07 Rodents Pdf-Module-7
07 Rodents Pdf-Module-7
07 Rodents Pdf-Module-7
I. Introduction
Rodents are the largest, and one of the most interesting, groups of
mammals. They are important components of virtually all of the earth's terrestrial
ecosystems and are important herbivores that aerate the soil by burrowing
activities and assist plant propagation by consuming and disseminating seeds.
They are often the most important food base for many predatory mammals and
birds, acting to sustain populations of these species. However, rodents also are
important vectors or reservoirs of numerous diseases that infect humans,
domestic animals, and other wildlife species.
Rodent control describes the processes that people use to alleviate rodent
damage, to prevent the spread of rodent-borne diseases, to reduce problem
rodent populations, or to eliminate rodent infestations. Depending on the species
of rodents involved, the kinds of environments where problems occur, the nature
of the problem, and the value of anticipated damage, a variety of methods is
available for controlling damage or reducing rodent populations. Usually, several
methods need to be used systematically to achieve lasting results. The process
of selecting, applying, and evaluating the results of such combinations of control
methods in relation to the ecological and economic aspects of specific damage
problems is called integrated pest management (IPM) or ecologicallybased pest
II. Learning Objectives
1. Define rodents/rats.
3. Describe the following damage of rats in grains, sugar cane, orchard and
plantations, and stored products.
III. Pre-Test
What do you think are the different signs of rat infestation in the field?
What do you think is the best way to eradicate rats from the field?
IV. Discussion
Characteristics of Rodents
worldwide distribution and is almost always found living in close association with
humans. The roof rat or black rat (Rattus rattus) and the house mouse (Mus
musculus) are also widely distributed and, together with the Norway rat, are
known as commensal rodents because of their generally close association with
human habitation. Rodents range in size from the South American capybara
(Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), weighing more than 50 kg, to the harvest mouse
(Micromys minutus) of Eurasia, weighing 5 to 7g. Most rodent species have thick
fur, although great variations in pelage occur.
The naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) of Africa have only bare
skin, while porcupine species, such as (Erithizon dorsatum) of North America,
have highly modified coats containing spines or quills that help provide protection
from predators. Hearing, smell, taste and touch are well-developed senses in
rodents, but as with many mammals, particularly the nocturnal species, their
vision is relatively poor and they apparently do not distinguish colors. Rodents
detect sound at frequencies substantially higher than humans; some species
may use ultrasound as a means of communication (Blanchard et al. 1991).
Most rodents have long whiskers or vibrissae around their muzzles that
are highly sensitive and may be used in following runways or burrows. Many
rodent species are excellent climbers, using their long tails for balance. Most
rodents readily swim; some, like beavers (Castor canadensis), nutria (Myocastor
coypus), muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus), and web-footed rats (Holochilus
sciureus), have modified appendages such as flattened tails or webbed feet that
facilitate their use of freshwater aquatic habitats.
Most species of rodents are born naked and helpless, but mature rapidly.
Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), for example, have a gestation period of about 3
weeks, become independent of the mother at about 3 weeks after birth, and can
breed for the first time within another 3 weeks. Rodents are omnivorous,
exhibiting choices and preferences in their diet, but often selecting the most
abundant, palatable foods available. They readily learn to reject or avoid
unpalatable foods or those containing toxins, which presents a problem for the
development of bait materials for effective delivery of rodenticides. The front
teeth, or incisors, of rodents grow continuously and are also worn continuously
by gnawing on objects or food. Because of the large space or diastema behind
their incisors, rodents can use these front teeth to investigate or nibble unfamiliar
materials without actually taking them inside their mouths.
Common Rats in the Philippines
Rodent Populations
rats per hectare!) in a breeding population of Rattus tanezumi in a large marsh
area in the Philippines adjacent to a rice field basin.
Nature of damage
Grain Crops
Rat damage to ripening rice crops in Asia, Africa, and Latin America can
be an extremely serious agricultural problem, although economic losses are often
difficult to estimate because of complex patterns of growth and recovery of plants
related to the developmental stage when damage occurs (Fall 1977, Fall 1980,
Buckle 1994). Rats can completely consume fields of growing rice and
sometimes prevent planting where crops could otherwise be grown (Wood 1994).
Wheat, sorghum, maize and other grain crops are also damaged extensively by
various rodent species in different parts of the world, and patterns of damage
vary considerably depending on the behavior of the species involved. For
example, Bandicota bengalensis in southern Asia cuts mature wheat and rice in
large patches and establishes extensive underground food caches (Poche et al.
1982); Rattus tanezumi and Rattus argentiventer in the Philippines and other
areas of Southeast Asia feed upon all stages of growing rice (Fall, 1977), while
Sigmodon hispidus in Central America avoids wet areas in rice fields and causes
damage after water is removed to dry the crop before harvest.
Orchard and Plantation Crops
Voles (Microtus sp.) cause extensive damage in fruit orchards in USA and
Europe (Tobin and Richmond 1993, Guedon and Combes 1990). Populations of
these rodents typically irrupt periodically and, when preferred vegetation is
scarce, particularly in winter, gnaw the roots and trunks of trees for the
underlying phloem and cambium tissue. The resulting damage interferes with
transport of nutrients between the roots and aerial portions of the tree and
increases the chance of infection by root pathogens. The resulting damage kills
trees, reduces fruit production, and increases the time for new plantings to come
into production. Coconuts are grown commercially in many tropical areas and are
subject to damage by several rodent species, particularly Rattus rattus and
Rattus tanezumi. These rodents climb palms of all ages, primarily to feed on
developing nuts, which then fall prematurely to the ground (Fiedler et al. 1982,
Wood 1994). The proportion of nuts that drop prematurely due to rat damage can
be quite high. Impacts on yield may not be proportional to the number of
developing coconuts that fall to the ground (Williams 1974, Reidinger and Libay
1981, Fiedler et al. 1982). Trees in some areas may compensate for early
damage by increasing the size and weight of remaining nuts; in situations where
rats feed on coconut flowers or damage very small nuts, yield losses may be
underestimated by counts of fallen, maturing nuts.
Hylomyscus stella, Praomys tullbergi, Stochomys longicaudatus, Dephomys
defua, and Praomys morio in West Africa (Wood 1994).
Stored Products
Management to Prevent and Control Rats
In rice field, you may apply flooding, digging or fumigating rat burrows to
prevent the rice field rats in the area or you may use dog to locate active rat
burrows. Keep area around fields, homes, and villages clean no piles of wood or
brush, no garbage heaps, no weedy areas. Keep grain stores and surrounding
area clean.
• Poison bait at 1 part zinc phosphide with 49 parts popped corn/rice/dry
fish or bromodialone 0.25 w/w (1:49) at 0.005%. Mix one part of
bromodialone + 49 parts of bait and keep inside the field.
V. Activity
I. Introduction:
II. Objectives:
III. Methodology:
VI. Summary
When rodent control efforts are contemplated, the type of problem and the
objectives of these efforts should be carefully defined.
VII. References
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