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2615-Article Text-8030-1-10-20230616
DOI: 10.34005/alrisalah.v14i1.2615
Mukran H. Usman
[email protected]
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar, Indonesia
[email protected]
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab (STIBA) Makassar, Indonesia
[email protected]
Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), Indonesia
Abstract: Human civilization can be said to be a civilization that departs from a combination
of revelation and reason which is marked by the birth of various knowledge initiated by
Muslim scientists. This study aims to explain that the civilization that has been achieved by
humans today in various fields, such as medicine, astronomy, chemistry, politics, and
economics, is the result of the ability of the human mind to explore the content of knowledge
contained in divine revelation in the Qur'an. so as to produce a high civilization. This study
uses a qualitative approach with library research methods and content analysis techniques.
The results of the research show that the role of reason in exploring knowledge contained in
divine revelation is very visible so as to produce high civilizations, especially in the fields of
medicine, astronomy, chemistry, politics and economics. The implication of the research is
that divine revelation contained in the Qur'an and hadith cannot be separated as a source of
modern human civilization today so that returning to divine revelation in building civilization
is an absolute.
A. Introduction
The birth of various sciences in human civilization is certainly inseparable from the
role of revelation as the real source of human civilization. These revelations were researched
and developed by intelligent scientists with high analytical skills that gave birth to various
Al-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
356 | Al-Risalah| Vol. 14 | No. 2 | 2023
findings in various fields, especially in the fields of medicine, astronomy, chemistry, politics
and economics.1
Big names in medicine, such as Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushdī, al-Rāzī 2, Abū al-Qāsim al-
Ẑahrawī3, and Ibnu al-Haiṡām4, are some of the names of Muslim scientists who have laid the
foundations of modern medical knowledge civilization. Similarly, in the world of astronomy,
the birth of Islamic scientists who have invented various tools that are used for research
purposes on celestial bodies, such as Muslim scientists named Ibrahim al-Fazarī, with his
findings in the form of astrolabe which became the forerunner of the birth of various modern
technologies to monitor and examine various celestial bodies as well as the position of the
moon and sun in determining the time of day.5 Not to be left behind in the world of other
sciences such as in the fields of chemistry, politics and economics. In the field of
pharmaceutical chemistry, there is a great name of the founder of chemistry named Jābir Ibn
Hayyān with his work in the field of chemistry which is very phenomenal with the title al-
Khawas al-Kabīr, a book that compiles chemical properties.6 Similarly, in politics, big names
like al-Māwardī, Ibnu Taimiyah, al-Gazālī and Ibnu Khaldūn 7 , and not to forget
contemporary political figures such as Abū A’la al-Maudūdī and ‘Ālī Syariati 8 , is a
representation of the power of divine revelation which is the source of guidance for these
political scientists to build political civilization. No less, namely Islamic economic figures
such as Abū Ḥanīfah, Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, Muḥammad ‘Abduh9, or Ibnu Khaldūn who
earned the title as the "Father of Economics”.10
The presence of a great civilization in the scientific field dominated by many Muslim
intellectuals and scientists is a very interesting thing to see and study further, especially how
Qutub, Sayid, “Sumber-Sumber Ilmu Pengetahuan Dalam Al Qur’an Dan Hadits”, Humaniora 2, no. 2 (2011):
Maryam, “Perkembangan kedokteran dalam Islam”, Sulesana: Jurnal wawasan keIslaman 6. No. 2(2011): 79-
Robi'aqalbi, Rosydina, “Peran Islam dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Kedokteran”, Al-I’jaz: Jurnal Studi Al-
Qur’an, Falsafah dan Keislaman 2, no. 2(2020): 99-122.
Ibrahim dan Subhan, “Pemikiran Ibnu haitsam dalam ilmu optik dan pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan imu
optik moderen”, (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, 2017), p. 25-31.
Al-Azizi, “Untold Islamic History”, (Cet. t.d; t.t: Laksana, 2018), p. 53.
Sudewi dan Nugraha, “Sejarah farmasi Islam dan hasil karya tokoh-tokohnya”, Jurnal Aqlam 2, no. 1(2017):
Iqbal dan Muhammad, “Pemikiran politik Islam”, (Cet. t.d; Kencana, 2015), p. 16-40.
Hamzani, Achmad Irwan, Aravik dan Havis, “Politik Islam: sejarah dan pemikian”, (Cet. t.d; Penerbit NEM,
2021), p. 240.
Maulidizen, Ahmad, “Pemikiran dan Kontribusi Tokoh Ekonomi Islam Klasik dan Kontemporer”, deliberatif
1, no. 1(2017): 42-62.
Huda, Choirul, “Pemikiran Ekonomi Bapak Ekonomi Islam; Ibnu Khaldun”, Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi
Islam 4, no. 1(2013): 102-124.
Ade Wahidin, “Wahyu dan akal dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an”, Al-Tadabbur: Jurnal ilmu Al-Qur’an dan
Tafsir 2, no. 2 (2017): 262-266.
Rahman, Ghajali, “Kontribusi Peradaban Islam pada Dunia”, Jurnal Syntax Transformation 2, no. 10 (2021):
Rakhmadi, Arwin Juli, “Astronomi Islam Era Dinasti Mamalik (1250-1517)”, Afkaruna: Indonesian
Interdisciplinary Journal Of Islamic Studies 9, no. 1 (2013): 26-36.
MH. Usman, Aswar, Azwar Iskandar, “Menuju Indonesia berkemajuan dalam studi peradaban Islam”,
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Abd. Wahid, “Al-Qur’an sumber peradaban”, Jurnal Ushuluddin 18, no. 2 (2012): 113-117.
B. Method
Although the previous studies mentioned above have studied and analyzed various
aspects related to human civilization in various fields of life in the perspective of Islam and
the Qur'an, these studies have not examined the explanation of divine revelations which are
used as the basic concept of thinking and working by scientists to arrive at the findings of
high civilization. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of explaining that the
civilization that has been achieved by humans today in various fields such as medicine,
astronomy, chemistry, politics, and economics is the result of the ability of human reason to
explore the content of knowledge contained in divine revelations in the Qur'an so that it can
produce a high civilization.
Abdurrahman ibn Muhammad ibn Khaldūn, Muqaddimatu Ibnu Khaldūn (Cet. t.d; Beirūt: Mu’assasatu al-
A’lamī lī al-Mutbū’āt, t.th), p. 172.
Nāsir Muhammad Ārif, Al-Hadārah, al-Tsaqāfah, al-Madāniyyah (Cet. 1; Firjīniyyah: Al-Ma’hadu al-Ā’lamī
lī al-Fikrī al-Islāmī, 1994 M/1414 H), p. 59.
Butūl Ahmad Jundiyyah, Alā Atabāti al-Hadārah (Cet. 1; Sūriah: Dār al-Multaqā lī al-Tibā’ah wa al-Nasyrī
wa al-Tauzī’, 2011 M/1432 H), p. 31.
Ibrāhīm Salmān al-Karawī, Al-Marjau’ fī al-Hadārah al-Arabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah (Cet. t.d; Al-Iskandāriyah:
Markaz al-iskandāriyyah lī al-Kutub, 1999 M), p. 13.
Will Durānt, Qissotu al-Hadārah, Terjemahkan oleh Zakī Najīb Mahmūd, Juz 1 (Cet. 3; al-Qāhiroh: al-Idārah
al-Tsaqāfiyyah bī Jāmiati al-Duwal al-Arābiyyah, 1965 M), p. 3.
Abu Khālīl Syaukī, Al-Hadārah al-Arābiyyah al-Islāmiyyah wa Mūjazu al-Hadārāt al-Sābiqah (Cet. 2; Beirūt:
Dār al-Fikr al-Mu’āsir, 1996 M/1417 H), p. 20.
Muhammad ibn Mukrim ibn Alī Jamāluddin ibn Mandzūr, Lisān al-Arab, Juz 15 (Cet. 3; Beirūt: Dārun
Sādirūn, 1414 H), p. 379.
Muhammad Abdul Adzīm al-Zarqānī, Juz 1 (Cet. 3; t.t: Matba’atu I’sā al-Bābī al-Halabī wa Syurakā’ahu,
t.th), p. 63-73.
Muhammad Ra’fat Sa’id, Tarikh Nuzulul Qur’an , Juz 1 (Cet.1; Mesir: Darul Wafa’, 2002), p. 11.
Efrianto Hutasuhut, “Akal dan wahyu dalam Islam (Perbandingan pemikiran Harun Nasution dan Muhammad
Abduh), Al-Lubb 2, no. 1 (2017): 180.
Abdul Qadir bin Mala’ Mahmud Ali Gazi, Bayanul Ma’aani, Juz 5 (Cet. 1; Damaskus: Ma’ba’atu Al-tarqi,
1965), p. 33.
Badaruddi Az-Dzarkasy, Al-Bahrul Muhit Fii Usuhul Al-Fikhi, Juz 1 (Cet. 1: Urdun: Darul Kutubi, 1994), p.
Subehan Khalik Umar, “Menguak eksistensi akal dan wahyu dalam hukum Islam”, Al-Daulah 6, no. 2 (2017):
First, the relationship between humans and nature to prosper nature and build
civilization on it, as Allah swt. Says:
ه َُو َأنشَ أَ ُُك ِّم َن أ أ َۡل أر ِّض َوأ أس َت أع َم َرُ أُك ِّفهيَا
“He has created you from the earth (land) and made you its prosperous owners.” (Q.S.
Hūd/11: 61)
Secondly, Allah swt. has subjected everything on this earth, such as the land, the sea,
the sun, the moon, and all that is contained in the bowels of the earth so that humans build
civilization with it. Allah says,
َ أ َ ُّلل أ َ َِّّلي َخلَ َق أ َلس َم َٰ َ َٰو ِّت َوأ أ َۡل أر َض َو َأ َنز َل ِّم َن أ َلس َما ٓ ِّء َما ٓ ٗء فَأَخ َأر َج ِّب ِّهۦ ِّم َن ألث َ َم َ َٰر ِّت ِّر أز ٗقا ل َ ُ أك م َو ََس ََر لَ ُ ُك ألأ ُف أ
ل ِّل َت أج ِّر َي ِِّف
ك َما ِّ ُ َو َءاتَ ٰى ُك ِّمن٣٣ َو ََس ََر لَ ُ ُك ألشَ أم َس َوألأقَ َم َر َدآئِّ َب أ ِّ مي َو ََس ََر لَ ُ ُك أل َ أي َل َوألَّنَ َ َار٣٢ ألأ َب أح ِّر ِّبأَ أم ِّر ِّهۦم َو ََس ََر لَ ُ ُك أ أ َۡلنأ َ ََٰر
٣٤ ارٞ َوم َكفٞ َُسأَلأ ُت ُمو ُهُۚ َوان تَ ُع ُّدو ْا ِّن أع َم َت أ َ ِّّلل ََل ُ أُت ُصو َهاۗٓٓ ا َن أ أَل َنس َٰ َن لَ َظل
ِ ِ ِ
“It is Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth, and sends down rain from the
heavens, and brings forth with it fruits for your sustenance; and He has subjected the ark to
you, that it may sail the seas as He wills; and He has subjected to you rivers. He has subjected
to you the sun and the moon, which circulate continually (in their orbits); and has subjected
to you the night and the day. He has given you (your needs) and all that you ask for. And if
you were to count the favors of Allah, you could not count them. Verily, man is a wrongdoer
and a denier of Allah's favors." (Q.S. Ibrahim/14: 32-34)
Third, Allah swt. sent humans on earth to be caliphs or leaders who will build
civilization with knowledge. Allah Swt. says,
Mujahidin Anwar, “Epistemologi Islam: kedudukan wahyu sebagai sumber ilmu”, Ulumuna 17, no. 1 (2013):
Fourth, Allah swt. honored human beings by giving them various tools of life that
distinguish them from many of Allah swt.'s creatures on this earth, as in His words,
٧٠ ۞ولَقَدأ َك َر أمنَا ب َ ِّ ِٓن َءا َد َم َو َ ََحلأَّنَ ُ َٰٰ أم ِِّف ألأ َ ِّب َوألأ َب أح ِّر َو َر َز أقَّنَ ُ َٰٰم ِّم َن أ َلط ِّيبَ َٰٰ ِّت َوفَضَ لأَّنَ ُ َٰٰ أم عَ َ َٰل َكثِّ ٖري ِّم َم أن َخلَ أقنَا تَ أف ِّض ٗيٗل
“And indeed We have honored the children of Adam, We have taken them on land
and sea, We have given them sustenance from the good and We have favored them with a
perfect surplus over most of the creatures We have created..” (Q.S. al-Isra’/17: 70)
The four verses above are a guideline that one of the important messages in the Qur'an
to humans is to build civilization in a broad sense, including how humans can form a
civilized, just society, and make humans able to prosper nature with their respective
3. Civilization Revelation
Human civilization with all its fields is the fruit of human work sourced from divine
revelation which is then developed by human reason to become something that makes
humans able to process everything in this universe for the benefit of life and to manage the
world.31 Human civilizations derived from divine revelation are many and varied, but this
research limits itself to five areas of civilization whose basic concepts and theories are clearly
enshrined in divine revelation, namely the Qur'an. These areas are as follows.
4. Medical Fields
The revelation of Allah Swt., both in the Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet
Muhammad PBUH, became a source of reference for discovery and development in
Muhammad Said Ramadan Al-Buti, Manhajul Hadarah Al-Insaniyah Fii Al-Qur’an, (t.d: Damaskus: t.tt,
t.th), p. 26.
Sudjatnika, Tenny, “Nilai-Nilai Karakter Yang Membangun Peradaban Manusia”, Al-Tsaqafa: Jurnal Ilmiah
Peradaban Islam 14, no. 1 (2017): 138.
Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Juz 7 (Cet. 1; t.t: Darun touku Al-Naja, 1442), p. 122.
Muhammad bin Isa Al-Tirmizi, Sunan Al-Tirmizi, Juz 4 (Cet. 2; Mesir: Syarikah Maktabah wa Matba’a
5. Field of Astronomy
One of the fields of human civilization that combines the power of revelation and
reason is in the field of astronomy, which is a scientific field that studies the circulation and
rotation, place, and size of celestial bodies.36
The Qur'an, as a revelation of God, has mentioned in several verses the science of
astronomy, which later became the basis for the development of modern astronomy today.
Among these revelations are:
First, the revelation of Allah Swt. which explains the process of the formation of the
universe and its contents, including the earth and other objects.
ِ ِه
اُهَا َ ين َك َف ُروا أَ هن ال هس َم َاوات َو ْاْل َْر
ُ َض َكانَتَا َرتْ ًقا فَ َفتَ ْقن َ أ ََوََلْ يََر الذ
“And do those who disbelieve not know that the heavens and the earth were once one,
then We separated them?” (Q.S. al-Anbiya/21: 30)
Ibnu Majah, Sunan ibnu Majah, Juz 2 (Cet. t.d: Halaba: Daar Ihya Al-kutub Al-Arabiyah, t.th), p. 1142.
Abu Daud Sulaiman Al-Sirjistani, Sunan Abi Daud, (Cet. t.d; Beirut: Al-Maktabah Al-Asriyah, t,th), p. 365.
Abdul Wahhab bin Sulaiman Al-Tamimi, Fathul Majid Syarhul Kitab Al-Tauhid, Juz 1 (Cet. 7; Mesir:
Matba’atu Al-Sunnah Al-Muhammadiyah, 1957), p. 291.
Third, the revelation of Allah Swt. which explains how Allah made the sun and the
moon to be a means of calculating time and determining time, and made the night a time for
ك تَ ْق ِد ُير الْ َع ِزي ِز الْ َعلِي ِم ِ ً اح وجعل اللهيل س َكنًا والشهمس والْ َقمر حسب
َ اَن ۚ َٰذَلَ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ِ َصب ِْ فَالِ ُق
ْ اْل
“He causes the morning to dawn and the night to rest, and the sun and the moon to be
reckoned. This is the decree of Allah, the Mighty, the All-Knowing..” (Q.S. al-An’ām/6: 96)
6. Chemistry
The revelation of Allah Swt. contained in the Qur'an indeed holds various basics and
concepts of civilization in science. One of them is in the world of chemistry which is a branch
of science that studies the smallest particles contained in an object that cannot be seen with
the eye. Even from the verse about the chemical elements, scientists then take various
concepts and theories in chemistry which then continue to be developed so as to create a
finding that is used as the basis for various modern technologies. Some of the verses of
revelation include the revelation of Allah Swt. which is used as the basis of the discovery of
atoms which are the smallest particles, namely:
In addition to the findings of scientists about the existence of atoms in the term
"zarrah" in the Qur'an, another finding in the field of chemistry is the existence of molecules
which are a combination of these atoms. Regarding the existence of chemical particles called
molecules can be seen from the content of the words of Allah Swt,
The phrase "sulālatu min tīn" is then interpreted in chemistry as chemical elements
from which the formation of human blood occurs and then proceeds to become a complete
human being.
The revelation of Allah Swt. in the Qur'an which also explains the existence of
chemical elements to be the cause of the survival of plants is the word of Allah Swt,
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ َس َقْي نَا ُك ُموهُ َوَما أَنْتُ ْم لَهُ ِبَا ِزن
ي ِ َوأ َْر َس ْلنَا
ْ الرََي َح لََواق َح فَأَنْ َزلْنَا م َن ال هس َماء َماءً فَأ
“And We have blown winds to mate (vegetation) and We have sent down rain from
the sky, and We have given you drink from it, and it is not for you to save it.” (Q.S. al-
Hijr/15: 22)
In its development, it was later discovered that the wind blowing is a gas that has
volume and pressure and energy, carrying flying plant essence and until it falls on the head of
the pistil so that plant marriage occurs. The findings of civilization in the field of chemistry
like this turned out to have been earlier revelation of Allah Swt. explain and describe it.
7. Politics
The political field is the most important part in measuring the progress of a
civilization37, It can even be said that the politics of any government will not advance without
Khairul dkk, “Periodisasi Perkembangan Peradaban Islam dan Ciri-Cirinya”, Jurnal Pendidikan dan
Konseling (JPDK) 4, no. 6 (2022): 9654.
First, the basic concept of revelation in the politics of leadership is that the ideal
leader who will lead to an advanced civilization is when there are two leadership traits in the
leader, namely the depth of knowledge and body strength.40
Second, the politics of revelation in the Qur'an which is the basis for the birth of
human civilization is when the leadership applies a comprehensive system of justice and the
fulfillment of the leadership mandate to those who are entitled to the mandate.
Nurhadi, “Tematik ayat-ayat pendidikan politik dalam Al-Qur’an”, Jurnal edukasi dan sains 2, no. 1 (2020):
J Suyuti Pulungan, “Relasi Islam dan Negara: Studi Pemikiran Politik Islam dalam Perspektif al-Qur’an”,
Intizar 24, no. 1 (2018): 185(Khairul et al., 2022)
Burhanuddin Yusuf, “Politik dalam Islam: Makna, tujuan dan falsafah (kajian atas konsep era klasik)”, Jurnal
aqidah-ta IV, no. 1 (2018): 127.
Fifth, human beings, according to the context of revelation, are caliphs whom Allah
swt. commands to organize human life 41 or a government in order to achieve an advanced
ٍ ض درج ِ ِ
ات َ َ َ ٍ ض ُك ْم فَ ْو َق بَ ْع َ َوُه َو الهذي َج َعلَ ُك ْم َخ ََلئ
ِ ف ْاْل َْر
َ ض َوَرفَ َع بَ ْع
“And it is He who has made you rulers over the earth, and has exalted some of you
above others by a few degrees.” (Q.S. al-An’ām/6: 165)
8. Economics
The civilization of a nation is largely determined by the creation of community justice
in relation to the distribution of natural wealth assets which are then developed in a science
called economics,42 and in general the economy of revelation rests on three major aspects,
Rahmat Ilyas, “Manusia sebagai khalifah dalam perspektif Islam”, Mawa’iz 1, no. 7 (2016): 170.
Abu Sufyan Mustafa Al-Salawi, “Al-Ilmaniyah wa Al-Mazahib Al-Malaky”, (Cet. t.d; Al-Magrib: Jaridatu Al-
Sabil, 2012), p. 173.
First, the revelation of Allah Swt. which explains the prohibition of eating other
people's property by false means that cause harm, as well as the order to do business buying
and selling on the basis of mutual consent either the seller or the buyer.
اض ِمْن ُك ْم ِ َي أَيُّها اله ِذين آمنُوا ََّل ََتْ ُكلُوا أَموالَ ُكم ب ي نَ ُكم َِبلْب
ٍ اط ِل إِهَّل أَ ْن تَ ُكو َن ِِتَ َارةً َع ْن تَ َرَ ْ َْ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ
“O you who have believed, do not eat each other's wealth by unlawful means, except
by way of a mutually acceptable trade between you.” (Q.S. al-Nisā’/4: 29)
Secondly, divine revelation commands that the sale and purchase contract must be in
writing to avoid fraud, and divine revelation commands that there must be witnesses to the
ِ ِ ِ ُ وضةٌ ۖ فَِإ ْن أ َِم َن بَ ْع ِ ِ
ُضا فَ ْليُ َؤد الهذي ْاؤُُت َن أ ََمانَتَه
ً ض ُك ْم بَ ْع َ َُوإِ ْن ُكْن تُ ْم َعلَ َٰى َس َف ٍر َوََلْ َِت ُدوا َكاتبًا فَ ِرَها ٌن َم ْقب
َولْيَ ت ِهق ه
ُاَّللَ َربهه
“If you are on a journey and you do not have a scribe, then let there be a bond held by
the creditor. But if some of you trust others, then let the trustee fulfill his trust and let him
fear Allah, his Lord.” (Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 283)
Third, the command to keep the sale and purchase agreement that has been agreed
upon by the parties to the transaction as well as an explanation of the permissibility of buying
Muhammad Mutawalli Al-Sa’rawi, “Tafsir Al-Sa’rawi”, (Cet.t.d; t.t: Matabi’ Akhbar Al-Yaum, t.th), p. 1193.
Said Hawa, “Al-Asas Fii Al-Tafsir”, Jilid 1 (Cet. 6; Al-Qohirah: Darul As-Salam, 1424 H), p. 639.
D. Conclusion
From the results of research on human civilization between revelation and reason,
researchers found a fact that human civilization with all its achievements, especially in the
five main fields of civilization, namely medicine, astronomy, chemistry, politics and
economics, originated from divine revelation contained in the Qur'an and the traditions of the
Prophet Muhammad PBUH. which was developed by human reason, especially Muslim
scientists who later became the basic concept or basic theory for the continued development
of the field of civilization, especially in the five fields of civilization that the author has
described in this study.