proved to be relatively
expensive as 5~10 times than the equipment ownership cost in Japan, most of them are to be
imported from Japan or Ethiopia.

Auxiliary machines are to be procured in the Djibouti because of less influences to cost, and easy
repair in there. Trucks are also to be procured in the Djibouti because of abundance of them though
high prices.

Classification of procurement assumption of main construction machines are as shown in Table


Table 2-2.40 Classification of Procurement Assumption of Main Construction Machines

Supply Country
Name of Machines Standard and Specification Third
Djibouti Japan
Asphalt plant Performance:60t/h, batch type
Concrete plant
Bulldozer 3t, 10t, 15t, 21t with ripper
Backhoe 0.11m3, 0.45m3, 0.80m3 bucket
Power shovel
Belt conveyor
Truck crane 4t, 15t, 21t hanger
Tire roller 8t~20t
Load roller 8t~10t tandem and macadam type
Large breaker

Concrete crusher
Crawler drill 10t
Asphalt finisher 2.4~6.0m
Mortar mixer 0.1m3
Concrete mixer 0.25m3, 0.50m3
Agitator car 9.0m3, 4~6m3
Concrete pump car 28m, 90~110m3 per minute
Tamper 60~100kg
Vibration roller 6~7.5t, 8~10t
Hand roller 600kg
Electric air compressor 0.7kW, movable type
Electric welder 300A
Concrete cutter
Motor grader Blade, 3.1~3.4m
Asphalt Distributor 0.2~2.0t/m2
Engine sprayer
Movable mixer
Movable asphalt plant
Truck 10t
Truck with crane 2.9~4.9t
Dump truck 4t, 10t
Water tank car 3,000, 10,000 liters
Rough terrain crane Maximum load 25∼30t
Shot blast
Water truck
Fuel tank 5,000 liters
Water tank 3,800m3, 10.000m3
For construction 150kVA、for well
Well drilling machine 12inch
Pump for well 18.5kW, 25Hp
Crusher plant Performance:300t/hr
Source: Prepared by the Survey Team

2-2-4-7 Implementation Schedule

The implementation schedule for the detailed design and procurement supervision to be conducted
by the Japanese side is shown below.

Table 2-2.41 Implementation Schedule

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

(Analysis in Japan and detailed design)

Detailed design

(Prepare bidding documents)

(Obtain approval for bidding documents)
(Bid evaluation) Total 7.0 months
Construction supervision

(Preparatory work)
(Permanent works)


Total 20 months

2-3 Obligations of Recipient Country

Following the conclusion of the E/N and the G/A, the Djibouti side will implement the following
tasks based on cooperation of the responsible agency and each implementing agency.

1) Before construction

Following conclusion of the E/N and the G/A, immediately open an account with a Japanese
bank. Moreover, the Djibouti side will bear any costs incurred in opening the account.
Secure the necessary land for the Project before public notice of Pre-Qualification
Clarify environmental procedure before public notice of Pre-Qualification
Secure land for temporary yard (for bypass, asphalt ・ concrete ・ crushed stone plants,
construction camp, waste disposal generated by the construction, well drilling and drilling
Acquire a permission for construction around Ethiopian border

2) During construction

Customs clearance, tax exemption for equipment and materials and Japanese nationals related
to the Project
Environmental monitoring of the Project
With respect to the Project officials (Japanese and third country nationals), such as ensuring
the entry to Djibouti, stay therein and safety.
Maintenance and repair of bypasses not attributable to caused by the construction (Accident
treatment of general vehicles and road repair after accidents, road repair after flooding etc.)

3) In service

Maintenance of constructed roads and incidental facilities

2-4 Project Operation Plan

Road maintenance after completion of the project will be undertaken mainly by the Dikhil
Maintenance Base under ADR. Though daily and ad-hoc maintenance will be implemented directly
by this base, the large-scale maintenance will be done by the Direction des Etudes of ADR. The
maintenance work will be executed under direct management by the Dikhil Maintenance Base or
will be outsourced to private contractors according to the Maintenance Plan of the Entire Djibouti.

The Dikhil Maintenance Base has procured the necessary road maintenance equipment according to
the “The Project for Improvement of Road Management Equipment” of the 2015 Japanese Grant
Aid, which can be applied to maintenance of this Project section. The base has more than 30 staffs.
In this way, the base is complete with the manpower and equipment necessary for maintenance of
the target road.

Note that the start point of the target section is remote (about 80 km) from the Dikhil Maintenance
Base. Though the time is required for accessing due to poor road situations, and maintenance tends

to be insufficient. In the future, the road improvement project for this 80 km section will be
implemented under assistance from donors, which is expected to improve the access to the target
section. ADR is also planning to establish newly the maintenance base in Yoboki close to the target
section, and the maintenance system will be strengthened.

2-5 Project Cost Estimation

2-5-1 Initial Cost Estimation

(1) Japan Side

This chapter is closed due to the confidential.

(2) Djibouti Side

The expenses to be borne by the Djibouti side are shown below.

Approximate project cost About JPY 4 million (USD 36,000)
Item Approx. project cost (USD)
Charges for opening of bank account 36,000

(3) Conditions of Cost Estimation

1. Time of estimation : April 2018
2. Exchange rate : 1 USD = JPY109.22
3. Implementation : Implementation period is to be the implementation scheme shown in
period 2-2-4-7 Implementation schedule
4. Others : The cost is estimated on the basis of the grant aid scheme of the
Government of Japan.

Note that these estimated project costs is not confirmed by JICA.

2-5-2 Operation and Maintenance Cost

Major maintenance services necessary for the facilities developed by the Project are daily and
periodic maintenance services shown in Table 2-5.1, and the maintenance cost (as converted to the
annual mean) is estimated to be about USD 86,000 (equivalent to about Djibouti Franc 15 million).
This accounts for 3.8% of the mean budget for ADR maintenance services for past five years, which
is considered not presenting much problem for the government of Djibouti.

Table 2-5.1 Maintenance Details and Costs

((Unit: USD)
Unit price
Item Frequency Details Specification Unit Quantity No. of times Cost
Once a year Pavement repair 1% of pavement area m 21.0 2047.8 10 430,032
Daily maintenance
Subtotal-1 Total of ten years = 430,032
Subbase repair 2% of pavement area m 9.6 4176.7 2 79,775
Once every Overlay 2% of pavement area 2
34.3 4095.6 2 280,627
Periodic m
five years
maintenance Repair of structures 1% of structures m
958.1 36.0 2 68,984

Subtotal-II Total of ten years = 429,386

Total of daily and periodic maintenances III (= I + II) = 859,417
Operation and maintenance cost 10% of III One set - 85,942

Exchange rate:US$1 = Djibouti franc178.0(as of April 2018)

Source:Prepared by the Survey Team


Chapter 3 Project Evaluation
3-1 Preconditions

The precondition for implementation of the Project is to that Djibouti performs the following
services under her responsibility:

To secure the land for road construction

To secure temporary yard land (yards for the asphalt plant, concrete plant, crushed stone
plant; construction equipment storage yard, camp for those concerned), and to provide such
land for free
To negotiate with the Bureau of Environment and Sustainable Development concerning
simple environment evaluation procedure, acquisition of license as required, etc.
To take measures to enable exemption and customs clearance of equipment and materials for
the Project and rapid transport within the country
To bear corporate taxes, domestic taxes and other fiscal levies which may be imposed in
Djibouti with respect to those utilizing the Japanese grant aid
To take legal measures and work permit necessary for Japanese citizens and personnel from
third countries to be engaged in the Project to enter Djibouti and stay there
To bear all the expenses, other than those covered by the Grant, among those necessary for
the implementation of the Project
To bear banking service fees for the bank account to be opened in Japan in relation to the

3-2 Necessary Inputs by Recipient Country

The Government of Djibouti shall be responsible for the following items to achieve the overall plan
of the Project:

Adequate operation and maintenance of the target sections of RN1 which will be constructed
by the Project

Arrangement of manpower and budget necessary for above operation and maintenance

3-3 External Conditions

Djibouti had the military conflict with her neighboring country, Eritrea, through border dispute. At
present, the relationship between two countries appears to be stable without particular issues.
Djibouti is now in an important position as an anchorage site for ships from Germany, Italy, and
other western countries, and US Armies, French Armies, China Armies, and Self-Defense Forces of
Japan are stationed here to cope with pirates in the Somalia sea area.

With this background, the important external conditions for efficient realization and continuation of
the Project is continuing stability of the security situation within Djibouti and in relation with
surrounding countries.

3-4 Project Evaluation

3-4-1 Relevance

Japan has established the following fields for special assistance in Djibouti with the major objective
to contribute to strengthening of infrastructures and the economic society for regional stabilization.

I. Development of the economic and social infrastructure for sustainable growth

II. Fostering human resources firmly supporting socioeconomic development

III. Strengthening the efforts for regional stabilization

The Project is deemed to harmonize with Japan’s policy for assistance to Djibouti, meeting the
requirement of above I.

RN1 is ranked the most important by the Djibouti Government demanding stable trade with
neighboring Ethiopia, and road improvement is urgently demanded to ensure efficient and stable

As such, rehabilitation of the targeted section on RN1 is urgent and prioritized by the Djibouti
Government for sustainable development of the country, hence it is concluded that the Project is

3-4-2 Effectiveness

(1) Quantitative Effects

Expected quantitative effects of the road improvement works in the Project are summarized in the
table below.

Table 3-4.1 Quantitative Effects of Road Improvement (Draft)

Current Value Target Value
(Year 2018) (Year 2024)
1 No. of passengers 50 passengers/day 90 passengers/day2
2 Cargo volume 32,900 tons/day 37,900 tons/day4
Average time required in non-congested condition
3 About one hour5 20 minutes6
for the target 20 km
4 Frequency of road blocks due to flooding of wadi 10 times/year7 0 times/year
Remarks 1 The current value has been established on the basis of field survey and hearing result.
The target value is calculated by assuming 10 % for annual growth rate.
The current value is based on the AADT in 2018, 940 truck/day, and the cargo volume is calculated by
assuming 35 tones per one truck.
The target value is based on the AADT in 2024, 1,083 truck/day, and the cargo volume is calculated by
assuming 35 tones per one truck.
The current value is based on actual travel time.
Established based on the average speed of 60km
Established on the basis of results of hearing from ADR

Among the indicators shown above, indicators “1” and “2” can be measured in the target year by the
implementing organization that conducts traffic survey, and “3” can be measured by running
actually over the target section. The indicator “4” can be confirmed by the implementing
organization that performs hearing to staff of the Dikhil Maintenance Base and residents along the

(2) Qualitative Effects

Expected qualitative effect as the result of road improvement by this Project is summarized in the
table below

Table 3-4.2 Qualitative Effects of Road Improvement

Countermeasures to be Effect and Degree of
Current Status and Problems
taken under the Project Improvement
1. RN1 (Yoboki -- Galafi) Road improvement work Effective in smoothing of cargo
RN1 is the international freight will be done over the entire transport, improvement of traveling
route connecting the inland East target section, such as performance, and traffic safety
African countries and overseas widening of carriageway, measures such as reduction of
countries, with Djibouti port acting replacement of the asphalt accidental overturn for RN1
as a hub port. At present, pavement, etc. supporting the trading services of
deterioration is observed to Djibouti major industry.
progress over the entire target
section, causing substantial
disruption in the traveling safety
and rapidity.
2. The target section is important as a Road improvement work Effective in providing access for
route for transport of cargoes from will be done over the entire emergency medical care from all
all over Dikhil Region to Dikhil target section, such as over Dikhil Region to Dikhil City
and Djibouti cities while securing widening of carriageway, and Djibouti city, securing of stable
access for emergency medical replacement of the asphalt cargo transport, etc.
care. Deterioration of road surface pavement.
prevents rapid running of vehicles.
3. Severe disruption of smooth All of ford-crossing types in Effective in smoothing of cargo
transport occurs due to road block target section will be transport, improvement of traveling
by flooding of several wadis and structurally modified to performance, and traffic safety
accidental overturn of vehicles. culvert types allowing measures such as reduction of
all-year traffic. accidental overturn for RN1
supporting the trading services of
Djibouti major industry.

Judging from the analysis presented in this Chapter 3-4 Project Evaluation, it is concluded that the
Project is relevant and is expected to be effective.



1. Member List of the Study Team
【First Field Survey】

Name Work Assignment Position

Mission Leader/Planning Japan International Cooperation Agency
Kenshiro TANAKA
Management (JICA)

Chief Consultant/
Isao TAKAHASHI Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Road Planner1

Deputy Chief Consultant/

Masatsugu KOMIYA Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Road Planner2

Kiyotaka MIYAKE Road, Pavement Design Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

Road, Pavement Design

Omer Mohamed
Assistant/Traffic Demand Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
River Crossing Structure,
Jihoon LEEM Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Drainage Design 1
Toyohiro TAKAGI Construction Planning/ Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Cost Estimation
Natural Conditions Survey
Hisashi FURUICHI Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

Natural Conditions Survey

Maiko TAKAHASHI Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
(Hydrology)/River Analysis

Environmental and Social

Aya HARAGUCHI Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

River Crossing Structure,

Makoto MURATA Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Drainage Design 2

Ryoichi FUKUDA Interpreter(French) Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

【Additional Field Survey】

Name Work Assignment Position

Kiyotaka MIYAKE Road, Pavement Design Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

River Crossing Structure,

Jihoon LEEM Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Drainage Design 1

Natural Conditions Survey

Hisashi FURUICHI Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

【Second Field Survey】

Name Work Assignment Position

Chief Consultant/
Isao TAKAHASHI Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Road Planner1

Deputy Chief Consultant/

Masatsugu KOMIYA Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.
Road Planner2

Kiyotaka MIYAKE Road, Pavement Design Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

Ribiere Kevin Interpreter(French) Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.


2. Study Schedule
First Field Survey Schedule
JICA Consultant
Road, P avement
Procurement/ Natural
Deputy Chief Design River Crossing River Crossing
Mission Leader/P lanning Chief Consultant/ Construction Natural Conditions Conditions Survey Environmental and Social Interpreter
Day Date Consultant/ Road, P avement Design Assistant/T raffic Structure, Drainage Structure, Drainage Accomodation
Management Road P lanner 1 Planning/ Survey(Geology) (Hydrology) Considerations (French)
Road P lanner 2 Demand Design 1 Design 2
Cost Estimation /River Analysis
Masatsugu Omer Mohamed Maiko
Kenshiro T ANAKA Isao T AKAHASHI Kiyotaka MIYAKE Jihoon LEEM T oyohiro T AKAGI Hisashi FURUICHI Aya HARAGUCHI Makoto MURAT A Ryoichi FUKUDA
Narita to Doha by
Narita to Addis Ababa by flight Narita to Doha by flight QR807 (22:20-
1 16-Mar-18 Fri Narita to Doha by flight QR807 (22:20->04:45(+1)) flight QR807 -
ET673 (20:10->07:40(+1)) >04:45(+1))
Narita to Doha by
Addis Ababa to Djibouti by Doha to Djibouti by flight QR1437 (20:10-
2 17-Mar-18 Sat Doha to Djibouti by flight QR1437 (20:10->00:35(+1)) flight QR807 -
flight ET 362 (9:45->11:00) >00:35(+1))
9:00 Courtesy call on JICA Dj ibouti Office [Djibouti (00:35)]
10:00 Meeting with ADR (MET;Ministry of 9:00 Courtesy call on JICA Djibouti Office
Equipment and Transport) discussion on [Dibouti (00:35)]
10:00 Meeting with ADR (MET;Ministry of Equipment and [Dibouti (00:35)]
3 18-Mar-18 Sun Inception Report
Transport) discussion on Inception Report Same as Chief Consultant
Same as Chief Djibouti
15:00 Meeting with vice-m inister of
15:00 Meeting with vice-minister of ADR(MET)
16:00 Courtesy call on Japanese Em bassy 16:00 Courtesy call on Japanese Embassy

・6:30 Move to the Site Same as Chief

4 19-Mar-18 Mon Same as Chief Consultant Data Collection in Djibouti Djibouti,Dikhil
・Field Survey Consultant

5 20-Mar-18 T ue ・Move to Djibouti Same as Chief Consultant

・ Data Collection in Djibouti Same as Chief
・Internal Meeting ・ Internal Meeting Consultant
・9:30 Road Department (M/D Meeting) ・ Data Collection in Djibouti Same as Chief
6 21-Mar-18 Wed Djibouti
・11:00 Courtesy call on Bilateral Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) ・ Meeting with Subcontractor Consultant
・9:00 Road Department (M/D Meeting)
・9:00 Road Department (M/D Meeting) Same as Chief
7 22-Mar-18 T hu ・12:00 Signing of M/D (M/D report to Japanese Embassy) Djibouti
・12:00 Signing of M/D Consultant
17:00 Meeting With local agent
Field Survey Narita to Doha by flight QR807 (22:20- Same as Chief
8 23-Mar-18 Fri Same as Chief Consultant Djibouti
(Surrounding road in Djibouti) >04:45(+1)) Consultant

Djibouti to Addis Ababa by Doha to Djibouti by flight Same as Chief

9 24-Mar-18 Sat Classification of Data Classification of Data Djibouti
flight ET 365 (19:05->20:15) QR1437 (20:10->00:35(+1)) Consultant
[Djibouti (00:35)]
9:00 Meeting with ADR
9:00 Meeting with ADR 9:00 Meeting with ADR Narita to Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa to Narita by flight 11:00 Meeting With local agent Same as Chief
10 25-Mar-18 Sun 11:00 Meeting with Local agent 11:00 Meeting With local agent by flight ET673 Djibouti
ET672 (23:35->20:35(+1)) 13:00 Meeting With local agent Consultant
13:00 Meeting with Local agent 13:00 Meeting With local agent (21:25->07:45)
・ Data Collection in Djibouti
・Data Collection in Djibouti

11 26-Mar-18 Mon
・Data Collection in Djibouti Arrival in Addis ・Data Collection in Djibouti Move to the Site
17:00 Meeting With local agent Ababa (07:45) 17:00 Meeting With local agent Addis Ababa

8:00 Meeting with JICA Djibouti Office ・Data Collection ・Data Collection in Djibouti Same as Chief Djibouti,
12 27-Mar-18 T ue
・Data Collection in Djibouti in Addis Ababa Classification of Data Consultant Addis Ababa

8:30 Meeting with JICA Djibouti

8:30 Meeting with JICA Djibouti Office ・Data Collection 11:00 Meeting With local agent Same as Chief Djibouti,
13 28-Mar-18 Wed 10:30 Meeting With local agent
・Data Collection in Djibouti 15:00 Meeting with ADR
in Addis Ababa ・Data Collection in Djibouti Consultant Addis Ababa
・ Internal Meeting

8:00 Meeting with vice-minister of 9:00Meeting With

ADR(MET) Djibouti to 9:00 local agent local agent ・Data Collection in 10:30Meeting 10:30 Meeting With local
10:30 Meeting With local agent Doha by flight 10:30 local agent 15:00 JICA ・Data Collection 10:30Meeting With Djibouti With local agent agent Same as Chief Djibouti,
14 29-Mar-18 T hu
15:00 Meeting with JICA Djibouti QR1438 (00:50- Djibouti Office in Addis Ababa local agent 15:00 Meeting with 15:00 Meeting 15:00 Meeting with JICA Consultant Addis Ababa
Office >05:55) 17:30 Road Department 15:00 Meeting with JICA Djibouti Office With MAFF Djibouti Office
17:30 Meeting with ADR
JICA Djibouti Office
Addis Ababa to
Doha to Narita by flight Same as Chief
15 30-Mar-18 Fri ・Internal Meeting QR806 (02:20->18:40) ・Internal Meeting Djibouti by flight ET ・Internal Meeting Djibouti
364 (16:00->18:20)
9:00 Meeting With local agent 9:00 Meeting With local agent Nrita to Doha by flight 9:00 Meeting With local agent Same as Chief
16 31-Mar-18 Sat QR807 (22:20->04:45(+1))
・Internal Meeting ・Internal Meeting ・Internal Meeting Consultant
Doha to Dj ibouti by flight
9:00 Meeting with ADR 9:00 Meeting with ADR 9:00 Meeting with ADR Same as Chief
17 1-Apr-18 Sun QR1437 (20:10- Djibouti
・Data Collection in Djibouti ・Data Collection in Djibouti >00:35(+1)) ・Data Collection in Djibouti Consultant
6:00 Meeting with JICA Djibouti
6:00 Meeting with JICA Djibouti Office Same as Chief
18 2-Apr-18 Mon Office Djibouti
・Meeting With local agent Consultant
・Meeting With local agent
Same as Chief
19 3-Apr-18 T ue Field Survey Field Survey (Drone Survey,River Crossing Structure Survey,Road Survey ) Dikhil
Same as Chief
20 4-Apr-18 Wed Field Survey Field Survey (Drone Survey,River Crossing Structure Survey,Road Survey ) Dikhil
Same as Chief
21 5-Apr-18 T hu Field Survey Field Survey (Drone Survey,River Crossing Structure Survey,Road Survey ) Djibouti
Same as Chief
22 6-Apr-18 Fri Classification of Data Classification of Data Djibouti
Same as Chief
23 7-Apr-18 Sat Classification of Data Classification of Data Djibouti
9:00 Meeting with ADR Hearing from Ministry of 9:00 Road Department Same as Chief
24 8-Apr-18 Sun Meeting with ADR Djibouti
・Meeting with JICA Djibouti Office Agriculture,CERD 16:00 National P roperty Department Consultant
・Meeting with
・Data Collection in Meteorological Same as Chief
25 9-Apr-18 Mon Meeting with ADR Meeting with ADR ADR Meeting with ADR Classification of Data Water Resource Agency,CERD Djibouti,Dikhil
Djibouti Agency,CERD Consultant
・T raffic volume
・Meeting with
・Data Collection in Same as Chief
26 10-Apr-18 T ue Meeting with ADR Meeting with ADR ADR Meeting with ADR Field Survey Rain,Flow analysis ・Data Collection in Djibouti Djibouti,Dikhil
Djibouti Consultant
・T raffic volume
・Meeting with
27 11-Apr-18 Wed Meeting with ADR Meeting with ADR
・Data Collection in Same as Chief
ADR Meeting with ADR Field Survey Rain,Flow analysis ・Data Collection in Djibouti Djibouti,Dikhil
Djibouti Consultant
・Djibouti P ort
・Meeting with
・Data Collection in ・Preparation of Same as Chief
28 12-Apr-18 T hu Meeting with ADR Meeting with ADR ADR Meeting with ADR Field Survey ・Data Collection in Djibouti Djibouti
Djibouti report Consultant
・T raffic volume
Djibouti to Doha by flight Same as Chief
29 13-Apr-18 Fri Classification of Data Classification of Data QR1438 (00:50->05:55)
Classification of Data Djibouti

Doha to Narita by flight Nrita to Doha by flight QR807 Same as Chief

30 14-Apr-18 Sat Classification of Data Classification of Data QR806 (02:20->18:40)
Classification of Data (22:20->04:45)
・Data Collection in
Djibouti Doha to Dj ibouti by flight QR1437 Same as Chief
31 15-Apr-18 Sun Meeting with ADR ・Data Collection in Djibouti ・Data Collection in Djibouti (20:10->00:35)
・Meeting with Consultant
・Data Collection in
・P reparation of Report Djibouti [Djibouti (00:35)] Same as Chief
32 16-Apr-18 Mon Meeting with ADR ・Data Collection in Djibouti ・Data Collection in Djibouti Djibouti
・Meeting with ADR ・Meeting with ・Move to the Site Consultant
Field Survey( River Field Survey( River Field Survey( River
・Field Survey ・P reparation of Report Meeting with ・Data Collection in Field Survey Same as Chief
33 17-Apr-18 T ue Crossing Structure Crossing Structure Crossing Structure Survey Djibouti,Dikhil
・Meeting With local agent ・Meeting with ADR Subcontractor
Survey )
Survey )
( P eripheral Survey )


Field Survey( River Field Survey( River Field Survey( River

Djibouti to Doha by flight QR1438 Meeting with ・Data Collection in Field Survey Same as Chief
34 18-Apr-18 Wed ・Meeting With local agent (00:50->05:55)
Crossing Structure Crossing Structure Crossing Structure Survey Djibouti,Dikhil
Subcontractor Djibouti ( P eripheral Survey ) Consultant
Survey ) Survey ) )
・T raffic volume Field Survey( River Field Survey( River Field Survey( River
35 19-Apr-18 T hu Meeting with ADR
Doha to Narita by flight QR806 (02:20- ・Data Collection in Same as Chief
Survey Crossing Structure Crossing Structure ・Data Collection in Djibouti Crossing Structure Survey Djibouti
Survey )
Djibouti Survey )
・Confirm the site )
・P reparation of Report ・Preparation of Report ・Preparation of Report Same as Chief
36 20-Apr-18 Fri Djibouti
・Internal Meeting ・Internal Meeting ・Internal Meeting Consultant
・P reparation of Report ・Preparation of Report ・Preparation of Report Same as Chief
37 21-Apr-18 Sat Djibouti
・Internal Meeting ・Internal Meeting ・Internal Meeting Consultant
・Preparation of
・Preparation of Report Djibouti to Addis Ababa by ・Preparation of Report Meeting with Same as Chief Djibouti,
38 22-Apr-18 Sun ・Data Collection in Djibouti Report
・Meeting with ADR flight ET363 (11:00->13:15) ・Meeting with ADR Subcontractor Consultant Addis Ababa
・Meeting with ADR
・Meeting with JICA Djibouti ・Preparation of
・Data Collection ・Preparation of Report Meeting with Same as Chief Djibouti,
39 23-Apr-18 Mon Office ・Data Collection in Djibouti Report
in Addis Ababa ・Meeting with ADR Subcontractor Consultant Addis Ababa
・Meeting with ADR ・Meeting with ADR
・ Preparation of ・Preparation of
・Data Collection ・Preparation of Report ・Meeting with Governor of Same as Chief Djibouti,
40 24-Apr-18 T ue Report to Road Department Report Report
in Addis Ababa ・Meeting with ADR Djibouti P refecture Consultant Addis Ababa
・ Meeting with ADR ・Meeting with ADR
41 25-Apr-18 Wed Report to Road Department ・Data Collection Meeting with ADR Meeting with ADR
Dj ibouti to Doha by flight Djibouti,
in Addis Ababa QR1438 (00:50->05:55) Addis Ababa
・Report of Survey to JICA
42 26-Apr-18 T hu Djibouti Office ・Data Collection Meeting with ADR Meeting with ADR
Doha to Narita by flight Djibouti,
in Addis Ababa QR806 (02:20->18:40) Addis Ababa
・Report to Japanese Embassy

43 27-Apr-18 Fri Classification of Data ・Data Collection Classification of Data Classification of Data
in Addis Ababa Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa to Narita by
Dj ibouti to Doha by flight QR1438 (00:50- Djibouti to Doha by flight QR1438 Meeting with Djibouti to Doha by flight QR1438 (00:50- Djibouti to Doha by flight QR1438 Djibouti,
44 28-Apr-18 Sat >05:55)
flight ET672
>05:55) (00:50->05:55)
(23:35->) (00:50->05:55) Subcontractor Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa to Narita by
Doha to Narita by flight QR806 (02:20- Doha to Narita by flight QR806 (02:20- Meeting with Doha to Narita by flight QR806 (02:20- Doha to Narita by flight QR806 Djibouti,
45 29-Apr-18 Sun >18:40)
flight ET672
>18:40) (02:20->18:40)
(->20:35) >18:40) Subcontractor Addis Ababa
Meeting with Djibouti,
46 30-Apr-18 Mon
Subcontractor Addis Ababa
Djibouti to Doha by flight
47 1-May-18 T ue QR1438 (00:50->05:55) -

Doha to Narita by flight QR806

48 2-May-18 Wed (02:20->18:40) -

First Field Survey Schedule (Additional survey)
River Crossing Natural Conditions
Day Data Road, Pavement Design Accomodaion
Structure, Drainage Survey(Geology)
Kiyotaka MIYAKE Jihoon LEEM Hisashi FURUICHI

1 26-May-18 Sat 00:01 Haneda → 06:00 Doha 18:55 → 23:50 Djibouti Djibouti

Courtesy call on JICA Djibouti Office

2 27-May-18 Sun Djibouti
Meeting with ADR
Data Collection in Djibouti
3 28-May-18 Mon Djibouti
Meeting with ADR and Subcontractor
Data Collection in Djibouti
4 29-May-18 Tue Djibouti
Meeting with ADR and Subcontractor
Data Collection in MIYAKE・FURUICHI:Yoboki
5 30-May-18 Wed Field Survey Field Survey
Djibouti LEEM:Djibouti

Data Collection in
6 31-May-18 Thu Field Survey Field Survey Djibouti

7 1-Jun-18 Fri Classification of Data Djibouti

8 2-Jun-18 Sat Classification of Data Djibouti

Data Collection in Djibouti

9 3-Jun-18 Sun Djibouti
Meeting with ADR and Subcontractor
Data Collection in Djibouti
10 4-Jun-18 Mon Djibouti
Meeting with ADR and Subcontractor
Data Collection in Djibouti
11 5-Jun-18 Tue Djibouti
Meeting with ADR and Subcontractor
Data Collection in Djibouti
12 6-Jun-18 Wed Djibouti
Meeting with ADR and Subcontractor
Report of Survey to JICA Djibouti Office
13 7-Jun-18 Thu Meeting with Subcontractor Airplame
18:00 Djibouti → 23:05 Doha

14 8-Jun-18 Fri 02:20 Doha → 18:40 Narita

Second Field Survey Schedule (Additional survey)

Planned Activities
Date Komiya/Miyake/
Kevin (Interpreter)
1 18th Oct. (Thu) Leave Japan
2 19th Oct. (Fri) 23:50 Arrival in Djibouti (by QR1437)
3 20th Oct. (Sat) Preparation of Seminar 15:00 Move to Dikhil (Stay in Dikhil)
4 21st Oct. (Sun) - Meeting with ADR Site survey at target section on RN1
(Dikhil → Galafi → Djibouti)
18:00 Back in Djibouti
5 22nd Oct. (Mon) - Meeting with JICA Djibouti Office
- Meeting with ADR
6 23rd Oct. (Tue) - Meeting with ADR
7 24th Oct. (Wed) - Technical Seminar
8 25th Oct. (Thu) - Courtesy call on authority concerned (Ministère des Affaires Etrangéres
et de la Coopération Internationale)
- Reporting to Embassy of Japan
- Meeting with ADR
9 26th Oct. (Fri) Supplemental survey
10 27th Oct. (Sat) Ditto
11 28th Oct. (Sun) - Meeting with ADR
- Reporting to JICA Djibouti Office
18:20 Leave Djibouti (by QR1440)
12 29th Oct. (Mon) Back in Japan



3 List of Parties Concerned in the Recipient Country
Name of Organization Position

Ministère de l'Equipement et des Transports

Mr. Mohamed Abdoulkader Moussa Helem Minister
Mr. Said Nouh Hassan Secretary General

Agence Djiboutienne de la Route

Mr. Osman Houssein Bouraleh Acting Director General
Mr. Salah Ibrahim Osman Director of Study
Mr. Ahmed Adem Obsieh Director of Works
Ms. Nouna Ahmeh houbah Director of Finance
Mr. Abdillohi Aden Manager of Service Programmation
Mr. Mohamehman Aden Manager of Topography
Mr. Hamza Kalil Civil Engineer

Ministère des Affaires Etrangéres et de la Coopération Internationale

Mr. Yachin Houssein Douale Director for Bilateral Relations

Ministère du Budget

Direction Générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects

Mr. Abdourahman Aouad Izzi Deputy Director General

Direction des domaines et de la conservation foncière

Mr. Houssein Mahamoud Barreh Director

Direction des Impôts

Mr. Seid Guelleh Darar Director of Tax Administration

Ministère de l’Economie des Finances, Chargé de l’Industrie

Mr. Nouh Omar Miguil Secretary General
Mr. Mehdi Ismail Darar Deputy Director of the External Finance

Ministère du Travail Chargé de la Réforme de l'administration

Agence Nationale de l’Emploi, de la Formation et de l’Insertion Professionnelle

Ms. Mouna Mohamed Director of Service
Derection de l’Environnement et of Environment and sustainable development (DEDD),
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Élevage et de la Mer
Mr. Mohamed Ali Houssein Secretary General

Ministre de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche, de l'Elevage et des Ressources Halieutiques

Mr. Tabarek Mohamed Ismael Minister's Advisor
Mr. Saleh Daoud Saleh Head of Technical Department
Mr. Said Kaireh Youssouf Hydrogeologist Engineer

Centere d’Études et de Recherches de Djibouti

Mr. Mohamed Jalludin Director General
Mr. Abdourahman Daher Meraneh Director of Institute of Life Sciences
Mr. Antoine Marie Caminiti Geologist Exploration
Mr. Mohamed Osman Aweleh Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences

Préfet de la Région de Dikhil

Mr. Mohamed Cheiko Hassan Prefect of the Dikhil region

Embassy of Japan
Mr. Koji Yonetani Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Mr. Takanari Kakuda Councilor
Mr. Yuji Namba In Charge of Economy and Development Cooperation
Mr. Soya Otani In Charge of Political Affair and Culture

JICA Djibouti Office

Mr. Toru Togawa Resident Representative
Mr. Koji Ohashi Project Formulation Advisor
Ms. Yuki Goudiaby Project Formulation Advisor


Minutes of Discussions (First Survey)

Minutes of Discussions (First Survey)
- English version(Reference) -

Osman Houssein Bouralrh

Agence Djiboutienne des Routes

Annex 6
PMR prepared on DD/MM/YY

Project Monitoring Report

Project Name
Grant Agreement No. XXXXXXX
20XX, Month

Organizational Information

Person in Charge (Designation)

Signer of the G/A
Contacts Address:
Phone/ FAX:

Person in Charge (Designation)

Contacts Address:
Phone/ FAX:

Person in Charge (Designation)

Line Ministry
Contacts Address:
Phone/ FAX:

General Information:

Project Title

Signed date:

Signed date:

Government of Japan: Not exceeding JPY mil.

Source of Finance
Government of ( ):

PMR prepared on DD/MM/YY

1-1 Project Objective

1-2 Project Rationale

- Higher-level objectives to which the project contributes (national/ regional/ sectoral
policies and strategies)
- Situation of the target groups to which the project addresses

1-3 Indicators for measurement of Effectiveness

Quantitative indicators to measure the attainment of project objectives

Indicators Original (Yr ) Target (Yr )

Qualitative indicators to measure the attainment of project objectives

2-1 Location
Components Original Actual
(proposed in t he ou t lin e design )

2-2 Scope of the work

Components Original* Actual*
(proposed in t he ou t lin e design )

Reasons for modification of scope (if any).

(PM R)

PMR prepared on DD/MM/YY

2-3 Implementation Schedule

Items (proposed in the (at the time of signing Actual
outline design) the Grant Agreement)

Reasons for any changes of the schedule, and their effects on the project (if any)

2-4 Obligations by the Recipient

2-4-1 Progress of Specific Obligations
See Attachment 2.

2-4-2 Activities
See Attachment 3.

2-4-3 Report on RD
See Attachment 11.

2-5 Project Cost

2-5-1 Cost borne by the Grant(Confidential until the Bidding)

Components Cost
(Million Yen)
Original Actual Original1),2) Actual
(proposed in the outline design) (in case of any (proposed in
modification) the outline

Note: 1) Date of estimation:
2) Exchange rate: 1 US Dollar = Yen

2-5-2 Cost borne by the Recipient

Components Cost
(1,000 Taka)
Original Actual Original1),2) Actual
(proposed in the outline design) (in case of any (proposed in
modification) the outline

PMR prepared on DD/MM/YY

Note: 1) Date of estimation:

2) Exchange rate: 1 US Dollar =

Reasons for the remarkable gaps between the original and actual cost, and the countermeasures
(if any)
(PM R)

2-6 Executing Agency

- Organization s role, financial position, capacity, cost recovery etc,
- Organization Chart including the unit in charge of the implementation and number
of employees.
Original (at the time of outline design)
financial situation:
institutional and organizational arrangement (organogram):
human resources (number and ability of staff):

Actual (PM R)

2-7 Environmental and Social Impacts

- The results of environmental monitoring based on Attachment 5 (in accordance with Schedule
4 of the Grant Agreement).
- The results of social monitoring based on in Attachment 5 (in accordance with Schedule 4 of
the Grant Agreement).
- Disclosed information related to results of environmental and social monitoring to local
stakeholders (whenever applicable).

3-1 Physical Arrangement

- Plan for O&M (number and skills of the staff in the responsible division or section,
availability of manuals and guidelines, availability of spareparts, etc.)

Original (at the time of outline design)

Actual (PM R)

3-2 Budgetary Arrangement

- Required O&M cost and actual budget allocation for O&M

Original (at the time of outline design)

PMR prepared on DD/MM/YY

Actual (PM R)

- Potential risks which may affect the project implementation, attainment of objectives,
- Mitigation measures corresponding to the potential risks

Assessment of Potential Risks (at the time of outline design)

Potential Risks Assessment
1. (Description of Risk) Probability: High/ Moderate/ Low
Impact: High/ Moderate/ Low
Analysis of Probability and Impact:

Mitigation Measures:

Action required during the implementation stage:

Contingency Plan (if applicable):

2. (Description of Risk) Probability: High/ Moderate/ Low

Impact: High/ Moderate/ Low
Analysis of Probability and Impact:

Mitigation Measures:

Action required during the implementation stage:

Contingency Plan (if applicable):

3. (Description of Risk) Probability: High/ Moderate/ Low

Impact: High/ Moderate/ Low
Analysis of Probability and Impact:

Mitigation Measures:

Action required during the implementation stage:

PMR prepared on DD/MM/YY

Contingency Plan (if applicable):

Actual Situation and Countermeasures


5-1 Overall evaluation

Please describe your overall evaluation on the project.

5-2 Lessons Learnt and Recommendations

Please raise any lessons learned from the project experience, which might be valuable for the
future assistance or similar type of projects, as well as any recommendations, which might be
beneficial for better realization of the project effect, impact and assurance of sustainability.

5-3 Monitoring Plan of the Indicators for Post-Evaluation

Please describe monitoring methods, section(s)/ department(s) in charge of monitoring,
frequency, the term to monitor the indicators stipulated in 1-3.

PMR prepared on DD/MM/YY


1 Project Location Map

2 Specific obligations of the Recipient which will not be funded with the Grant
3 Monthly Report submitted by the Consultant
Appendix - Photocopy of Contractor s Progress Report (if any)
- Consultant Member List
- Contractor s Main Staff List
4 Check list for the Contract (including Record of A mendment of the Contract/ Agreement and
Schedule of Payment)
5 Environmental Monitoring Form / Social Monitoring Form
6 Monitoring sheet on price of specified materials (Quarterly)
7 Report on Proportion of Procurement (Recipient Country, Japan and Third Countries) (PMR
(final )only)
8 Pictures (by JPEG style by CD-R) (PMR (final)only)
9 Equipment List (PMR (final )only)
10. Drawing (PMR (final )only)
11. Report on RD (A fter project)

Attachment 6

Agence Djiboutienne des Routes




Technical Note (First Survey)
- French -

L’Etude Préparatoire pour le Projet
D’Amélioration de la route nationale 1 en République de Djibouti

Notes techniques


Concernant Les discussions et les notes qui ont eu lieu et convenues entre le Ministère de
l’Équipement du Transport ainsi que L’Agence Djiboutienne des Route et JICA le 22 mars 2018,
l’équipe de JICA ont établis une étude de la route nationale a Galafi dans la région de Dhikil.
L’équipe a entrepris des pourparlers des détails supplémentaires du projet avec les officiels de
À la suite du sondage et de la discussion, l'équipe a précisé les détails des éléments techniques

1. Partie Ciblé
2. Normes de conception applicables
3. Représentation d’une coupe transversale
4. Le concept des éléments géométriques
5. Le type de la chaussée
6. Structure et Conceptualisation de l’oued
7. Modèle du système de drainage
8. Modèle de formalisation autour du poste des douanes

En d’autres termes tous les études et les données dans ce document vont être soumis et
décidés après plusieurs consultations et d’études supplémentaires par le Gouvernement du
Japon et ses personnes autorisées.

1. Partie Ciblé
Point de départ : Frontière de Galafi (voir Figure-1)
Fin de la section : approx. 20.5~20.8 km de la frontière (voir Figure-2)
NB : Des changements seront nécessaires a la fin de la section, après les résultats du
sondage de la topographie.

Telecom tower

Figure-1 Point de Dé Figure-2 Fin de la Section

2. Normes de conception applicables

L’absence de normes propres à l’ADR incite l’utilisation des normes japonaises pour les concepts
cités ci-dessous
Conception Géométrique
Modèle de la chaussée; Le concept d’AASHTO (Association Américaine des Autoroutes
D’États et du Transport) sera applique à moitié indispensablement
Concept drainage
Types de Structures comportant les normes de plans

3. Représentation d’une coupe transversale

La section suivante sera appliquée comme une section transversale de la voie

Figure-3 Représentation d’une coupe transversale pour la route ciblé

Route-largeur de la voie; 3,75m, la largeur maximale de la voie au Japan et en France en ne
tenant pas compte des véhicules poids lourds qui occupant plus 90% du Traffic. Les
ajustements pour les connections des sections sont considéré aussi.
Bande d’arrêt d’urgence-largeur de la bande d’arrêt d’urgence; 1.25 en respectant l’espace
pour le stationnement des voitures en panne (la composition sera la même que la voie).
Accotement-largeur de l’accotement; 0.5 est établis a l’extérieur de la bande d’arrêt
d’urgence pour protéger la chaussée des dégradations
NB ; Un stationnement d’urgence sera suggérer pour la sécurité du le trafic

4. Le concept des éléments géométriques

La vitesse de conception serait essentiellement de 80 km / h, tandis que les 5 derniers
kilomètres jusqu'à la frontière seraient de 50 km / h, compte tenu de la topographie variable et
de l'arrêt au poste de contrôle frontalier. Les éléments géométriques de chaque section sont
indiqués dans le tableau ci-dessous :
Table-1 Concept des éléments géométriques
PK199-PK214 PK214-PK219
Concept d’élément Unité
(Partie près de
la frontière)
Vitesse Km/h 80 50
Rayon de la courbe minimale horizontale M 280 100
Rayon de la courbe minimale horizontale M 230 80
Maximum de l’inclinaison longitudinal (voulue) % 4 6
Maximum de l’inclinaison longitudinal (imperatif) % 7 9
Inclination minimal longitudinal % 0.3 0.3
Rayon de la courbe longitudinal M 2,000 700
Courbe Transversal chute % 2.5 2.5
Courbe transversal accotement % 4 4
Surélévation maximal % 10 10
La distance min de visibilité d’arrêt M 140 65
Distance min de visibilité de doublage M 350 200

5. Le concept de la chaussée
(1) Volume du la circulation
Les données suivantes vont anticiper le volume du trafic dans le futur :
Données du trafic enregistres aux péages de RN1
Donnes sur Circulation et la cadence au port
Données du Chemins de fer
Etude du volume de la circulation a faire de la section ciblé par l’Équipe
Etude sur la charge par essieu

(2) Période de modélisation
Compte tenu de l'importance des routes, 20 années de conception seront appliquées à la route
nationale et du corridor international de Djibouti.
6. Structure et Conceptualisation de l’oued
1) Concept général de la structure de l'oued
La structure qui permet de traverser l’oued est infranchissable durant la crue donc celle-ci ne
sera pas appliquée dans la partie cible pour des raisons de sécurité de circulation et
d’accessibilité durant l’année entière.
Les structures existantes de traversées de l’oued seraient améliorées par rapport à la structure
de type dalot avec une modification de l'alignement longitudinal en considérant le jeu
déterminé en fonction de la quantité d'eau qui coule (voir la figure 4).

Ford Clossing Structure

Approx. 3.3km from borer

Figure-4 Design Concept of Existing Ford Clossing Structure

2) Proposition de structure pour une grande échelle de l'oued près de Galafi
L'oued situé à 4 km de la frontière, est le plus grand oued dans la section ciblé. Non seulement le
volume d'eau, mais la possibilité d’apport rocheux doivent être examinés de près lors de la
conception d'une structure de cette section. C'est un point de différence par rapport aux autres
sections d'oued.
Dans cette section, compte tenu de l'alignement défavorable de la route existante, une contre-mesure
complète incluant l'ajustement de l'alignement est nécessaire, de sorte que l'examen de l'alignement
soit précédé avant la sélection du type de structure.
Table-2 Comparaison d’ Alignement routier
Option d'alignement Plan du Modèle
Alignement original
(Plan d'itinéraire original)
· Nécessité d'une route de déviation
pendant la construction (médiocre)
· Nécessaire de la voie d'escalade
en raison d'une pente longitudinale
raide : env. 7% (médiocre)
· Longue structure, mais installée
sur la zone de l'oued stablement
formée (Juste)

Alternative A
(Environ 25m de distance de
l'itinéraire original)

· Pas besoin de détournement (Bon)

· Pente longitudinale douce : env.
4% (Moyen)
· Longue structure, mais installée
sur la zone de l'oued stablement
formée (Juste)
◎ Suggestion de 'ingénieur

Alternative B
(Alignement passant par la section
étroite de l'oued)

· Pas besoin de détournement

pendant la construction (Bon)
· Pente longitudinale douce : env.
3% (Moyen)
· Minimiser la longueur de la
structure, mais installé sur un flux
instable en aval de la zone de l'oued

Table-3 Comparaison de genre de structure
Alternative -2:Structure hybride
Alternatives Alternative -1:Dalot Alternative -3:Pont
(Modèle de dalot et pont)
Structure normale du dalot Espacement plus long des dalots, structure Ponts en béton précontraint (3 travées)
· La hauteur intérieure du dalot assure le niveau hybride entre le pont et le dalot · Comme on suppose que la couche de support
Idee General
d'eau et le dégagement (= 1.0m) · Le type de sous-structure est répandue est profonde, le type de sous-structure est une
fondation fondation de pieu
L=82m L=82m L=82m


Alignement Vertical Pas plus raide que l'alignement actuel ⃝ Pas plus raide que l'alignement actuel ⃝ Plus raide que l'alignement actuel
Largeur de blocage
contre le débit ΣW=8.5m ΣW=5.4m ⃝ ΣW=5.0m ⃝
Coût $0.50millon $0.53million $4.12 million
⃝ ⃝
(ratio) (1.0) (1.1) (8.3)
Evaluation ◎ Proposition de l’ingénieur
- Couvrir le lit de la rivière avec du béton pour éviter l'accumulation de pierres (le gradient du lit de la rivière est de 10%, la vitesse d'écoulement est
Contre-mesures de 15 m / s ou plus)
contre la chute des · Afin d'éviter l'accumulation de pierres dans la partie aval, couvrir le lit de la rivière avec 10m de béton à partir de l'extrémité de la sortie
pierres · Afin d'éviter d'endommager le mur intermédiaire par de la pierre concassée, une protection avec une plaque d'acier sera appliquée
· La hauteur interne de Case-1, Case-2 est déterminée par le niveau d'eau, la taille de la pierre et le dégagement
Note) L'équipe as propose l'Alternative-2, d'apres les résultat de l'analyse des données collectées au cours du levé, qui sont le calcul hydronique, les données pluviométriques et les données
7. Concept de conception du système de drainage
Modèle de fossé latéral : Modèle de maçonnerie en pierre
Caniveau pour une surface plane : Installation canalisation à intervalles réguliers

8. Modèle de formalisation autour du point de contrôle frontalier

Dans la section qui entoure le point de contrôle frontalier, on observe une file d'attente de camions
en attente d’une autorisation à un rythme lent.
Type de chaussée : La chaussée de béton de ciment serait provisoirement considérée
Longueur de la section : Envi. 500m de long
Au sujet de la composition des voies de cette zone, l'équipe est seulement en mesure de procéder à
la conception dans la zone de compétence ADR. Dans cette condition, la figure 5 montre la
proposition provisoire de l'équipe concernant la composition des voies sur la zone frontalière.
Cependant, ce plan est assujetti à des modifications après la conclusion des réunions des autorités
Note: Après la discussion avec le Département des douanes et des impôts indirects, du Ministère
du budget, en présence de l'ADR, l'Équipe prendra en compte une éventuelle mesure contre les
embouteillages occasionnels causés au point de contrôle douanier de la frontière Galafi.

Figure-5 Plan à la frontière (Tentative)

Technical Note (First Survey)
- English -


Technical Note


Based on the Minutes of Discussions agreed between Ministry of Equipment and Transport,
Djiboutian Road Agency (hereinafter referred to as “ADR”) and JICA on 22th March, 2018
(hereinafter referred to as “the Minutes of Discussions”), the JICA Survey Team (hereinafter referred
to as “the Team”) of the above captioned Survey conducted a field survey along National Road
Route 1 in Galafi, Dikhil Region. Moreover, the Team discussed details of proposed project with
concerned officials of ADR.
As a result of the survey and discussion, the Team specified details of technical items on this

1. Target Section
2. Applicable Design Standards
3. Typical Cross Section
4. Geometric Design Elements
5. Pavement Design Elements
6. Design Concept of Wadi Structure
7. Design Concept of Drainage System
8. Design Concept around the Border Checkpoint

However, all the items and components described in this document will be decided after
further studies in Japan and consultations with the concerned officials of the Government of

1. Target Section
Beginning point: Galafi border (refer to Figure-1)
End point: Approx. 20.5~20.8 km from border (refer to Figure-2)
Note) Exact end point would be fixed considering horizontal and longitudinal alignment
after result of topographic survey

Telecom tower

Figure-1 Beginning Point Figure-2 End Point

2. Applicable Design Standards

Since ADR doesn’t have own standards, Japanese standards would be generally applied for the
following designs.
Geometric Design
Pavement Design (AASHTO, American Association of State Highway and Transportation,
will be partially applied as necessary)
Drainage Design
Structure Design including Standard Drawings

3. Typical Cross Section

The following cross section would be applied as typical cross section:

Figure-3 Typical Cross Section for Target Road

Carriageway - width of lane: 3.75m, maximum width of lane in Japan as well as France
excluding exceptional case taking account of heavy vehicles which occupy more than 90 %
of the traffic. It is also considered the adjustment with connecting section for route
Hard Shoulder - width of hard shoulder: 1.25m, taking account of parking space for
broken-down cars observed often. Pavement composition of hard shoulder would be same
with carriageway pavement.
Soft Shoulder - width of soft shoulder: 0.5m, is applied on outside of the hard shoulder in
order to protect pavement from the damage.
Note: Emergency parking area would be considered for traffic safety

4. Geometric Design Elements

The design speed would be basically 80km/h, while approximately last 5km until the border
would be 50km/h taking account of rolling topography and stopping at border checkpoint. The
geometric elements for each section are shown in the table below:
Table-1 Geometric Design Elements
Design Element Unit PK199-PK214 PK214-PK219
(Section near Border)
Design Speed km/h 80 50
Min. Horizontal Curve Radius M 280 100
Min. Horizontal Curve Radius M 230 80
Max. Longitudinal Gradient % 4 6
Max. Longitudinal Gradient % 7 9
Min. Longitudinal Gradient % 0.3 0.3
Longitudinal Curve Radius M 2,000 700
Normal Cross fall % 2.5 2.5
Shoulder Cross fall % 4 4
Maximum Superelevation % 10 10
Min. Stopping Sight Distance M 140 65
Min. Passing Sight Distance M 350 200
5. Pavement Design Elements
(1) Traffic Volume
The future traffic volume will be forecasted using the following data:
Traffic Data recorded in tollgate on RN1
Traffic and Throughput Data recorded in ports
Railway Data
Traffic Volume Survey to be done at the target section by the Team
Axle Load Survey

(2) Design Period
Taking account of significance of road, designated National Road and international corridor in
the Djibouti, 20 years of design period would be applied.

6. Design Concept of Wadi Structure

1) General concept of wadi structure
Ford crossing structure which is impassable during overflowing water would be not
applied on the target section for securing safety traffic and accessibility of road in the
whole year.
Existing ford crossing structures would be improved to culvert type structure with
modification of longitudinal alignment considering the clearance determined according
to the amount of flowing water (refer to Figure-4).

Ford Clossing Structure

Approx. 3.3km from borer

Figure-4 Design Concept of Existing Ford Clossing Structure


2) Structure proposal for a large scale of the wadi near Galafi
The wadi, 4km apart from the border, is the largest scale wadi in the target section. Not only water
volume, but possibility of rock flow shall be closely examined when designing a structure of this
section, and that is difference point compared with other wadi sections.
In this section, since considering the adverse alignment of the existing road, comprehensive
countermeasure including adjustment of alignment is required, so that alignment review shall be
preceded before selection of structure type.
Table-2 Comparison of Road Alignment
Alignment Options Conceptional Plan
Original Alignment
(Original route plan)
・Necessity of a diversion route
during construction (Poor)
・Necessary of climbing lane due
to a steep longitudinal slope:
approx. 7% (Poor)
・ Long structure length, but
installed on the stably formed
wadi area (Fair)

Alternative A
(Approx. 25m apart from Original

・No need diversion (Good)

・ Gentle longitudinal slope :
approx. 4% (Fair)
・ Long Structure length, but
installed on the stably formed
wadi area (Fair)

◎ Engineer`s Proposal
Alternative B
(Alignment passing through
narrow wadi section)

・ No need diversion during

construction (Good)
・ Gentle longitudinal slope:
approx. 3% (Fair)
・Minimize structure length, but
installed on unstable down stream
of wadi area (Poor)

Table-3 Comparison of Structure Type
Alternative -2:Hybrid Structure
Alternatives Alternative -1:Box Culvert Alternative -3:Bridge
(Mixed concept of Box Culvert and Bridge)
・Normal box culvert structure ・ Longer spacing form box culvert, hybrid ・Prestressed concrete bridges (3 span)
Outline ・The inside height of the box culvert ensures the structure between bridge and box culvert ・Since it is assumed that the support layer is
water level and clearance (=1.0m) ・Substructure type is spread foundation deep, the substructure type is a pile foundation
L=82m L=82m L=82m

Outline Figure

Vertical Alignment Not steeper than current alingment ⃝ Not steeper than current alingment ⃝ Steeper than current alingment
Blockage Width
against Water Flow ΣW=8.5m ΣW=5.4m ⃝ ΣW=5.0m ⃝
Cost $0.50millon $0.53millon $4.12 millon
⃝ ⃝
(ratio) (1.0) (1.1) (8.3)
Evaluation ◎ Engineer`s Proposal
・Covering the riverbed with concrete to avoid accumulation of stones(River bed gradient is 10%, flow velocity is 15 m/s or more)
・In order to avoid accumulation of stones in the downstream part, covering the riverbed with 10m concrete from end of outlet
against Stone
Flowing Down ・In order to prevent damage to the intermediate wall by crushed stone, protection with a steel plate would be applied
・Internal height of Case-1,Case-2 is determined by water level ,stone size and clearance
Note: Alternative-2 is proposed by the Team based on a result from analysis of collected data during survey, which are hydronic calculation, rainfall data, geological figures, etc.

7. Design Concept of Drainage System
Type of Side Ditch : Stone masonry type
Culvert for flat area: Pipe culvert installation at regular intervals

8. Design Concept around the Border Checkpoint

In the section around the border checkpoint, queue of trucks waiting for custom clearance and
slow movement of trucks are observed.
Type of Pavement: Cement concrete pavement would be tentatively considered
Length of the Section: Approx. 500m long
About the lane composition of this area, the Team is only able to proceed the design within ADR
jurisdiction area. Under this condition, Figure-5 shows the Team’s tentative proposal of lane
composition on the border area. However, this plan is subject to modified depends on the result of
relevant authorities meeting.
Note: According to the discussion with Customs and Indirect Taxes Department, Ministry of
Budget, in the presence of ADR, The Team will take into account a possible measure against
occasional traffic congestion caused at the custom check-point of Galafi border. within a
practicable manner of the project.

Figure-5 Plan on Border Area (Tentative)




UPDATED: 6th June, 2018

Information on Tax Exemption in (Republic of Djibouti)

Sheet 1 Tax with respect to corporate income(Corporate Tax)

Sheet 2 Tax with respect to personal income(Personal Income Tax)

Sheet 3 Indirect taxes such as Value Added Tax(VAT)

Sheet 4 Custom Duties and related fiscal charges with respect to the import and/or re-export of materials and equipment

Sheet 5 Other taxes or fiscal charges

Followings are JICA internal use ONLY

Person in charge in JICA office (Name, Name of the office, E-mail)

Sheet 1 Tax with respect to corporate income(Corporate Tax)
【Points of Attention】

How to How to Previous Results, Lessons

Items Exemption Applicable Law rate(%) Necessary Information
exempt calculation and Learned, etc

Issuarance of NIF:numero d’ Général des Organization in charge:Tax Office (under the Ministry of the Budget)
identification fiscal Impôts Procedure:A company to be registered fill in the application form and submit it to the tax office with the E/N. The E/N could facilitate
- - - - the procedure.
※Not applied exemption (General Tax
(by Tax Office interview) Code)
Organization in charge:Tax Office (under the Ministry of the Budget)
25% of the Procedure:
Général des ※Precondition:Exemption for forign company's corporate tax is agreed between donor and implementing agency.
profit or 1% of
Corporate Tax Exempt(Ad Impôts ① A forign company must gain the NIF(numero d’ identification fiscal)
○ the turn over -
for forign companies vanced) (General Tax ② An the implementing agency issue the tax exemption request letter with the E/N to the External Directorate of the Ministry of
Code) Economy and Finance, which directs the Tax Office to process the exemption.
③The Ministry of Economy and Finance instract to organization in charge (tax office) and facilitate the procedure.
Organization in charge:Tax Office (under the Ministry of the Budget)
25% of the ※Precondition:Exemption for local company's corporate tax is agreed between donor and implementing agency.According to the
Général des
profit or 1% of interview for tax office, bacically local company is charged the corporate tax thus clarification as extempted item in E/N is important.
Corporate Tax Impôts
the turn over - ① A local company must gain the NIF(numero d’ identification fiscal)
for local companies (General Tax
whichever ② An the implementing agency issue the tax exemption request letter with the E/N to the External Directorate of the Ministry of
higher Economy and Finance, which directs the Tax Office to process the exemption.
③The Ministry of Economy and Finance instract to organization in charge (tax office) and facilitate the procedure.

○ Exempt(Advanced)
- Exempt(borne by the Recipient)
Sheet 2 Tax with respect to personal income(Personal Income Tax)
【Points of Attention】

How to Applicable How to Previous Results, Lessons

Items Exemption rate(%) Necessary Information
exempt Law calculation and Learned, etc
Organization in charge:Agence Nationale de l'Emploi de la Formation Et de l'insertion Professionnelle:ANEFIP
※Precondition:Exemption for forigner's income tax is agreed between donor and implementing agency.
Général des ① A forign employee apply a work permission to ANEFIP.(Employment contract, employment declaration, work permission application
Exempt(Ad Impôts form, CV, passport copy and certification photograph attached)
Income tax for forigner ○ - -
vanced) (General Tax ② An the implementing agency issue the tax exemption request letter with the E/N to the External Directorate of the Ministry of
Code) Economy and Finance, which directs the Tax Office to process the exemption.
③The Ministry of Economy and Finance instract to organization in charge (ANEFIP) and facilitate the procedure.
Organization in charge:Agence Nationale de l'Emploi de la Formation Et de l'insertion Professionnelle:ANEFIP
※Precondition:Exemption for forigner's income tax is agreed between donor and implementing agency.According to interview for
Général des Ministry of Economic and Finance, bacically Local employee has to pay the income tax which varies by the level of income
Impôts ① A local employee apply a work permission to ANEFIP.(Employment contract, employment declaration, work permission application
Income tax for Djiboutian - - form, CV, passport copy and certification photograph attached)
(General Tax
Code) ② An the implementing agency apply the tax exemption request letter with the E/N to the External Directorate of the Ministry of
Economy and Finance, which directs the Tax Office to process the exemption.
③The Ministry of Economy and Finance instract to organization in charge (ANEFIP) and facilitate the procedure.

○ Exempt(Advanced)
- Exempt(borne by the Recipient)
(Sheet3) indirect tax etc (such as VAT, Commercial Tax)
【Points of Attention】

How to How to Previous Results, Lessons and

Items Exemption Applicable Law rate(%) Necessary Information
exempt calculation Learned, etc
Organization in charge:Tax Office
Général des ※Precondition:Exemption for forign company's corporate tax is agreed between donor and implementing agency.
VAT for forign / Impôts ① A forign and local company must gain the NIF(numero d’ identification fiscal)
- Reimburse 10% - ② An the implementing agency issue the tax exemption request letter with the E/N to the External Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and
local company (General Tax
Code) Finance, which directs the Tax Office to process the exemption.
※Reimburse request should be carried out once every 3 months, 6 months or a year through the implementing agency.
③The Ministry of Economy and Finance instract to organization in charge (tax office) and facilitate the procedure.

○ Exempt(Advanced)
- Exempt(borne by the Recipient)

(Sheet4)Duties etc.

How to How to Previous Results, Lessons and

Items Exemption Applicable Law rate(%) Necessary Information
exempt calculation Learned, etc
Organization in charge:Tax Office There was no particular
Prodedure: problem by ADR's past
※Precondition:Tax exemption is agreed between donor and implementing agency. projects (Interviewed on
Journal Officiel
① An the implementing agency apply the tax exemption request letter with the E/N to the External Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and April 22, 2018)
Exempt Depend on Finance, which directs the Tax Office to process the exemption.
Import and expoer ○ 6ème L portant cr -
(Advanced) items ② The Ministry of Economy and Finance announce the tax exemption in advance to the Tax office.
éation d'un Code
③ An the implementing agency submit 1.list of temporally imported equipment, 2.list of imported marerial prepared by donor.
de Douanes)
※If the equipment is to be sold locally after use, then it would be subject to tax after considering the depreciation.

○ Exempt(Advanced)
- Exempt(borne by the Recipient)

(Sheet 5)Other taxes and levies
【Points of Attention】

Previous Results, Lessons and Learned,

Items Exemption How to exempt Applicable Law rate(%) How to calculation Necessary Information
In case of Gasoil (Diesel) Organization in charge:Tax Office
1.TIC: 23% ※Precondition:Tax exemption is agreed between donor and implementing agency.
Journal Officiel Depend on
2.Surcharge Tax: 6% ① An the implementing agency apply the tax exemption request letter with the E/N to the External Directorate of the There was no particular problem
(Loin140/AN/11/ types
Exempt 3.Imported Tax:10% Ministry of Economy and Finance, which directs the Tax Office to process the exemption. by ADR's past projects
Fuel Tax ○ 6ème L portant cr (Super,
(Advanced) 4.Contribution of Union ② The Ministry of Economy and Finance announce the tax exemption in advance to the Tax office. (Improvement of RN1 funded by
éation d'un Code Petrole,
African: 0.2% ③ The Contractor submits specified fuel list to the Tax office and Custom office. EU)
de Douanes) Gasoil)
5. Royalty: 18.23FD/Liter ④ The fuel for the construction will be directly distributed from the distributor company which is located on import-
6. VAT: 10% free zone of the Djibouti port.

○ Exempt(Advanced)
- Exempt(borne by the Recipient)


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