Sacco Guidelines

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Uganda Microfinance

Regulatory Authority (UMRA)

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October 2020

Guidelines for Licensing SACCOs under The Tier 4 Microfinance Institutions and Money
Lenders Act 2016, and SACCO Regulations 2020

1. Citation
These Guidelines shall be cited as the Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA) Guidelines
for the licensing SACCOs under the Tier 4 Microfinance Institutions and Money Lenders Act 2016
and the SACCO Regulation 2020
2. Purpose
These guidelines are to guide applicants in processing the requisite requirements to apply for SACCO
license to offer the business of financial services. Specifically, the purpose of the Guidelines is to;
a) Clearly show the process that applicants shall follow when applying for a SACCO License
b) Explicitly lay out the detailed licensing requirements that must be submitted in support SACCO
license application;
c) Serve as a point of reference for potential applicants and other stakeholders;
d) Streamline the licensing process by offering a reference point for UMRA staff during the licensing
process; and
e) Guide SACCO in meeting their compliance obligations.

3. Application for a SACCO License

An application for a SACCO license shall be made in duplicate in accordance with Form 1A specified
in Schedule 1 of the SACCO Regulations, 2020 and submitted to Uganda Microfinance Regulatory
4. SACCO Licensing Criteria
The applicant for a SACCO license must fulfil the following criteria:
a) Be a Cooperative Society registered under the Cooperative Society Act
b) Have a minimum core capital of not less than 10% of total assets
c) Have institutional capital of not more than UGX 500m and voluntary savings of not more than
UGX 1.5bn

Contact Tel: +256 417799700 Website. E- mail [email protected]

d) Have a fixed and identifiable place of business that is accessible and is suitable for the business
of financial services;
e) Have a management and governance structure. Have had at least an AGMs in the past two
years and at least two board meeting in the previous year

5. Documents Supporting the Application

The application shall be supported by the following documents:
a) Certified copy of certificate of registration issued under the Cooperative Societies Act
b) Audited books of accounts
o Evidence that the SACCO meets the minimum equity requirement, Institutional capital
and Voluntary savings
o Economic and financial environment of the SACCO
c) A copy of SACCO Bylaws
o Objectives of the SACCO
o Prospective place of business
d) Credit policy and procedure manual
e) Copy of Business plan/ strategic plan
f) Organizational and management structure
g) A list of Membership and their shareholding
h) Copy of identification cards of the directors and Senior management
i) Receipt as evidence of payment of application for a license
j) A filled ‘fit and proper’ questionnaire for Directors and Senior Management

6. Evaluation of the application

(a) After receipt of the application, UMRA shall evaluate the application and vet the directors and
senior management.
(b) Upon approval of directors and Senior management, UMRA shall conduct an independent premise
inspection to ascertain SACCO readiness to offer the business of financial services.

7. Letter of Intent to Issue a license

Upon completion of an independent premise inspection, if UMRA is satisfied that the SACCO meets
all the requirements to offer the business of financial services, a letter of intent to issue a license shall
be issued advising for payment of license fees of Three hundred thousand Uganda shilling.

8. Issuance of SACCO License

Upon presentation of evidence of Payment, A SACCO License shall be issued.

9. Validity of SACCO License

A license shall, unless revoked, be valid up to 31st December of the year in which it is issued

Contact Tel: +256 417799700 Website. E- mail [email protected]

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