MSC 1-Circ 1613-Rev 2

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5 July 2023


1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its 101st session (5 to 14 June 2019), approved
the Interim Iridium SafetyCast service manual (MSC.1/Circ.1613), which provided information
on Iridium's enhanced group calling service, for circulation to Member States as advance

2 Member States were invited to take account of the information contained in the
manual when conducting system trials and tests.

3 The Committee, at that session, also established an IMO Enhanced Group Call
Coordinating Panel for coordinating the development and use of the international
satellite-based enhanced group calling service. The Panel's terms of reference and
certification process are given in MSC.1/Circ.1635.

4 The Committee, at its 104th session (4 to 8 October 2021), approved the revised
Interim Iridium SafetyCast service manual, (MSC.1/Circ.1613/Rev.1), which became effective
on 1 January 2022.

5 The Committee, at its 107th session (31 May to 9 June 2023), approved the revised
Iridium SafetyCast service manual, as set out in the annex, prepared by the Sub-Committee
on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR), at its tenth session
(10 to 19 May 2023), and agreed that it should become effective on 1 July 2023.

6 Member States intending to use the Iridium SafetyCast service are invited to take
account of the attached revised Iridium SafetyCast service manual.

7 This revised circular supersedes MSC.1/Circ.1613/Rev.1, as from 1 July 2023.


Annex, page 1





SOLAS regulation IV/12.2 states that "Every ship, while at sea, shall maintain a radio watch
for broadcasts of maritime safety information on the appropriate frequency or frequencies on
which such information is broadcast for the area in which the ship is navigating".

In 2013, a submission was made to the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), at its
ninety-second session, for evaluation of the Iridium mobile-satellite system against the criteria
for the provision of mobile satellite services in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS). In 2018, MSC 99 adopted resolution MSC.451(99) on Statement of recognition of
the maritime mobile satellite services provided by Iridium Satellite LLC, including Iridium's
enhanced group calling service. It was noted that an operational manual, similar to the
International SafetyNET Manual, was necessary. The Committee also acknowledged the role
of the International SafetyNET Coordinating Panel that worked on behalf of the Committee
with respect to the implementation of the provision of maritime safety information (MSI) in
accordance with the guidance material approved by the Committee. Since then, the Iridium
enhanced group call (EGC) service has been named "Iridium SafetyCast".

In June 2019, MSC 101 approved the Interim Iridium SafetyCast Manual (MSC.1/Circ.1613),
which provided information on Iridium's EGC service, for circulation to Member States as
advance information. Member States were invited, pending completion of a final text of the
manual by the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue
(NCSR), to take account of the information in the draft manual when conducting system trials
and tests.

In October 2021, MSC 104 approved the revised Interim Iridium SafetyCast Manual
(MSC.1/Circ.1613/Rev.1) and agreed that it should become effective on 1 January 2022.
In June 2023, MSC 107 approved the removal of the Interim term from the title and, as no
other amendments were proposed, agreed that it should become effective on 1 July 2023.

This revised Manual has been produced to describe the Iridium system and its capability for
promulgating MSI and search and rescue (SAR) related information. The revised Manual has
been prepared with the cooperation of the IHO WWNWS Sub-Committee, the WMO WWMIWS
Standing Sub-Committee and their respective Secretariats. This Manual should be read
alongside the Joint IMO/WMO/IHO Manual on Maritime Safety Information.

1 General information

1.1 The Iridium SafetyCast service is a satellite-based service for the promulgation of
MSI, navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts, SAR related
information and other urgent safety-related messages to ships.

1.2 The Iridium SafetyCast service fulfils an integral role in the GMDSS developed by the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) and incorporated into the 1988 amendments to the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as a requirement for
ships to which the Convention applies.

Annex, page 2

1.3 This Manual describes the structure and operation of the Iridium SafetyCast service.
It is intended primarily for national Administrations and registered information providers, but
may also be useful to the mariner who requires more operational information than is found in
manufacturers' equipment manuals.

2 Iridium SafetyCast service

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 The Iridium SafetyCast service provides shipping with navigational and
meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts, shore-to-ship distress alert relays, SAR
related information and other urgent information in accordance with SOLAS requirements.
It provides an automatic method of broadcasting messages to both fixed and variable
geographical locations in all sea areas, including the means of disseminating MSI to coastal
warning areas not covered by the International NAVTEX service. It is suitable for use in all
sizes and types of ships. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the way the service is structured.

Navigational Meteorological Other Urgent



Warning Information SAR related

Information Information
(International and National Coordination)


Iridium SafetyCast service

NAVAREA Coastal User- Satellite

METAREA Warning Defined Ocean
Sub-Area Area Area Region

Type-approved Iridium
EGC Receiver

Figure 1 – Iridium SafetyCast service system

Annex, page 3

Figure 2 – Basic concept of the Iridium SafetyCast service

2.1.2 The Iridium SafetyCast service offers the ability to direct a message to a given
geographical area. The area may be fixed, as in the case of a NAVAREA/METAREA or coastal
warning area; or it may be a user-defined area (circular or rectangular). A user-defined area is
used for messages, such as a local storm warning or a shore-to-ship distress alert relay, for
which it is inappropriate to alert ships in an entire NAVAREA/METAREA. The basic concept of
the service is shown in figure 2 above.

2.1.3 Messages are submitted by registered information providers via an Iridium gateway.
Messages are broadcast according to their priority, i.e. distress, urgency or safety.
Aboard ships, messages are received by type-approved Iridium Ship Earth Station (SES)
EGC receivers.

2.2 Definitions

2.2.1 For the purposes of this manual, the following definitions apply:

.1 Coastal warning means a navigational warning or in-force bulletin

promulgated as part of a numbered series by a National Coordinator.
Broadcast should be made by the International NAVTEX service to defined
NAVTEX service areas and/or by an International Enhanced Group Call
service to the coastal warning area. In addition, Administrations may issue
coastal warnings by other means.

.2 Coastal warning area means a unique and precisely defined sea area within
a NAVAREA/METAREA or Sub-Area established by a coastal State for the
purpose of coordinating the promulgation of coastal Maritime Safety
Information through an International Enhanced Group Call service.

.3 Coastal and offshore waters apply to areas for which WMO Members issue
weather and sea bulletins, governed by the procedures in the Manual on
Marine Meteorological Services (WMO-No.558).

.4 Enhanced Group Call (EGC) means the international broadcast of

coordinated Maritime Safety Information and Search and Rescue related
information, to a defined geographical area using a recognized mobile
satellite service.

Annex, page 4

.5 Expiry means the time and date, set by the information provider, where the
system will stop the information being automatically transmitted to vessels.
Expiry is a specific feature of the Iridium SafetyCast service and does not
impact the information available on the Ship Earth Station as per the
performance and test standards.

.6 Gateway means a terrestrial part of a mobile satellite system that acts as an

interface between the network and other communication networks.

.7 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) means a system that
performs the functions set out in SOLAS regulation IV/4.

.8 In-force bulletin means a list of serial numbers of those NAVAREA, Sub-Area

or coastal warnings in force issued and promulgated by the NAVAREA
Coordinator, Sub-Area Coordinator or National Coordinator.

.9 International Enhanced Group Call service means the coordinated broadcast

and automatic reception of Maritime Safety Information and Search and
Rescue related information via Enhanced Group Call, using the
English language.

.10 International Iridium SafetyCast service means the coordinated broadcast

and automatic reception of Maritime Safety Information and Search and
Rescue related information via the Enhanced Group Call system, using the
English language.

.11 International NAVTEX service means the coordinated broadcast and

automatic reception on 518 kHz of Maritime Safety Information by means of
narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy using the English language.1

.12 Iridium Safety Gateway means the central system responsible for managing
GMDSS communications within the Iridium Network.

.13 Issuing Service means a National Meteorological and Hydrological Service

(NMHS) or National Authority which has accepted responsibility for ensuring
that meteorological warnings and forecasts for shipping are disseminated
through the International Enhanced Group Call service to the designated
METAREA for which the NMHS or National Authority has accepted
responsibility under the broadcast requirements of the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System.2

.14 Local warning means a navigational warning which covers inshore waters,
often within the limits of jurisdiction of a harbour or port authority.

.15 Maritime Safety Information (MSI)3 means navigational and meteorological

warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety-related
messages broadcast to ships.

As set out in the IMO NAVTEX Manual.
As defined in WMO-No.558.
As defined in SOLAS regulation IV/2.

Annex, page 5

.16 Maritime Safety Information service means the internationally and nationally
coordinated network of broadcasts containing information which is necessary
for safe navigation.

.17 METAREA means a geographical sea area4 established for the purpose of
coordinating the broadcast of marine meteorological information. The term
METAREA followed by a roman numeral may be used to identify a particular
sea area. The delimitation of such areas is not related to and should not
prejudice the delimitation of any boundaries between States (see figure 3).

.18 METAREA Coordinator means the individual with the authority to coordinate
Marine Meteorological Information broadcasts by one or more National
Meteorological and Hydrological Services acting as Preparation or Issuing
Services within the METAREA.

.19 Meteorological information means the marine meteorological warnings and

forecast information in accordance with the provisions of the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.

.20 National Coordinator means the national authority charged with collating and
issuing coastal warnings within a national area of responsibility.

.21 National Enhanced Group Call service means the broadcast and automatic
reception of Maritime Safety Information via the EGC system, using
languages as decided by the Administration concerned.

.22 NAVAREA means a geographical sea area4 established for the purpose of
coordinating the broadcast of navigational warnings. The term NAVAREA
followed by a roman numeral may be used to identify a particular sea area.
The delimitation of such areas is not related to and should not prejudice the
delimitation of any boundaries between States (see figure 4).

.23 NAVAREA Coordinator means the authority charged with coordinating,

collating and issuing NAVAREA warnings for a designated NAVAREA.

.24 NAVAREA warning means a navigational warning or in-force bulletin

promulgated as part of a numbered series by a NAVAREA Coordinator.

.25 Navigational warning means a message containing urgent information

relevant to safe navigation broadcast to ships in accordance with the
provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974,
as amended.

.26 Other urgent safety-related information means Maritime Safety Information

broadcast to ships that is not defined as a navigational warning or
meteorological information. This may include, but is not limited to, significant
malfunctions or changes to maritime communications systems, and new or
amended mandatory ship reporting systems or maritime regulations affecting
ships at sea.

Which may include inland seas, lakes and waterways navigable by seagoing ships.

Annex, page 6

.27 Preparation Service means a National Meteorological and Hydrological

Service or National Authority which has accepted responsibility for the
preparation of warnings and forecasts, and warnings for parts of or an entire
METAREA in the WMO system for the dissemination of meteorological
forecasts to shipping under the GMDSS and for their transfer to the relevant
Issuing Service for broadcast.

.28 Recognized mobile satellite service means any service which operates
through a satellite system and is recognized by IMO for use in the GMDSS.

.29 Registered information provider means a Maritime Safety Information

provider (MSI provider) or a Search and Rescue Information provider,
authorized in accordance with annex 2 to the IMO Enhanced Group Call
Coordinating Panel (MSC.1/Circ.1635).

.30 Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) means a unit responsible for promoting
efficient organization of search and rescue services and for coordinating the
conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region.
Note: the term RCC will be used within this Manual to apply to either joint,
aeronautical or maritime centres; JRCC, ARCC or MRCC will be used as the
context warrants.

.31 Search and Rescue (SAR) related information means distress alert relays
and other urgent search and rescue related information broadcast to ships.

.32 Satellite Network Operations Center (SNOC) means a terrestrial part of the
Iridium mobile-satellite system which controls the Iridium satellites and
manages the Iridium system overall.

.33 Satellite Ocean Region5 means the area on the earth's surface within which
a mobile or fixed antenna can obtain line-of-sight communications with one
of the five primary Inmarsat geostationary satellites. This area may also be
referred to as the "footprint":

- Atlantic Ocean Region – East (AOR-E)

- Atlantic Ocean Region – West (AOR-W)
- Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
- Pacific Ocean Region (POR)

.34 Sea Area A1 means an area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least
one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC6 alerting is available, as may
be defined by a Contracting Government.

.35 Sea Area A2 means an area, excluding sea area A1, within the
radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous
DSC alerting is available, as may be defined by a Contracting Government.

The Iridium system is not limited to specific Ocean Regions, therefore the Iridium SafetyCast equivalent for
this would be a global transmission or sending to the Global Ocean Region. Other "Ocean Regions", such
as an Arctic Ocean Region, could also be created as predefined areas in the Iridium SafetyCast system.
Digital selective calling (DSC) means a technique using digital codes, conforming to the technical structure
and content set forth in the most recent version of Recommendations ITU R M.493 and ITU R M.541, which
enables a radio station to establish contact with and transfer information to another station or group of

Annex, page 7

.36 Sea Area A3 means an area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the
coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting
is available.

.37 Sea Area A4 means an area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3.

.38 Ship Earth Station (SES) means a mobile earth station in the recognized
maritime mobile satellite service located on board a ship. This may also be
referred to as Mobile Earth Station (MES) or a maritime mobile terminal. 7

.39 Sub-Area means a subdivision of a NAVAREA/METAREA in which a number

of countries have established a coordinated system for the promulgation of
Maritime Safety Information. The delimitation of such areas is not related to
and should not prejudice the delimitation of any boundaries between States.

.40 Sub-Area Coordinator means the authority charged with coordinating,

collating and issuing Sub-Area warnings for a designated Sub-Area.

.41 Sub-Area warning means a navigational warning or in-force bulletin

promulgated as part of a numbered series by a Sub-Area Coordinator.
Broadcast should be made by the International NAVTEX service to defined
NAVTEX service areas or by an International Enhanced Group Call service
(through the appropriate NAVAREA Coordinator).

.42 Teleport means a terrestrial part of the Iridium mobile-satellite system which
communicates between the Iridium satellites and the gateway and Satellite
Network Operations Center terrestrial parts.

.43 User-defined area means a temporary geographic area, either circular or

rectangular, to which Maritime Safety Information or Search and Rescue
related information is addressed.

.44 UTC means Coordinated Universal Time which is equivalent to GMT

(or ZULU) as the international time standard.

.45 Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS)8 means

the internationally coordinated service for the promulgation of meteorological
warnings and forecasts.

.46 World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS)9 means the

internationally and nationally coordinated service for the promulgation of
navigational warnings.

.47 In the operating procedures coordination means that the allocation of the
time for data broadcast is centralized, the format and criteria of data
transmissions are compliant as described in the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual
on Maritime Safety Information and that all services are managed as set out
in resolutions A.705(17), as amended, A.706(17), as amended,
and A.1051(27), as amended.

SES within this document refers to a type-approved EGC capable ship earth station.
As set out in resolution A.1051(27), as amended.
As set out in resolution A.706(17), as amended.

Annex, page 8

2.2.2 METAREA Limits:

Figure 3 – Geographical areas for coordinating and promulgating METAREA warnings and forecasts

The delimitation of these METAREAs is not related to and should not prejudice the delimitations of any boundaries between States.

Annex, page 9

2.2.3 NAVAREA Limits:

Figure 4 – Geographical areas for coordinating and promulgating NAVAREA warnings

The delimitation of these NAVAREAs is not related to and should not prejudice the delimitations of any boundaries between States.

Annex, page 10

3 General features of the Iridium SafetyCast service

3.1 All navigable waters of the world are covered by satellites in the Iridium global satellite
system. Reception of Iridium SafetyCast messages is normally not affected by the position of
the ship, atmospheric conditions or time of day.

3.2 Area calls can be addressed to a fixed geographical area (NAVAREA/METAREA or

coastal warning area) or to a user-defined area (circular or rectangular) selected by an
information provider. Area calls or coastal warnings will be received automatically by any
Iridium SafetyCast receiver within that area. Iridium SafetyCast receivers can be set up to
receive additional fixed geographical areas.

3.3 The Iridium network enables the promulgation of MSI, SAR related information and
other urgent safety related messages to ships. Messages are initiated via a secure,
Web-based portal that Iridium will make available to registered information providers, or by
such other means of access as may be agreed to. Using the portal, registered information
providers will input the text of the message and specify the delivery characteristics for each
message. The delivery characteristics that the registered information providers specify include
message priority, geographical area, scheduling and cancellation of the broadcast, as

3.4 Each message is queued at a server in the Iridium Safety Gateway and scheduled for
broadcast. When queued for broadcast, the message is routed to the appropriate teleport(s)
for delivery to the satellite(s). The message is then routed from the teleport to one, or more,
satellite(s) depending on the geographical area for broadcast. The satellite then utilizes an
L-band channel to transmit the message to Iridium SESs. A flow diagram for shore-to-ship
promulgation of Iridium SafetyCast messages is provided in figures 1 and 2 above.

3.5 Specific geographical sea areas are defined for each NAVAREA/METAREA
(see figures 3 and 4), and for coastal areas. These are defined by a set of coordinates which
provides the boundary of the delivery area.

3.6 The revised Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
provides that a NAVAREA Coordinator should have access to broadcast systems for
transmission to the navigable waters of the NAVAREA and that reception should normally be
possible at least 300 nautical miles beyond the limit of the NAVAREA (see also resolutions
MSC.469(101) on Amendments to World-Wide Navigational Warning Service
(resolution A.706(17), as amended) and MSC.470(101) on Amendments to World-Wide
Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (resolution A.1051(27), as amended)).

3.7 The Performance standards for a ship earth station for use in the GMDSS (resolution
MSC.434(98)) require that facilities should be provided for SESs to receive MSI for the
NAVAREA/METAREA and the coastal warning areas and different classes of messages where
the ship is sailing and 300 nautical miles beyond the limits of the NAVAREA/METAREA.
Therefore, the delivery area for each NAVAREA/METAREA extends from the boundary of
each of the areas to 300 nautical miles beyond the line of demarcation with an adjacent
NAVAREA/METAREA. This permits an SES outside of a NAVAREA/METAREA to receive a
message in that adjacent NAVAREA/METAREA if the SES is within 300 nautical miles of that

Annex, page 11

3.8 Aboard the ship, the Iridium SES should be interconnected to a message display and
alarm panel that will perform the proper filtering, recording, alerting and display of messages.
Additionally, an SES may have a keyboard and a printer. The SES will receive the message
and then transfer the message content, along with the message priority, to the other
components of the GMDSS system on board the ship. The SES shall be designed according
to performance standards for such equipment.

3.9 The Performance standards for a SES for use in the GMDSS also require that if a
dedicated display device or a connection to a navigation system is used, it should meet the
general requirements of the Organization for such devices and the capability of showing at
least 16 lines by 40 characters, with a non-volatile memory of at least 255 messages
of 1,023 characters.

4 Planning of new Iridium SafetyCast service

4.1 Authorities wishing to become officially registered information providers of MSI and
SAR related information to ships at sea via the Iridium SafetyCast service should contact IMO
via the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel at an early stage for advice. The plans of any prospective
registered information providers should be coordinated with IMO, IHO and WMO and with other
national authorities, before authorization to broadcast via Iridium SafetyCast service may be
granted by IMO, in accordance with the procedures of the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel.

4.2 Once authorized and registered, information providers should contact Iridium in order
to determine specific details for addressing messages, accessing the Iridium SafetyCast
service, charges and payment for services and any other matters with respect to providing MSI
and SAR related information to mariners.

4.3 The IMO EGC Coordinating Panel, in cooperation with IHO and WMO, undertakes
the coordination of times for scheduled transmissions.

4.4 Mariners should be informed of the establishment of an Iridium SafetyCast service by

the registered information provider through the inclusion of full details in Notices to Mariners
and other nautical publications, and the IMO Master Plan of Shore-Based Facilities for the
GMDSS, as maintained in the Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS).
In addition, full details of the service should be sent to the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel.

4.5 Questions concerning promulgation of MSI and SAR related information through the
Iridium SafetyCast service can be addressed to the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel.

4.6 Questions concerning the operation of the Iridium SafetyCast service should be
addressed to:

Maritime Safety Services

Iridium Satellite LLC
1750 Tysons Boulevard, Suite 1400
McLean, VA
22102 USA

Email address: [email protected]

Annex, page 12

5 Changes to existing Iridium SafetyCast service

5.1 Registered information providers wishing to change their existing service should
follow the same coordination procedures as for a new service, in accordance with the
procedures of the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel.

5.2 Mariners should be informed of the changes to an existing service by the information
provider through the inclusion of full details in Notices to Mariners and other nautical
publications and the IMO Master Plan of shore-based facilities for the GMDSS. In addition, full
details of the service should be sent to the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel.

6 Operation of the Iridium SafetyCast service

6.1 To be more geographically relevant, some form of selectivity in receiving and printing
the various messages is required. All ships within the geographically defined area of the
broadcast will receive area calls; however, they will only be displayed and printed by those
receivers that recognize both:

.1 the fixed geographical area (NAVAREA/METAREA), user-defined area as

appropriate; and

.2 for coastal warnings, the coastal warning area and the subject indicator for
the message.

6.2 The message includes a preamble which enables the SES to display and print only
those messages which relate to its present position, to the intended route, or to the
aforementioned areas as programmed by the operator.

6.3 For messages for coastal warning areas, the registered information provider should
ensure the preamble includes the identifier allocated for the particular area, along with the
appropriate subject indicator (see section 11.3). The SES can be set to reject messages
concerning certain optional subjects which may not be required by the ship. The SES also
uses the subject indicator to identify coastal warnings which, because of their importance, may
NOT be rejected.

6.4 Reception of certain types of messages, such as shore-to-ship distress alert relays,
SAR related information, meteorological warnings and forecasts and navigational warnings,
addressed to a geographical area within which the SES is located, is mandatory and cannot
be suppressed by ships in the affected area.

6.5 When a message has been received error-free, a record is made of the message
identification (the unique sequence number, the unique identifier and the service code)
associated with that message. The unique sequence number is used to suppress the display
and printing of repeated transmissions of the same message.

6.6 The Iridium SafetyCast service allows several input parameters to support MSI and
SAR related information transmissions:

.1 fixed geographical area (NAVAREA/METAREA) or user defined area/areas;

.2 message priority (Distress, Urgency, Safety and Routine);
.3 delivery method (immediate or scheduled); and
.4 repeat (number of instances).

Annex, page 13

6.7 Messages can be addressed to user-defined areas, which may be circular or

rectangular in shape (see figure 5a). A circular area is described by latitude and longitude of
the centre in degrees and radius of the circle in nautical miles. A rectangular area is described
by latitude and longitude of the south-west corner in degrees and extension in degrees to the
north and east of the rectangle. Messages may also be addressed to a coastal warning area.
Each satellite has a footprint of approximately 4,500 km (approximately 2,500 nautical miles)
diameter and comprises 48 spot beams of approximately 400 km (approximately 220 nautical
miles) diameter (see figure 5b). Each beam within a footprint overlaps, as do the beams from
adjacent satellites. The Iridium system dynamically uses the most appropriate combination of
beams and satellites for the delivery area required.

Figure 5a – Examples of message addressing to circular and rectangular areas

Annex, page 14

Figure 5b – Example of message addressing to a coastal area

6.8 In the case of a ship in distress, it is often appropriate to create a circular user-defined
area, defined by the position of the casualty and a radius around the casualty to alert ships
that may be able to render assistance. If no response is received from any ship at the first call,
the area can be expanded in steps until an acknowledgement by one or more ships is received.
In cases where the position of the distress is unknown, broadcasts to a rectangular area may
be more appropriate (as described in paragraph 6.7 above), or a shore-to-ship distress alert
relay can be transmitted to all ships, in a user-defined sea area. SAR related information should
only be addressed to circular or rectangular user-defined areas.

7 Promulgation of MSI or SAR related Information

7.1 MSI or SAR related information is promulgated by registered information providers

whose Certificates of Authorization to promulgate via the Iridium EGC service are issued by
IMO in accordance with the procedures of the IMO Enhanced Group Call Coordinating Panel.
Registered information providers include, for example:

.1 NAVAREA Coordinators: for navigational warnings and other urgent

safety-related information;

.2 National Coordinators: for coastal warnings and other urgent safety-related


.3 METAREA Coordinators: for meteorological warnings and forecasts; and

.4 Rescue Coordination Centres: for shore-to-ship distress alert relays,

SAR related information and other urgent safety-related information.

Annex, page 15

7.2 All NAVAREA, Sub-Area and coastal warnings and METAREA warnings and
forecasts should be promulgated only in English in the Iridium SafetyCast service in
accordance with resolutions A.706(17), as amended, and A.1051(27), as amended. In addition
to the required broadcasts in English, NAVAREA/METAREA, Sub-Area and coastal warnings
may be broadcast in a national language using a national Iridium SafetyCast service.

7.3 Registered information providers should take into account the need for contingency

7.4 Scheduled transmissions are made at specified times, as allocated by the IMO EGC
Coordinating Panel. These schedules are published in nautical publications and the
IMO Master Plan of shore-based facilities for the GMDSS.

7.5 MSI providers should adhere to their published scheduled broadcast times to facilitate
reception of messages.

8 Message formatting and C codes

8.1 The Iridium SafetyCast service does not require registered information providers to
manually enter transmission instructions using C codes, although some registered information
providers may have an operational requirement to use these. For those users who have a
continuing operational requirement to use C codes, appendix 2, part 2 of this manual
is provided.

8.2 There are several methods for registered information providers to gain access to the
Iridium SafetyCast service, and these are described in section 10 and appendix 2.

9 Monitoring of MSI and SAR related broadcasts10

9.1 In order to ensure the integrity of the MSI and SAR related messages being broadcast,
registered information providers should monitor the broadcasts which they originate in
accordance with resolutions A.706(17), as amended, and A.1051(27), as amended, and
COMSAR/Circ.37/Rev.1. Monitoring is especially important in a highly automated service,
which is dependent on careful adherence to procedure and format. This should be
accomplished by a type-approved Iridium EGC receiver or by other appropriate means to
enable each registered information provider to:

.1 confirm that the message is transmitted and received correctly;

.2 ensure that cancellation messages are properly executed; and

.3 observe any unexplained delay in the message being broadcast.

Monitoring of MSI and SAR related broadcast in a multi provider environment is currently under discussion
within the relevant IMO, IHO, WMO MSI and SAR bodies.

Annex, page 16

9.2 The SES maintains a Log, which contains information on all messages received by
the terminal (see figure 6). This information within the Log includes:

Message number Generated by the terminal

Originator ID of the registered information provider which

transmits the message.

Service The SES displays a short title for the particular type
message service.

Priority The SES displays the appropriate Priority. This could

be: Distress, Urgency, Safety or Routine.

Received date and time The date time group YY-MM-DD HH:mm of when the
message was received. A format of the date is
configurable by the SES operator.

Size Usually in number of bytes or characters.

Sequence number The unique message sequence or reference number

allocated to the message by the Iridium Safety

Routeing Message routeing (memory or memory and printer) –

set up by the SES operator or a mandatory routeing
for Urgency and Distress priority messages.

Figure 6 – Example of an Iridium SES Log Display

Annex, page 17

10 Accessing the Iridium SafetyCast service

10.1 MSI or SAR related information is promulgated by registered information providers

whose Certificates of Authorization to promulgate via the Iridium SafetyCast service are issued
by IMO in accordance with the procedures of the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel.

10.2 Messages may be initiated via a secure, Web-based portal that Iridium will make
available to registered information providers. Using the portal, registered information providers
will input the text of the message and specify the delivery characteristics for each message.
The delivery characteristics that the registered information providers specify include message
priority, geographic region for broadcast, frequency of broadcast and cancellation of broadcast.
Messages can also be manually cancelled.

10.3 Registered information providers may also elect to have a direct connection to the
Iridium gateway using alternative means. Utilizing this interface, the message priority, delivery
area, frequency of broadcast and cancellation of broadcast are specified by the message
originator when the message is sent to the Iridium Safety Gateway for delivery.

11 Receiving transmission

11.1 When a message has been received, a record is made of the message identification
associated with that message. The unique sequence number is used to suppress the display
and printing of repeated transmissions of the same message. The Iridium SafetyCast system
tracks the transmission and receipt of MSI broadcasts for each ship in the targeted area.
The Iridium SafetyCast system filters messages that have already been received by the Iridium
SESs in the area targeted by the registered information provider.

11.2 It is not possible to reject mandatory "all ship" messages such as shore-to-ship
distress alert relays for the area within which the ship is located. When a distress or urgency
message is received, an audio and visual alarm will be given.
11.3 The following subject indicators for coastal warnings are in use:11

A = Navigational warnings
B = Meteorological warnings
C = Ice reports
D = Search and rescue related information and acts of piracy warnings
E = Meteorological forecasts
F = Pilot service messages
H = Not used
I = Not used
J = SATNAV messages
K = Other navaid messages
L = Other navigational warnings – additional to subject code A
V = Special services allocation by the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel
W = Special services allocation by the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel
X = Special services allocation by the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel
Y = Special services allocation by the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel
Z = No messages on hand

Subject indicators A, B and D cannot be rejected by the receiver.

Annex, page 18

11.4 It is recommended that, in order to ensure that all necessary MSI is available before
sailing, the SES should remain in operation while the ship is in port. When the SES is switched
on and logged onto the Iridium SafetyCast system it will automatically receive
in-force messages.

11.5 Although reception of MSI and SAR related information is automatic, the shipboard
operator must set up the SES properly before the start of the voyage, in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

11.6 The position information in an SES is updated automatically from integrated

navigational receivers and these are fitted on all SESs, or may be updated from a separate
electronic position-fixing system.

12 Charges for MSI services

12.1 Resolution A.707(17) on Charges for distress, urgency and safety messages through
the Inmarsat system establishes the arrangements in place for the treatment of charges.
Resolution A.1001(25) on Criteria for the provision of mobile satellite communication systems
in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) requires that prospective satellite
systems operating in the GMDSS undertake to apply the principles of resolution A.707(17),
and Iridium has given such an undertaking.

12.2 There are no charges to the mariner for reception of these messages.

12.3 Message transmission charges apply to MSI providers and are set at a special tariff.

Annex, page 19



1 Introduction

1.1 Iridium Satellite LLC owns and operates a Global Mobile Personal Communications
by Satellite (GMPCS) system providing fully global digital communications. The major
components of the Iridium mobile-satellite system are:

.1 the space segment, consisting of 66 operational satellites and additional

in-orbit spare satellites;

.2 the ground segment, consisting of satellite teleports ("teleports") for the

transfer of voice and data communications between the gateways and the
satellite constellation, and gateways which provide connection to terrestrial
voice and data networks; and

.3 mobile earth stations (MES), which consist of a satellite modem, which is

incorporated into a commercial product, and an externally installed antenna.
This may also be referred to as a Ship Earth Station (SES).

1.2 The satellite constellation provides the communication links between the MES and
the teleport(s), which are interconnected to the gateways. The gateways serve as the switching
centre, routeing all communications into and from terrestrial networks, such as the
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The gateway also locates, identifies and tracks
subscribers for mobility management, and records user activity for billing purposes.

1.3 These components are illustrated in figure 7 below.

Annex, page 20

Figure 7 – The Iridium global satellite system, network overview

Annex, page 21

2 The space segment

2.1 The constellation of 66 operational Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites enables
MES-to-MES, MES-to-gateway and gateway-to-MES communications. The 66 satellites are
evenly distributed in six orbital planes with a polar (86.4 degree) inclination, with on-orbit spare
satellites. The satellites orbit the Earth at an altitude of 780 km and take
approximately 100 minutes to complete one orbit.

Figure 8 – Iridium constellation

2.2 The satellites support three types of communication links – satellite-to-satellite,

satellite-to-teleport and satellite-to-MES. Each satellite communicates with the satellite
immediately ahead and behind in its orbital plane (north/south) and to the nearest satellite in
each of the two adjacent orbital planes (east/west) using a K-band link. The Iridium system is
the first mobile-satellite system employing this cross-linked satellite architecture. As a result,
an MES is not required to be within the same satellite footprint as a gateway in order to gain
access to the network.

2.3 The satellite-to-MES link uses an L-band antenna system. This projects 48 spot beams,
or cells, on the Earth, with each beam being approximately 400 km (approximately 250 miles,
or 220 nautical miles) in diameter. Each satellite antenna has a "footprint" with a diameter of
approximately 4,500 km (approximately 2,800 miles or 2,500 nautical miles). Adjacent satellite
footprints overlap on the Earth's surface, enabling seamless global coverage from pole to pole.
The overlapping coverage provided by the cross-linked satellites operates as a fully
meshed network.

2.4 About once every minute, the coverage for a MES is provided by a different beam on
the same satellite. About once every six minutes, the coverage transitions to a beam on an
adjacent satellite. Special processing called a "handoff" ensures that communication sessions
are maintained.

Annex, page 22

3 The ground segment

3.1 The Satellite Network Operations Center (SNOC) manages the satellite constellation
and provides network management over the entire Iridium system. The SNOC communicates
with the satellites through Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TTAC) facilities. In addition to
controlling communications between the SNOC and the satellites, the TTAC sites track the
Iridium satellites and receive telemetry data from them.

3.2 Iridium currently operates teleports at geographically diverse locations around the
globe, as part of the commercial network (refer to figure 7). The teleports use a Ka-band link
to interconnect the satellite constellation with the Iridium gateways for the transfer of
communications to and from Iridium user terminals.

3.3 Operating as a switching centre, the primary gateway provides the connection
between the Iridium network and terrestrial-based networks. Additional gateways may be
added where appropriate, to enhance overall system reliability and capacity. Each gateway
controls system access, call set up, mobility management, billing, tracking and maintaining all
information pertaining to MESs, such as user identity and geo-location.

3.4 Each message is queued at a server in the Iridium Safety Gateway and scheduled for
broadcast. When queued for broadcast, the message is routed to the appropriate teleport(s)
for broadcast to the satellite(s). The message is then routed from the teleport to one or more
satellite(s) depending on the geographic region for broadcast.

4 Coverage area

4.1 The Iridium network provides fully global service coverage. All communication
services are provided for MESs independent of geographic location. Communications are
provided by a constellation of LEO satellites with overlapping coverage areas, providing
global coverage.

5 Iridium network functional capabilities

5.1 The Iridium network permits ship-to-shore, shore-to-ship and ship-to-ship

communications. It provides four levels of prioritization for all communications and performs
pre-emption of lower priority communications, if necessary.

5.2 Only registered information providers will be allowed to input messages for broadcast.
Approval and registration of these entities is performed by the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel
by the procedure described in MSC.1/Circ.1635. During the approval and registration process,
the means of access and the credentials needed by the authorized entity will be provided by
the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel and Iridium. It is necessary to ensure that the prioritization
of traffic is protected against inadvertent or malicious misuse. For example, access can be
protected by requiring a two-stage access procedure using a password and PIN, and these
could be combined into other functions where a registered information provider had existing
alternative operational security measures in place. Registered information providers can input
messages using email, a Web interface or other means of transmitting data over the Internet,
a leased line or VPN, according to their operational requirements. One such method is a secure
portal provided by Iridium, a development version of which has been made available for testing
and is subject to further refinement. Operational guidance for the use of the portal is given in
appendix 2, part 1, of this manual.

Annex, page 23

5.3 Transmission of safety-related information by ships to shore authorities is

accomplished using the communication capabilities of the Iridium system. Calls may be
initiated to relevant shore authorities (hydrographic offices, meteorological offices or other
shore authorities) using the contact details available in national lists of radio signals
publications and elsewhere.

6 Network availability and service restoration

6.1 The Iridium network provides all services globally and is in continuous
operation. System performance for each of the services is continuously monitored worldwide
through numerous mechanisms. If there is a service impairment, Iridium will issue an advisory
notice to registered information providers within 10 minutes of the impairment being identified
by operations staff, and provide regular updates until the impairment is corrected.
The constellation architecture and operation does not permit a single satellite to cause an
extended service interruption from the user's perspective. The nature of the satellite footprints
as they orbit ensures that ships will still be able to transmit distress alerts and to receive MSI
or SAR related information even in the event of a satellite failure.

6.2 The International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) will provide annual reports to
IMO on Iridium's performance of its GMDSS functions, including availability during the
reporting period.

Annex, page 24



Part 1 of this appendix contains operational guidance for the benefit of registered information
providers who are responsible for preparing messages for broadcast using a secure online
portal (with graphical user interface or GUI) for accessing the Iridium SafetyCast service.

Part 2 of this appendix contains operational guidance for the benefit of registered information
providers who are responsible for preparing messages for broadcast using a direct connection
method (SFTP or email) for accessing the Iridium SafetyCast service
(see paragraph 8 onwards).

Operational guidance – Part 1

For those registered information providers who require it, Iridium provides a secure online
portal (with graphical user interface or GUI) for accessing the Iridium SafetyCast service.

For those registered information providers who require it, for example those who use
tailor-made operational management systems, or whose messages are generated by highly
automated (machine-to-machine) processes, Iridium will also make available an application
programming interface (API) to enable access to the Iridium SafetyCast service.


1 Only registered information providers will have access to the Iridium SafetyCast
service. Authorization and certification of registered information providers follow the
procedures of the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel. These registered information providers will
be provided with credentials for access to the Iridium SafetyCast service. These credentials
will identify the registered information provider to the service and will also determine which
types of messages the registered information provider can send.

Message type

2.1 METAREA Coordinators can generally only select meteorological message types.

2.2 NAVAREA Coordinators can generally only select navigational message types.

2.3 SAR authorities can generally only select SAR coordination traffic or urgency and
safety traffic message types.

Message priority

3.1 METAREA and NAVAREA Coordinators can select either "Safety" or "Urgency".
SAR authorities can select either "Safety", "Urgency" or "Distress", whichever is appropriate to
the emergency phase of the situation. A distress alert relay will be "Distress".

3.2 Although the service permits "Routine" priority, this is unlikely to be an appropriate
priority for use by registered information providers.

Annex, page 25

Message delivery address

4.1 Delivery addresses can be a predefined or a user-defined area.

.1 Predefined addresses can include METAREA, NAVAREA, coastal warning

area or another predefined area if required. These areas are created during
the integration of the registered information provider with the Iridium
SafetyCast service.

.2 User-defined areas are either circular or rectangular. These can be

determined by the authority for a particular message.

4.2 When the message type is for delivery to a METAREA or NAVAREA, this will default
to the area of the authority.

4.3 When the message type is for a coastal warning area or another predefined area, the
authority selects that area from their particular list of predefined areas. The authority also
selects the message subject.

4.4 When the message type is for delivery to a circular area, the authority defines that
area with the latitude and longitude of its centre, and its radius in nautical miles.

4.5 When the message type is for delivery to a rectangular area, the authority defines that
area with the latitude and longitude of its southwestern corner, and its extent north and east
from that point, in degrees.

Scheduling, expiry and cancellation

5.1 The option "Immediate" should be selected for immediate transmissions.

5.2 The option "Scheduled" should be selected for transmissions in accordance with the
broadcast schedule determined by the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel.

5.3 It is a feature of the Iridium SafetyCast service that it will continue to monitor and
transmit messages to receiving terminals, ensuring all those terminals which should receive a
message, indicate by reply that they have received it. This will continue until the message
"expires" according to the expiry time and date set by the registered information provider, or
until the registered information provider sends a message to cancel that previous message.

5.4 The relationship between the repetition code and expiry for messages in the
SafetyCast system is described in the tables at the end of part 2 of appendix 2.

5.5 At the end of the expiry period, the system will stop automatically broadcasting a
message to ships entering the area or activating their terminals within the area. It is also
possible for a registered information provider to cancel the automatic broadcast of their
messages before the end of the expiry period.

5.6 These procedures are shown in the illustrations of the Iridium SafetyCast graphical
user interface shown below.

Annex, page 26

Iridium SafetyCast Services Message Entry Graphical User Interface

6.1 Registered information providers and other users of the Iridium SafetyCast Service
Web interface will navigate to the launch page via "", shown in figure 9a
below. Users will select the "Log In" button in the upper right corner and will be asked to enter
their User ID and Password.

Figure 9a – Iridium GMDSS home page

6.2 Users will select the "Log In" button in the upper right corner and will be asked to enter
their User ID and Password in a new pop-up window, as shown in figure 9b below.

Figure 9b – Log in window

Annex, page 27

6.3 After authentication, the registered information provider will be brought to the
"SafetyCast Messages" tab, shown in figure 9c below. This tab displays messages that have
been sent, are scheduled to be sent in the future or have been cancelled.

Figure 9c – SafetyCast messages tab showing "Compose" button

6.4 When registered information providers need to transmit messages, they select
"Compose" from the "SafetyCast Messages" tab shown in figure 9c above. This will trigger a
"New Message" pop-up window, shown in figure 9d below. The registered information
providers must complete the full set of fields in order for the "Send" button to become a
selectable button.

Figure 9d – New message

Annex, page 28

6.5 Once the "Send" button is selected within the "New Message" window and the
message has been accepted for transmission by the Iridium SafetyCast Service, a confirmation
pop-up window will state "New Message Successful" as shown in figure 9e below.

Figure 9e – New message confirmation notice

6.6 SafetyCast messages that have been sent and scheduled are then displayed on the
"SafetyCast Messages" tab as shown in figure 9f below.

Figure 9f – SafetyCast messages tab showing sent messages

6.7 Once a message has been submitted successfully by a registered information

provider, the message details may be viewed by clicking anywhere on the summary line for
that message within the "SafetyCast Messages" tab. The message details are shown in a
pop-up as shown in figure 9g below.

Annex, page 29

Figure 9g – Sample "Message Details" pop-up

6.8 Once a message has been sent via the satellite network, the status of the message
can be viewed by selecting the "Status" button in the "Details" pop-up, as shown in figure 9h

Figure 9h – Message status

6.9 SafetyCast messages may be archived to the "Archived" tab by selecting the
message via the check box and selecting the "Archive" button that will appear on the
"SafetyCast Messages" tab.

Annex, page 30

6.10 Messages that have been archived from the "SafetyCast Messages" tab are displayed
on the "Archived" tab, as shown in figure 9i below.

Figure 9i – Archived messages

6.11 Once a message has been archived that message moves to the "Archived" tab.
To bring that message back to the "SafetyCast Messages" tab, the registered information
provider checks the box next to the archived message and selects the "Restore" button
that appears.

6.12 New messages may be addressed to a NAVAREA, METAREA or Coastal Warning Area
or to a specific user-defined rectangular or circular area, as shown in figures 9j and 9k below.

Annex, page 31

Figure 9j – Message addressed to a rectangular area

Figure 9k – Message addressed to a circular area

Additional guidance

7.1 Additional guidance for METAREA Coordinators is contained in

resolution A.1051(27), as amended, on Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and
Warning Service.

7.2 Additional guidance for NAVAREA Coordinators is contained in resolution A.706(17),

as amended, on World-Wide Navigational Warning Service.

7.3 Additional guidance for SAR Authorities is contained in IAMSAR Manual, Volumes I
and II.

Annex, page 32

7.4 Additional guidance on piracy countermeasures is contained in the Guidelines on

operational procedures for the promulgation of maritime safety information concerning acts of
piracy and piracy countermeasure operations (resolution MSC.305(87)).

Operational guidance – Part 2

8 Part 2 contains operational guidance for using methods other than the Web interface
for accessing the Iridium SafetyCast service. Further detail on the availability and format of
those interfaces is available by contacting Iridium at the contact details in given in section 4 of
this Manual.

Use of the codes given in this appendix is mandatory for all messages in the system.

9 Types of messages and message formats are detailed in the sub-parts of

this appendix:

Part A – Navigational warning service;

Part B – Meteorological service;
Part C – Search and Rescue (SAR) services and SAR coordination traffic;
Part D – Piracy countermeasures broadcast messages; and
Part E – Iridium SafetyCast interpretation of repetition codes (C4).

Allocation of priority and services codes for EGC services

Service Message priority Service code (type)

Navigational warning services C1 = 1 (Safety) – normally C2 = 04 – Navigational

warning to a rectangular area
C1 = 2 (Urgency) –
exceptionally at discretion of C2 = 13 – Coastal warning to
information provider a coastal warning area

C2 = 24 – Navigational
warning to a circular area

C2 = 31 – NAVAREA warning

Meteorological services C1 = 1 (Safety) – always for C2 = 04 – Meteorological

forecasts and warnings warning or forecast to a
rectangular area
C1 = 2 (Urgency) – always for
Beaufort Force 12 and above C2 = 13 – Meteorological
warnings only warning or forecast to a
coastal warning area

C2 = 24 – Meteorological
warning or forecast to a
circular area

C2 = 31 – Meteorological
warning or meteorological
forecast to a METAREA

Annex, page 33

Allocation of priority and services codes for EGC services

Service Message priority Service code (type)

SAR services: C1 = 3 (Distress) – always C2 = 14 – Shore-to-ship

1) Shore-to-ship distress distress alert relay to a
alert relays12 circular area

2) SAR coordination C1 = 1 (Safety) – determined by C2 = 34 – SAR coordination to

traffic the phase of emergency a rectangular area

C1 = 2 (Urgency) – determined C2 = 44 – SAR coordination to

by the phase of emergency a circular area

C1 = 3 (Distress) – determined
by the phase of emergency

3) Shore-to-ship urgency C1 = 1 (Safety) C2 = 31 – Urgency and safety

and safety traffic traffic
C1 = 2 (Urgency)
4) General (all ships call C1 = 2 (Urgency) C2 = 00
within the Inmarsat
Ocean Region) C1 = 3 (Distress)

Piracy countermeasures C1 = 1 (Safety) C2 = 04 – Piracy warning to a

broadcast messages rectangular area
C1 = 2 (Urgency) – for piracy
attack warnings C2 = 13 – Piracy warning to a
coastal warning area

C2 = 24 – Piracy warning to a
circular area

C2 = 31 – Piracy warning to a

10 The broadcast parameters are controlled by the use of five (or six) C codes which are
combined into a generalized message address header format, prescribed by Iridium.

C0 – Ocean Region
C1 – Message priority
C2 – Service code
C3 – Address code
C4 – Repetition code
C5 – Presentation code

Each C code controls a different broadcast parameter and is assigned a numerical value
according to the options specified in the following parts.

The original text, in the International SafetyNET Manual, refers to "distress alerts". This should be "distress
alert relays" and will be corrected in a future edition of the SafetyNET Manual.

Annex, page 34

The C0 code is needed to maintain the structure of the protocol but is not used by the
SafetyCast service, therefore any numeric from 0 to 9 can be entered.

11 All EGC messages should comprise of three elements:

.1 address header instruction (EGC C codes);


.3 NNNN.

Mandatory message element table

Message element Remarks

Address header instruction The syntax of the special address header in relation to the exact
number of digits and/or alphanumeric characters, and to the
spaces between each C code is critical, and must conform to the
format required by the Iridium SafetyCast Service guides.

Message element Remarks

TEXT OF MESSAGE The content of the message should be presented in UPPER-case.

For maritime safety information messages, the format of

navigational warnings, and meteorological warnings and
forecasts, is defined in the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Maritime Safety
Information Manual.

NNNN The letters NNNN should be inserted at the end of the text to
indicate "end of message".

12 IMO requires that, in order to allow the use of non-dedicated receive facilities, the
majority of broadcasts on the International EGC Service are made at scheduled times.
Broadcast schedules must be coordinated through the IMO EGC Coordinating Panel, which
can also offer advice on ways of scheduling information within the system.

13 Because errors in the header format of a message may prevent it being released,
MSI and SAR related information providers must monitor broadcasts of messages which they

14 For all the services described below, a cancellation or deleting capability is provided
through the GUI.

15 The Iridium SafetyCast system tracks the transmission and receipt of MSI broadcasts
for each ship in the targeted area. C4 codes are interpreted as described in part E, and users
of the GUI need to set the expiry date and time. See also section 11.1 of this Manual and
paragraphs 5.3 to 5.5 (Scheduling, expiry and cancellation) of appendix 2, part 1, above.

Annex, page 35

Appendix to appendix 2

Types of messages and message formats

Types of messages and message formats are detailed in the sub-parts of this appendix.

Part A – Navigational warning services

Part B – Meteorological services
Part C – Search and Rescue (SAR) services
Part D – Piracy countermeasures broadcast messages
Part E – Iridium SafetyCast interpretation of repetition codes (C4)

Part A – Navigational warning services

1 The following guidelines set out the arrangements to be used for promulgating
navigational and coastal warnings for the GMDSS. They are mandatory for broadcasts in
the International EGC Service. Broadcasts originated by the International Ice Patrol also
follow the guidelines in this part.

2 These guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the IMO/IHO World-Wide

Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) guidance document (set out in the annex to
resolution A.706(17), as amended).

3 Navigational warnings that require an immediate broadcast should be transmitted as

soon as possible after receipt. If still in force, they should be repeated in subsequent scheduled
broadcasts, twice a day for six weeks or until cancelled.

4 Navigational warnings shall remain in force until cancelled by the originating

Coordinator. Navigational warnings should be broadcast for as long as the information is valid;
however, if they are readily available to mariners by other official means, for example in
Notices to Mariners, then after a period of six weeks they may no longer be broadcast. If the
navigational warning is still valid and not available by other means after six weeks, it should
be reissued as a new navigational warning.

5 The following C codes shall be used for warnings issued under the auspices of
the WWNWS.

5.1 C1 – Message priority

C1 = 1 (safety)
C1 = 2 (urgency) (at discretion of the registered information provider)

5.2 C2 – Service code13

C2 = 04 Navigational warning to a rectangular area

C2 = 13 Coastal warning to a coastal warning area
C2 = 24 Navigational warning to a circular area
C2 = 31 NAVAREA warning to a NAVAREA

C2 = 04 may be used for NAVAREA warnings to a rectangular area by NAVAREAs XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX
and XXI.

Annex, page 36

5.3 C3 – Address code

C3 = two digits X1X2 When C2 = 31, then:

X1X2 are the two digits of the NAVAREA number (with

a leading zero where necessary in the range 01 – 21).

C3 = four alphanumeric characters When C2 = 13 for Coastal warnings, then:

X1X2 are the two digits of the NAVAREA number (with
a leading zero where necessary in the range 01 – 21)

B1 is the coastal warning area A to Z

B2 is the subject indicator and must always be A or L,


A = Navigational warnings

L = Other navigational warnings

C3 = twelve alphanumeric characters When C2 = 04 for NAVAREA warnings within a

D1D2LaD3D4D5LoD6D7D8D9D10 rectangular area:

D1D2 is latitude of south-west corner of the rectangle

in degrees

La is hemisphere which will always be N for Arctic


D3D4D5 is longitude of south-west corner of rectangle

in degrees, with leading zeros if required

Lo is longitude E or W

D6D7 is extent of rectangle in latitude (degrees)

D8D9D10 is extent of rectangle in longitude (degrees)

Example: a rectangle whose south-west corner is 60°N and 010°W, extending 30° north and
25° east, is coded as: 60N010W30025

Note: Latitude and longitude are limited by values from 00° to 90° latitude and 000° to 180°

Annex, page 37

5.4 C4 – Repetition code

C4 = 01 May be used for initial unscheduled broadcast of NAVAREA

warnings, and coastal warnings (transmit once on receipt, one
hour expiry)
C4 = 11 Recommended for use with initial unscheduled broadcast of
NAVAREA warnings, and coastal warnings (transmit on
receipt, one hour expiry)
C4 = 16 Use for NAVAREA or coastal warnings scheduled for
broadcast with safety priority (Message available until
Note: For NAVAREA or coastal warnings scheduled for broadcast more than twice per day,
the appropriate C4 repetition code detailed in part E of this Manual must be used.

5.5 C5 – Presentation code

C5 = 00 The code 00 for International Alphabet Number 5 is normally used

Part B – Meteorological services

1 The following guidelines set out the arrangements to be used for promulgating
meteorological forecasts and warnings for the GMDSS. They are mandatory for broadcasts
in the International EGC Service.

2 These guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the IMO/WMO Worldwide

Met-ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) Guidance Document (set out in the
annex to resolution A.1051(27), as amended) and in conjunction with the WMO Manual on
Marine Meteorological Services (WMO No.558).

3 In order to ensure uniformity of meteorological forecasts and warnings globally, the

following C codes should be used for meteorological services via EGC.

3.1 C1 – Message priority

C1 = 2 (urgency) Only use for meteorological warnings with Beaufort force 12 or


C1 = 1 (safety) For forecasts and other meteorological warnings

3.2 C2 – Service code14

C2 = 04 Meteorological warning or forecast to a rectangular area

C2 = 13 Meteorological warning or forecast to a coastal warning area

C2 = 24 Meteorological warning or forecast to a circular area

C2 = 31 Meteorological warning or forecast to a METAREA

C2 = 04 may be used for METAREA warnings or meteorological forecasts to a rectangular area by

Annex, page 38

3.3 C3 – Address code

C3 = ten alphanumeric characters When C2 = 24 for meteorological warnings to

D1D2LaD3D4D5LoR1R2R3 user-defined circular area, then:

D1D2La (three characters) is latitude of centre in

degrees, and La whether north (N) or south (S).
A leading zero should be used for latitudes less than 10°

D3D4D5Lo (four characters) is longitude of centre in

degrees, and Lo whether east (E) or west (W) of the
prime meridian. One or two leading zeros should be
used for longitudes less than 100°

R1R2R3 (three characters) is radius of circle in nautical

miles, up to 999. One or two leading zeros should be
used for radius less than 100 nm

Example: A circle centred at latitude 26°S longitude 54°W with radius of 70 nautical miles is
coded as: 26S054W070

C3 = two digits XX When C2 = 31, for meteorological warnings or

forecasts to a METAREA then:

C3 = the two digits of the METAREA number (with a

leading zero where necessary in the range 01 – 21)

C3 = four alphanumeric characters When C2 = 13 for meteorological warnings or

X1X2B1B2 forecasts to available predefined coastal warning
areas, then:

X1X2 are the two digits of the METAREA number (with

a leading zero where necessary in the range 01 – 21).

B1 is the coastal warning area A to Z

B2 is the subject indicator and must always be B or E,


B = Meteorological warnings

E = Meteorological forecasts

C3 = twelve alphanumeric characters When C2 = 04 for meteorological warnings or

D1D2LaD3D4D5LoD6D7D8D9D10 forecasts within a rectangular area

D1D2 is latitude of south-west corner of the rectangle

in degrees
La is hemisphere N or S.
D3D4D5 is longitude of south-west corner of rectangle
in degrees, with leading zeros if required
Lo is longitude E or W
D6D7 is extent of rectangle in latitude (degrees)
D8D9D10 is extent of rectangle in longitude (degrees)

Annex, page 39

Example: To cover Arctic METAREA XVIII, use a rectangle whose south-west corner is 67°N
and 120°W, extending 23° north and 85° east, coded as: 67N120W23085
Note: Latitude and longitude are limited by values from 00° to 90° latitude and 000° to 180°

3.4 C4 – Repetition code

Category (a) repetition codes are used for meteorological services as follows:

C4 = 01 Use for meteorological forecast (transmit once on receipt,

one hour expiry)

C4 = 11 Use for meteorological warning (transmit on receipt, one

hour expiry)

C4 = 66 Owing to the update frequency of 12-hour intervals for

meteorological forecasts and warnings, an expiry period of
12 hours may also be appropriate (transmit once on receipt,
12-hour expiry)

3.5 C5 – Presentation code

C5 = 00 The code 00 for International Alphabet Number 5 is normally used

Part C – Search and Rescue services

1 The following guidelines set out the arrangements to be used by Rescue Coordination
Centres (RCCs) for initiating transmission of shore-to-ship distress alert relays and
shore-to-ship SAR information. Transmissions should be in accordance with the relevant
procedures of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations (RR), the
International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 and the IAMSAR Manual.

2 In order to ensure uniformity of the SAR broadcast product throughout the world,
C codes should be used as described in this part.

3 Shore-to-ship distress alert relays

3.1 As a general principle, distress alert relays should be addressed to a circular area
around the estimated or known position of the distressed vessel. The radius of the circle should
be chosen to take account of the accuracy of the datum position, the expected density of
shipping in the vicinity and the fact that the position can only be defined in the message
address to the nearest whole degree of latitude and longitude. The distress alert relay message
is automatically broadcast via all satellites which cover the area concerned. Shore-to-ship
distress alert relays sent through the International EGC Service should contain the
identification of the unit in distress, its approximate position and other information which might
facilitate rescue. C codes should be as follows:

3.2 C1 – Message priority

C1 = 3 (distress)

Annex, page 40

3.3 C2 – Service code

C2 = 14 (shore-to-ship distress alert Messages addressed to circular areas will only be

relay to circular areas) received and printed out by EGC receivers that are
located inside the circle

3.4 C3 – Address code

C3 = ten alphanumeric characters When C2 = 14 for distress alert relay to user-defined

D1D2LaD3D4D5LoR1R2R3 circular area, then:

D1D2La (three characters) is latitude of vessel in

distress in degrees (two digits) and whether north (N)
or south (S): e.g. 39N (three characters total). A leading
zero should be included for latitudes less than 10°

D3D4D5Lo (four characters) is longitude of vessel in

distress in degrees (three digits) and whether east (E) or
west (W) of the prime meridian: e.g. 059W. A leading zero
or zeros should be included for longitudes less than 100°
or 10° as appropriate: e.g. use 099 for 99° and 008 for 8°

R1R2R3 (three characters) is alert relay radius around

distressed vessel in nautical miles. To ensure that
position inaccuracies of both the distressed vessel and
nearby vessels to which the message is intended do
not affect receipt of messages, radius values of
200 nautical miles or larger should normally be used.

3.5 C4 – Repetition code

C4 = 11 Use for distress alert relays (transmit on receipt, one

hour expiry)

3.6 C5 – Presentation code

C5 = 00 The code 00 for International Alphabet Number 5 is normally used

4 General (all ships) call

4.1 When the RCC has no indication of the position of the vessel in distress, shore-to-ship
distress alert relays may be sent as general call. This will be printed in every vessel within the
Ocean Region.

Note: This method of alert relay should rarely be used.

The C0:C1:C2:C3:C4:C5 codes for general calls are always as follows:
C0 = 0 (1, 2 or 3) (if required)
C1 = 3 (distress) or 2 (urgency)
C2 = 00
C3 = 00
C4 = 11
C5 = 00

Annex, page 41

5 Search and Rescue coordination traffic

5.1 SAR coordination messages should be addressed to user-defined circular or

rectangular areas for the intent of coordinating the search and rescue of a vessel in distress.
Priority of the message will be determined by the phase of the emergency.

5.2 C1 – Message priority

C1 = 3 (distress), 2 (urgency) or 1 (safety)

5.3 C2 – Service code

C2 = 34 Search and Rescue coordination to a rectangular

C2 = 44 Search and Rescue coordination to a circular area

5.4 C3 – Address code

C3 = twelve alphanumeric characters When C2 = 34 Search and Rescue coordination to a

D1D2LaD3D4D5LoD6D7D8D9D10 rectangular area

Note: The definition of 12 characters for a

rectangular address is given in part A, paragraph 5.3

C3 = ten alphanumeric characters When C2 = 44 Search and Rescue coordination to a

D1D2LaD3D4D5LoR1R2R3 circular area

Note: The definition of 10 characters for a circular

address is given in part B, paragraph 3.3

5.5 C4 – Repetition code

C4 = 11 Use for distress alert relays (transmit on receipt, one hour expiry)

5.6 C5 – Presentation code

C5 = 00 The code 00 for International Alphabet Number 5 is normally used

6 Shore-to-ship urgency and safety traffic

6.1 As a general principle, only the minimum information consistent with the safety of
navigation should be broadcast. However, where such information is deemed essential,
shore-to-ship information other than distress alert relays should be broadcast to a NAVAREA
using C codes as follows:

6.2 C1 – Message priority

C1 = 2 (urgency) or 1 (safety)

Annex, page 42

6.3 C2 – Service code

C2 = 31

6.4 C3 – Address code

C3 = two digits X1X2 When C2 = 31, then:

X1X2 are the two digits of the NAVAREA number (with

a leading zero where necessary in the range 01-21)

6.5 C4 – Repetition code

C4 = 11 Use for unscheduled broadcasts of urgency and

safety traffic (transmit on receipt, one hour expiry)

6.6 C5 – Presentation code

C5 = 00 The code 00 for International Alphabet Number 5 is normally used

7 SAR broadcast for overlapping satellite Ocean regions

7.1 SAR distress and urgency broadcasts should be promulgated through all satellites
serving the area surrounding the vessel in distress. This is to ensure that vessels with receivers
tuned to any Ocean region satellite serving the area will receive the message.

Part D – Piracy countermeasures broadcast messages

1 On receiving a message of alert or any other information concerning a threat of attack

(from the Security Forces Authority responsible for the operational application of the urgency
plans (countermeasures) in the region or another RCC, for example), the RCC should ask the
NAVAREA coordinator (or any other competent authority in accordance with local
arrangements), to send out a warning through the appropriate MSI network (NAVTEX or
satellite) and other broadcasting networks for warnings to shipping, if these exist.

2 There are two kinds of MSI messages promulgated with respect to piracy
countermeasures: the daily situation report (SITREP) and a piracy attack warning. Specific
guidance on drafting and broadcasting these messages is given below.

3 The daily situation report should be broadcast at a regular time around 0800 local
time daily. The following paragraphs provide specific guidance on broadcast procedures.

4 The daily situation report should be broadcast to a rectangular area enclosing the
region of probable piracy attacks (based on historical data) plus a margin of 700 nautical miles
(24 hours steaming by a fast ship) in every direction.

5 The following C codes illustrate those to be used for broadcasts of the daily SITREP:

5.1 C1 – Message priority

C1 = 1 (safety)

Annex, page 43

5.2 C2 – Service code

C2 = 04 SITREP to a rectangular area

C2 = 24 SITREP to a circular area

5.3 C3 – Address code

C3 = twelve alphanumeric characters When C2 = 04 SITREP to a rectangular area

Note: The definition of 12 characters for a
rectangular address is given in part A, paragraph 5.3

C3 = ten alphanumeric characters When C2 = 24 SITREP to a circular area

Note: The definition of 10 characters for a circular
address is given in part B, paragraph 3.3

5.4 C4 – Repetition code

C4 = 18 Message available until cancelled

5.5 C5 – Presentation code

C5 = 00 The code 00 for International Alphabet Number 5 is normally used

6 A piracy attack warning shall be broadcast as an "URGENT" NAVAREA or coastal

warning immediately on receipt of the source information and at least at the next scheduled
broadcast or for as long as the information remains valid. Subject indicator character B2 = L
should be used in coastal warning areas. The specific area in which the attack has taken place
is to be quoted in the first line of the text, using no more detail than is necessary to indicate the
probable location of further attacks, e.g. WESTERN PHILIP CHANNEL or VICINITY
HORSBURGH LIGHT. The description of the pirate vessel and its last observed movements
are to be kept as brief as possible and should give only those details which are of significance
in avoiding other attacks.

7 The following C codes illustrate those to be used for broadcast of piracy attack

7.1 C1 – Message priority

C1 = 2 (urgency)

7.2 C2 – Service code

C2 = 13 Coastal warning

C2 = 31 NAVAREA warning

Annex, page 44

7.3 C3 – Address code

C3 = two digits X1X2 When C2 = 31 then:

X1X2 are the two digits of the NAVAREA number (with a

leading zero where necessary in the range 01 to 21)

C3 = four alphanumeric When C2 = 13 for coastal warnings then:

characters X1X2B1B2
X1X2 are the two digits of the NAVAREA number (with a
leading zero where necessary in the range 01 to 21)

B1 is the coastal warning area A to Z

B2 is the subject indicator and must always be A or L, where:

A = Navigational warnings

L = Other navigational warnings

7.4 C4 – Repetition code

C4 = 16 Message available until cancelled

7.5 C5 – Presentation code

C5 = 00 The code 00 for International Alphabet Number 5 is normally used

8 Date/time should always be quoted in the form:


as in the example: 251256 UTC JUN 17

Note: UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is the same time-zone as GMT (Z).

9 Geographical positions should be quoted in the standard format:

D1D2 = degrees latitude (with leading zero if required)
M1M2 = minutes latitude
La = hemisphere (N or S)
D3D4D5 = degrees longitude (with leading zeros if required)
M3M4 = minutes longitude
Lo = longitude (E or W)
as in the example: 5419N10327E

Annex, page 45


1 Examples of format and drafting guidance for piracy warnings is contained in

the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information
(MSC.1/Circ.1310, as amended, and IHO Publication No. S-53).

2 Decimals of minutes will seldom be necessary or appropriate for reports of

this kind.

3 Where the name of a geographical feature is used instead of a geographical

position, a name should be chosen that appears on all commonly used charts
of the area. Local knowledge should not be required for understanding
the message.

Part E – Iridium SafetyCast interpretation of repetition codes (C4)

1 The C4 repetition codes are divided into two categories:

.1 Category (a) for messages that have an expiry time; and

.2 Category (b) for messages that are available until cancelled by the registered
information provider up to a maximum of one year.

Note: The Iridium SafetyCast service uses a simplified interpretation of these repetition codes.

1.1 Category (a) repetition codes:

Code Instruction
01 One hour expiry
11 One hour expiry
61 One hour expiry
62 Two hours expiry
63 Three hours expiry
64 Four hours expiry
66 12 hours expiry
67 24 hours expiry
70 24 hours expiry
71 48 hours expiry

1.2 Category (b) repetition codes:

A category (b) repetition code allows a message to be available until cancelled by the
registered information provider up to a maximum of one year.

The various codes available, are shown in the table below:

Code Instruction
12 Message available until cancelled

Annex, page 46

Code Instruction
(or 24)
(or 25)
(or 26;
or 44)
(or 27;
or 45)
(or 46)
(or 47)

Annex, page 47



1 Proposals for amendment or enhancement of the Iridium SafetyCast service manual

should be submitted for evaluation by the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and
Search and Rescue (NCSR). Amendments should only be implemented after consideration
and approval by the Maritime Safety Committee.

2 Amendments to the Manual should normally be approved at intervals of

approximately two years or at such longer periods as may be determined by the Maritime
Safety Committee at the time of approval. Amendments approved by the Maritime Safety
Committee will be notified to all concerned, and will become effective on 1 January of the
following year, or at another date as decided by the Committee.

3 The agreement of the International Hydrographic Organization, the

World Meteorological Organization, the International Mobile Satellite Organization and the
active participation of other bodies should be sought, according to the nature of the
proposed amendments.



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