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Sina Etal. Diversidad, Nomenclatura y Tazonomía de Protistas

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Sysl. Biol 56(4):684-689, 2007

Copyright © Society of Systematic Biologists
ISSN: 1063-5157 print / 1076-836X online
DOI: 10.1080/10635150701494127

Diversity, Nomenclature, and Taxonomy of Protists

Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4J1, Canada; E-mail: [email protected] (SM.D.)
departments of Botany and Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T1Z4, Canada
^Department of Biochemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4J1, Canada
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY 10964, USA
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3PS, UK
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY 12201, USA
Biologie des Protistes, Universite Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand, F63 177 Aubierre cedex, France
Centerfor Ultrastructural Research, Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Biological Faculty, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg 191186, Russia
Center for Forest Mycology Research, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Luquillo, Puerto Rico
"Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK
Institutefor Biology II, Unit of Cellular Neurobionics, RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Medical Technology Program, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1030, USA
^Department of Phycology, Kobenhavns Universitet, Copenhagen, DK-1353, Denmark
Biology, Middle Georgia College, Cochran, GA 31014, USA
^Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Saint Petersburg State University, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA

The new classification of protists from the Interna- the botanical and zoological codes made by proponents
tional Society of Protistologists (Adl et al., 2005) could of the Phylocode, we did not all agree that the cur-
not apply both the International Code of Botanical rent Phylocode is the solution, nor does it currently ad-
Nomenclature and the International Code of Zoologi- dress species typih'cation. Accordingly, new guidelines
cal Nomenclature because the two are incompatible. The are needed to govern standards in protist species de-
classification designated one name for each clade where scriptions and classification.
multiple names from different codes had previously ex- Over the past 25 years, molecular phylogenetic stud-
isted, traced authorities, and provided a classification ies have led to extensive modification of traditional clas-
based on nameless ranks. Here we review important sification schemes for eukaryotes. The most dramatic
issues that remain to be resolved. Current rules gov- changes have occurred within protists, from which mul-
erning validation of new species, from various codes of ticellular organisms evolved. The names of many protist
nomenclature, have become an impediment to naming of groups and the genera they include have been changed
new protists. Standard requirements for protist species so many times that the classification scheme is unclear,
descriptions and type specimens need to be modern- and it is difficult to determine which names apply. Two
ized to accommodate the rapid discovery of new species recent reviews have provided a modern phylogenetic
made possible by modern microscopic and molecular perspective on the overall organization of eukaryote
techniques. Although we agree with the criticisms of clades (Keeling et al., 2005; Simpson and Roger, 2004).

A necessary extension of this phylogenetic research was TABLE 1. Approximate number of described species and estimated
to establish a new classification that reflected the gen- total number of species in each group.*
eral consensus on the taxonomic names and their au- Number of Potential
thorities (Adi et al., 2005). This classification scheme for known extant number of
protists breaks with tradition by not using either the Group name species species
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) Amoebozoa
(Greuter et al., 2000) or the International Code of Zoo- Lobose, naked 180 600
logical Nomenclature (ICZN; International Commission Arcellinida 1100 103 to 104
on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999) regarding ranks, be- Myxogastria >900 1200 to 1500
cause neither of these codes are presently adequate for Dictyostelia >100 300
Protostelia 36 150
protists. The decision to do so was primarily practical. Eumycetozoa 655 10,000
Where possible, well-known names referring to recog-

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Other Ameobozoa 35 50
nized monophyletic groups were retained. Although it Opisthokonta
did not try to follow the Phylocode, groups of named Fungi (excluding Zygomycota) 335,000 n x 106
lineages were defined by apomorphies (derived charac- Zygomycota 70,000 1.5 x 106
Chytridiomycetes 1000 <2000
ters) as much as possible, but node-based and stem-based Microsporidia 1200 10,000
definitions were used as necessary, even though they Mesomycetozoa 47 n x 103
were not identified as such in the final presentation. In Choanomonada 120 300
this classification, name endings that conveyed hierar- Rhizaria
Cercozoa <500 KX10 3
chical information in a traditional code (e.g., -idae, -inae, Haplosporidia 31 n x 102
-ales, -aceae) were retained to avoid unnecessary name Foraminifera > 10,000 15,000
changes but are not intended to convey hierarchical in- Acantharia 160 <200
formation. We believe this scheme to be more utilitarian Polycystinea 700 to 1000 1,500
as it recognizes one name for each clade where multiple Nucleohelea 160 to 180 200
names for the same clade were used previously. Further- Archaeplastida
Glaucophyta and Rhodophyceae 4000 to 6000 20,000
more, the classification is intended to facilitate future Chloroplastida, excluding 8000 to 10,000 1-2 x 105
modification in light of improved phylogenetic infor- Charophyta
mation, without requiring a cascade of name changes. Charophyta, excluding Plantae 4300 5000
Further changes to the classification will no doubt be Chromalveolata
necessary given that our knowledge of some groups and Cryptophyceae 70 200
Haptophyta 350 <400
our geographical sampling are still far from complete. Phaeophyceae 1500 to 2000 2000
Several critical issues remain to be resolved and we must Actinophryidae 5 <10
continue to work towards a practical consensus. Opalinata 400 500
Bicosoecida 72 100
Labyrinthulomycetes 40 <100
Hyphochytriales 25 n x 100
DIVERSITY OF PROTISTS Peronospororriycetes 676 103 to 104
Chrysophyceae 1000 2000
Adi et al. (2005) defined protists as eukaryotic Dictyophyceae 15 30
organisms with unicellular, colonial, filamentous, of Eustigmatophyceae 15 30
parenchyniatous organization that lack vegetative tis- Pelagophyceae 12 20
sue differentiation, except for reproduction. Metazoa Phaeothamniophyceae 25 40
Pinguiophyceae 5 20
Haeckel 1874, Plantae Haeckel 1866, and some Phaeo- Raphidophyceae 20 40
phyceae Hansgirg 1886 are recognized as being truly Synurophyceae 200 350
multicellular. The current number of described protist Xanthophyceae 600 800
species, including fungi, is widely acknowledged to be Bacillariophyta 1-2 x 104 2xlO5
a fraction of the total diversity in nature (Table 1; May, Apicomplexa 6,000 1.2-10 x 106
Dinozoa 2000 <3000
1988; Corliss, 2002). Many geographic regions have not Ciliophora 3500 30,000
been sampled at all and most regions and habitats are in- Excavata
sufficiently sampled. The rate of discovery of new species Fornicata 146 <200
from environmental samples remains high. Indeed, most Parabasalia 466 500
Preaxostyla 96 <120
soil, freshwater, or marine samples collected contain a Jakobida 10 200
multitude of undescribed species (Foissner, 1999, 2006; Heterolobosea 80 200
Slapeta et al., 2005) that are found through microscopy or Euglenozoa 1520 2000
environmental DNA samples. Owing to insufficient en- Incertae sedis
vironmental sampling and reisolation, the geographical Eukaryota
Apusomonadida 12 20
distribution of most species remains unknown. A meta-
data statistical analysis of species richness indicated that 'Potential number of species were estimated by authors for each group based
unicellular organisms showed high relative local species on number of unknown DNA sequences found in environmental samples.
richness, which is consistent with most species being lo- ally restricted distribution for some or many species,
cally rare (Hillebrand et al., 2001). Species composition likely due to limitations to protist dispersal over long
for protists was statistically less similar between sam- distances. Interpretation of these results is complicated,
ples with geographical distance, suggesting a region- however, because species identification is typically based

on morphology, which often may not distinguish be- rank, and clade, identifying a group and its composition
tween species with similar or identical morphologies became very difficult for professionals, and almost im-
(Hillebrand et al., 2001; Adi and Gupta, 2006; Foissner, possible for those entering the field of protistology. There
2006). was simply no common rationale for deciding which
name and which classification to use.
For historical reasons, protists traditionally fell un-
der the jurisdiction of the ICBN if they were "algae" How DID WE GET INTO THIS MESS?
or "fungi" and under the jurisdiction of the ICZN if The purpose of classification is to arrange biological di-
they were "protozoa." This system has been unravel- versity in such a way as to facilitate communication and
ing for several decades, as a number of groups were de- accurate information retrieval. This system must operate

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scribed in parallel by zoologists (ICZN) and by botanists within a phylogenetic context and must be able to ac-
(ICBN) each with distinct names (Corliss, 1995). To give commodate modification while retaining name stability.
just one example, Diatomea Dumortier 1821 and Bacil- This is a particularly onerous task as there are millions
lariophyta Haeckel 1878 both describe the same clade: of phylogenetic entities at different hierarchical levels,
the diatoms. The ranks within this group received a with thousands more being discovered annually (May
parallel series of names independently by zoologists and Nee, 1995). The mess that arose in the classification
and botanists to accommodate rank endings appropriate of protists attests to the failure of the ICBN and ICZN
for each code (the so-called ambireginal classification). to arrive at a mutually satisfactory accommodation, at
These unnecessary duplications introduced a double lan- accommodating changes in the classification, and pro-
guage throughout protist classification schemes that re- viding unambiguous name stability in a modern evolu-
sulted in confusion. tionary context.
The situation was exacerbated from the 1960s onward, The ICBN and ICZN were created based on preevo-
as many genera were reclassified to accommodate new lutionary principles laid out by Aristotle and Linnaeus,
research and discoveries of new taxa. The traditional using a species binomial nomenclature of Genus epithet.
classification of protozoa and algae collapsed during the Binomial nomenclature is responsible for much of the
1970s and 1980s as many groups were subsequently shuf- instability in the classification, as each time a taxon is
fled. Many ranks contained genera that were described moved, its generic name is changed (Cantino, 1998). This
under one code and other genera under the other code. is not problematic for a small number of taxa, but the
More dramatically, it became evident through molecular extent of change requirecKto the classification was un-
phylogenies that fungi (governed by the ICBN) are a sis- foreseen. The fundanoenfal division of life into plants ver-
ter lineage of animals (governed by the ICZN), and novel sus animals appeared distinct and stable enough at the
protists discovered at the base of both of these clades time, but protists blurred that distinction. The flexibility
were described following ICZN rules (Mendoza et al., that would later be required of the traditional schemes,
2002; James et al., 2006). with the rapid expansion of protist taxa and extensive re-
Lastly, the recognition of monophyletic groups based classification, simply could not be accommodated while
on modern phylogenetic concepts forces us to do things retaining name stability.
that are awkward with the traditional codes. For exam- Other problems with the Linnaean rank-based nomen-
ple, we would be forced to place classes within classes, clature have been the subject of many papers over the
and kingdoms within kingdoms, or invent many new past 15 years (de Queiroz and Gauthier 1992, 1994;
ranks. These issues were elaborated fully elsewhere and Cantino et al., 1997; de Queiroz, 1997; Kron, 1997; Hibbett
will not be repeated here (Cantino, 2004; Pleijel and and Donoghue, 1998; Pleijel and Rouse, 2003; Cantino,
Rouse, 2003). Previous attempts at synthesis of a classi- 2004). Some of the more problematic issues raised are that
fication for eukaryotes, based on identifying successive (1) rank dictates priority and synonymy under separate
evolutionary steps and providing a Linnaean name for codes, instead of clades; (2) rank changes cause a cascade
each rank in the hierarchy, required numerous novel rank of name changes following even minor changes in phylo-
names (Cavalier-Smith, 1993) and never became widely genetic hypotheses (shifting to a new rank changes both
used by protistologists. In part, this valiant effort was the name, and the authority of a group, even though the
premature because most of the molecular phylogenetic
organisms it describes and the clade remains the same);
information necessary became available subsequently.
(3) the codes are essentially silent on what is considered
Several alternative classifications were proposed in this
today to be the overriding concern in classification—the
new light, with new competing names for the same
principle of common descent. It is permissible for the
groups of organisms (Cavalier-Smith, 1998; Patterson,
1999, 2002), with accompanying changes in ranks and
members of well supported clades to be separated into
authority as required by the ICBN or the ICZN. As a re-
paraphyletic categories, even if doing so introduces mis-
sult, authors resorted to selecting one of several possible
leading information about evolutionary relatedness; and
names for each group or, more commonly, used informal (4) more emphasis is placed on who named or moved
names without specifying an authority or a definition. a group than the group and its name. Several other is-
This further added to the confusion. Without a memory sues concern outdated approaches to describing species.
of the history of changes associated with a taxon name, For example, the requirement for Latin descriptions in
the ICBN and what is acceptable as a type specimen

and holotype under both codes are impractical for pro- species can be distinguished by mating types if sex-
tists and need modernizing, as discussed below. Unfor- ual, by feeding preferences, from DNA sequences, from
tunately, the Phylocode is not much help on this point. excystment requirements, and from temperature or habi-
Although it has attempted to introduce "tree-thinking" tat optima. Descriptions based on microscopy and holo-
from molecular phylogenies into its rules of nomencla- types deposited in designated institutes as fixed slide
ture, it deals only with rules governing clades and not preparations or photographs can help to describe a mor-
with naming species. photype but fail to identify species. Accurate identifi-
cation of morphotypes by microscopy depends on the
TOWARD A SOLUTION array of morphotypes known to the microscopist. Iden-
tification errors are common because type specimens
It has been argued that the traditional codes can be re- generally have limited accessibility, being kept inside
vised to accommodate some of the problems mentioned "designated institutes" far away, or are not useful, and

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above, and that many of the identified problems are older published drawings and photographs are often of
not serious (Barkley et al., 2004). That may be true for poor quality and insufficient on their own. We there-
extant Animalia and Plantae, although some disagree fore recommend adoption of some combination of stan-
(Cantino, 2004), but for protists that is simply not the dardized requirements for microscopy that include using
case. An example of the many profound difficulties that digital still-images of live specimens or digital video
can be encountered was recently provided for Pneumo- showing patterns of motility (in motile specimens), scan-
cystis, a pathogen that was traditionally treated as a pro- ning or transmission electron micrographs, DNA se-
tozoan under the ICZN but is now known to be a fungus quence information, habitat and feeding preferences,
and must be treated by the ICBN (Redhead et al., 2006). and, where possible, a description of life cycle stages.
These difficulties are encountered with well-known iso- For reference material, both the images and the sequence
lates that exist in many laboratories. The problem is in- information must be freely available in electronic public
surmountable with isolates that can be fully described databases.
but cannot be cultured or cryopreserved. To place the
issue in perspective, imagine a situation where plant Use of Molecular Data
species descriptions would be acceptable only if the new DNA sequence information is commonly used both
specimen was domesticated enough to be cultivated! for understanding relatedness between clades as well
For example, a protist specimen that is digitally pho- as for identifying species. The most commonly used
tographed and then used to obtain DNA for phyloge- DNA sequences for phylogenetic reconstruction of eu-
netic information will no longer physically exist to be karyotic groups, such as small subunit ribosomal DNA
deposited as a holotype. However, the resulting digital (18S rDNA), may underestimate intrageneric diversity in
images, sequence data, and DNA sample—which are all some clades but may be less conserved in others (Keeling
necessary, sufficient, and more useful than a microscope et al., 2005; Simpson and Roger, 2004). Careful consider-
slide for subsequent identification—continue to exist. At ation is required to supplement the 18S rDNA data with
some point, so much modification is needed that the sequence information from other genes, such as the mito-
original code is no longer the same code but becomes chondrial coxl or from the ribosomal ITS regions. Choices
something new (Cantino, 2004). It is impossible to be about the number and identity of genes necessary for
familiar with the diversity and classification of protists sufficient resolution may be different for different clades,
on the one hand and to claim that the ICBN and the and this needs to be established by experts. The sequence
ICZN have been stabilizing and accommodating on the information should be compared with similar isolates
other. from across the geographical range of morphotypes to
In our view, the following issues need to be addressed obtain a sense of how much variation or diversity is rep-
in the formulation of articles for a code that would be resented by each morphotype. It is only with repeated
useful for the classification of protists and all eukaryotes. isolation and comparison at a variety of locations that in-
Below we highlight several approaches that would help trageneric protist diversity can be described adequately.
in species typification by working towards standardized When comparing sequence differences, a recurring is-
rules. We emphasize parameters that are useful to pro- sue has been to ask, how much sequence divergence
tist species delineation using a variety of biological and warrants a new species or genus? If a fixed amount
molecular approaches. Next, we discuss nomenclatural of sequence difference is preset and applied uniformly,
issues that would provide name stability. would many of the large primates, antelopes, or the
brown kelps in the Laminariales converge to a small num-
Standardized Data Acquisition ber of species and genera? Solving this question by set-
Fundamentally, there is widespread acceptance that ting a number, even with a more complicated formula,
identification of protist species using light microscopy would be an arbitrary delineation of isolates into cat-
alone is no longer sufficient or adequate. Many well- egories. We do not advocate a standardized and uni-
studied morphotypes, including those with sufficient formly applied fixed amount of sequence difference to
biogeographical sampling, are known to represent a va- delineate species. Rather, the emphasis for species de-
riety of morphologically indistinguishable species (see lineation would be placed on the combination of phy-
Adi and Gupta, 2006; Foissner, 2006). These cryptic logenetic analysis of sequence data plus physiological

adaptations to a multidimensional niche space (i.e., an clature. Using high-throughput methods developed for
ecologically relevant parameter; Whittaker, 1972). These genomic studies, potentially hundreds of new species
would include parameters described above in obtaining could be discovered weekly from environmental sam-
a standard set of information in species delineation. This ples, with accompanying phenotypic information from
shift in emphasis would require more species character- microscopy. Images and sequence information need to be
ization than is currently done in describing isolates, a publicly available electronically in searchable databases,
problem that will no doubt intensify as molecular data such as in Discover Life (www.discoverlife.org) or Mi-
become cheaper and easier to acquire. A practical solu- croscope (http://starcentral.mbl.edu/microscope/). Ul-
tion will have to be accommodated. timately, all species need to be transferred into digital
searchable catalogues that contain both DNA sequence
Name Stability information and images, as well as additional biological

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In seeking unambiguous and stable names in bio- information. (A task of this magnitude can be accom-
logical classifications, the PhyloCode (Cantino and de plished with sufficient resources. For example, it was
Queiroz, 2006) proposed a shift from Linnaean rank accomplished for much of the published scientific liter-
based nomenclatures toward naming nested clades ature of the last century in two decades, despite many
with stem-, node-, or apomorphy-based definitions (de pessimists claiming it would take an unreasonably long
Queiroz and Gauthier, 1994; Cantino, 2004). This ap- time to do so.) There has to be a shift away from the
proach, as the authors argued, separates naming clades emphasis on authorities and ranks toward clade name
from assembling nested hierarchies, in contrast to rank- stability. Possibilities for dealing with the genus epithet
based nomenclature, which treats these steps as part of binomial ambiguity can be handled simply, by combin-
the same process. Therefore, clade composition is de- ing the two (genus.epithet or genus-epithet or genusepithet)
termined by the interaction of a clade definition with a into a single unambiguous name (Cantino et al., 1999).
phylogenetic hypothesis. The names do not necessarily The rules to standardize the process must be simple, few,
change when the phylogenetic hypothesis (the classifi- and practical.
cation) changes. This goes a long way toward providing Perhaps the most serious consequence of not having
name stability while accommodating changes in the clas- had a classification with name stability for protists over
sification. We do not suggest that the current PhyloCode the past decades has been the gradual omission of pro-
provides solutions to all of the problems of protist classi- tists from biology textbooks (Adi, 2005). Without a classi-
fication, but it is clearly a step in the right direction. As we fication with stable names to teach students, or to search
work toward adopting rules that will work for protists, the literature, the significance of the diversity of protists
the criticisms made of Linnaean rank-based nomencla- to the biology community has been diminishing. This
tures, and its benefits, ought to be considered seriously has dire consequences to research funding in protistol-
by the biological community. The danger with the current ogy, as long as these organisms are considered few and
situation is that out of necessity, protist species descrip- unimportant despite their key role in ecosystems and
tions will occur outside of the guidelines established by the evolution of life. This is unfortunate because protists
the existing codes, and thus without standards, as re- cause many of the world's deadliest human diseases and
searchers continue to ignore them as unworkable. The include the most damaging crop pathogens such as Phy-
ambiguous situation has now expanded beyond pro- tophthora that caused the Irish famine. The World Health
tists, as descriptions of animal species are also occur- Report (2004) ranked respiratory tract infections, diar-
ring according to PhyloCode (even though it has not rheal diseases, and malaria respectively as first, fourth,
been formally implemented) or the ICZN, creating an and sixth in number of deaths caused by communicable
ambireginal situation in Animalia (Hillis, 2007; Dubois, diseases, maternal and perinatal conditions, and nutri-
2007), where clades are named and described according tional deficiencies. Each of these categories contains a
to two different and parallel set of rules. variety of pathogenic protists (Corliss, 2002). Yet, most
people remain unaware of the diversity and complexity
of protist cell biology, which is necessary to prevent crop
CONCLUDING REMARKS damage, maintain livestock health, and to save human
The new classification of eukaryotes reflects our cur-
rent knowledge of protist evolution, has reintroduced
some formality with group names and their author- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ity, and provides a point of reference for protist sys- Several colleagues have contributed through responding to emails or
tematics (Adi et al., 2005). Unresolved cases remain in conversations at conferences and elsewhere. These include Robert
where relationships between clades are unclear (Adi A. Andersen, Louise Lewis, Richard M. McCourt, Robert Fensome,
Timothy Y. James, Laura Katz, Georges Merinfeld, and Gary Saunders.
et al., 2005; Keeling et al., 2005; Patterson, 1999). Some
of the most undersampled groups include the most di-
verse eukaryotes, such as red algae, fungi, and api- REFERENCES
complexan parasites (Table 1). The rate of new species
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Adi, M. S., A. G. B. Simpson, M. A. Farmer, R. A. Andersen, O. R. Hillis, D. M. 2007. Constraints in naming parts of the tree of life. Mol.
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Lewis, J. Lodge, D. H. Lynn, D. G. Mann, R. M. McCourt, L. Mendoza, tional Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 4th edition. International
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