Last Minute Notes - Computer Networks - GeeksforGeeks
Last Minute Notes - Computer Networks - GeeksforGeeks
Last Minute Notes - Computer Networks - GeeksforGeeks
1. OSI Model
2. Physical Layer
3. Data Link layer
4. Network Layer
5. Transport Layer
6. Presentation & Session layer
7. Application Layer
OSI Model
OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It has been developed by
ISO– International Organization for Standardization, in the year 1984. It is
a seven-layer architecture with each layer having specific functionality to
Data Mail Services, Directory Services, FTAM
Data Encryption/Decryption, Compression
Transport Segments,
Layer Datagram
Physical Layer
Network Topologies:
Transmission Modes:
Network Layer
Class Full Addressing Table:
VLSM: Variable Length Subnet Mask is where the subnet design uses more
than one mask in the same network which means more than one mask is
used for different subnets of a single class A, B, C, or a network. It is also
defined as the process of subnetting a subnet. It is used to increase the
usability of subnets as they can be of variable size.
The router having the highest router priority will be declared as DR.
If there is a tie-in router priority then the highest router will be considered.
First, the highest loopback address is considered. If no loopback is
configured then the highest active IP address on the router’s interface is
Hop Count: Hop count is the number of routers between the source and
destination network. The path with the lowest hop count is considered the
best route to reach a network and therefore placed in the routing table.
The maximum hop count allowed for RIP is 15 and a hop count of 16 is
considered as network unreachable.
Open shortest path first (OSPF): Open the shortest path first (OSPF) is a
link-state routing protocol that is used to find the best path between the
source and the destination router using its own SPF algorithm.
Designated Router(DR) and Backup Designated Router(BDR) election takes
place in the broadcast network or multi-access network.
Transport Layer
TCP header
UDP header:
Presentation Layer:
The presentation layer translates the data packet from the network layer
to the application layer and vice versa.
The main responsibility of the Presentation layer is protocol conversion,
data encryption/decryption, character conversion, and data compression.
It sets standards for different systems to provide flawless communication.
Application Layer
Application Layer: It is the topmost layer of the OSI model and it directly
interacts with web applications or application services. This layer provides
several ways for manipulating the data (information) which actually enables
any type of user to access the network with ease.
TCP and
22 Secure Shell (SSH)
23 TCP Telnet
TCP and
53 Domain Name Server (DNS)
TCP and
143 Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP4)
TCP and
161, 162 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
TCP and
389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
TCP and
443 HTTP with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
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