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Agappe Diagnostics LTD.: 10 Tests 12014034

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10 Tests

C3 12014034

Intended Use Sample

This reagent is intended for the in vitro quantitative determination of complement Fresh serum or plasma. (Do not use lipemic or hemolysed sample).
C3 in human.
-Nephelometry methodology No interference for
-Linear up to 400 mg/dL Bilirubin up to 20 mg/dL
- Ready to use cartridges Haemoglobin up to 1000 mg/dL
-No calibration required
Triglycerides up to 2500 mg/dL
-Lower Detection Limit of 14 mg/dL
Materials provided
Clinical Significance
C3 Test Cartridges – 10 nos.
C3 component is the central point of classic and alternative compliment
pathway.Compliment testing helps to diagnose the cause of recurrent microbial IC Card with Calibration Data - 1 no.
infections,angioedema ,inflammation and in acute or chronic autoimmune disease
such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(SLE).Decreased levels of C3 are significant Procedure
in autoimmune disease, recurrent infections with pyrogenic bacteria, neonatal RDS The test details and the calibration data is provided in the smart card along with
and congenital deficiencies. C3 behaves as an acute phase protein hence increased the kit.
levels may found in acute inflammatory reactions.
• Insert the test card in to card reader slot.
Principle • Select test function from the main screen and allow the carrier to slide out of
The serum sample reacts upon specific antibody for human complement C3 and equipment.
cause change in absorbance which is directly proportional to concentration of C3
in the sample. • Take one pre-fil led cartridge of C3 and tap gently before adding the sample
to remove air bubbles if any.
Reagent Composition
C3 Cartridge • Add 80 µL of sample to the dedicated well in the cartridge. (Well No. 6) and
place in the cartridge carrier. Select the OK button in the equipment.
Reagent Wel l Description • Cartridge slides into the equipment, and gets detected for the test. If not detected
equipment wil l make two additional attempts. On successful detection of
C3 R1 Well No. 3 PBS (pH 7.43)
cartridge the display shows the corresponding test name with calibration details.
Polyethylene glycol 60 g/L
Select ‘Save’ button to save the calibration of corresponding test in to the
C3 R2 Well No. 4 Polyclonal goat anti-human analyzer.
C3 antibodies • Select “OK” to conform the calibration data and for entering patient demographic
Diluent R3 Well No:2 Normal Saline details.

Note: Wells are numbered consecutively from the reaction cell end of the cartridge.
• Enter the patient demographic details and select the ‘START’ button to run the
test. Status updates along with progress bar will be shown during the test.
(Well No. 1) Refer figure No. 1
Risk & safety
• After analyzing the sample, the test results will be printed as well as displayed
on the screen.
Material safety data sheets (MSDS) will be provided on request.
• The equipment will eject the cartridge carrier for removing the used cartridge.
Reagent Preparation Remove the cartridge, press “EXIT” and select “Ok” to proceed further for next
test or select ‘HOME’ for the main menu.
Reagents are ready to use and supplied in prefilled cartridges.
Pipetting, dispensing and mixing are automatically performed by the instrument. Note: Once the calibration of particular test is saved in to analyzer, test can be
performed without inserting smart card in to the analyzer, until and unless
Reagent Storage and Stability calibration in the analyzer expires or no more test left in the Saved card.
The sealed cartridges are stable up to the expiry date stated on the kit label, when Quality Control
stored at 2- 80C and protected from light. DO NOT FREEZE.
It is recommended to use control to verify the performance of the assay. Each
Reagent Deterioration laboratory has to establish its own internal quality control scheme and procedure
Turbidity or precipitation in any cartridge component indicates deterioration and for corrective action, if control do not recover within the acceptable range.
the cartridge must be discarded. Values outside the recommended acceptable range
for the Agappe Protein control may also be an indication of reagent instability
Reference Range
and associated results are invalid. Sample should be retested using fresh Cartridge. It is recommended that each laboratory establish its own reference values.
The following value may be used as guide line.
Precaution Adults: 90 - 180 mg/dL
1. To avoid contamination use clean laboratory wares. Use clean dry disposable
pipette tips for dispensing sample. Results obtained for patient samples are to be correlated with clinical findings of
the patient for interpretation and diagnosis.
2. Avoid direct exposure of cartridge to light. Al low the cartridge to attain room
temperature before performing the test. Performance Characteristics
3. Avoid reuse of sample from used cartridges.
1. Linearity
4. Before performing the test ensure that reagents are not sticked to the
seal ing, if so tap the cartridge gently to get it down to the bottom of the The reagent is linear up to 400 mg/dL. If the concentration is greater than linearity,
wel l. dilute the sample with normal saline and repeat the assay. Multiply the result
5. Avoid air bubbles in the cartridge before test. with dilution factor.
6. Clean the exterior of the reaction cel l (Wel l No.1) with dry tissue paper 2. Comparison
before load ing in the cartridge carrier.
A comparison study has been performed between Mispa i3 C3 and other
7. Ensure the reaction cell is dust free and moisture free. internationally available reagent yielded a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.955 and
Note: Used cartridge contain human bodyfluids, which can be potential ly bio a regression equation of y =0.9248x +9.23
hazardous, handle with appropriate care to avoid skin contact and ingestion.
Waste Management
Cartridges must be disposed off in accordance with local regulations.




‘Agappe Hills’, Dist. Ernakulam, Kerala, India-683 562.
Tel. +91 484 2867 000 | Customer Support No.: 1800 425 7151(Toll Free) ISO 9001 : 2015
[email protected] | www.agappe.com REV. NO.: ADL/IFU/C3/I3/R01 EN ISO 13485 : 2016
10 Tests
C3 12014034

3. Precision
Accuracy (mg/dL)
Intra Run
Control Expected Value Measured Value
Control Level 1 Control Level 3
Control Level 1 83 ± 13.4 83.72
n 20 20
Mean (mg/dL) 95.13 226.77 Control Level 3 268 ± 48 269.93
SD 3.9 8.1
4. Sensitivity
CV(%) 4.13 3.60 Lower detection limit: 14 mg/dL.

Inter Run Bibliography

Control Level 1 Control Level 3 1. Bergstrom, K. &Lefvert, A.K. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Inest. 40 (1980), 637.

n 20 20 2. Tietz, Text book of Clinical Chemistry, W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, (1994)

Mean (mg/dL) 78.39 269.28 3. Roitt, I., Essential Immunology, Blackwell, Oxford, (1991)
SD 6.91 16.96
4. Dati, F. et al., Lab. Med. 13, 87 (1989)
CV(%) 8.82 6.30
5. Muller-Eberhard, H. H., Ann. Rev. Biochem. 44, 697 (1975)
6. Lachmann, P. J.,Hobart, M. J., and Ashton, W.P., (1973) in Hand book of
ExperimentalImmunology, 2nd Ed, 16, Ed. D. M. Weir, Blackwel l Scientific

The calibration data is incorporated in the smart card.

Hence no calibration is required.

Cartridge Image ( Figure No. 1)




‘Agappe Hills’, Dist. Ernakulam, Kerala, India-683 562.
Tel. +91 484 2867 000 | Customer Support No.: 1800 425 7151(Toll Free) ISO 9001 : 2015
[email protected] | www.agappe.com REV. NO.: ADL/IFU/C3/I3/R01 EN ISO 13485 : 2016

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