Training,is an attempt to increase employee's performance by increasing his knowledge, skills and ability
to perform a particular job.and also training it involves process of adding an skills, knowledge, needed
for the particular job where by training has specific purpose to any organization and also it's an
organized purpose. Where by training have some of the advantages to an employee and to an
organization including, higher productivity better quality of work,personal growth, makes employee to
realize their career goals easily and so on. The following are the benefits of training evaluation includes,
it ensure accountability, it check the cost, and also feedback to the trainer are kept .where it act as
feedback to trainer .
The Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation is the used frame work for assessing the effectiveness of
training programe.and through that helps organization and it developed by, Donald Kirkpatrick in 1950's
this model consist of four levels of evolution which includes;
Reaction,this level focus on the participants reaction and also satisfaction with the program of training
and it's the interviews inorder to understand the participants perceive training in the term of relevance
and clarity. Example of participants reaction is when the are react with their training programs.
Learning, this level of evolution focus on measuring the extent which the participants have acquired the
new knowledge, skills as the result formed through the training assess includes pre and post training
test and also the observation.example measuring are through the new knowledge and skills that
participants have get.
Behaviour,this level determine whether participants are applying what they have learned in training in
training process to their actual work environment like good working tools and also it can be good air
condition and others.and it assess which behaviour changes are occur and how these changes lead to
improve the performance of one individual in an organization or at work example how person behave
through work environment.
Result,this level deal with the organization impact of the training program and also it evaluate all
outcomes in a way of indicators of the performance.example good performance of an individual in work
where by it is followed by the increased productivity , cost saving and finally lead to the improvement of
customers satisfaction.
In a nutshell, by using Kirkpatrick model of evaluation can assess program of training and also can make
informed decision of improve the future training initiative. Where by each level of evaluation it build
previous one with higher level and also provide more value into effectiveness of training program and
also it can lead to improvement of knowledge and skills to the participants and also lead to
Behaviour,this level determine whether participatraining in training process to their actual work
environment like good working tools and also it can be good air condition and others.and it assess which
behaviour changes are occur and how these changes lead to improve the performance of one individual
in an organization outcomes in a way of indicators of the performance.example good performance of an
individual in work where by it is followed by the increased productivity , cost saving and finally lead to
the improvement of customers satisfaction.
In a nutshell, by using Kirkpatrick model of evaluation can assess program of training and also can make
informed decision of improve the future training initiative. Where by each level of evaluation it build
previous one with higher level and also provide more value into effectiveness of training program and
also it can lead to improvement of knowledge and skills to the participants and also lead to
Training,is an attempt to increase employee's performance by increasing his knowledge, skills and ability
to perform a particular job.and also training it involves process of adding an skills, knowledge, needed
for the particular job where by training has specific purpose to any organization and also it's an
organized purpose. Where by training have some of the advantages to an employee and to an
organization such as, higher productivity, better quality of work,makes an employee to realize their
career goal easy and so on
o on The Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation is the used frame work for assessing the effectiveness
of training programe.and through that helps organization and it developed by, Donald Kirkpatrick in
1950's this model consist of four levels of evolution which includes;
Reaction,this level focus on the participants reaction and also satisfaction with the program of training
and it's the interviews inorder to understand the participants perceive training in the term of relevance
and clarity. Example of participants reaction is when the are react with their training programs.
Learning, this level of evolution focus on measuring the extent which the participants have acquired the
new knowledge, skills as the result formed through the training assess includes pre and post training
test and also the observation.example measuring are through the new knowledge and skills that
participants have get.
Behaviour,this level determine whether participants are applying what they have learned in training in
training process to their actual work environment like good working tools and also it can be good air
condition and others.and it assess which behaviour changes are occur and how these changes lead to
improve the performance of one individual in an organization or at work example how person behave
through work environment.
Result,this level deal with the organization impact of the training program and also it evaluate all
outcomes in a way of indicators of the performance.example good performance of an individual in work
where by it is followed by the increased productivity , cost saving and finally lead to the improvement of
customers satisfaction.
In a nutshell, by using Kirkpatrick model of evaluation can assess program of training and also can make
informed decision of improve the future training initiative. Where by each level of evaluation it build
previous one with higher level and also provide more value into effectiveness of training program and
also it can lead to improvement of knowledge and skills to the participants and also lead to
Training,is an attempt to increase employee's performance by increasing his knowledge, skills and ability
to perform a particular job.and also training it involves process of adding an skills, knowledge, needed
for the particular job where by training has specific purpose to any organization and also it's an
organized purpose. Where by training have some of the advantages to an employee and to an
organization such as, higher productivity, better quality of work,makes an employee to realize their
career goal easy and so on